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Noise of a shattered heart
#abunaday#daily#bun#bunny#doodle#tumbler#thud#tumbling#loud noise#shattered heart#一日一兔#水壺#掉下來#心碎了#響亮
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(Observations from Chinese fandom idk what it’s like in the English side, also idk translations for some of the names of things)
A lot of blade fans dislike jingliu (hmm perhaps for killing their guy hundreds of times) but I think people forget jingliu was possibly the most direct victim of the incident. She had to kill the cursed dragon made from baiheng’s flesh (I don’t read liuheng fics but I kind of passively ship them because it makes this more knife and more tasty) which basically immediately triggered her mys and drove her insane (altho she was already very old 1000+ by this point) so effectively Dan feng and ying xing caused her death as well, and thus altho she considers herself one of the 3 sinners due to going insane and killing fellow soldiers, you could also consider that to be Dan feng and yingxing’s fault too. From this point on jingliu is dead, and iirc the document in game says the casualty count was in the thousands and I don’t think jingliu killed blade that many times, if you want to calculate it like that.
I’m not a blade 推 he’s just very interesting to me, his suffering fascinates me lol, I’m a jing yuan 推 tho so I suppose I also have complicated feelings about the current, mys jingliu because of the trouble she and luocha did and will bring to xianzhou and thus jing yuan… she really is not herself anymore. The jingliu who taught jing yuan 吾等云骑,如云翳障空���卫庇仙舟 is gone… that jingliu would never use the lives of everyone on luofu as just another means to achieve her goals.
And if you look at blade altho he is probably normal most of the time when he’s not exposed to mys triggering things from his interaction with firefly he seems pretty quite and reserved (altho still cracks jokes which were then heavily memed hhh 点刀哥经典语录:死不了) which is very different from famously arrogant yingxing. That arrogance was probably why he helped Dan feng, for Dan feng he also had to consider this could be the way to save the future of his race but for yingxing I interpret his motivation as helping a friend and the short lived race’s desire to do what no one has done before and leave his mark before he’s gone. Blade probably considers his arrogance as one of the fatal character flaws that led to the disaster. I suppose time both sands down ones edges and wears away everything but the most pure desires and goals, and everything else is in service of that goal. For blade the goal is his eventual death, for jingliu it’s to kill yaoshi, and altho jing yuan hasn’t mys-ed you could say for him it’s all in service of luofu
#崩坏星穹铁道#honkai star rail#jing yuan#jingliu#hsr blade#魔芋爽真的…蛮心痛的肉身不死精神却已不复往昔她已不再是她#点刀哥厨子心疼他我也能理解但是别忘了他和丹枫干的好事#他俩干的那票最直接的受害者非镜流莫属#景元还得给所有人擦屁股真的景元永远都是最大的冤种#什么时候让将军也休息一下!#深夜碎碎念又开始了云上五骁真的太戳我了#疯哥和后来的点刀哥美妙的精神状态#I really do be thinking about them very often
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Li Xiangyi is the sun, Li Lianhua is the moon, but have you ever considered:
There’s not much difference between the sun and the moon, really, not in the end. The sun might be brighter, it might be more magnetic and all consuming and eye catching, so that you can’t help but stare at it even as its light blinds you, the moon might be paler and more damaged, it might be dimmer and easier to stare at for ages, but they’re both the same, in the end. They’re both beautiful yet so so distant, hanging in the sky more precious than any jewel you could want, but they’re unreachable, you could leap into the sky, you could throw yourself into the sea just to catch its mirage, but you’ll never touch them. That’s okay though, because even as you plummet from the sky or sink into the depths of the ocean, you can derive comfort from the way their light caressed you for an instant. And that makes it all worth it, doesn't it?
#li lianhua#mysterious lotus casebook#li xiangyi#lian hua lou#liansanjiao#Mlc meta#愛他幾乎是本能,想抓住他恍如水中撈月,想象中得光明美好只會支離破碎,在手指縫隙中流逝#但是你曾在手中握過一刻的光,哪怕只是一瞬間,但也是目睹了,驚鴻一瞥,亂我心神,刻骨銘心#畢竟,能碰到他一時,就算只是一個幻象,也算是完夢了吧?#OK that's enough emoting in the tags lmao#Zhanhua#Is that the shipname bc that was the actual ship I had in mind in the beginning
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Có thể để lại một câu nói chữa lành gửi tặng tớ được không? (phần 2)
1. 日落是免费的,春夏秋冬也是,不要觉得人生是那么无望,希望你也快乐!
