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#カケラ#カケラ 2009#kakera a piece of our life#kakera a piece of our life 2009#kakera: a piece of our life#kakera: a piece of our life 2009#kakera#kakera 2009#momoko ando#ando momoko#安藤 桃子#hikari mitsushima#mitsushima hikari#満島 ひかり#cinema#japanese#asian#stills#my uploads#lgbtq+#food#directed by women
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Eriko Nakamura as Riko
Movie: Kakera
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all vocabulary, misc grammar
p8 円滑 - smooth, undisturbed 浸透 - permeate, infiltrate 見出す - find out, discover, pick out 目に遭う - to go through, experience
p10 枠 - frame(work), limit 宣伝 - publicity, advertisement, promotion
p12 及ぼす - to exert (influence) 内申書 - confidential report, transcript 転倒 - overturning, reversing
p16 鶏がら - chicken bones 八つ当たり - venting / taking one’s anger out on something タダ働き - work without pay
p18 ため込む - save up, stockpile 工面 - contrivance, managing to raise money, one’s financial condition たくましい - burly, strong, sturdy, robust はかない - fleeting ないものねだり - pining for what one doesn’t have
p20 ましてや - much less, to say nothing of 年がら年中 - all year round 別次元 - another dimension, a whole other level シミ取り - skin spot removal 念入り - scrupulous, careful 猫かぶる - wolf in sheep’s clothing 合併 - merger of companies / towns 郡 - district, county
p22 伝票 - order, ticket, voucher 脱線 - digression, derailment 平らげる - eat up completely ぺろり - gobbling up, quickly in no time
p24 しゃくりあげる - sob convulsively 遡る - go upstream / back in time 図太い - shameless, bold パサパサ - state of being dried out
p26 補助輪 - training wheels あがり症 - social anxiety, state fright べそをかく - be on the verge of tears, ready to cry えこひいき - favoritism, bias, prejudice 見せしめ - making a lesson of 貧相 - thin, seedy-looking といえども - even if / for 監禁 - confinement 瞭然 - obvious, clear, apparent
p28 伸縮性 - elasticity 発行 - publication of an issue 肋骨 - rib bone
p30 やかん - kettle タッパー - tupperware 陸上 - track and field 気合い - fighting spirit, motivation
p32 身軽 - nimble, agile 立候補 - candidacy 持久力 - stamina, endurance, tenacity 思いがけない - unexpected 打ち切り - cancellation, breaking off
p34 蓄積 - accumulation, amass 巡り合う - meet fortuitously, run into an old friend ダジャレ - bad pun 遡る - to go backwards / upstream, reminisce 神童 - child prodigy 脱線 - digression, derailment 浸透 - permeation, penetration, spread 打ち込む - devote oneself to
p36 偏差値 - deviation, standard score 山岳部 - mountaineering club 粗末 - crude, rough 通勤 - commuting to work 取扱説明書 / トリセツ - user manual 歴代 - successful generations
p38 関節 - joint ミシミシ - creaking ポキポキ - cracking, crunching ガチガチ - rigid, stiff バキバキ - with a crack 給湯室 - office kitchenette やんわり - softly, gently 鍛える - forge, drill, discipline, train 代謝 - metabolism 巻尺 - tape measure スリーサイズ - bust, waist, hip measurements
p40 採寸 - taking measurements ガバガバ - oversized, baggy 取引先 - customer, client もくもく - rising (smoke) おろし - wholesale こいのぼり - carp-shaped windsock 襞 - fold, pleat 井戸 - water well
p42 僻地 - remote place, backcountry 集落 - settlement, colony おののく - to shake (from fear, cold, excitement) 樽 - barrel 媒体 - medium, media
p44 スペック - specifications 体内 - interior (of the body) 太鼓判を押す - give stamp of approval 低下 - deterioration プラマイゼロ - plus minus zero, equaling out
p46 仕返し - payback, retaliation 資格 - qualifications 飛び抜ける - outstanding, preeminent 献立 - menu, programme
p48 授与 - awarding, presenting 体操 - gymnastics
p50 当てずっぽう - random guess, shot in the dark 言いふらす - to spread rumors
p52 二次元 - 2D, fictional 追い打ちをかける - pour salt on a wound, attack an injured enemy よそ行き - going out in one’s best clothes 屈辱 - disgrace, humiliation 柳 - weeping willow
