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昼前に起きてから、夕方過ぎに仕事へ出掛け、帰宅時間は朝の8時30分くらいで一日を堪能したな〜!て感じでした。笑 朝食べる月見すき焼き丼メガは幸せすぎますね♪ これ美味しかったな〜、終わる前にまた食べたいな〜。 最近のトレンドというかなんというか、前にこのブログでも書いたかもしれないけど! aespaカリナさんのSupernovaハートを何にでも付けるという。笑 Meituでいつまでやっているのかわからないけど、終わるまでは続けようと思います。 そんなところかな〜。 世間的には三連休だったらしいですけど、俺は普通に働いてました。 でもそんな中で楽しみがあったからオールOK! そんな感じ♪ JAMた!(じゃむた!)@ドラム好き→@jamta_love
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本日、令和6年8月2日(水)は? Copilot作:大雨時行 旧暦:06/28 六曜:先負(せんぷ・せんまけ・さきまけ) 何事も控えめに平静を保つ日。午前は凶、午後は吉。 「先んずれば即ち負ける」という意味がある日で、午前は凶、午後(14時以降)は吉と言われています。 「負」という漢字が使われていることから、訴訟、勝負事、契約なども良い結果を得られないとされますが、午後以降は凶から吉に転じるため、どうしても何かこの日にすべきことがある場合は、14時以降にできるかどうか予め検討するとよいでしょう。 六曜(ろくよう・りくよう)とは、「先勝」「友引」「先負」「仏滅」「大安」「赤口」の6つの曜を指し、日にち毎に縁起の良い・悪いを判断する考え方です。「先勝」→「友引」→「先負」→「仏滅」→「大安」→「赤口」の順で繰り返されています。 六曜は中国から始まり、日本には鎌倉時代に伝…
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私に 「うらやましい」 と口にしたあの子が
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この仔猫ちゃんとTreeの写真は 『 NPO法人そえ樹 』 のクリスマス会だったかな🎄🐈⬛!?
『 👙 夏の日の1993 🎐🍧』
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#三笠山さんのkb絵めちゃくちゃ好き……#pixivのkbまとめ(dddバじゃない)を見てると一瞬でdddの夢男子になってしまうの不思議#あと擬がめちゃくちゃかっこいい……擬メタさんに落��された……#今夏はpanchiraも読みたい 更新のたびTLに流れるけど最初から読む機会がなかったから#jp.txt
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日常の中に溢れる苦痛や喜び 本当に多くの出来事がやってくる その度に悩み苦しみ、考える 人生は長いのだから のんびりやっていこうかな そう思えるようになる時期がやってくる 生きているだけでじゅうぶんだと思うから 本当の辛さを感じた時にそう思えるのかもしれない この時期になり夏バテを感じるようになりました 皆様も、くれぐれもご自愛くださいね 以前に書いたブログのご紹介です 多様性 | 田中 絵里 公式サイト(くれたけ心理相談室 名古屋・知多) (counseling1.jp)
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#1人じゃないよ#くれたけ心理相談室半田#くれたけ心理相談室名古屋本部#くれたけ心理相談室知多#くれたけ心理相談室長久手#のんびりいこう#人生は長い#半田カウンセリング#名古屋カウンセリング#夏バテ対策#多様性#大丈夫#悩み 不安#更年期 不安#東海市カウンセリング#生きる大変さ#知多カウンセリング#苦痛の乗り越え方
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今日読んだ漫画 2023年8月8日(火)
【吉川さん家の猫事情】#1話 「家に猫が5匹もいると…」 - マンガ連載:吉川さん家の猫事情 - mimot.(ミモット)
✨『はじめまして あなたが好きです』杏野まこ
#今日読んだ漫画#キリングライン#モリエサトシ#この恋は世界でいちばん美しい雨#碧井ハル#桜のような僕の恋人#加藤朱々#宇山佳佑#恋々こい#しちみ#吉川さん家の猫事情#吉川景都#はじめまして あなたが好きです#杏野まこ#大好きなんですごめんなさい#須田かのん#成瀬くんの一途な恋#小夏あこ#全力警察24時!#まあやん
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テーマ詠「小さくて丸いもの」 チョコ粒を貰ふ手袋脱ぎて夕 母死にて捨つる粒肥や寒椿 摩天楼毛糸帽子と一セント 隙間風細胞膜の謎はまだ 佐藤俊夫 #kigo #jhaiku #haiku #jtbt
チョコ粒を貰ふ手袋脱ぎて夕(ゆう) 母死にて捨つる粒肥(りゅうひ)や寒椿(かんつばき) 摩天楼毛糸帽子と一セント 隙間風細胞膜の謎はまだ 佐藤俊夫 #kigo #jhaiku #haiku #jtbt 先日のプレバトは冬麗戦でしたね。 本日のお題は「小さくてまるいもの」でお願いします。 自分が小さいと思えばなんでも構いません。球体でも、平面的なまるいものでも構いません。季節も問いません。それでは、let's じたばた! #jtbt — longdoor 詠頃 (@longdoor) January 14, 2023 「夏雲システム」で関谷氏が運営しておられる「じたばた句会」に投句したものです。
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池袋の大好きなお店の最終日。 片付け等の手伝い必要��ら行こうかなと思っていたけど最初から頭数に入っていたみたいで楽しみ♪ とりあえず現在仕事中だから終わり次第向かう。 日曜日はそんなに動かないから良いんだけどね。 今朝ついに原神の会社の崩壊スターレイルも始めてしまった。笑 10連で星5が出たから幸先がいいスタートになった。 しかもめっちゃ強いし楽しい、コマンドバトルだから時間潰しにちょうどいい。 最近aespaの写真や動画がたくさん流れてきて幸せ。 カリナさんの様々な表情が見られて最高! aespaが最高の癒やしです。 そんな感じ♪ JAMた!(じゃむた!)@ドラム好き→@jamta_love
