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everythingisarabbithole · 1 month ago
the this-is-like-a-date-is-this-not-a-date-is-this-a-date scene with the carriage going up and then down at just the right time. that was nice
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sayasaan · 2 years ago
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♡ ⁡ ⁡ #かわいいカープ女子と丸の内デート ⁡ すごーくお久しぶりなランチデート。 韓ミュで知り合ったかわいい妹ちゃんですが #カープ女子 でもある。 ⁡ いろんなお話できて楽しかった♡ ⁡ そして東京駅に行ったら食べたかったプリン♡ プリンも大丈夫と言ってくれたので道連れに。 昔かながらの固めのプリンに濃厚なカラメルソースがマッチしていて美味しかったです。 ⁡ ⁡ #くまこさんの姉妹同士を喜んで撮影してた #結構な時間をここで費やす ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ ⁡ #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #ドラゴンズ愛 #中日ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズ好き #ドラゴンズ大好き #ドラゴンズ頑張れ #カフェ #カフェ巡り #カフェ部 #カフェ活 #カフェ女子 #カフェスタグラム #カフェ記録 #カフェタイム #カフェ時間 #カフェ好き #東京駅 #グランスタ東京 #thedepot #懐かしいほろ苦プリン #広島東洋カープ #リラックマ #荒木さんも一緒に (東京駅グランスタ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3-_Oev2H0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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esponitto · 5 months ago
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♪ ✧ ♥︎♩ ♬ ✧ ♩ 私はあなたが最初にデート、キスした人、あるいは最初の恋人じゃないかもしれませんが、あなたの最後の人になりたいです。
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doctorbunny · 5 months ago
MILGRAM x Karatez Interrogation Questions
Disclaimer: Weather-cluddy (and Maristelina) already translated these, I am not so filled with hubris that I think my work is better than theirs This is just me doing a favour for a friend who was bothered by the formatting/image quality of the original post That said, repackaging other people's work wholesale is a bit weird so these are my translations (yes I am procrastinating the hallucenation stuff but I promise I've started working on it)
[Link to Part 2 of the collab here]
Do you have any memories of karaoke?
Haruka: I feel like I went when I was really little I remember hearing my parents singing I want to try going with everyone
Yuno: I use them a bunch! I do things like going singing with my friends, as well as for some other stuff* Could you set it up for us in the prison? [Karaoke rooms are cheap, private and soundproof meaning a lot of people use them for 'hook ups', I'm pretty sure you're not meant to use them for that though, I wonder if the sponsor was aware Yuno was one of those people]
Fuuta: I only went around the time I started uni and was doing new student stuff But I stopped going not long after
Muu: I've been a couple times But most of the time I just end up chatting with my friends
Shidou: My family used to go Although I'd usually just be there listening to them
Mahiru: I feel like it'd be a good first date, wouldn't it? Then I could learn what my partner's favourite songs are... What kind of music do you listen to?
Kazui: I'd go there for stuff like drinking afterparties, y'know Drunk old men* really like singing, don't they? Recently the food's also really good, hasn't it? [*Kazui's favourite word ojisan lol]
Amane: I don't You can't have memories of something if you never went
Mikoto: Back in uni it was a godsend, I'd go almost every week I'm pretty confident in my ability to liven up karaoke Because I mastered the songs that everyone enjoys [Mikoto uses 'boku']
Kotoko: I've used them a lot before They're the most affordable kind of private room So they're really convenient when you don't want your conversations overheard
Images/Transcript below the cut
ハルカ:ちいさいときに行ったきがします おやがうたっているの聞いてたとおもいます みんなと行ってみたいです [Image source: moibakadesu]
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ユノ:よく使うよ 友達と歌いに行くのもあるし、他にも色々 監獄の中にも作ってくれるの? [Image source: K-Books]
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フウタ:大学入ったばっかりときは新歓とかで行ったけど そのうち行かなくなったな [Image source: K-Books]
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ムウ:たまに行くよ ムウ場合はほとんど友達とおしゃべりしてる [Image source: K-Books]
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シドウ:家族で行きましたよ 俺は大抵聴いているだけですけど [Image source: K-Books]
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マヒル:付きあいたてのデートって感じがしていいよね 相手のお好みの曲覚えたりして… あなたはどんな曲聴くの? [Image source*: Weather-Cluddy, but this image also appears on an earlier DCinside post with a different crop, so I think it's taken from a now deleted source and I couldn't find any other images]
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カズイ:飲みの二次会とかで行くねぇ 酔っ払ったおじさんは歌いたがるもんなのさ 最近はご飯もちゃんと旨いからいいよね [Image source: melsie]
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アマネ:ありませんね 行ったこともので思い出などあるはずもありません [Image source*: Similar situation to Mahiru where the earliest source is Weather-Cluddy/the DCinside post but I can't find any other images/their sources]
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ミコト:そりゃもう大学時代なんてほぼ毎週お世話になってたよ カラオケの盛り上げ方なら相当自信あるよ、僕 老若���女の喜ぶ曲マスターしてるからね [Image source: K-Books]
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コトコ:よく使ってたよ 一番手頃な個室だから 聞かれたくない話をするには重宝する [Image source: K-Books]
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*if anyone could provide better quality/sourced images I would appreciate it
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@klaribel Hi! 😊
『あ〜い!こっちこっちイ!! 』 大好きな人と待ち合わせ。笑顔の先は友達? 彼女? 一体、だあれ?
