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cardcaptor-lisia · 1 month ago
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danzoku · 5 months ago
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soumiluna · 2 years ago
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春分の日 今週は雨模様のようですが なたね梅雨を過ぎると 春本番でしょうか? 菜種梅雨は 催花雨とも言われるそう 花を呼ぶ雨 日本語は美しい✨ #春分の日 #儚くて何処か愛おしい様な  #誰かの記憶に残る写真  #何気ない瞬間を残したい #この世界はイロドリで満ちている #キリトリセカイ #24色のパレット  #フィルムの灯を絶やさない #幸せフィルム #誰かの記憶の片隅に #フィルム #film #フィルムカメラ #filmcamera #フィルム写真 #filmphotography #フィルム部 #フィルムに恋してる #フィルム写真普及委員会 #film_com #film_jp #生活とフィルム #filmselect_hibi #日々フィルム #reco_ig #アオイカメラ #アオプリ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBGuovPF6j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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36c-no-kubisuji · 2 months ago
プロフ帳いっしょに書いて思ったけど、ほんと感覚が一致する所が多くて なんか すご……(小並感)
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hajimesublog1 · 1 year ago
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flymola · 2 years ago
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緩やかな午後 3人のティーパーティ Fujifilm GFX50R + Mitakon Speedmaster 65mm f1.4 #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真で伝えたい私の世界 #日常をドラマチックに #儚くて何処か愛おしい様な #誰かの記憶に残る写真 #キリトリセカイ #日常に魔法をかけて #gfx50r #fujigfx #fujifilmphotography #reco_ig #yamanashi #山梨 #やまなしカメラクラブ #speedmaster65mmf14 #moodygrams #物語のある写真を撮りたい #映画のようなワンシーン #映画みたいな僕の日常 #その瞬間に物語を #snapphoto #スナップ写真 #japan_photogroup #fujifilmgfx #fujiworld #fujifilmshooter #team_jp_ #createexplore #japan_art_photography #japan_daytime_view https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq2oh-ZPzsK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fromafriendofmine · 2 years ago
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雨天也可以是好天, 只要不需出門的話. 卷真紀和久能整應該也是這麼覺得 ☕ #rainydays #parisjetaime #fromafriendofmine * * * * * #vivid_impact #renegade_dark #laseine #vivid_impact #infinity_visual #ポートレート #光と影 #i_c_part #デジタルでフィルムを再現したい #作品撮り #誰かの記憶の片隅に #儚くて何処か愛おしい様な #その瞬間に物語を #infinity_artistz #何気ない瞬間を残したい #ノスタルジーな瞬間を #moodygrams #ヘアメイクさんと繋がりたい #moody_tones #pr0ject_soul #avantgarde_vibes #sombresociety #seemyparis #raw_landscape (à Taiwan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoeS8UgvAut/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gdmtblr · 27 days ago
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Without exception, we all grow old and lose many things. Things change, we can do nothing about it.
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But as we age, our appearance seems to decline, yet at the same time, our inner selves become fuller. So many wonderful experiences beautifully illuminate the path we have traveled. Even if it will end someday, our life's journey continues until then.
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Dear my buddy, Hug. You and I are still alive.
So let's walk together on this our beloved Green Road. As long as possible.
Dear my Tumblr's friends.
Sorry for not posting or contacting you for so long.
From May to June, Hug wasn't in the best of health, but on the days when she was feeling well, she was in a good mood and could enjoy long walks. However, now that July has come and the hot weather has continued day after day, she has lost her energy again. Then in August, she developed an acute inflammation accompanied by a high fever, and was temporarily in critical condition.
Fortunately, she recovered, but after extensive medical examination, it was discovered that Hug had a malignant disease. (This was very brutal results, as a regular health check-up in early spring had shown no problems…) And for several reasons, it seems unlikely that she will ever be cured completely, so she will have to live with this nasty disease.
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Currently, her condition is very calm. And today, she has safely reached her 14th birthday, which brings me great emotion. Seeing her smile so broadly makes me really really happy and I can't help but express my heartfelt gratitude.
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“It is not length of life, but depth of life.”
 -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is a phrase I always hold dear, and DOGS live in the “NOW” without worrying about the future. While respecting such dog's way and dignity, I continue to stay close Hug's life.
Happy birthday, Hug!
You keep a smile on your face no matter what the situation.
