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Source: 夏だ!!地獄のガールズトーク
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KARA 『ガールズトーク』 (Girl's Talk) 2010
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満月の夜はガールズトークに花が咲いちゃう☆ 夜はまだまだこれからよっ☆
On the night of the full moon, girls' talk blooms ☆ The night is still to come ☆
#magical twin comets#magicaltwincomets#lili lulu#lili and lulu#littletwinstars#little twin stars#kiki lala#kiki and lala#sanrio#kawaii#pastel#pastel goth
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Drama CD vol.1 of Light Novel Apothecary Diaries vol.11 - Girls' Talk at the Jade Pavilion / 薬屋のひとりごと 11巻 ドラマCD vol.1 ―翡翠宮ガールズトーク―
The drama CD is a bonus for the special edition of light novel vol.11, and you can find the audio on You Tube. One of the characters in this story will be making his first appearance in coming Season 2 in anime. There will be no spoilers about the main story, but you will know what kind of person he is, so if you don’t want to know about him yet, please don’t read now.
Please note that the English lines are just my translation.
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Infa “Aaa! Yappa mushi-tate-no paozuwa saiko dawa!”
Yinghua “Ah! Freshly steamed baozi is the best!”
蒸したて: “蒸す(むす/Musu): steam”+ “~(し/Shi)たて/Tate: has just finished~”
包子(パオズ/Paozu): baozi, Chinese bun, bun with pork or something inside
Guien “Honto-ne, Infa. A, chotto ocha totte, Airan.”
Guiyuan “You’re right, Yinghua. Oh, can you pass me the tea, Ailan?”
お茶(おちゃ/Ocha): I guess Guiyuan meant the teapot near Yinghua on the table since she wanted to pour another cup of tea herself.
Airan “A, hai, Guien. Ato, hoppeta-ni tsuiteru…”
Ailan “Here, Guiyuan. And there’s something on your cheek…”
ほっぺた(Hoppeta): casual word which means cheek. Formally it is written as 頬(ほお/Hoo) or ほほ(hoho), but when speaking, it is too short, so ほっぺた is easier to hear and use. We also use ほっぺ(Hoppe) for cheeks, and it sounds cuter so men don’t use it as much.
Guien “Arigato, Airan.”
Guiyuan “Thank you, Ailan.”
Infa “Gyokuyo-sama-niwa kansha shinaito. Rinrī-hime-samamo ohirune-chu-dashi, konnani yukkuri-nanowa hisashi-buri! A, Maomao, chanto tabeteru?”
Yinghua “We have to thank Lady Gyokuyou. Princess Lingli is taking her afternoon nap, and it’s been a while since I’ve had such a relaxing time! Oh, Maomao, are you eating well?”
Maomao “Itadaite-masu.”
Maomao “Yes, I am.”
頂く(いただく/Itadaku): Keigo(humble style) of “eat” or “take/being given”
頂いてます(いただいてます) = いただいています(“いただく”+“~しています: be Ving”)
Infa “Tarinai-wayone? Guien, Maomao-no-bun, tsuika, tsuika!”
Yinghua “It’s not enough, is it? Guiyuan, add some more for Maomao!”
追加(ついか/Tsuika): addition 追加する(ついかする/Tsuika-suru): add
Guien “Hai-haaai.”
Guiyuan “Yes, okay!”
Maomao (Iya, konnani taberare-nain-dakedo… Kotowattemo muda-darona…)
Maomao (No, I can’t eat this much… I guess it’s useless to refuse…)"
Infa “Maomaowa motto oniku’o tsukeru-bekiyo! En’yu-kaino tokimo so-dakedo, dokumi-yakuwa tairyoku-shobu desho! Tairyoku tsukeru-niwa shokuji! Gohan taberu! Oyatsu taberunooo!”
Yinghua “Maomao, you should gain more weight! Just like at the garden party, being a poison tester needs a lot of stamina! You need to eat to build up your stamina! Eat food! Eat snacks!”
体力勝負(たいりょくしょうぶ/Tairyoku-shobu) = 体力(たいりょく/Tairyoku): physical strength + 勝負(しょうぶ/Shobu): game, battle, competition
Airan “I-Infa! Yakedo shichau-kara! Maomao-ni momo-man oshi-tsukecha dame!”
Ailan “Y-Yinghua! She’ll get burned! Don’t push the peach bun onto Maomao!”
火傷する(やけどする/Yakedo-suru): get burned
しちゃう(shichau) = casual way of saying してしまう(shite-shimau): have done something bad, have done something unintentionally.
桃饅(ももまん/Momo-man) = 桃饅頭(ももまんじゅう/Momo-manju): Chinese sweet bun in the shape of a peach
Maomao “…Tasukari-mashita.” (En’yu-kaino toki-kara, nanka sarani kuwa-sareru ryoga fueteru…)
Maomao “Thank you for your help.” (Since the garden party, I’ve been fed more and more…)
Infa “Tomokaku, Maomaowa chanto taberu-noyo!”
Yinghua “Anyway, Maomao, you have to eat well, okay?”
ちゃんと(Chanto): properly (In this case, I translated it as “well” which seems more natural.)
Maomao “A… Hai…”
Maomao “Ah… Yes…”
Guien “(Hamu)…So-ieba-saa, imasara-dakedo, en’yukai-de dareka ii hito ita?”
Guiyuan “(nom)…By the way, I know this is a little late, but was there anyone nice at the garden party?”
はむっ(Hamu): onomatopoeia for eating something softly. Maybe it comes from an old word “食む(はむ/Hamu): eat.”
Infa “Guien! Watashi-tachi-niwa Gyokuyo-samaga irassharu-desho! Fukeina koto iwanaideyo!”
Yinghua “Guiyuan! We have Lady Gyokuyou, don’t we? Don’t say disrespectful things!”
