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龙年到,好运来报到!愿您在新的一年里 开心²⁰²⁴、健康²⁰²⁴、有钱²⁰²⁴、有闲²⁰²⁴、平安²⁰²⁴、好运²⁰²⁴、顺利²⁰²⁴、暴富²⁰²⁴ 迷药商城 需要+Q1320156255 VX:gninez11 #暴虐 #重口 #av女优 #迷玩AV #人妻AV #迷药 #三唑仑 #催情药 #春药 #安眠药 #乖乖水 #听话水 #失忆水 #母狗 #性冷淡#迷药 #迷玩 #三轮子 #三唑仑 #迷奸 #催情药 #春药 #下药 #安眠药 #麻醉 #捡尸 #乖乖水 #听话水 #麻药 #失忆水 #迷晕 #昏睡 #听话水 #强奸 #母狗 #女m #反差婊 #母子
#迷药#催情药#春药#北京大学生#北京模特#杭州模特#杭州学生#女の子#女m#女神#女大学生#スターダム 女子プロレス#母畜#母犬#母猪#母亲#母乳#母子#北京约炮 上海约炮 广州约炮 深圳约炮 江苏约炮 杭州约炮 香港约炮 澳门约炮 东莞约炮 纽约约炮 洛杉矶约炮 西雅图约炮 墨尔本约炮 华人约炮 留学生约炮 约炮平台 同城约炮 修车 探花 外#三亚外围#三唑仑#昏睡#千岛片#丝袜#丝袜控#白丝裤袜 白丝萝莉 白丝袜 肉丝袜 肉丝 肉丝丝足 恋物癖 护士约炮 护士 大学生兼职 学生约炮 学生丝袜 嫩b 少女 少女映画 萝莉幼女 足控 丝袜脚 高中生 高中女生 高中生约炮 高中制服#一对一私密hi聊 上门服务 群聊 反差奴 情趣道具 情趣皮衣美女 情趣制服 情趣玩具 情趣用品 情趣丝袜 学生旅行 学生服 学生 学生伴游 学生奴 幼女控 御姐 御姐控 舔脚 舔鮑 舔穴 投喂#学生兼职#单男#幼女控
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13/10/2023 22:25

アルメニア人にとっては日本の富士山のような存在ですが、第一次世界大戦で現在はトルコ領になっています⛰️アララト山の手前にはトルコとの国境の緩衝地帯が見え、監視台も配置されています。この緩衝地帯に入れる一般人は畑の所有者(トルコ人)だけ🇹🇷 アララト山、あんなに目の前に見えるのにね…。美しくも切ない絶景でした。

左)ロンギヌスの聖槍 聖槍は磔刑に処せられた十字架上のイエス・キリストの死を確認するため、わき腹を刺したとされる槍と言われています。 右)ノアの方舟の聖遺物 十字架の背後の板がアララト山に漂着したとされるノアの方舟の残骸の一部だそうです。





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Take Me Out To the Ball Game - Music Video
#youtube#へへへ…流れ着いてました…🚣⚾️今生まれて初めて野球漫画(WBCの大谷君主役の)描いてて ユニフォームのシワと防具(道具)の省略の仕方とか勉強になっとりやす😂#う、嬉しい、実は、わたくしも、近藤選手🦊大好きで…(ちばあきおの漫画感とクリリン感がたまらんて)#野球漫画読んで下さる皆さま🙏とても優しく生きがいです#たまに「近ちゃんでずっぱり、他の選手も見たい」と言われてそれでも近ちゃんを出し続ける近ちゃん大好きマンこと私です#漫画を描くにあたりブックマークした写真大谷近藤コンビ一番多いです だって観てるだけで幸せになる… リヴァエレだったんか…!!#クリリンかと思ってたのに確かに 栗山監督ジーク、大谷君エレン(栗谷クサヴァージークみもあるが) 二人のヤバさを苦々しくでもきっ��一番分かってる人間#近ちゃんリヴァイは頷ける!! WBCで分かったのは 大谷君がいかに近ちゃんが好きか 栗山監督と近ちゃんと野球出来て嬉しいって デカいからだで表現しまくってて#昔近ちゃんが面倒見てた、仔犬がものすごくでかくなって🐻🐺熊犬になって帰ってきた感 もたまらんです WBC優勝は近ちゃんなくしてはあり得なかった#来られなかった選手がいかに凄くても 野球の神様は栗山監督を通じて大谷君の為に近ちゃんを選びました (大谷君は近ちゃんの実家にはピンでも泊まるし )#色々恵まれてもいると思うし、 愉しい事も嬉しい事もたくさんあるのだけど、 それでもたまに何が愉しくて生きているのだろう?#と思う瞬間もある、しかし… POBIちゃまがこのような事を言うことがあるから 人生やめらんねえすわ! 無茶苦茶うれしい、#はじめてPOBIちゃまと完全一致同担と化したてこと?! 🥹 💖💖💖💖 同担拒否らないでほぢ!!