I am always saved by you, my sweet dear❤️
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kitsurei17 · 7 days ago
Jude Jazza Main Story Walkthrough
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A little different than what I originally post, but I wanted to track the JP choices of Jude's route from other players & myself as I go through. Points are written as [Blind Love : Mad Love].
✧˖°. {STATUS} 99% Complete —
As of 2024/11/24 - +4/+4 choices for the entire route + both ends are available! Still missing the other choice points for Blind Love Ch 24, but I'll update it once I find out what they are!
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Chapter 1:
[4:4] 私のミスです [4:4] そんなの屁理屈です [4:4] 納得出来ません
Chapter 2:
[2:4] 私1人でやるんですか!? [4:2] 待ってください [4:4] せめて仕事の説明を
Chapter 3:
[4:4] 死んでしまいます [2:4] 酷すぎます [4:2] これ以上やる必要ありますか?
Chapter 4:
[2:4] やめてくれますか? [4:2] やりすぎです [4:4] 嫌です
Chapter 5:
[4:4] 見事に私とは真逆ですね。 [2:4] 私のこと…? [4:2] タイプじゃなくてよかったです。
Chapter 6:
[4:4] 赤くなる [4:2] ほっぺたをつねる [2:4] もう一度う言ってください
Chapter 7:
[4:4] どうしてそんなことに? [2:4] 誰がそんなことを [4:2] ジュードさんばっかり……
Chapter 8:
[2:4] 追いかければ間に合いますよ [4:2] 明日じゃだめなんですか? [4:4] 私が届けましょうか
Chapter 9:
[4:2] お疲れさまです。 [4:4] おかえりなさい [2:4] 急に現れないでください
Chapter 10:
[4:4] 私も戦います [2:4] 足手まといですか? [4:2] 嫌です
Chapter 11:
[2:4] 普段とのギャップに目眩 [4:2] 私も一緒に戯れたいな [4:4] ジュードさん可愛い……!
Chapter 12:
[4:2] 打ち上げ花火を渡す [4:4] 手持ち花火を渡す [2:4] 爆竹を渡す
Chapter 13:
[4:4] 離れませんよ [2:4] 約束は破れません [4:2] また遠ざけようとしてます?
Chapter 14:
[4:2] 助けに来てください [2:4] 私、もうだめかもしれません [4:4] ロケット逃げれたらな
Chapter 15:
[2:4] 私、何か仕事でミスを? [4:2] 近寄らず席につく [4:4] どうかしたんですか
Chapter 16:
[4:4] 駆け寄ろうとする [2:4] 銃に手を伸ばす [4:2] 呆然と見つめる
Chapter 17:
[2:4] 嘘をついてごめんなさい [4:4] 待っていて [4:2] 少しの間、耐えてください
Chapter 18:
[4:2] 買いかぶりすぎだよ [2:4] そんなことありえないよ [4:4] そうだったら嬉しいけど
Chapter 19:
[2:4] 秘密の通路を見つける [4:2] 堂々と出ていく [4:4] 蔦をつ��って降りる
Chapter 20:
[2:4] 私が当ててみせますから [4:2] 絶対当ててくださいね [4:4] ジュードさんも楽しんでません?
Blind Love (盲愛)
Chapter 21:
[4:2] 私のこと信用してないなぁ [2:4] 用心深いな [4:4] さすが抜かりないな
Chapter 22:
[2:4] 事件はこれで解決した [4:4] ジュードさんの無実が証明された? [4:2] クラウンは解体されない?
Chapter 23:
[2:4] お兄様に心配をかけてはいけないわ [4:4] 私もお兄様に会いたい [4:2] あのお兄様が泣くなんて
Chapter 24:
[:] 本気でそうだと思ってます? [:] はぐらかすと思ってました [4:4] ジュードさんならわかってるはず
Chapter 25:
[4:2] お仕事頑張ってください [2:4] 他に何か言うことないんですか? [4:4] 続きは……?
Mad Love (狂愛)
Chapter 21:
[4:4] 皆のおかげです [2:4] ジュードさんに褒めてもらえるかな [4:2] 役に立ててよかった
Chapter 22:
[2:4] 問題というのは? [4:2] 問題があるなら乗り越えるだけ [4:4] 問題は1つだけなんですね?