p54 あわび - abalone 殺伐 - brutal, fierce 窘める - rebuke, chide, scold 生気 - life, vitality 投合 - congeniality, agreement, coincidence
p56 巻き上げる - rip someone off, take away 出直す - make a fresh start 蓄積 - accumulation 塞ぎ込む - mope, brood 貶める - show contempt for 恨む - bear a grudge against, resent
p60 帝王切開 - c-section 勘 - perception ズケズケ - bluntly, frankly 戦力外通告 - designated for assignment 手を打つ - take preventative measures, clap one’s hands together
p62 うっかり - carelessly, thoughtless 万能 - all-purpose, universal 総合 - synthesis, putting together 丸わかり - understanding completely / all there is to know
p64 中途半端 - halfway, unfinished, half-baked やっかみ - jealousy, envy 絶食 - fasting 献立 - menu, programme さらさら - rippling (of a stream), rustling, quickly and easily, smoothly
p68 気さく - friendly, sociable ごまをする - get on the good side of, butter up 分娩 - childbirth, delivery 絶壁 - flat head, precipice / cliff
p70 逆子 - breech delivery / birth (feet first)
p72 酷い仕打ち - cruel treatment, real kick to the teeth 否が応でも - whether one likes it or not 過程 - process 整形 - plastic / cosmetic surgery
p74 まかなう - supply, cover, provide アイプチ - eyelid glue
p76 分母 - denominator
p78 仄めかす - hint at, imply
p80 ずうずうしい - impudent, shameless ブチギ��� - livid
p82 微調整 - minute adjustments, fine-tuning くじ引き - lottery, drawn-lot のしかかる - lean on, weigh heavily on 実況 - live reporting 猫かぶる - feign friendliness, play the hypocrite ぶっちゃけ - frankly, honestly ぶよぶよ - soft, flabby
p84 健気 - commendable 音痴 - tone deaf, no sense for
p86 発動 - putting into operation, invocation 没収 - confiscated シビア - severe
p88 振り付け - choreography 想定済み - within expectations いじける - lose one’s nerves, become warped
p90 はしゃぐ - make merry
p92 成分 - ingredient, component くり抜く - gouge out のっぺり - expressionless, featureless, smooth カチンと - feeling annoyed, offended, hurt
p94 ひっくり返す - overturn, reversal 告発 - prosecute, complaint, indictment
p100 酢豚 - sweet and sour pork てっきり - surely, certainly, without a doubt 修業 - pursuit of knowledge 腹を割る / 腹を割って話す - to be frank, speak frankly
p102 柳 - weeping willow 感心 - admiration, being impressed 価格 - price, cost あつかましい - impudent, brazen, shameless 三回忌 - second anniversary of a death
p104 うっかり - thoughtlessly, carelessly 核 - nuclear weapons 炭水化物 - carbohydrates 仕上げる - finish up, complete
p106 お供え - offering 紹興酒 - shiaoxing wine 庶民 - common / ordinary people サバサバ - frank, easy-going, candid, refreshed 正面切って - openly / squarely / directly to a person’s face
p108 吹き替え - voice dubbing 勘繰る - be suspicious (of someone’s motives) どころではない - not the time / place for (doing something) みみっちい - stingy, small-minded 衰退 - degenerate, decline
p110 シメ - point, conclusion 玄米 - brown rice 契約 - contract, agreement ブレない - cannot easily be shaken / swayed 計算高い - calculating さも - really, evidently seem, in that way
p112 根暗 - dark-natured, gloomy, insular 僻みっぽい - cynical, warped, envious 出し物 - theatre performance, musical number ぶら下がり - cornering someone by lying in wait, unexpected interview; hanging, dangling 陰険 - crafty, tricky, sinister
p114 まだしも - rather, better ぐいぐい - without hesitation with great optimism and vigor 懐が痛む - pay out of pocket, make a dent in one’s purse
p116 ちやほや - make a fuss over タチが悪い - ill-natured のこのこ - nonchalant, unconcerned
p118 デキ婚 - marriage due to unintended pregnancy, shotgun wedding ありがたみ - value, worth
p120 かかりつけ医 - family doctor 横断歩道 - pedestrian crossing 旗持ち - flag-bearer 立番 - stand guard
p122 活発 - lively, active, vigorous 男まさり - (of a woman) strong-minded, spirited, mannish げんこつ - fist 瓜二つ - two peas in a pod 印 / しるし - sign, mark
p124 自虐 - self-torture 一目瞭然 - obvious にわか - sudden, abrupt
p126 酵素 - enzyme ひとまわり - one size (smaller, bigger, etc.)