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選択的夫婦別姓を推し進めようとしている人達が言う『女性が輝ける社会』だの『選択肢が増える』だのは上辺を綺麗に取り繕っているだけの詭弁。各種不便はすでに解消されていてそれを周知させ拡充させるだけで済むのに、どうしても法律を変えなければと躍起になっているのは他に狙いがあると考えた方が自然だ。 仕掛けている人たちの真の狙いは『戸籍制度の廃止』で間違いない。 『戸籍なんてものは外国にはないのに!』 という人がいるが、まさにその通り。『他国に類を見ない素晴らしい制度』である。 私は自分の家系図を作るため、両親の実家を遡り、お嫁に来た人の実家まで含め、直系で辿れるだけ戸籍を取り寄せたことがある。(郵送だけで申し込み可能) 何の名家でもない、庶民だった父方、母方の先祖双方とも江戸後期まで遡れた。 明治に入ると先祖やその兄弟姉妹が産まれた時間、婚姻日、死亡日、死亡時間まで詳細に書かれていて、存在も知らなかった先祖の息吹を感じることが出来た。 父方の先祖に戦没者がいることもこの時初めて知り、靖󠄁國神社に問い合わせたら御祭神としてお祀りされていることも分かった。 『自分は一人で生まれてきたんじゃない。ここに書かれている人々やそれ以前の何百年、何千年の命のリレーの末に自分が存在しているんだ』 と心の底から感動した覚えがある。 自分の命は自分だけのものではない。ちゃんと大切に生きなければ、と思ったし、そうして繋がった命のバトンを自分が切ってしまったことに心底申し訳ないと思った。 200年近いこうした記録をしっかり残している日本の戸籍制度は本当にすごいと思ったし、子供の夏休みの自由研究で家系図づくりをやらせたら、直接的に命の大切さを説くよりよっぽど心に響くんじゃないかと思う。 今は専門業者もいるようだが、自分で出来るし大してお金もかからないので��れを読んでいる皆さんには心からおすすめする。
三浦崇子 / X
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Twitter / everb1ue (via the-pica-has-lots-of-dreams)
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Japanese vs. English Todoroki Family Finale - A 426 Comparison
Just a few days after Horikoshi announced that there were only 5 chapters left, the so-called final chapter for the Todoroki family came out, as always sparking lots of discussion and bringing forth countless questionable takes, followed by the release of the official English translation.
So let’s take a closer look at the Japanese lines, starting with the Todoroki family’s short conversation before going to see Touya:
「来なくて ; konakute」-> not coming 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> okay; alright 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of と) 「言った ; itta」-> said 「のに ; noni」-> even though
= “Even though we said it’s okay not to come.”
「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「貴方たち ; anatatachi」-> you (plural) 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Fuyumi, Natsuo.”
What stood out to me here was Rei calling him Natsuo, when usually, everyone else (except Endeavor) calls him Natsu-kun or Natsu. Calling him by the full version of his first name rather than a shortened version might be done to indicate that things have changed, although not necessarily in a negative way. It's more that there has been a shift.
By the way, I am working on a masterpost talking about how the family addresses + refers to each other. Yes, I am going through the entire manga for that (this is a cry for help). Once the manga is finished I will post it (at some point), so look out for that if you’re interested in finding out exactly how many times who gets called what (yes, I am counting and making graphs)!
