Sand Siblings Preference 1:
Preference: I Love You Reactions.
Characters: Sabaku No Gaara. Sabaku No Temari. Sabaku No Kankuro.
Anime. Naruto. Naruto Shippuden.
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“Kankuro-kun, I’m going to bed now, don’t stay up to late, I love you.” Kankuro glanced up at you a smirk gracing his paint covered lips as he replied with the usual; “I know, babydoll, I love you too.”
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“I love you, Y/N.”She whispered as the two of strolled down the quiet streets of Sunagakure. You caught her hand and stopped under a street light, it was the first time those words had been uttered. “I love you too, Temari. And I’m not just saying it because you said it, I really mean it, I love you, Sabaku No Temari.” A deep red tint painted her face and a grin took it’s place on her sweet lips as she tugged on your hand pulling you down the streets. A confident; “I know” tore from her throat as the two of you carried on your way to the Sabaku household.
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You had been with the youngest of the sand siblings for a while now and even still he loved hearing those 3 simple, yet powerful, words leave your lips. Growing up Gaara saw him self as nothing more than a weapon of destruction, his purpose being only to kill. That was until he met Naruto, then he changed, but when he met you he knew what he was meant to do; provide you love, care and safety. Despite trying to teach him how to respond properly numerous times, he still didn’t quite get it, so the only real reaction was the slight blush on his face and the smile tugging it’s way to the edge of his mouth. He didn’t have to respond verbally, he would occasionally pull you into a hug or kiss but you never really got any “I love you” at all, but you were never worried, you knew you had his heart and that knowledge was enough to keep you going till they end of the day.
Kankuro and Temari would both keep their confident personalities in check both following with an “I know.” And, “I love you too.” Although Temari would be slightly more hesitant to say it as to not come off as weak, despite your constant protests that feelings don’t make you weak and being a Shinobi and having feelings can be a hard task which makes you stronger than those with no feelings at all.
Gaara would be quiet and calm just as he usually is, but it doesn't mean it doesn't make him blush. Being deprived of love for so long makes him all the more anxious and eager to hear it, especially coming from you; an important person in his life. However, he’s never been quick to admit it, he’ll occasionally say it back but it isn’t often that the Kazekage lets his guard down. But the way he nuzzles his face into the nape of your neck and smells your hair as he holds you against him in a loving embrace is enough for you to know where his loyalty lies, he is yours and would not dream of being with another. 
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just to remind you all of these type of bitch nigga that exist in the world.
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me and bf was at a bar and an old man commented on my chest piece and asked if he could “pick some of the flowers”, I got upset and told him no and he laughed it off and turned to my bf with an apologize, since he needed to apologize to him for insulting his property.
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The anticipation and worry and then the relief. Spot on Tom, brilliant
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Please be careful. This happened to me tonight and it was quite upsetting. I don’t want it to happen to you. Be careful of tumblr user twentyshadesofliampayne. Her name is Brianna. I was asked to delete my post from the private blog but I feel the need to warn you all so I’m doing it on my personal.
BE CAREFUL. This has upset me incredibly and I don’t want you to go through something similar. I love you all too much. I have a fear of being mean but I had to stand up for myself. This is not okay. It’s not okay AT ALL. Don’t let it happen to you.
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I recently read an article on an instagram account called Bye Felipe where women can post screenshots of men who have turned hostile in the online dating department. This is one such lovely example:
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Me: *No response*
Him: *Abuse*
Me: *Stands up to abuse*
Him: “Look what you made me do!”
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If you’re gonna use the “Boys will be boys” excuse to justify female harassment, molestation and rape with me, please, explain to be what boys are. Because from what I know:
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