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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year ago
The Flaming Mountain (1962) 火燄山
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Director: Mok Kang Shi 
Screenwriter: Tu Guangqi 
Starring: Kim Hee Gap / Cui Wulong / Ding Ying / Yang Xixun / Xu Yingxiu / Zhang Yi / Luo Lan / Lin Jiao / Tang Jia / Liu Jialiang / Xīguā páo / Zhu Yougao / Xu Xiaoming / Wu Jingli / Guan Ren 
Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Costume 
Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China / South Korea 
Language: Korean / Cantonese 
Date: 1962-07-25 (Hong Kong, China) 
Duration: 100 minutes 
Also known as: Son Oh-kong 
IMDb: tt2351247
Type: Retelling
Samjang, a Buddhist monk of Tang, now China, starts his journey to study Buddha's teachings. When he visits the palace in heaven, the King of Heaven tells him to take Son Ogong as his guide who's been living in Ohaeng Mountain. Samjang and Son Ogong experience a lot of mythic adventures on their journey. A film based on a classic Chinese story.                        
Source: https://chinesemov.com/1962/The-Flaming-Mountain
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx47do_Ljwo&ab_channel=%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E7%94%B5%E5%BD%B1%E9%A2%91%E9%81%93CHINAMOVIEOFFICIALCHANNEL
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wildjcrt · 1 year ago
大慈大悲愍眾生 大喜大捨濟含識 相好光明以自嚴 眾等至心歸命禮 一拜
南無皈依金剛上師 一拜 南無皈依佛。南無皈依法。南無皈依僧 一拜
我今發心。不為自求。人天福報。聲聞緣覺。乃至權乘。諸位菩薩。唯依最上乘。發菩提心。願與法界眾生。一時同得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 一拜
南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切諸佛。 一拜 南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切尊法。 一拜 南無皈依十方。盡虛空界。一切賢聖僧。 一拜 南無如來。應供。正遍知。明行足。善逝世間解。無上士。調丈夫。天人師。佛。世尊。 一拜
南無普光佛 以下每佛一拜 南無普明佛 南無普淨佛 南無多摩羅跋栴檀香佛 南無栴檀光佛 南無摩尼幢佛 南無歡喜藏摩尼寶積佛 南無一切世間樂見上大精進佛 南無摩尼幢燈光佛 南無慧炬照佛 南無海德光明佛 南無金剛牢強普散金光佛 南無大強精進勇猛佛 南無大悲光佛 南無慈力王佛 南無慈藏佛 南無栴檀窟莊嚴勝佛 南無賢善首佛 南無善意佛 南無廣莊嚴王佛 南無金華光佛 南無寶蓋照空自在力王佛 南無虛空寶華光佛 南無琉璃莊嚴王佛 南無普現色身光佛 南無不動智光佛 南無降伏眾魔王佛 南無才光明佛 南無智慧勝佛 南無彌勒仙光佛 南無善寂月音妙尊智王佛 南無世淨光佛 南無龍種上尊王佛 南無日月光佛 南無日月珠光佛 南無慧幢勝王佛 南無師子吼自在力王佛 南無妙音勝佛 南無常光幢佛 南無觀世燈佛 南無慧威燈王佛 南無法勝王佛 南無須彌光佛 南無須曼那華光佛 南無優曇鉢羅華殊勝王佛 南無大慧力王佛 南無阿閦毗歡喜光佛 南無無量音聲王佛 南無才光佛 南無金海光佛 南無山海慧自在通王佛 南無大通光佛 南無一切法常滿王佛
以上五十三佛,出觀藥王藥上二菩薩經。 以下三十五佛,出決定毗尼經。
南無釋迦牟尼佛 南無金剛不壞佛 南無寶光佛 南無龍尊王佛 南無精進軍佛 南無精進喜佛 南無寶火佛 南無寶月光佛 南無現無愚佛 南無寶月佛 南無無垢佛 南無離垢佛 南無勇施佛 南無清淨佛 南無清淨施佛 南無娑留那佛 南無水天佛 南無堅德佛 南無栴檀功德佛 南無無量掬光佛 南無光德佛 南無無憂德佛 南無那羅延佛 南無功德華佛 南無蓮華光遊戲神通佛 南無財功德佛 南無德念佛 南無善名稱功德佛 南無紅燄帝幢王佛 南無善遊步功德佛 南無闘戰勝佛 南無善遊步佛 南無周匝莊嚴功德佛 南無寶華遊步佛 南無寶蓮華善住娑羅樹王佛 南無法界藏身阿彌陀佛 南無現前觀世音菩薩過去正法明佛 南無塵點劫前。久已成佛。冥陽救苦大願地藏王菩薩
如是等。一切世界。諸佛世尊。常住在世。是諸世尊。當慈念我。若我此生。若我前生。從無始生死以來。所作眾罪。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。若塔若僧。若四方僧物。若自取。若教他取。見取隨喜。五無間罪。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。十不善道。若自作。若教他作。見作隨喜。所作罪障。或有覆藏。或不覆藏。應墮地獄。餓鬼畜生。諸餘惡趣。邊地下賤。及蔑戾車。如是等處。所作罪障。及所應遭遇一切災禍。今皆懺悔。願悉消滅。 一拜 今諸佛世尊。當證知我。當憶念我。我復於諸佛世尊前。作如是言。若我此生。若我餘生。曾行布施。或守淨戒。乃至施與畜生。一摶之食。或修淨行。所有善根。成就眾生。所有善根。修行菩提。所有善根。及無上智。所有善根。一切合集。校計籌量。皆悉迴向。阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。如過去未來現在諸佛。所作迴向。我亦如是迴向:   眾罪皆懺悔 諸福盡隨喜   及請佛功德 願成無上智   去來現在佛 於眾生最勝   無量功德海 我今歸命禮 一拜 所有十方世界中 三世一切人師子 我以清淨身語意 一切遍禮盡無餘 普賢行願威神力 普現一切如來前 一身復現剎塵身 一一遍禮剎塵佛 一拜 於一塵中塵數佛 各處菩薩眾會中 無盡法界塵亦然 深信諸佛皆充滿 各以一切音聲海 普出無盡妙言辭 盡於未來一切劫 讚佛甚深功德海 一拜 以諸最勝妙華鬘 伎樂塗香及傘蓋 如是最勝莊嚴具 我以供養諸如來 最勝衣服最勝香 末香燒香與燈燭 一一皆如妙高聚 我悉供養諸如來 我以廣大勝解心 深信一切三世佛 悉以普賢行願力 普遍供養諸如來 一拜 我昔所造諸惡業 皆由無始貪瞋癡 從身語意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔 一拜 十方一切諸眾生 二乘有學及無學 一切如來與菩薩 所有功德皆隨喜 一拜 十方所有世間燈 最初成就菩提者 我��一切皆勸請 轉於無上妙法輪 一拜 諸佛若欲示涅槃 我悉至誠而勸請 惟願久住剎塵劫 利樂一切諸眾生 一拜 所有禮讚供養福 請佛住世轉法輪 隨喜懺悔諸善根 迴向眾生及佛道 一拜 願將以此勝功德 迴向無上真法界 性相佛法及僧伽 二諦融通三昧印 如是無量功德海 我今皆悉盡迴向 所有眾生身口意 見惑彈謗我法等 如是一切諸業障 悉皆消滅盡無餘 念念智周於法界 廣度眾生皆不退 乃至虛空世界盡 眾生及業煩惱盡 如是四法廣無邊 願今迴向亦如是 一拜 南無大行普賢菩薩 三稱一拜
三皈依 各一拜
自皈依佛 當願眾生 體解大道 發無上心 自皈依法 當願眾生 深入經藏 智慧如海  自皈依僧 當願眾生 統理大眾 一切無礙 和南聖眾
眾生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 法門無量誓願學 佛道無上誓願成 自性眾生誓願度 自性煩惱誓願斷 自性法門誓願學 自性佛道誓願成 三遍三拜
禮懺功德殊勝行 無邊勝福皆迴向 普願沉溺諸眾生 速往無量光佛剎 十方三世一切佛 一切菩薩摩訶薩 摩訶般若波羅蜜
禪門日誦和漢文念誦集中﹐有八十八佛﹐是由兩經集合而成。 一為五十三佛﹐出《佛說觀藥王藥上二菩薩經》﹔一為三十五佛﹐出《決定毗尼經》﹐敦煌三藏譯﹐此經源于《大寶積經·優婆離會》。
又有不空三藏專取此文重譯﹐名為三十五佛名禮懺文。 三十五佛名禮懺》曾于印度流行﹐修行大乘者﹐常于六時禮懺﹐能淨業障重罪﹐現生所求禪定解脫﹐及諸位地﹐皆能滿足﹐功德廣大。
藏文本名為菩薩懺罪文﹐又名三聚經。因本文所行之事﹐ 一﹑懺悔﹐二﹑迴向善報﹐三﹑隨喜迴向。
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oecsports · 6 months ago
華國三太子盃》臺將單打唯一希望許育修挺進8強 雙打何承叡搶十首勝開張
「2024華國三太子國際男子網球挑戰賽」5月12日至18日在臺北市網球中心熱鬧進行,今(15日)「臺灣一哥」許育修再度甜蜜復仇,以6-1,6-4擊敗日本對手野口莉央(Rio Noguchi), 2連勝晉級單打8強,明(16日)下午將與南韓第6種子洪性贊(Hong Seongchan)爭奪準決賽門票;臺灣男雙一哥何承叡今也開胡,明晚再接再厲爭取雙打4強席次,歡迎球迷朋友到場為選手們加油。
「地主最後希望許育修再度甜蜜復仇  接連淘汰兩名日本好手」
許育修無愧為「2024華國三太子國際男子網球挑戰賽」地主單打的最後希望,昨(14日)旗開得勝,直落2扳倒難纏的日本第4種子內山靖崇(Yasutaka Uchiyama),賽史個人單打會內首勝到手後,身為本屆惟一挺進次輪的臺將,今天中午「寶島一哥」中央球場再出擊,面對另位東洋好手野口莉央,臺日雙雄2023年11月曾在神戶挑戰賽交鋒,當時直落2吞敗的許育修,如今回到主場甜蜜復仇,把握機會向老冤家討回顏面。
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單、雙打全方位的許育修,還與國立體大學弟黃琮豪再度合拍,去年成都世界大學運動會男雙、男團勇奪金牌的最佳拍檔,華國三太子盃今晚壓軸場次上陣,可惜首輪纏鬥先盛後衰,許育修/黃琮豪7-6(7-3),3-6,3-10遭到澳洲人馬迪蘭尼(Jake Delaney)/普塞爾(Max Purcell)逆襲,錯失開胡機會,許育修將把重心放在繼續拚單打。
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「臺灣男雙一哥何承叡頂住壓力  攜手南智星搶十勝出晉級8強」
至於雙打第3種子何承叡/南韓南智星(Nam Ji-sung)歷經搶十激戰,終以7-5,2-6,10- 2力退英國人馬帕里斯(Joshua Paris)/費里(Arthur Fery),左右開弓的「臺韓聯軍」上月中旬贏得釜山挑戰賽冠軍,如今也在臺北開胡晉級雙打8強,明晚次輪遭遇瑞士貝托拉(Remy Bertola)/印度拉馬納坦(Ramkumar Ramanathan),朝著4強邁進。
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至於原本已經半退休的「胖鵬配」楊宗樺/謝政鵬,本屆也獲雙打外卡攜手復出。2016年雙打冠軍的「胖鵬配」,正是賽史迄今惟一純本土封王的臺將組合,目前都當教練的「小胖」、「A鵬」寶刀未老,雖然相隔4年沒合拍出賽,晚間初登場仍把日本第4種子松井俊英(Matsui Toshihide)/上杉海斗(Uesugi Kaito)嚇出一身冷汗,可惜關鍵球沒掌握住,才以6-7(4-7),4-6射日失利。看到46歲的松井俊英還能在場上奮戰,已經都沒有職業排名的「胖鵬配」賽後齊聲說:「很佩服,這也激勵我們,將來如果有機會,還是會想再拚看看,在教球和比賽之間找到平衡。」
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此外,吳東霖/南韓鄭允成(Chung Yun-seong)4-6,4-6惜敗給日本組合清水悠太(Yuta Shimizu)/詹姆斯.特羅特(James Kent Trotter);李冠毅/尹邦碩3-6 ,5-7不敵第2種子波蘭馬圖謝夫斯基(Piotr Matuszewski)/澳洲羅米奧斯(Matthew Christopher Romios),都在首輪止步。
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ajouhcgbest · 10 months ago
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學期的最後兩天天氣還不錯, 今天打掃也挺輕鬆的, 早自修讓大家繼續寫作文, 老師則處理成績單的問題。 今天還有三位鎮民要打疫苗, 昨天有特別提醒要帶小黃卡和健保卡, 還好三位都有帶來。