「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「でも ; demo」-> but
= “But mom…”
「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「だ ; da」-> be 「冷 ; rei」-> Rei
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Rei.”
I love that he almost fully copies Rei’s phrase here. This is the first of many unoriginal lines that he has in this chapter. It only goes downhill from here.
「義務感 ; gimukan」-> sense of duty (obligation) 「で ; de」-> with; by 「来た ; kita」-> came 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねえ ; janee」-> isn’t 「から ; kara」-> because; so (used to change the other person’s thoughts etc.) 「皆 ; mina」-> everyone 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だろ ; daro」-> right?
= “I didn’t come out of a sense of duty! Everyone is that way, right?”
Usually, a second phrase would follow up the kara, but can also be left out when the meaning of that second phrase is implied enough. Since Fuyumi said Shouto didn’t have to come (if he didn’t want to, didn’t feel comfortable etc.) there is an implication that perhaps he only showed up because he felt like that was expected of him. Ending his clarification of “I didn’t come because I felt obligated” with kara “so” the implied follow up would be along the lines of “don’t worry”, which then gets wrapped up suggesting that all of them are showing up not because they feel pressured to do so, but because they want to visit Touya - since they basically just went around in a circle letting each other know they didn’t have to come if they don’t want to.
「会話 ; kaiwa」-> conversation 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「可能 ; kanou」-> possible 「です ; desu」-> to be 「が ; ga」-> but 「一日 ; ichi nichi」-> one day 「に ; ni」-> at; in 「数分 ; suufun」-> a few minutes 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Conversations are possible, but a few minutes a day is the limit.”
I’m not sure how long Touya has been in here, but this line indicates that the staff members have been talking to him and I’d be curious to know what those conversations were like. What did they talk about? What kind of attitude did he give them? What was his reaction when he first regained consciousness? These are the questions we want answered, but alas, the Todoroki family plot simply isn’t about him. All the way to the bitter end it shall remain focusing on the most underrepresented group of them all: rich middle-aged men.
「緩やかに ; yuruyakani」-> slowly 「死 ; shi」-> death 「へと ; e to」-> towards 「向かっている ; mukatteiru」-> to face; to head toward 「れ ; sore」-> that 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「今 ; ima」-> now; current 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「轟燈矢 ; todoroki touya」-> Touya Todoroki 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Slowly heading towards death… that is the current Touya Todoroki.”
The particle e is a directional particle that can be translated as “toward”. Adding the particle to after it adds an emotional emphasis to the part that follows the to particle as opposed to just stating a fact, there is sympathy in this claim.
As for the claim itself - I know that a lot of people are convinced he is going to die because look! Random nameless character #47AAB7 said so, it must be true! But to be honest, I’m not even going to entertain that thought because despite all the criticism I have for this story, Horikoshi isn’t that bad of a writer. If he had wanted Touya dead, he could’ve easily killed him at the end of the last war. It makes zero sense for him to be saved and then pass away quietly and peacefully in a hospital (or whatever that place is).
Even if we were to say that Shouto managed to save him emotionally, so that counts as a win! It’s kind of a shit win if the only difference is that you now get to die “at peace”, which also could’ve been accomplished on the battlefield. At this point, it’s just inefficient and therefore, him dying at this point is not going to happen.
「ぞろぞろ ; zorozoro」-> in droves; swarming 「と ; to」-> adds emphasis
= “....In droves”
Zorozoro is used to describe several beings (can be humans or animals) that appear or move together like a swarm. This certainly is the first time the entire family is together, so it’s not surprising the rare sight is being pointed out in a joking manner, although he undoubtedly means this in a positive way as it contradicts his prior belief of no one in his family caring about him or missing him.
The fact that, upon first waking up after his coma as a teenager his immediate thought was to return and apologize, and now after ten years he finally gets the chance to talk to them and what is the first thing coming out of his mouth? Calling them a swarm. Forever and always the most relatable character.
「ハハ ; haha」-> haha 「観光名所 ; kankoumeisho」-> tourist attraction; sightseeing spot 「じゃねぇ ; janee」-> isn’t 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “Haha… It’s not a tourist attraction, right?”
If he was a tourist attraction, Hori better drop the location right now. Please. For research purposes or whatever.
「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “Touya.”
「今後 ; kongo」-> from now on 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk, conversation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しに来た ; shi ni kita」-> came to do sth 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “I came to talk about the future, Touya.”
Kongo literally means “after now” or in other words, the future.
「俺 ; ore」-> I 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「引退する ; intai suru」-> to retire 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “I am retiring from being a Hero.”