“a〜i ! kotchi kotchii !!” daisukina hito to machiawase. egao no saki wa tomodachi ? kanojo ? itai, daare?
“He〜y, Over here!!” (He) meets with his favorite/special person. Is he smiling at a friend? or a girlfriend? Who could that (person) be?
❉ こっちこっち (Kotchi kotchi) - means over here; come on
❉ 待ち合わせ (machiawase) - means meet up with~
❉ 大好きな (daisukina) - (something), which (someone) likes very much/loves. 大好きな is used to emphasis, how much you like it. You can say "大好きな", when you want to describe something as your favorite in Japanese.
大好きな本 (Daisukina hon) : very favorite book
大好きな歌 (daisukina uta): favorite song
私の(大)好きな俳優 watashi no (dai) sukina haiyū : My favorite actor
大好きなんだ〜 (daisukina nda 〜) : I'm lovin’ (you / it / him /her etc)
(大)好きな猫は?[ (dai)sukina neko wa?] : What’s your favorite cat? / What kind of cat do you like?
❉ 大好きな人 (daisukina hito) : a person whom someone likes very much". "like very much" can also be expressed as "love".
❉ 笑顔の先 (egao no Saki)- "beyond the smile", In here it refers to the outcome of a meeting or what happens after that.
❉ 彼女 (kanojo) - she/her/woman Or girlfriend
In a conversation, when you are talking about a woman and refer to her as 彼女 、you mean she.
If you say something like, ``Next time I'll introduce you to my 彼女", you're referring to your girlfriend.
Whether the word means She, her, or girlfriend depends on the context.
e. g:
1. 彼女の目を見たら、彼女の本心がわかった。
kanojo no me wo mitara, kanojo no honshin ga wakatta.
When I looked into her eyes, I understood her true feelings.
2. 彼女 / 彼氏 とデートする。
kanojo/ kareshi to de-tosuru.
Going on a date with my girlfriend/boyfriend.
3. 次回、彼女に会った時は彼女の笑顔が見られますように。
Jikai, kanojo ni atta toki wa kanojo no egao ga miraremasu yōni
Next time when I meet her, I hope I can see her smile.
4. 彼女います。
kanojo imasu.
I have a girlfriend.
4. 彼女は私が本当に会いたかった人です。だから彼女と知り合えて本当に幸せです
kanojo wa watashi ga hontōni aitakatta hito desu. da kara kanojo to shiriaete hontōni shiawase desu.
She’s the person I really wanted to meet. That’s why I’m really happy to get to know her.
5. 彼女はいますか
kanojo wa imasu ka?
Do you have a girlfriend?
But actually, in everyday conversation, Japanese people do not use pronouns [ 「彼」 (he) or 「彼女」 (she)] very often. This is because people often call other people by their real names, nicknames, or job titles.
Before Meiji era (1868-1912), 彼 was unisex and Japanese people used it for both male and female.
彼女(girlfriend) and デート(dating) are usually associated even in Japanese narratives.
❉ 大好きな人と待ち合わせ (daisukina hito to machiawase) - This literally refers to making an appointment to meet someone you really like.
This expression has the following meanings:
1) 大好きな人 refers to someone you have romantic feelings for.
2) "Michiawase" refers to waiting to meet at a predetermined place or time.
3) When meeting someone, you feel so happy to have met them that you want to run over to them with a smile on your face and say hi to them.
Overall this expression expresses that the state of looking forward to meeting someone you love alone. As your meeting time approaches, you'll probably feel excited, nervous and thrilled to meet that person.
If you just look at the smile, you won't know if it's a friend or a lover, but because of the smile, it seems like he's meeting up with his lover. There is nothing that cannot be interpreted.
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moznohayanie · 1 year ago
(...) 数年前になりますが、東京国際フォーラムへあるコンサートを聴きに行くことがありました。その日、とてもコンサートへ行くような気分ではないほど、落ち込んでいたのです。
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chii-u · 1 year ago
I may not be your first date, kiss, or love, but I want to be your last.
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hancyan · 1 year ago
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大正時代(1912-1926)のモダニズム建築を参考にした地元パブを作りました。 I built a dive bar based on modernist architecture from the Taisho era (1912-1926).
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和風地元パブとカフェ「木邑屋」30×30 Japanese-style dive bar and cafe “Kimuraya”30×30
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1920 年にタイムスリップして内部を覗いてみましょう。 Let's travel back in time to 1920 and take a peek inside.
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どうやら若いカップルがデート中のようです。 Apparently a young couple is on a date.
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(緊張しすぎて何から話せばいいのかわからないよ。) (I'm so nervous that I don't know where to start talking.)