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なんだろう? 全くの想像だけど、種本では、強制執行を食らう債権者たちは、ただのケーススタディの要素的に扱われていたんじゃないかな。つまり、個々の人格とか知能とかそういうことには触れず、こういう立場の人が、こういう家族構成で、ああだった、こうだったと、「無機質」に紹介されているだけだったのを、ドラマにするときに、視聴者から共感をもってもらえる人物として造形してみたら、なんと、強制執行を食らうような人間というのは、そもそも一般の視聴者から共感を得られるような人間ではなかったことが、そのとき初めてわかった、というような流れで、なんだか、大変なことになったな、と。
もう一つ言えば、これは誰かが一人山奥で書いている小説ではなく、全国放送されているテレビドラマだということ。つまり、少なくない数の関係者が存在していて、「これでいい」と判断し、毎週放送しているのだ。恐ろしい(興味深い)。一体、出演している俳優陣はどう思ってるんだろう? とか、余計なお世話な想像をする。
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The 6 Differences Between は and が
The important fact is AFTER は
• この犬は私のぺットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that this is not a stray dog. It is not someone else's pet dog. It is MY PET. So anything comes after は is the main part you want the listener to pay attention to.
The important fact is BEFORE が
• この犬が私のベットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that THIS IS THE DOG that is my pet. Not other dogs. Imagine you're at a park and there are 3, 4 other dogs playing together with your dog and you want to tell your friend that THIS DOG is the one that is your pet dog, other dogs are not yours. So, what comes before が is the main part you want to tell the listener.
More examples:
• このケーキはおいしいです。This cake is DELICIOUS! (You want to tell your friend that this cake is indeed very good. Your emphasis falls on おいしい, so you use は, because the important fact is AFTER は.
• このケーキがおいしいです。THIS CAKE is delicious. (You want to tell your friend that among all the cakes on the buffet table, this particular cake you are pointing to is the most delicious one. Others are not good.) Your emphasis falls on このケーキ (THIS CAKE), so you use が, because the important fact is BEFORE が.
New information and things that you mention for the first time, use が. Old information or topics that have been mentioned earlier but is now repeated again, use は.
• 学校にマイクという男がいます。There is boy named Mike in my school.
You started the conversation with your friend by saying there's a new student named Mike in the school. That is the first time you mentioned Mike. It is new information, therefore use が.
• マイクはアメリカ出身です。Mike is from America.
You mention Mike the 2nd time now and it is no longer a new information. It is considered old information, therefore use は.
Stating facts without adding your personal opinion or judgment use が. By adding your own opinion or judgment, use は.
• 外に猫がいます。There is a cat outside.
You are just merely stating a fact that there is a cat outside. This sentence doesn't include your description about the cat. No personal opinion or judgment about the cat.
• あの猫は白いです。The cat is white in colour.
You are putting your description, your judgment into the sentence about the cat. When you are adding your own thoughts, opinion, description about something, use は.
• 日本の料理はおいしいです。Japanese food is tasty.
You are putting your opinion/judgment about Japanese food in your sentence, therefore, use は.
When you make comparison, use は. When you eliminate other options, use が.
• お茶は好きですが、コーヒーは好きじゃありません。I like tea but I don't like coffee.
If two actions are done by the same person, use は. If two actions are done by two different persons, use が first, then use は for the second action.
• 私はごはんを食べるとき、テレビを見ます。I have my meal and I am watching TV.
• 私がごはんを食べるとき、父はテレビを見ます。When I have my meal, my father watches TV.
To modify a phrase into a noun, use が.
• これは彼女が作ってくれたケーキです。
What cake is this? This is the cake that is baked by my girlfriend. The phrase 「彼女が作ってくれた」 is to modify the cake, to describe about the cake.
Quiz Time
• 部屋は広いです。
• 部屋が広いです。
In English, both sentences mean "The room is spacious." But what is the difference?
In 部屋は広いです, it shows a comparison contrast nuance (read DIFFERENCE 4). If you say this, the listener will believe that you are making a comparison of this room with all the other rooms in the house. You want to say this room is spacious, whereas the other rooms are smaller in size.
In 部屋が広いです, you are merely stating a general fact about this room being spacious (read DIFFERENCE 3). You are not making any comparison. Your sentence has no added personal judgement or opinion. You are stating a fact about the room being spacious.