第一節課老師先頒發期末考成績優良、進步獎和學期總成績優良的獎狀, 老師除了和每一位獲獎的鎮民合照, 也幫大家拍合照。 接著發寒假作業, 而且一項項說明, 這次要寫的寒假作業有三項: 作文一篇, 讀書心得一篇, 還有日記一篇。 作文是下學期的西哈報報徵稿用, 日記要撰寫過年期間的活動或是出遊日, 不可以記流水帳。 此外還有反毒學習單, 但這次只要掃QR-CODE在線上完成就可以。 老師也說明了下學期幸福鎮模範生競選辦法, 就放在班級網站上, 但要如何連上班網, 大概都忘得差不多了, 所以老師又帶著大家做一遍。
第三節我們先重新安排座位, 這次交給老天爺決定, 抽完座位後老師還是進行了微調。 接著老師介紹如何登入均一, 也希望大家能利用寒假用電腦做些有意義的學習, 而不只��打電動。 當然未來也會開放教室裡的電腦讓大家能在學校使用, 也會列入個人獎勵的考評。 今天也有大部分孩子能乖乖地完成作文, 還剩下十位鎮民, 明天要等完成作文之後才能開心時間。 下午的美勞課看著大家完成布袋戲偶, 有的孩子很認真在製作, 最後美勞老師還帶著大家演一齣『火燄山大戰鐵扇公主』, 表現得挺不賴的。 要去上體育課前, 老師特別宣布可以帶手機、平板和電玩, 不過不能情勒爸媽, 若是爸媽不同意攜帶, 只能乖乖聽話。
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777car · 5 years ago
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💮 苗栗景點 推薦 💮 火燄山🍀🍀火炎山🍀🍀苗栗江南🍀🍀苗栗竹子山 🍀🍀蓮臺山 🍀🍀日本京都🍀🍀 ================= 👉 #環島旅行 👈 👉 #環島旅遊 👈 👉 #苗栗旅行 👈 👉 #苗栗旅遊 👈 #苗栗景點 #巧克力雲莊 #苗栗景點推薦 #泰安溫泉區泡湯 #苗栗一日遊 #苗栗半日遊 #棗莊 #苗栗 #景點 #小吃 #攤販 #愛麗絲的天空 #苗栗小吃 #苗栗攤販 #苗栗苑裡 #彈珠汽水 #火燄山 #火炎山 #苗栗江南 #苗栗竹子山 #蓮臺山 #日本京都 苗栗景點,巧克力雲莊,苗栗景點推薦,泰安溫泉區泡湯,苗栗一日遊,苗栗半日遊,棗莊,苗栗,景點, 小吃,攤販,愛麗絲的天空,苗栗小吃,苗栗攤販,苗栗苑裡,彈珠汽水,火燄山,火炎山,苗栗江南, 苗栗竹子山,蓮臺山,日本京都, https://www.instagram.com/p/B95kRpspnGs/?igshid=1rp95zliunrho
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luminouslumity · 2 years ago
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I've already talked about our heroes, so now let's talk about the villains. For the sake of convenience, I'll only be discussing the ones who have appeared on the show so far as well as the order in which they'd appeared in according to the book, unless the villains in question are connected in some way.
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Consisting of three of Sūn Wùkōng's more well-known enemies, each of them has a story to tell.
Starting with NIÚ MÓWÁNG—Bull Demon King, or Demon Bull King on the show—this powerful character was the eldest of seven demons who had sworn loyalty to each other—Sūn Wùkōng among them—and had styled himself Píngtiān Dàshèng (平天大圣), or Great Sage Who Pacifies Heaven, after the Monkey King had picked his own title. Sometime during Sūn Wùkōng's imprisonment, he ends up starting a family, becomes the owner of a BÌSHUǏ JĪNJĪNG SHÒU (避水金晶獸), or Water-Repellent Golden-Eyed Beast, becomes an ally to a family of dragons, learned seventy-two transformations, and it's also mentioned that he'd met Zhū Bājiè and Shā Wùjìng before they became Buddhists.
HÓNG HÁI'ÉR—Red Boy, or Red Son as he's called on the show—is the next member of the family to meet Sūn Wùkōng. I kind of already talked a little about him here, but to go into more detail on his role in the novel, he's also known by the title Shèngyīng Dàwáng (聖嬰大王), or Great King Holy Child, and after spending three hundred years self-cultivating on Huǒyànshān (火燄山), the Flaming Mountains, to the point of being able to wield Sānmèi Zhēn (三昧真火), the True Fire of Samādhi, he was eventually sent by his father to guard Liùbǎi Lǐ Zuàntóu Hàoshān (六百里鑽頭號山), or the Roaring Mountain of the Six-Hundred-Mile Awl-Head Peak, where he then proceeds to bully the local gods and spirits.
He first encounters the Pilgrims under the guise of an innocent boy stuck in a tree in order to get close to Tripiṭaka in order to—as is the case with most demons in this story—kidnap him and then eat his flesh in hopes of gaining immortality. Naturally Monkey tries to warn Sānzàng, and naturally the latter doesn't listen, and naturally Red Boy manages to make off with the monk afterwards!
Fortunately, thanks to that old sworn brotherhood with Red's father, this technically makes Sūn Wùkōng the boy's uncle—more specifically his shū (叔), or the younger brother of one's father. So of course Red Boy would have to listen him, even though they'd never met before, Sūn Wùkōng didn't even know of his existence until now, and—from Red's perspective, at least—the monkey had absolutely everything to gain by lying.
So really, what could possibly go wrong?
Everything. The answer is everything.
Creating a fire that not even the Dragon Kings are able to extinguish thanks to it being samādhi and rendering Sūn Wùkōng immobile in the process, Zhū Bājiè is sent to ask the Bodhisattva Guānyīn, the Goddess of Mercy, for help, but then he gets captured by Red Boy as well. Despite his pain, Sūn Wùkōng soon decides to confront Red Boy again, this time transforming into the Bull Demon King himself, but the younger demon soon grows suspicious after "Bull Demon King" says he's been keeping a vegetarian diet and then gets these suspicions confirmed after the disguised Monkey King fails to remember when his "son" was born.
Afterwards, the real Guānyīn comes along and after Monkey tells her what happened, to say that she gets upset at Red Boy disguising himself as her would be an... understatement, let's just put it that way. Eventually, the samādhi fire is put out with help from the water inside Guānyīn's vase and after that's dealt with, the Goddess of Mercy then decides to have Red Boy sit on a lotus throne, impale him with an entire set of swords, and—when he fails to genuinely surrender—envelopes the demon's body with five golden hoops, similar to the gold fillet Sūn Wùkōng himself had to wear during the journey, before finally taking him away.
Afterwards, Red Boy becomes her disciple and is given the name Shàncái Tóngzǐ (五個箍兒), Boy Skilled in Wealth, which is also the name of one of the Bodhisattva's actual disciples in Buddhist iconography. And as a fun little detail, I should also point out that red is traditionally considered to be the color of good luck in China!
Later, while crossing a stream, Táng Sānzàng and Zhū Bājiè drink from the water, only to discover afterwards that it's pregnancy water from Xīliáng Nǚguó (西 梁女國), the Woman State of Western Liang. And as the name implies, it's a kingdom populated by only women. After teasing Sānzàng and Bājiè for a bit, the Pilgrims learn of that the kingdom houses an Abortion Spring—Luòtāi Quánshuǐ (落胎泉水)—but it's since been taken over by an immortal who's holding the entire land's reproductive rights hostage by blocking the spring unless he's payed in offerings.
Yes, really.
