vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ メル・イ・マト | Mel i Mató ・牛やヤギなどのチーズに、甘いハチミツをたっぷりとかけたスイーツ。13世紀から食べられていた伝統のある、カタルーニャ地方を代表する一品です。ハチミツの甘みが、さっぱりとしたチーズに包まれて、どこか懐かしさを感じさせる味です。
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kefukokonoe · 2 years
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今日3/5日曜はおやすみasaさんでっす。 明日3/6月曜からはじまるasaさんでっす。 全く北海道行く準備してなくて 手持ちで持っていく作品もまぁまぁ多くて  札幌の気温みたら ぎゃっ!ってぐらい寒くて うおっ!ってなってます。 黒地のパスタ皿の真ん中は ライオン🦁です! #Repost @asa_utsuwa with @use.repost ・・・ 個展2日目の昨日、田辺さんが追加の作品をお届け下さいまして、またしてもにやけてしまいそうな器たちが並びました。 @kefukokonoe 【写真1,2,3枚目】パスタ皿 絵付の華やかさ、存在感が… 目が離せません。 黒地も新鮮です。獅子…かしら? 【4,5枚目】たなごころ皿 こちらももりもりの絵付と立体的な造形がたまりません。 裏側、側面もぜひご注目いただきたい作品です。 【6,7枚目】 定番バナナ皿もございます🍌🍌シンプルにかわいい。 (よく考えると決してシンプルではないのですが^^) それにしても田辺さん作品が持つこの不思議なエネルギー… なんでしょう。こころが浮き立ちます。 ぜひ触れていただきたく思います。 ◇本日3月5日(日)はおやすみをいただき、また6日(月)からお待ちしております。7日は田辺さんが在廊される予定です。 ※6日は都合により開店時間が遅れます。12時30分頃から開店の予定です。 ◇通販につきましては、6日に詳しいご案内を差し上げます。あらためてどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 #田辺京子 #久谷焼 #染付 #絵付 #マト子 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZIHUyvpKT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nonono-zzz · 4 months
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— 的射マトお仕事募集中 (@mato_ekaki) May 26, 2024
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everythingbap · 27 days
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📲 arisa_tachibana Twitter update:
日本公演も全て終わったということで、今回はネタバレありで書いていこうと思います! まずヨングクさんの安定感と色気のある低音ボイスとラップは、聴けば聴くほどハマってしまう魅力がありますよね!それでありながら、トークタイムでは口数が多くないのに喋ると面白くてかわいいというギャップが最高でした! テヒョンさんは透き通るような高音とハリのある声が相まって、シンプルに歌がお上手すぎます!!この7年で更に磨きあげられてましたね!そしてダンスチャレンジでは1部2部ともに可愛いのを当ててくれて!めっっっちゃ可愛かったですね!あとはdrawing challengeでは'Power'の歌詞を表現するときに、‘천사의 얼굴’(天使の顔)のところを自分の顔で表現してたところと、2部での1人セクシーダンスが最高でした!! ヨンジェさんは、日本語お上手すぎ!!コメントをお願いしたときはほとんど自分の言葉で考えながら日本語で喋ろうとしてくださって良すぎましたね!そして実は昨日、本来は来られる予定だった通訳士の方が台風のせいで来られなくなり、開演の1時間半前に急遽わたしがMCしながら通訳までしなきゃいけなくなったんですけど、人生初の通訳&舞台や人前で韓国語を喋るのも初めてだったわたしを気遣って、わたしが通訳しやすいように短く切りながら喋ってくださったり、他のメンバーにも「短く短く」と言ってくださったり、本当に1004すぎました!! ジョンオプさんは、これまたダンススキルが更にアップデートされていて、んんん!かっこいい!!それでいながら、喋ると可愛い!パフォーマンス中とそれ以外のギャップがたまらなかったですね!
