#【☆】 wally darling : ic / responses.
macabretcles · 6 months
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      "...But I'm a Puppet..." A moments of silence. "Can I still join? I love making friends."
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devinevirtue · 1 year
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He offers you an apple? What do you do with it?
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julie-jcyful · 1 year
❝ well, can't we try again? ❞
Five Words Starters Prompts || Accepting
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" Well, I don't know Wally. I don't think Frank will appreciate it if we use one of his prized nets this time around to catch this Rare Butterfly over there. Are you sure this is a good idea? " Julie asked with a puzzled look towards the Blue Haired Neighbor, the aforementioned Prized Net held firmly in her hands as the Red Butterfly was only a few feet away from them.
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Could you write a wally x gn!reader where he comforts reader about an abusive ex-partner? It’s ok if you don’t want to! But I’m having a hard moment about this right now and wanted some comfort :c
Oh of course!! I’ve been in a similar situation myself— I really hope whatever’s going on calms down soon, and that you can rest! I hope all goes well, friend,, /g
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Achey Comfort
Wally Darling x GN!Reader
Drabble Format, Relationship can be interpreted by the Reader (but intended with pre-established friendship at the very least)
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It had been a rough day. It felt like all of it wouldn’t stop, to be honest. A constant suffocating guilt hung in the air, one you know you shouldn’t have— you shouldn’t feel guilty. You shouldn’t even feel bad right now, but here you are, thanks to.. well. You know.
You had tried to go on with your day, keeping peace of mind, but it was hard. It nagged at you, constantly, and before you realized it— you had been inside your house for the majority of the day. Which.. might spark concern, but you weren’t sure—
Until you heard a brisk knock on you door, in a specific rhythm.
One that Wally did.
And wooh, boy, was concern sparked.
Nervously, you approached the door and cracked it open— soon being met face to face with the soft spoken puppet. You could see the concern in his eyes, though he still seemed friendly and warm.
“Hello, neighbour!.. How are you, today?” He spoke tenderly, seeming to look you over a bit as he did. “What have you been up to?”
You babbled a bit, restraining yourself. You didn’t want to just dump your issues on him, that’d surely be inconsiderate— maybe..
He noticed as you drifted into silence, his concern only growing— though his voice remained the same. He never was very good with tones..
“Would.. you want to hang out, for a bit, friend?”
You somewhat buffered at the request, seeming to weigh your options— before briskly deciding to say yes. If it became too much, surely he’d understand why you might leave early.. maybe..
He smiled at your response, though, idly fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves— though not due to being nervous, just idle movement.
“Okay.. Would you.. want to do something at home, or..?”
You said no. That air that hung in your home wouldn’t leave, you knew it, so— maybe getting some fresh air might help.. Wally soon nodded, stepping to the side a bit.
“Are you ready, or.. do you.. need a moment?”
With that, you quickly went off to get changed— and to tidy up, just a bit. And soon, you were back outside— met again with the puppet. You closed your door behind yourself, and quickly found yourself walking beside him into town.
“We.. could go get a treat, from Howdy’s, maybe.. does that.. sound good?”
.. was he.. trying to ice-cream your feelings better..??
Regardless, though, an agreement was made— and you two set off for Howdy’s shop. Once arriving, he’d hold the door open for you with a cheeky little smile, before seeming to softly laugh to himself. With that, you two began to look for treats— and he.. idly slid towards the freezer. With direct eye contact with you. Direct.
.. maybe he just wanted ice cream himself.
Regardless, though, you grabbed whatever treat(s) it is you liked, and paid for yourself— and waited for Wally near the door. When he re-appeared, he had.. uh? He had just.. an apple. But— but he went to the freezer—?.. Oh, whatever. He also paid for himself, and you two were on your way again. While you idly chewed on some of the food you had gotten, Wally just seemed to be cradling his apple in two hands.
In the silence, your mind began to wander again, causing a slight frown to twitch onto your face. The moment it did, Wally would soon hum— loudly.
“What next, neighbour?”
By now, the sun was near to when it’d begin to set. You began to rack your brain for what you could do in such little time before nightfall, but— Wally soon piped up with a suggestion.
“.. Would you.. like to have a sleep over?” He very clearly announced the space between the two words, though seemingly not intentionally. “Barnaby told me what they were.. It might be fun.”
Not really excited to go home, today, you soon agreed with a bit of hesitance. What about your clothes? Do you even have what you’d need to sleep? What if, what if— but Wally didn’t seem concerned. He soon just turned on his heel, and began to walk for Home, and you followed his lead. As you both marched, he’d begin to idly fill the silence with small, passing thoughts he’d speak aloud. He told you about his day, a bit, and how he had a new painting drying. He also told you how he thought the sky was pretty, today, and how he really liked the apple he had chosen at Howdy’s— which he proudly lifted up for emphasis. It filled the silence, which was nice, and he didn’t seem to mind your small acknowledgements. It’s not that you didn’t want to chat, you were just.. tired.
