fangjuexias · 2 years
Wildfire Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Without End"
制 作:声罗万象工作室 监 制:聊聊 作 词:恨醉 作 曲:陈亦洺 编 曲:李大白(布丁音乐) 演 唱:黄孝恩 分轨混音/母带:Shay 人声混音:茶雪 海 报:时论
如果我是一行苍白的诗句, 我想要被藏进一本潦草的笔记; 如果我是一组拙劣的比喻, 我想要跻身于一支平庸的歌里。
如果我是一双模糊的眼睛, 我想要端详造物哪怕不都瑰丽; 如果我是一把嘶哑的嗓音, 我想要诉说爱情就算不够动听。
我还有很多荒诞却向往的梦境, 像沉船埋海底却幻想不远万里, 像雪峰高绝上云顶,却想象人间热意, 我有很多梦境,却从未敢梦到你。
我不过是一行苍白的诗句, 而你把我誊写进最工整情诗集; 我不过是一组拙劣的比喻, 而你为我哼一调最高明的旋律。
我不过是一双模糊的眼睛, 如何有幸目睹最惊叹造物如你? 我不过是一把嘶哑的嗓音, 如何呼唤你的姓名才满含爱意?
你给我是比梦境更荒诞的欢喜: 像沉船折棹楫还有幸奔波万里, 像雪峰披一身寒凛,却呼吸燎原热意。 我有很多梦境,那些都不如一个你。
我想要那比白日梦更动人的你, 坐沉船周游海底雪峰上取热意, 一切最荒诞和无稽,和你比寻常而已, 梦醒时我有你,就是一生梦无止境。
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1time2study4ravages · 9 months
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now if only there were more Ravages fan art featuring picturesque landscapes or intricate background ornaments (though of course such scenes would take more effort to illustrate)
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5water-kohaku · 10 months
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According to auto-translate, I think The Ravages of Time (火鳳燎原) season 2 will be released some time next year? I can't wait to see how Cao Cao is portrayed in this animation. Also looking forward to other characters who had yet to appear. <3
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banyun-gong · 1 year
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sinoeurovoices · 1 year
China Keeps Trying to Crush Them. Their Movement Keeps Growing.
Mr. Johnson is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who spent two decades in China. In 1959, a group of university students in the northwestern Chinese city of Tianshui embarked on a quixotic plan. China was in the midst of the Great Famine, a catastrophe caused by government policies that would kill as many as 45 million. These young people had witnessed farmers starving to death and…
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uc-yuk · 2 months
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7月25日発売のTCG『Z/X Zilions of enemy X』ブースターパック第49弾 星火燎原編 爆拳!綺羅星<コズミック・グリッター>にて「爆刃の武芸者-アームド」のイラストを担当しました!どうぞよろしくお願いしますー!
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fangjuexias · 2 years
Wildfire Audio Drama || Insert Song, "An Ill-suited Metaphor"
制 作:声罗万象工作室 监 制:聊聊 作 词:恨醉 作 曲:陈亦洺 编 曲:动点 吉 他:动点 大提琴:佟思阳 演 唱:向文涛 混 音:茶雪 海 报:时论
如果他说出爱你, 是爱一万个极夜后的第一个黎明, 是爱一滴幸存的岩浆埋在冰川纪, 问自己,如何抵抗才不动心?
谁能不为他着迷? 他在一万个极夜后还最信仰光明, 他是冰原之下偏不肯驯服的热意, 他毕竟,路过世界走向你。
其实当真正地彼此靠近,会发现谁也不多么壮丽, 可怎会已觉得余生尽兴?也不过相视笑了笑而已。 原来两颗心竟然早已经,跳动在对方胸膛里。
不能忍住说爱你, 一万个冬天的雪扑进春天的怀里, 当然会忍不住消融至于轰然决堤, 投降吧,就放任怦然动心。
说爱甚至都不必, 哪怕不言不语只对望一秒钟而已, 举世都会知道你们正相爱的秘密, 爱就是,这样的弥天盖地。
说来世上情话千言万语,也不过陈词滥调那几句, 可是为什么当你们谈及,再俗套也能化惊叹字句? 疯长的爱意说来不小心,其实种子早已署名。
翻遍传世辉煌的情诗集,为把十分温存写成一句, 最后却不过潦草地抹去。因为如果从来不曾落笔, 怎知从未有谈爱的比喻,如他爱你万分之一。
因此以上所用一切比喻,每个字都算是诋毁于你。 这世上再流芳的佳句,不能形容他眼中的你。
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1time2study4ravages · 3 months
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it seems Ravages collaborative cameos in disposable gacha games are still happening, though I wonder how effective this method is to get people to watch the anime (let alone read the main comic)
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5water-kohaku · 10 months
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Sima Yi and Sima Yi. They're practically opposite of each other and I love them.
