#ベンタブラック • 実体
thoselethalarts · 10 months
Seven Twisted Souls
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WONDERFUL artwork done by @lechatalunette​, I seriously cannot tell you how much I am in love with everything they do and everything they make and how much I ADORE how these came out!! I’m going to cry over them for a thousand years, thank you and goodbye
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tatsukii · 2 years
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(「世界一黒い車」が日本に誕生、「真・黒色無双」とのコラボでポルシェ911を全塗装 | レスポンス(Response.jp))
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room-n-blog · 6 years
ベンタブラック、という言葉を聞いたことがある人は多いかもしれません。 今から約4年前の2014年7月、イギリスのナノテクノロジ―企業であるサリー・ナノシステム社が、カーボンナノチューブを利用して開発した、史上最高に黒い光吸収素材「ベンタブラック(Vantablack)」のことで、”世界で最も黒い物質”と称されるものです。開発当時、サリー・ナノシステム社が自社のWebサイトに掲載したプレスリリースは次のとおりです。
British breakthrough in world’s darkest material launched at Farnborough International July 09, 2014 https://www.surreynanosystems.com/media/news/sensitive-electro-optical-imaging-and-target-acquisition-systems-launch-at-farnborough-international-air-show
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「世界一黒い物質」、英企業が開発 2014.07.18 Fri posted at 18:48 JST https://www.cnn.co.jp/fringe/35051098.html
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 (2018年08月22日 12時30分)
Man hospitalised after falling in Anish Kapoor installation | The Art Newspaper https://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/man-hospitalised-after-falling-in-anish-kapoor-installation
Visitor falls into Sir Anish Kapoor’s Descent into Limbo | News | The Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/visitor-falls-into-sir-anish-kapoor-s-descent-into-limbo-83kqpxxb3
Man falls into black hole at museum because not even art is safe anymore https://mashable.com/2018/08/21/man-falls-into-hole-at-museum/
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上の画像は、インド出身の彫刻家であるアニッシュ・カプーア氏が作成した芸術作品で、ポルトガルにある美術館に展示されている「Descent into Limbo(辺獄への転落)」という作品なのだそうで、床の黒い”円”は、ベンタブラックでコーティングされています。
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道路標識や信号、高速道路の案内表示など、公共物の色配置を初めとして、普段よく目にする身近なものにも、人間の視認性を踏まえた基本的な色の組み合わせを随所に見出すことができます。冒頭に紹介したベンタブラックのような黒でいえば、警告色(けいこくしょく、英: Warning colouration)の組み合わせとして用いられることがしばしばあります。
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黒と黄色の組み合わせは、自然界ではスズメバチなどに見られる色の組み合わせですが、身近なものでは踏切や警告標識(交通標識や、病院内の放射線管理区域など)として使われており、色の配置や形状など、JIS規格(Japanese Industrial Standards:日本工業規格)で細かく定められています。
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※「安全標識の種類とデザイン」より抜粋(JIS Z 9104:2005)
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フランスの化学者であるミシェル=ウジェーヌ・シュヴルール(仏: Michel-Eugene Chevreul, 1786年8月31日 - 1889年4月9日)は、102才でこの世を去るまで化学の領域で様々な業績を上げましたが、その一方で色彩に関する研究でも著名な人物とされています。
特に色彩を「類似色の調和」と「対比の調和」の2群に分類し体系化した理論は、後世の芸術やデザインの領域に多大な影響を与えたのみならず、現代の世界的なレベルで最も普及している表色系で、上述した日本のJIS規格にも採用されている「マンセル・カラー・システム (Munsell color system)」や、日本における「日本色研配色体系:Practical Color Co-ordinate System(PCCS))」にも影響を与えたとされています。
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◆日本色研事業株式会社 HomePage
マンセルシステム http://www.sikiken.co.jp/colors/colors08.html
PCCSの色相 http://www.sikiken.co.jp/pccs/pccs02.html
◆COLOR NOTE - 配色のコツ -
