#【💙】 Yukino || IC
starjynx · 1 year
@ryusxnka was spotted!
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Don't mind her admiring Toshiro's white hair. Avid light hair enthusiast. ❝ Is it naturally that color? ❞
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wthelvetica21 · 6 months
Mystery Skulls Animated Headcanons (Bonus)
🔖 General Spectral Spark Elements and Rarity
Keep in mind there are exceptions of course when it comes to color corillation and there are cases where someone has two elements to their spectral spark but they are considered unheard of unless it’s someone who also wields either an infinity or void scroll.
❤️ : (Reds) Primordial* ; Rare
*: It’s basically a Psychic or Dragon type of element; it’s less a specific element as it is raw magical potential
🧡 : (Oranges) Metal or Earth ; Uncommon
💛 : (Yellows) Electricity or Light ; Common
💚 : (Greens) Wind or Overgrowth ; Rare
🩵 : (Lighter Blues) Ice ; Rare
💙 : (Darker Blues and Indigo) Water ; Ultra Rare
💜 : (Purples and Magenta) Fire or Shadow ; Common
🖤 : (Pitch Black) Void ; Ultra Rare
🤍 : (Iridescent White) Infinity ; Ultra Rare
Reverb and His Corrupting Influnence
I think all will agree that if Mystery didn’t do anything Arthur would possibly be used as a meat puppet by our favorite horned asshole and would have done Vivi in too if given the chance. Why is that? I think that the oni/demons of any specific sin feed off of whatever vise someone is trying to conceal. Reverb was feeding off of Arthur’s resentment and took possession of his arm after Mystery severed Reverb’s connection before he could fully possess him.. Unlike other paranormas (save for the type of yokai Shiromori belongs to) of the MSAverse they can’t survive without feeding off the latent specra of others (both mortal and immortal) when not in their native domain. Hellborn tend to not show up in the living directly and rely on mortal help by making a ‘deal’ with them. Like with Reverb and whoever this [Solo] is.
Cursed Forest of Sakkimori and the Wood Oni Tribe
Some distance away from Kodama province the Yukino Clan and many others called home is a forest said to drain one’s very life force if they get lost inside. Those who barely managed to make it out report seeing what appears to be oni who were taunting and attacking them using flora in the area. Some speculate these type of oni used to be humans who had their bodies turned to wood and need to feed off of blood. While others assume they only take humanoid shapes to learn about particular targets and track them down using their spectral floral magic to pin point their location.
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starjynx · 1 year
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❝ What happened to Sting-sama's pants? Was he attacked during the photo op? ❞ She's holding on to the latest Sorcerer Weekly magazine. Eyes darting over to the picture they took of Rogue as well.
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starjynx · 1 year
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@ofluminance sent: " hi, yukino! " brightly, lucy smiles and waves. " it's been a while, huh? how have you been?! "
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❝ Lucy-chan!! It's so nice to see you! ❞ Yukino holds no reserve in running towards the blonde, arms wide open in excitement & the smile on her face rivaling the brightness of the sun. She doesn't hesitate to wrap her arms around Lucy & hug her tightly. ❝ It's been too long! We'll need to visit each other much sooner next time. I've been doing good, just the usual guild shenanigans. How have you been? Is everything okay? ❞ A barrage of questions, but all with care.
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starjynx · 1 year
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❝ Sabertooth's doors are always open for all friends & allies alike! ❞
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starjynx · 1 year
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❝ Sting-sama is just so cool! ❞ Hands are clasped in awe.
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starjynx · 1 year
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I just want to announce that it is Yukino's birthday today!
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starjynx · 2 years
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@ofsavior​ sent: “I was…” Ah, he’s feeling rather sheepish. Ego set aside, he rubs the back of his neck. “I was worried you wouldn’t come, but I’m really glad you’re here.” (Sting to Yukino)
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Umber eyes stayed on him, admiration expressed through a growing smile as she looked back to the guild master she has grown so fond of through shared experiences. It hadn’t always been that way, Yukino thinks back on that awkward period of time sometimes. To realize how far they’ve all come. Sting, most of all, wasn’t someone she had been always comfortable around. That lingering anxiety of him not actually wanting her around would still ocassionally rear it’s ugly head around. But the blond always had a way to push it back & show her otherwise.
He has been trying so hard recently to show he’s nothing like how the guild used to be. Her heart swole up in pride for all the achievements they’ve strived for in the last few years. Sabertooth was once a complete nightmare, but now... Yukino can’t imagine a day without it. It’s home.
❝ Why wouldn’t I come? I’ve been looking forward to it actually. ❞ Her hand fidgeted with the buckle on her purse as she made a move to stand alongside Sting.  ❝ So tell me, Sting-sama, where are we off to? ❞
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starjynx · 9 days
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@ofcrossroads sent: Hands rest to Yukino's shoulders before they trace along her neck and eventually reach her cheeks where his thumbs trace along her features. Sting's eyes are intent with concern and adoration as he looks at her. Then, he's suddenly pulling her into an embrace against his chest. "If anyone ever says something or does something weird to you, you tell me, okay? I'll take care of it."
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❝ Sting-sama! I... ❞ She has little time to register what to say. With his hands trailing a path from her shoulders to her very warm & rosened cheeks. The celestial mage could practically melt at how affectionate his hands feel upon her visage, but it's the words that kickstart a fast racing heart. The butterflies in the pit of her stomach take flight when she finds herself wrapping arms precariously around his torso.
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The sentiment brings about tears that brim the edges of chocolate eyes as she nods in his embrace. He always seemed to know what to say. She's safe here in his arms, she always has been. ❝ Thank you. ❞
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starjynx · 1 year
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@levinmancer sent: [HYDRATE] - for yukino if it’s ok :3
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The extended water bottle is taken from his grasp gently & with a bright smile in gratitude. ❝ You're so sweet, thank you so much. It sure is excruciatingly hot today. Sting-sama was a genius for throwing a pool party to cool down. ❞ A small chuckle as petite fingers popped the bottle's lid off & soft gaze leaving the pool where Fairy Tail mages & Sabertooth mages alike splashed about to look up at him.
❝ I'm sorry I should've introduced myself first because I don't think we've met before. My name's Yukino, are you a friend of Lucy's?  ❞ The celestial mage scooted over from her spot alongside the pool's edge as an invitation for him to join her if he'd like.
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starjynx · 2 years
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❝ Rogue-sama wanted me to read aloud in the newfound guild rule that oreos are banned inside guild premises. ❞ 
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starjynx · 2 years
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She’s picking up a piece of paper she found in the guild hall. It says... ❝ Sting-sama is a 10 but he doesn’t know how to read. ❞  Huh? She wonders who wrote this. 
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( @ofsavior​ )
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starjynx · 2 years
( @ofsavior​ )
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    ❝ Is something wrong, Sting-sama? ❞
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starjynx · 3 years
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          A masquerade?! That’d be so much fun!
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starjynx · 3 years
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Yukino is into chaotic types.
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       ❝ Like Natsu-sama... or? Hmm... ❞
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starjynx · 3 years
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It may not cover much, but Sting’s little vest is very comfortable. Yukino’s giggling to herself a little as she looks it over. Why is it so small? She’s considering the previous thought of asking Rogue to accompany her on a journey to find some proper colder weather jackets for their guild master. 
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