p128 ブレる - waver (in opinion), shift (in position) 鍛える - discipline, forge, drill, temper たくましい - burly, strong, indomitable, robust
p130 案の定 - 思った通りに, just as one thought 喝采 - cheering, applause はける - exit from the stage 誓う - swear, pledge
p132 実行 - execute a plan
p134 ばったり - suddenly, unexpectedly, with a thud
p136 切ない - painful, heartrending
p140 手放し - lack of reserve 貴重 - precious, value
p142 意地汚い - greedy, gluttonous 訴える - appeal to, bring to attention 年配 - elder, older ひん曲がる - burn, rot
p144 変装 - disguise 張り切る - high spirits, enthusiastic, eager 失言 - slip of the tongue 両成敗 - two parties tried and punished together
p146 穏便 - gentle, without fuss バシッと - with a whack / smack
p148 経由 - going through, transit point 序文 - preface, foreword, introduction つるん - smoothly slipping 成り立つ - be viable, carry on 迎合 - pandering / catering to がつがつ - hungrily, greedily, voraciously 読み耽る - absorbed in reading
p150 下敷き - desk / writing pad 見極める - ascertain, probe, get to the bottom of 繁盛 - prosperity, flourish 鱗 - scale (of fish)
p152 確立 - establishment, settlement 徒競走 - foot race 巻き戻し - rewinding
p154 ねじ伏せる - twist someone’s arm, hold them down 10円ハゲ - spot baldness ブヒブヒ - squealing (of a pig) 気にかける - weigh on one’s mind
p156 加勢 - reinforcements, backing 財産 - property, fortune, assets 清々しい - refreshing へそくり - secret savings 切ない - painful, heartrending
p158 えこひいき - favoritism てっきり - surely, certainly, without a doubt 創立 - establishment, organization
p160 披露宴 - reception, banquet さすまた - two-pronged weapon for catching criminals
p162 失格 - disqualification
p164 守秘義務 - duty of confidentiality 脚本 - script, screenwriting 地味 - plain, simple はてなマーク - ? 隊 - group, crew
p166 恵む - to bless, show mercy to
p168 身なり - personal appearance, dress, attire 手本 - model, pattern ズタボロ - in tatters / pieces, wiped out
p170 腫れる - swell from inflammation 待機 - on standby
p172 バク転 - backflip ぶん殴る - hit / punch hard ウケ狙い - aiming for laughs ごたごた - trouble, confusion, disorder 小結 - wrestler of the fourth highest rank
p174 打ち身 - bruise
p176 享受 - reception, acceptance, enjoyment 不慮 - unforeseen, unexpected
p180 高著 - your literary work 付け焼き刃 - pretension, superficial リンパ - lymph 敬遠 - pretending to respect someone, keeping at arm’s length, shying away from 親睦会 - informal meeting / get together 気乗り - interest, enthusiasm 決めつける - arbitrarily decide something to be the case 水を差す - hinder, put a damper on 先入観 - preconception, prejudice
p182 外大 - university of foreign studies / languages 提携 - cooperation, partnership 換算 - conversion おろか - not to mention 僻地 - remote place, backcountry 社交性 - sociability 呼び捨て - addressing someone without -san / -chan suffix 自炊 - cooking for oneself
p184 落胆 - discouragement, despondency 突き止める - determine, pin down, ascertain 活発 - lively, brisk, active 礼拝 - worship 高をくくる - underrate, make light of
p186 張本人 - originator, culprit, ringleader 家畜 - livestock
p188 蕁麻疹 - hives, rash パサパサ - dried out 健康上 - for the sake of health concerns, reasons さしたる - particular, noticeable 衛生 - hygiene 虐待 - abuse
p190 球技大会 - school inter-class ball-game competition 先頭 - forefront, lead 釘付け - frozen on spot, glued to
p192 間食 - snacking
p194 いまいち - not quite right
p196 治安 - public safety 単発 - one-shot, one-off
p198 むずむず - feel itchy, impatient 格闘 - hand-to-hand fight, grapple, struggle with
p200 変わり映え - change for the better, looking better than before 裏返し - opposite, flip inside out
p202 在籍 - being enrolled in (a school) 堪能 - proficiency, skillful, enjoyment / satisfaction わんさか - in swarms / great crowds 劣等感 - inferiority complex
p204 幹事 - executive secretary, coordinator, organizer 要領を得る - hit the mark, be relevant 衰弱 - weakness
p206 愛想 - amiability, fondness 避妊 - contraception 修羅場 - fighting / carnage scene, bloodshed 堕胎 - abortion
p208 ひとしきり - for some time
p210 買い占める - buy up 奇をてらう - make a display of one’s originality, deliberately act eccentrically
p212 仕入れる - learn, find out, take in 余念がない - being completely concentrated on one thing 弊害 - harmful effect おどおど - timid, fearfully, anxiously, trembling