Chapter 23:
[2:4] 心のままに歩きだそう [4:2] 今この瞬間を逃がしたらだめだ [4:4] 月の導きのままに踏み出そう
Chapter 24:
[2:4] 抜かりはありません [4:4] 二度とあなたのそばを離れません [4:2] もう逃げ場ありませんよ
Chapter 25:
[4:2] 本当ですか? [2:4] 少しだけ前払いでください [4:4] 頑張ります
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divider credit: strangergraphics
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1003zr · 9 months ago
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I didn't notice that Kyun was used again in the manga. I think everyone knows how this onomatopoeia first appeared in the manga, yes ofc Kishi used it for Naruto.
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Naruto got existed by the anticipation of fighting sasuke... 「キュン」 Kyun is a common onomatopoeia in Japan when you fall in love and also used for feeling spark or thrill in one's heart. SFX for momentary tightening of one's chest caused by powerful feelings Or to have butterflies. 「ゾクゾクする」 zokuzoku suru- Thrilling is an expression for shaking, to get chills, to be shaking as from joy or excitement Or having tingling sensation (excitement). In here tightening (Kyun) happening in his lower abdomen.
何だ... にの気持ち下腹の辺りがキュンとする それに... ゾクゾクする
nanda... Kono kimochi shita bara no atari ga kyun to suru Sore ni... zokuzoku suru
"What... is this feeling? My lower stomach feels tight/feels butterflies! And... I feel a thrill/ shivers."
This expression is generally uses when butterflies take flight in your stomach when you're sexually aroused. It is that feeling in your stomach when you get turned on. So it literally means he's being sexually excited. In the middle of his thoughts he also remembers when Sasuke tells him he's also interested in fighting him too, where Naruto reacted ド�� ( "doki")
キュン - onomatopoeias that express strong affection (mainly love). The feeling of excitement is like your heart beating hard and constricting. It's similar to when you're so happy you can't breathe. What makes people feel excited varies from person to person.
So, キュン means pounding, fluttered,thump etc... once, instant (ュン feels it is once and gone), a bit light but very sharp (since with キ sound)
-My heart skipped a beat!
- I got this tingling sensation.
- Heartthrob
e. g:
sono eiga de mune kyun shimashita ka ?
Did that movie make your heart skip?
neko ga kawaisugite Kyunshi suru
The cat is so adorable, it's killing me! ( just an exaggeration)
kono mae, anata no nage kissu ni mune ga kyun to shita.
Last time I saw you, my heart skipped a beat from the kisses you blew (to) me.
4.この絵にキュンとしました 。
kono e ni kyun to shimashita.
I felt a flutter of excitement when I saw this picture.
キュンとした (kyun toshita) has nuances such as "I was touched", " I was moved" , "I was impressed" etc...
[It means you see a picture, and instantly hit by an emotion hard to describe, but it is pleasant]
kono inu kawaii ne. mune ga kyunkyun suru wa.
What a cute dog! My heart gets pounding.
futoshita shunkan no kangaeteru koto ga issho na tokoro. onaji taimingu de onaji uta wo kuchizusan dari suru koto ga aru to kyun to suru
We tend to have the same thoughts at certain moments. It makes my heart flutter when we start humming the same song at the same time (lol)
7.かわいい犬を見て『キュン』 死しそう になった。
kawaii inu wo mite Kyun shishisō ni natta.
When I saw the cute dog I died from cuteness overload.
[N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ there's no English expression that can be literally translated キュン死 but it can use, “to die from cuteness, to die from cuteness overload, OR so cute that I died”. キュン死 can also be used when you "almost died because someone's too hot,sexy etc., " in that case, the translation be like " die from hotness or sexiness" or something like "he's so hot and I can die". ]
8. 彼女の事を思うと胸がキュンとなる。
kanojo no koto wo omou to mune ga kyun to naru.
When I think about her my heart flutters.
nan kai mite mo, kyunkyun suru ne
No matter how many times we watch (him), he (still) gives the butterflies, doesn't he?
N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ キュンキュンする is used to describe a situation where you are so happy that your heart beats fast, or that you find it difficult to breathe in a normal way, etc. It is almost always used for young people being like that, especially when they are meeting somebody they like/ are in love with. Used in a situations when you say: - My heart is aching. - I got this tingling sensation
10. 彼を見るたびに、胸がキュンとする感じがします
kare wo miru tabini, mune ga kyun to suru kan ji ga shimasu
Whenever I see him, I feel a flutter in my chest.
11. 胸がキュンときました。
mune ga kyun tokimashita.