He says as though he has a choice. This is also one of those “This could’ve been an email” kinds of lines.
「元より戦いが終わったらそうするつもりだったが 最早自力で立つことすらままならん」
「元より ; moto yori」-> all along; from the first 「戦い ; tatakai」-> war 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「終わったら ; owattara」-> when it ended 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「する ; suru」-> to do 「つもり ; tsumori」-> to plan 「だった ; datta」-> was 「が ; ga」-> but 「最早 ; mohaya」-> already; no longer 「自力 ; jiriki」-> one’s own strength 「で ; de」-> with 「立つ ; tatsu」-> to stand 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「すら ; sura」-> even 「ままならん ; mama naran」-> beyond one’s control; unable to do as one wishes
= “Since after the first war ended, I decided to do so, but I not I am not even able to stand on my own anymore.”
Mamanaru combines the words mama “as it is; as one likes” and naranai “to be unable to” to create a word that describes that something is beyond one’s control, one is unable to do as they wish or something is not going the way one wants it to. In other words, a great word to sum up Endeavor’s entire life story.
The way he continuously takes over conversations that are supposed to be about the entire family - aka his victims - and makes it about himself while pitying himself - in front of his victims - never fails to impress me. At least he is consistent I guess, but it would have been great to see him actually change in the end. Surely he is done, oh no, nevermind, he keeps talking-
「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavo 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「焼かれて ; yakarete」-> burned 「死んだ ; shinda」-> died 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flame 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「よりも ; yorimo」-> more than 「強かった ; tsuyokatta」-> was strong
= “The hero Endeavor was burned and died. Your flames were stronger than anyone else’s.”
「そっか ご愁傷様 事が済んでから諂うなよ…卑怯者…」
「そっか ; sokka」-> I see 「ご愁傷様 ; goshuushousama」-> my condolences 「事 ; koto」-> things; matter 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「済んでから」-> after it ended (済む + てから) 「諂う ; hetsurau」-> to flatter; to suck up to; to carry favour 「な ; na」-> na (negative command form) 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「卑怯者 ; hikyoumono」-> coward
= “I see. My condolences. Don’t suck up to me after it’s over… coward…”
Here is my beef with the official translation: they keep making Touya say the most random words and phrases, but then don’t make him say “don’t curry favour”?? “Don’t be toady”?? “Don’t be toady, Todoroki” would go so hard… wait… you know what… Here’s a little extra from me to you:
Back to business:
「そうだな 燈矢は誰のことをよくわかってる ずっと見てたんだもんな」
「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だ ; da」-> be 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「よく ; yoku」-> well 「わかってる ; wakatteru」-> to understand 「ずっと ; zutto」-> continuously 「見てた ; miteta」-> was watching 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “That’s right, isn’t it. You know everyone so well. Because you have been watching continuously.”
「俺 ; ore」-> I 「に ; ni」-> at 「見てほしかった ; mitehoshikatta」-> wanted me to look 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「なのに ; nanoni」-> and yet; despite that 「見なかった ; minakatta」-> didn’t look
= “You wanted me to look, right? Despite that I didn’t look…”
If I didn’t know any better I would say this was a conversation with a toddler. I usually like to point out that Horikoshi really nails the sibling experience, but he is also, unfortunately, really good at accurately writing how privileged middle-aged men talk. A mangaka of many talents, but at what cost?
「俺 ; ore」-> I 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「子ども ; kodomo」-> child 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Because I am dad’s child.”
「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavor 「じゃない ; janai」-> isn’t
= ”You aren’t Endeavor!!”
Yes. That’s why we love him.
「誰が何と言おうと........ おまえの炎(ねつ)は俺のヘルフレイムだ
「誰 ; dare」-> someone 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「何と ; nanto」-> what 「言うと ; iou to」-> to try to say 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flames 「ねつ ; netsu」-> heat; rage; mania 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「ヘルフレイム ; herufureimu」-> Hell Flame 「だ ; da」-> be 「あの ; ano」-> that 「告発 ; kokuhatsu」-> complaint; prosecution 「映像 ; eizou」-> footage 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「見続けている ; mitsuzuketeiru」-> continue to watch
= “Whatever people try to say… Your flames (rage) are my Hellflame. I’ve continuously watched your prosecution video every day.”
This wouldn’t be a translation breakdown if we didn’t have a case of the furigana don’t match the kanji! Essentially what this means is that the furigana - written in brackets - show what the character says out loud, while the kanji shows what the character means. This time, when we get the kanji for flames in the second sentence, the furigana read netsu, which can meat “heat”, but also refer to “rage” or “mania” and since flames are hot, “heat” wouldn’t make it necessary to opt for a different reading, hence Endeavor is saying that the rage of Dabi was, in fact, Endeavor’s Hellflame.