Anyway! This immortal goes by the name of RÚYÌ ZHĒNXIĀN (如意真仙), or True Immortal Compliant, the younger brother of the Bull Demon King. As a result, he has a score to settle with Sūn Wùkōng over what happened to Red Boy, so a fight ensues, True Compliant causes Wùkōng to drop the water and so Monkey asks Shā Wùjìng for help getting more while he distracts this latest adversary, and they soon succeed! Out of the old alliance he has with the Bull Demon King, Wùkōng decides to spare his life.
Much later on, the Pilgrims come across the perpetually hot region of Huǒyànshān (and as we find out later, the reason it's like this turns out to accidentally be Monkey's fault), which the Pilgrims can't cross without getting hurt because of how extreme the climate is. Wùkōng soon learns from the locals that there's an immortal by the name of Tiěshàn Xiān (鐵扇仙), Iron Fan Immortal, who owns a bājiāoshàn (芭蕉扇), a palf-leaf fan, that would be able to do away with the heat altogether. After traveling to her home on Cuìyúnshān (翠雲山), Jade Cloud Mountain, he not only learns that her name is actually TIĚSHÀN GŌNGZHǓ (鐵扇公主)—Iron Fan Princess, or Princess Iron Fan—and is also called Rākṣasī (羅剎)—in reference to a type of evil female spirit in Hinduism and Buddhism—by those living on Cuìyúnshān, but that she's also the wife of the Bull Demon King.
Much like with Red Boy, Sūn Wùkōng didn't know about her at all until now, but also like with Red Boy, he's quick to acknowledge her as family, calling her sǎosǎo (嫂嫂), sister-in-law in the context of her being the wife of his older brother, when first meeting her in person. And also much like Red Boy, Iron Fan isn't happy to see him at all, precisely because of what happened to her son!
So of course he doesn't get the fan. But Monkey is nothing if not persistent, so he then transforms into a mole cricket, flies into Iron Fan's mouth, and gets the palm-leaf fan that way.
Except not really, because the fan he got actually turns out to be a fake.
So what's a poor monkey to do? Go to his eldest sworn brother directly, of course! Or as he's known these days, Dàlì Wáng (大力王), Vigorous King.
Which brings us to our final member of the Demon Bull Family!
Well, sort of.
Because at least two years before the start of the Palm-Leaf Arc, the Bull Demon King took a concubine.
Meet YÙMIÀN GŌNGZHǓ (玉面公主), Jade-Faced Princess, nicknamed Měirén (美人), Pretty Lady, by the Bull Demon King. The daughter of a fox king, who'd passed away after ten thousand years, she was left with a vast fortune and, after learning how powerful the Bull Demon King was, sold it all as a dowry in order to make the Bull Demon King her consort, leading to him abandoning Iron Fan in the process, though it's noted he still provides for her despite this, something the fox princess thinks she should be grateful for.
When Sūn Wùkōng meets her after arriving at Jīléishān (積雷山), Hoard-Thunder Mountain, he scolds her for her actions and later attacks her, she complains to the Bull Demon King about it, even insulting him at one point while he does his best to comfort her before going to see Sūn Wùkōng, and unfortunately for Monkey, the reunion isn't a happy one due to the Pilgrim not only hurting his son, but insulting both of his wives as well. So a fight breaks out between them, but before a winner can be decided, the Bull Demon King literally calls for a time-out because he has a banquet to attend first!
So Monkey follows him, steals his Bìshuǐ Jīnjīng Shòu while his eldest brother is feasting with that family of dragons I mentioned earlier, disguises himself as the Bull Demon King himself, and tricks Iron Fan into giving it to him this way. Naturally, the real Bull Demon King is enraged when he learns about what had happened, and after comforting Iron Fan over it, he goes to confront Sūn Wùkōng once and for all by giving him a taste of his own medicine and disguising himself as Zhū Bājiè, which soon leads to the two fighting. Even after the Bull Demon King gets outnumbered when the real Bājiè joins in, he's no closer to either winning or losing and Jade-Faced quickly sends her own captains to assist him when she finds out what's going on, giving the Bull Demon King enough time to escape, until it's time for another round and he and Monkey engage in a shapeshifter duel while Jade-Faced and her soldiers get killed by Bājiè.
Before another fight can commence, several Buddhist warriors and celestial generals arrive at the scene to arrest the Bull Demon King, who is soon captured by Nezha and taken to see Buddha, while Iron Fan finally surrenders her fan willingly in exchange for her life and promises to never misbehave again.
Say what you will about this family, but at least they're loyal (or mostly loyal) to each other till the end, especially where Red Boy is concerned.
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For as powerful as she appears to be, BÁIGǓFŪRÉN—White Bone Lady—also called BÁIGǓJĪNG (白骨精), or White Bone Spirit (Lady Bone Demon on the show) in the novel is essentially the exact opposite. She, like so many other demons, had heard that eating a monk's flesh would grant the eater immortality and as soon as she sees the Pilgrims passing by prior to them coming across Red Boy, she decides to make her move and, after disguising herself as a young girl (whom Bājiè becomes attracted to), an old woman, and then an old man—all quickly attacked by Sūn Wùkōng—she's finally killed.
What should've been a minor inconvenience at best, however, actually serves to have massive consequences for the next few chapters, as Táng Sānzàng—with some convincing from Zhū Bājiè—comes to believe that Sūn Wùkōng actually just killed three innocent people, leading the monk to perform the Tight-Fillet spell, banish his eldest disciple from the group after Monkey's third attack, and eventually get captured once again in Sūn Wùkōng's absence while the other three Pilgrims become otherwise too indisposed to save him (an incident I already brought up in my post discussing the Pilgrims).
After defeating the Monster of the Week, Wùkōng and Tripiṭaka make amends.
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Sometime after Sūn Wùkōng rejoins the group, the next demons the Pilgrims encounter are a pair of brothers named JĪNJIǍO DÀWÁNG and YÍNJIǍO DÀWÁNG, or the Gold and Silver Horn Kings, who live on Píngdǐngshān (平頂山), Level-Top Mountain, in Liánhuā Dòng (蓮花洞), Lotus-Flower Cave.
Of the the two, Jīn is apparently the eldest and is the one who suggests going after Tripiṭaka to eat him, and while Yín is at first reluctant to capture what he initially assumes to just be some ordinary monks, he immediately changes his mind once Jīn says that eating one—specifically one who had once been Buddha's own disciple—would be a much quicker way to prolong their lifespan rather than the usual way. Despite this, Jīn still suggests that they be cautious.
While patrolling Píngdǐngshān (and falling asleep at one point), Zhū Bājiè gets captured after being mistaken for Tripiṭaka, one of the brothers disguises himself as a Daoist and then proceeds to trap Monkey under three mountains—Sumeru/Xūmíshān (須彌山), Emei/Éméishān (峨嵋山), and Tai/Tàishān (泰山).
Working with the brothers are two other demons named LÍNGLÌ CHÓNGDÀO (伶俐蟲道) and JĪNGXÌ GUǏDÀO (精細鬼道), Wiley Worm and Sly Devil respectively, and it's noted that Yīn has a soft spot for the former. They plan to catch Sūn Wùkōng using the Purple Gold Red Gourd/Zǐjīn Hónghúlu (紫金紅葫蘆) and the Pure Mutton-Jade Vase/Yáng Zhīyù Jìngpíng (羊脂玉淨瓶), which are able to trap anyone inside if their name is said aloud.
Monkey, meanwhile, manages to get out from being trapped beneath the mountains with the help of the local mountain deities, but rather than go and rescue his friends first, Sūn Wùkōng decides to make stealing demon treasure his first priority, the gourd and vase among them. To do so, he disguises himself as a Daoist, tricks Línglì and Jīngxì into exchanging their treasures for his normal gourd after Monkey "proves" to them that it can capture Heaven itself.
Línglì and Jīngxì are spared, but when Jīn and Yīn decide to invite their mother JIǓWĚI HÚLÍ (九尾狐狸), Nine-Tailed Fox, to dinner, they send for two other demons called BĀSHĀNHǓ (巴山虎), Hill-Pawing Tiger, and YǏ HǍILÓNG (倚海龍), Sea-Lolling Dragon, to fetch her instead.
Overhearing this, Sūn Wùkōng learns that the one in possession of the third treasure, the Yellow-Gold Rope/Huǎngjīn Shéng (幌金繩), is none other than Jiǔwěi Húlí herself. So Monkey does as Monkey does and eventually kills the tiger and dragon, kills the mother and her attendants, and then ends up disguising himself as Jiǔwěi before meeting with Jīn and Yīn.
And then Bājiè blows his cover.
A fight ensues and the demon brothers eventually manage to catch Sūn Wùkōng, except not really, because the one they've captured turns out to be a fake. Meanwhile, the real Sūn Wùkōng pretends to be his own younger brother and gets sucked into into the gourd even after using a fake name, tries the same trick once more under a different name after switching the gourds again, and kills Yīn by sucking him inside it.
With his little brother dead and after being told by Zhū Bājiè of Sūn Wùkōng's trickery, Jīn then decides that the next best course of action is vengeance! So another fight ensues and Jīn eventually flees, leading to Monkey to soon obtain the next treasure, the Palm Leaf Fan/Bājiāoshàn (芭蕉扇), as well as free the other Pilgrims without issue.
But it's not over yet, because as it turns out, Jīn actually started to form an entire army to use against Sūn Wùkōng! Joining him is his maternal uncle HÚĀQĪ (狐阿七), Great King Fox Number Seven, but the demons are soon beaten and Jīn faces his brother's fate by being sucked inside the vase. Afterwards, Wùkōng finally acquires the final treasure, the Seven Stars Sword/Qīxīngjiàn (七星劍).
Unfortunately for Wùkōng, he's not able to keep any of his new toys, because as it turns out, they all belong to the immortal founder of Taoism Tàishàng Lǐ Lǎojūn (太上李老君), otherwise known as Laozi, who explains to the Pilgrims that the demon brothers were actually two Taoists who worked for him and that they not only stole the treasures from their master, but also got turned into demons by Guānyīn herself in order to test the group; Jīn and Yīn are then both restored to life and taken back to Heaven afterwards.
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Granted, this demon is never actually stated to be the exact same one the Pilgrims encountered, but the name's the same, so I'm counting it!