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kennak · 15 days
◆資格確認書の永続発行は否定できず 拙速なマイナ保険証利用への傾斜は禁物  健康保険証の新規発行を廃止する12月2日まで3か月を切った。しかし、政府の強硬なマイナ保険証の利用キャンペーンや医療機関への経済誘導にも関わらず、利用率11%と低調である(7月現在)。笛吹けど踊らず、22年10月のデジタル大臣の保険証廃止アナウンス以来、一貫して国民は冷静である。  受診機会は阻害されない。保険証の代替の「資格確認書」が、①マイナ保険証を保有しない全員へ、②保険者が「職権交付」する。③昨年8月8日の「マイナンバーカードと健康保険証の一体化に関する検討会 最終とりまとめ」で方針変更が決まり、④12月に様式も示されている*1。「申請」は不要で、「自動的」に郵便書留等や職場を通じて交付される。従来通りである。12月を機にマイナ保険証の利用へ一瀉千里での狂奔、狂騒は不必要、禁物である。  資格確認書は事実上「名前を変えた保険証」だと解されている。武見厚労大臣は8月8日の会見で再三問われる中、資格確認書の永続交付は否定できなかった。河野デジタル大臣も8月26日、「資格確認書が出るのでマイナカードを持たなくても問題ない」と言い放った。ならば、保険証を残せばいい。 アナログでもデジタルでも対応可能な、多様性のある社会へ保険証存続への政治的英断を強く求める。 *1:令和5年12月22日保険局国民健康保険課・事務連絡「資格確認書の様式等について」   ◆資格確認書と保険証は、必須記載事項、裏面の臓器提供の意思表示まで瓜二つ  保険証は12月2日以降、新規発行はないが、保有のものは有効期限内で最長1年間は利用ができる。健保組合や協会けんぽの保険証には有効期限はないが、有効期間が1年や2年の国民健康保険や後期高齢者医療は更新月8月が多い。よってこの12月に一斉に資格確認書の交付へ切り替わらない。が、転職や新規雇用、転居等で保険者異動の際は12月2日より保険証は無効となり、資格確認書の交付となる。  この資格確認書は、意外と多くが様式を承知していない。カード型、はがき型が基本で材質はプラスチックか紙。券面の表の「必須記載事項」は、①氏名・性別・生年月日、②世帯主氏名又は組合員氏名、③被保険者記号・番号・枝番、保険者番号・交付者名又は保険者名、④適用開始年月日又は資格取得年月日、交付年月日、⑤負担割合、発効期日(70 歳以上のみ)、⑥有効期限―等となっている。  また券面の裏は、臓器提供の意思表示の記載欄となっており、有効期限5年以内の設定以外は保険証と同一である。既に全国健康保険協会(協会けんぽ)は券面イメージを発表しているが瓜二つである。  当初、本人の申請交付を想定し、「任意記載事項」には高額療養費の適用区分等も設けてあるが、「当分の間」は職権交付となり、本人希望が不明のため「必須記載事項」のみとなる。   ◆武見厚労大臣「永続的に、国民の皆様方が不安を感じないように対応」する ならば保険証を残せば済む  この「当分の間」を巡り、8月8日の武見厚労大臣の会見で、記者が保険証は自動的に更新され、永続的に発行されることを、保険局国民健康保険課に確認したとし、国民の誤解払拭を求め繰り返し質した。大臣は「当分の間」とかわしたものの「永続的に、国民の皆様方が不安を感じないように対応」するとし、永続的発行を明確には否定しなかった。強制加入の��保険制度で、保険料納付(減免あり)の権利義務関係からいって、「受診券」の自動発行は否定できない性質のものだからである。  マイナカードを保険証利用登録したマイナ保険証は、任意取得、任意利用である。政府は普及に躍起だが、霞が関の官僚の利用率は全体で5.47%、防衛省3.54%、法務省6.74%、内閣府7.49%である。地域的にも沖縄県3.42%、和歌山県5.02%、愛媛県5.44%で富山県12.52%と地域格差もある。便利で有効性や安定性が高ければ自然と利用は進む。無理強いは禁物である。困惑や不満の一端が、「マイナ保険証 厚労職員悩ます「調査」 プライバシー侵害の声も」(毎日新聞8月25日)と報道されている。  警察庁は「資格確認書」を、本人資格確認書類として使えるよう犯罪収益移転防止法施行規則を改正する方針となっている。保険証の廃止に伴う措置であり、同格のものとの判断である。   ◆マイナ保険証の不使用者は登録解除なしでは、資格確認書は届かない 周知不足で混乱は必至  保険証はプラスチックのカード型が大勢であり、紙のはがき型は、被保険者数が多く更新年限が1年で短い神奈川県の後期高齢者医療など少数派である。2年更新の横浜市国保はプラスチックのカード型である。この耐久性も良く、制度発足以来60年以上も社会に根付いた保険証を廃止し、あえて同型・同記載事項の資格確認書に切り替える意味はない。  券面の「健康保険被保険者証」が「健康保険資格確認書」と文言が変わり、券面の色が変わることで、社会的に無用な混乱を招く。  マイナ保険証と資格確認書の併用となるより、健康保険証と併用するほうが、社会的なコストは低く済む。  実はマイナ保険証保有は国民の58.8%で、マイナ保険証の利用率11.13%と乖離が大きい。マイナカードを保険証登録したことの失念や、使い勝手の悪さから健康保険証利用となっている。この登録解除(10月以降、保険者へ解除申請)をしなければ、自動的には「資格確認書」は手元には届かない。  8月8日の会見で記者が懸念した、資格確認書の職権交付を多くの国民が知らない以上に、この登録解除が可能な事実と連動する資格確認書の未交付は、厚労省や行政の周知不足により、もっと知られていない。医療現場での混乱や社会的混乱が燎原の火のごとく増幅することは明らかである。   ◆マイナ保険証への一本化は無理 利用普及と廃止は別問題 「安心感のシンボル」保険証存続が王道  マイナ保険証利用の利点とされる、過去の薬歴や特定健診データの照会も、現実は利用者の29%に留まり、全体に占める割合は3%で需要は低い。