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I got a new phone with storage space! and have downloaded WeChat and 小红书.
I'm not following anyone yet so I've just been checking out the suggested stuff... the difference in average content quality is so different (with 小红书 leading by far)
I've also downloaded Bilibili Comics but haven't had time to keep up with Journey to the West so won't be using it for a while...
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这天是少武与小帅一起的周年日子,小帅精心地打扮,细薄纱质白色衬衣,配上阔身低腰牛仔裤,一双白底衬蓝边的时款篮球鞋,他对镜左右顾盼,又放肆地少扣胸前衫钮,从侧面看去,粉红色的乳尖若隐若现地挺在胸肌上,此时的小帅,少了二分女儿娇态,代之是十八岁青年的俊朗。然而,过份标致的五官,细白透红的皮肤,始终散发着难以形容的妩媚。 “老婆,唔,你好美,干吗不陪我多睡一会?”刚睡醒的少武从后搂着小帅,一阵男子独有的气息,笼罩在赤裸的躯体上。说着双手已掏进小帅衣襟,轻揉着诱人的乳蒂。 瀮军yR莟溆“唔,不要,快洗澡,你不是说今天我们要外出逛逛,一周年啊!” 少武放开小帅,从背包里取出一个小盒。 老婆,送给你的!” 小帅惊喜地打开,一看,原来是一只银色镶了碎钻石的介指。虽然并不太名贵,但他自小在乡间长大,来港后都是过着清贫的生活,几曾有人送他首饰,何况是心上人的爱意,他呆呆的看着少武,感动得双眼滚着泪水。 “老公……….我……….” “不要说,只要你知我爱你就足够,乖,老公要照顾你一世,待我赚多了才送你大的,来,我给你戴上!” “够了,这介指我会戴一生,不需要再买,老公…..我……我爱你……” 小帅紧紧地拥在少武丰硕的胸膛上,良久不能说话。如此浓情蜜意,少不免又一番缠绵,少武粗大的黑屌又再驰骋在小帅的菊穴,射精后就伏在牀上再睡。其实日常工作辛劳,难得放假,他甚么地方也不愿去,只想多休息,能够拥着老婆睡就心满意足。睡到下午,终于拖着懒洋洋的身躯,和小帅逛街。 满街行人,挤拥得令人透不过气,好不容易逛到黄昏。少武生性粗豪,不懂甚么浪漫,只简单的找了间馆子吃饭,小帅对此并不介怀,他现在万分满足,一缕柔情全系在这男人身上,那怕粗茶淡饭。少武看着标致的小帅,边吃边饮,啤酒连喝四,五瓶,小帅也没法阻拦,自己亦陪喝了,难得高兴,他俩都喝得烂醉。离开馆子已近午夜,少武醉得利害,截了计程车便与小帅直回油麻地家去。这是一幢三十多年的旧房子,座落在果栏附近,是继父当年买下以方便打理果栏业务,现由威哥与少武共住。这对“夫妇”醉薰薰的走进家门,跌跌撞撞地入了房就和衣熟睡。 已是零晨三时,小帅被少武压得身体发麻,宿醉初醒,蒙眬间才惊觉睡在少武家中,他满��大汗,膀肉~文zi-yuan卖,多.人.体-.-育.生,蓝~色.叩釦 K:①①⑦零⑦⑥三⑥⑨⑤胱涨满,大概是喝得太多了,只见少武仍烂醉如泥,他蹑手蹑脚地走到浴室,小便后见一身汗臭,就索性冲凉。男人的家没有什么沐浴用品,就只有浴露。小帅脱去衣服,享受着花洒热水的冲洗,白晰的皮肤泛起淡淡的粉红,翘挺的臀部,既圆且滑,夸张的巨吊,一晃一晃的动人心弦。正当他陶醉在花洒下,浴室门突然被打开了。 小帅听到开门声,心想大概少武睡醒用厕,回头就说:“终于醒了,有毛巾吗?”那知………………….. 转身一看,站在门口的竟然是威哥,志强和大勇。他此时一丝不挂,水珠仍流动在娇柔的身体上,浴室内漓漫着蒙蒙的水蒸气,他苦无物件遮掩诱人的胴体,双手盖着巨大的阳具,不知所措。 威哥等三人都定睛地看着小帅,他们皆是老粗,玩弄的都是下贱的妓女,几曾见过如此雌雄同体的尤物,那三条精壮的屌已撑得裤管高起,尤其是威哥,涨得十分惊人。 “你这小子干吗在我家冲凉?少武呢?想不到你那么细嫩,来,威哥也要洗澡,帮我擦擦背。” 说着已脱得清光,黝黑的肌肉在微黄的灯光下,显得凹凸有致,胸肌上的飞鹰仍是那么的生动。他的粗屌跟少武的可谓不相伯仲,硕大的龟头已涨得发紫。他一手拉着小帅,开了花洒就肆意地抚遍青年的身体。 “你不是常跟我弟弟干吗?我早就知道,既然你可以帮少武干,自然亦可陪我,今日你自己送上家门,可要乖乖依我,否则,哼!” “不,威哥,对不起打扰你,少武在房中,快出来了,我要回家啊…..请…请你放我走……少武少武,快来呀….快来呀…..”小帅不知如何应付,只有高呼老公相救。但少武仍然醉在梦乡,根本完全听不到呼喊。 “啪”威哥挥掌掴了小帅一个耳光,粉脸即时红肿。 “大勇你看看少武在那!志强,你守着浴室,不许人进来!” 大勇看见少武醉得死猪般睡着,立即告知威哥威哥转身向小帅���:“今晚我玩定你,你若不想再被揍,就听我吩咐小帅那肯就犯,正想夺门而出,即被大勇志强拦住,更被上下其手,若不是慑于威哥,早已轮奸了他。威哥拉回小帅,又是一记耳光。小帅被掴得金星直冒,巳不敢轻举妄动。在淫威下,他为这壮男涂上浴露,由脚趾一直洗至腰间,他不想撞那硕大的粗屌,但威哥示意要将它洗得干干净净。他握着老公兄长的粗屌,涂上更多的浴露,上下的洗擦,那本已高举的壮屌变得更加雄伟,一上一下的反覆搐动,似要表现它的威势。 “小子,看老子的大屌怎样?与我那弟弟相比,更猛吧!嗳,回答我!” 威哥叉着腰,挺着大屌,自信地等着小帅的赞美。门口的大勇及志强,正欲火高消,四只淫眼不住地盼望好戏上演。