Hoàng hôn miễn phí, xuân hạ thu đông cũng vậy, đừng cảm thấy cuộc đời này là vô nghĩa, hi vọng cậu hạnh phúc!
2. 世界上最美好的事情大概就是:WiFi信号满格,对方正在输入,��温刚好,旧衣服里的零钱, 快递正在派送,出门是晴天,手机还有1%刚好到家,喜欢的人刚好也喜欢自己。一切都刚刚好
Những điều đẹp đẽ nhất trên thế giới này có lẽ là: wifi luôn full vạch, đối phương đang nhập (tin nhắn), nước ấm vừa đủ, tiền lẻ trong quần áo cũ, đơn hàng đang trên đường giao, ra cửa là ngày nắng, vừa hay về đến nhà khi điện thoại còn 1% pin, người bạn thích trùng hợp cũng thích bạn. Mọi thứ thật vừa vặn.
3. 每天看到的那些不美好而伤心的。我们生下来的时候就已经哭够了,而且我们啊,谁也不能活着回去,所以,不要把时间都用来低落了. 去相信,去孤单,去爱去恨去浪费,去闯去梦去后悔,你一定要相信,不会有到不了的明天.
Mỗi ngày đều vì gặp chuyện không tốt mà đau lòng. Chúng ta ấy à, khi sinh ra đã khóc đủ nhiều rồi, làm gì có ai có thể quay trở lại quá khứ được đâu, vì vậy, đừng để thời gian trôi qua lãng phí. Hãy cứ tin tưởng, hãy cứ cô đơn, cứ yêu, cứ hận, và cứ lãng phí đi, hãy xông lên, mơ ước, hối hận, cậu nhất định phải tin rằng, không có ngày mai nào là không đến.
4. 生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么差
Cuộc sống sẽ không thể tốt đẹp như cậu nghĩ, nhưng cũng không xấu như cậu tưởng tượng.
5. 你就做自己吧,有点奇怪也没关系,和别人不一样也没关系,我永远站在你这边.
Cậu hãy cứ là chính mình thôi, có một chút kì lạ cũng không sao cả, không giống mọi người cũng không sao cả, tớ sẽ mãi luôn ở bên cạnh cậu.
6. 愿你一生努力,一生被爱。想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀
Mong cậu một đời nỗ lực, cả đời được yêu. Muốn gì được nấy, không được cũng không cần phải đắn đo.
7. 太阳下山,夜里也有灯打开,你看这个世界其实并不坏。
Khi mặt trời xuống núi, bóng đêm cũng sẽ được thắp đèn, cậu nhìn xem, thế giới này thực ra cũng không hề xấu xa đâu.
8. 你也有自己的宇宙,不要再敏感和易碎了,多关照自己的情绪和身体,你也很辛苦,我都知道. 你的眼泪多么珍贵呀,以后只在喜极而泣的时候哭吧.
Cậu cũng có vũ trụ của riêng mình, đừng nhạy cảm và mong manh nữa, hãy chăm sóc cơ thể và tâm hồn mình, cậu rất vất vả rồi, tớ biết chứ. Nước mắt của cậu quý giá lắm đó, sau này hãy chỉ rơi vì hạnh phúc thôi.
9. 愿你所有快乐,无需假装。愿你此生尽兴,赤诚善良
Mong tất cả hạnh phúc, đều không phải giả vờ. Mong một đời thoải mái, đều là chân thành và lương thiện.
10. 每件事到最后一定会变成一件好事,如果还没有,说明还没有到最后
Mỗi một việc đều sẽ trở nên tốt đẹp khi đi đến cuối cùng, nếu nó chưa tốt, vậy nhất định là chưa đi đến cuối cùng.
Lạc Yến dịch
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(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 紋身🌸一朵花女兒 Tattoo 🌸 a flower adorable daughter (she got it a couple week ago/ her first one.)