#japanese#nihongo#studyblr#study blog#study japanese#study motivation#learning#learn japanese#language#grammar#jlpt#jlpt n5#jlpt n4#jlpt n3#jlpt n2#jlpt n1
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私たちは少なくとも900年間麻疹にさらされてきたが、 軽症に進化したことはない。 天然痘は1,700年前からあるが、軽症化したことはない。 狂犬病は2,000年前からあるが、いまだに軽症ではない。 B型肝炎は5,000年前からあるが、軽症ではない。
Xユーザーのyumi @gjさん
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Sean bienvenidos amantes del mundo japonés, a una nueva publicación de actualidad. Dicho esto póngase cómodos que empezamos.
En esta ocasión, vuelvo otra vez a traer malas noticias sobre el país del sol naciente. Veo que la gente es muy burra y muy payasa por intentar ganar unos asquerosos likes de migrantes, comentarios, entre otras cosas, a través de la red social y dárselas de importante, de decir:Mira dónde he estado, mira lo que he hecho, solo con tal de llevar la atención y hacer el ridículo. Este tipo de gentuza no les importa, no les interesa la historia ni la cultura ni nada en absoluto, nada que tenga que ver con alguno de estos puntos mencionados anteriormente o algo similar; solo van a estos países, sobre todo al país desconocido o a países circundantes, porque están de moda y porque está en la sensación máxima ir para quedar bien y decir ante tus amigos o conocidos, Mirad dónde he ido y tú no. Por culpa de gentuza y de peña así, determinadas áreas del país del sol naciente están siendo vetadas para los turistas. Esto no quiere decir que los japoneses odien a los extranjeros y menos a los turistas; lo que odian son determinadas acciones o actitudes de dichos turistas, como subirse, por ejemplo, a la estatua de un perro icónico llamado Hachiko en frente de a estación de Shibuya.
O por ejemplo como el caso de la chilena inculta e inmadura por hacer el postureo en un lugar sagrado para los japoneses para mí es una calumnia y una blasfemia lo que ha hecho la chilena y además para mí es un insulto lo que los turistas están llegando a hacer en Japón convirtiéndolo en un parque de atracciones por favor parad ya de hacer el gilipollas o el imbécil en un país dejad que vaya gente que realmente valore y aprecie cultura, valores costumbres de un país. Temo postear esto en 2025; la raza humana da vergüenza.
Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones. Que pasen una buena semana.
この機会に、私は日出ずる国についての悪い知らせを伝えるために再び戻ってきました。ソーシャルネットワークを通じて、とりわけ移民から嫌な「いいね」やコメントを獲得しようとして、偉そうなふりをして、「私がどこ��いたのか、私がどうなったのか見てください」と言う人々は、非常に愚かで非常にピエロであることがわかります。注目を集めて自分を馬鹿にするためだけにやったのです。このタイプの人々は、歴史や文化などにはまったく興味がなく、上で述べた点や同様のものとは何の関係もありません。彼らがこれらの国、特に未知の国や周辺国に行くのは、ファッショナブルだからであり、見栄えを良くして友人や知人に「ほら、私はどこに行ったのに、あなたはどこに行ったの?」と言うのが究極の感覚だからです。 t.このような暴徒や集団のせいで、日出ずる国の特定の地域は観光客の立ち入りが禁止されています。これは、日本人が外国人を嫌い、さらには観光客を嫌っているという意味ではありません。彼らが嫌うのは、例えば渋谷駅前にあるハチ公と呼ばれる象徴的な犬の像に登るなど、観光客の特定の行動や態度だ。
あるいは、例えば、日本人の神聖な場所でポーズをとった無学で未熟なチリ人女性の事件のように、私にとってチリ人女性の行為は中傷であり冒涜であり、また私にとって観光客の行為は侮辱である。日本で何をするか、遊園地に変えるか、その国で嫌な奴や馬鹿みたいな行動はやめて、その国の文化、価値観、習慣を本当に大切にして感謝している人たちを去らせてください。 2025 年にこれを投稿するのは怖いです。人類は恥ずべき存在だ。
Welcome, lovers of the Japanese world, to a new publication of current events. Having said that, make yourself comfortable, we're starting.
On this occasion, I am back again with bad news about the country of the rising sun. I see that people are very stupid and very clownish trying to gain some disgusting likes from migrants, comments, among other things, through the social network and acting like they are important, saying: Look where I've been, look what I've done, just to attract attention and make a fool of themselves. These types of scum don't care, they are not interested in history or culture or anything at all, nothing that has to do with any of these points mentioned above or anything similar; they only go to these countries, especially to the unknown country or surrounding countries, because they are fashionable and because it is the ultimate feeling to go there to look good and say to your friends or acquaintances, Look where I've been and you haven't. Because of scum and people like that, certain areas of the country of the rising sun are being banned for tourists. This doesn't mean that the Japanese hate foreigners and even less tourists; what they hate are certain actions or attitudes of said tourists, such as climbing, for example, the statue of an iconic dog called Hachiko in front of Shibuya station.