色彩調和 http://www.sipec-square.net/~mt-home/students/miyazono/project/haishoku/page01.html
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ownthougts · 6 years
色についての色々な話 第二回
暗いところで本領発揮していたのは桿体細胞という目の細胞でしたが、明るいところでは錐体細胞(すいたいさいぼう)ががんばっています。錐体細胞は赤錐体、緑錐体、青錐体と呼ばれる三種類の物質により成り立ちます。ここで鋭い方はピンときたかと思うのですが、これは光のRGB( Red, Green, Blue )に対応しています。それぞれの錐体はそれぞれが担当する光に反応して脳に信号を送ってくれます。この信号が脳に到達することで「目で見る」ということになります。RGB担当以外はいないんかい、と疑問に思うかもしれません。RGB担当以外はいません。現状3チームで脳にせっせと情報を送っています。RGB以外の情報はどうなっているのかというと、それは今、周りを見渡した時に赤と緑と青の3色だけの世界が��られていないことが答えです。RGBの組み合わせだけでモニターが多様な色を再現しているように、割合の違いから、わたしたちは目で得たそれを脳で現像しています。目で見たものを脳で感じているという感覚にもしかしたら近いかもしれません。世界がこんなにも微妙な色の調子で溢れていて圧倒されると思っても、実際わたしたちは3種類の受付窓口を通してそれを感じている…という話は、何だか不可思議でもあります。
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光には波の性質と粒子の性質があることが現代は一般的に知られています。「蒼のエーテル」でも『ひかりは粒 そして波』と歌われるが如くです。この性質から、光はまっすぐに進み、物質に出くわすと吸収されたり反射したり他にも色々しています。物質の表面で反射した光が目まで届くことによって、その波長の色を認識することができます。一方で、吸収された光は異なったエネルギーに変化します。黒いものが熱をもちやすく、白いものが光を反射し眩しく感じるのには基本的にはそうしたことが一枚噛んでいます。
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Newtonライト 光のふしぎ
ニュートン別冊 光とは何か?
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noise-rm · 7 years
Your view, Your dimension, Your world. by Square #test pattern 1 - 3 [2017] from Shohei FUJIMOTO on Vimeo.
How do we visually interpret "dimensions"? How do we recognize what is two-dimensional and what is three-dimensional?
To give an example, vantablack is a substance which absorbs as much visible light as possible (it absorbs a maximum of 99.965%). This in turn denies it of any depth. The fact that an object which behaves like it is a two-dimensional object is actually three-dimensional easily destroys our visual understanding of how dimensions work, and provides us with hints regarding possibilities of new visual representations.
Additionally, the British satirical novel by Edwin A. Abbot called 'Flatland', published in 1884 had a theme of the two-dimensional, "flat" world. The residents who appear in the short novel had a two-dimensional way of living, which was very interesting for me in my three-dimensional life. It inspired me greatly.
The installation uses a laser and a projector to create the visual sense that both the two-dimensional and the three-dimen- sional come and go, and bob up and down.
私たちは、視覚的に、「次元」をどのように 捉え、どのように紐解きながら、二次元のもの を二次元と、三次元のものを三次元だと解釈し ているのでしょうか。
例として、ベンタブラック(Vantablack)のような 物質は、可視光を限りなく吸収する(最大 99.965%吸収)ことから、物体から奥行きという 概念を奪います。二次元的な振る舞いを行う物 体が、三次元空間に存在しているという事実は、 私たちが理解している視覚的な次元の構造を 容易に崩し、新たな視覚表現の可能性の示唆 を与えてくれます。
また、1884年に発行され、二次元の平面世界を 題材にし、���時のイギリスを風刺したエドウィン ・アボット・アボット(Edwin A. Abbott)氏による 小説「フラットランド(Flatland)」。この小説に登 場する平面世界の住人たちの平面世界での生 き方や暮らし方は、三次元空間に存在する自分 にとって興味深いものであり、多くのインスパイ
本作品では、二次元と三次元の間を視覚的に行き来し、次元が浮いたり沈んだりするような感 覚を、レーザーとプロジェクターによって構成し たインスタレーションとして展開します。
Created by Shohei Fujimoto Shown @W+K+ Sound : Ray Kunimoto Filming : Nobuatsu Ueno
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placerdiario · 7 years
Your view, Your dimension, Your world. by Square #test pattern 1 - 3 [2017] from Shohei FUJIMOTO on Vimeo.
How do we visually interpret "dimensions"? How do we recognize what is two-dimensional and what is three-dimensional?