上週到這週我和女兒見面約會兩次;自從她從紐西蘭回來之後,她又隻身去了一趟南韓/釜山過聖誕節假期,並且她正兼職和學習鉤針手藝課忙碌於準備今年快則二月、慢則��月將去愛爾蘭自助旅遊和工作,她告訴我學習手藝若在愛爾蘭鄉村工作之餘她才不會無聊 。🥱😜haha
她兩週前到另一個城市刺青,這是她人生的第一朵七彩小花刺青,我覺得超可愛的,花兒挺像她的風格。然後我告訴她:我怎麼第一眼聯想到「奧運會標誌」。😂 她又告訴我:她將會在手腕處再買一個刺青是中文字:「羽」。(羽毛 🪶的’羽’是她的中文名字的最後一個字。) um hummm… sounds cool! 😎 🫶 and 我跟女兒說:聽過有此一説~”但凡刺青之人都會對紋身上癮。”😏🤔
昨天紋身🌸一朵花女兒 lol 來我的工作室,她來教會我關於如何把智能手機便利且普遍地使用在現代人與生活結合的一些瑣事 😵💫 。還有她上週把感冒傳染給我 😆,我想她來檢查並確認看看… 她的媽咪千萬別昏睡/死在工作室。 hehe 😂😷🛌💀 Lan~*
There was a little drizzle/showers last night ... I love it but we both are caught a cold, so we feel cold then we had a simple street food - Stir-fried squid Taiwanese Pasta, want to back to studio quickly. XD

#chu lan#朱蘭皮藝#leather art artist#fine craft artist#beautiful life#sweet daughter#my family my love my life#caught a cold#daughter thank you to teach your mom smartphone#sometimes the smartphone it's paining in my ass XD#daily life
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Scissor Seven Season 5 OP
坠入了坠入了 这深渊 看光影掠过我身边 跟着漂流的时间 拼不完的碎片看不清楚的脸 幻想着 幻想着 哪一天 被痛苦刺穿碎裂的手 能再拨开充斥着 黯淡且又绝望的 那 片 黑 夜 白昼的月 洒在心间 拼不出你笑颜 复杂错综的时间 四处散落我的碎片 每一个瞬间的颜色 组合成我梦境中的天 答案永远都不会 出现在犹豫的时间 那不如一头栽进残忍的世界 啊 如果我们的人生 只剩下三分钟时间 你会选择戴哪种面具去演 或不再演 答案永远都不会 出现在犹豫的时间 那不如一头栽进残忍的世界 创造明天
English lyrics translated by me, please do not repost ty
Falling, falling Into this abyss Watching the light and shadow pass by me Drifting along with time Endless pieces I can't put together, faces I can't see clearly Imagining, imagining That one day The hand pierced and shattered by pain Can push away the darkness that fills That bleak and despairing night The moon of daylight Shines on my heart I can't piece together your smile Time is complex and tangled My fragments are scattered everywhere Every moment's colour Forms the sky in my dreams The answer will never Appear in moments of hesitation So why not plunge headfirst into a ruthless world? Ah If our lives Had only three minutes left Which mask would you choose to wear Or would you stop pretending? The answer will never Appear in moments of hesitation So why not plunge headfirst into a ruthless world? And create a tomorrow.
#伍六七之记忆碎片#scissor seven#刺客伍六七#cike wu liuqi#scissor 7#*4#the track i was trying to download was actually 点解话我唔够man the one they play while redtooth trying to do his job but it's not available X_X#anyways have the op instead!! its a banger 🙌🙌✨✨#i was very fond of wang shunhe on superband im glad clockwork moon is still together
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Hiii I'm curious about something, are you the type to listen to music and go "omg this is so wwx"? If so...which song?
Hmmmm... my answer may disappoint a bit since I guess when it comes to songs they make me think more of scenerios for characters I think would fit...

But for a full answer to your question, I think maybe the original audio drama's song for Wei Wuxian is really the perfect one for him for me personally.