「おどお゙さん ; odoosan」-> dad 「見で ; mide」-> look
= “Dad, look”
You might notice that the words are spelled differently from the normal otousan and mite. Softening the t sounds to a d sound highlights the difficulties he has speaking while being on fire. In addition to the softened t to d, the u also gets changed into an o with dakuten (the two lines on top), which only exist for the sounds that can become softer (t->d, h->b, k->g, s->j), which can’t be done to a vowel like o. In this case, the dakuten suggests that the o is said with emotion and somehow stands out from how it would be said normally.
「これから ; korekara」-> from now on
= “From now on-”
「毎日来る 話をしよう」
「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「来る ; kuru 」-> to come 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk; conversation; chat 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しよう ; shiyou」-> let’s do/have
= “I will come every day. Let’s talk.”
「あまりに; amari ni」-> too much; overly 「遅すぎた ; ososugita」-> was too late 「けれど ; keredo」-> however 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “I was much too late, but let’s talk.”
Both amari ni and adding -sugiru to the stem of a verb can be translated as “too much” and in combination place an additional emphasis on the verb, in this case, being late, which could be referencing anything from the specific instances he showed up to too late (i.e. when Touya set himself on fire on Sekoto Peak) or in a more general sense him trying to show up as a father too late (the only example would be showing up in the hospital here and the fact he has retired and plans on protecting the family from facing any consequences for all of this, although even that is still more the bare minimum of making up for his mistakes rather than being a father but I doubt he understands the difference).
「心拍数 ; shinpakusuu」-> heart rate 「上昇 ; joushou」-> rising; ascending 「これ以上 ; kore ijou」 - > any more; any further; any longer 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「負担 ; futan」-> burden, load 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle
= “His heart rate is rising. Any more will (be) a burden.”
The ga would normally be followed by a verb (in this case most likely kakaru = to put), but is being omitted here as the meaning can be understood regardless.
「冷 夏雄 冬美 焦凍が… 残してくれた時間で話そう」
「冷 ; rei」-> Rei 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「残してくれた」-> reserved for us (残す+くれる) 「時間 ; jikan」-> time 「で ; de」-> with 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “Rei, Natsuo, Fuyum. Let’s talk with the time Shouto reserved for us.
Adding -tekureta after nokosu implies that someone did a favor for the speaker. Here, it means that Shouto reserved the time to talk to Touya for them.
「憎いなら…憎いと なんでもいい ぶつけてくれ…!」
「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「なら ; nara」-> if 「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「と ; to」-> speech particle 「なんでもいい ; nandemo ii」-> anything is fine; it doesn’t matter what 「ぶつけてくれ ; butsuketekure」-> throw it at me
= “If you hate me… hate me. Anything is fine, throw it at me…!!”
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「私 ; watashi」-> I 「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “Touya-nii, me too…!”
「話したい ; hanashitai」-> want to talk 「事 ; koto」-> things 「たくさん ; takusan」-> a lot 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “There are a lot of things I want to talk about.”
This is about him getting piercings and dying his hair isn’t it. Maybe even taking off his shirt on live TV in front of the entire country. If only we could see that conversation…
「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「止めにしましょう , yame ni shimashou」-> let’s stop 「また ; mata」-> again 「明日 ; asu」-> tomorrow 「に ; ni」-> at 「でも ; demo」-> or something
= “Let’s stop for today!! (You can come back) tomorrow or something…”
「最後に一ついいですか 聞きたかったことあるんだ」
「最後 ; saigo」-> final 「に ; ni」-> at 「一つ ; hitotsu」-> one 「いい ; ii」-> good 「です ; desu」-> to be 「か ; ka」-> question marker particle 「聞きたかった」-> wanted to ask 「こと ; koto」-> thing 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle
= “Can I (ask) one last thing? Because there is one thing I wanted to ask.”
The first panel or first sentence ends in the polite form using desu ka as he is asking the employee for permission to ask one more question. The second panel or sentence, on the other hand, is casual as it ends in da, so without even waiting to receive an answer from the employee, he instantly goes to directly address Touya-nii for this extremely important question.
「燈矢兄 好きな食べ物何?」
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「好きな ; suki」-> to like 「食べ物 ; tabemono」-> food 「何 ; nani」-> what
= “Touya-nii. What’s your favorite food?”