時差のないお薬手帳の方が実際的で実用的である。外来患者の受診医療機関数の平均は1.4か所であり、参照する度合いが低いという実態もある。  認知症患者は現在の日本で600万人、デジタル弱者2,000万人、身体障碍者436万人、知的障碍者109万人、精神障碍者419万人、要介護者700万人、介護施設入所者100万人である。マイナ保険証の証明用写真で座位が取れない、眼球が定まらない等のほか、受診時のカードリーダー用のパスワードの忘却やマイナカードの保管問題、顔認証の不適応など、現実社会でのマイナ保険証利用に関する問題が数多く指摘されてきた。解決不能な問題も数少なくない。  現実的にマイナ保険証への一律化���一本化は不可能である。そのことを、多額の費用や多くの時間をかけ社会は身をもって「学習」をしてきた。冒頭で指摘したデジタル大臣の発言は、その象徴である。  今年度、各保険者へ「資格確認書」や「資格情報のお知らせ」を交付する機能のシステム改修等の経費367億円が計上されているが、資格確認書の交付は、これからである。まだ間に合う。保険証を残せばよいだけである。法令改正や通知改定など、政治が英断すれば可能である。  電車の券売機にみるように、交通系ICカードが普及しても、社会の多様性に応じてアナログとデジタルを併用している。今後、マイナ保険証と資格確認書の併用をするのなら、一度、冷静に立ち止まり保険証を残し併用すればよい。6月4日、武見大臣は会見でアナログからデジタルへの変更の心理的負担に触れ、「私くらいの年代になりますと、保険証といえば、どこでも保険証があれば日本では医療機関にかかれるという1つの安心感のシンボルのようなものでもありました」と話している。至言である。  覆水盆に返らず。「過ちては改むるに憚ること勿れ」。われわれは保険証の存続を改めて強く求める。 2024年9月2日
2024/9/2 政策部長談話「職権交付の資格確認書とマイナ保険証の併存なら 保険証を残す方が社会混乱は少ない 多様性ある社会へ政治の英断を」 | 神奈川県保険医協会とは | いい医療.com
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sinoeurovoices · 2 years
舉白紙無字書於無聲處聽憤怒呼喊 由烏魯木齊居民樓在嚴厲防疫封控中失火燒死至少十人的慘案所觸發悼念和抗議封控活動,從11月26日起到27日已經在全國許多城市及主要大學擴散,形成罕見的全國性抗議浪潮。而抗議者手舉白紙表達對疫情封控的不滿,則成為這次抗議浪潮的主要標誌,抗議者更是喊出了“習近平下台”、“共產黨下台”等直接針對政權的口號。 網上視頻及圖片顯示,11月26日晚,從南京傳媒學院到北京大學的幾十所高校的學生在校園內手舉白紙、點燃蠟燭或打開手機燈,舉行靜默悼念和抗議。手舉白紙的部分原因據信是為了防止審查或遭拘捕。不過,多數靜默悼念都發展成呼喊“不要核酸要自由”、“反對封控”等口號的抗議。 11月26日晚,從南京傳媒學院到北京大學的幾十所高校的學生在校園內手舉白紙、點燃蠟燭或打開手機燈,舉行靜默悼念和抗議。網絡圖片 11月27日,動作略微遲緩的清華大學也出現了學生悼念和抗議活動。有…
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lgbtqromance · 10 months
而我受到了这样的刺激,也神魂颠倒,疯狂的隔着蓝色内裤吻帅哥的阴囊,而顶在我额头上的阴茎也随着我的亲吻在我的脑门上弹跳着。 我一伸手,从他的三角裤侧面伸了进去,穿越茂密的黑色丛林,一把抓住了帅哥挺立的傲物,帅哥的家伙不是很粗,但是却很长,我将这宝物放在手裏把玩着,用大拇指和食指轻轻揉捏着这温润如玉的龟头,转眼间便感觉马眼处流出了津津的前列腺液,流到了我的手上,暖暖的。于是我便借着他的汁液的润滑,在内裤裏掳动着帅哥的阳具,搞得帅哥将我的腰夹得更紧了。于是我随即将这最后一层束缚也褪去。一根黑黑壮壮的巨炮便啪的弹到了我脸上。只见这根JB程紫黑色,坚硬无比,上面血管好看的凸现着,龟头硕大圆润而富有光泽,可算是鸡中精品级别了,我不敢怠慢,急忙将其送入了我的口腔,并用舌头千回百转地舔着他的马眼和JB槽,企图将所有的精华都舔干净。帅哥此时也随着我嘬的节奏将腰一拱一拱,以图将他的大JB插进我的喉管。差点让我几乎有点呕吐感,而我也疯狂地揉捏着帅哥的帅臀,将手指在他两股间的深沟裏划来划去,那裏现在已经温暖而潮湿,短短的毛骚得我心中一浪一浪,于是自己也用自己的小钢炮不断地顶着正在嘬我的小兄弟的林强。
林强还是不放,并且用舌头不停舔着我的脖子和耳垂,弄得我很痒,而我天生就怕痒「啊。。啊,你小子。玩阴的! 啊哈哈哈。。快别弄了。。哈。。我答应你还不行吗。」
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fwoopersongs · 1 year
赋得古原草送别 - Composed from: Bidding Farewell on the Ancient Grass Plains
by 白居易  (Bai Juyi, 772 - 846)
离离原上草 一岁一枯荣  lí lí yuán shàng cǎo yī suì yī kū róng  Flickering grasses upon the plain, a year, a cycle of withering and verdant glory.
野火烧不尽 春风吹又生 yě huǒ shāo bù jìn chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng Ravaging wildfire does not burn it all; a spring breeze blows and again, they grow.
