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stellafrin · 5 months ago
Screw Spotify, here's the full OST and the extended versions of all the OP/EDs on Youtube
「Mayonaka Punch」 Original Soundtrack
(OP/EDs under the cut because good lord do embeds take space)
OP/Ep 12 ED | "Gimme Gimme"
main ED | "Edit Point"
Ep 4 ED | "To You" by Fu
Ep 8 ED | "Night Diver"
I didn't realize the EDs have extended version as well, not just the OP I stumbled across in the YT recommendations of the Crunchyroll upload earlier today.
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yugoaoba · 1 year ago
青葉祐五 / ベクトル・ユーゴ
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青葉 祐五 / ベクトル・ユーゴ
筆名:青葉祐五/Yugo Aoba/Yugo.A/ベクトルユーゴ
2016年、1st EP「小さな日々」をリリース。
【 提供作品 】
LOVE LOOP(日本語作詞/EastWest(1by1)、MAXINEと共作詞)
ピンキーリング (作曲・編曲/大山聖福と共作編曲)
鼓動のFighters (作曲・編曲/大山聖福と共作編曲)
Winter Prince (作詞・作曲・編曲/大山聖福と共作編曲)
Up To Date (作詞/小林光一と共作詞)
Only Girl(作詞/戸塚慎と共作詞)
⚫︎GoGoしんGoず!(CV:Lynn、芹沢 優、鈴木みのり)
メイド in わたし♪(作詞・作曲/中島彩歌と共作詞、ツタナオヒコと共作曲)
Brand New Story(作詞/青葉紘季と共作詞)
broccoli night(編曲)
Hello (作詞)
⚫︎湘南工科大学 公式イメージソング
Happiness of CAP (作詞)
⚫︎配信アプリ Mildom テーマソング
It's a ショータイム!!!(作詞)
【 Vocal Direction 】
A Beautiful Magic
Winter Prince
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giggleonthestretcher · 1 year ago
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SuG - ギミギミ (2011)
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lyrics365 · 2 months ago
Gimme Gimme
あれもギミギミ 全部ギミギミ Hey, Don’t stop me now 人生一度きり 刺激ビリビリ 新しいMy styleへChangeするムーブメント 自信持てないからBoring ぐずぐずしてたってしょうがないじゃん? 本当にやりたいことDo it うずうずしちゃってしょうがないや 毎日なんかE-motion ハイチーズ 気分上々↑ バイブスマジ最高潮 (やばいっしょ) 毎日なんかE-motion 大事なのは即行動 Let’s party night (Alright!) あれもギミギミ 全部ギミギミ Hey, Don’t stop me now 人生一度きり 刺激ビリビリ 新しいMy…
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yu-akai · 1 year ago
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神椿代々木決戦二〇二四 DAY2 花譜 4th ONE-MAN LIVE「怪歌」
「ギミギミ逃避行 feat. #KTちゃん」
Background Movie:Yu- Akai 
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shishio-3 · 1 year ago
にじフェスに行きました 6割苦痛4割楽しい でした 正直来年行くかと言われたら あの 行かないかも めちゃくちゃ好きなら行くけども この熱量で行くもんじゃないかも
一日目の人が、9時に並んで入ったのが12時とか 3.4時間待たされるって言ってて、早めに行くことに 6時に両国着いて待とうって言ってて、それもあたしがハピトリのアナウンス聞きたいのと、友達がボルタクション(あってる?わからん)の10:30からのステージが見たかったので 12時にはいる訳にも行かず あたしは色々準備があるので3:30起きです 5時にでて、ゆりかもめが………とおい!!!!25分くらい乗ったかな もう人ぎゅうぎゅうで 全員オタクで ぎゅうぎゅうでめちゃくちゃ揺れるしホント苦痛で 4時間睡眠とかで 最悪だった
全員痛ば持ってる 全員パペ持ってる 全員同じライバー好き もう、 葛葉叶剣持がっくんローレンりりむイブラヒム渡会セラフ四季凪不破三枝……みたいな 同じ人の板橋か見ない つまらん 多分、あの会場にパペ持ってない人は入っちゃいけないんだと思う 全員自分が何のオタクなのか示してて、 なんか… あたしは今めちゃくちゃ熱があるわけじゃないから いやだった