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まだ自由に恋愛することができなかった時代には、男女が一緒にいるのを見るのは珍しい光景でした。 Seeing a man and a woman together was a rare sight back in the days when it was still not possible to love freely.
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それは、昔々の小さな恋のお話。 It's a story about a small love once upon a time.
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Thank you for the wonderful poses. @yorithesimsさん L-Sims⇒“Lovebird” (椅子の都合でヨンジェの位置が随分と後ろになりました・・)
Thank you for converting me to the hakama I wanted. @murfeeleeさん TS4 to TS3 Hakama Conversion
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☆I can't write it all down, but I'm grateful to the many CC creators.☆
Thank you for always reading my posts!
Bye for now!
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kou-f · 2 months ago
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その当時私はスズキ グース350で
妻はヤマハ SR400に乗ってた。
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 1 year ago
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leomacgivena · 7 months ago
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usamellow · 10 months ago
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hailarabbit281 · 10 months ago
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Back when the production team is still explicit about Shirley and Lelouch being an official ship in the story
Japanese text extracted with Google Translate
からんでくるのは、全員なんですが・・・。C.C.はギアスを 与えた対価が何なのかで、ルルとの関係が気になるところ。恋 愛とはちょっと違う気もしますけどね。カレンとは、実は7話 できわどいシーンがあって・・・。ストレートな恋話でいけばシャ ーリーかな。3話でデートに誘われて、シャーリーとしてはち ょっと進んだ気になっているかもしれない。その気分 のまま、先の話で意外な展開が、ある? (サンライズ・コードギアス班)
All of them are involved... C.C.'s relationship with Lulu is intriguing, as I wonder what the price is for giving her Geass. It feels a bit different to love, though. There was actually a risqué scene with Karen in episode 7... If we're talking about straightforward love, I'd say Shirley. She was asked out on a date in episode 3, and Shirley may have felt like things had progressed a bit. With that feeling, could there be some unexpected developments in the next episode? (Sunrise Code Geass Team)
Back when the production team is still rather straight forward about Shirlulu, and the nature of Shirlulu is a LOVE STORY, not "just very good friends"
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ru-noe · 2 years ago
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Gillis:Leave me be. Mary:Oh Daddy.
Mary:We follow him.
Gillis:Damn you! Stranger:what did you say to me?
Mary:Come here,quick!
Arthur:Do you..think he saw us? Charles:I don't think so. Mary:We lost sight of my father.
"Arthur attended a theater show with Charles."
red dead redemption2 元カノメアリーのイライラミッション父性と夢の狭間で(FATHERHOOD AND OTHER DREAMS)やったんですけど。幾ら口笛吹いても愛馬来ないんで走りで馬車追いかけたらアサモちゃんはフラフラしてくるんで肉食いつつ休み休みやってると置いてきてしまったでゲームオーバーになるしそこら辺の馬盗んで追いついてお金はあるけどメアリーの為ビタイチ金出したくないんで殴って奪ったら「聞かないでおくわ♡」とか言われてお前市長と同じだなってイラつきながら劇場デートしたけど噂のメアリーの肩抱きイベントが出ないんで不名誉なことしたから?とか思ってググったらメアリーの方を注目したらアサモちゃんが肩をすくめたり拍手したりしてんのが見れてドキドキ肩だき・・でも出来な~いとか可愛かった馬鹿正直に舞台観て「良いブルーマーだな」とか言ってる場合��ゃなかった。元カノミッションうざいけどムービーのアサモが可愛いからやっちゃうよねぇ。まぁ一全てを捨てて一緒に逃げましょうとか言われたのに「お金が~仲間が~」とか言っててどうせ来る気ないんでしょとか言われてたから昔はもっと酷かったんだろうねぇジョンがギャングを離れたことをずっと根に持ってたし。可愛いアサモとくっつきたいけど時代がそうさせないメアリーも可哀想な人だよ・・でも嫌い!それにアサモにはチャールズが居るんで~。
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raikanata · 10 months ago
A Room To Definitely Find A Favorite - Kanata Shinkai Q&A
English translations by me!
[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su♪ ]
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Q1. Where would you go on a first date? (初デートに行くならどこ?)
Kanata: if it's warm, i want to go play in the "sea"~. if it's a cold season, then let's go to the "aquarium"...♪
Q2. What are your best subjects? (得意教科は?)
Kanata: "history" or "biology" might be my best, i think? when i say "biology", of course i mean "fishies"...♪
Q3. What's the last texts you've exchanged with a unit member? (最後にユニットメンバーとしたメールの内容は?)
Kanata: i texted chiaki to tell him that i was at the "sea". because he will get "worried" if he doesn't know my "location".
Q4. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning these days? (最近朝起きて最初にするとは?)
Kanata: a new "fishie" has joined the "fish tank" in our room, so i check its "state" while giving it my "greetings"♪
Q5. Why are you so cool? (どうしてそんなにかっこいいんですか?)
Kanata: must be because there are so many cool people around me. did you get caught up in that, and end up thinking i was cool as well...?
[ ☆ ]
Note: The question translations are from the wiki!
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neigesucre · 28 days ago
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