Lyrics Hanzi and English ( I am not going to admit how many years I've had this translation sitting in my notes and I keep messing with it)
He Yige ( "Whence" Song or Where does this song come from also know as Nameless Song)
Those dreams don't take them away
All's a blur when I first wake
Before the reunion, after the farewell
Snow melts into spring
And the lanterns are lit for the day
I died in chaos and thought I'd be forgotten by now
Yet you and I meet as strangers again, who's really the foolish one now
A hundred ghosts roam an empty town, how many times have I played this flute
What is this song and who do I play it for now
(Chorus) Lonely souls have turned to dust, I have no place within this world
Listen as I sing to the world from the dark of a cave if only for a bit
It's the wild joy and hate for life and death
Ask the zither's strings how many journeys it has had
Just use this nameless song as a promise through this life
La la la la la(x7)
la la la
Those who roam don't stay for long
Those who return are beloved
Before the reunion, after the farewell
Cross the water of forest springs, the clouds carry the scent of wine
After the chaos I had made, I thought you would have forgotten me by now
All alone within this world, who is the one who really forgot
The wind blows through the city once again, I raise my flute another countless time
What is this song and who do I play it for now
(Chorus) Lonely souls have turned to dust, I have no place within this world
Listen to who sings out to the world from the dark if only for a bit
It's the wild joy and hate for life and death
Ask the zither's strings how many journeys it has had
Just use this nameless song as a promise through this life
Those who roam don't stay for long
Those who return are beloved
Before the reunion, after the farewell
Cross the water of forest springs, the clouds carry the smell of wine
It's the smell of old blood on the wind, open your lips in the silence of the heavens and the earth
Listen as I sing to the world from the dark of a cave if only for a bit
It's the frost of a blade that's unsheathed and left to cut, that can't avoid the old stain on a heart
Just use this nameless song as a promise through this life
Lonely souls have turned to dust, I have no place within this world
Listen to who sings out to the world from the dark if only for a bit
It's the wild joy and hate for life and death
Ask the zither's strings how many journeys it has had
Just use this nameless song as a promise through this life
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嗨 | SAY HI
from zhou shen’s second album 《反深代词》 | listen on spotify
lyrics by: 金灿灿 / jin cancan [T/N: title is just "hi"]
哦说声嗨 知道你一定会来 oh! say hi / i knew you'd be here someday 窗帘在摆 风铃在抖落尘埃 the curtains, swaying / wind chimes shake off their cape of dust 哦我的心 是装满汽水的大海 oh, my heart / brims full, an ocean of soda 屏着呼吸 再说声嗨 hold this one breath / say hi, once more 甜蜜就从全世界涌来 sweetness gushes forth from a world so wide
我像在与风相爱 it's like i'm in love with the wind 怎样转身你都在 however i turn, you're right there 眼前每一粒像素都在摇摆 every pixel is dancing before my eyes 融化成一片花海 melting, into a sea of blooms
让我一片片碎开 let me scatter, piece by piece 随花瓣轻轻拥向你 float lightly to you, on petal wings 你会抱紧我还是摘片云彩 will you hold me tight? or catch at a cloud 托起我所有盛开 and lift me up, to flourish high
哦说声嗨 太阳边月亮升起来 oh, say hi / by the sun, the moon's on the rise 我唱着歌 小猫尾巴在打节拍 i hold this tune / the cat's tail my metronome 你的身影 喜欢梦中不请自来 your silhouette / wanders my dreams, with no invite 不清不白 no reason, no rhyme 却总是在 我开始脸红了才离开 but only when / i blush red, then do you go
哦 是你啊 oh~ so it's you
(la la la~)
此刻全宇宙摇摆 and now, the whole galaxy sways 随着我心跳开怀 a tango to the beat of my heart 云朵做飞船成排 天空结彩 the clouds, a shuttle to space / skies bursting colour 看我随着风而来 gaze on me as i blow into place
我终于真实存在 at last, i am made real 终于对自己够坦白 at last – honest enough to myself 不用为未来 独自犹豫徘徊 no need to pace, to fret over someday 紧握的手不松开 these hands they'll hold on so tight 嗨 是你啊 hi – so it's you…
#zhou shen#反深代词#shenself#周深#long post#me reading the album notes for this one: oh.....#he's so beautifully honest it makes me cry sometimes#also my brain is used up for the day now definitely LMAO#*shenshen wordbox!