結局6:30について、そこから並んで入れたのが9:33だったのでハピトリは聞けず、とりあえずライバーシールの交換をしてもらい、力一をもらう むぎさんももらったよ( ᴖ.ᴖ )
10:30のを並んで、 まあ…とりあえずみとくか…と思いみてたら、ヤンナリちゃんが初お披露目だったらしい かわいかったよ 初めて見た
違う!!!!!!!!!クレアさんが本当にかっこかわいいの!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ドーラ様とギミギミ踊ってて やばい!!!!!!!!!!!クレアさんのはあ 酔っちゃったかも とか もうあの ありがとう 抜かれてないところ見れるのほんと良すぎる もう かっこいい ヤバい ありがとう ドーラ様も良かったけどほぼクレアさんみてた ドーラ様見てたらこの人mzmでいつもおしゃべりしてっからなーとおも��
その後もアイドルライフスターターパックやってくれてさ、クレアさんの好き好き大好きやっぱ好き めちゃくちゃかわいくて きゅーーーんよ ドルヲタのクレアさんのやるアイドルライフスターターパックよすぎる これ 着替えたの………かわいかった 紫のヤツ
ここまでは良かった あの でも見てる時に全然並んでる割に誰も声出さんしさ、ペンラポツポツだし 俺だけ俺もーー!!!!!とかコールしてるのに は? と思ったら ボルタクション出た瞬間めちゃくちゃみんな一斉にペンライトあげて声出してさ もう は? と思ってマジで萎える 覚えてない そこから 気がついたら終わってた 四季凪アキラ嫌いやし
でもクレアさんがかわいくてちょっとなんか色々溢れて涙出そうだった動きがたまらんよ あと待ってる時ずっと力一の新曲流れてて幸 ろふまおのHANABIずっと流れてるし もうちょっとどうにかして
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とりあえず雨天決行のポスターまで走っていきました 人少ないうちにね とらんとね この写真ちょっと棒立ちすぎる でもこれしか今日の自分の写真ない 撮ってくんなかった 色々着てたからめちゃくちゃコート着膨れ
このさあ 10:30からの見たせいで 着ぐるみ(今回から力一ふえましたよ!!!!!!!!!!!!うれしい!!!!!!!)が10:30と13:00なんだけど行けなくて、 13時が…ろふまおと力一で なんか ほぼろふまおのオタクみたいな 昨日今日で1番人いるとか言って 全然撮らせて貰えなくて 近くも行けなくて 撮ろうとしても人の頭しか映んなくて 1時間くらい立って待ったのにこれかよと思って 悲しくて すっごいイライラして 途中で怒って抜けた しかもみんなろふまおのダヨーにしかカメラとか向けないから つまんなくて すごい嫌な気分だった
トイレも1時間くらい待たされた 全員3分くらい出てこなくて、トイレが3個しかなくて 全員うんこしてんのかよ
フードもない 足も痛い 見れないものに1時間くらい待たされた苛立ち その上で除け者みたいにされている気持ちを2回される
この時点でもう本当に嫌な気分で帰りたかったです いい事、クレアさんくらいしかなくて
しかしその後奇跡が起きる 7次元生徒会、もう最初から抽選で前の方が決められるんだけど あたしだけがあたる 友達は明那好きなんだけど 7次元は明那いて でもスマホのQRで色々しなきゃ行けなくて あたしのスマホ渡したくなくて あたしが行きました
まじで真ん中の三四列目とかで 前も見やすくて 全体見れるし 顔まではっきり見える りゅしぇんかわいいよーーーーーずっとパンダ持ってて 投げたり置いたりしょぼくれたりしてて あとその袖ある3D本当に好きだからありがとう
ンゴがまじで可愛かった 抜かれてないところでめちゃくちゃちょこちょこ動いて、横の人にちょんちょんして、ぐるぐるして かわいかったよ 幸でした 本当にかわいかった 描きたいなー ンゴとりゅしぇんのハート作るやつ せいとかいはだーいすき♡て言ってた
ここでもう なんか たのしいな…になってしまった これ当たんなかったら普通に鬱だった 9割鬱だったまである
むぎがね めちゃくちゃ色んなところに描いててすごいよかった りきいちはあんまり見つけられなくてしょげたけど リオン様一個もない でもみどりのパンダ色んなところに書いてあるの見れてよかった
美術部も1時間くらいで時間なくてやめて 2期生も人すごすぎてやめて 楽しい!だったけど した事とかはあんまりない でも何故かりきいちだいすき………になってた 夢女子さん帰ってねー
場の雰囲気なところある けど本当にありえないくらい人すごくて 待ち時間も長くて 体力的な苦痛が強かった 100楽しいとはいえなかったけど 楽しかったです シンフォニアの力一にキッスしたかった あたってない 視聴覚室のむぎもだめだった なんか、こういうの当たらないんだったら別に行かなくてもいいまではある でも4000の価値は確実にある そんな感じでした これがプならあたしはドニコニコだったんだと思う でもここで力一のステージ見せられたら普通にまた戻る気がしたからよかったかも 無くて
そんな感じです ありがとうございました 体力の苦痛だけが残っています
あと全員オタクだから本当に可愛くない 全員顔微妙すぎる
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neocatharsis · 4 years ago
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210319 NCT_OFFICIAL_JP Twitter Update
We are able to stand on Music Station stage today thanks to Czennies who always support us!