そして何よりもBabyの皆さんが温かすぎました😭上でも書いたように、急遽決まった人生初の通訳で本当に不安でいっぱいだったんですが、わたしにまで温かい歓声をたくさんくださって見守ってくださって、有り難すぎました。 マト棒(色あせてるマト棒も可愛かった🥹)や手を一生懸命振りながら、ホイッスルを吹きながら、溢れんばかりの笑顔で楽しんでいる皆さんを見ていて、本当に待ちに待った再集結だったんだと、メンバーとBabyの深い絆を感じました!是非ともまた日本に来てもらって、そして新しいマト棒も作ってもらえるのを楽しみに待ちましょう!
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years
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ライスの水着……変じゃない…かな? by 黒斗マト@QRTMT
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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🐺👓✨ by 的射マト
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 56: Elu’s Family and Confidants 🐻
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Art colored by @au-ni-ro
For more information on Elu, click here!
Elu's Family
Mato Sorrel (マト・ソレル, Mato Soreru)
Twisted From: Chief Powhatan from Pocahontas
Elu's father and the chief of their village, he is a large bear beastman who is strong enough to carry about five pine logs. He is having trouble with the businessmen who try to trespass their land and try to trick him into signing a 'beneficial' contract, he refuses every time because he didn't have the opportunity to gain outside knowledge. He isn't narrow-minded to think that outsiders are greedy but he just hopes that his daughter will be able to handle herself in the academy and hopefully bring an end to the trespassers.
Alo Sorrel (アロ・ソレル, Aro Soreru)
Elu's older brother who is 23 years old. Alo has a weak constitution so he isn't able to hunt or participate in activities involving strength, he chooses to help the village to advance economically while keeping the environment in mind. He often sends letters to Elu to inform her what has been happening in the village. He feels guilty that he can't do much to prevent trespassers from walking all over their homeland due to his weak body.
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himejoblr · 1 year
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i haven't posted oc's in a while LOL,,,, sorry for that hahwjdawndfd
anyweyzzzzzzzzzzzzz,, meet ryuuzaki mato (竜崎 マト) and uruwashi hazuki (雲類鷲 晴月) !! (he/she for mato, any prns for hazuki)
“these two never go a day without plotting something together, but no one in seishou's soccer club can deny that their presence somehow keeps the entire team sane.”
rambling under the cut!! if ure in the inablr disc server then uve probably seen some of this
first of all, i'd like to say that i used picrews as references for them, but i only made slight changes for mato (the og skin color was too dull.... </3)
okay so. mato. he's genderfluid, bisexual, and uses he/she pronouns (already stated that on the top of the post)! she prefers being called by her given name rather than her surname (take into account the name order in japan)
and yes, they're both managers! i figured i wanted to make male manager ocs, and these two were the result,, i KNOW mato looks like a girl but let him (and ME) be plz :3c
((also also they R dating. but they do not know that yet))
she isn't usually seen wearing the prescribed blazer for seishou, but i like to think that they (seishou) aren't too strict with the school dress code. although that was the case, mato still promised she'd (mostly) wear vests or cardigans that had similar colors to the blazer. at first, she was a bit nervous about going to school with a yellow cardigan, but seishou allowed it, so she's safe!!! wow!!!!!!!! also whether he wears a skirt or pants to school depends on his mood
my guy is obsessed with vests and cardigans so everyone just kinda immediately associates those clothes to him whenever they come across them. some examples of how his casual outfits usually look like: these pins. might have slight modifications depending on how diligent i am
now, about his past, why he wears an eyepatch, and how his sister died........
a random fact about her is that she owns a toy piano from her unfortunately deceased older sister, and has a youtube channel dedicated to making covers with it, occasionally accompanying them with a xylophone and/or her voice. figure one: final duet.
ah wait. before i talk abt his past, i wanna talk abt etymologies!!!!!