Or for example, like the case of the uneducated and immature Chilean woman for posing in a sacred place for the Japanese. For me, what the Chilean woman has done is slander and blasphemy, and for me, what tourists are doing in Japan by turning it into an amusement park is an insult. Please stop being an idiot or an imbecile in a country. Let people who really value and appreciate the culture, values, and customs of a country go there. I'm afraid to post this in 2025; the human race is shameful.
I hope you liked it and I'll see you in future posts. Have a good week.
#日本#japan#歴史#unesco#ユネスコ#kyoto#hachiko#hachiware#photos#photography#japan photos#influencer#culture#geography#education#historyjapan#history#京都#渋谷#ハチ公#アート#インフルエンサー#チリ#教育#文化#art on tumblr#artists on tumblr
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柴犬のちよ on X: "#私はここまで成長しました見た人もやる https://t.co/S38lKp9K7K" / X
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Maybe a fic of pjsk boys learning English with non-Japanese reader who’s good at it? (Feel free to ignore :D) have a nice day!
I-i-i love you!♡
Tsukasa tenma, rui kamishiro, akito shinonome, toya aoyagi x gn reader

✮a/n: sorry for being offline all of the sudden, i was thinking of quitting tumblr since i dont open it much, plus busy with school, im not gonna quit<3 more like a hiatus, ik how much it hurts to see an idol quit and i dont want yall experiencing that🙏 im more online on my ig account (@/yumi.anami) so if you want to talk, im here :DD, TRANSLATED WORDS ARE DOWN THERE!!
✮sypnosis: you, teach the boys how to speak english fluently.
✮contains: corny, sappy, love🥺
✮taglists: @akitosheart @nogenderbee
Tsukasa Tenma
-tsukasa decided that today was the day he decided to start using english! He already knew your first language wasn't Japanese, so he learns english with you, even if you speak japanese fluently
-while teaching him, he would have to ask for things in english only, yes he does know a bit of english but, its hard to communicate with such little words no?
-you introduce him to japanese and english dictionaries, flash cards, anything of the sort, even going as far as to make him listen to english songs!
-when asking for something like a ketchup or remote, he would have to say it in english
"Ah, y/n, could you please.. uh.. pass the... The.." he stutters, making some sort of movement in his hands, you know damn well he wanted that ketchup, so why not tease him? "Huh? The salt?" You ask, faking your obliviousness, tsukasa shook his head in frustration, then sighed in defeat. "The.. ケチャップ!!" He exclaims, you sigh, handing him the ketchup bottle. "Its ketchup kasa, but its okay, you got half the sentence right" you giggle.
-once he learned a bit more about the english language, he was getting the hang of it, except for his pronunciation..
-"ehem!" He clears his throat, then exhaled "i, live in a... A... Ru..ruru.." he stumbled, reading a post cards intently. "Rural, back from the top!" You stated, he groans but he knows that mistakes happen at first.
-"okay! I got this..! I, live in a ru... Rur..." He quits, groaning again, "y/n!! You picked the hard one didn't you..?!" He exclaimed dramatically, hugging you by the waist, you chuckle and carefully pushed him away. "Its a simple sentence.. i live in a rural areas ruu-raall" you exclaimed, making sure to emphasize rural "Dont push yourself okay? Theres still time.." you say, turning around to sit on the chair.
-tsukasa read the post card over and over and over until he was sure he's right! She walks up to you, reading the postcard. "I live in a... Ru...rural area! I live! In rural! Areas!!" He exclaimed in a much more louder than before, you got up and started cheering him.
-"hahaha!! Told you y/n! I dont need extra days to learn yknow?! Im like a champion!" He says playfully, you chuckle at his joke "y/n.! My dear, thank you for helping me.. ehem!" He clears his throat, making you face him "y/n! You are a.. beautiful person!" He exclaimed, making you bug eyed.
-"eh?! Since when did you know how to pronounce beautiful..?" You ask, still skeptical but impressed. "I practiced some words on my free time.. my friend said beautiful was both hard and simple.. it was challenging too.." he sighs "but i did it!!" "Yea, yea.. im proud kasa..but please dont yell in my ear.." you winced "oh.. sorry.." he chuckles.