远芳侵古道 晴翠接荒城  yuǎn fāng qīn gǔ dào qíng cuì jiē huāng chéng  Distant fragrance encroaches ancient roads; sun dappled green takes the desolate city.
又送王孙去 萋萋满别情 yòu sòng wáng sūn qù qī qī mǎn bié qíng Again, seeing off a dear friend on their way, the lush field is full of these parting feelings.
To @liberty-or-death​, thanks for the rec which brought this poem back on my radar. I’m so glad we do this - I always learn so much! 
Check out her meta and thoughts on this work in the mdzs context.
This is a fun poem in that if you look at only the first four lines, you get one genre of poetry - praise for nature, but if you take it as a whole, you get another type - a farewell poem. In fact, I had no idea that it had a second half. It��s so popular that if anyone asked pre-cnovel era YJ what it means, she would have been able to answer too - but only the second and third lines…
A variation of 野火烧不尽 春风吹又生 is a common idiom which is also used a lot (truly a LOT) in various novels and cmedia, mostly in the context of ruthless or pragmatic characters going ‘斩草不除根 春风吹又生 (if you cut grass but don’t get rid of their roots, then when the spring wind blows they’ll grow again). This phrase is a convergence of this poem and a quote from 左传 zuǒ zhuán, The Commentary of Zuo, which recounts the major political, military, and social events of the Spring and Autumn period, and was written more than a millennium before Bai Juyi was born. In the section for Duke Yin, Year 6, it goes:
君子曰,善不可失,恶不可长,其陈桓公之谓乎,长恶不悛,从自及也,虽欲救之,其将能乎 The lord said, goodness must not be lost, evil must not be nurtured in its growth, this must apply to Duke Huan of Chen. Having nurtured the growth of evil without rectification and about to reap his just deserts - even desiring to salvage this situation, how can it be done? 
商书曰,恶之易也,如火之燎于原,不可乡迩,其犹可扑灭,周任有言曰,为国家者,见恶如农夫之务去草焉,芟夷蕴崇之,绝其本根,勿使能殖,则善者信矣. In the Book of Shang it says, the ease of evil’s flourishing is akin to fire spreading on the plains; it cannot be approached, can it then be extinguished? Quoting Zhou Ren, ‘a person responsible for country and family, at the sight of evil, must behave as the farmer whose priority is to rid the land of weeds, does: cutting them down, gathering them and eliminating them from their very roots so that they may not grow again. Thus allowing goodness to develop.’
And yes, I didn’t go off on a tangent on Zuo Zhuan for nothing. There is a clear resemblance  between the metaphor used here and the imagery in Bai Juyi’s poem, and that is probably how they ended up linked together in association with characters locked in conflict. 