From now the members will continue to work hard together so please support us!
Thank you for watching today! ^_^
#NCT127 #イリチル #ギミギミ #ラブホリ
Translated by hcmyfullsun
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nctnews · 4 years ago
210210 | nct127_loveholic’s TikTok update with Mark
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stellafrin · 5 months ago
Wait, that version of "Gimme Gimme" playing at the end of the finale wasn't a reprise but a full extended version of the OP?
Not only that but the extended version has been just sitting hiding on YouTube for OVER 2 MONTHS?!?
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seshika10 · 5 years ago
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こういう熱量だけで描くラクガキが1番楽しい!!!!!!!!!!!!! 本当はもっと時間かけて線描いて色塗りたいけど原稿あるし寝る必要あるからだめ!!寝ます!!シュン! 原稿の休憩にプちゃん…ミクちゃんとリンちゃんのギミギミがとってもかっこよくてセクシーな歌なので、そういえばMMDあるんちゃうんか、って軽率に探したらもう…プちゃんが最高にセクシーな動画があってさ… すっごい、この、原稿しながらMMD見ながらプちゃんへの愛を高めてゆきながら描く感じ…なんか久しぶりだ!!嬉しい!!確か去年の今頃に描いてた原稿も入院しながら好きなMMD動画見たりして高めてウアアアアプちゃああああんってなってたの思い出した…ハァ楽しい…オタク楽しい… 最近はぷにち原稿しまくってるとプちゃんの顔がゆるっゆるになってて、殺伐なぷにちも描けてないからこういう顔とか軍服描けて楽しかった~~~ 学パロ描いてるとプちゃんもかわいく描きたくなってくるから… かっこよくてワルーーーイ表情のプちゃん…SUKI… 寝るでーーーこんな時間やべーーーーっ
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giggleonthestretcher · 1 year ago
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SuG - ギミギミ (2011)
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lyrics365 · 7 months ago
わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや もっとちょうだいちょうだい ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ だってみっないみっない わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや ほんとちょうだいちょうだい ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ みっどないと(ぱんチ!) そろそろ起きなきゃ 真夜中ですから 都会の喧騒とプラマイゼロのノイズ わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや もっとちょうだいちょうだい ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ だってみっないみっない 陽の目を見たって 燃えて灰になっちゃうなら 今宵気ままに ハイになっちゃえばいいよ さぁ…良い子はおやすみ 早く寝なくちゃ血を吸われちゃうかもよ (さいせいちゅう×3)生きている実感 (さいせいちゅう×3)実際何時間? (さいせいちゅう×3)寝てる間がもったいないなら 一緒に遊んでMidみnなiいght? You!Tune…
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iamsarachan · 2 years ago
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milk-c0ffee · 3 years ago
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shattered-tranquility · 7 years ago
When SuG announced their first ever Nippon Budokan concert to celebrate their 10th anniversary, there weren’t many fans who expected it would also be their last show ever – perhaps even the band themselves. But the dreaded announcement came just weeks before the big show, and needless to say, they turned their first Budokan show into a show that fans definitely didn’t want to miss.
If you’ve read our translations of SuG’s indefinite hiatus announcement, you’ll know exactly what kind of show they wanted it to be. It’s a bittersweet ending, with some members claiming they’ve failed or they haven’t done enough. But more than their feelings of regret, they wanted to express their gratitude to their fans that supported them over the last 10 years, despite their ups and downs and even their breaks.
It’s fitting, then, that they titled their show in a way that sums up the very essence of SuG: “HEAVY POSITIVE ROCK.” Over 7,000 fashionable fans crowded into Nippon Budokan on the evening of September 2, 2017. A small platform on the stage, meant for vocalist Takeru, read “HEAVY” in bold letters. A large screen lined the back of the stage.