不敬な(ふけいな/Fukeina): disrespectful, irreverent
Guien “Mochiron wakatteruyooo. Demo, ironna hitoga kiteitaja-nai? Tatoeba…sono nakade, kini-naru hitoga karini itato sureba…”
Guiyuan “Of course I know. But, weren’t there a lot of different people there? For example, if there was someone you were interested in…”
Airan “So… So iwareruto…”
Ailan “Well, now that you say that…”
Infa “Kari, ne! Akumade, kari-yone?”
Yinghua “It’s just hypothetically, right? It’s just hypothetically after all, right?”
あくまで(Akumade): just, only, merely, at most, after all
Guien “So-so. Akumade kariyo.”
Guiyuan “That’s right. It’s just hypothetically.”
Maomao (…Sowa-sowa shiteru… Suki-danaaa, kono hito-tachi, ko-iu kaiwa.)
Maomao (…They look excited… They love this kind of conversation, after all.)
Infa “Wa, Watashiwa, kanzashi’o go-hon morattan-dakedo, doremo girippokattari, ojisan-dattari dattawa.”
Yinghua “I-I was given five hairpins, but they were all either consolation or from older man.”
義理(ぎり/Giri): There is no word in English that corresponds to the Japanese word for 義理(Giri). In the main stories of Season 1, Lihaku and Maomao say 「義理のかんざし」, that were translated into “consolation hairpin”, so I followed it. 義理 means something you should do as a person or something you should do toward other people in your social life, even if you don’t really want to do it. It’s a kind of manner, courtesy, or obligation in our social relationship with others.
Guien “Watashimo, watashimo. Nanka kite-iru kaoburemo, maeno tokito kawara-nakatta-wayone.”
Guiyuan “Me too, me too. The faces that came were the same as last time.”
Airan “Un… Uchino Hisui-Kyu, jijoga sukunai-kara, watashi-tachi maikai dete-irushi, sasottemo konaitte wakatterun-darone.”
Ailan “Yeah… Our Jade Pavilion doesn’t have many ladies-in-waiting, so we have attended every time, and I guess they know that we won’t come even if they invite us.”
Infa “De, Demo, mo-sukoshi ganbaro-toka omowa-nai-wake? Koonna airashii yushuna jijo-tachiga iru-noni!”
Yinghua “B-But don’t they think they should try a little more? There are such lovely and excellent ladies-in-waiting!”
Maomao (Gyokuyo-higa irunja nakattano-kana?)
Maomao (Didn’t she say we have Lady Gyokuyou?)
Guien “Shikata-naiyo. Hokani motto ii henji-suru nyokanwa, takusan irun-damono.”
Guiyuan “It can’t be helped. There are plenty of other ladies in waiting who could give better replies.”
Airan “So-yone. Kongo-Kyuno jijo-tachi-nante, me’o ran-ranto sasete-itawa…”
Ailan “That’s right. The ladies in waiting of the Diamond Pavilion had their eyes lit up with excitement…”
Infa “Asokono jijo-tachitte hakujo-so-dakara, ii tonogata mitsukattara, suguni shigoto yameso-yonee.”
Yinghua “The ladies-in-waiting there seem cold-hearted, so if she found a good man, she’d probably quit her job right away.”
〇〇そう(so) of “薄情そう(はくじょうそう/Hakujo-so)”、“辞めそう(やめそう/Yame-so)”: look 〇〇, sound 〇〇, seem 〇〇
殿方(とのがた/Tono-gata): old word for “man” “gentleman”
Guien “Infa. Ii-sugi. Demo, tashikani…”
Guiyuan “Yinghua. That’s too much. But, it’s true…”
Airan “Kokyu-dato, tonogatato au kikai-nante so-so naishi…”
Ailan “In the rear palace, there aren’t many opportunities to meet men…”
San-nin “Haaaa. Deai-nante, naiwaaa.”
Three ladies “Hmm. There is no chance to meet a nice man…”
Maomao (…Nna-mon daronaaa.)
Maomao (…I guess that’s how it is…)
んなもん(Nnamon) = そんなもん(Sonna mon) = そんなもの(Sonna mono) : like that, how(what) it is
んなもんだろうなぁ = そんなものだろうなぁ(Sonna mono daronaa): I guess that’s how it is (in reality).
Infa “Maomaowa kanzashi moratta-kedo, tsukai-kata machigatteru-shi-saa…”
Yinghua “Maomao got a hairpin, but you used it wrong…”
Maomao “Sonna koto iware-mashitemo…”
Maomao “Even if you say that..."
そんなこと言(い)われても…: "There’s no point in saying such a thing." (Maomao hesitated to say that and didn’t continue the words.) This phrase is used when you are criticized for something in the past or something you can’t do anything about now.
Guien “So-dayonee, Maomaotteba… Tonogatano hanashi-toka kyomi-naitte kao surushi…”
Guiyuan “That’s right, Maomao… You look like you’re not interested in stories about men…”
Airan “Jinshi-samano koto-sae, amari kini kakenai-yone. Mushiro, mendo-kusaso…”
Ailan “You don’t seem to care much even about Master Jinshi. Or rather, you look like feeling him like a hassle…”
Infa “Maomao, antano konomiwa donna hito-nano? Iu-made kaesa-nai-wayo!”
Yinghua “Maomao, what type of men do you like? I’m not letting you go home until you tell me!”
Maomao (Iya, kaesa-nai-toka imi wakara-nain-desu-kedo…)
Maomao (No, I don’t understand what she means she won’t let me go home…)
Guien “Infa. Obo-yo. Maomao komatte-iru-ja nai.
Guiyuan “Yinghua, that’s tyrannical. Maomao is in trouble, isn’t she?”
~じゃない(Ja-nai): usually it means “~ではない(dewa-nai): isn’t, don’t,” but in this case it means the same as “でしょ(desho): is, do”. In English, “…, isn’t it?” or “…, doesn’t it?” is close. Men say “~じゃないか” but women often say without “か”.
Airan “So, So-dayo.”
Ailan “T-That’s right.”
Infa “Nani, anta-tachi kini nara-nai-no?”
