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オラの為だけに話してくれるその声 ずっと聴いていたいから
#amuo#また恥ずかしいもの描いた#久々に復活のフュージョン観たら、#力力ベジって本当可愛い!CANMAKE TOKYO!ってなっちゃって#勢いで描いたラクガキ#孫くんには永遠にbeジータに愛おしい視線を送ってほしい#デェマで早くイチャイチャドチュドチュして〜♡
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#snupin#remus x severus#ルスネ#my snupin friend#最近のサンタさんはバイクに乗ってやってくるんですね#なんて#素敵な#プレゼント#お陰様でルスネします#はぴほり
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(2024年4月9日10時前 撮影)
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馬鹿みたい 子供なのね
嘘が下手なくせに 笑えない笑顔みせた
I love you も ろくに言わない
だめだね だめよ だめなのよ
あんたが 好きで好きすぎて
どれだけ 強いお酒でも
歪まない思い出が 馬鹿みたい
#baka mitai#i cry every time#馬鹿みたい#子供なのね#夢を追って傷ついて#嘘が下手なくせに#笑えない笑顔みせた#i love you#も#ろくに言わない#口下手でほんまに不器用#なのになのにどうして#サヨナラは言えたの#だめだね#だめよ#だめなのよ#あんたが#好きで好きすぎて#どれだけ#強いお酒でも#歪まない思い出が#ばかみたい#😔💔#i typed this all by hand#help
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Love Umbrella
It’s still technically Spring, but it’s almost Summer soon (about one month until early Summer, at the time of writing this post). And when Summer comes, it’s gonna be tsuyu (梅雨) or rainy season where samidare (五月雨) falls. So it’s too early to talk about this, because the “5th month” referred to in the word is not May (yet I see a lot of people mistranslated it as “May shower” despite of that, and this spurred this post anyway lol), but the fifth month in Wareki (和暦), which means sometime in June this year, but hey. You don’t need any particular reason to talk about something, after all.
But anyway. You see, the [Japanese] official hub for Tales is Tales Channel+, and they have this fun little corner for members where they can do various activities, such as trivia quizzes, matching cards minigame, and public opinion poll, and we’re gonna talk about the last one specifically here. Basically, every month they hold two polls (each for first half and second half of the month) where you can participate, in which the subject/question and options are decided by the official side (so you can’t enter your own answer).
For the first half of June 2022 (yes, it was barely a year ago), the question was: “梅雨の時期、相会傘が似合いそうな2人は?” which I would translate as “During the rainy season, which pair would look good under a shared umbrella (相会傘, ai ai gasa)?” (and I know this might seem oddly random to some, but I will explain the cultural context right after this).
The results were:
Cress & Mint: 31.9% of the votes
Sorey & Mikleo: 26.4% of the votes
Lloyd & Colette: 12.4% of the votes
Before I begin to explain the cultural context, I would like to say that among all the options they gave, Sorey and Mikleo are the only one that is not M/F, yet they finished at 2nd place.
“Shared umbrella” is a really crude translation of “ai ai gasa” (“相合傘”) because it absolutely doesn’t retain the romantic implications of the phrase. Anyone remotely familiar with the Japanese language knows that “love” in Japanese is “ai” (“愛”), so 相合傘 can also sound like 愛・愛・傘. It’s seen as a romantic gesture for two people to share an umbrella. Aside from this, “相合” is also more than just “sharing”—it’s when two people do things together, being equals.
Now I hope it’s obvious enough why “shared umbrella” has become an image for two people being in love in Japan.
It’s still crazy to me that the official side even considered Sorey and Mikleo as an option here, the only same-sex option, and they managed to be 2nd place, just below the OG Tales hero/heroine pair (Cress and Mint, good for them!), and winning against another pair of childhood sweethearts (Lloyd and Colette, also good for them!). Congratulations for all three, lol.