Here’s something new in the title! The words 赋得 fù dé actually indicate the category for this poem by its origin - via prompt, and can be read as roughly equivalent to ‘composed from’. The prompt itself is the following sentence, 古原草送别 gǔ yuán cǎo sòngbié (ancient plain’s grass, bidding farewell). For this type of poem, how carefully the format is maintained whilst sticking closely to the topic and fulfilling the prompt, is a critical test of the poet’s skill. 
Such prompts may come from lines of existing poetry, songs, essays or themes. The earliest example of such that we have today is 《赋得翠石应令诗》 written by 萧雉 Xiao Zhi of Liang Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties period. Though the later 应制 yìng zhì (by Emperor’s order) type of poetry are also titled with these two words to indicate their type, it is only one reason of many! The origin of such a prompt may vary from being administered for tests of ability, to exams, to friendly games or even just to say ‘I was inspired by this!’.
Pre-dive notes: I suspect this is another one where I’ll end up eyeballs deep in a stack of books sans punctuation and in traditional chinese - and if I’m deeply unlucky, only handwritten. Why am I so excited??????? LMAO. Been dragging my feet on everything up till this point.
The story that comes with this poem isn’t one that can be found in some personal recount or diary entry from the poet. One half comes from 《幽闲鼓吹》, a collection of anecdotes about the upper echelons of the Tang Dynasty, emperors and generals and famous literary figures of the middle and late Tang period, covering Emperor Xuanzong, Emperor Xianzong (元和 Yuanhe) and Emperor Wuzong (会昌 Huichang) of Tang. The other half comes from 《唐摭言》which is a collection of short stories from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) compiled by Wang Dingbao (870-940), mainly about the state examination system. Emphasis on these two collections being anecdotes to be read for amusement, not verified events. But I guess we can take this with the same serving of salt as we might for a ‘know your meme’ entry!
From 《幽闲鼓吹》 白尚书应举初至京,以诗谒顾著作。顾睹姓名熟视白公曰,米价方贵,居亦弗易。乃披卷首篇曰, ‘咸阳原上草,一岁一枯荣,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生‘ 即嗟赏曰,道得个语,居即易矣,因为之延誉,声名大振。
Minister [1] Bai, newly arrived at the Capital to sit for the imperial examinations, brought poems on his visit to a man by the surname of Gu to show them to him. Gu saw his name and observed him intently, saying, “Grain is expensive, living here won’t be easy [2].” He then opened to the first page and read, ‘The grass of Xianyang Plains, a year, a cycle of withering and verdant glory; wildfire does not raze it all, spring winds blow and again they grow’ and sighed in admiration at once, “living here will be easy (for you).” And because word of this praise got out, his (Bai Juyi’s) name became very very well known.
[1] The highest post he ever held was Minister for the Ministry of Justice [2] This was a play on the words of his name, taken literally it can be read 白 bái (for free) 居 jū (live, as in to live in a house) 易 yì (easy). Oh, get thee to a punnery! xD
From 《唐摭言》 唐白居易初举未振,以歌诗谒顾况。况谑曰。居易。长安百物贵,居大不易。及读至赋得原上草送友曰。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。叹曰。有句如此,居大不难。老夫前言戏之耳。
Tang Dynasty’s Bai Juyi had just passed the imperial exams, but had not made his name yet. He visited Gu Kuang with song and poetry. Mockingly, Kuang said, “‘To lodge easily’? [1] In Chang’an, everything is expensive. It’s not easy to live in a big place.” It was only after reading, ‘Written for bidding farewell to a friend on the plains: wildfire does not raze it all, spring winds blow and again they grow’, that he sighed, “With wordsmithing like this, living in a big place won’t be difficult at all. Consider all I said before a joke.”
[1] Another play on Bai Juyi’s name.
There are slight differences even between these two accounts. Not to mention the question of whether this gentleman Gu Kuang was even actually in the capital at this time. From my brief skim of his Wiki page, it seems he was having trouble at the tail end of his career, and lived out his retirement in seclusion. Records are clear that Bai Juyi passed the imperial exams in 802 along with friend Yuan Zhen, whilst Gu Kuang’s whereabouts were not possible to track down (at least for me) and he passed away in either 806 if baidu is to be believed, or after 820 according to wiki.
Two things that are immediately obvious as I read these passages:
The first, line one reads 咸阳原上草 xiányáng yuán shàng cǎo (the grass upon Xianyang Plain), whereas the version I got from gushiwen and also the ‘popular’ ~modern~ version goes, 离离原上草 lí lí yuán shàng cǎo (dense and lively, the grass upon the plain). 
The second, that the title is written: 赋得原上草送友 (Composed from: Seeing off a friend upon grass plains) vs 赋得古原草送别 (Composed from: Bidding farewell upon the ancient grass plains)
Consulting another source first published in Southern Song, Chapter 30 of 《苕溪渔隐丛话》, its first half completed in 1148 (this copy is owned by Harvard, and the edition was published in 1740 or 1741… if I’m reading the description correctly), backs up the 咸阳原上草 version.