p214 遺憾 - regrettable, deplorable おっくう - troublesome, annoying かさむ - mount, pile up
p216 こじつけ - distortion, interpretation 転嫁 - passing the blame
p220 もぎ取る - pluck / break / twist off ぷよぷよ - jelly-like
p222 線香 - incense stick おせっかい焼き - nosy person, meddling 絶句 - lost for words 噴く - boil over
p224 補正 - correction, revision 割り込む - force oneself into, cut into 疎ましい - unpleasant, disagreeable
p226 弁える / わきまえる - discern, distinguish, understand 裕福 - wealthy
p228 くりくり - big round (eyes) ほろ苦い - slightly bitter 応用 - practical application 出で立ち - outfit
p230 敬礼 - salute
p232 謙遜 - modesty, humble 次元 - perspective, point of reference かちこち - frozen stiff
p234 鍛える - forge, temper, drill, discipline 無頓着 - indifferent, nonchalant 負債 - debt, liability 飽きっぽい - easily lose interest / get bored 賜物 - fruits of one’s labor, good results
p236 調節 - adjustment, regulation, control くびれ - constriction, narrow part, waist
p238 手配 - arrangements, prep 金輪際 - not ever, on any accounts; never 卑下 - self-deprecation 革命 - revolution
p240 負担 - burden, load, responsibility 詮索 - inquiry into, investigation 実業 - industry 途轍もない - extravagant, absurd 貢献 - contribution
p242 ジメジメ - damp, soggy, gloomy, depressing 孝行 - filial piety, showing devotion 衰える - grow weak, decline
p244 裾分け - sharing with others what has been given to you 忘れ形見 - memento 賜物 - good results, fruits of one’s labor 該当 - corresponding to, applicable to
p246 やつれる - become haggard, gaunt, emaciated 暗示 - suggestion, hint, implying
p248 不謹慎 - inconsiderate, inappropriate, immodest 百面相 - making different funny faces
p250 班 - group, fireteam
p252 後釜 - replacement, successor 要領のいい - knowing how to swim with the tide 恩知らず - ungrateful 差し出がましい - forward, intrusive
p254 昇進 - promotion 決心 - determination, resolve 絶交 - breaking off a friendship / relationship 筋合い - reason, right 紛争 - disputed
p258 自主練 - voluntary training, free practice 澄む - to become clear, transparent 潔い - upright, gracious
p260 悦 - self-satisfaction, rejoicing 貶める - show contempt for, look down on 戦略 - strategy, tactics コント - comedy sketch
p262 言いがかり - false accusation がちがち - rigid, inflexible, stiff 波長 - wavelength
p264 クドクド - tediously, at great length 黙秘権 - right to keep silent 生贄 - scapegoat, victim
p266 洞察力 - insight, perception 慕う - yearn / long / pine for, miss dearly
p272 おんぶ - carrying someone on one’s back, piggyback carry
p274 おどおど - timid, nervous うろたえる - get flustered, lose one’s mind 取り柄 / とりえ - redeeming value, worth いばる - put on airs, act big
p276 経由 - going through, by way of, via 確執 - discord, antagonism
p282 はがき - postcard ビンタする - to slap
p284 躁鬱 - manic depression, mood swing 華奢 - dainty
p288 心機一転 - turning over a new leaf
p290 切り出す - to broach a topic, begin to talk, break the ice 慰謝料 - consolation money, settlement 分捕る - capture, seize, plunder 円満 - peaceful, harmonious 名目 - (under the) pretense (of) 羽目になる - get stuck doing 策略 - scheme, tactic
p292 介入 - intervention
p296 て当たり次第 - anything one can lay their hands on
p298 推しはかる - guess, conjecture, surmise
p300 身だしなみ - personal appearance / grooming 裕福 - wealthy, rich 福祉 - social welfare
p302 猛勉強 - study very hard / like mad 発信 - dispatch, informing 助言 - advice ちらほら - here and there, sporadically, from time to time 枠 - framework
p304 食糧難 - food shortage
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🆕 「 カケラ」 by オギソタクオ, るーか Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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探そう 夢のカケラ拾い集め 切なくても 今なら探せるだろう めくるめく 毎日の形変えて 切なくても 確かな今を感じよう
Thanks to all cc creators! Clothes by @cosplaysimmerofficial and hair base from @mooo-oood
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★ 【桑之Key】 「 星のカケラ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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EDDIE EVERYDAY! (64 to 66)
I have a mouse calico critter that its literally eddie :3
Gyaruo Eddie >u< GAL is MIND!