first of all, the ryuu in her surname 竜崎 (first kanji/character) is from 竜座 (ryuuza), which means draco constellation! this is supposed to be in line w how they name seishou characters (aka they name them after constellations). as for mato, i just took that from the first two syllables of matoro juka's surname and wrote it in katakana LMAO
his sister, ryuuzaki yostuha (name not final), died at 15 years old, which is basically fresh outta junior high (bc she was turning 16 that year). apparently, she had a stalker who had been planning to kill her since 2 years ago, and they murdered her on her birthday. mato was 9 at the time.
mato's initial reaction was shock and denial, since yknow. yotsuha's his sister. and she's one of his closest... friends? relatives? ever.
it's been 3 years since yotsuha's death, and mato's now in junior high. he noticed how his parents' attention suddenly turned to him, and how they started giving him so much affection the same way they did to yotsuha, and it kinda irked him a bit. she knew? she should be grateful since her parents actually "care" about her now, but on second thought, it's probably because they're coping with losing their eldest daughter.
okay NOW on why she's wearing an eyepatch. in her last few days of being a first year in seishou, same stalker who killed yotsuha suddenly showed up on her way home and attempted murdering her too, but only ended up stabbing her right eye. stalker ended up retreating but got arrested later lolz
and Finally. the general gist of his past as of now is that he grew up being neglected by his parents until his sister died and all the attention and affection they gave to her suddenly turned to him. then on one fine day, stalker who murdered older sister pulled a funny and stabbed his eye. okay that's it
next up, uruwashi hazuki! they're also genderfluid, unlabeled sexuality (still not sure about this) and they use any prns (stated already at the top of the post but yk)!
she basically wears the girls' seishou uniform Except:
she wears those tight shorts or whatever theyre called (whatever terumi wears in her og zeus uniform)
her blazer is unbuttoned and the polo? shirt is untucked on one side (usually the left)
as for his casual outfit.... well, the picrew i used just clearly depicts his usual casual outfit lol
a random fact about him is that he tends to collect a lot of space-related stuff, especially if it's something connected to constellations, stars, and the moon. i mean. moon is literally in his name (月(tsuki/zuki) = moon)
for etymologies, the washi in her surname 雲類鷲 (third kanji/character) comes from 鷲座/わし座 (washiza), which means aquila/eagle constellation!!! same thing as a while ago, and also i wanted to give her a moon typa motif so i put 月 in her name HAKALSJAH (also fyi i took her surname from uruwashi karuta ayakashi akashi 😭😭😭😭😭)
as for their past, i'm still thinking about it. for now, it's just something along the lines of being raised by a seemingly ordinary family in a broken village.
i plan to expand that idea maybe by around the end of the week since moratorium is this week which means i'll get really busy... 💔
anyways, i'm glad i still had the time to write this! i'd like to remind you again that half (if not more or less) of the info i jotted down in this post aren't completely finalized yet, and are therefore subject to change in the not-so distant future!
if you reached this part of the post, then thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoyed me rambling about my sillies!! cya!!!