Yinghua “What? You all aren’t curious?”
あんた(Anta): casual (or more rude) way of saying あなた(Anata)
Guien “Kini naru-kedo… Ko-iunotte, yappari ii-dashippega sakini iu-beki-ja nai?”
Guiyuan “I’m curious, but… shouldn’t the person who first brought it up be the one to say it first?”
言い出しっぺ(いいだしっぺ/Ii-dashippe): the one who brought it up, the one who started it
Airan “Sone. Infano konomiwa, donna hito-nano?”
Ailan “That’s right. What type of men do you like, Yinghua?”
Maomao “♪ Infaaa-sannooo, chotto ii-toko, mite-mitaiii.”
Maomao “♪ I’d like to see the good side of Yinghua…”
Infa “Nn… Nan-nano, Maomao? Ikinari… Nani sore?”
Yinghua “Wh-What’s going on, Maomao? All of a sudden… What’s that?”
Maomao “Shiseide tsuka-wareru ondo desu.” (Omoni sakeno seki-deno.)
Maomao “It’s the lead in singing used in the town.” (Mainly at drinking parties…)
市井(しせい/Shisei): in the town (where lower or common people live)
音頭(おんど/Ondo): marching song, the lead in singing
Guien “Hora-hora, Infa. Hakujo-shichao? Meikakuni namae’o dase, towa itte-nai-wayoo.”
Guiyuan “Come on, Yinhua. Come on, confess. I never said you had to give us a name clearly.”
Airan “Ufu. Infa. Kannen-shitene.”
Ailan “Yinghua, give up.”
観念する(かんねんする/Kan’nen-suru): give up (resisting), throw in the towel, accept without a fight
Infa “Uu… Minnamo, atode itte-yone!”
Yinghua “Ugh… Everyone, tell me later, okay?”
Guien “Wakatteru!”
Guiyuan “I know!”
Airan “Un-un.”
Ailan “Yeah, yeah.”
Infa “Watashino konomiwaa… bunkan-ka bukan-kato ieba, bukan-kana.”
Yinghua “My type is… if I had to choose between a civil servant or a military officer, I’d prefer a military officer.”
Guien “Ho-ho.”
Guiyuan “Uh-huh.”
ほう(Ho): a response when listening to a story with great interest
Infa “Shinchowa takame-dakedo, anmari iatsu-kanga nai hitoga ii-kamo. Chotto hito-natsukkoi kanjiga areba ii-naa. Fusa-fusa-shita ookina inu mitaina kanjino.”
Yinghua “I think I like someone who is tall but not too intimidating. I’d like someone who is a little friendly. Like a big dog with thick and fluffy fur.”
フサフサした(Fusa-fusa-shita): bushy, a lot of fluffy (hair or fur) Speaking of “フサフサした大きな犬”, I imagine “Bond” in “SPY×FAMILY”.
Maomao (Hito-natsukkoi ookina inu…)
Maomao (A friendly big dog…)
Infa “Kyujitsu-niwa, chotto sutekina chaya-nankani tsurete-itte-kuretara, nante…”
Yinghua “I wish he’d take me to a lovely teahouse on his days off…”
Maomao (Sutekina chaya…)
Maomao (A lovely teahouse…)
Rihaku “Yo! Matasetana, Infa.”
Lihaku “Hey! Sorry to have kept you waiting, Yinghua.”
Infa “Iie, watashimo ima kita-bakari desu, Rihaku-sama. Kyowa, osusumeno chayani tsurete-itte-kureruto kiita-monode, tanoshimini shite-ori-mashita.”
Yinghua “No, I just got here, Master Lihaku. I heard that you would take me to a recommended teahouse today, so I was really looking forward to it.”
Rihaku “Aa, umai cha’o dashite-kureru misega arunda. Sukoshi tooi-kara, basha’o yoi-shite-iru.”
Lihaku “Yeah, there’s a store that serves delicious tea. It’s a little far away, so I prepared a horse-drawn carriage.”
Infa “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Yinghua “Thank you.”
Infa “Miyakono…zuibun minamino-honi arun-desune… Sukoshi chianga warui-yona…”
Yinghua “It’s quite far south of the capital… It seems a bit unsafe…”
治安が悪い(ちあんがわるい): (The place is) dangerous, unsafe, rough, high crime rate
Rihaku “Daijobuda. Chanto kakushiki-aru mise dakara, keibiwa shikkari shite-iru. Nani-yori, orega tsuite-iruze.”
Lihaku “It’s okay. It’s a prestigious store, so there’s good security. And best of all, I’m with you.”
Infa “Jaa anshin desune! Omisemo kitai shichai-masu.”
Yinghua “That’s a relief! I’m looking forward to the store.”
Rihaku “Aa, asokoda.”
Lihaku “Ah, over there.”
Infa “Ano, Rihaku-sama…? Chaya…desuka?”
Yinghua “Um, Master Lihaku…? Is this… the teahouse?”
Rihaku “Saiko-kyu-no cha’o irete-kureruzo.”
Lihaku “They’ll make you the finest tea.”
Infa “Mon-gamae-kara-shite, chaya-to iu-yori, giro…”
Yinghua “Judging from the exterior, it looks more like a brothel than a teahouse…”
Kamuro “Aaa, Rihaku-samada!”
Servant girl “Ah, it’s Master Lihaku!”
禿(かむろ/Kamuro): servant girls training and working in brothels to become a courtesan in the future
Rihaku “Ou! Cha’o nomini kitazo, kamuro-domo!”
Lihaku “Hey! I’ve come to drink tea, servant girls!”
Kamuro “Rihaku-sama, ochamo ii-desu-kedo, kyowa Pairin-neesanga ocha-biki nano.”
Servant girl “Master Lihaku, tea would be nice, but today, Big Sis Pairin is making tea.”
お茶挽き(おちゃびき/Ocha-biki): making tea = secret word for not having customers in brothels
Rihaku “Chabiki!? Tsumari, yasumi!? …A, Aite-iru-noka…!”