Everybody liked that. It was really great when the spoilers came out and as soon as Shouto said he wanted to ask Touya something everyone instantly knew what the question was going to be. Also a lot of pressure for Touya. Wrong answer and his little brother can pull the plug.
「体力 ; tairyoku」-> stamina; endurance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「眠らせて ; nemurasete」-> to let someone sleep 「また ; mata」-> again
= “This is the limit, isn’t it. Let’s let him sleep again for today.”
「蕎麦 ; soba」-> soba
= “Soba.”
These lines are always my favorite to break down. It’s not easy translating such complex phrases so please recognize the years of studying it took to be able to perfectly translate this kind of high-level sentence. Thank you.
I can only imagine him going back to his classmates, looking at Bakugo and saying: “You were wrong. It’s soba.”
「おんなじ ; onnaji」-> same 「だ ; da」-> be
= “It’s the same.”
Usually, the word same is written as 同じ and read as onaji. In itself, these two spellings have the same meaning, however, the more standard onaji would be used in the sense of something or a situation being exactly the same, for example attending the same school as someone or facing the same problem. Onnaji, on the other hand, indicates something has very similar properties and is used more in the sense of the same color, taste etc, which is why this spelling has a bit more emotion associated with it.
So Shouto is saying that it’s the same, but he says so with emotion. Rather than stating a fact, them having the same food holds meaning to him.
「これ以上は平行線だ 交わるよ 無理にでも」
「これ以上 ; kore ijou」-> from here on; any further 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「平行線 ; heikousen」-> remaining far apart; not reaching an agreement 「だ ; da」-> be 「交わる ; majiwaru」-> to cross; to mingle with 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「無理に ; muri ni」-> forcible; forced 「でも ; demo」-> even
= “From here on it’s parallel lines. I will cross, even if by force.”
「焦凍… ごめんな…」
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「ごめん ; gomen」-> I‘m sorry 「な ; na」-> used to say something emotionally
= “Shouto… I’m sorry…”
If only… Shouto had heard this… and they could’ve talked about this… that would be crazy, right? No, why don’t we focus on the main character again, instead of getting a conversation the entire story has been building up to.
「俺はここまでだわ 悪いけど気持ち変わんない 俺はもう付き合わない」
「俺 ; ore」-> I 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ここ ; koko」-> here 「まで ; made」-> until 「だ ; da」-> be ���わ ; wa」-> 「悪い ; warui」-> sorry 「けど ; kedo」-> but 「気持ち ; kimochi」-> feelings 「変わんない ; kawannai」-> unchanged 「俺 ; ore」-> I 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「もう ; mou」-> already 「付き合わない ; tsukiawanai」-> don’t associate with
= “For me it’s (ending) here. I’m sorry, but my feelings haven’t changed. I won’t associate with you anymore.”
The particle wa is used when reflecting one’s view toward a situation after coming to a conclusion. There is a nuance of confidently affirming the phrase or regretting the situation, depending on the tone, which we don’t have here, but this reads more as a confident statement than one of regret, although it might just be a little bit of both.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah
= “Ah.”
「彼女と籍入れたい 式は挙げない紹介もしない」
「彼女 ; kanojo」-> girlfriend 「と ; to」-> with 「���入れたい ; seki iretai」-> to get married; to want to have a name entered in the family register 「式 ; shiki」-> (wedding) ceremony 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「挙げない ; agenai」-> to conduct 「紹介 ; shoukai」-> introduction 「も ; mo」-> also 「しない ; shinai」-> won’t do
= “I want to enter the family register with my girlfriend. We won’t conduct a ceremony and I also won’t introduce you.”
Normally, to talk about marriage or getting married you would use the word kekkon (suru). Here, Natsuo specifically uses the term “to enter in the family registry.” While these two words can be used to mean the same thing (= getting married), entering the family registry differs in that one person enters an already existing family registry rather than creating a new one upon marriage, which is why this can also be used for when a child gets adopted by a step-parent or if a child takes on their other parent’s last name after a divorce.
Again, this can just be treated as a synonym for getting married, but it might also be to emphasize this as an act of removing himself from his father rather than an act of love. It surely feels like an odd time to be thinking of marriage, with the current situation not having him in the right mental or emotional state for such a big step to be smart (he already did the whole “cutting my hair during a crisis” so he should follow that with dying his hair or something else that is going to affect his life less than marriage).
Let’s face it: had he said this while they were with Touya, his big bro’s heart monitor would have gone crazy before he would have broken out of that machine to talk some sense into his little brother.
Also, not to insult Natsuo because he is very sweet, but I just have to mention the irony of him getting married as a means to solve his issues when that was also his dad’s first step. It’s obviously different, but still worth pointing out.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「分かった ; wakatta」-> understood 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “Ah, I get it.”