A video signaled the start of the show. An EDM-inspired back track played as the characters “1/12/2007-9/2/2017” were shown across the screen, indicating SuG’s start date and their end date – today. Despite the dramatic start, things picked up on a positive note quicky. Red lights and purple lasers accompanied the catchy beat of AGAKU, the opening track. The members dressed in monochrome for this part of the set, letting the music and graphics speak for them. The audience put their hands in the air, pumping their fists to the beat.
HELLYEAH brought even more color and energy to the stage. Takeru jumped on and off his mini platform as he pleased. Both heavy and positive, one could say HELLYEAH is a great representation of SuG’s final period. Fukanzen Beautyfool Days followed, the first “older” track of the set. Takeru’s face lit up in a huge smile more than once. Chiyu moved around the stage a lot, too, hyping up the standing crowd in the arena.
With that track finished, Takeru delivered his first MC of the evening. He thanked everyone for coming and asked if they were doing okay. Then he launched into a brief account of SuG’s blessed history. When SuG first started out, he said, there were maybe five people total who supported them. After only 6 months of playing together—by some miracle, Takeru said—they were able to sell out Meguro Rockmaykan, a venue that can squeeze in about 300 people if they try. The second miracle, he said, was that this Budokan show attracted a staggering 7,000 people when they thought they would only be able to pull in about 3,000.
Of course, with 7,000 people watching, SuG had to do something big. Starting with Toy Soldier, the next few tracks in the set featured a full dance team that filled in the space on the huge Budokan stage. Children danced expertly in simple black and purple T’s, then adult dancers came out for songs like Koakuma Sparkling, B.A.B.Y., and Mugen Style.
Later in the set, SuG performed their member introductions (not that they needed any) with instrumental solos. Starting with drummer Shinpei, a small team of dancers moved to the beat of each instrument; then followed bassist Chiyu, guitarist Yuji, and finally, guitarist Masato.
All dancers returned to the set for a more classic SuG song, sweeToxic. The catchy guitar and vocals were accented by some of Takeru’s own dance skills. The jazzy tones of Keiyaku Kanojo, Ikenie Kareshi followed, then the whole audience got up and jumping for FRIDAY!!.
A brief MC followed in which all the members thanked the audience for coming. The upbeat tones of gr8 story, ☆Gimme Gimme☆, and the excellent Japanese and English word play of SICK’S got the audience worked up in a sweat. mad$hip gave the setlist some contrast, adding just a touch of darkness to the otherwise totally positive set.
SuG’s fans were in for a rare, final treat next: a medley for their 10th anniversary. Song after song drew excited cheers from the crowd, such as R.P.G., Vi-Vi-Vi, and Crazy Bunny Coaster. 39GalaxyZ closed out the main set with dancers, energy, colors, lights, and even paper stars that fell gently from the ceiling of Nippon Budokan.
When the members came back for the encore, Takeru had swapped his dark clothing for a bright, red leather jacket. Rainbow lights lit up the stage for dot.0. After the song ended, though, the hard part began. It was time for the members to say what they had prepared to say in farewell to the fans, staff, family, and friends that had supported them over the past 10 years.
The members said their piece one by one, beginning with Shinpei. He had mentioned on Twitter that he hadn’t prepared what he was going to say at their last show; all he could think of was preparing for this last show to be the best. He couldn’t think past it. Despite that, he explained his unease at this being their last ever show and what he would do. There were a lot of people, he said, really a lot of people that helped them over the last 10 years. From fans, to staff, to friends, to family, to fellow bandmen, a lot of people had supported them and made SuG possible. Tears welled in Shinpei’s eyes and his voice broke as he said, “I never thought I could be this happy.”
Chiyu had said what he wanted to say already on Twitter prior to the show because he wasn’t confident in keeping thoughts in his head while delivering an MC on stage. He had mentioned how he wanted to express not their guilt, but their gratitude towards their fans at their final show. A lot of fellow bandmen, staff, fans, etc. gave him support over the years. For a while, he had contemplated quitting the bass completely. However, he said, thanks to the advice and help of his senpai bandmen, he ultimately decided that he would continue on with bass playing in one form or another, most likely support. It was a statement that lifted the hearts of the otherwise forlorn fans in the audience.
Yuji had prepared three things to say—well, after the second one, he revealed that he had actually only prepared two. He thanked those who supported them over the last 10 years. He also talked about how he knew many fans who became friends just by having the mutual interest of SuG. “Even after SuG is over, please take care of those friendships,” he said. “They’re important.”