To give an example, vantablack is a substance which absorbs as much visible light as possible (it absorbs a maximum of 99.965%). This in turn denies it of any depth. The fact that an object which behaves like it is a two-dimensional object is actually three-dimensional easily destroys our visual understanding of how dimensions work, and provides us with hints regarding possibilities of new visual representations.
Additionally, the British satirical novel by Edwin A. Abbot called 'Flatland', published in 1884 had a theme of the two-dimensional, "flat" world. The residents who appear in the short novel had a two-dimensional way of living, which was very interesting for me in my three-dimensional life. It inspired me greatly.
The installation uses a laser and a projector to create the visual sense that both the two-dimensional and the three-dimen- sional come and go, and bob up and down.
例として、ベンタブラック(Vantablack)のような物質は、可視光を限りなく吸収する(最大 99.965%吸収)ことから、物体から奥行きという概念を奪う。二次元的な振る舞いを行う物体が、三次元空間に存在しているという事実は、私たちが理解している視覚的な次元の構造を容易に崩し、新たな視覚表現の可能性の示唆を与えてくれる。
加えて、1884年に発行され、二次元の平面世界を題材にし、当時のイギリスを風刺したエドウィン・アボット・アボット(Edwin A. Abbott)氏による小説「フラットランド(Flatland)」。この小説に登場する平面世界の住人たちの平面世界での生き方や暮らし方は、三次元空間に存在する自分にとって興味深いものであり、多くのインスパイアをうけた。
Created by Shohei Fujimoto Shown @W+K+ Sound : Ray Kunimoto Filming : Nobuatsu Ueno
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thoselethalarts · 1 year
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There was a prompt for this pant design floating around on twitter, and we got a little too excited to take advantage of it! 😊💕 Collab piece with @mintmoth, featuring my OCs Stahli 🦨 and Vantablack 🔪
Lineart for Vanta and coloration of Stahli @thoselethalarts
Lineart for Stahli and coloration of Vanta @mintmoth​
Full view of both charas individually below~
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thoselethalarts · 4 months
Hi! absolutely love your ocs<3
How do they see the prefect? Before or after the overblots of their dorms
Just for being so darn sweet to me you can have a bit of both, bestie 😘
How Do They See The Prefect?
(WARNING! The following post features spoilers for the endings of all seven major storyline chapters of TWST. Read on at your own risk!)
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Matt is vaguely interested in the prefect, due to them being from another world and all, but he won't go out of his way to really interact with them of his own accord. If they come to him first he'll be friendly enough, but he doesn't care about them enough to seek them out otherwise. He thinks getting close to the prefect is a waste of time since in the end they'll likely never see each other again.
He respects their ability to survive the onslaught that was Riddle's overblot in Chapter 1, especially considering how powerful of a mage he is even by NRC standards. As he's usually hanging around by Marcus's side, you'll see the two of them in pairs more often than not. If Marcus chooses to gravitate towards you, Matt will follow shortly after.
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Kaz thinks the prefect is interesting! To him, part of his time spent at Night Raven College is about making memories that he wouldn't get the chance to make anyways. Meet people he otherwise would never meet, try things he'd never get to try, and learn things he'd never get to learn. With the prefect however he sees things differently. He wonders if they will find a chance to leave, or if they'll stay in Twisted Wonderland forever, and what will happen to their relationship when the end finally comes.
He does worry a bit for their safety, especially after the events of Leona's overblot in Chapter 2. He starts to feel a bigger drive to look after them especially after these events, much like Marcus does. He hopes one day the two of them can see each other part ways amicably, but they'll have to live that long first before they do!
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Marcus feels a fierce obligation to protect the prefect, purely because they're from another world. He would feel miserable if they would end up dying before getting the opportunity to return back to where they came, so he's very much interested in helping them find out how they got to Twisted Wonderland and how to make it back home. If they ever need a helping hand, he'll be glad to be that for them. Being the de-facto leader of his friend group, that also means they get the assistance of Matt and Kazuo as well.
His desire to protect the prefect and align with them only becomes stronger with each overblot. He's impressed by their ability to escape potential death and overcome the deadly challenges frequently being presented to them, but he knows that being magicless in a world full of magical assholes hellbent on destruction is a dangerous existence to live.