小帅听到他对老公的恶言,心里头一阵难受,他紧闭着嘴,不发一言,这是他唯一可以抗暴的方法。 “好,你嘴硬,我就要你大声喊出来,张开口!” 小帅死命的闭上嘴巴,但威哥却用手强行打开。“啪啪”又连翻掴了他两记耳光,一阵晕眩,威哥的大屌已插入嘴里。他用力的按着青年的头,大屌直捅到食道,不断的前后抽插。小帅差点就窒息,眼睛不住的流着泪,威哥手一松,他才得呼吸畅顺,但咳得几乎吐血。小帅想再求威哥放过,但咳得一言难发,他不住的哭,花洒不住的打在娇嫩的肉体上,更加挑起壮男的性欲。他拉起青年,大力地揸捏粉红色的乳头。小帅痛得叫了起来。 “你终于开声了,舒服了,是吗?唔,你这小子的屌大得这么利害,大勇,志强,来,脱了衣服,我们玩四人游戏!唔…. 让我看看你是否有个神仙洞,我弟弟会这么迷恋你,转身,抬高你的后庭!” 志强,大勇跟少武年纪相约,都是精壮型,虽没威哥兄弟粗壮,但亦肌肉结实。他们早就想分一杯羹,听到威哥命令,随即脱过清光,挺着份量不少的壮屌就拥了上来。在花洒下,四人皮肤都滑潺潺的,男人独有的气味,加上沐浴露,浴室内漓漫着妖媚的气息。 小帅被三个壮男用强的抬高屁股,大勇蹲身玩弄着他的巨物,又搓又含,慢慢已长大起来,22厘米的巨屌,首次现于老公及小亮以外的人前。志强兴奋的��着含上去,巨屌被这两贱男,舐遍每个细胞。身后的威哥将沐浴露注入小帅菊穴,涂了些在龟头上就捅了入内。 “呀,啊……呀…..哎…..好窄呀,估不到屁眼这么好操,啊啊,我要操死你这小妖,我猛还是少武猛,呀……好正啊硕大的阴茎不住地抽插着小帅,他心里痛苦,但肉体却有着前所未有的刺激,漂亮的脸孔,变得万分妩媚,威哥的大龟头正顶着前列腺,那种酥麻,令他站立不定。壮男使他躺在地上,将他双腿架在肩膊,又再将粗屌桶入。其余的贱男就轮番的将大屌插入他的口中,他们奸遍了他身体的每一寸。威哥操得兴起,竟正面抱起小帅,青年双腿挟紧壮男的腰部,双手紧抱着他的颈背,健硕的胸肌磿擦着小帅的乳蒂,下身完全被粗屌插入,顶撞着那夺魄的酥处。
lmyp9876 “啊啊…….很爽吧,说呀,爽吧,你不说我立即停止,说,快说!” “好….好爽,啊….好爽……!” 小帅已爽得双眼反白,那娇媚的神态,令威哥无限满足,他臣服在粗屌之下,性欲已淹盖了理智。忽然一阵急顶,浓浆射满了肠壁,威哥将他缓缓放下,对那两个贱男说:“轮到你们爽!” 大勇急不及待就提屌插入小帅菊穴,又是架起他的双腿,志强在小帅后帮着拉着脚掌,大勇便可以尽情的插,到大勇射完,志强又上,可怜小帅被他们奸得几乎昏歇,伏在地上不能一动,三人完事后就走了,花洒仍然打在嫩白的躯体上。
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Okay but this emoji of 微信 represents Sagittarius placements also I've seen this emoji used mainly by Sagittarius in big 3 people.
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Men's shoes 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购男装鞋
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing Men's shoes, include any of brands and types( Formal, causal, trainers…).
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
法国的北京女孩,正在寻找上游供应商以大量采购男装鞋,涵盖任何品牌和种类( Formal, causal, trainers…)。
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Men's wearing 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购男装
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the Men's wearing, include any of brands.
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Women's Accessories 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购女性饰品
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the Women Accessories, include any of brands,and any of types( handbags, belts, ears rings,clothes…)
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Sunglasses 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购太阳眼镜
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the Sunglasses, include any of brands.
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Sunglasses 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购太阳眼镜
