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yrrtytr · 2 years ago
ins私信拉群群发软件,海外推广引流系统 - 社媒大数据引流,海外获客软件 - 国外营销方法,比较好的引流软件 日推广百万曝光!
FB,Instagram #海外专业户广告引流引粉 ✅✈️TG: @yinliu6faa ➤ ✅经理薇信:13100721097   ✅ whatsapp:+8613100721097 精准筛选数据人群,设置好广告文案联系方式,全自动推广,日推广25万人不等
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18267044931 · 1 year ago
ws. FB .t g 、TK、Twitter、INS、多平台精准营销引流精准引流获客 w s:+8618868531425 @lgx159357 v:lgx1681888
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yinliuxiaow · 2 years ago
海外精准引流成功推广的7个行有效之策略 #金融 #仿牌 #独立站 #币圈 #虚拟货币 #股票 #游戏推广 #外贸 #交友 #海外引流 #引流软件
海外引流认准小伍 拓展海外渠道,开发新客源联系 TG: @whhh1314 薇信:18108628952    whatsapp:+8618108628952   https://t.me/whhh1314 碾压传统脚本,日均强私50万人,当天操作当天回收,可测试效果 【功能】:自选地区/行业采集垂直用户,自动发送私信(图文+链接+名片),将粉丝引到Whatsapp、LINE、独立站 【优势】:协议运行,网页一键操作,后台自动执行,可4000个号同时运行,全面领先传统脚本,一对一售后
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syklklop · 1 year ago
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hghgfj · 2 years ago
土耳其交友粉 加拿大交友粉 巴西棋牌游戏推广 印度棋牌推广
🇨🇳🇨🇳✈️TG: @yinliu6faa➤🇨🇳🇨🇳 🇨🇳🇨🇳经理薇信:13100721097 🇨🇳🇨🇳
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safdsgdr · 2 years ago
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FB,Instagram #海外专业户广告引流引粉 ✅✈️TG: @yinliu6faa ➤ ✅经理薇信:13100721097 ✅ whatsapp:+8613100721097 精准筛选数据人群,设置好广告文案联系方式,全自动推广,日推广25万人不等
越南交友粉 #韩国交友粉 #仿牌粉 #英国交友粉 #游戏
韩国交友粉 #韩国投资粉 #独立站粉 #私域粉 #印度交友
商城粉 #仿牌 #日韩粉 #欧美粉 #交友粉 #股粉
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newspaper-ckm-mirai · 4 months ago
海野鉄筋工業所(須坂)が 更級小学校に時計を贈呈 八十二銀行SDGs私募債  八十二銀行は地方創生に取り組む企業の地域貢献を応援する「地方創生・SDGs応援私募債」を商品展開しており、発行企業が割引分で教育機関に学校用品などを寄贈している。今回、海野鉄筋工業所が更級小学校に壁掛けの「電波時計」10台を贈呈することとなり、10月18日に同校で贈呈式が行われた。  松澤校長によると学校の時計が微妙にずれていたため、贈呈された電波時計は各学年の教室と支援学級、体育館などに設置するとのこと。立ち会った八十二銀行屋代支店の北澤支店長は「海野鉄筋工業所さんの地域貢献したいという熱い気持ちで実現した」と話し、同社の海野政也社長は「子どもや地域のために役立てるのは非常にありがたいこと」と語った。 贈呈式の様子(更級小学校) 関連リンク: 八十二銀行「地方創生・SDGs応援私募債」について …
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xinguozhi · 11 months ago
加减陈词   …
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arieljumbo123 · 1 year ago
Dtop环球嘉年华在2024年已成功接入数字支付,率先开启USDT稳定币的支持,正式为全球4.2亿的数字货币用户提供Web 3.0商业场景应用解决方案。 USDT是全球最大的区块链数字质币,拥有2000亿美元市值及最广泛的全球流动性。数字支付的真正意义远超传统意义上的支付方式。它不仅为全球4.2亿的数字货币用户提供了更为便捷、高效及安全的交易方式,更重要的是,它为数字货币提供了更多流通场景。
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数字货币的核心优势在于去中心化、可追溯性和安全性。然而,数字货币用户的消费场景仍然有限,这无疑限制了数字货币的发展和应用。Dtop环球嘉年华了解数字货币流通性的重要,接入数字支付这一举措提高了数字货币能被更多全球用户认可及接受的支付方式。接下来,数字货币用户将能使用数字支付透过Dtop环球嘉年华平台进行线上购物、预定酒店门票、线下商店点外卖等的各种生活消费便利。Dtop环球嘉年华的数字支付也从而简化了交易过程及节省了高额的交易费用。此外,通过数字支付,这不仅为用户带来了极大的便利,也为企业带来了更多的商机。Dtop环球嘉年华也将与更多Web 3.0相关的产业链项目方达成商务合作,有效释放4.2亿数字货币用户的供需,为用户提供更为广泛的消费场景和全方位解决方案。
数字支付是未来发展的趋势,而Dtop环球嘉年华接入数字货币支付则是一种前瞻性的决策。这不仅有利于企业的发展,更为数字货币的普及和应用开辟了新的道路。可能很多人会表示疑问,“Web 3.0应用落地,对普通消费者和投资者而言,有何好处可言?”Web 3.0绝对是下一个时代的“经济新风口”。Web 3.0是一套生态系统,一个新的经济体系。而经济体系里需要有一个货币来维护它系统里的价值的流动,也就是它自己的加密货币。Dtop环球嘉年华接通多种支付渠道有助于克服文化障碍,让全球用户能够用自己最熟悉和舒适的方式购物,从而进一步提高客户满意度,引发市场的高度关注。此外,接入了多种支付渠道,可以加快支付和退款处理时间,解决客户信任问题。
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在Web 3.0的浪潮下,数字货币和数字支付正在改变传统金融格局,为全球用户提供更多元化、更便捷的交易方式。作为普通消费者和投资者,我们应该拥抱这一变革,了解并尝试使用数字货币和数字支付,而随着数字支付技术的不断发展和进步,Dtop环球嘉年华能够获得更多的商业空间,在Web 3.0时代,引领大家进入一个���加便捷、安全、透明的交易环境。
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18267044931 · 1 year ago
ws. FB .t g 、TK、Twitter、INS、多平台精准营销引流精准引流获客 w s:+8618868531425 @lgx159357 v:lgx1681888
0 notes
sblue6116 · 1 year ago
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
0 notes
sky-blue99 · 1 year ago
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
0 notes
skyalvin111 · 1 year ago
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
0 notes
skymeta111 · 1 year ago
