mouniassn · 1 month
《阿伯的話—現場開示精華節錄》:「 人常因貪嗔癡作崇,迷惑在當下,用不了那麼多,想要的卻很多,為了想得到,往往造下諸多惡因,本世才得惡果。若是本世肝臟有問題,多係因過去世心腸不好,惡業造下過多,故本世遭受此報,心與肝容易出問題。事情已然發生,要誠心好好彌補,莫惡性循環,未來才有彩色人生。」
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yinyuedijun · 6 months
dan heng my dementia dragon I will always love u even if everyone else is forgetting about u....... moving on from u.......
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mademoiselle-red · 3 months
5 Favorite Characters Poll (tag game)
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
I was tagged by @lasenbyphoenix and since we are both cdrama enjoyers, I’ll also make this cdrama-themed. I have lots of faves, but these are the characters I find myself continually thinking about, analyzing, unable to let go of, long after I’ve moved on from their respective fandoms.
tagging @yletylyf , @bbcphile , @pi-ying-xi , @seventh-fantasy , @dangermousie and anyone else who’d like to play
Zhang Qiling: The only non-villain character on this list. I find myself returning to him whenever I plan trips to China. He is the perfect embodiment of my wanderlust — we both have an insatiable urge to see more of the country, in search of something we cannot name: perhaps a memory, a piece of the past, a sense of identity, a glimpse of the future.
Bailin: This is a character of many contradictions, which makes him fascinating (and it helps that he is played by my favorite actor Liu Xueyi). First, there is his personal struggle between his humanity and his divinity. Then, there is contradiction between Bailin as a morally neutral political actor in his role as a leader defending his people against invaders when their king refused to fight and the narrative’s depiction of him as the villain and the demons (who canonically do consume people in this show) as the victims. And finally, the conflicting storytelling that emerged out of the drama being filmed with the canonical Bailin/Luohou Jidu ship from the novel that was later mostly cut out of the show in post-production, which instead emphasized the Luohou Jidu/Sifeng ship (which doesn’t exist in the novel since these two characters never interacted).
Wang Xifeng: She was a more competent leader of people and manager of businesses than the men of the Jia household, but as woman, her gifts and ambitions were limited to the household. She was also just as corrupt and vain as the men who led the family to its eventual destruction, but she could have been so much more, greater and more terrible, if she’d been able to enter public life instead of being sequestered within the Jia manor. She’s like a beast, an apex predator, trapped in a golden cage. She was selfish and cruel, but she was also kind and generous to Qin Keqing and to Liu Laolao, and to many of the main characters as long as their interests didn’t conflict with her ambitions.
Cao Cao: There is something very romantic about his life. He was the grandson of a eunuch, shunned because of his lineage, rose to prominence in the army during the unrest and civil wars as Han royal power waned, conquered the northern lands, brought peace and order to his people, and became the supreme ruler of the north but would not crown himself emperor out of some (perhaps genuine perhaps feigned) moral obligation to the Han dynasty. He is cast as a villain in most adaptations because he kidnapped the young and incompetent heir of the Han royal family and used him as a puppet to rule over the territories he conquered. But he did bring peace to the northern lands, and he was a more competent ruler than many of the negligent and corrupt Han royals who came before him. And the dynasty he founded, the Wei Dynasty, gave birth to my favorite literary and aesthetic movement in Chinese history.
Jin Guangyao: As you can tell from the other character analyses above, I am fascinated by complex and contradictory characters who seek and weld political power. Ah Yao is a gentle and soft spoken person who is also ruthless and cold. He is a morally grey politician cast as the villain of the narrative because he is directly or indirectly behind the mysterious deaths that the main couple investigates. Jin Guangyao is similar to Cao Cao in many ways. He is a bastard child who killed those who’d wronged or threatened him and used those assassinations to rise to power. While in power he brought peace and stability to his people after a brutal civil wars: he built watch towers so that ordinary people could receive help from cultivators and he maintained peace among the various cultivator sects. He was cruel towards those who stood in his way to power (and survival) but he treated his nephew and heir with kindness. His rise to power left behind a trail of blood, but he is also the only character besides Lan Xichen (his political ally and backer in every step of his rise to power) with any semblance of a political vision in the novel. These many contradictory pieces that comprise “Jin Guangyao” are endlessly fascinating: Meng Yao the kind boy who helped a stranger, Meng Yao the desperate boy who took revenge on his abusers, Jin Guangyao the gentle and generous ruler and uncle, Jin Guangyao the ruthless and power-hungry usurper, son, husband, and brother.