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the Sunglasses, include any of brands.
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Women's Accessories 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购女性饰品
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the Women Accessories, include any of brands,and any of types( handbags, belts, ears rings,clothes…)
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing makeup & Cosmetics and Health & Beauties 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购化妆品和美妆用品
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing the makeup & Cosmetics and Health & Beauties, include any of brands.
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Men's shoes 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购男装鞋
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing Men's shoes, include any of brands and types( Formal, causal, trainers…).
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
法国的北京女孩,正在寻找上游供应商以大量采购男装鞋,涵盖任何品牌和种类( Formal, causal, trainers…)。
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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France Chinese trader is searching the suppliers for purchasing Women’s Shoes 法国华商正在寻找上游供应商采购女装鞋
France Beijing Lady, the boss of the trading company in Paris of France. Now she is searching the suppliers for purchasing Wallets and purses, include any of brands and types(Heels, boots, flats, trainers…).
If you have Supply Chains and you are interested in it, please use the Wechat App to add her friend or you can download the MoMo App to add her relationship to chat. She will give you a satisfied price, the price can be negiotiable.
Do not miss this oppportunity to get it!
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat Name: jianxuan Tele: +33620713574 Momo ID:344886164(白安安) Momo ID: 888291329(大饼)
On the other hand, Now we have another new service for Luxuries Wholesaling. If you or your friend & relationship have these needs and wants, you have a request and contact me by WeChat or Phone and the price can be negotiable, we can have a chat. In addition, we can provide the inventories form professional supplier and broker and we can also show your proof of invoice.
法国的北京女孩,正在寻找上游供应商以大量采购女装鞋,涵盖任何品牌和种类((Heels, boots, flats, trainers…)。
WeChat Id: yrx0205 WeChat name: 简萱 联系电话: +33620713574 陌陌号: 344886164(白安安) 陌陌号: 888291329(大饼)
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