He understood. Or at least it felt like he did. He’d continue to softly ramble, although with large paces between his brief sentences, until you both arrived to Home. The house creaked a greeting to the both of you, which Wally returned via blowing a kiss and a drawn out “Hellooo, Homee..” And the house soon snagged Wally in what seemed to be a hug between the door and it’s frame.
“Home, we have.. a guest, for toniight..” He spoke happily, gesturing to you. Home seemed to give.. an appeased? Maybe excited? Squeak at you, and the door soon flung open.
“Ha ha ha!.. They’re welcoming you.. inside..”
Soon, you were both inside and setting up ‘camp’ in Wally’s living room. “Camp” consisted of a whole maul of blankets, pillows, and a poorly built fort out of the couch cushions. You two began to chat, do silly little sleepover things, until it had gotten a bit later. You both agreed to go to bed, but you were wide awake in your makeshift nest of blankets and plush. That feeling was back, nagging and fierce— like hot bile at the back of your throat. You wearily shut your eyes, just wanting a moment of peace, until Wally spoke up.
“Can you not sleep..? I can’t sleep..”
When you glanced over to him, you could see him laying on his back— though his eyes were angled on you, you could see the sheen of them in the dark.
“I think.. you’re sad.. Are you sad, friend?”
You don’t know why those words broke your dam. Soon, you were sat up, balled up a bit as you hugged one of the softer blankets around yourself. You let it out, all of it, in all the ways you could. Wally just sat beside you, nodding along, and rubbing your back. When you were done, and he was sure of it, he’d soeak.
“I.. figured something was wrong.. You just seemed.. down, today..” He gave a laugh, though it was tinged with a sort of soft concern, maybe sadness. “I thought distracting you.. might help,.. did it?”
You nodded— it did help, a bit, but.. well, the situation couldn’t be fixed with just distraction. But it helped you not lose your mind today, at least.. But what about tomorrow-? Or after that? What if—
He watched your lips purse and frown, and he soon shuffled a bit closer in an attempt to lull you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, hey.. it’s okay,.. you’re okay..” Smile softened with concern, he’d gently butt his head against your shoulder. “Just.. you’re here, okay?.. Just focus on here..”
You gave a sniffle, leaning into him— which seemed to prompt him to re-adjust the blanket loosely draped over your shoulders.
“I get.. that it’s hard.. I’m sure that’s stressful..”
You weren’t really sure what he was referring to, but you shut your eyes and listened anyways. His voice was soothing..
“.. but it’ll be okay, at.. least in time.. and you have all the.. time in the world, right now, okay..? This moment.. doesn’t have to end.. until you’re ready..”
“You’ll be okay..”
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Hi!! I hope that helped <3 /p I would’ve gone more specific— but I don’t want to assume your situation, so I tried to leave it open, a little. I’m sorry if it was too vague-!! But I hope it helps regardless
Remember, you’re loved and cared for, friend! And if you ever need a place to vent, my messages are open-! Though I understand I’m a whole ass stranger, I still offer :]
I hope you have a lovely day!
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melancholypancakes · 2 months
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Rainbow factory au belongs to @KatelynDeuce and priest wally au belongs to @sorrowsmche on Twitter
RF Olivia Darling is a vampire hunter in brienne and Wally Epilogue happy ending. After the vampire uprising and the death of her older sister, Olivia becomes a vampire hunter.
I will draw more of brienne and Wally children and the bittersweet story of the vampire arc.
Yes, Olivia's older sister April was slain by a vampire
Priest! Olivia is half mortal and half of fallen archangel.
Briene is a demoted archangel, a fairy and fall become of because of her refusal of heaven and he'll.
She ended up marrying priest wally but home cursed her to never bear children until Olivia came and she was cursed.
With devil horns, Olivia favorite sweet is ice cream because it reminds her of going to get ice cream with her father.
The high priestess is what she is called in adulthood as her father Bestows the responsibility of the church to her.
She is the most powerful of Olivia's in the multiverse.
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Pinned Post Timeeee Weeeeeeee
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Greetings! I figured I'd make one of these cause why not🤷‍♀️ I'll prolly update it as time goes on, and maybe I'll even decorate it more if I ever have the motivation lol
@yogurt-night-reblogs is where I've started reblogging art n' stuff that makes me happy woooo
Cool very fun facts about me:
I go by she/her
Currently 20 years old
My personality type is INTJ-A apparently (I think it used to be slightly different when I was younger lol) (character growth les go?????)
