#γ€šβ™’ πš’ πšœπšπšŠπš›πšπšŽπš 𝚊 πš“πš˜πš”πšŽ... β™’ γ€›main .
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clownofspades Β· 2 months ago
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Self-preservation was not a pretty thing.
Harleen knew it all too well. But it was as necessary as the blood rushing through her veins, it only made sense that she may have to spill someone else’s to balance the scales. Rancid, decrepit, and filthy, this corner of Gotham didn’t count for much, but it was hers.
If she ever let it go, it would not be without claw marks, bearing the scar of her long after she’d been put into the ground. Encroachers would not be tolerated so long as she drew breath.
Folded in the embrace of shadows, crystalline blue kept watch until she could bear the foreign presence no longer.
❝Looking for something?❞
She inquired over the distant cry of sirens, echoing off the Harbor like lost, wayward spirits. Cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders in anticipation, she smiled, though it was more of an animal bearing its teeth. ❝Other than your death, I mean. That’s gotta be why you’re here otherwise, what the fuck are you doing on my turf?❞
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clownofspades Β· 2 months ago
tag dump, π’Šπ’ˆπ’π’π’“π’†.
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γ€šβ™’ πš’ πšœπšπšŠπš›πšπšŽπš 𝚊 πš“πš˜πš”πšŽ... β™’ γ€›main .
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γ€šβ™’ πš‹πšŠπš—πš.β™’ γ€›Β  Β  Β  Β  musings. Β Β 
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