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All Alone - A Inner Monologue from Specimen 9
TW: Implied rape and graphic descriptions of violence. You can also view this story on AO3 as seen here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我孤身一人。 (I was all alone.) 我從我以為的永久死亡中醒來。濕的。冷。黑暗。我的身體塗滿了黏土。被所有的「木頭」包圍著。 (I woke up from what I thought was my permanent death. Wet. Cold. Dark. My body coated in clay. Surrounded by all the “logs”.) 我的心碎了,支離破碎。我不再知道自己是誰。我是誰?我幾歲了?我叫什麼名字?我以前是住在安靜舒適的家中,還是寒冷破落的街上?我有過妻子或孩子嗎? (My mind was broken and shattered. I no longer knew who I was. Who was I? How old was I? What was my name? Was I previously living in the quiet comfort of a home or the cold and decrepit streets? Did I ever have a wife or kids?) 我再也記不起… (I could no longer remember…) 那些鬼子… 日本人… (Those demons… the Japanese…) 我記得一些事情 我記得他們所做的一切 實驗 折磨 酷熱 嚴寒 注射 切割 尖叫聲 所有被折磨的男人、婦女、兒童、嬰兒… (I did remember something. I remembered everything they did. The experiments. The torture. The heat. The cold. The injections. The cutting. The screams. All of those tortured men, women, children, infants…) 他們對待我們的方式。我們甚至不被視為人類。對他們來說,我們只是小玩具。他們可以為所欲為的玩具。 (The way they treated us. How we weren't even viewed as human. We were just little toys to them. Toys that they could do whatever they wanted with.) 我仍然記得每天籠罩在我們頭上的絕望。我還記得當那些孩子的父母沒有回到牢房時,他們淚流滿面的表情。我還記得我牢房旁邊的婦女在男人們打開門鎖後,是如何默默受創,她們… (I still remember the despair looming over us everyday. I still remember the tearful looks on those children's faces when their parents didn’t come back to their cells. I still remember how silently traumatized the woman next to my cell was after the men unlocked the door and they…) … 我還記得他們把我剖開的情景。我的身體在劇痛中扭動。我的尖叫聲充斥著整個房間,並在大廳中迴盪。當他們把他們的手和所有的小工具塞進我脆弱的身體時,我向他們求救。然後一切都暗了下來… (I still remember them cutting me open. My body wriggled in agonizing pain. My screams filled the room and echoed down the halls. I begged for help as they jammed their hands and all of their little tools into my fragile body. Then everything went dark...) 現在我變成這樣了 (And now I'm this.)
我把自己藏在陰暗處好一陣子 但總覺得不對勁 一種愧疚感,混雜著對那些……東西的憤怒、憤怒、憤恨。以及他們對我們所做的一切 (I hid myself in the shadows for awhile, but something felt wrong. A sense of guilt, mixed with this burning, bubbling, raging ocean of hatred for those... things. And what they had done to us.)
我回去了 急於報仇,解放我的人民。是時候讓仇恨的海嘯沖垮他們了。就這樣 (I went back. Eager to get my revenge and free my people. It was time to let that tsunami of hatred come crashing down on them. And so it did.) 這是一次奇妙的經歷。他們可憐地向我開槍,卻毫無作用。當我走向他們時,他們試圖逃跑的樣子。他們尖叫的美妙音樂傳入我的耳朵。 (It was an amazing experience. The way they pathetically shot at me to no effect. The way they tried to run away as I made my way towards them. The way the beautiful music of their screams made their way to my ears.) 我喜歡折斷他們的骨頭。我喜歡看見他們的身體在痛苦中扭動和掙扎。我喜歡用我新發現的力量讓他們燃燒。我喜歡撕開他們的身體。我喜歡看我的殺戮有多有創意。他們在死之前能承受多大的痛苦。如果我這樣做而不是那樣做,他們的尖叫聲會有多大。我可以讓他們承受多大的痛苦。 (I loved snapping and breaking their bones. I loved seeing their bodies squirm and writhe in pain. I loved setting them ablaze with my newfound powers. I loved tearing their bodies open. I loved seeing how creative I could get with my kills. How much pain they could handle before expiring. How loudly they would scream if I did this instead of that. How much I could make them suffer.) 他們現在是我的小玩具……因此,我的腦海沉醉於孩子般的本能殺戮慾望。我不再思考 我只想盡可能地讓那些可怕的日本鬼子痛苦。我繼續殺戮。我盡力確保那些惡魔一個也逃不出我的手掌心。我放火燒毀了周圍的一切。 (They were now my little toys... and so my mind became drunken with a childish and instinctive desire to kill. I was no longer thinking. I just wanted to cause as much pain to those horrible Japan devils as possible. I continued the killing. I tried to make sure not a single one of those demons escaped my grasp. I set fire to everything and everyone around me.) 然後我就醒了 (Then I woke up.)