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ericflay-ro · 7 months
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3orochi · 18 days
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Vander Decken × Hody Jones
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tatsumine · 1 month
PR1 茂原隆由(静岡)、三浦昌悟(豊田)、岡部崇���(横浜)
PR3 為房慶次朗(船橋)、竹内柊平(浦安)、淺岡俊亮(豊田)
HO 原田衛(BL)、坂手淳史(埼玉)、松岡賢太(神戸)
LO ワーナー・ディアンズ(BL)、サナイラ・ワクァ(花園)、桑野詠真(静岡)、エピネリ・ウルイヴァイティ(相模原)
FL/NO8 ファウルア・マキシ(船橋)、山本凱(SG)、下川甲嗣(SG)、ティエナン・コストリー(神戸)、アイザイア・マプスア(豊田)
SH 小山大輝(埼玉)、藤原忍(船橋)、村田大和(京産大)
SO 李承信(神戸)、松田力也(豊田)
CTB 立川理道(船橋)、長田智希(埼玉)、サミソニ・トゥア(浦安)、ニコラス・マクカラン(豊田)、ディラン・ライリー(埼玉)
WTB 根塚洸雅(船橋)、マロ・ツイタマ(静岡)、ジョネ・ナイカブラ(BL)、海老澤琥珀(明治大)
FB 矢崎由高(早稲田大)、山沢拓也(埼玉)
リハビリ組 ファタカヴァ アマト
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bearbench-img · 3 months
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kefukokonoe · 2 years
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3日目in ギャラリーTokino-shizuku 「キラデコ箸置き立てもしくは湯呑み」 って名前にしたけど 間違えてますね。 単純に『箸立て』です。い��のまにか無くなった世間では行方不明の『箸立て』 あたしが小さい頃は箸置きじゃなくて 箸立てがテーブルの真ん中にドン!と置かれて各々の箸をとったもんや…。  現在、家族の箸を置いたり食器を配膳する係を拝任しているのだが、、 配るだけの仕事なのに! 四人分の箸を置くのが、とてつもなく、め!ん!ど!い! 箸置き配り、さらに箸も配るなんて、ひたすら、め!ん!ど!く!さ!い! あー小さい頃ってもっと家族の人数いたのにどーしてたわけ…🙄 記憶の彼方から呼び帰ってきたのは、食卓の真ん中に醤油瓶と共にいたのは そう箸立てー!SO!それは箸立てー! って流れから作ってみましたyo 出来上がった後、無理したら湯呑みにも行けるなー、無理したらね! の流れでの湯呑みもありdeathかも🤡 もう一枚お写真はワインカップ🍷もどきの小さい量用の呑み器でございます。 3日目もよろしくお願いします🤲 #Repost @kikitokinoshizuku with @use.repost ・・・ 田辺京子展 三日目です。 10/26まで(20木曜休み) 11:00 - 19:00 http://galleriatokinoshizuku.com #田辺京子 #九谷焼デコ #九谷焼#京子的九谷焼#キラデコ箸置き立てもしくは、湯呑み#マト子 #キラキラKutanicup#マグカップ#隠れ家ギャラリー#時のしずく#G.Tokino-Shizuku#芦花公園 #京王線#千歳烏山#ギャラリー時のしずく#ギャラリー https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2CwZ6Ps2C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nonono-zzz · 1 year
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風真あほ毛はあるけど、あほの子ではないでござる~! #いろはにも絵を pic.twitter.com/nwJ4BsA0vS
— 的射マト (@mato_ekaki) September 6, 2023
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chapmanavenue · 5 months
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Lot SS39283
¥ 16,280 tax in
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unzwebshare · 8 months
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■やってみた結果 →川崎2 、星・坂本12
■2 →マトが見えていないクライアントとの目的、目指すゴールの擦り合わせが足りないのでは?
■12 →コンフォートしている? →「今の成果やポートフォリオに満足せずに挑戦すること」
■トラップ1~6  →新人向け トラップ12以降は 中堅向け
■11 →人を通して成長できてる?
■まとめ →刺さりつつも、イラスト交えてやさしく紹介している。気づきを促進させる内容となっている。https://developers.cyberagent.co.jp/blog/archives/23775/
■カンファレンスのパワポも上記に記載 登壇者「器用貧乏の何でも屋さんで目的が達成できていなかった」 やりたいことを軸にして解決の方法や罠から脱出したほうがよいなど解決への内容が記載
■診断で当てはまらなかったものも当てはまったりもする 川崎→診断外だと1  坂本→「振り返りが大事」 星→脱出方法「1は記録取って平均を出す」「場数経験で解決の必要あり」 
■改善策がわかりやすいもの 坂本→「信頼残高~などは解決策難しい。インハウスは客観視難しいけど体制などを利用して自分で聞く姿勢とったりなど」
■デザイナー以外にもキャリアの罠共通して見ることができる 我妻さん 5→デザイナーの単語をコーダーに差し替えても��み解ける
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