My heart skipped a beat. (N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ It is often used when a love began or similar emotion. Mune-kyun is an abbreviation for chest-kyun, which means that your chest tightens with excitement.)
N̳o̳t̳e̳:̳ When a person of the opposite sex that you like shows a cute expression just for you, you feel doki. ``Kyun'' is a momentary feeling of happy elation. As you can say, it's a happy feeling when you see something cute. When you see something cute, you use "kyun" to describe the heart-warming emotion you feel at that moment.
There are times when music makes you go 'kyun' or movies makes you go 'kyun'. I think it can also be used in a broader sense. Originally, it was a word used to describe love or the excitement you feel when you meet someone of the opposite sex. However, if you are deeply moved, you will also feel excited, so it is an exciting situation after all.
キュンです (kyundesu) is originally means when your heart pounding / flutters its an exaggerated meaning from onomatopeia キュンキュン (kyunkyun). when you see something cute your chest become painful in love in other words its a word used when your heart beating fast the short term for "my chest pounding!" what kind of situation you can use this is when your heart flutter by the action / words of the person you like or looking at the pet or when you see something cute your heart is pounding / flutters and finally when you're happy its kyundesu.
"Kyun" is an onomatopoeia, so even if you look it up in a dictionary, you may only find a wide range of meanings and uses, or you may find a way of using it that is not mentioned in the dictionary. Ultimately, you have to infer the meaning from the feel of the word and the context.
When Sasuke sees "Itachi", he is suddenly struck by "memories of his older brother"...
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As he Saw the Edo Tensei Itachi's profile he recalled → Itachi's old profile (so distant) → kid Itachi's smiling face from the front (also the forehead poke)→ reaching towards him (thought he would gouge out his eyes)→ his final forehead poke with a smile-> his death
This whole recalled scene have the gap that needed to fill (the truth behind the lies).
Sasuke was obviously surprised & shocked because "someone he thought was dead suddenly appeared in front of him..."
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Sasuke goes "kikyun" when he finds his big brother who was dead jumps through the trees in front of him and in the next panel it shows Sasuke's shocked face unable to believe what he just saw, and then instinctively glared towards his brother's direction...
So, キキュン is the sfx that made in his abdomen after seeing his beloved brother for the first time in a long time.
[in the manga it is an effect that conveys emotions, but if they actually added this sound in the anime, I think it would just sound like Sasuke had an upset stomach]
For just a moment, Sasuke has entered a space that is completely cut off from the outside world. Of course, there are no onomatopoeia in the description of the memories he is tracing... it is a world of complete silence. But in a world where even sound is blocked out, it's as if everything has frozen... And Sasuke's eyes are looking somewhere in the distance... he seems to be looking at Itachi, but he's probably not looking anywhere. Sasuke's expression is indescribable... He reminisced about Itachi's past and his abdomen goes "kikyun" because of this unexpected encounter....because he was sure that the person running in front of him was Itachi.
I wonder if this "kikyun" sound actually occurred in the abdomen, or if it is a mental description of "that's how it felt".
"キ (ki) " sound is a "sound" that actually accompanies pain or with a slight pain, like something stabbing you in the stomach and the "kyun" sound is more of a "sensation" that expresses the heart-pounding with joy.
The pain of painful memories + the desire to be with his brother + amid fond memories + the two conflicting emotions of anger and happy + wanted to spend more time with his beloved Brother are all tangled up inside Sasuke= maybe this is how the combination of ki-Kyun happened.
it may be anger. Remember what sai said when he was blaming Sakura before Shikamaru told her about the mission to kill Sasuke in ch. 559, “When I look at Naruto these days I can feel... (his) sadness... and when I think of Sasuke... my stomach gets hot... and I realise that it's anger”. However, I don't think it's anger because that's not the whole meaning of "kyun." And from the panel it wasn't looking like Sasuke was getting angry.
Conclusion: Seeing his brother it brought back old memories of his brother and evoked some strong emotions, making him feel very moved. You can use "kyun" when you are shocked in a positive way. It is clear from the context and from the second page that his abdomen goes kikyun because he was literally shocked. It is enough to evoke strong emotions in anyone if they had seen their brother risen from the dead.
kishi uses "onomatopoeia" and "background" to express their feelings. This technique by Kishimoto is interesting because it allows the reader to use their imagination in various ways. キキュン seems to be an original word created by Kishi and I've never heard anyone using it.