I am an artist (even going to school for it lol, it's my only character trait I think 🥲👍)
I have a few OCs you'll prolly see floating around every so often when I remember they exist
I enjoy fashion and collecting things😎
I use Adobe Fresco for most of my digital art (sometimes I'll use IbisPaintX on my phone tho if I'm too lazy to go get my laptop lmao)
Addicted to bubble tea😔🧋
I get migraines sometimes (pro tip: use an ice pack till the pain meds kick in even if it doesn't do anything it'll at least act as a distraction/placebo lol)
Stuff I like a normal amount (lies):
Welcome Home @:3
Favorite characters:
Frank Frankly
Eddie Dear
Wally Darling
Smiling Friends :D
Favorite characters:
Pim Pimling
Charlie Dompler
The waitress from Spamtopia (lol)
DJ Spit
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Favorite character:
Red Guy
The Simpsons
Favorite characters:
Mr. Smithers
Mr. Burns
Ned Flanders
Marge Simpson
SpongeBob SquarePants
Favorite characters:
SpongeBob SquarePants
Squidward Tentacles
I try to respond to all the comments I get on my posts but sometimes it takes me like a week to think of a response or I just forget to respond altogether lol (sorry y'all I'm trying my best🥲😂)
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macabretcles · 6 months
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      "Sinday? Is that short for Sincere Sunday?"
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macabretcles · 4 months
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@pomniegranate // prev
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      Oh! The jester, they can speak! How funny? Not really. She wasn't saying anything funny like a J E S T E R would. A bit disappointing isn't it? They're meant to be funny. Not... Depressing.
      "Other than your face? The look of an extensional crisis perhaps?" He states it rather simply as he tilts his head, before he's looking away. "That won't get you far here."
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macabretcles · 6 months
@obedientmade // SC // Wally
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      Oh. This couldn't do! His friend was looking oh so very very sad. To him at least. Emotions weren't his strong suit. It was difficult to tell when someone was upset or annoyed at times. Maybe he's mixed them up? Hard to tell now.
      But no. It didn't matter if he was sad or upset. Wally couldn't have any of them negative emotions happening now! Without thought or hesitation he's grabbing Paris hand and looking up at him with that signiture smile of his.
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      "Are you okay? You look like you need a friend right now." 
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macabretcles · 6 months
@rotdame said:
Bites him ♡♡♡♡
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      How could you! Ultimate betrayal from your friend. It doesn't hurt. In fact it isn't going to affect Wally.. But he doesn't know if tasting felt is something she'd enjoy. Still. He still looks at her with a somewhat betrayed look.
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macabretcles · 6 months
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@rotdame asked:
picks wally up and BOOKS IT !!
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      Oh no. He's been kidnapped. Whatever shall he do!!!!
      He goes limp and lets himself be taken as his arms and legs flail around like he's a rag doll.
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macabretcles · 6 months
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      He's so confused today. What is 'Chewsday' and why does he keep seeing people talk about.
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macabretcles · 4 months
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      It's SINCERE Sunday...
                        Be N I C E...
                                Or Else
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macabretcles · 5 months
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Confused puppet sounds.
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macabretcles · 6 months
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      It's Chewsday? It's not like he can participate properly! He has no teeth. And he's a puppet to. So his 'bites' would be soft. And biting him? It won't taste nice. Just like biting into some fluff!
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macabretcles · 6 months
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@obedientmade asked:
❝You don't seem like the others.❞ Perfectly painted, red nailed fingers morphing with a grotesque crunch, like bones breaking. Claws akin to daggers take their place; carefully hooking one into the back of Wally's cardigan and lifting him up to eye level with ease, as if his fellow puppet weighed nothing. There was no intent to harm whatsoever in the action, but rather... observe. Analyze. Assess for signs of imminent threat or danger, of which Paris was finding none thus far. Admittedly surprising, despite knowing the small little thing wasn't made by his late creator. He wasn't aware there were others that existed outside of Ivan's, completely unrelated yet uniquely alive all the same. How interesting. ❝Who made you?❞ (I was comparing their heights and having a giggle over how small Wally is in comparison to Paris when in his human form, so I hope it's okay I'm throwing this at you unprompted fhgfj.😂)
Unprompted - Accepting
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      Others? What others? The others from the neighbourhood? Of course not! They all came in different shapes and sizes. But this fellow here now. They weren't part of the neighbourhood. In fact... Where was he? Hmmm. A question for another time. It wasn't that important. He always made his way back home. 
      "Oh!" Comes the monotone exclamation when lifted. Blinking once yet slowly. As if processing that he was now dangling in the air like a piece of hung up laundry. Not unusual for him to end in this situation. Just unusual that it's someone he doesn't know doing it.
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      "Made me?" Now, wasn't this the real question of the day. "Oh... Was I made?" Question so innocent and curious sounding. Head tilting as he looks at the non-threatening puppet before him. "We where made?"
                                                          Indeed Wally. Who did make you?"
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