Which then brings us to the question, when did these lines get changed? 
I have no clue, so I asked google xD. Most answers point to Sun Zhu’s (1722–1778) 《唐诗三百首》 Three Hundred Tang Poems. But it's hard for me to verify at this point because many of the collections which hold this poem were reprinted in the 20th century. I sampled two texts randomly in ctext, and both had the 离离/古原 version… even Bai Juyi’s own anthology 《白氏长庆集》, so named because its first print was in the Changgeng Era, second in Emperor Muzong of Tang’s reign. The version in the image below was from 《白氏长庆集》 in an anthology of classics published in 1922, and it has exactly that same 古原草送别 title and 离离 beginning.
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I feel like if the original indeed began with 咸阳原上草, and was titled 赋得原上草送友, it would make sense in a later edit that changes 咸阳 (location) into 离离 (adjective) to then clarify what information is lost - that this farewell happening on ‘ancient plains’ - in another place like the title. In any case, I do believe there is a good reason for the change, no matter my personal preference… Let's get to that in the next section.
First, note that based on the prompt, the things available to be played with are:
A grass plain (as background)
Emphasis on grass
Seeing off someone
And off we go!
Diving right into exploring the more interesting words or expressions in this poem, I’d like to draw our attention to 离离 (of course), 王孙 and 萋萋.
Though not a word you see often, on sight, 离离 feels like it speaks of parting, because read alone, the word 离 is to leave, to part. But the next natural step is to look up past usages. By past, I mean pre-Bai Juyi’s lifetime and ideally from texts and poets he would have read with care.
Pre-Qin, we have two winners from 诗经 the Book of Odes, Airs of Wang, Drooping Millet. In this poem, 彼黍离离 (the millet either droop or sway). From Minor Odes, Clear Dew, 其实离离 (the fruit of trees hand down). Some person from Han - some websites attribute the poem to Cao Cao, some to Empress Zhen - says,  蒲生我池中,其叶何离离 (bullrushes grow in my pond, how dense their leaves). 
That’s about it for relevant poetry.
And then 易经 《䷝离》 The Book of Changes tells me how to interpret trigrams:
离,丽也;日月丽乎天,百谷草木丽乎土,重明以丽乎正,乃化成天下。柔丽乎中正,故亨;是以畜牝牛吉也。 ‘离’ is ‘to rely on’. The sun and moon rely on the heavens, the myriad grassess and trees rely on the earth; light upon light relies on the right path, illuminating all under heaven. The gentle in their positions, middle and fair are hence fortunate, so female cows are fortunate…?
Okay LOL that last one got a bit away from me, but basically, the trigram called 离  (or the trad version of it anyway) is associated with fire, spring and radiance. And who knows if these associations do or don’t spill over into word selection in everyday life?
So 离 is parting and 离离 can be in turns, drooping, swaying, verdant, radiant and full of life. 
We can have 王孙 and 萋萋 up together because having them both in a sentence brings 楚辞 The Songs of Chu, 招隐士 Summons for a Recluse’s line, 王孙游兮不归,春草生兮萋萋 (the noble man remains there and does not return, the grasses of spring are growing luxuriantly). From this poem, we can infer that 王孙 is referring to the recluse (On the topic of the ‘image’ of recluses in literature, I leave this link: ARTICLE REVIEWS: HOUSE OF HERMITS). Such recluses in the time that poem was written could also be the descendants of noble houses. But the word itself also has meaning - it is literally, grandson(s) of kings or princes, and was also used to collectively refer to young noblemen, eventually just young men in general. Maybe similar to how gentlemen is used? Idk.
And 招隐士 is quite an influential poem. Those three things, 王孙, 春草 and 萋萋 were used often in later works to evoke specific feelings of melancholy despite the beauty in the surroundings, because someone is far from home.
(Some unconfirmed rumours in the Old Book of Tang suggest that Bai Juyi may have been descended from the Mi imperial house of the State of Chu, and the Bai family who left Chu for Qin due to prosecution by the King of Chu. But that is neither here nor there. If true, it may have been part of the inspiration for interpreting the poem’s prompt in this way. Just an interesting titbit of information!)
Now that we have the new, uncommon words out of the way, I wanted to try recreating the experience of reading this piece because it’s such a feast for the senses. And I hope this works, because if not it’s going to look quite ridiculous indeed.
离离 /            原上草        //   一岁  /       一枯荣 bright / grass upon the plains // one year / once wither & flourish  Flickering grasses upon the plain, a year, a cycle of withering and verdant glory.
野火   /      烧不尽   //       春风     /        吹又生 wildfire / burns not end // spring breeze / blows to life again Ravaging wildfire does not burn it all; a spring breeze blows and again, they grow.