「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sister 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「仕事 ; shigoto」-> job 「やめた ; yameta」-> to quit 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> right
= “What about you, big sis? You left your job, right?”
I do like the symbolism of him standing in the middle of the street, ready to use the crosswalk, while the rest of the family remain on the side of the road, but I am also worried he is going to get hit by a car.
「うんでも 生徒のお母さんが新しい職場紹介してくれてねサポートしてくれるって」
「うん ; un」-> yeah 「でも ; demo」-> but 「生徒 ; seito」-> student 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「新しい ; atarashii」-> new 「職場 ; shokuba」-> workplace 「紹介してくれて ; shoukai shitekurete」-> introduced me (as a favor) 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「サポートしてくれる ; sapooto shitekureru」-> support (as a favor) 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of という)
= “Yeah, but the mom of a student introduced me to a new workplace. So she’s being supportive.”
Similar to before, the -tekurete suggests that this introduction as well as the support is seen as a favor.
「........正直責任は果たしたと思う 罰も受けたと思う…もういいんじゃねーの?」
「正直 ; shoujiki」-> honestly; frankly 「責任 ; sekinin」-> duty 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「果たした ; hatashita」-> accomplished; carried out 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「罰 ; batsu」-> punishment 「も ; mo」-> too 「受けた ; uketa」-> received 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「もういい ; mou ii」-> that’s enough 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねー ; janee」-> isn’t 「のか ; noka-> question marker particle seeking an explanation
= “Frankly, I think we’ve fulfilled our responsibilities. I think we already received our punishment. That’s enough, isn’t it?”
This line has gotten some negative attention as fan translations have this line directed toward Endeavor, whereas the official English translation has this line be directed toward the entire family. As you can see in the breakdown above, there is no explicit human subject in this sentence to clarify who is being addressed here, in addition to the fact that he has his back turned to us readers with no indication as to who he is looking at.
However, the last person he directly addressed was Fuyumi, who was also the one speaking right before this line. Furthermore, the next line is Endeavor saying that he will ensure to take the blame and whatnot from here on out so that they do not need to face any more consequences for this.
With that being said, to me this reads as him talking to the family, specifically as a response to Fuyumi suggesting that her former student’s mother introducing her to a new workplace and supporting her is somewhat of a favor. While we don’t know exactly why she left her job, there is still a suggestion that this situation has impacted her negatively and that people showing support is somehow worth noting. And yes, Japan has a culture of blaming the entire family when a family member commits a crime, however, Natsuo’s line then seems somewhat frustrated at this, feeling as though they all already faced consequences (like Fuyumi leaving her job), and that they shouldn’t have to face consequences for the rest of their lives, let alone feel overly grateful for any person that still treats them as individuals rather than an accomplice for something they had nothing to do with.
Overall, this line reads more like he wants them to be able to move past this, rather than have this now haunt them after they have already been struggling their whole lives by growing up in the Todoroki household.
見ていなくていい子どもたち(おまえたち)に降りかかる火の粉をできる限り俺が受け止める 生き延びた意味があるとすればそれだけなんだ」
「犯した ; okashita」-> committed 「罪 ; tsumi」-> crime; sin 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「賠償 ; baishou」-> compensation; reparations 「と ; to」-> with 「謝罪 ; shazai」-> apology 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「一生 ; issho」-> whole life 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「かけて ; kakete」-> make; put out 「続けていく ; tsuzuketeiku 」->to continue from now on (続ける+いく) 「見ていなくて ; mitenakute」-> not looking 「いい ; ii」-> good; okay 「子どもたち ; kodomotachi」-> children 「おまえたち ; omaetachi」-> you (plural) 「に ; ni」-> to 「降りかかる ; furikakaru」-> to happen; to befall 「火の粉 ; hi no ko」-> sparks 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「できる ; dekiru」-> to be able to 「限り ; kagiri」-> limit; degree 「俺 ; ore」-> I 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「受け止める ; uketomeru」-> to catch; to stop the blow 「生き延びた ; ikinobita」-> survived; lived long 「意味 ; imi」-> meaning 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「ある ; aru」-> to exist 「とすれば ; to sureba」-> then; if so; if 「それだけ ; soredake」-> that much; to that extent; only that 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle
= “From here on out I will continue to make reparations and apologize for my committed crimes for my whole life. I will catch as much of the sparks that fall on you kids who don’t have to watch. If there is any meaning in my survival, it is just that.”