So, one day, the Pilgrims come across Tōngtiānhé (通天河), Heaven-Reaching River, but due to being unable to cross it, they end up taking shelter with two brothers from Chénjiāzhuāng (陳家莊) named Chén Qīng (陳清) and Chén Chéng (陳澄), who both share the exact same secular surname as Táng Sānzàng himself (Chén as in 陳).
After the Pilgrims notice funeral arrangements being prepared, the brothers explain that their village has a tradition of sacrificing one boy and one girl to the local river demon called the LÍNGGǍN DÀWÁNG, Great King of Numinous Power, in exchange for wind and rain, and this time, it's their children's turn: Chéng's daughter Yīchèngjīn (一秤金) and Qīng's son Guānbǎo (關保).
Agreeing to help, Wùkōng and Bājiè (much to the latter's dismay) disguise themselves as the year's sacrificial lambs in order to lure the Great King out. Once they're confronted by him, the two Pilgrims begin to attack, but he manages to escape and later devises a plan with another water demon to, of course, kidnap Tripiṭaka, which works. Shā Wùjìng and Zhū Bājiè try to fight him, but because he's in hiding, Wùkōng decides to go to Guānyīn to find out the demon's origins.
Unfortunately for him, Guānyīn isn't in the mood to see anyone right now, but Monkey being Monkey, goes to see her anyway. After he tells her what had happened, she travels with him to Tōngtiānhé and quickly captures the so-called Great King herself... who actually turns out to be her pet goldfish, who'd self-cultivated after listening to her lectures. He then leaves with Guānyīn and Tripiṭaka is rescued afterwards.
It's also here where he meets a giant turtle who'd self-cultivated for three hundred years and only asks in return for safe passage across the river is for Tripiṭaka to ask Buddha to make him human.
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He's only appeared in video game form so far, but yeah, I'm counting him too.
Following the goldfish incident, we get to my favorite of Sūn Wùkōng's enemies, DÚ JIǍO SÌ DÀWÁNG, the One-Horned Rhinoceros King!
So what happens is that the Pilgrims begin traveling through another mountain range, Golden Pocket Mountain/Jīndōushān (金兜山), when—in Sūn Wùkōng's absence after the others leave a circle he explicitly told them not to leave while he searched for food—Tripiṭaka, Bājiè, Wùjìng, and Liè all soon get captured by the Rhino King here.
After Monkey finds out where the others has been taken to this time, he finds the demon's lair, but rather than getting scared or trying to avoid the Great Sage altogether, Rhino is instead excited!
So the two have a battle and even start praising each other's abilities, but they can't fight forever, so Rhino eventually ends up stealing Wùkōng's staff by sucking it into a white fillet, rendering the Monkey King without a weapon of his own. However, due to a comment the enemy made during their fight, Sūn Wùkōng quickly comes to the conclusion that Rhino came from Heaven and immediately goes to the Celestials to investigate.
After explaining the situation, the Jade Emperor soon agrees to send Devarāja Lǐ Jìng, his son Prince Nézhā, several Heavenly soldiers, as well as the thunder squires Dèng Huà (鄧化) and Zhāng Fān (張蕃) to subdue the Rhino King, but then most their weapons get sucked into the white fillet too and Monkey is so distressed that he actually ends up laughing at the situation afterwards. Lǐ Jìng then brings up that only fire and water can resist being sucked away, so Sūn Wùkōng decides to go to Huǒ Dé Xīngjūn (火德星君), Star of Fiery Virtue, and then to Shuǐ Dé Xīngjūn (水德星君), Star of Watery Virtue.
I'll give you three guesses as to what happens with both of them.
So Monkey and Rhino duke it out again as Jìng and Huǒ Dé look in in awe while both the thunder squires and Nézhā try to help out. After Sūn Wùkōng gets praised for his efforts when Rhino and his minions flee, one of the thunder squires suggests that they steal the white fillet and who better to do it than the Great Sage himself?
After taking the compliment, Monkey changes himself into a fly, and though he doesn't get the white fillet, he does at least manage to find his staff. Afterwards, he goes in a second time and duplicates himself to retrieve the Heavenly weapons, mounts one of Fiery Virtue's captured fire dragons, and then charges out of there with all the awesomeness that riding a literal fire dragon entails!
Have I mentioned I loved this arc yet?
Unfortunately, Sūn Wùkōng has yet to steal the white fillet.
Again, three guesses as to what happens.
Soon enough, most of the Celestials start arguing with each other while Watery Virtue stands off the side to sulk, so Monkey tries to cheer them all up, and after being asked by Nézhā where he could find information on this latest enemy since Heaven couldn't find anything on him, Sūn Wùkōng decides to go directly to Buddha himself, who refuses to reveal the Rhino King's true identity, but does still offer his assistance by having his arhats release eighteen grains of golden cinnabar sand.
Good thing Buddha had a backup plan! And that's to go to Laozi!
So after Monkey gets done being annoyed over why Tathāgata couldn't have just told him that in the first place, he does just that. And it's from Laozi he not only finally finds out about the true identity of the Rhino King, but the origin of the white fillet as well, because they both belong to Laozi himself: the former is actually an escaped buffalo while the latter is a diamond snare.
Hearing what the buffalo has done, Laozi decides to go the mountain himself and uses his fan to change the creature back into his true form before apprehending him, everyone gets their weapons back, and the rest of the Pilgrims are finally freed!
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Xiēzi Jīng, or Scorpion Spirit—Scorpion Queen on the show—appears following the Kingdom of Women arc, specifically right after Táng Sānzàng rejects the queen, who had wanted him for a husband. Overhearing this, a disguised Scorpion decides that if the queen can't marry him, then she certainly will, and then proceeds to kidnap him. She does however make sure that he's treated well and even tries to lighten the mood with puns, but Tripiṭaka is having none of it and just wants to leave.
Soon, Sūn Wùkōng and Bājiè confront her, but neither of them can manage to actually beat her. Eventually, they're approached by Guānyīn, who informs them that what appears to be a strange maiden is actually a scorpion spirit who'd listened in on Buddha's lectures. Buddha however tried to get her to leave, but was instead stung by her, hence an earlier statement made by Scorpion about how even Tathāgata is afraid of her, and she then fled afterwards.
Guānyīn then directs Sūn Wùkōng to speak with an old friend of hers named Mǎorì Xīngguān (昴日星官), Star Lord Orionis, who agrees to help by literally turning himself into a giant rooster and just crushing Scorpion to death.
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The show did a pretty good job at covering the basics of the origins of Sūn Wùkōng, but Liù Ěr Míhóu, or the Six-Eared Macaque, is a different story entirely.
So in the original book, Sūn Wùkōng—not for the first time—has been banished from the group for killing the thieving son of a couple who'd been kind to the Pilgrims. Taking advantage of the Monkey King's absence in order to obtain the scriptures and gain all the fame and glory that would come with it for himself, Macaque disguises himself as Sūn Wùkōng, attacks Tripiṭaka to the point of knocking the monk unconscious, steals the luggage, and then makes his way to Huāguǒshān, where he then proceeds to order the other monkeys to apprehend Shā Wùjìng after finding out that he had followed him before revealing to the disciple that he's already made copies of the others.
Horrified, Wùjìng manages to kill the copy of himself, which turns out to be just another monkey, and decides to go inform Guānyīn about what's happened. The imposter doesn't give chase, however, and instead orders the other monkeys to skin and fry the dead one before simply having another monkey change into Shā Wùjìng, showing that he views his "subjects" as expendable.
Meanwhile, Wùjìng soon makes it to Guānyīn's home, only to find that Sūn Wùkōng—the real Sūn Wùkōng—is already there. After realizing Monkey had indeed been replaced by an imposter, the two disciples return to Huāguǒshān to try and stop him, but as soon as Sūn Wùkōng and his double engage in battle, they turn out to be evenly matched, nor can anyone tell the difference between the two no matter what they do.
Eventually, Buddha gets involved again, and it's from him that we learn there are actually four spiritual primates: the Intelligent Stone Monkey (靈明石猴) Sūn Wùkōng, the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey (赤尻馬猴), the Long Armed Ape Monkey (通臂猿猴), and the Six-Eared Macaque. Also according to Buddha, each monkey has their own specialty, with Macaque in particular having, to quote Yu:
A sensitive ear,
Discernment of fundamental principles,
Knowledge of past and future,
And comprehension of all things.
Afterwards, Buddha manages to capture Macaque himself in an almsbowl and Wùkōng strikes him dead.
Fun fact, Macaque's name may also be derived from the old Buddhist saying, "the dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear (法不传六耳)," referring to a secret that can't be known by a third party. Sūn Wùkōng previously referenced this while he was still under the tutelage of Patriarch Subodhi.
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Unlike on the show, the Zhīzhūjīng, Spider Spirits, are actually comprised of seven sisters and no queen. They reside in Cobweb Cave/Pánsīdòng (盤絲洞) at Cobweb Ridge/Pánsīlǐng (盤絲嶺).
The Pilgrims encounter them sometime after the Bull Demon King's arrest, and after seeing their house, Tripiṭaka decides to go to the homeowners and beg for food, though his disciples remain weary. Even Bājiè insists on approaching the house himself, but Tripiṭaka is adamant on going on his own. While at the house, he's greeted by seven young maidens, who attempt to feed him human flesh. Sensing that something is off, Tripiṭaka tries to leave the house, only to be held hostage. Following this, the maidens reveal their true forms as spider spirits and cover the entire nearby village in silk.
Sūn Wùkōng of course goes to investigate and finds out from the local deity that the sisters have taken over a spring known as Purgation Spring/Zhuógòuquán (濯垢泉), which once belonged to the Qī Xiāngū (七仙姑), Seven Immortal Dames, and that the spider spirits go there frequently. Monkey ends up following them there, but due to an old proverb that states a man shouldn't fight a woman, stays his hand and just steals their clothes instead so they'll be too embarrassed to come out.
After returning to the other disciples, Zhū Bājiè decides it would be best to just kill them instead and Wùkōng doesn't even try to stop him, but Bājiè is eventually tied up in silk as well. After running home to put on their other clothes, the Spider Spirits call upon their adopted sons to get rid of the disciples: Bee/Mì (蜜), Hornet/Mǎ (螞), Cockroach/Lú (蠦) Catharsis/Bān (班), Grasshopper/Měng (蜢), Maggot/Là, (蜡) and Dragonfly/Qīng (蜻).