远      /      芳     /    侵   /      古道     //         晴翠        /  接  /     荒城  distant / fragrance / assails / ancient road // sunlit crisp green / joins / desolate city Distant fragrance encroaches ancient roads; sun dappled green joins the desolate city.
又     /     送   /      王孙   /  去  //           萋萋      / 满 /      别情 again / sending / noble men / away // verdant greenery / full / parting feelings Again, seeing off a dear friend on their way, the lush field is full of these parting feelings.
There are lots of contrasts that bring these words to life. 离离 is associated with verdant, luxuriant growth and blades of grasses or millet. The unquenchable life in that green against the red of the fire, the grass on the plains that even the fire cannot entirely destroy, because deeply hidden ‘neath the ground, its roots are safe. One breath of the wind and it's growing again! Triumphant in its victory, it goes on to overtake the ‘ancient road’ and the ruins of a city. The word used to describe its action at the road is literally 侵 invade, the word for its action with the city 接 can be read as join, but can also be to receive or take over.
And so I think you can see where this is building up to the last line where the grass, abundant, full of life and absolutely everywhere as far as the eye can see, is like his overflowing emotions in the moment of parting.
I really appreciate the crossing over of what is real and what is imagined, anchoring with the image of ‘grass on the plains’ and bringing us through time, through fire and across space - over the winding road and up to the abandoned city. Is the grass really there? Maybe. Did all of this really happen? Who knows. But these feelings after going through all that are certainly real!
Another thing I love is the cinematic acceleration effect for that year with the grass, and then the panning where you follow someone's gaze from the road to the city led on by the greeeeeeeeen. The pacing is so atmospheric as well! 一岁一枯荣 is slow, solemn and glorious. 野火烧不尽 is an intense battle for dominance and 春风吹又生 a breath of fresh air.
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As I was reading the poem for the first time though, there were some things I wondered idly about, which were then answered as I looked into its background and asked around some.
Grass has a 1 year lifecycle???? Apparently some species, yes. Where I live, it’s just green year round unless someone doesn’t water them during a dry spell. In other places with actual seasons, they can stay green for a while under snow or get frozen while green, which is amazing to me, even if they do eventually yellow. If summers are scorching, they may brown (I think that’s when they die?). Anyway, it’s cool and I can’t believe I never thought about this before.
Are wildfires a Thing on grassland? If the sun is hot enough or if conditions are right for dry lightning it can happen, but I don’t know if spontaneous combustion is a thing on this particular field, but I somehow doubt that.
Which ancient field is this happening on? Xianyang Plains, which is a real place! It is now known as Wuling (五陵) Plain, where the mausoleums of 28 Han and Tang dynasty emperors stand.
Where is the old road and the ruins? Are these actual places or just there for the vibes. Xianyang (咸阳) was the capital of the Qin empire. It was sacked and burnt to the ground, supposedly by Xiang Yu, a rebel leader against the Qin in 206 BC. The founding emperor of Han Dynasty later built his capital just across the river from the ruins of Xianyang. In fact, the ruins are still there!
The photo below is of a Qin Dynasty handmade armor factory found in 2019 at the location of the old Xianyang City. Analysis of the materials found there was a match for armor in Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum.
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So the thing about Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, is this… 
Qin Dynasty spanned 221 BCE to 206 BCE; its capital was Xianyang. Han Dynasty spanned 206 BCE to 220 CE; its first capital was Chang’an. Tang Dynasty spanned 618 CE to 907 CE; its first capital was Chang’an.
Xianyang was there first, it was ravaged by fire. Then the Han Chang’an was built on the opposite bank. Then Tang Chang’an was built Southeast of the ruined Han Chang’an (it’d been through a lot of wars by that time LOL). So are they the same thing? No. But if the ruins of Xianyang are still here for us today, they certainly would have been there back in Bai Juyi’s time. And they would also have been considered ancient ruins, wouldn’t they?
Here’s how the area looks like on google maps.
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Back to sleuthing for reasons behind word choices. 
A thing that caught my ear was the keyword 古道! There are so many poems that use that image-impression, but also also, most of ALL: this classic song. Secondary to that though, there’s 小桥流水人家 古道西风瘦马 (a little bridge, running water and homes; on the ancient road in the west wind, a lean horse) of Yuan Dynasty - and after Bai Juyi’s time, and Li Bai’s (701 to 762) 咸阳古道音尘绝 (on the ancient road to Xianyang, ended is the music and the dust), which he’ll certainly have come across.
I got a bit distracted reading farewell poems and was shook to discover that Wang Wei’s (701 to 7062) even more famous farewell poem, iconic line: 西出阳关无故人, is actually, set at almost the same place. 