Rui kamishiro
-rui already knew english, in fact he was good at it, so there was no need for teaching.. though he is a bit teasy with his english
-when you when you talk to him in japanese, sometimes he'll randomly speak english.
-"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" you ranted, you see rui have the mischievous grin on his face. "Oh..? At a ball? Thats very silly" he responds, in english, you sigh, knowing he would do something like this.. "really? Do you want me to speak in english or what?" You ask in english "日本人お願いします。" He stated, nodding intently.
-despite being good at english, sometimes rui has a hard time saying english words, sometimes he gets the pronounciation wrong.
-when he does get it wrong, he gets all peeved.. he knows that you'll tease him about it, but if it makes you happy, he'll laugh along.
Akito shinonome
-akito isnt that good at english, nor bad at it? Hes just there.
-ofcourse, you taught him proper english, he's still kind of pissed that he needs to study..
-"ugh.. cant i just speak to you in japanese..?" He groans, looking at the paper in his hand. "Didnt you ask me to teach you english? You cant back out now.. we went this far.." you plead to him, he sighs and reluctantly nods. "Fine.."
-even though he hates studying, he's very eager to learn, he wants to communicate well and to make you proud of him!
-akito takes alot of time when studying, so learning a new language would take wayy too long, but eventually he'll get there
-"Hmm.. say this?" You hand him a flashcard, which says "今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?". "Oh..! Uh.." he clears his throat, analyzing the sentence "do..dont you.. think the.. weather looks nice today..?" He mutters, sounding unsure, his head tilting, looking at you to see your approval. "Hm.. its actually "dont you think the weather is great today?" But i'll let it pass, same meaning" you sigh.
-akito was very happy to know he translated it well.. sure it was a little.. different than the one on the flash card but it still works!
-once he knows english that much, its obvious he would tell his friends first, to flex and all.
-"Thats great shinonome-kun.!" Kohane chirped in, toya smiles proud in akito for actually studying.. an chuckles while exclaiming loudly "haha! Are you gonna speak english for the rest of your life?" She teases, smirking while waiting for a response. "Hello no.!" Akito groaned.
Toya aoyagi
-toya's already good when it comes to english speaking, hes not fluent, but its understandable.
-he would sometimes mispronounce words or get the meaning of the words mixed up, so he was glad to have you by his side.
-he would sometimes ask for you to tutor him english, the complex part of english learning.. he sometimes finds himself enjoying these study sessions..
-once he was good enough at english, he wanted to thank you so he wrote you something..
-it was a love letter, all in perfect english, he knew that it wasnt that big but he wanted you to know how youre teachings are important.
-"I know it isnt much.. but i just want you to know that our study time together paid off.." he mumbled, looking down, once he looked at you, he saw how happy, shocked and gentle you looked, he smiled at you and pulled you into a tight embrace
-"small..?! This is way too big...!!" You exclaimed, pulling hum close with a sigh.
!!Translated words!! (Translated by deepl!!)
"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" → "and this dog kept barking at the ball, so i simply took the vall and gave it to him.."
"日本人お願いします" → "japanese please.."
"今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?" → "dont you thing the weather looks great today?"
#x reader#pjsk x reader#project sekai#project sekai x reader#pjsk#vbs#akito shinonome#akito shinonome x reader#toya aoyagi#toya aoyagi x reader#wxs#tsukasa tenma#tsukasa tenma x reader#tenma tsukasa x reader#rui kamishiro#rui kamishiro x reader
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ちば ひなの
Chiba Hinano
生年月日: 2006年8月21日
星座: 獅子座
血液型: O型
出身地: 大阪府
身長: 162㎝
好きな食べ物: 和菓子、パスタ
好きなドラマ・映画: アンナチュラル、湯を沸かすほどの熱い愛
趣味: 岩盤浴・愛犬と日向ぼっこ
特技: フラメンコ・バトントワリング
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2025/02/27 なにかと慌ただしく



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【異世界迷ヰ犬】『異世界失格』 ×『文豪ストレイドッグス』コラボビジュアル解禁記念映像
「僕は生まれながらに作家だよ。それ以上でも以下でもない。」 "I was born a writer. Nothing more, nothing less."
「私のなは太宰。 太宰治だ。」 "My name is Dazai. Dazai Osamu."
Kadokawa released this commemorative video of the collaboration visual for Bungo Stray Dogs and No Longer Allowed in Another World!
#dazai osamu#bungo stray dogs#bungou stray dogs#bsd#isekai shikkaku#no longer allowed in another world#Youtube
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-畑 正憲
#photography#dog portrait#my dog hug#my dog nico#puppy#jack russell terrier#love song#Marilyn Scott#畑正憲
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