Of course, it doesn't end well for them, with Sūn Wùkōng transforming seven of his hairs to transform into seven hawks to devour the insects. The disciples manage to find Sānzàng afterwards and burn the cave to the ground, but the Spider Spirits are nowhere to be found.
Later, the Pilgrims come across Huánghuāguān (黃花观), Yellow Flower Abbey, where they are then greeted by a Daoist, who actually turns out to be the elder sworn brother of the Spider Spirits. After finding out what had happened earlier, he agrees to help them seek revenge against the Pilgrims by serving them poisoned tea, which only Sūn Wùkōng doesn't drink. Monkey is then attacked by the Spider Spirits, but he manages to escape and is eventually able to capture the sisters and kill them after the Daoist refuses to exchange their lives for Táng Sānzàng's.
Feeling remorse, the Daoist then attempts to avenge his fallen sisters and eventually defeats Sūn Wùkōng after emitting golden beams from his thousand eyes. Afterwards Monkey comes across a Bodhisattva who has recently lost her husband to the very same Daoist and it's from her Sūn Wùkōng learns the poisoner is actually called DEMON LORD OF A HUNDRED EYES/BǍIYǍN MÓJŪN (百眼魔君) as well as MANY-EYED FIEND/DUŌMÙGUÀI (多目怪).
After promising to avenge her husband, the woman suggests Sūn Wùkōng seek the help of Orionis' mother Pralambā (毘藍婆), who resides on Purple Cloud Mountain/Zǐyúnshān (紫雲山). Afterwards, the woman reveals herself to actually be the Old Dame of Li Mountain/Líshān Lǎomǔ (黎山老姆). So Monkey goes to Pralambā, who helps him free the other Pilgrims, gives them the antidote to the poison, and defeats the so-called Daoist—who actually turns out to be a giant centipede—herself.
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Yes, I'm counting the bunnies!
Last but not least, we have the Jade Rabbit Spirit, Yùtùjīng, the final adversary the Pilgrims meet on the journey before finally reaching Buddha at last.
Upon finally reaching Tiānzhú (India), the Pilgrims travel to the palace to get their papers certified, unbeknownst that the Princess of Tiānzhú is going to choose a husband at that moment using a ball, and whoever it lands on is to become her husband.
So guess who it lands on.
Funnily enough, this also happens to be how Sānzàng's own parents met!
Afterwards, Wùkōng senses that something is amiss and quickly discovers that the princess is actually a fake, so to save Sānzàng from yet another female adversary who wishes to marry and/or sleep with him and absorb his yang energy, Monkey eventually battles her, until she flees to Hairbrush Mountain/Máoyǐngshān (毛 穎山) and he follows her there, where he learns from the Star Lord of Supreme Yīn/Tàiyīn Xīngjūn (太陰星君) that the False Princess is actually the Jade Rabbit, who held a grudge against another immortal who'd slapped her eighteen years prior called Sùé (素娥), the reincarnation of the real Princess. Jade Rabbit later kidnapped her and assumed the princess' identity for herself as vengeance.
Jade Rabbit is then apprehended by the lunar deities while the real Princess is eventually reunited with her family afterwards.
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您可以免費享受最高質量的[DEMIGOD : THE LEGEND BEGINS 2022]台灣愛情奇幻電影。線上看電影《素還真》的完整版。
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霹靂化身最多的首席男主角,溫文儒雅、器宇軒昂、超凡脫俗、武學莫測高深、足智多謀、博學多能、謙虛有禮,處世圓融冷靜、慈悲親和、關懷眾生;以武林和平、天下大同為己任,『謀為天下謀、利為天下利』 - 無我、無為!為武林風塵默默承受一切,多次以絕頂智慧化解災厄,置之死地而後生,為天下蒼生應現各種精彩玄奇的身份!幽默風趣的隨機教化,難捨能捨、忍辱負重、不計毀謗、無怨無悔,默默付出,不遺餘力、不求回報,真乃具足大慈悲與大智慧的凡聖一體,反璞歸真『素還真』。
步出推松巖所吟:(梟皇27) 闊眼青山幾重深,眠覺耿耿起劫塵,無邊剎境一點遮掩,自他此際寸心。 素還真漫步雲端所吟:(梟皇10) 一夕耳目盡虛無,卻見了卻在雲衢,歸去塵心三千法,照看人間平瀾處。 天問三誓第二招:(刀龍5) ��,風波干戈何時停。恨,朱雀泣血吐丹志。二誓向地!妖氛滌盡靈嶽起。 天問三誓第一招:(天啟45) 問,爭權奪利何時停。恨,崎嶇世路人難行。一誓向人!紅塵歸理道雲清。 天啟重生後回琉璃仙境所吟: 命裡迍邅任江湖,九險八劫自天孤,今朝幸得此身返,滿池芙蓉可記否? 天濤鍘龑口訣: 天盡、地窮,劈開蒼穹。 九皇時期有感云: 記得同燒此夜香,人在迴廊,月在迴廊;而今獨自睚昏黃,行也思量,坐也思量。 九皇時期被眾人誤解所云: 柳隨風擺身漂泊,推硯難磨天下過,刀筆何可題素怨,冷顏無非世情薄。 弔憶秋年詩: 風不定、人初靜,明日落紅應滿徑;流不盡、許多愁,便作春江總是淚。 昨夜猶聽舞劍曲,今宵只盼孤雲影,回首君身已不在,此恨永刻白蓮心。 感嘆天倫之情: 孤鳥獨棲枝,清蓮立中池;遙念望天涯, 情續待何時?圓時夢亦碎,苦身無處依。 道扇留詩予青陽子: 清風有情送君行,蘭香無盡百世榮;明月白雲傳吾意,解識苦蓮一片心。 感傷時所吟: 蕩蕩狼煙狼煙隨,滾滾紅塵紅塵纏;凡情俗慾罷不了,欲使還真更為難。 日月才子明聖劍法口訣: 日屬陽,月屬陰,日月合璧誅百邪,陰陽調配滅千魔。 於翠環山所吟:(劍海錄 06) 天外晴虹孤臥,瘦石撐空疑墮。 鶴飛來,幽壑底,雲欲起,人坐群峰青裡,聽泉流,一窗秋。
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changhua520 · 6 years ago
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wangwill66 · 2 years ago
虛竹,本是少林弟子,其後破了珍瓏棋局,然後被無崖子強行將內力打進體內,因種種機緣巧合集得了天山六陽掌,天山折梅手等逍遙派武功,後被逐出少林, 還俗後改道號虛竹子,是金庸的武俠小說《天龍八部》中的三位主角其一(其餘兩位是段譽以及喬峰)。出場時是少林派弟子,後為逍遙派掌門、靈鷲宮主人、西夏駙馬,虛竹是少林派方丈玄慈和四大惡人的老二葉二娘之私生子,西夏銀川公主之丈夫, 西夏開國皇帝李元昊之孫女婿,西夏皇太妃李秋水的師侄兼孫女婿,現任西夏皇帝之女婿。是少林派慧輪和逍遙派掌門無崖子之徒,少林派玄字輩僧人的師姪孫,少林派慧字輩僧人、靈鷲宮主人天山童姥的師姪,「聾啞老人」蘇星河、「星宿老怪」丁春秋的師弟,「函谷八友」的師叔,結拜兄弟是「北喬峰」蕭峰和大理王子段譽。為金庸小說中武功最絕頂的高手之一。
快速預覽 金庸武俠小說人物, 小和尚/虛竹先生/夢郎(銀川公主專稱) ...