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Nyx doesn't particularly care about the prefect in the slightest. He has more pressing things to be concerned about, like his schoolwork and his personal relationships. He's interested in the fact that they came from another world, but doesn't care enough to investigate it with them. In fact, he'd rather not get involved with them at all. He's usually too reserved to go out of his way to hold a proper conversation with them, and would rather just be left alone to his own friends and devices.
During the overblot of Chapter 4, he was the only person in his dorm that was able to escape Jamil's wrath by leaving NRC before he began to exact his plan. He heard about what happened in his dorm only after he got back, and was rather surprised to hear about them being able to stand up to Jamil despite everything. He seems more weary around them after this, and has made a mental note of their capabilities, especially with regards to plans he's making of his own before VDC is able to come into full swing across the school...
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Stahli's rather neutral on his opinion of the prefect, but he's friendly to everybody so he's going to be friendly to them too! Rest assured, if they're ever in Pomefiore this skunkboy will be glad to see them. He will probably try and enlist them as a taste tester for whatever obscure recipe he's making this week, so hopefully they like the free food even if there's a 50/50 chance of it being something weird.
Chapter 5's overblot was something that took everyone by surprise, but significantly less so for Stahli. Perhaps it's his interest in fortune telling spoiling the future for him, but he seemed to know some kind of doom lingered in the future. Rather than fussing about it or being panicked, however, he would occasionally nudge the prefect in warning during the lead up to VDC to help guide them toward a path of greater safety.
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Phobos doesn't give a shit about the prefect at all, but to be fair he doesn't give a shit about most people around him. He's not really interested in becoming closer to them, but he's not going to push them away if they stay low on his annoyance meter. He only offers to help them with anything if they pay him up front. He doesn't do any work for free unless he really likes you.
Phobos's interest in getting involved with S.T.Y.X. during the events of Chapter 6 are very minimal, but he can have a big role depending on how the prefect interacts with him. He can easily track down Idia's location even without Rook's help, and he's very much interested in learning more about the Isle of Woe as a whole. He doesn't actually care about helping bring anybody back from S.T.Y.X. though. You'd have to make it worth his while to keep helping you delve into the depths of Tartarus and fight against the freshly overblotted Idia and Ortho.
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Vantablack is very interested in the prefect and wants to know everything about them. Who are they, exactly? Where did they come from? How did they get to Twisted Wonderland? Does the crushing fear of possibly losing everything connected to their old life haunt them? What was their homeworld like? Vantablack is going to bother them frequently, and as part of the first year squad they want it to be known that the prefect can rely on them for anything and everything. Whether or not you can actually trust them, however, is to your discretion.
Despite everything, if there's one thing you can always count on: it's that Vantablack HATES Malleus and would love nothing more than the chance to knock him down a couple pegs. They hate the fact that he's worshiped and revered so highly when they aren't, and wants desperately to beat him and become the next dorm head of Diasomnia. Needless to say, the prefect has their full support in helping stop Malleus's overblot during the events of Chapter 7.
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thoselethalarts · 5 months
✧・゚: ✧OC Inspiration Meme✧:・゚✧
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I saw this meme floating around on tumblr, and thought it might be fun to do for my main active group!
Character names and source media below!