The cover of one of nana kitade album :3 with my fave and most nostalgic song!
#eddieeverydady#dano riddler#art#artists on tumblr#paul dano riddler#the riddler#danocel#illustrators on tumblr#the riddler batman#danonation#drawing#Spotify
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Wahoo~ Ondo from Taiko no Tatsujin: Appare Sandaime.
Lyrics under the cut:
わっふ~��頭で わっふらかんのホイ! ( Waffu ~ ondo de waffura kan no hoi! )
「夢の世界の皆々様 今宵も元気にルップルドゥー!」 ( `Yume no sekai no minaminasama koyoi mo genki ni ruppurudo~ū!’ )
まんまる月夜に みなみな集まれ ( Manmaru tsukiyo ni minamina atsumare )
手をふり足ふり 尻尾もふりふりと ( Te o furi ashi furi shippo mo furi furi to )
ワッフワッフ ルッパルッパ ワッフワッフ ルッパルッパ ( Waffuwaffu rupparuppa, Waffuwaffu rupparuppa )
陽気におどろよ ( Yōki ni odoro yo )
ワッフワッフ ルップルドゥー ワッフワッフ ルップルドゥー ( Waffuwaffu ruppurudo~ū, Waffuwaffu ruppurudo~ū )
ゲンキの合言葉 ( Genki no aikotoba )
わっふ~音頭で花が咲く ( Waffu ~ ondo de hanagasaku )
星のぼんぼり そよ風囃子 ( Hoshi no bonbori soyokaze hayashi )
あの子もこの子も ヤな子も好きな子も ( Ano ko mo kono-ko mo yana ko mo sukina ko mo )
ワッフワッフ ワニャワニャ ワッフワッフ ワニャワニャ ( Waffuwaffu wanyawanya, Waffuwaffu wanyawanya )
みんなに会えたら ( Min'na ni aetara )
ワッフワッフ トゥラッパ ワッフワッフ トゥラッパ ( Waffuwaffu to~urappa, Waffuwaffu to~urappa )
世界にありがとう ( Sekai ni arigatō )
わっふ~音頭で夢が咲く ( Waffu ~ ondo de yume ga saku )
「空も晴れたし 心も晴れた 夢のカケラで おなかもいっぱい さぁさ皆様 手に手をとって わっふらかんと 参りましょう!」 ( `Sora mo haretashi kokoro mo hareta yumenokakera de onaka mo ippai sa~a sa minasama-te ni te o totte waffura kan to mairimashou!’ )
わっふ~音頭で わっふらかんの ( Waffu ~ ondo de waffura kan no )
わっふらかんの わっふらかんのホイ! ( Waffura kan no waffura kan no hoi! )
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a very old drawing of the boys wearing the PPGZ outfits. I was shocked when people told me it looked like a Don Rosa drawing because the background here is shitty lmao
#ducktales#ppgz#crossover#ducktales reboot#powerpuff girls z#blossom bubbles and buttercup#huey dewey and louie#anime#western#artists on tumblr#duckverse#duckburg#huey duck#louie duck#dewey duck#huey dewey louie#ducktales fan art#ducktales fanart#Spotify
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#kakera#kakera: a piece of our life#kakera a piece of our life#momoko ando#ando momoko#hikari mitsushima#mitsushima hikari#eriko nakamura#nakamura eriko#カケラ#安藤 桃子#満島 ひかり#中村映里子#cinema#japanese#asian#lbgtq+#stills#my uploads#directed by women
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Suits them i guess...
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13:2023/07/26(水) 17:57:22.23 ID:ElCjDBIv0 天地神明とか大仰なセリフ言い出す奴って、大半は信仰心のカケラも無いクズばかりだから
ビッグモーター社長「天地神明に誓って不正は知らなかった」→去年には知ってました : まとめたニュース
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