Dtop Universal Carnival Asia Global Node was invited to attend the Hong Kong Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023
Web 3.0 returns, constructing a golden new starting point. Web 3.0 is an innovative framework that integrates digital technology and economic systems, representing a trend in the future development of the internet industry. To accelerate the fusion of innovative technology and cultural art, leveraging Hong Kong's international advantages and open policy environment, and supporting the further construction and development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology center, the " Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023" was successfully held in Hong Kong on August 15th.
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The "Innovation, Technology and Arts Development Forum 2023", hosted by Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine. The participation of over 500 elites from Hong Kong's political and business sectors, academia, media, and various industries at home and abroad. During this forum, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee Ka-chiu, delivered a video speech. Other distinguished attendees included Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, the President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as well as government officials such as Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Raistlin Lau Chun, Deputy Director of the Cultural, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Chen Jiaxian, Chairman of the Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Wu Zhihua, Director of the Hong Kong Palace Museum, Peter Ren Jingxin, CEO of Cyberport Hong Kong, and Professor Wang Yang, Deputy President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
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Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in his video emphasized that Web 3.0 represents a new direction for the development of the internet, integrating technologies that have garnered considerable attention in recent years. It has the potential to drive the future development of finance and trade. The government places significant importance on the development of financial technology and Web 3.0, maintaining an open and inclusive attitude towards innovators engaged in global virtual asset businesses. The government plans to collaborate with financial regulatory bodies to create a favorable environment, promoting sustainable and responsible development within Hong Kong's financial industry. In June of this year, the government introduced a new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and is actively exploring regulatory arrangements for stablecoins. Moreover, Hong Kong is actively working to establish itself as an international innovation and technology center, as well as a hub for cultural art exchange between China and foreign countries. The convergence of art and technology represents a new development direction. To actively promote and support the development of art and technology, the government has allocated substantial funds through various programs to encourage the integration of technology into appropriate cultural and artistic projects, driving the development of art and technology. Over HKD 100 million has been allocated, benefiting 324 organizations and individuals engaged in art and technology-related initiatives. The government will continue to support the integration of art and innovative technology, encouraging artists and art groups to leverage technology to conceive, create, and present unprecedented forms of artistic expression, providing audiences with new and enriched artistic experiences.
