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#abunaday#daily#bun#bunny#doodle#big surprise#big box#parcel#small things come in big packages#一日一兔#小東西大包裝#大箱#宅配
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A perplexing sight near the bathrooms in a Tokyo Metro station: a metal locker labeled おが屑箱. With a big old padlock. What is it???
I know that 屑 [くず] means waste or scraps, and that 箱 (as we've covered before) means box. And logically it should be some kind of trashcan, because that's the meaning of both 屑入れ [くずいれ] (literally, "waste put-into") and ゴミ箱 [ごみばこ] ("garbage box"), but this obviously isn't for passengers to use—it's locked! And what kind of waste or scraps does a railway...... generate? ...need to hold onto? ...have to lock up?
In other words. What is おが? I had no guess whatsoever until I saw it written in kanji: 大鋸!
I'm sure you know 大 big, and I recognize 鋸 from hiking 鋸山 Nokogiriyama, or Saw Mountain.
[x] Wow. I should go back there. They have a big Buddha and everything.
The mountain's name comes from the shape of this outcropping, which resembles this kind of saw...... [x]
...while 大鋸 often refers to a pit saw, like this one (I think) [x]......
The character 鋸 is read のこ, のこぎり, キョ, or コ. Its components are 金 metal, which hints at the meaning, and 居 to reside/exist, which provides both of the on-yomi readings.
So next I wondered why these two radicals combine to make saw. Apparently the original meaning of 居 was to fix [something] in place, and, in ancient China—prepare for sudden mood shift!—they would punish criminals by sawing their feet off! The kanji 鋸 was created for the metal stand used to secure their feet. Over time, it eventually came to mean saw.
Okay, so that's two questions answered: (1) おが屑 means sawdust, and (2) saw is written 鋸 because people just won't stay still when you try to saw their feet off, but we still have one mystery remaining—why do they keep a box of sawdust at the train station? That one's actually simple: for cleaning! Especially on rainy days, when everyone tracks in water and the tile floors get all slippery. Sawdust absorbs moisture and then is easily swept up. Mystery solved.
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Hakone Ropeway
The gondola lift up the Schauinsland is very good, but my favourite so far is definitely the Hakone Ropeway. After the train into Hakone, another train to Gôra, and a funicular, the last leg up the mountain is covered by this funitel, on which cars are suspended by two cables rather than one.
The Ropeway carries passengers up to Ôwakudani through the forest... at least as far as that ridge.
Mount Hakone is an active volcano and "Ôwakudani", 大涌谷, literally means "great boiling valley", featuring bright yellow sulphur deposits and gas vents. Going from lush green slopes to the mineral hellscape of the crater in an instant is a breathtaking contrast, and one of my all-time favourite moments from my travels.
The Ropeway can obviously only run when the volcano isn't too active. When I first rode it in 2016, staff handed out damp tissues for passengers to cover their nose and mouth and protect themselves against the gases. After traversing the crater, the Ropeway continues down the other side of the mountain to the North end of Lake Ashi, where one would continue a tour by boarding one of the "pirate ships" that cruise on the lake.
#Japan#Kanagawa-ken#Hakone#Mount Hakone#Ôwakudani#volcano#sulphur#it can get smelly up there#I'll probably say more about that next time#Hakone Ropeway#train#kind of#I mean they run on two cables#kind of like rails#箱根#火山#大涌谷#ロープウェイ#2023-08
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帰りに神社の敷地内でモンキアゲハ(紋黄揚羽、Papilio helenus)を目撃🦋
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No.432 浪漫八景 駆け抜けた思い出-小田急ロマンスカー LSE
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2018.9.17 Daiyuzan Station 伊豆箱根鉄道 大雄山線 大雄山駅