Sasuke tries really hard to talk to Itachi and chase him. How much of a big brother boy is he? He's so cute!! Sasuke suddenly let out all his pent up thoughts and doubts on his brother... That's how much he'd been suffering and carrying it all by himself up until now.
Itachi doesn't show even a trace of his true face in front of Sasuke, that he showed in front of Naruto and the others... Itachi has things he has to do, and he knows very well that "he should never have met Sasuke" because he, who is supposed to be dead, unnecessarily gets involved with Sasuke. Now, he clearly distinguishes between what he should do and what he shouldn't be involved in, and he strictly follows that line... "I'm essentially a dead man... I won't say any more," and keeps running away from Sasuke...
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this is a very honest expression of Sasuke's true feelings
Sasuke had always chased after Itachi. he imitated his brother and chased after him. Feeling the responsibility of having the proud Uchiha clan name left to himself, he desperately tried to surpass his brother, chasing after his brother's back, but the more he got to know his brother, the more the wall of "perfection" stood in Sasuke's way. From an early age, he wanted to be acknowledged by his father, and desired to hear from his father "as expected from my son or That's my son" and not "Keep this up just like your older Brother", but his father and others saw him as "Itachi's younger brother" and always being compared to his overly excellent older brother, he was underestimated. But that did not stop him from idolizing his brother. And he loves his brother very much. Even amongst his family members, Sasuke places Itachi on a high pedestal.
But through this unexpected reunion, Sasuke was able to see and understand his brother's "convincing way of life"... even if he couldn't accept it. he returns to his childlike state when he is with his older brother. And Sasuke finally called Itachi "兄さん = big brother". The fact that he can honestly say "Big Brother" means that Sasuke is returning to being the "real Sasuke". Fighting while relying on each other's backs is "proof of teamwork" and finally....showed their trust by standing back to back naturally.
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From ch. 585 to ch. 588 Sasuke called him 兄さん。But In Ch. 589 Sasuke uses 兄(あに) = ani= (older) brother...-> is actually formal... It is never used by children, and mostly used in a more formal conversations when you tell someone about your brother, or in literary styles.
With each seal, Sasuke's expression changes... Sasuke may have expected Itachi's reaction, but I think he feels a sense of repulsion and ``as I expected'' towards his brother who, even at this point, refuses to show even the slightest bit of his true self. When Itachi reaches the "Monkey" seal in ch. 589, Sasuke eyes quickly change back from Sharingan to normal. Perhaps he got his Sharingan back to remind himself that their "time as brothers" was over. Itachi, who had been making the seal, stopped... His back was still turned as usual, but he was still listening seriously to what Sasuke was saying.
But when their time as brothers ended, Sasuke finally changed back from "nīsan" to "anta" Or rather, it felt like the dream time ended and he was suddenly pulled back to reality, and then he naturally changed back to "anta."
The way Sasuke talks about his "older brother" in ch. 589 as if he were a third party seems to suggest that he has put his childhood memories behind him as the "past" and is now looking towards the "present and future." It also sounds like he is bidding farewell to his "older brother who has become a thing of the past."
The fact that the Edo Tensei seal ended with the boar , perhaps means that the Edo Tensei came to an end with the brothers' " great boar hunt = Kabuto hunt"
In the end Sasuke (again) called him "nii-san" in his mind, rather than calling him "Itachi" Or "Anta". A 16-year-old Sasuke, the expression on Sasuke's face as he gazed upon his brother reminded him of the innocent 7-year-old when he was looking at his brother's back. a lonely face.
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Just like that day... the day of the Uchiha incident, the day Sasuke reminding Itachi to teach Shuriken... he was smiling when he was looking at his brother's back, but then he was saddened to see the broken wall with the Uchiha symbol on it that his brother had destroyed by throwing a shuriken, and muttered in his mind, "Nii-san". The final sweet moment he got from his brother was at that day. Sasuke was probably feeling the same anxiety and sadness he had felt back then when he was only 7-year-old. Even in this last moment his brother was distancing himself from him and running away from him.
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Itachi walks towards Sasuke with his last bit of strength. He looked so panicked as Itachi approaching him and pointed his fingers towards his head, it paralleled the last scene between them, when he thought his brother was going to pluck his eyes out.