Lihaku “Making tea!? You mean, she’s off!? …She’s free…!”
空いている(あいている/Aite-iru): available, empty, vacant, free, open
Kamuro “Rihaku-sama, kyowa futokorono nakamiwa atatakai-no? Otsure-sama iru-kedo… besshitsude omotenashi shite-oku?”
Servant girl “Master Lihaku, are you feeling deep-pocketed today? You’ve brought someone with you, so should I entertain her in a separate room?”
懐(の中)が温かい(ふところのなかがあたたかい/Futokorono nakaga atatakai): deep pocketed, one’s wallet is fat, have much money
Rihaku “Iya… Kyowa…!”
Lihaku “No…today…!”
Kamuro “Kyo-nara sukoshi otoku-dayo. Kongetsuwa okyakuno iriga chotto sukunai-kara, Yarite-Babaamo makete-kureru-kamoyo.”
Servant girl “It’s a little good deal today. There aren’t many customers this month, so the old Madam might give you a discount.”
お得(おとく/Otoku): good deal, good buy
Kamuro “Ikoyo! Nee, ikoyo!”
Servant girl “Let’s go! Hey, let’s go!”
Rihaku “U……Nn…Infa, moshi-wake-naiga, ichi-jikan-hodo besshitsu-nite matt…”
Lihaku “Um…Oh…I’m sorry, Yinghua, but could you wait in another room for about an hour…”
Infa “Saittei!!”
Yinghua “The worst!!”
最低(さいてい/Saitei): the worst ⇔ 最高(さいこう/Saiko): the best
Rihaku “Uwa!”
Lihaku “Whoa!”
Maomao “Sono hitowa yamete-oita-hoga ii-kato. Hana-machi-ni honmeino joseiga imasu-kara.”
Maomao “I think you should give up on that person. There is the woman he really loves in the pleasure district.”
本命(ほんめい/Honmei): one’s true love, the one, the favorite
Infa “E, nani? Ikinari nan-nanoyo? Maomao, sono hitotte dareyo? Hana-machi-toka, nani?”
Yinghua “What? What’s this all of a sudden? Maomao, who’s that person? What’s this pleasure district thing?”
Maomao “Ie, kocchino hanashi desu.” (Sasugani Rihaku-demo, onna-zure-de hana-machi-niwa ikanai-daro-kedo.)
Maomao “No, it’s nothing.” (Even Master Lihaku wouldn’t go to the pleasure district with a woman, after all.)
こっちの話(こっちのはなし/Kocchino hanashi): It’s nothing, It’s my own business, It doesn’t matter for you.
Infa “Maomaowa tamani wake-wakara-nai-koto ii-dasu-wayonee… Mo watashiwa itta-karane! Tsugiwa, Guien-yo.”
Yinghua “Maomao, you sometimes say something that I can’t understand… I already told you! Next, it’s you, Guiyuan.”
Guien “Watashi-kaa. Watashiwa gyakuni, bunkan-no-hoga ii-kana. Isshoni dokusho-toka dekiru-desho?”
Guiyuan “Me? On the contrary, I think I would prefer a civil servant. We could read books together, right?”
逆に(ぎゃくに/Gyakuni): on the contrary
Infa “Ho-ho.”
Yinghua “Uh-huh.”
Guien “Infato chigatte, shisenga chikai-hoga ureshii-kana. Sewa watashi-yori sukoshi takai-kuraide, nenreimo do-nendai. Dansei-to-shitewa kogara-dakedo…sono-bun, atamano kaitenga hayaito ureshiiwa. Watashitte ottori shite-iru-kara, chodo ii-to omotte.”
Guiyuan “Unlike Yinghua, I like it when our eyes are close. He’s just a little taller than me, and we’re about the same age. He’s small for a man, but… I’d be happy if he could have a sharp mind. I’m a very easy-going person, so I thought that would be perfect for me.”
頭の回転が速い(あたまのかいてんがはやい/atamano kaitenga hayai): have a sharp mind, clever, quick-witted
おっとりしている(Ottori-shite-iru): easy-going, calm and gentle, laid-back
Maomao (Fun-fun. Do-nendai. Kogarade atamano kaitenga hayai.)
Maomao (Hmmm. Same age. Small and having a sharp mind.)
Airan “So-ieba, Guientte, mae, megane’o kaketa hitotte kakko-iitte itte-nakatta?”
Ailan “Now that I think about it, didn’t you say before that people who wore glasses were cool, Guiyuan?”
Guien “So-nano! Megane! Are ii-yoneee. Sugoku chitekini mieruno.”
Guiyuan “That’s right! Glasses! They’re great. They make him look really intelligent.”
Maomao (Megane…)
Maomao (Glasses…)
Rahan “Hai dozo, Guien-san. Izen yomi-tai-to itte-ita shomotsu-desu.”
Lahan “Here you go, Miss Guiyuan. This is the book you said you wanted to read before.”
Guien “Arigato gozai-masu, Rahan-sama! Zutto yomita-kattan-desu.”
Guiyuan “Thank you, Master Lahan! I’ve always wanted to read it.”
Rahan “Ie, oyasui goyo-desu. Guien-sanno-yona utsukushii joseito ochaga nomeru-dakede, bokuni tottewa yaku-toku igaino nani-mono-demo ari-masen-kara.”
Lahan “No, no sweat. It’s nothing but a benefit to me to have tea with a beautiful woman like you, Miss Guiyuan.”
Guien “Maa…! Tokorode, Rahan-samaga motte-iru chomenwa nan-desuka? Sujiga bisshiri kaite-aru-yo-desu-kedo…”
Guiyuan “Oh…! By the way, what is that notebook that you have, Master Lahan? It seems to be full of numbers…”
Rahan “Kini nari-masuka!? Omega takai…! Korewa en-no mawarino nagasa’o chokkeide watta suji desu.”
Lahan “Are you curious!? You have a good eye! This is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.”