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sacredaroma · 3 years ago
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水精靈能冷卻如火燄般卖熱的情感,治癒心裡創傷。舊的感倩模式若滯留體內會像死水般混濁,使負面情形成惡性循環。為了讓細胞回復健康的振動頻率, 在壞情緒如河川潰堤前,著手淨化自己放下執著吧。
* 水元素
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nanndemonai · 6 years ago
J.J.亞伯拉罕、柴克瑞恩杜將製作塔亨特與《驚魂記》安東尼柏金斯的同志愛情電影《Tab & Tony》
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▼ 《月光下的藍色男孩》電影劇照
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雖然近年來我們終於看見了《月光下的藍色男孩》成為了史上第一部拿下奧斯卡最佳影片的同志題材電影,也有越來越多成功闖出好成績的同志演員等,但在整體的產業氛圍下要讓演員有勇氣公開表達同志身分仍然是相當困難之事,更可能直接的影響到演員在圈內的發展。如曾經以電視電影《血熱之心》拿下金球獎的 Matt Bomer 就曾因為同志身分而與「超人」一角擦身而過,此外最新版的《蜘蛛人》也曾在索尼影業遭到駭客起底的文件當中曝光選角要素必須是「異性戀」白人男演員的潛規則。相關的「好萊塢性向歧視」事件不勝枚舉,也因此壓抑許多演員不敢公開自己的性傾向,縱使在現今這個美國已經開放同性婚姻的社會當中依然是如此,更不用提在「老好萊塢」時代「演員出櫃」這件事近乎是一件禁忌之事,演員們甚至會被簽屬的片場與經紀公司強迫塑造成一位有違自己原本性向與形象的演員。而在近日即將有名製片將把曾經紅極一時的老好萊塢男演員的秘密同性愛情故事搬上大螢幕,以下就來為各位簡要介紹這麼籌備中的新電影。
這部電影名為《Tab & Tony》,由劇場作品《吾亦吾妻》的普立茲戲劇獎得主 Doug Wright 編寫劇本,改編自《失魂記》美國男演員 Tab Hunter 的回憶錄《Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star》,在這本自傳當中即記載了曾經紅遍美國的性感小生 Tab Hunter 在 1950 年代好萊塢當中的種種生活秘辛,並且也透過此書在他以年屆 76 歲時於 2007 年公開出櫃。而這次的電影《Tab & Tony》主題即擷取其中 Tab Hunter 與《驚魂記》坎城影帝 Anthony Perkins 曾經在 1950 年代時秘密交往的禁忌愛情故事做為主題。
▼ 《Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star》著作封面
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Tab Hunter 曾主演過如《失魂記》、《油脂小子》、《血濺火燄山》、《奇味吵翻天》與《乘風破浪追萬里》等名作,是曾經以健美身材以及陽光大男孩的形象紅極一時的演員以及歌手,雖早有被報導懷疑為同性戀的經驗,但在保守的 50 年代仍被公司極力的塑造成陽剛的異性戀形象,更造假與《萬花嬉春》Debbie Reynolds 以及《西城故事》Natalie Wood 的男女緋聞,在 Tab Hunter 的自傳當中也有好友 Debbie Reynolds 為其見證此事。而在《Tab & Tony》中描寫曾與他交往的男演員 Anthony Perkins 則以「恐怖大師」Alfred Hitchcock 的傳奇之作《驚魂記》最為出名,並且曾分別以《四海一家》入圍過奧斯卡最佳男配角與《何日君再來》拿下坎城影帝。Anthony Perkins 在 1973 年與女攝影師 Berry Berenson 結婚,並在 1992 年死於愛滋病。
▼ 《驚魂記》電影劇照
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Tab Hunter 的自傳《Tab Hunter Confidential: The Making of a Movie Star》曾在 2015 年製作成同名紀錄片《好萊塢機密人生》,而這回則將改編為劇情電影《Tab & Tony》搬上大螢幕揭露這段鮮為人知的秘密愛情故事。而在文首提及《Tab & Tony》將由知名的製片製作,謎底揭曉!也就是《星際爭霸戰》導演 J.J. Abrams 以及曾經在劇中的演員「史巴克」Zachary Quinto 兩人將擔任首要的製作人,其中 Zachary Quinto 即為現實生活中已出櫃的男同性戀者。此外則還有 Tab Hunter 的長年伴侶 Allan Glaser 以及《記憶傳承人:極樂謊言》與《好萊塢機密人生》的製作人 Neil Koenigsberg 也都將出任此片的製作人。
▼ 《好萊塢機密人生》電影劇照
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《Tab & Tony》目前都尚未有導演以及演員人選。而此片將由派拉蒙影業出資製作,檔期未定。
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vajrawoods · 7 years ago
為了利益大眾請國際佛教僧尼總會為我轉發這篇我願負因果責任的文章 我們見到了佛陀真容發誓為證
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   我叫百哲拉母,很多人都知道我這個人,因為我曾經跟蔣貢康欽仁波且上過擂台比試過,鬥過法,我輸給了他,很慚愧修持欠佳,法不如人,我是一個真心誠意的修行者,我今天以擔負因果責任的言行要寫一篇不具任何誇張的紀實文章。2017年12月29日下午於美國洛杉磯彌陀殿,弟子百哲有幸聽聞了H.H.第三世多杰羌佛說法,當時在場有僧眾等四眾弟子,大家皆席地而坐,待聽佛陀說法,大家禮拜後,獻上供養,我的兒子家華供上自己所有的積蓄,佛陀一如既往,照常分文不收,義務為大家說法,我一直以來看到佛陀師父紅光滿面,精神充沛,常人差之天遠,但想到近期,聽到很多妖孽之人造謠誹謗南無第三世多杰羌佛,弟子想到這惡劣行為非常難過,當下禮請佛陀說法:「為什麼佛陀師父如此圓滿莊嚴之相卻被妖孽造謠誹謗呢?說佛陀師父本來是:黑臉青面,滿臉烏障之氣,平時所見的粉紅年輕臉色,都是故意靠化妝、塗脂抹粉偽裝提精氣神,冒稱聖者氣色,蒙騙眾生的。弟子聽到這些惡意誹謗的言語心如刀割,真是難過之極!」羌佛師父非常悲憫眾生說:「釋迦牟尼佛在將報化時,波旬魔王請教佛陀說:佛陀,您離開後同不同意我的魔子魔孫來學習您的教法?佛陀當下同意了魔王的請求,魔王說:這下好了,我會派我的魔子魔孫進入你的佛教,曲解你的經教,破壞你的教法,以此達到我用武力解決不到的目的,說完波旬魔王哈哈大笑離去。」羌佛接著說:「不錯,我的臉色確實是被遮蓋起來了,既然有人這樣可憐造業,今天這裡面正好有妖孽之人,我就讓大家看看盧山真面目,看看烏黑到什麼樣子吧!目的讓你們其中一些人看了以後,免遭罪業惡報墮到三惡道之中。」羌佛師父拿出了《第三世多杰羌佛儀軌法》,讓旁邊一位居士把其中一段唸出給大家聽,原文載:「觀自身頭頂上方,高空天際中,有八隻獅子,腳踩祥雲,背上乘一寬廣寶座,座上有各色蓮花,花上有月亮平鋪於輪上,花中央有五彩色吽字,放五彩光,頓然出現第三世多杰羌佛,面似紅珊瑚,身如象白玉,放紅光變為金剛大總持佛,一頭二臂。」當時我認為佛陀會顯神通即刻就會變,結果完全不是,而是南無羌佛當場讓法師們打來大桶純淨水,用盆子清洗毛巾,佛陀當眾多弟子的面,開始用毛巾擦洗自己的面頰、手膀、反覆擦洗的數次,在洗淨臉上的覆蓋後,就出現本來的肉色。臉上徹底洗淨後,全場的人都震驚了,有人激動地哭了起來, 竟然有這麼莊嚴無比紅美的臉色,比高級的紅珊瑚還要紅美亮麗。有人疑心這紅色太紅亮過度了,可能底色上了紅,沒想到佛陀竟用白色的溼紙巾反覆擦拭紅珊瑚的臉頰,看看上面是不是有紅,擦完後,把濕紙巾丟給了大家,大家看後,一點紅色也沒有,紙巾照常是潔白無瑕,我的妹妹秀紅,看到佛陀臉頰像兩個紅太陽,光芒耀眼,照得眼睛都不太撐得開。而且弟子還看到佛陀三十二大丈夫相之一的白毫相光在臉上上下飄動,只有一根長兩吋多非常細的白毫,突然這一根白毫變成兩眉之間一大撮白毫,散化為無數白毫帶放射狀,放光加持眾人,突然又變成蓮花螺旋狀,在眉間顫動放光,又突然消失得一根都不見了,這實在用我們人為的想法無法理解,太神奇了,有了就有,為什麼眼睜睜看到一根白毫變成數不清的白毫,數不清的白毫又會當下消失的無影無蹤,每個人看到的現象和所在部位都不同,在同場同時,有人能看到,有人一根也看不到,白毫是神變性的。如香格瓊哇仁波且見到佛陀的三十二相白毫相光,即其細微的白毫約一公分圍成團球狀,在眉間放光旋轉;又如北京的鄒唯居士看到在羌佛眉心處,白毫相光顯現,猶如微細白針放射形,就像太陽放射白光一樣;而正祥法師說大家都看到了羌佛的三十二相白毫相光,但她看不到,心裡很著急又難過,可就在幾秒鐘的時間,突然很清楚地出現了,看到在羌佛師父的兩眉間,捲曲狀的很多白毫在放光;妙觀法師看到羌佛兩眉間光中有千葉白蓮的白毫相光,形如蓮花,神奇地在伸縮大小變化,當她走到���面時,已經變成直線放射狀,遠近放射,長短變化;釋智開法師看到羌佛師父眉間,從一根白毫都沒有的肉中突然生出許多白毫,輕飄舞動,狀似白蓮;唐麗瓊看到羌佛兩眉間偏上一點的位置,大約有十幾根白毫,有長有短,會動,白毫的部位周邊,像似一團火燄形狀,很長時間一直都在放光;若可法師看到羌佛的兩眉間,突然現出一束白毫,很短,看著看著就開始長長;另外有幾個人同時看到白毫,白毫在羌佛兩眉間,突然鑽進肉中,最後一根也找不到了,這時才恍然大悟,原來佛陀的三十二相是隨眾生的因緣善根福報深淺而看得到或看不到。有人還看到白毫相光在兩眉間的位置,一個小時後就上升了近一英吋高,白毫出現的時候,都放光加持大家,大家感到身心快活,沈浸在法喜極樂之中,南無第三世多杰羌佛佛陀三十二大丈夫相之一的白毫相光出現,我們有幸等到這因緣,見到了佛陀的真容,除了驚嘆讚許還有什麼呢?這種佛陀真身三十二相,這麼多年來,還沒有人看到。羌佛臉上不是黑氣的問題,反而是把超凡美色遮掩起來,要不是佛陀師父大慈大悲,讓妖孽們少遭罪業,我們也沒有機會見到羌佛師父的佛陀真容,由此帶給我們無上的加持,我們無法表達內心的激動,只有感恩十方諸佛菩薩對我們的悲憫,今生才有殊勝因緣聞受正法,佛弟子我發心必須藉佛陀在世,得大成就,了生脫死,擔挑如來荷擔。南無第三世多杰羌佛現出了佛陀真相,大眾所見鐵證如山,見到的人都為此作證簽了名,那些誹謗三寶、誤導行人的人,必定是波旬魔王的子孫,最可憐的是我沒有辦法擋住他們進地獄之門,我很難過,救不了他們,他們哪有資格見到佛陀真身喔!要不是南無第三世多杰羌佛的本覺大悲,發下不傷害他們的心願,他們這些人早已現世報了。我以上所寫的真實不虛,若我有編造假話,我會痛苦悲慘墮入地獄,不得超生,若我今所說是真我必定福慧圓滿,了生脫死。
                               佛弟子  百哲拉母
  李巧云、沈建初、鄒唯、譚琳、Kion Yap、法慧
  田小玲、樓波含、樓桂花、Joanna Zheng
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H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛 http://www.hhdcb3office.org
瑪倉寺 http://www.macangmonastery.org
#H.H.第三世多杰羌佛  #南無第三世多杰羌佛   #第三世多杰羌佛正法   #多杰羌佛第三世   #第三世多杰羌佛佛法  #第三世多杰羌佛獲得世界和平獎  #第三世多杰羌佛不收供養  #第三世多杰羌佛返老回春  #第三世多杰羌佛藝術  #第三世多杰羌佛妙諳五明 #第三世多杰羌佛#南無觀世音菩薩
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vogue-tw-yahoopartner · 7 years ago
聖誕禮物非它不可!百年香水潘海利根、Jean Paul Gaultier都推出超美的限量香水組
即將來到的聖誕節除了送禮給親朋友好友,絕對是自肥自己的好時刻,這個時節不論刷卡買什麼禮物送自己似乎也是合理的(笑)!繼之前介紹給大家的生火聖誕日曆,百年香水頂級英國香水Penhaligon’s潘海利根、奢華品牌Jean Paul Gaultier 等夢幻香氛品牌也都陸續推出聖誕限定香水組合,從包裝都香氛都充滿幸福感!