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His hand, stretched out as if to flee, passed over Sasuke's head and grabbed him, pulling him towards. Sasuke will never see "Itachi's back" again... This will truly be the last time he sees his brother's back....because this is the Gesture that truly means, 'I am not Lying and I am not distancing myself' instead he closed the distance between them. He no longer pushed Sasuke away with a finger to the forehead. It's a full brotherly embrace now. In Itachi's words, which seem to be honest and straightforward, there is also his "brother's honest feelings" hidden within them. I think that's why he uses the word "always" twice. when he says "I love you," it's unusual for him to use hiragana "おれ (ore) " instead of "オレ." It sounding as gentle and soft as that final smile he gave to Sasuke. Like the gentle words of a mother.
Kishi clearly shows us that Itachi is more than just Sasuke's brother. He established a motherly bond when Itachi was just 5 years old and Sasuke was a newborn baby. We've seen Mikoto carry baby Sasuke and to introduce Kushina. But when it came to a life-threatening situation like the Kyuubi incident, Itachi played the mother role (ch.502). And he checks Sasuke's performance in Academy just like a Father.
Itachi regretted not thinking anything from Sasuke's POV which hurted him even more. He also admitted he tried to use Kotoamastukami against Sasuke himself. He tried to manipulate him, he tried to force Sasuke to follow his own desires, he only saw Sasuke as an object, meant to keep him in the shadows forever. By the end, Itachi confessed his mistakes then stopped trying to force Sasuke into doing anything.
The hand that grabbed Sasuke's head, and said the manly words that he didn't have to forgive " me " forever...He looked straight ahead with gentle eyes and said the embracing words, " I will always love you." It shows the unconditional love between siblings.
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When Sasuke thinks of Itachi, he looks up at the sky. For example, in ch. 403, after hearing the truth about Itachi, he was looking up at the full moon at the Akatsuki hideout.
And when he saw Itachi in the forest, he looked up at his brother's direction... From that moment on, Sasuke entered a "dreamlike time." At that time, he was wandering alone in the darkness, soaking wet like a lost kitten...
But now, he was wrapped in a gentle light, he look up at his older brother as he returns to the sky... He was wrapped in warm love and somehow he looked dazed.
Likewise, Sasuke "looked up" at the beginning of this brother's reunion, and he was "looking up" again at the end of this farewell. Sasuke looks like a little boy who wakes up and realizes his brother is gone. But his brother's "warmth" still remains. 
Sasuke's expression has definitely softened compared to before he entered the forest. Itachi's final smile showed that he still believed in Sasuke... it was a clear, happy smile that showed towards his brother. He tells Sasuke only the truth and lets him choose his own path from there. That's a big difference from before.
Sasuke's "love for his older brother" were stronger than Itachi had thought . For his brother, for his family... the "love" in Sasuke's heart was deeper (than expected). Because his love was so great and deep, he ended up carrying more sadness and hatred than he had expected.
In that respect, Naruto understood Sasuke very well. After hearing the truth about Itachi, Naruto said: "Sasuke loved his family and clan... it's because his love is so deep, it's hard for him to forgive"
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These images and the panels that follow in the manga sum up their relationship perfectly. The panel above is the highlight about the "two brothers" and their story....because Kishi started their flashback with this panel (ch.220)
An older brother carrying his little brother on his back was aware of what was going on around him, but the one behind had closed his eyes and was completely oblivious to what was happening. It's really amusing how Kishi drew it: “Sasuke closed his eyes and Itachi was looking at his brother....fully aware of his surroundings.” Itachi knows what's going on with his clan, but Sasuke is completely kept in the dark and was oblivious, that's the whole story right?
The bottom panel is the beginning of ch. 591. Last moments between siblings. Nothing was hidden now, he heard and saw the truth he wanted to hear from his brother. Itachi's back was no longer turned to his little brother, now he was not ignoring him... he was smiling and putting their head together. It was a true "farewell between the brothers".
So, their sibling relationship had its dark phase, betrayal, hurt, pain and lies. But beyond all that, Sasuke always loved his brother.