お目が高い(おめがたかい/Omega takai): You have a good eye.
Guien “En-no mawarino nagasa…”
Guiyuan “The circumference of a circle…”
Rahan “Keisanno shikatawa kantande, enno mawarino nagasa’o chokkeide wareba ii dake-desuga, mondaiwa saishono enno mawari’o hakaru jitende zurega dete-kuru-koto deshoka. Moshi motto sugureta keisokukiga areba, motto seikakuna sujiga wari-daseruno-desuga… Muzukashii mono desune. Ikokuno gakushano hanashini yoreba, enshuto chokkeino hiritsuwa wari-kirezu, owariga naito sarete-imasu. Omoshiroi-nowa, sono sujiwa junkan shinai-kotode…”
Lahan “The calculation is simple; you just divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter, but the problem is that there will be an error when you first measure the circumference. If we had better measuring equipment, we could get a more accurate figure, but it’s difficult. According to foreign scholars, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is indivisible, and is said to have no end. The interesting thing is that the numbers don’t repeat…”
Guien “A, Ano… Arigato gozai-masu. Ta, Tameni narimasu… Tokorode, kyono omeshi-mono, eri-makiga suteki desune. Mita kotoga nai gara desu.”
Guiyuan “Um, well… thank you. I-I’ve learned a lot from you. By the way, the scarf you’re wearing today is lovely. It’s a pattern I’ve never seen before.”
Rahan “Kore-desuka… Omega takai. Kikagaku-moyo-to itte, seiho-kara tsutawatta mono desu.”
Lahan “Do you mean this? You have a good eye. It’s a geometric pattern that was brought over from the West.”
幾何学模様(きかがくもよう/Kikagaku-moyo): geometric pattern
Guien “Kikagaku-moyo…? To iun-desune. Doride, amari mikake-nai-monoto omoi-mashita.”
Guiyuan “It’s a geometric pattern…right? That’s why I thought it’s something I don’t see very often.”
Rahan “Hai. Kini itte-irun-desuyo. Tanjunna zukeino kumi-awaseno-yoni mie-masuga, jitsuwa rasen-joni natte-imasu. Rasento iu-nowa shizenno nakade, kaiya shokubutsu, uzu-shio-nado-nimo mirare-masuga, sushiki-to-shite…”
Lahan “Yes, I like it. It looks like a combination of simple shapes, but it’s actually a spiral. Spirals can be found in nature, in shells, plants, whirlpools, etc., but as a mathematical formula…”
Guien “A, Ano… Arigato gozai-masu. Ta, Tameni nari-masu…”
Guiyuan “Um, well… thank you. I’ve learned a lot from you…”
Rahan “…So-ieba, bokuto shita-kotoga, wasurete imashita. Guien-san.”
Lahan “Come to think of it, what’s the matter with me! I had forgotten something, Miss Guiyuan.”
僕としたことが(ぼくとしたことが/Bokuto shita-kotoga): What’s the matter with me! What’s wrong with me!
Guien “Hai.”
Guiyuan “Yes.”
Rahan “Sono kanzashiwa zokei-to-shite, taihen utsukushii.”
Lahan “The hairpin is very beautiful in its shape.”
造形(ぞうけい/Zokei): molding, modeling, shape, form
Guien “Arigato gozai-masu. Kono aida, kini-itte kattan-desu.”
Guiyuan “Thank you. I liked it so much that I bought it the other day.”
Rahan “Taihen oniai desu! Tada, kanzashino sashi-ichi’o hoku-hoku-seino-honi ato ichibu zurashi, kimonomo mo-sukoshi akamiga tsuyoi mono’o ire-tara kanpeki desune. A, soreto koko saikin, tenkiga waruku gaishutsu-suru kotoga sukunai-yo-desuga, taichowa daijobu desuka?”
Lahan “It suits you very much! However, if you moved the position of the hairpin a little more to the north-northwest and wore a kimono with a stronger reddish hue, it would be perfect. Oh, and by the way, the weather has been bad recently and you haven’t been going out much, but are you feeling okay?”
Guien “…Ee. Doshite watashino taichoga warui kotoga wakattan-desu?”
Guiyuan “…Yes. How did you know I was feeling unwell?”
Rahan “Hai. Zenkai atta-toki-yori, koshi-mawariga akirakani issun fuete-ori, ugokiga waruku natte-orimasu-yo.”
Lahan “Yes. Since the last time we met, your waist has obviously grown an inch, and you got slower.”
Guien “Ra, Rahan-sama…hon’o arigato gozai-masu. Sono-uchi okaeshi shimasu-node.”
Guiyuan “M-Master Lahan… Thank you for the book. I’ll return it to you before long.”
Rahan “Oya Guien-san, mo okaeri-de? Ugoki-nikuso-desu-kara, basha-demo yobi-mashoka?”
Lahan “Oh, Miss Guiyuan, are you going home already? You seem hard to move, so shall I call a carriage?”
Guien “Yokeina osewa desu!”
Guiyuan “That’s none of your business!”
Maomao “Sono otokomo yamete-oita-hoga ii-desuyo.”
Maomao “You should probably give up on that guy too.”
Guien “E? Nande? …Te-iuka, sono otokotte dare?”
Guiyuan “Wh-Why? …I mean, who is that guy?”
Maomao “…Iya, etto… Gakusha-hada-niwa kawari-monoga ooi-desu-kara.”
Maomao “…Well, um… there are a lot of eccentric people among the scholarly types.”
変わり者(かわりもの/Kawari-mono): eccentric person, weirdo = 変人(へんじん/Hen-jin)
Maomao (Josei-kanrende shitsureina kotowa iwanai-daro-kedo, zettai omotteru-kara, yatsuwa.)
Maomao (That guy probably won’t say anything rude about women, but definitely does think it.)
Guien “Gakusha-samaga ii-towa itte-nai-kedo… megane kakete-iruto-shitara, so-iu-hito-shika inaino-kana?”
Guiyuan “I’m not saying that scholars are good, but… if they wear glasses, are they the only ones?”