突然,當我檢視周遭環境時,周遭的一切都被摧毀了。建築物消失了。我的身體塗上了紅色。一些火苗仍然揮之不去 而且到處都是燒焦的屍體……而且大部分都不是科學家。 (Suddenly, as I examined my surroundings, everything around me was destroyed. The building was gone. My body was coated in red. Some flames of fire still lingered. And there were charred bodies everywhere... and most weren't the scientists.) 我把他們全殺了 我所有的族人 所有我想拯救的人 都是為了報復那些殺了我的人,盲目自私的憤怒。有些人因為跑出大樓或那天沒去上班而躲過了我的憤怒。我沒有機會殺死那個戴圓框眼鏡的人… (I killed them all. All of my people. All of those I wanted to save. All in a blind selfish rage to get back at those who murdered me. Some of which were able to escape my rage due to running out of the building or simply not showing up to work that day. I never got to kill that man in the round glasses...)
我現在是個怪物了 (I'm a monster now.) 我再也不能在人行道上隨意散步。我再也不能安安靜靜地坐在家中。我再也不能吃喝拉撒睡。我再也不能友善地向鄰居打招呼。我再也不能參與有趣的嗜好。我再也無法擁抱我的孩子,告訴他們睡前故事,或是在工作前給我的妻子最後的一個吻,如果我有他們的話。 (No longer would I be able to go for a casual stroll on a sidewalk. No longer would I be able to peacefully sit quietly in whatever home I had. No longer would I be able to eat, drink, and sleep. No longer would I be able to give a friendly hello to a neighbor. No longer would I be able to take part of fun hobbies. No longer would I be able hug my kids and tell them bedtime stories or give my wife one last kiss before work, if I had them.) 我再也不能做人了。 (No longer would I be able to be human.)
即使是這樣,我也可以成為英雄。一個救世主。一個領導者。一個演說者 但現在我認識的所有人都死了 沒有人能知道他們的痛苦 因為只剩下我一個人了 (Even in this form, I could've been a hero. A savior. A leader. A speaker. But now everyone I once knew is dead. Nobody will be able to know of their suffering as I'm the only one left.) 我能做的只有哀悼。哀悼那些被我謀殺的人。哭泣。哭泣,淹沒在我內���和羞愧的淚水中。尖叫。為了我變成的怪物,為了我永遠失去、永遠也回不去的東西,尖叫幾個小時。 (All I can do is mourn. Mourn those I had murdered. Weep. Weep and drown in my own tears of overwhelming guilt and shame. And scream. Scream for hours on end about the monster I became and what I have permanently lost and will never get back.) 我對著天空尖叫了幾個小時。把我所有的痛苦和煎熬都吼了出來 不知道是否有人會聽到。我的喉嚨乾了,聲帶也繃緊了,但我的求救聲仍未得到任何潛在的神甚至人類的回應。 (I have been screaming into the sky for hours. Blaring all of my pain and suffering. Wondering if any of it will ever be heard. My throat dries and my vocal cords strain, yet, my pleas for help have yet to be answered by any potential god or even human.) 我一個人。 (I'm all alone.)