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Joseph Chan Ho-lim, Deputy Director of the Financial and Treasury Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, expressed agreement with the potential of Web 3.0 and blockchain to become trends in the future development of finance and trade. With proper regulation, these technologies can enhance efficiency and transparency, thereby addressing or even solving current issues in settlement and payment. In the 2023-2024 fiscal budget, the government has allocated HKD 50 million to accelerate the development of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and facilitate cross-sector business collaboration. Hong Kong is committed to driving sustainable development across various financial services on the virtual asset value chain, including virtual asset issuance, tokenization, trading and payment platforms, financial and asset management, as well as custody services.
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The Web 3.0 distributed cross-border private domain e-commerce platform, Dtop Universal Carnival Asia was invited to attend this forum as a global consensus node of Web 3.0. The platform shared its role as a commercial scene provider in the era of Web 3.0, actively constructing a global commercial scene consumer ecosystem that connects online retail, travel, local life, and other consumption applications, offering users convenient global digital consumption scenarios, and realizing the sustained ecological value of joint construction, governance, and sharing.
On the same evening, the "ITA2023 Digital Art Gateway" charity appreciation banquet was held. Mr. Yuan Jian, Vice President of Hong Kong Bauhinia Magazine, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Notable attendees included Hong Kong social dignitaries, internationally renowned artists, representatives from the digital art industry, Web 3.0 art creators, digital art collectors, and more, gathering to contribute to the growth of young talents in the field of digital art.
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With everyone gathering and a great endeavor setting sail, this summit forum concluded successfully. Elite representatives from various industries jointly explored a new blueprint for the digital economy, opening a new chapter in the transformation of Web 3.0. Leaders from fields such as blockchain, NFTs, cloud computing, and Web 3.0 cross-border e-commerce will collaborate to create an innovative ecosystem, sharing the dividends of the new economy. Ambitious goals inspire like-minded strategic partners to integrate their strengths, fostering the eruption of unlimited possibilities through intellectual collision. United in purpose, hand in hand, working together to drive the development of the digital economy.
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haiwaiyinliuxiaowu · 2 years ago
巴西棋牌游戏引流推广最新玩法 海外精准引流上粉
拓展海外渠道,开发新客源联系 TG: @whhh1314 薇信:18108628952     https://t.me/whhh1314
碾压传统脚本,日均强私50万人,当天操作当天回收,可测试效果 【功能】:自选地区/行业采集垂直用户,自动发送私信(图文+链接+名片),将粉丝引到Whatsapp、LINE、独立站 【优势】:协议运行,网页一键操作,后台自动执行,可4000个号同时运行,全面领先传统脚本,一对一售后
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Sean bienvenidos amantes del mundo japonés, a una nueva publicación de actualidad. Dicho esto póngase cómodos que empezamos.
En esta ocasión, vuelvo otra vez a traer malas noticias sobre el país del sol naciente. Veo que la gente es muy burra y muy payasa por intentar ganar unos asquerosos likes de migrantes, comentarios, entre otras cosas, a través de la red social y dárselas de importante, de decir:Mira dónde he estado, mira lo que he hecho, solo con tal de llevar la atención y hacer el ridículo. Este tipo de gentuza no les importa, no les interesa la historia ni la cultura ni nada en absoluto, nada que tenga que ver con alguno de estos puntos mencionados anteriormente o algo similar; solo van a estos países, sobre todo al país desconocido o a países circundantes, porque están de moda y porque está en la sensación máxima ir para quedar bien y decir ante tus amigos o conocidos, Mirad dónde he ido y tú no. Por culpa de gentuza y de peña así, determinadas áreas del país del sol naciente están siendo vetadas para los turistas. Esto no quiere decir que los japoneses odien a los extranjeros y menos a los turistas; lo que odian son determinadas acciones o actitudes de dichos turistas, como subirse, por ejemplo, a la estatua de un perro icónico llamado Hachiko en frente de a estación de Shibuya.