Infa “Maa, watashino konomija nai-kara. Maomaono iken-niwa sansei-dakedo. Sate, tsugiwa Airanka.”
Yinghua “Well, it’s just not my preference. I agree with Maomao though. Now, next up is Ailan.”
Airan “Wa, Watashimo iuno?”
Ailan “Wh-What, I’m saying too?”
Infa, Guien “Iuno!”
Yinghua & Guiyuan “Sai it!”
Airan “Nnn, watashino baai… zutto toshi-ueno-hoga ii-kamo. Toshiga chikaito kincho shichau-kara…”
Ailan “Hmm, in my case… I think if would be better to have someone much older. I get nervous if we’re close in age…”
緊張する(きんちょうする/Kincho-suru): get nervous
Infa “Futsu, toshiga hanarete-iru-hoga kincho-suru mon-nanja nai?”
Yinghua “Normally, wouldn’t it be more nerve-wracking to be with someone so much older than you?”
Guien “Areja nai? Otosan-kurai nenrei hanarete-iru-toka.”
Guiyuan “Is it like… about the same age as your father, for example?”
Infa “Eee? Maa, konomiwa hito-sore-zore-dakara ii-kedo.”
Yinghua “Eh? Well, everyone has their own preferences, so that’s fine.”
Airan “Ottori-shita hitoga ii-kana. Koega ooki-kattari, karadaga ookii hitomo kowaishi…”
Ailan “I think a laid back guy would be good. I’m scared of people with loud voices or big bodies…”
Maomao (Toshi-ue. Ottori-shite, iatsu-kanga nai hito…)
Maomao (Older. Gentle and not intimidating…)
Infa “Airanttara, sega takai-noni, kiga chiisai-mono-nee… Mushimo korose-nai-yona, yasashii hito-toka ii-kamo. Otoko-dakaratte erabura-naide, ochaya okashimo junbi-shite-kureru hito-toka!”
Yinghua “Ailan, even though you’re tall, you’re quite timid… Maybe a gentle man who can’t even kill a bug would be good. Someone who doesn’t act superior just because he’s a man, and who will prepare tea and snacks for you!”
Guien “Aaa, Infa. Sorette jibunno ganbo haitteru-desho.”
Guiyuan “Ah, Yinghua. That includes your own wish, doesn’t it?”
Infa “Baretaka!”
Yinghua “You got me!”
ばれる(Bareru): (about secrets or what you have hidden) being revealed to others
Maomao (Mushimo korose-nai-yona… Ochaya okashimo junbi…Nnn.)
Maomao (A man who can’t even kill bugs… prepares tea and snacks… hmm.)
Yabu-Isha “Airan-chan, kyono oyatsuwa geppeide ii-kai?”
Quack Doctor “Ailan, would you like mooncakes as a snack today?”
Airan “A…Hai. Arigato gozai-masu, Ikan-sama. Dewa watashiwa ocha’o yoi shimasu-ne.”
Ailan “Ah…yes. Thank you, Doctor. I’ll prepare some tea then.”
Yabu-Isha “Aa, suwatte suwatte. Watashiga yoi suru-kara. Mezurashii chaga teni haittanda. Sekkaku-nande ire-sasete-okure.”
Quack Doctor “No, please sit down. I’ll prepare it for you. I’ve got some rare tea, so please let me make it.”
Airan “Arigato gozaimasu.”
Ailan “Thank you.”
Yabu-Isha “…Aa, atarashii mono-dato kaoriga ii-nee.”
Quack Doctor “Ah, fresh things smell good.”
Airan “Geppeimo oishii-desu. Nakani kurumito himawarino tanega haitte-irun-desune.”
Ailan “Mooncakes are also delicious. They have walnuts and sunflower seeds inside.”
Yabu-Isha “Sodayo. Hachi-mitsuga tappuri shimi-konde-ite oishii-daro?”
Quack Doctor “Yes, it’s delicious because it’s soaked in plenty of honey, isn’t it?”
Airan “…Hoppega ochiso-desu.”
Ailan “…It melted in my mouth.”
ほっぺが落ちそう(Hoppega ochiso): My cheeks will fall. = Japanese phrase used when eating something very delicious. Ex) このケーキは、おいしすぎてほっぺが落ちちゃう!: This cake is so delicious that it’s like my cheeks are falling off!
Yabu-Isha “Ato, tanano ueni yaki-gashimo arunda. Sekkaku-dakara tabete-shimaoka.”
Quack Doctor “Also, there are some baked goods on the shelf. Let’s eat them up while we’re here.”
Airan “…E? Iin-desuka?”
Ailan “Oh, is that okay?”
Yabu-Isha “Tabe-naito, waruku naru-karanee… Yoshitto. Eeetto… Iyaaaaaa!”
Quack Doctor “If you don’t eat, it’ll go bad. Okay. Umm… Noooooooo!”
Airan “…Do…Do-shitan-desu?”
Ailan “Wh-What happened?”
Yabu-Isha “…Aa…Ku, ku…mu, mushi! A, Ano…kurokute, hikaru…”
Quack Doctor “Ah… ahh… an insect! Um, that’s… black and shiny…”
Airan “E! Ee!?”
Ailan “Huh!? Huh!?”
Yabu-Isha “Ta, Taiji-shite-okureeeeee!”
Quack Doctor “P-Please get rid of it!”
Maomao (…Yabu-Isha shika omoi-tsuka-nai…)
Maomao (…The only thing I can think of is Quack Doctor…)
思いつく(おもいつく/Omoi-tsuku): think of, come up with, come to mind
Maomao “Airan-san.”
Maomao “Ailan.”
Airan “Do-shitano? Maomao, shinkokuna kao shiteru-kedo…”
Ailan “What’s wrong? Maomao, you look serious…”
深刻な(しんこくな/Shinkokuna): serious, grave, severe
Maomao “Gokiburiwa…taiji deki-masuka?”