I admit, I don’t like it when Sorey and Mikleo are reduced to just romance only and I don’t even mean this in a “romantic love is shallow (at best) or icky (at worst)” (I even believe that romantic love can become one of the most beautiful, purest things ever to exist in this world) but more that since they’re meant to be a symbol of humans-seraphim coexistence, I believe they can’t be limited to just one label. They’re family, they’re best friends, they’re rivals, they’re Shepherd and Sub Lord, they’re partners, they’re the right and the left, they’re the physical and the spiritual, they’re two halves of one whole... their bond encompasses every one of those and even more. They are there to show the limitless possibilities of what a human and a seraph can be when together, so trying to say what they are exactly is kind of pointless to me. But still. I don’t deny things like this lol, I’m a チョロい person after all.
#mino talks zesty#srmkほんとうに公式が最大手すぎで頭がおかしくなる#i'm insane but sometimes koushiki is more insane#this is the kind of stuff i don't usually care about but i'll take the bait here#mino rambles#btw there were many other options#these were just the top 3 of the poll
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Take Me Out To the Ball Game - Music Video
#youtube#へへへ…流れ着いてました…🚣⚾️今生まれて初めて野球漫画(WBCの大谷君主役の)描いてて ユニフォームのシワと防具(道具)の省略の仕方とか勉強になっとりやす😂#う、嬉しい、実は、わたくしも、近藤選手🦊大好きで…(ちばあきおの漫画感とクリリン感がたまらんて)#野球漫画読んで下さる皆さま🙏とても優しく生きがいです#たまに「近ちゃんでずっぱり、他の選手も見たい」と言われてそれでも近ちゃんを出し続ける近ちゃん大好きマンこと私です#漫画を描くにあたりブックマークした写真大谷近藤コンビ一番多いです だって観てるだけで幸せになる… リヴァエレだったんか…!!#クリリンかと思ってたのに確かに 栗山監督ジーク、大谷君エレン(栗谷クサヴァージークみもあるが) 二人のヤバさを苦々しくでもきっと一番分かってる人間#近ちゃんリヴァイは頷ける!! WBCで分かったのは 大谷君がいかに近ちゃんが好きか 栗山監督と近ちゃんと野球出来て嬉しいって デカいからだで表���しまくってて#昔近ちゃんが面倒見てた、仔犬がものすごくでかくなって🐻🐺熊犬になって帰ってきた感 もたまらんです WBC優勝は近ちゃんなくしてはあり得なかった#来られなかった選手がいかに凄くても 野球の神様は栗山監督を通じて大谷君の為に近ちゃんを選びました (大谷君は近ちゃんの実家にはピンでも泊まるし )#色々恵まれてもいると思うし、 愉しい事も嬉しい事もたくさんあるのだけど、 それでもたまに何が愉しくて生きているのだろう?#と思う瞬間もある、しかし… POBIちゃまがこのような事を言うことがあるから 人生やめらんねえすわ! 無茶苦茶うれしい、#はじめてPOBIちゃまと完全一致同担と化したてこと?! 🥹 💖💖💖💖 同担拒否らないでほぢ!!
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#マクジャ絵を……摂取してた……#tzkキャラでの推しcpって訳では無いけど#かなり好き#俺的BJの本命はケイさんだけど怖い 探すのが 見るのが#みんなめぐみっていうんだもん…………おれかなしいよ#あと単なる解釈違いが怖い ケイさんと両片想いではあって欲しいけど#(っていうか原作でほぼそう)#付き合うまではいかない方がオイシイ まったくめんどくさい人間#まくべは俺の中じゃ圧倒的(襲い)受け#そしてBJ先生はド草食!! そりゃ受けだわのよ#ただーーーしBLは受けx受けでは成り立たんのであーる 悲しき事実#マクジャマクはやっぱね 安定というか安全というか#で第一候補になるのだよ#でもバンパイヤではトペロクトペが好きだなーーーーー 増えろ
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21世紀に王政支持者が多数いる恐怖。 しまいには、「並みの王じゃなくて特別な存在なんだ」と言い募る迷信ぶり。
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