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2023Sep. 街角プランターで
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Why Not...
カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM
#my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1_HVDJFJp/?igshid=8tile2ikw202
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* 我が家に3色あるフェアリースター✌️ こうしてみると、白もかわいいね😍 * #ザ花部 #kokohana #心に花を #tv_flowers #petal_perfection #9vaga9 #splendid_flowers #floralstylesgf #jpn_macro #team_jp_ #topfleur #tgif_macro_mbr #ip_blossoms #pocket_macro #thewhisperers #igersjp #はなまっぷ #inspiring_shot #top_favorite_flowers #explore_dof #masters_in_macro #instagramjapan #IG_PHOS #art_of_japan #bokeh_bliss #花倶楽部 #voightlander #nokton https://www.instagram.com/p/CT54_5AgiUq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KHUx reference - main quest challenges (801- )
801- (THIS POST)
the same notes and tips apply:
many of the ‘defeat at least X number of [specific enemy]’ quests only have X number of enemies, no more
for challenges that are ‘take out the target enemy in X turns’, if there’s more than one enemy in the target’s party, you only have to defeat the target enemy in one turn
for challenges that are ‘clear the quest without using a continue,’ that basically means don’t die and use jewels to revive
the difference between a hit and an attack: if a challenge is asking you to deal X damage in one hit, then that means that even if your medal does X damage total, if that’s spread out over 3 or 4 hits then that won’t count. if you need to deal 15k+ and your medal hits 3 times for 5k damage each, then that wouldn’t fulfill it. but if it’s asking you to do 15k+ damage in an attack, that medal would work.
for all “deal X damage in one hit” challenges, burst attacks do not count.
quest 801 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
gather 350 lux
deal at least 50000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
quest 802 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
activate an ability ten times or less
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 803 | enchanted dominion
defeat the target enemy within one turn
open every treasure chest
defeat the invisible (インビジブル) within one turn
quest 804 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
activate an ability at least five times
use the keyblade fairy stars (フェアリースター)
quest 805 | enchanted dominion
clear the entire quest within two turns
clear the entire quest within two turns
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 806 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
open every treasure chest
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 807 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
gather at least 350 lux
deal at least 1000000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
quest 808 | enchanted dominion
defeat the target enemy within one turn
defeat at least five paralyze archers (パラライズアーチャー)
activate an ability ten times or less
quest 809 | enchanted dominion
clear the quest within 60 seconds
clear the quest within 75 seconds
clear the quest within 90 seconds
quest 810 | enchanted dominion
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 811 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within 1 turn
gather at least 1000 lux
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 812 | enchanted dominion
defeat every enemy in the quest within 1 turn
defeat at least four dark plants (ダークプラント)
activate an ability ten times or less
quest 813 | enchanted dominion
defeat the target enemy within one turn
deal at least 1000000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
defeat at least 10 dark wisps (ダークウィスプ)
quest 814 | enchanted dominion
clear the quest within 30 seconds
clear the quest within 40 seconds
clear the quest within 50 seconds
quest 815 | enchanted dominion
clear the entire quest within 2 turns clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 816 | beast’s castle
defeat every enemy in the quest within 1 turn
gather at least 5000 lux
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 817 | beast’s castle
defeat the target enemy within 1 turn
deal at least 500000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
activate an ability 10 times or less
quest 818 | beast’s castle
defeat every enemy in the quest within 1 turn
clear the quest within 50 seconds
use the keyblade treasure trove (ロックスプレンダー)
quest 819 | beast’s castle
clear the entire quest within 4 turns
defeat at least four soldiers (ソルジャー)
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 820 | beast’s castle
defeat the target enemy within 1 turn
open every treasure chest
activate an ability 8 times or less
quest 821 | castle of dreams
defeat every enemy in the quest within 1 turn
gather at least 10000 lux
clear the quest within 50 seconds
quest 822 | castle of dreams
clear the entire quest within 5 turns
deal at least 800000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
use the keyblade lady luck (ラストレゾート)
quest 823 | castle of dreams
defeat the target enemy within one turn
defeat at least five armour archers (アーマーアーチャー)
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 824 | castle of dreams
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
open every treasure chest
activate an ability 10 times or less
quest 825 | olympus coliseum
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 826 | dwarf woodlands
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
defeat at least 5 achoo moles
use the keyblade moogle of glory (モーグリオブグーローリー)
quest 827 | dwarf woodlands
defeat the target enemy within one turn
deal at least 500000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 828 | dwarf woodlands
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
activate an ability 4 times or less
gather at least 5000 lux
quest 829 | dwarf woodlands
defeat at least three hook bats (フックバット)
open every treasure chest
clear the quest within 22 seconds
quest 830 | dwarf woodlands
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
deal at least 800000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
clear the quest without using a continue
quest 831 | wonderland
defeat four nimble bees (ニンブルビー)
activate an ability 5 times or less
gather at least 10000 lux
quest 832 | wonderland
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
open every treasure chest
use the keyblade divine rose (ラヴィアンローズ)
quest 833 | wonderland
defeat the target enemy within one turn
deal at least 1000000 damage in one hit (burst doesn’t count)
clear the quest within 20 seconds
quest 834 | wonderland
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
activate an ability 5 times or less
gather at least 10000 lux
quest 835 | wonderland
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the entire quest within 2 turns
clear the quest without using a continue
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夏のハンギングバスケット作成。 八重のジニア(ダブルザハラ)9株、 内訳は、ストロベリー2株、イエロー3株、サーモン2株、ラズベリーリップル2株 イソトマ2株 ニチニチソウのフェアリースター アメリカンブルー 以前のバスケットを解体して、株分けしたハツユキカズラを1つ植え込みました。 どうしてもスリットの隙間のスポンジが見えるので、沢山植え込んでしまいますが、 最初から混み混みなのでお花さんにとっては窮屈ですよね💦 マメにお手入れしてあげよう。。 5日前の、植えたばかりの写真を2枚目に。 あっという間に太陽を仰ぎ上向きになって、 その生命力にいつも元気をもらえます✨ 次々蕾も咲いてくれて毎日が楽しみです💕 #ハンギングバスケット #寄せ植え #ガーデニング #はながすきな人と繋がりたい #花が好きな人と繫がりたい #花か好き #花のある暮らし🌼 #花のある生活 #花の写真を撮るのが好き #花の写真が好き #花好きの人と繋がりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0ReL0Jktf/?igshid=1mqxrso6tzyji
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フェアリースター クリスタルグリッド ☆ ☆ ☆ #アメジスト #グラデーション #オトナ女子 #パープル #パール #グラデーションカラー #バイオレット #ブルージュ #シルバー925 #きれいめカジュアル #サファイヤ #アディクシーカラー #addicthy #シークレットカラー #ダブルカラー #tokyo #japan #ネイル #ジェルネイル #グリッド #クリスタルグリッド #リーディング #クリスタルリーディング #占い師 #占い好き #占い #パワーストーン https://www.instagram.com/p/B3L9RDZnGQm/?igshid=7ixn5zzjwi7w
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【Leica X-Vario】2018/09/01 英国大使館手前 玄関寄せ植え 赤いのはフェアリースター、素敵な名前でしょ^^ 白い縁取りの葉はハーブのトリカラーセージです。青いのは勿忘草かなあ。 この暑さでこのクオリティーを維持してるってやっぱりすごいです。
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Why ?!
カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM
#my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CA42NYpJnMn/?igshid=1stirckzwzt1o
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土曜日には雨が降る予報。これで少しは暑さがマシになるか? カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM #my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEnh7_JlDW/?igshid=1nsm1o7sep7ba
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ツクツクボウシの音が聞こえ始めると、夏の終わりも近いという印象だけど、まだまだ暑い日が続きそう。 カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM #my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CECH3w3pUr8/?igshid=sx23uf2naf6z
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昼過ぎ、部屋の温度計が36.2°を表示していた。多分、今年最高だと思われる。 カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM #my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8_DgMpIE1/?igshid=u0gqumabhaug
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庭のフェアリースターが咲き誇っています。 カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM #my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6SVJipojP/?igshid=1j1sqjydhw6og
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* * 夏の光にフェアリースター * #ザ花部 #kokohana #心に花を #tv_flowers #petal_perfection #9vaga9 #splendid_flowers #floralstylesgf #jpn_macro #team_jp_ #topfleur #tgif_macro_mbr #ip_blossoms #pocket_macro #thewhisperers #igersjp #はなまっぷ #inspiring_shot #top_favorite_flowers #explore_dof #masters_in_macro #instagramjapan #IG_PHOS #art_of_japan #bokeh_bliss #花倶楽部 #voightlander #nokton https://www.instagram.com/p/CRawZYTJICm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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KHUx JP reference - friday dailies
Evolution medals and materials for the keyblades Starlight (スターライト) and Fairy Stars (フェアリースター) are available today.
Evolution 1★ - 3★
★ (can obtain Cheshire Cat medals; needed to evolve a medal from 1★ to 2★)
defeat the target enemy within one turn
defeat at least ten enemies
use the keyblade lady luck
★★ (can obtain Merlin medals; needed to evolve a medal from 2★ to 3★)
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
activate an ability at least three times
only use power medals in your deck
★★★ (can obtain Fairy Godmother medals; needed to evolve a medal from 3★ to 4★)
defeat the target enemy within one turn
gather at least 250 lux
defeat the large body (ラージボディ) within one turn
Evolution 4★ -5★
★★★★ (can obtain Yen Sid medals; needed to evolve a medal from 4★ to 5★)
defeat the target enemy within one turn
clear the quest without using a continue
defeat at least one high wizard (ハイウィザード)
★★★★★ (can obtain Fairy Godmother medals; needed to evolve a medal from 5★ to 6★)
defeat the target enemy within one turn
defeat at least two black gummi thrusters (ブラックグミスラスター)
defeat at least one gargoyle (ガーゴイル)
Starlight materials quest
defeat the target enemy within one turn
gather at least 150 lux
activate the skill Attack Up S (アタックアップS)
Fairy Stars materials quest
defeat the target enemy within one turn
gather at least 150 lux
clear the quest without using a continue
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KHUx - fairy stars (フェアリースター) adamant challenges
Quest no. 1 will give you the title ? (?) and 5 will give you the title !(!) as the second challenge reward.
Quest 1:
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
clear the quest without using a continue
use the keyblade fairy stars
Quest 2:
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
clear the quest without using a continue
use the keyblade fairy stars
Quest 3:
clear the quest within two turns
clear the quest without using a continue
use the keyblade fairy stars
Quest 4:
clear the quest within 120 seconds
clear the quest without using a continue
use the keyblade fairy stars
Quest 5:
defeat every enemy in the quest within one turn
clear the quest without using a continue
use the keyblade fairy stars
#jp#adamant challenges#y'all....a miracle is happening as i type........#the blue jays.........are Winning
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雨上がりだったので、滴が付いています。 カメラ:CANON EOS R レンズ:CANON EF100mm F2.8L マクロ IS USM #my_eos_photo #キヤノン #キタムラ写真投稿 #カメラオヤジ #京都カメラ部 #花の写真館 #花フレンド #私の花の写真 #花マクロ部 #庭の花 #フェアリースター https://www.instagram.com/p/CA1_HVDJFJp/?igshid=8tile2ikw202
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