今年香氛限定禮物組最令人期待的絕對是頂級香氛品牌潘海利根的限量聖誕組!這次共有三款香水禮品套裝以及讓人無法 抗拒的沐浴用品和身體護理產品。每款套裝禮 盒上,均印有由 Kristjana William’s 以異想風 格為 Penhaligon’s 專誠設計的圖畫,藉以將 這份佳節禮物幻化成最得永恆珍藏的心意。
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Penhaligon’s 貿易之旅系列是探索和冒險時代的象徵,當中蘊含多種19世紀末的貿易商品,包括茶葉、香料、絲綢、珍珠、酒等。這款多姿多采的香水系列便可讓您感受到飄洋過海的歷險奧秘。
內容物:迷你貿易之旅系列包括五瓶 5 毫升的 Halfeti、As Sawira、Empressa、Oud de Nil 及 Lothair 香水。
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三心兩意是一眾女士的專利,而香水更是她們精挑細選的隨身 物。只要獻上 Penhaligon’s 的女士迷你香水系列,您心目中的那位她,便可以一次過盡享這典雅的香水套裝中五款最受歡迎的女性香水。
內容物:包括五瓶 5 毫升的 Artemisia、Empressa、Iris Prima、Halfeti 及 Vaara 香水。
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每一位衣冠楚楚的男士,都必定會擁有一個配合他衣著打扮的香水櫃。今年聖誕,Penhaligon’s 為您心中那位特別的他,誠意呈獻一套五款的傳奇男香水。
內容物:包括五瓶 5 毫升的 Blenheim Bouquet、Endymion、Halfeti、Juniper Sling 及 Quercus 香水。
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我們的男士及女士香水系列,可讓您體驗到Penhaligon’s 隆重 呈獻 的各種香水產品。
內容物:包括 5 支最受歡迎的香水樣本,分別有 Blenheim Bouquet、Endymion、Halfeti、Empressa 及 Juniper Sling (各10 毫升)。
Jean Paul Gaultier 2017 耶誕限定版對香
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Jean Paul Gaultier今年將Classique & Le Male淡香水的馬甲與水手服染上節慶色彩,經典鐵罐化為耶誕雪球,Classique 女性淡香水 &  Le Male 男性淡香水 2017 耶誕限定版將於今年12月上市!
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高堤耶 Classique 女性淡香水耶誕限定版
令人無法抗拒的甜蜜橙花與誘人玫瑰玉露,與性感魅惑的野薑香調。互相撞擊之中帶出一絲幽幽 的香草餘味,輕撫挑逗另一半的感官。
前調 :玫瑰、星茴香 洋梨利口酒
中調:橙花、 薑 、 依蘭依蘭
後調:香草、琥珀、 麝香
高堤耶 Le Male 男性淡香水耶誕限定版
清爽柑橘與沁涼薄荷香調如同航海水手的自由,恣意的望著一望無垠的湛藍大海,中調的薰衣草 如洗完澡般的清新,瀟灑的古明茴香與麝香加入一抹香草甜,反轉男人味。
法國精品香水 Maison Francis Kurkdjian
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source:Maison Francis Kurkdjian
同樣也深受台灣女性喜愛的法國精品香水Maison Francis Kurkdjian也在聖誕節前夕推出奢華典藏版香精、特別訂製的耶誕香氛蠟燭及實用旅行組,用最迷人的氣息與璀璨的燭光,傳遞專屬這個季節的真摯祝福。
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source:Maison Francis Kurkdjian
OUD Satin Mood 絲緞情懷 奢華香精
OUD Satin Mood絲緞情懷奢華香精,完美喚起一趟華麗浪漫的旅程。奢華以來自土耳其與保加利亞的玫瑰,溫柔包覆著紫羅蘭的清甜,為沉香木的沉靜香氣注入性感與熱情,激盪妳靈魂深處的渴望,是刻骨銘心的華麗香氛旅程。
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source:Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Baccarat Rouge 540 水晶之燄 典藏香精
Baccarat Rouge 540 水晶之燄 典藏香精,承襲淡香精的創作靈感,精準傳達光與透的工藝,耀眼的紅色呼應Baccarat最具指標性的紅色水晶,再次強化典藏版香精的奢華印象。埃及茉莉與番紅花相互纏綿交疊,來自摩洛哥苦杏仁、雪松木以奢華香氣交織出木質麝香與龍涎香的溫暖氣息。
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source:Maison Francis Kurkdjian
Mon beau Sapin耶誕金燦香氛蠟燭
Maison Francis Kurkdjian最具指標性的耶誕金燦香氛蠟燭,以羚羊,旱獺和狼群居住的雪山,搭配滿天星辰和冬景裝飾為燦金瓶身注入奢華節慶氣息。寒冷的冬夜最適合讓冷杉香脂的迷人香氣,引領走進聖誕佳節的歡慶時刻。(可燃燒40小時)
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source:Maison Francis Kurkdjian
À la rose 愛戀玫瑰旅行組
讓來自南法格拉斯和保加利亞的鮮嫩玫瑰花束,時時刻刻伴隨在隨身手提���或行李中。À la rose 愛戀玫瑰旅行組以金色環遊世界香水匣承載著11毫升的幸福,與你走過世界的每個角落,留下旅行中的美好記憶。(這組好美,喜歡玫瑰香氛的人要買!)
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angela-ann-2017917 · 7 years ago
為了利益大眾請國際佛教僧尼總會為我轉發這篇我願負因果責任的文章 我們見到了佛陀真容發誓為證     我叫百哲拉母,很多人都知道我這個人,因為我曾經跟蔣貢康欽仁波且上過擂台比試過,鬥過法,我輸給了他,很慚愧修持欠佳,法不如人,我是一個真心誠意的修行者,我今天以擔負因果責任的言行要寫一篇不具任何誇張的紀實文章。2017年12月29日下午於美國洛杉磯彌陀殿,弟子百哲有幸聽聞了H.H.第三世多杰羌佛說法,當時在場有僧眾等四眾弟子,大家皆席地而坐,待聽佛陀說法,大家禮拜後,獻上供養,我的兒子家華供上自己所有的積蓄,佛陀一如既往,照常分文不收,義務為大家說法,我一直以來看到佛陀師父紅光滿面,精神充沛,常人差之天遠,但想到近期,聽到很多妖孽之人造謠誹謗南無第三世多杰羌佛,弟子想到這惡劣行為非常難過,當下禮請佛陀說法:「為什麼佛陀師父如此圓滿莊嚴之相卻被妖孽造謠誹謗呢?說佛陀師父本來是:黑臉青面,滿臉烏障之氣,平時所見的粉紅年輕臉色,都是故意靠化妝、塗脂抹粉偽裝提精氣神,冒稱聖者氣色,蒙騙眾生的。弟子聽到這些惡意誹謗的言語心如刀割,真是難過之極!」羌佛師父非常悲憫眾生說:「釋迦牟尼佛在將報化時,波旬魔王請教佛陀說:佛陀,您離開後同不同意我的魔子魔孫來學習您的教法?佛陀當下同意了魔王的請求,魔王說:這下好了,我會派我的魔子魔孫進入你的佛教,曲解你的經教,破壞你的教法,以此達到我用武力解決不到的目的,說完波旬魔王哈哈大笑離去。」羌佛接著說:「不錯,我的臉色確實是被遮蓋起來了,既然有人這樣可憐造業,今天這裡面正好有妖孽之人,我就讓大家看看盧山真面目,看看烏黑到什麼樣子吧!目的讓你們其中一些人看了以後,免遭罪業惡報墮到三惡道之中。」羌佛師父拿出了《第三世多杰羌佛儀軌法》,讓旁邊一位居士把其中一段唸出給大家聽,原文載:「觀自身頭頂上方,高空天際中,有八隻獅子,腳踩祥雲,背上乘一寬廣寶座,座上有各色蓮花,花上有月亮平鋪於輪上,花中央有五彩色吽字,放五彩光,頓然出現第三世多杰羌佛,面似紅珊瑚,身如象白玉,放紅光變為金剛大總持佛,一頭二臂。」當時我認為佛陀會顯神通即刻就會變,結果完全不是,而是南無羌佛當場讓法師們打來大桶純淨水,用盆子清洗毛巾,佛陀當眾多弟子的面,開始用毛巾擦洗自己的面頰、手膀、反覆擦洗的數次,在洗淨臉上的覆蓋後,就出現本來的肉色。臉上徹底洗淨後,全場的人都震驚了,有人激動地哭了起來, 竟然有這麼莊嚴無比紅美的臉色,比高級的紅珊瑚還要紅美亮麗。有人疑心這紅色太紅亮過度了,可能底色上了紅,沒想到佛陀竟用白色的溼紙巾反覆擦拭紅珊瑚的臉頰,看看上面是不是有紅,擦完後,把濕紙巾丟給了大家,大家看後,一點紅色也沒有,紙巾照常是潔白無瑕,我的妹妹秀紅,看到佛陀臉頰像兩個紅太陽,光芒耀眼,照得眼睛都不太撐得開。而且弟子還看到佛陀三十二大丈夫相之一的白毫相光在臉上上下飄動,只有一根長兩吋多非常細的白毫,突然這一根白毫變成兩眉之間一大撮白毫,散化為無數白毫帶放射狀,放光加持眾人,突然又變成蓮花螺旋狀,在眉間顫動放光,又突然消失得一根都不見了,這實在用我們人為的想法無法理解,太神奇了,有了就有,為什麼眼睜睜看到一根白毫變成數不清的白毫,數不清的白毫又會當下消失的無影無蹤,每個人看到的現象和所在部位都不同,在同場同時,有人能看到,有人一根也看不到,白毫是神變性的。如香格瓊哇仁波且見到佛陀的三十二相白毫相光,即其細微的白毫約一公分圍成團球狀,在眉間放光旋轉;又如北京的鄒唯居士看到在羌佛眉心處,白毫相光顯現,猶如微細白針放射形,就像太陽放射白光一樣;而正祥法師說大家都看到了羌佛的三十二相白毫相光,但她看不到,心裡很著急又難過,可就在幾秒鐘的時間,突然很清楚地出現了,看到在羌佛師父的兩眉間,捲曲狀的很多白毫在放光;妙觀法師看到羌佛兩眉間光中有千葉白蓮的白毫相光,形如蓮花,神奇地在伸縮大小變化,當她走到側面時,已經變成直線放射狀,遠近放射,長短變化;釋智開法師看到羌佛師父眉間,從一根白毫都沒有的肉中突然生出許多白毫,輕飄舞動,狀似白蓮;唐麗瓊看到羌佛兩眉間偏上一點的位置,大約有十幾根白毫,有長有短,會動,白毫的部位周邊,像似一團火燄形狀,很長時間一直都在放光;若可法師看到羌佛的兩眉間,突然現出一束白毫,很短,看著看著就開始長長;另外有幾個人同時看到白毫,白毫在羌佛兩眉間,突然鑽進肉中,最後一根也找不到了,這時才恍然大悟,原來佛陀的三十二相是隨眾生的因緣善根福報深淺而看得到或看不到。