O por ejemplo como el caso de la chilena inculta e inmadura por hacer el postureo en un lugar sagrado para los japoneses para mí es una calumnia y una blasfemia lo que ha hecho la chilena y además para mí es un insulto lo que los turistas están llegando a hacer en Japón convirtiéndolo en un parque de atracciones por favor parad ya de hacer el gilipollas o el imbécil en un país dejad que vaya gente que realmente valore y aprecie cultura, valores costumbres de un país. Temo postear esto en 2025; la raza humana da vergüenza.
Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones. Que pasen una buena semana.
この機会に、私は日出ずる国についての悪い知らせを伝えるために再び戻ってきました。ソーシャルネットワークを通じて、とりわけ移民から嫌な「いいね」やコメントを獲得しようとして、偉そうなふりをして、「私がどこにいたのか、私がどうなったのか見てください」と言う人々は、非常に愚かで非常にピエロであることがわかります。注目を集めて自分を馬鹿にするためだけにやったのです。このタイプの人々は、歴史や文化などにはまったく興味がなく、上で述べた点や同様のものとは何の関係もありません。彼らがこれらの国、特に���知の国や周辺国に行くのは、ファッショナブルだからであり、見栄えを良くして友人や知人に「ほら、私はどこに行ったのに、あなたはどこに行ったの?」と言うのが究極の感覚だからです。 t.このような暴徒や集団のせいで、日出ずる国の特定の地域は観光客の立ち入りが禁止されています。これは、日本人が外国人を嫌い、さらには観光客を嫌っているという意味ではありません。彼らが嫌うのは、例えば渋谷駅前にあるハチ公と呼ばれる象徴的な犬の像に登るなど、観光客の特定の行動や態度だ。
あるいは、例えば、日本人の神聖な場所でポーズをとった無学で未熟なチリ人女性の事件のように、私にとってチリ人女性の行為は中傷であり冒涜であり、また私にとって観光客の行為は侮辱である。日本で何をするか、遊園地に変えるか、その国で嫌な奴や馬鹿みたいな行動はやめて、その国の文化、価値観、習慣を本当に大切にして感謝している人たちを去らせてください。 2025 年にこれを投稿するのは怖いです。人類は恥ずべき存在だ。
Welcome, lovers of the Japanese world, to a new publication of current events. Having said that, make yourself comfortable, we're starting.
On this occasion, I am back again with bad news about the country of the rising sun. I see that people are very stupid and very clownish trying to gain some disgusting likes from migrants, comments, among other things, through the social network and acting like they are important, saying: Look where I've been, look what I've done, just to attract attention and make a fool of themselves. These types of scum don't care, they are not interested in history or culture or anything at all, nothing that has to do with any of these points mentioned above or anything similar; they only go to these countries, especially to the unknown country or surrounding countries, because they are fashionable and because it is the ultimate feeling to go there to look good and say to your friends or acquaintances, Look where I've been and you haven't. Because of scum and people like that, certain areas of the country of the rising sun are being banned for tourists. This doesn't mean that the Japanese hate foreigners and even less tourists; what they hate are certain actions or attitudes of said tourists, such as climbing, for example, the statue of an iconic dog called Hachiko in front of Shibuya station.
Or for example, like the case of the uneducated and immature Chilean woman for posing in a sacred place for the Japanese. For me, what the Chilean woman has done is slander and blasphemy, and for me, what tourists are doing in Japan by turning it into an amusement park is an insult. Please stop being an idiot or an imbecile in a country. Let people who really value and appreciate the culture, values, and customs of a country go there. I'm afraid to post this in 2025; the human race is shameful.
I hope you liked it and I'll see you in future posts. Have a good week.
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