It was Masato‘s final MC that put most of the audience in tears. Where the other members smiled, Masato clearly struggled with his emotions, frequently pausing during his MC to find his voice again. “I’m not angry, but I’m definitely feeling a lot of emotions right now,” he began. He was grateful for all the support they received over the past 10 years despite their pause. When he learned the Budokan show would be their last show, he explained, he felt hurt and guilty. He had wanted SuG to do so much more, he lamented. More than his regret, though, he ultimately wanted to express his gratitude.
Takeru came last. He reiterated his feelings starting with the announcement of their Budokan show in May, leading up to the day of the historical show. He explained how the band realized that you can’t just make it in the music business with music; there were still some things that the band wasn’t skilled enough at to keep going on. He was sorry he couldn’t keep his promise to go even further with SuG.
The first Budokan show Takeru saw, he explained, was 13 years ago. He said somewhere in the back and watched HYDE live on stage. He decided then that he wanted to perform on that stage some day. Life isn’t like a manga or a movie, he said, but “if I, a normal teenager, can get to the point of standing on the Budokan stage for myself, then you can, too. All of you!” he yelled into the audience, fervor adding volume to his words.
This passionate ending to the MC led into teenAge dream, a song Takeru wrote to his teenage self. The PV played on the back screen, drawing the audience’s eyes to that image of Takeru’s teenage self rather than the Takeru that stood on stage now. CRY OUT followed, then the first encore closed out with the audience singing along to Smells Like Virgin Spirit. “Louder! This is what you came here to do!” Takeru egged on the audience. The song ended and the members bowed and left the stage once more.
SuG had two more songs for the audience: LOVE SCREAM PARTY and Tokidoki Suteki na Kono Sekai, both positive and heavy songs that allowed SuG’s final show to end just the way they wanted to. All the members of the band and the dance teams came out to take a final bow. The band also took time to thank their staff—some of which had supported them the full 10 years—and most of all, the fans. Even after the show ended, it took ages for the members to properly say goodbye to their fans for the last time.
1. AGAKU 2. HELLYEAH 3. Fukanzen Beautyfool Days (不完全Beautyfool Days) 4. Toy Soldier 5. Koakuma sparkling (小悪魔sparkling) 6. B.A.B.Y. 7. Mugen Styles (無限Styles) 8. Sakura Ame (桜雨) 9. Mujouken Koufukuron (無条件幸福論) 10. Howling Magic 11. Instrumental solos 12. sweeToxic 13. Keiyaku Kanojo, Ikenie Kareshi (契約彼女、生贄彼氏) 14. FRIDAY!! 15. gr8 story 16. ☆Gimme Gimme☆ (☆ギミギミ☆) 17. SICK’S 18. mad$hip 19. 10th anniversary medley 1. Alterna 2. Oreshiki Continue (俺式Continue) 3. R.P.G. -Rockin’ Playing Game 4. Vi-Vi-Vi 5. 武士度-bushido-FREAKY 6. Fast Food Hunters 7. Crazy Bunny Coaster 20. 39GalaxyZ
-Encore- 1. dot.0 2. teenAge dream 3. CRY OUT 4. Smells Like Virgin Spirit
-Second Encore- 1. LOVE SCREAM PARTY 2. Tokidoki Suteki na Kono Sekai (ときどきすてきなこのせかい)
[Live Report] SuG's Last Live "HEAVY POSITIVE ROCK" at Nippon Budokan When SuG announced their first ever Nippon Budokan concert to celebrate their 10th anniversary, there weren't many fans who expected it would also be their…
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aarecord · 7 years ago
ギミギミ - MV
ラフィンノーズが主宰する伝説のAA Recordsから発売されたアルバム『ガブレサス』より、ライブでも大人気の「ギミギミ」が遂にMVに!!! 「TAKE IT ALL TOUR 2017」で撮り貯めたロリータ18号の最新ライブ映像を、これまたラフィンノーズPON氏による超絶リアル編集にて堂々完成!!! このMVを観て振り付けの自主トレを積んでからライブに来れば楽しさ1000000倍間違いナシ!!! (ちなみにこの振り付けは「ギミギミ」レコーディングの際、ベース:たこちがコーラスを入れながら行っていた謎の動作をマサヨがオマージュした...とは、ここだけの話☆) ギミギミギミギミ モア サンデ~!!! 石坂マサヨ:談
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