In the beginning of the manga, because of his brother's manipulations and lies Sasuke had to live a life full of hatred, suffering, misery and he ended up doesn't care about what happens to him.... BUT...because of Naruto...we saw through Sasuke's monologue at the end of the manga about how he will appreciate and value life. Naruto and Sasuke...they have walked completely different paths, they have experienced and learned similar things in parallel. They both have things they lack and yet.....Naruto makes up for Sasuke's, and Sasuke makes up for Naruto's. That is why they are depicted as equals and balancing each other out. Itachi says himself to Sasuke that he can no longer change sasuke and actually thinks naruto is the one able to. And what can really change sasuke's heart is love. naruto's love. After accepting Naruto's love for him, he hopes to see the world more like naruto. Sasuke also emphasis that Naruto never tried to stop him as anything but as his friend, and because of that, Sasuke was saved. When Sasuke said, "You came closer to my heart" , From those words "You came", Sasuke's gratitude, feelings, and "happiness" towards Naruto are fully conveyed... Now, Sasuke's heart is filled. They understand each other's pain and feelings at a level no one else can, and from a very young age they unknowingly bond with each other over these shared feelings and emotions, and that bond withstood. He is now willing to share the burden of that suffering with Naruto (your sufferings and wishes are passed on to me) just as Naruto tried to do to Sasuke the whole time (I'll bear the burden of your hatred and I'll die with you). Sasuke is willing to try it Naruto's way and accepting him instead of trying to carry the burden and sufferings all alone.
He specifically says in his monologue that he would try to hope for better things to happen, try to find ways to love himself and his life, because if he could do it for Naruto, he could probably do it for himself and other things. and he look for ways to cope with life, and relying on Naruto's love to be able to do so eventually. Because even if he cannot do so ever, at least Naruto will be there for him, always.
And the fact that the last words were not spoken by "Naruto" but by "Sasuke" made you realize once again that the story of NARUTO is not just about "Naruto"... it is a story that has been woven by the two of them, "Naruto and Sasuke"
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loteavenue · 1 year ago
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Dead of Alive Kasumi Cosplay. Kosa.
Kosa : "ご主人様。この瞬間が永遠に続いてほしいです。あなたと過ごすすべての瞬間が特別です💗"
あなたはKosaに近づき、微笑みながら彼女を抱きしめました。 そして、彼女が不足しないように、愛で満たしました。
밤이 깊어가는 도시의 외곽. 반짝이는 노을이 하늘을 핑크색으로 불들이고 있었다. 그리고 Kosa는 붉게 볼을 붉히며 당신을 기다리고 있었다. 그녀의 눈빛과 미소는 달빛보다도 빛나고 있었다.
달빛 아래에서 Kosa는 당신과 가까이 앉아서 얘기를 나누었다.
Kosa : "주인님. 이런 순간이 영원히 계속되길 바라요. 당신과 함께 있는 모든 순간이 특별해요💗"
그녀의 목소리는 은은하면서도 수줍음이 담겨있었다.
당신은은 Kosa를 향해 다가가 미소 짓고, 그녀를 품에 안았다.
그리고 그녀가 부족함을 느끼지 않도록 사랑으로 가득 채워주었다.
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soumiluna · 2 years ago
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今日はカメラ発明の日だって。 NAVIさんが言ってました。 #カメラ発明記念日 #カメラ #camera #儚くて何処か愛おしい様な  #誰かの記憶に残る写真  #何気ない瞬間を残したい #この世界はイロドリで満ちている #キリトリセカイ #24色のパレット  #フィルムの灯を絶やさない #幸せフィルム #誰かの記憶の片隅に #フィルム #film #フィルムカメラ #filmcamera #フィルム写真 #filmphotography #フィルム部 #フィルムに恋してる #フィルム写真普及委員会 #film_com #film_jp #生活とフィルム #filmselect_hibi #日々フィルム #reco_ig #アオイカメラ #アオプリ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-W3h1vm6o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leomacgivena · 6 months ago
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hajimesublog1 · 1 year ago
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flymola · 2 years ago
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Spring Morning 上野原市 α9 + Tamron 28-200mm F/2.8-5.6 Di III RXD #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #写真で伝えたい私の世界 #日常をドラマチックに #儚くて何処か愛おしい様な #誰かの記憶に残る写真 #キリトリセカイ #日常に魔法をかけて #reco_ig #yamanashi #山梨 #やまなしカメラクラブ #甲府市 #物語のある写真を撮りたい #物語のある写真 #映画のようなワンシーン #映画みたいな僕の日常 #誰かに見せたい風景 #誰かに見せたい景色 #その瞬間に物語を #japancityblues #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #カメラ好きな人と繋がりたい #moodygrams #お写んぽ #sonyalpha #alpha_newgeneration #sonya9 (Uenohara, Yamanashi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqkncD4vaEz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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