Maomao “Can you get rid of cockroaches?”
ゴキブリ(Gokiburi): cockroach (Actually, we don’t want to say its name and we often call just “G” or something in our daily lives.)
退治する(たいじする/Taiji-suru): get rid of, exterminate
Airan “Gokiburi…? Hi, Hitsuyo-nara, ganbatte taiji suru-kedo…”
Ailan “Cockroaches…!? I-If necessary, I’ll do my best to get rid of them…”
Maomao “Nara mondai-nai-desu. Shiawaseni natte kudasai.”
Maomao “Then there’s no problem. Be happy.”
Airan “U, Un…”
Ailan “Uh, yeah…”
Infa “Chotto, sakki-kara nan-nano? Maomaowa. Tsugiwa anatano ban-yo. Donna hitoga Konomi-nano?”
Yinghua “Hey, what’s been going on this whole time, Maomao? It’s your turn next. What type of man do you like?”
番(ばん/Ban): turn = 順番(じゅんばん/Junban)
Maomao “Daitai Airan-santo onajide ii-desu.”
Maomao “It’s fine if it’s roughly the same as Ailan.”
Guien “Eee, zuruuui! Maomaomo, motto gutai-tekini!”
Guiyuan “Eh, that’s not fair! Maomao, please be more specific!”
具体的な(ぐたいてきな/Gutai-tekina): specific, concrete, particular
Maomao “So iware-mashi-temo…te-iuka mina-san, fudan Jinshi-samano koto’o hanashite-iru-warini, konomino naka-niwa haitte-imasen-deshitane.”
Maomao “Even if you say so… I mean, everyone, even though you all talk about Master Jinshi all the time, he was not one of your preferences, was he?”
Infa “Aaa, Jinshi-sama-kaaa. Jinshi-samawa tokubetsu-dakara.”
Yinghua “Oh, Master Jinshi. Master Jinshi is special.”
Guien “Dayoneee. Mite-iru-nowa suteki-dakedo, tonari-niwa tachi-taku-nai-kamo. Jishinga aru hitode naito muri-dayo.”
Guiyuan “Yeah, I agree. It’s nice to look at, but I wouldn’t want to stand next to him. Only a confident person can do that."
無理(むり/Muri): impossible
自信がある人(じしんがあるひと/Jishinga aru hito): a confident person
自信がある人でないと無理(じしんがあるひとでないとむり/Jishinga aru hitode naito muri): It’s impossible for a person who is not confident (to stand next to him.)
Airan “Ee… Kansho-yo-damono.”
Ailan “Yeah… he’s just for watching.”
観賞用(かんしょうよう/Kansho-yo): for ornamental purposes (for plants, usually)
観賞する(かんしょうする/Kansho-suru): admire, watch and enjoy (flowers or movies, usually)
〇〇用(よう/yo): for the purpose of 〇〇
San-nin “Neee!”
Three ladies “Right!”
Maomao (Kono san-nin, yumemi-gachini miete, genjitsu wakatte-iru-tokoro aru-naa.)
Maomao (These three seem to be dreamers, but they also understand reality.)
Infa “Demo, sozowa, ikkai-kurai shichawa-nai?”
Yinghua “But haven’t you just imagined it at least once?”
Airan “Wakaru-kamo.”
Ailan “Maybe, yes.”
Guien “Wakaru wakaru.”
Guiyuan “Yes, I have.”
Infa “Nee, Jinshi-samato tsukiau-to-shitara, Maomao, do omou?”
Yinghua “Hey, Maomao, what do you think about going out with Master Jinshi?”
付き合う(つきあう/Tsuki-au): dating, going out (please note that つきあう doesn’t always mean dating as a boyfriend/girlfriend, and it sometimes means just having a relationship with someone. It depends.)
Maomao “Arie-nai-koto desu-kedoneee…”
Maomao “That’s impossible though…”
Jinshi “Oi, Kusuriya.”
Jinshi “Hey, Apothecary.”
Maomao “Nan-deshoka, Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “What is it, Master Jinshi?”
Jinshi “Sekkaku isshoni cha’o nonde-iruto iu-noni, naze tonaride kusuri’o tsukutte-iru?”
Jinshi “We’re drinking tea together, so why are you making medicine next to me?”
Maomao “Kusuri’o tsukutte-iru-tokoro’o yobi-dashita-nowa Jinshi-sama deshita-node.”
Maomao “It was you who called me while I was making medicine, Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Iyaaa, sokowa waru-katta-ga… Nanika hanasu-koto-toka naika?”
Jinshi “Well, I’m sorry about that, but… is there anything else you’d like to talk about?”
Maomao “Shiite-ieba, naze Jinshi-samaga cha’o nomu-noni waza-waza shiseino mise’o eranda-ka, to-iu-koto deshoka?”
Maomao “If I had to say, I would ask why you chose this store in the city in order to drink tea.”
Jinshi “Eee iya, umai chato kashiga kueruto kiita-monode…”
Jinshi “Oh, um… I heard that you can have good tea and sweets here…”
Maomao “Hai. Dokumi-yaku-to-shite watashino shigotowa owatta-to omoi-masu-node, kusuri-zukuri’o saikai-shimashita. Soreto, Gaoshun-sama, zutto to’o osaete-imasuga, daijobu desuka?”
Maomao “Yes. I think my job as a poison tester is done, so I’ve resumed making medicine. Also, Master Gaoshun, you’ve been holding the door the whole time. Are you okay?”