Again, he says “you” but means “children”. The miteinakute ii is used to say that “it’s okay not to watch”, in other words he does not expect them to keep in touch with him or anything along those lines.
The -teiku after tsuzukeru is used to imply that something will continue from this moment forward. While he didn't make up for his mistakes, from now on he will.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell 「だ ; da」-> be 「ぞ ; zo」-> emphasizes the speaker’s will or opinion; can be inviting to the listener
= “........It’s hell.”
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「ダンス ; dansu」-> dance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「誘い ; sasoi」-> invitation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「受けた ; uketa」-> to accept 「んでな ; ndena」-> explanatory particle
= “Ah, I did accept the dance invitation.”
「…初めてだよ お父さんの事 かっこいいって思えたの」
「初めて ; hajimete」-> first time 「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「事 ; koto」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「かっこいい ; kakkoii」-> cool 「って思えた ; tte omoeta」-> to seem; to appear 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “It was the first time that you seemed cool.”
Natsuo has called Endeavor by many (disrespectful) names. This is the first time he calls him by the standard/polite term for father. This is not to say that he likes him now. With the whole marriage talk in mind, this feels more like him letting go of his feelings for a second to make a somewhat neutral statement. Neutral in the sense of being able to recognize and view something his dad has done in a positive light rather than letting his feelings completely take over his judgment.
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「学校 ; gakkou」-> school 「戻る ; modoru」-> to return to 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> I think; right?
= “What about you, Shouto? You’re returning to school, right?”
「うん ; un」-> yeah
= “Yeah.”
「乗ってけ ; notteke」-> I’ll give you a ride 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sis 「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “I’ll give you a ride. Nee-chan, too.”
「ありがとう ; arigatou」-> thanks
= “Thanks.”
「親父 お母さん 俺にはA組(みんな)いるから大丈夫だよ! 俺は自分でなりてえようになれるから!」
「親父 ; oyaji」-> dad 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「俺 ; ore」-> I 「には ; niwa」-> as for 「A組 ; e gumi」-> class A 「みんな ; minna」-> everyone 「いる ; iru」-> to be 「から ; kara」-> therefore 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright 「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「自分 ; jibun」-> myself 「で ; de」-> with 「なりてえ ; naritee」-> want to become (casual of naritai) 「ようになれる ; you ni nareru」-> to reach the point where; to come to; to begin to 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Dad, mom. I’ll be okay because of Class A (everyone). I can reach the point of being what I want to be!”
Just like before we get furigana that differ from the kanji. Shouto says that he will be alright because everyone is there, but he specifically means Class A when he says that.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell 「でも ; demo」-> even though
= “Even though it’s hell.”
「おーう ; ou」-> Ooh 「早かった ; hayakatta」-> early 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright 「だった ; datta」-> was 「かあ ; kaa」-> question marker particle
= “Oh, you’re early! Was it alright!?”
「おなかすいた ; onaka suita」-> I’m starving
= “I’m starving.”
「見てる ; miteru」-> looking 「人 ; hito」-> person 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「いる ; iru」-> to be
= “There is someone who is watching.”
Me. I’m the one watching. But at what cost? The family’s two most used words have got to be “hell” and “to look” . Someone please teach them some more words.
That concludes the Todoroki family interaction in this chapter and supposedly for the story (everyone disliked that). Personally, this does not read as a conclusion so I am going to just treat this as the beginning of the conclusion, instead. And perhaps the final in the sense of the whole family not getting together anymore because Natsuo isn’t going to be around Endeavor anymore.
Personally, my biggest issue with this chapter is the fact that while it’s called final and set up as though the family and we finally get closure by everyone reuniting with Touya, it’s just another episode of self-pitying with a grown-ass man that has still not changed or understood anything despite everything. Yes, he finally managed to talk to Touya, to apologize and acknowledge both Touya’s pain as well as his own accountability in the entire affair. However, the rest of the family could have been left out of this chapter entirely since they said nothing other than “we have lots to talk about” which is obviously a beginning, but I’m sure we all have been waiting patiently to get an actual conversation not just hear them say that they want to talk at a later point, which we then won't ever get to see.
The soba part is amazing, of course, but it could and should have played a bigger role in this chapter.
People have been expressing various opinions in regards to the family’s current situation and their future, though - again - it would be great to see more of that because this chapter only briefly touched on various interesting points and then didn’t explore these points more because if there is one thing this world needs more is privileged people whining about how hard their life is and the many sacrifices they have had to make (= barely facing consequences).
That being said, we’ll see what the final 4 chapters will offer and whether we will see the Todoroki family make another appearance.
And no, Touya won’t die.
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