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mr-spice · 16 days
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Adventure of Shen Jianxin Season 3 | OST: Meng Ru Hai (Dream into Sea)
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literalchuhsien · 8 months
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niteshade925 · 9 months
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hb-1860 · 2 years
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swdgf · 2 months
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《我的一个朋友》 by 孔恰
#kongqia has the best prose of all the dnmei authors i’ve read so far imo#简明雅致又绵延 意犹未尽#以已垂暮之年的马小蛇的叙述来展开故事是个很妙的写法 从百十年后再回忆那些往事 感情就没那么撕心裂肺了 只是淡淡的怅然所失#于是读者们会如温水煮青蛙般地陷入平淡的讲述中 最后被虐得半死 尤其是结尾那段简直是神来之笔平地起雷 云淡风轻却句句锥心刻骨#explicitly or not it’s about three different unfulfilled loves: 马小蛇->丁若望->苏方宜->沈姿完 (who is dead long before the story even begins)#丁若望明知自己被算计被利用被当替身了 还是心甘情愿地给自己套上枷锁 一头扎进柔情蜜语编织的天罗地网中 往日的仗剑江湖快意恩仇再不复见#即当上武林盟主又做了朝廷大官不失为一番佳话的他至死还是对那位“沈郁”公子念念不忘#看似是苦苦一生求而不得 可他又说了那句“下一世 还要更糊涂 不让他算得那么辛苦” 或许也是求仁得仁吧#而马小蛇就更悲了 本该是主角却沦为旁观者#把一切都看得透透的却说不出走不了劝不动 只能眼睁睁看着自己心爱的人飞蛾扑火般地越陷越深 与他渐行渐远#悲就悲在当他开口讲这个故事的时候 丁若望和苏方宜的坟头上早已杂草丛生了#即便他有手段使人心不烂肉不腐 每到中秋还去他的坟前夜哭一回 人死万事休 再肝肠寸断的思念也只能永远烂在肚子里了#他从始至终没说过一个字 夜里拆招 大漠挡剑 走过长墙的时候都没说 这一辈子也不会说了#听完故事后的​天心弃说他“没有一天开心快活” 可那十年与君浪迹天涯闯荡江湖又算什么呢?#又想当年春光那样好 两个笑得得意忘形的少年走过长廊 他静静望着那个可以管上六十年的笑容 加快了脚步#也许感情这件事只不过是甘不甘心 情不情愿罢了#all that to say it was very much my kind of story ^_^#r
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digitalspool · 4 months
atp i just wanna tag all my ratio posts with such.. like… do tumblr tags do that
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a-piano · 4 months
經典台語~ 心肝寶貝 - 鳳飛飛 | 你是阮的掌上明珠/抱著金金看 | 鋼琴 Piano
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antsloveyun · 6 months
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beautyupdate · 7 months
你是一個只要冬天、寒流一來,就總是手腳冰冷的人嗎?如果是的話,別擔心,今天有三個簡單實用的方法,讓你在寒冷的季節裡,不再忍受手腳冰冷的折磨。這三招不僅能夠溫暖你的身體,更讓你在冬日中感受到溫馨和舒適,讓整個冬天都暖心又暖胃。讓我們一同揭開這些溫暖秘笈,享受一個全身暖呼呼的冬天吧! #厚絨毛拖鞋 #泡腳 #麻油豬肝 #冬天暖身法寶 #冬天手腳冰冷 #手腳冰冷
你是一個只要冬天、寒流一來,就總是手腳冰冷的人嗎?如果是的話,別擔心,今天有三個簡單實用的方法,讓你在寒冷的季節裡,不再忍受手腳冰冷的折磨。這三招不僅能夠溫暖你的身體,更讓你在冬日中感受到溫馨和舒適,讓整個冬天都暖心又暖胃。讓我們一同揭開這些溫暖秘笈,享受一個全身暖呼呼的冬天吧! 手腳冰冷 冬天暖身法寶1:讓腳泡在熱呼呼的水裡 在日常生活中,長時間站立或坐著容易導致血液滯留在手腳末梢,尤其是在寒冷的天氣中。透過泡腳,水的溫熱能夠擴張血管,提升血液流動,有效地減輕手腳冰冷的感覺。 泡腳 其次,泡腳有助���緩解壓力和疲勞。手腳冰冷可能與身體疲勞、壓力過大有關。泡腳不僅能夠放鬆肌肉,還能舒緩神經,使人感到放鬆和舒適。這種放鬆的感覺有助於改善睡眠質量,進而緩解整體身體的不適感。 此外,泡腳也是一種良好的排毒方式。人體有許多穴位集中在腳底,透過泡腳,有助於打開這些穴位,促進體內毒素的排出…
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anju45 · 1 year
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numasaaan · 1 year
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metal-cn · 1 year
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