|| Matt || Adraen (Lapfox Trax/Halley Labs) - Appearance (True form) Pride (Fullmetal Alchemist) - Powers Shane Madej (Ghost Files) - Personality Alucard (Hellsing) - Role, Powers Matt (Death Note) - Name, Appearance (Human Form), Role Beelzebub (Beelzebub and Rex Fontaine) - Role, Personality, Appearance
|| Kazuo || The Batter (OFF) - Powers, Appearance, Combat Style Kimihiro Watanuki (xxxHOLiC) - Powers Junpei Iori (Persona 3) - Combat Style, Personality Grim Reaper/Death (Mythology) - Origin, Powers, Role Vater Unser (E Nomine) - Origin 地獄/Jigoku (Lapfox Trax/Halley Labs) - Origin
|| Marcus || Charlie White (Cr1tikal) - Appearance Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) - Personality, Powers Ryan Bergara (Ghost Files) - Personality Alice Liddell (American McGee's Alice) - Origin, Story Timothy Wright (Marble Hornets) - Role, Personality Rex Fontaine (Beelzebub and Rex Fontaine) - Role, Personality
|| Nyx || Sai Yamanaka (Naruto) - Powers Nick Wilde (Zootopia) - Personality Heartless (Kingdom Hearts) - Powers Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) - Powers Zexion (Kingdom Hearts) - Appearance Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki (Persona 3) - Appearance
|| Stahli || Blue Stahli - Origin Yūko Ichihara (xxxHOLiC) - Powers, Role Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) - Appearance, Personality Sei (DRAMAtical Murder) - Appearance, Personality Darius (Lapfox Trax/Halley Labs) - Appearance Flower (Bambi) - Personality
|| Phobos || Ichimatsu Matsuno (Osomatsu-San) - Personality Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3) - Personality Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder) - Role, Appearance, Personality Clear (DRAMAtical Murder) - Role, Story Matatabi (Naruto) - Appearance Amanojaku (Ghost Stories) - Personality
|| Vantablack || The Wraith (Dead by Daylight) - Combat Style Alex Mercer (PROTOTYPE) - Powers Pennywise (IT) - Powers Raven Darkhölme/Mystique (X-Men) - Powers Kristen Stewart (Specifically from Charlie's Angels) - Appearance Gol Acheron (Jak & Daxter) - Voice
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thoselethalarts · 1 year
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I made my chaotic band of misfits on TS4! Matt, Kaz, Marcus, Nyx, Stahli, Phobos, and Vantablack, all in one big collection! 😊💕 I'm really so proud of how beautifully they all came out!
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thoselethalarts · 2 years
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Happy White Day everybody!
In celebration, how about some OC appreciation?
To match with the TWST official white day / valentines day cards, here’s a set of thank you notes you can get if you happen to have gotten my lads some gifts on this recently passed holiday~
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thoselethalarts · 2 years
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Realized that I neglected to make groovy candies for any of my lads besides Nyx, so I sat down and completed the set! 
From left to right: Matt (Heartslabyul), Kaz (Savanaclaw), Marcus (Octavinelle), Nyx (Scarabia), Stahli (Pomefiore), Phobos (Ignihyde), and Vantablack (Diasomnia)!
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thoselethalarts · 11 months
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A (hopefully!) comprehensive chart of my TWST OCs and their relationships between each other! Double lines show a disconnect between how one person feels about the other and vice-versa.
If you’d like to know more about how one of them feels about the other(s), send me an ask with two or three of their emojis and I’ll give you a little in-depth infodump about them! 😊
😈 - Matt, Heartslabyul
👻 - Kazuo, Savanaclaw
😱 - Marcus, Octavinelle
💔 - Nyx, Scarabia
🦨 - Stahli, Pomefiore
🐈‍⬛ - Phobos, Ignihyde
🔪 - Vantablack, Diasomnia
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thoselethalarts · 1 year
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I saw this picrew floating around on twitter, and I couldn’t resist making my lads with it again! So here’s the seven of them, now in casual clothes~
Picrew Source
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thoselethalarts · 2 years
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TWST OC Masterchef Judge Reaction!
Featuring, in order: Matt, Kazuo, Marcus, Nyx, Stahli, Phobos, and Vantablack!
Anyone is more than welcome to use for their own OCs, and tag anyone whom they want to as well!
Picrew Used
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thoselethalarts · 2 years
can you tell us about the UMs of all your twstocs? 👀
Most certainly I can~
TW for Readers: Horror themes (Matt, Marcus, Phobos, Vantablack), Mentions of self harm and suicide (Phobos), Mentions of body horror and forced memory loss (Vantablack)
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Hands of Shadow
Matt can manipulate and control any and all shadows within a certain range of his position, making them solid and pulling them from surfaces to use as extensions of his own body. He can also "feel" whenever a person walks in a mass of shadows nearby him. His shadows weaken in strong light and strengthen in weak light. In a completely pitch-black room he can easily crush or suffocate anyone within a few seconds with the shadows around them. This power is shared with Marcus.
Drawback: If a light is strong enough and large enough, his unique magic will be unable to manifest.
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[ Unnamed ]
When Kaz activates his UM he summons forth from his body three floating rings of light that glow brightly and fight alongside him in combat. These rings of light appear to act with minds and personalities of their own and respond by name: Ena, Theo, and Tria. They can be communicated with and act outside of combat situations, but will work above all else to protect their host (him). The rings dissipate when he runs out of mana, when he is knocked unconscious, when they individually take enough damage, or if he calls them back manually.