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教室のみなさんと、 #箱根 の #星の王子さまミュージアム が話題になりました。 3月31日で閉園になるんですよね。 残念。 私は2019年8月に行きました。 サン=テグジュペリの「 #人間の土地 」 (今は「 #人間の大地 」)が好きで、身近に置いて愛読しています。 乗ってきた飛行機にも興味がありましたし。 なので、行ってみたかったんですよね。 このイラストは、その時撮った写真をモデルに描きました。 とっても気に入って、また行きたいと思っていたのに、残念ながら3月までには行けそうもなくて。 行けるチャンスがある方は、行ってみてはいかがかしら? #art #moleskine #pensketch #coloredpencil #fabercastell #polychromos #japan #hakone #littleprince #色鉛筆 #モレスキン #1日1絵 #イラストグラム #絵を描く暮らし #今日何描こう #今日何描いた #絵を描く暮ら https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWq_rJpN2K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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海辺の映画館 キネマの玉手箱 Labyrinth of Cinema
Directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi 大林宣彦 2019 Japan
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下午茶文化的由來 製作美味小點心4
#7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#8、再將剩下的蛋白全部與蛋黃糊混合均勻#9、加入玫瑰花瓣,用刮刀攪均即可#烘烤:隔水烘烤(下層烤盤加熱水,烤網放在中下層)180度上下火先烤20分鐘,轉160度上下火烘烤40分鐘即可#注意:烤好的蛋糕倒扣放涼脫模#可哥冰激淩;春藥 春藥效果 春藥副作用 春藥哪裡買 春藥是什麼 春藥成分 媚藥 乖乖水 春藥坊 催情迷幻催情 外用春藥 日本春藥 RUSH 壯陽助勃 老中醫#——很多女生應該會喜歡這一款冰激淩。#原料:4個蛋黃,80克糖,400毫升牛奶,半瓶藍莓醬,2大勺桃醬,15毫升可哥粉,咖啡甘露酒5ml,400毫升淡奶油#做法#1、先做蛋奶漿:蛋黃和白糖混合均勻,加入牛奶混合均勻,用小火慢慢加熱,全程不停攪拌,千萬別心急,不要讓漿水沸騰。 漿水濃厚(勺子背後能掛厚漿,指甲劃過後不會立即消失),#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒攪勻。#3、淡奶油打至濕性發泡,分成兩部分,分別將以上兩種涼透的蛋奶漿加入其中攪勻。#4、將果醬加入沒加可哥粉的混合物中拌勻。。韓國奇力片 鱷魚增大軟膏 黑馬Dark Hors 美國BIG PENIS 孟婆湯 極樂水 Hulk綠巨人 RISE防爆玩家 英國Golden拳交 美國增大丸 黃金瑪#5、裝盒入冰箱冷凍,每隔一小時取出攪拌一次,這樣攪拌三次,再凍三小時即可取出食用 。 蔬菜水果匹薩#——記得第一次接觸披薩時,我就對它研究了一番,外國人額,不會包餃子元宵之類帶餡的食品,統統把餡放在表面。 介紹一款水果匹薩,補充維生素呀,還不長胖。 當然,大家想吃別的#介紹了這麼多的美味小點心的製作方法,不知道你現在還是否安耐得住心裡的小激動。 為身邊的他做一款自己親手製作的小點心,會讓他在工作之餘感受到家的溫暖。#攪勻。
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シンプルなデザインのサイドテーブル 高級大理石ベース 強化ガラス コーヒーテーブル
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狩猟生活 2024 VOL.17
掲載対象:狩猟者のためのハンドクラフト教書(山と溪谷社) 掲載ページ:P48〜53 寄稿者:安田大介
狩猟系ムック「狩猟生活 2024 VOL.17」に『小型箱罠のトリセツ』として、6ページの記事を書かせていただきました。
また、以下のnoteにも、今回の寄稿のふりかえり(と言うか反省)などをまとめてますので、こちらもよろしければ読んでやってください。 https://note.com/inoshika_yasuda/n/naf54cc1365fc
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What to do at Ôwakudani
... or what to do on the summit of an active volcano. As inauspicious as that sounds, as long as Mount Hakone's activity can be described as moderate (localised fumaroles and hot springs) and a full-blown eruption doesn't happen, and that hasn't happened in thousands of years, it's possible to settle some permanent attractions. The Ropeway is undoubtedly one of them, and the Geomuseum, housing explanations about the mountain's history and geological peculiarities, was a very pertinent addition 10 years ago.
However, the summit's biggest draw has to be its black eggs. No, black eggs aren't what you get when you raise chickens at the top of an active volcano, but it's what you get when you boil eggs in the natural volcanic spring water on Mount Hakone.
So a few restaurants have popped up in Ôwakudani to serve these curious delicacies. To be clear, it's just the shells that turn black due to the minerals in the hot spring water; they still protect the inside from those minerals, and the egg cooks perfectly normally, and the edible parts are still white and yellow. Apparently, I don't eat hard-boiled eggs.
The eggs are cooked in the steaming plant next to this fumarole further up the hill. It can be visited via a trail through some less stable ground. If I remember correctly, this trail is only open at certain times for a limited number of people at a time. Although it's only 300 metres from the main part of Ôwakudani, half a dozen shelters have been installed in case of emergency (one such concrete structure can be seen behind the steaming plant).
But how do the eggs get up there if the trail isn't always open? With their own lovely little ropeway! White eggs go up, black eggs come down, ready to be served in the restaurants!
#Japan#Kanagawa#Hakone#Ôwakudani#volcano#Geomuseum#black eggs#ropeway#I thought I had both black and white eggs in this picture#but the gondola going down is actually empty#if you look closely the one with eggs in them has padding under the cages#神奈川県#箱根#大涌谷#火山#箱根ジオパーク#黒たまご#ロープウェイ#2023-08
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No.418 東京四景 終わる-東急世田谷線
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2018.9.17 Odawara Station 伊豆箱根鉄道 大雄山線 小田原駅
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