Hello everyone! It's my b-b-birthday! I wanted to post this earlier, but I ran into some internet problems and I had other stuff to deal with. Now it's finally posted! Originally I wanted to write about a slice of life story between Spooky and her father for my birthday, but I simply never had the proper time to fully flesh that out. So, I wrote this last night! Specimen 9 is one of my favorite specimens, so I wanted to make a little short story about him and how tragic he is. As a bonus detail, I added Chinese text to fit with Taker's origins. I didn't want to use Google Translate and call it a day, so I used DeepL Translate. Supposedly the world's most accurate translator.
Lastly, you may have noticed my profile pic changed. Check out this post from my awesome friend @alaskinapples99! She made this amazing artwork of me for my birthday that really warmed my heart. Thank you so much! And thank you to everyone else for liking or reblogging and showing me support over these past few months! I wrote this theory months ago and I still get a notification about it every now and then. Which is pretty crazy to me. Definitely one of my most proud posts. Anyways that's enough of me yapping. Thanks for reading and have a snazzy day!
#Sharky's Stories#shojs#sjsm#spookys house of jumpscares#spooky's house of jumpscares#spookys jumpscare mansion#spooky's jumpscare mansion#spooky’s jumpscare mansion#specimen 9#taker#short story#writing#chinese language
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(Loving him was innate, yet trying to hold on to him was as futile as capturing the moon by dipping your hands in the water that contains its reflection, the imagined beauty and light fragmenting and dissipating, slipping through your fingers. And yet once, you held that light in your hands, even if it was just an instant, but you witnessed that light, stunning, mesmerising, scattering your thoughts, yet engraving itself into your memory, your bones, your heart. After all, being able to touch him for a moment, even if it was just a delusion, counts as fulfilling your life's wish, right?)
(It's such a tragedy. Being unable to grow old and gray together, unable to accompany and watch over each other to the end, with even the freedom of self delusion stripped away.)
#mysterious lotus casebook#li lianhua#li xiangyi#Implied liansanjiao#Sometimes I remember I wrote this about llh and I cry#My writing#Wish I could write this good during tests
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watching an yingdu OP analysis vid on bilibili and GUYS

Maybe some people already noticed it but I sure as hell didn't :"
The vid:
#maybe i can try summarising it when i finish watching#link click#yingdu#yingdu op#sgdlr posting#it's raining baos
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(Sold) 皮雕側背包改製成2只長夾-1 野貓刀疤王 lol Meow~*(Not finish) --- recent works of 2 long-wallets, this's the one of.
勇氣是壓力下展現的優雅。 Courage is grace under pressure. ─ Ernest Hemingway 海明威 (1899-1961) Novelist /Nobel Prize Winner 我在6年前的作品:(Sold)my leather work pocketbook- wild meow皮雕側背包,藏家姝然她要求我以此"野貓側背包"之原型,設法改製-創作翻新成2件加大尺寸的長夾,老蘭盡力而為,使命必達。 (PS. 6元 coins 你落在原始的貓包裡了,等我做完2件作品寄件給妳時再還給妳。另一件改製長夾-2「咕咕雞」下週再讓你看。😊 "6"這個數字跟我極其有緣,人生在世凡事想開點,就66大順啦!) Lan~* ▪︎ 接下來上色→裝飾細節→開洞→縫合等工作。 ▪︎ 修改它遠比重新做一個新的作品更難,已經過歲月的消磨其變數會很大。因當你在拆解所有原始皮革雕刻所製作的每一吋時,都極有可能完全碎裂且無法再次利用。建議無經驗者別輕易接下這種吃力不討好的工作。 ▪︎ 動物皮革也是生命的全奉獻,牠們既然提供給人類生活食衣住行和娛樂所需,我若是有緣接到案子也力所能及的再次利用和改造它,延長其功能和為人類所用之壽命,並重新賦與其新的創意,一則滿足客戶的需求,使其開心;最終使自己有機會多學習並使技藝精進,還有錢賺,當然會考量並權衡其"可能性",才皆受挑戰。以上。🙏 Thanks~*
My old leather works about 6 yrs ago and that customer asking me to make 2 pieces long-wallets new from it.

#chu lan maria#fine craft artist#artist from taiwan#chu lan#leather art#handmade leather works#customized leather works#朱蘭皮藝#皮雕工藝#台灣工藝人#cat box-bag#男孩用的側背包#re-new old leather works#long-wallet
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