Drawback: He does not have complete control of his “unique magic”; these rings that he summons also react strongly depending on which emotions he's feeling at the time and will summon themselves forth if he experiences extreme enough emotional turmoil. Ena reacts to anger, Theo reacts to anguish, and Tria reacts to anxiety. Depending on his emotional state they may refuse to be dissipated even if he attempts to call them back manually.
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Mirror Break
(Hypnosis-based) After making eye contact with a target, Marcus “enters” a person's mind and distorts their perception of both time, space, and reality. Through his power he can fracture and manipulate his target’s thoughts on either a small-scale level or an extreme level. He can submit his target to extreme amounts of torture that exist only in their mind, forcing them to exist in a seemingly dreamlike-world for days within the matter of minutes, submitting them to a twisted mental world of his own making, until the person either suffers a mental breakdown or falls unconscious.
Drawback: This spell takes a huge toll on his own sanity when it's performed, especially for extended periods of time. People with a strong mental will can resist his influences.
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Heartless Mimic
Nyx claps his hands together and instantly burns off a huge amount of mana, he then harnesses the resulting blot and throws it forth from his hands, which shifts and morphs into a large “puppet” that he can control using black strings of blot that trace back to his fingertips. He can control multiple mimics at once, but his coordination decreases with each additional connected mimic.
The resulting puppet has the exact size, stature, and appearance of a person that he knows, with the exception that their body is entirely black and composed of blot, with their only defining features being a set of round, yellow eyes and a heart-shaped hole punched through their chest. These mimics can also cast any spells that he knows or has witnessed the person use, including unique magic. When these mimics are defeated, the blot forming their bodies explodes, staining anyone too close to the resulting splash zone. He can also destroy these mimics by snapping his fingers, severing the connection between him and the puppet and forcing it to violently explode.
Drawback: Nyx can ONLY use this power after first: creating several portraits or sketches of the person or creature he wishes to impersonate. He can only replicate their unique magic if he witnesses it firsthand and can comprehend how it is cast. (Characters he cannot replicate the UM of: Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Azul, Vil, Rook, Idia, etc.)
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Skulk Shadow
By focusing his mana, Stahli enters a state where his body is, physiologically, the same as a ghost. He can levitate himself and nearby objects, turn himself invisible, move through solid objects and individuals, and he can possess objects and people for a limited amount of time (depending on how well they can resist or repel his possession).
Drawback: While using his unique magic Stahli’s own soul energy can be attacked directly by both the living and the dead, which causes blot to accumulate on him directly rather than be absorbed by a magical stone/magestone. If Stahli runs out of mana while in this form then his soul runs the risk of disconnecting from his body, effectively “killing” him until he manages to reconnect his spirit with his body.
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Terror Black
(Curse-based) Phobos can speak or write messages that inflict pain upon a specific target he chooses. The message can be written either physically or digitally for his curse to take effect. The pain inflicted on his target is real, and through this method he can cause more than simple faux-nerve pain, but also cause physical slashes/gashes to manifest, limb damage, internal/organ damage, internal bleeding, organ failure, and can even entice a target to additionally harm or kill themself if they are mentally unstable enough. If a written message is read by someone other than the original target, they are inflicted by its wrath instead. Once a written message has been read in full, the curse attached to it wears off and becomes null to all others that read it next.
Drawback: In order for his UM to take effect he must to explicitly say, write, or imply in either medium what he wants to happen for it to manifest, otherwise nothing will happen. If his message is written in a language his target does not understand then nothing will happen.
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Mind Flay
Vantablack’s face splits open like petals of a blossom, opening their mouth wide to reveal bright, glowing IT-esce deadlights running along their throat. The lights mesmerize and incapacitate their prey, quickly sapping away life energy from their chosen victim. With the life energy taken from their victim they also steal away fragments of their victim’s memories, which can never be recovered once taken. Their victims are left temporarily comatose if they survive (they usually do), and when they awaken they are left with a hazy gap in their memories from what was taken from them.
Drawback: If their power is not restrained they can cause severe damage to their chosen victim, including physical weakness, nervous damage, permanent comatose, brain-death, or physical death. In addition this is the only way that Vanta can feed and satiate their physical hunger; no matter how much they eat physically, they can only feel satisfied if they use their UM against someone and feed in this way.
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