有人還看到白毫相光在兩眉間的位置,一個小時後就上升了近一英吋高,白毫出現的時候,都放光加持大家,大家感到身心快活,沈浸在法喜極樂之中,南無第三世多杰羌佛佛陀三十二大丈夫相之一的白毫相光出現,我們有幸等到這因緣,見到了佛陀的真容,除了驚嘆讚許還有什麼呢?這種佛陀真身三十二相,這麼多年來,還沒有人看到。羌佛臉上不是黑氣的問題,反而是把超凡美色遮掩起來,要不是佛陀師父大慈大悲,讓妖孽們少遭罪業,我們也沒有機會見到羌佛師父的佛陀真容,由此帶給我們無上的加持,我們無法表達內心的激動,只有感恩十方諸佛菩薩對我們的悲憫,今生才有殊勝因緣聞受正法,佛弟子我發心必須藉佛陀在世,得大成就,了生脫死,擔挑如來荷擔。南無第三世多杰羌佛現出了佛陀真相,大眾所見鐵證如山,見到的人都為此作證簽了名,那些誹謗三寶、誤導行人的人,必定是波旬魔王的子孫,最可憐的是我沒有辦法擋住他們進地獄之門,我很難過,救不了他們,他們哪有資格見到佛陀真身喔!要不是南無第三世多杰羌佛的本覺大悲,發下不傷害他們的心願,他們這些人早已現世報了。我以上所寫的真實不虛,若我有編造假話,我會痛苦悲慘墮入地獄,不得超生,若我今所說是真我必定福慧圓滿,了生脫死。                                   佛弟子  百哲拉母       以下為親眼看到南無第三世多杰羌佛展現紅珊瑚色無比莊嚴的佛陀真容,看到佛陀具有的三十二大丈夫相之一的白毫相光的人士親筆簽名作證。 朗博翟芒、香格瓊哇、龍舟、嘎堵、仁欽卻讚 釋隆慧、曲吉云旦、洪鐵生、釋妙言、尚耶 高麗華、釋正淨、釋正誠、釋央宗、珮翎 李麗珠、康布美朵、百哲拉母、珍珠、陳蔓梨 惠珠、次德吉、釋正學、釋了正、釋正因 釋若可、釋了慧、永登貢布、款、釋覺慧    格龍洛珠、釋智光、釋智開、耶喜洛嘎、哲仁阿旺    洛桑尼瑪、釋慧善、頓珠、了善、然乎、俞曉健    袁金鳳、戴瑞華、沈慧君、王水芳、唐麗瓊、李小霞    樓秀紅、俞秋蘭、朱星清、朗卡亞塔、釋妙觀    釋正祥、釋正睿、張基光、任雪、嚴莉潔    李巧云、沈建初、鄒唯、譚琳、Kion Yap、法慧    薛鳳、伍文建、釋法祐、釋正心、釋正捷、釋正航    釋正定、釋正念、釋正勤、釋正信、樓家華、牟月琴    田小玲、樓波含、樓桂花、Joanna Zheng 本文連結: 為了利益大眾請國際佛教僧尼總會為我轉發這篇我願負因果責任的文章 我們見到了佛陀真容發誓為證 http://blog.udn.com/vajratree/109884321 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛 http://www.hhdcb3office.org 瑪倉寺 http://www.macangmonastery.org  #H.H.第三世多杰羌佛  #南無第三世多杰羌佛   #第三世多杰羌佛正法   #多杰羌佛第三世   #第三世多杰羌佛佛法  #第三世多杰羌佛獲得世界和平獎  #第三世多杰羌佛不收供養  #第三世多杰羌佛返老回春  #第三世多杰羌佛藝術  #第三世多杰羌佛妙諳五明 #第三世多杰羌佛#南無觀世音菩薩
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the-great-edc · 5 years ago
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2019同時也是這十年來最後一天在馬德里回顧 如2018預測的是極為變動的年份 超乎我此生過往未所有想像 站上了世界級舞台與全球頂尖人才共事 登出香港灣仔一級戰區 回歸台灣陪伴家人肩扛新的責任 減肥賭局、戒酒三月讓體重浮動於90KG上下 同齡朋友們繼續結婚、甚至為人父母 交友圈大洗牌了一輪 與幾段情緣開啟後又逝去 年底開始會與海歸的朋友們充實每日 大家同樣憂國憂民 自我評分今年總體表現升至80分 逐漸習慣海外跨年的此時不免俗要來回顧這一年 一月:倫敦跨年旅行後返港在繼續國際PR的同時,開始尋覓下份工作,記得當時主要看香港Private Banking職缺,也準備起此生至今最完美的履歷。 二月:過年返鄉陪爺爺奶奶們,到一定年紀,家族首次拍了全家福照,不留遺憾的。 三月:香港走跳群眾越耍越大,各種HH, party, hiking, exhition約們不絕於耳,在港台灣人們的旗幟四處飄揚。 四月:走跳的腳步往澳門發展,永利皇宮會員金屬手機環伴著我贏遍各大驚爆骰子樂,照片風格也愈趨網🦐模式移動,算近期生活小樂趣。 四月:剛拿到新工作offer之際,開始與香港的各種告別,與可愛的前同事們、夥���們、貴人小人們、新舊緣分們,堪稱今年最傷感的月份。 五月:520正式入職了Google,回到了熟悉的101,沒有SOP的快速pick-up工作所需,能在這樣頂尖的工作環境成長,真的是未曾敢想像的畫面。 六月:因公快速的踏上新加坡、濟州島,結識APAC各地有趣而才華洋溢的Googlers,也撥空淨灘為家園盡點心力。 七月:在101的環境中拓展新交友圈,有短暫的緣起也預示未來告別,因一場小手術而展開三個月滴酒不沾的戒酒期,成功達成的自己都不可置信。 八月:因為某趟法鼓山的感召,在雙肘寫上了「慈悲」二字,從此每一步路都在紀律的道路上,每次出手切記慈悲。 九月:與上海Googlers飛趟東京,在東京Google辦公室裡追趕跑跳碰,還闖進當時未開的涉谷辦公室,跟群ㄎㄧㄤ人們打開至今最耍的一次日本行,又激起好好學習日文的動力。 十月:Ce la vie day club初體驗,抱著快速打招呼的心態,然後跟當天12個陌生人共進晚餐,後來成為了我Q4最常在夜晚碰面的朋友們,然後每月都在day club報到。同月首次接觸高爾夫球,跟前面沒什麼關係,就想說一下。 十一月:很多個第一次發生在下半年,首次代表公司在400個付費學員前講課,曾覺得自己不夠資格,但就是硬著頭皮上,幸運的有不錯反應。同月往拳擊之路邁進,上過互相對打的泰拳,後來註冊的是偏有氧的B Monster,很羞恥的今年只上2堂,我檢討。 十二月:繼東京辦公室後,又前往上海辦公室敗壞風俗,帶了堆不明所以的口頭禪催眠。今年也拜樺舍夥伴邀約,出席多場品牌活動裝模作樣,無形間助長不少裝逼氣燄。這火一路燒到西班牙,對不起被我逼照洗版的朋友們,只想趁年輕無子女時期能儘量青春,當然也希望未來成家立業還能如此樸實無華的快樂。 亞洲約莫幾小時2019即將到來 伊比利半島還有一陣子的陽光普照 2020下個十年又是全新的冒險 清楚自己仍不成氣候 但總是挑戰自己能先踏上那一步over my league的挑戰 Fake it till I make it 12項新年自我期許將在馬德里12聲鐘響裡 隨香檳葡萄一同吞下並逐一實現 小事吧! 同樣謝謝今年曾幫助我、愛我的所有貴人們🙏🏻 很高興認識今年結緣的夥伴、朋友們🥰 2020年也請多多指教😁 Happy New Year! #2019bestnine #2019thankyou #2020happynewyear #2020newdecade #EDCcollection #EDCLife (在 Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vXf2TlOPn/?igshid=m1ru6fwwuxn9
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yahoo-travel-editor · 7 years ago
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【 旅遊部落客專欄 / 陳蘋果 】
還有Apple喜歡的 K-POP 女團 「MAMAMOO」現場開唱
2018 的炸雞啤酒節時間還沒公佈
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大邱啤酒節與 E-World 都在此站
經過 E-World 再一小段就可以到達會場~
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不過可不要小看炸啤 (치맥) 唷
價格只是外面商家的 7 折到 8 折~
地址:大邱廣域市 達西區 公園循環路36【大邱頭流公園一帶】
營業時間:每年7 ~ 8月間
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趁著排啤酒的人還沒很多~ (哈哈排10分鐘就買到)
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旁邊就是 E-World
抬頭就能看到知名大邱地標 83 塔~
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「이춘봉 인생치킨」(Echunbong)
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이춘봉 인생치킨  (Echunbong)  
電話:+82 53-637-7222
營業時間:17:00 ~ 02:00
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Apple 喜歡的 MAMAMOO 登場啦
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MAMAMOO 現場表演完之後
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後面幾天的活動還有 SKULL&HAHA、KISUM、San E 等重量級嘉賓
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2017 的炸雞啤酒節是目前最大型的一次
會在 7、8 月來大邱玩的朋友
文章出處: 蘋果Apple 林檎りんごringo(!?)
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