Gaoshun “Wa, Watashiwa daijobu desu-kara… Jinshi-samato Shaomaowa cha’o tanoshinde…n, n…”
Gaoshun “I-I’m fine… Master Jinshi and Xiaomao, please enjoy your tea… hmmm…”
Jinshi “Zen-zen, daijobu-soni mie-nai…”
Jinshi “He doesn’t look okay at all…”
Maomao “Jinshi-samaga miseno to’o zenbu shime-nai-uchini fukumen’o nugu-kara…”
Maomao “Since you took off your mask before closing all the doors of the store, Master Jinshi…”
閉めないうちに(しめないうちに/Shime-nai-uchini): before closing
〇〇しないうちに(〇〇shinai-uchini): before 〇〇ing
Maomao (Gekai-ni ori-tatta tennyoga-gotoki gojin’o miru-tameni, ro-nyaku-nan-nyo-towazu kankyakuga oshi-yosete-iru…)
Maomao (Audiences of all ages and genders flock to see the personage like a heavenly maiden who has descended to the earth…)
下界(げかい/Gekai): earth, this world ⇔ 天界(てんかい/Tenkai): the heaven
御仁(ごじん/Gojin・おひと/Ohito): personage, person worthy of respect
老若男女(ろうにゃくなんにょ/Ro-nyaku-nan-nyo): All ages and genders
Jinshi “Iya, atsu-kattanda. Shikata-nai-daro.”
Jinshi “No, it was just hot. It can’t be helped.”
Maomao “Hayaku chato kashi’o tabete-shimai-masho. Gaoshun-samaga mo genkai desu-kara.”
Maomao “Let’s hurry up and eat the tea and sweets. Master Gaoshun has already reached his limit.”
限界(げんかい/Genkai): limit
Gaoshun “Ofutari-tomo, goyu…a…”
Gaoshun “You two, p-please take your time… ah…”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama!”
Maoao “Master Gaoshun!”
Maomao “Rokuna kotowa naito omoi-masu.”
Maomao “I don’t think there’s anything good in it.”
ろくなことはない(Rokuna kotowa nai): There’s anything good.
Infa “…Gomen, watashimo onaji-dawa.”
Yinghua “…Sorry, I feel the same way.”
Guien “Yappa so-dayoneee…”
Guiyuan “That’s true after all…”
やっぱ(Yappa) = やっぱり(Yappari): I knew it, as expected, after all, actually
Airan “Un… Taka-nozomiwa yoku-nai…”
Ailan “Yeah… It’s not good to aim too high…”
高望み(たかのぞみ): aiming too high, having high expectation
Maomao “Desho?”
Maomao “Right?”
San-nin “Haaaa… Dokkani ii-hito inai-kanaaaa.”
Three ladies “Hmm… I wonder if there’s any man out there for me, somewhere.”
Hon’nyan “Oyatsuno jikanwa owatta? Jinshi-sama-tachiga irassharu-kara, hayaku katazukete odemukae-shite-chodai.”
Hongniang “Is snack time over? Master Jinshi and others are coming, so please clean up quickly and greet them.”
Hongniang: I think this line is Hongniang's, but she must be in her 30s and the voice sounds much older... But anyway, there should be no one else.
San-nin “Haaai!”
Three ladies “Yes!”
< End >
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNY#script
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June/2022 210x297mm acryl
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なんだか詰めに詰め込んで充実した週末だった。まず、朝10時の回で役所広司主演の“パーフェクト デイ”を見に行った。劇的なことは何も起こらない日常を描いた映画で、劇的なことは何も起こらないけれど、日常の些細な煌めきを見つけるのが上手くなりそうな映画だった。通りすがりに愛でている観葉植物の葉にちょこんと触れるようななんてことのないシーンで数回泣いた。職場と自宅との往復だと変わり映えのない毎日に思える。でも実は、小さな変化や美しさに溢れている。本当に心が美しくある人は、愛情ある日常のなかに美しさや楽しさと言った煌めきを見出す。そんな映画だった。この感覚をこの映画を大切にしていこうと思った。静かな映画だったから、キャラメルポップコーンは口の中で溶かしながら食べた。
その後は、演劇を観に行く。演劇は初めてだった。映画とは違って、自分の好きなところに目をやって楽しめるから、観客は神様視点だなと思った。���年同じ夏の月末に、同じホテルに泊まる男女の話。毎年、それぞれの家庭や仕事、生活の近況を語り合ったり、イチャイチャしたり、本音でぶつかって喧嘩したり、胸の内の秘密を吐露して泣いてしまったりする25年間を5年おきにシーンカットした演劇。題名が「same time,next year」という。生身の人間が目の前で芝居するパワーや没入感、距離感が映画とは段違いに違う。感情移入してしまって数回泣いた。面白かったからまた行くと思う。札幌で触れる新たなカルチャーの予感。
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(菊地姫奈とグラビア好き女子が本音でガールズトーク!「もうこれ以上●●は大きくならないで!」【グラビア美女画報】 - エンタメ - ニュース|週プレNEWSから)
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mes possibilites aujourd’hui. 今日のわたしの可能性。 街なかへ出かける。 今日はAさんと 半年ぶり?の再会で、 街なかでおやつ会。 意外?な過去とか 日々積もるささやかなストレスのこととか 猫談義とか おいしいもののこととか… 妙齢ガールズトーク。 たまには、こういう時間も大切です。 ステキなアイテムを プレゼントでいただいてしまった! (ありがとう!) さっそく洗面所に設置。 良い香りと使い心地で、 次に再会するときまで お互い乗り切ろう、ということになりましたとさ。 道すがら、若い松ぼっくりを見つけたり、 鎮守の森でキツツキのドラミングを聴いたりした。 何ゲラか分からないけれど、 こんな街の中にもいるんだな。
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Source: 夏だ!!地獄のガールズトーク
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The wish
Make a wish, blow out the candlelight 窓の外広がる Snow Ice 同じ冬はないから “Only once” ベルが鳴る Ding-dong 待ち焦がれた 大好きなみんなとのSweet time Oh, will you like? この日の為 準備した This cake 10本の火を灯そう ほら We are ready now 願い吹きかけて La-la-la-light 待ちに待っ���今日のParty Holiday Tree 君で溢れた One year “次の10年もずっと一緒に居よう” La-la-la-light Make a wish, blow out the candlelight Yeah yeah Let’s keep the party going now 積もった話に花が咲く 今夜は眠らずガールズトーク 笑い声が響くよ…
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