渭城朝雨浥轻尘 | Weicheng’s [1] morning drizzle moistens the dusty road. 客舍青青柳色新 | By the traveller’s inn, the willow’s green is fresh 劝君更尽一杯酒 | Friend, do drink up one more cup of wine; 西出阳关无故人 | West beyond Yang Pass, there’ll be acquaintances none. (You’ll have no one)
[1] 渭城 wèi chéng, previous, older name for the county that later became Xianyang County during the Qin Dynasty.
Knowing all this, when a poem uses Xianyang, fire, ancient path and desolate city as imagery, one can’t help the mind being drawn to that fire which burnt a palace, a city to the ground, the lives lost. And then wandering still further... who are you bidding farewell to?
So! While 离离 for the first two words brings beautiful imagery, contrasting against the ravaging fire and parallels to 萋萋, 咸阳 provides associations with location, history and builds on impressions to tie the whole poem together. 
Let me know which you prefer!
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Translation Recs
Something a little different this time, for those who are still with me. 
Because this is such a famous poem, I thought it would be fun to look up other translations! Here’s a list of recs for ones I liked best.
In no particular order:
I enjoyed the brief writeup on Bai Juyi’s background and commentary on the poem’s relevance in vacantmountain’s: TRANSLATION THURSDAY: 赋得古原草送别 BIDDING FAREWELL ON THE PLAIN, BY 白居易 BAI JUYI
Despite what OP says about their own translations seeming rigid sometimes due to their style (and intention for translations), I didn’t find it so. And in fact, I really appreciate how this translation leans closely in to the original words, while still reading smoothly:  152 白居易 賦得古原草送別 translation: Farewells on Grassland, by Bai Juyi
It’s a little further down the page - you may have to search for ‘grass’. I found the concept of utilizing space in this way an interesting one. Perhaps you may too! Daryl Lim Wei Jie brings us: Grass
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erica-tvi · 2 months
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fangjuexias · 2 years
Fanservice Paradox Audio Drama || Insert Song, “Heartthrob Paradox”
作曲&编曲:罗娜@娜塔莉罗 作 词:龙小套@龙小套是一颗仙桃 录音师:Joker one@Joker一one 伴奏混音:杨爽@Cool杨爽 录音指导&人声混音:洛萱@洛了个萱www 录音统筹:杜小星 封面设计:竹醉@竹小醉_ 监 制:等待苍老@粉红胡子Vincent 红线@Chris线 风行流动@风行流动_strive 嗒嗒@是TaTa不是DaDa 协 助:图图 天然 伞伞 豆子@豆子非常豆 三七@三七等于二十一丶 出 品:@猫耳FM @玉苍红广播剧 联合出品
吴晛: 春日囚禁了冬雪 夜幕将日光偷窃 指针再慢些 让脸颊热度退却
马正阳: 就当是错觉 忍不住雀跃 追随一万只蝴蝶 在夏天撒野 Melting for you Melting for you I guess I’m gonna melt for you 是偏见拨弄心弦 牵连波动悄然触电 眷恋在扉页点燃伏线 又日渐燎原
吴晛: 听心跳的鼓点 我整夜不眠
马正阳: 又将你名字
合: 默念一遍
吴晛: 直到想念
马正阳: 溢满房间
合: 在凌晨两点
马正阳: Please oh Fantasy 沉溺须臾 Fantasy 分析预计 Fantasy 是梦境的谜语
吴晛: Please no Fantasy 告白逃离 Fantasy 抛开道理 Fantasy 触手可及 oh close to me
吴晛: 智者偏选择鲁莽 反抗者放弃抵抗 灵魂的空荡 吻合了一颗月亮
马正阳: 或许是直觉不需要注解 找一个炙热季节 告诉全世界 Melting for you Melting for you I guess I’m gonna melt for you 是偏见拨弄心弦 牵连波动悄然触电 眷恋在扉页点燃伏线 又日渐燎原  
吴晛: 听心跳的鼓点 我整夜不眠
马正阳: 又将你名字
合: 默念一遍
吴晛: 直到想念
马正阳: 溢满房间
合: 在凌晨两点
马正阳: Please oh Fantasy 靠近距离 Fantasy 跳进陷阱 Fantasy 你是最后谜底
吴晛: Please oh Fantasy 倒数呼吸 Fantasy 超出预期 Fantasy 触手可及 oh close to me
吴晛(马正阳): 隔着纸 偷一个亲吻是不是 预兆我 懵懂冒险爱的开始
马正阳: 或许是我情动太迟 我试着用行动告知 就做你路上英勇骑士 陪你把理想变成现实
吴晛: 没有文字 也没有公式 能将这悖论解释
合: 心动只在一瞬间思考已经太迟 Fantasy 靠近距离 Fantasy 跳进陷阱 Fantasy 你是最后谜底 Please oh Fantasy 倒数呼吸 Fantasy 超出预期 Fantasy 触手可及 oh close to me
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1time2study4ravages · 3 months
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it's not often one sees Ravages fan art that involves fantasy renditions of established characters
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