#《 open starter 》 — ♢
gyalis · 1 year
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" listen , i'm not even asking for much. all i need YOU to do is — walk up on him , cause a lil distraction and i'll jump on his back and start swinging. " she's only half joking. " that or we can just slash his tires. "
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wildxcardrebel · 2 years
If nobody sees Ren today, that's because he's playing Sonic Frontiers.
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clownofspades · 3 days
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Self-preservation was not a pretty thing.
Harleen knew it all too well. But it was as necessary as the blood rushing through her veins, it only made sense that she may have to spill someone else’s to balance the scales. Rancid, decrepit, and filthy, this corner of Gotham didn’t count for much, but it was hers.
If she ever let it go, it would not be without claw marks, bearing the scar of her long after she’d been put into the ground. Encroachers would not be tolerated so long as she drew breath.
Folded in the embrace of shadows, crystalline blue kept watch until she could bear the foreign presence no longer.
❝Looking for something?❞
She inquired over the distant cry of sirens, echoing off the Harbor like lost, wayward spirits. Cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders in anticipation, she smiled, though it was more of an animal bearing its teeth. ❝Other than your death, I mean. That’s gotta be why you’re here otherwise, what the fuck are you doing on my turf?❞
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healingscarsarc · 9 months
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ㅤㅤ watching as people throw snowballs at each other ... at a safe distance, of course. wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of a snowball war. “ it's too cold for this nonsense. ” 
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ellissay-morningstar · 10 months
LFRP: Ellissay Morningstar
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Basics –––– ✢
▌NICKNAMES: Elly ▌AGE: 25 ▌RACE: Half-Elf (Quel'dorei mother & Gilnean father. Void Elf in game) ▌GENDER: Female ▌SEXUALITY: Bisexual ▌MARITAL STATUS: Single ▌SERVER: Moon Guard
Physical Appearance –––– ♤
▌HAIR: Long Silver White ▌EYES: Blue Hazel ▌HEIGHT: 5'8 ▌BUILD: Athletic, Toned/Athletic ▌DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None ▌COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jeweled Dagger (usually hidden)
Personal –––– ♢
▌PROFESSION:  Huntress/For Hire ▌HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, Singing ▌LANGUAGES: Multilingual  ▌RESIDENCE: Wherever she is renting at the moment ▌BIRTHPLACE: - ▌RELIGION: None ▌FEARS: Losing what is left of her family
Relationships –––– ♡
▌Spouse: None ▌Children: None ▌Parents: Eclesia Morningstar, Grimsark Blakemore ▌Siblings: Her twin brothers, Damon and Eldon Blakemore ▌Other Relatives: Elutia Morningstar ▌Pets:  Two snow leopards, Nieves and Neva
disorganized / organized / in between close-minded / open-minded / in between Calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless /in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between leaning optimistic traditional/modern / in between Hard-working/lazy / in between cultured / un-cultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Possible Hooks –––– ♦
▌ Huntress for hire. She takes on contracts to hunt and/or kill creatures that are wrecking havocs on villages or upsetting the balance of nature.
▌For hire-other. Following in her mother's footsteps, she takes on contract work in gathering intelligence and taking out possible targets at her discretion.
▌She enjoys a good drink and can be found at a tavern or bar especially during the weekend late nights. She also enjoys dancing and can possibly be found at local clubs and/or parties.
▌-she is a brand new character that is still in the works of me figuring her out. Any suggestions for a starter for role play is always welcomed.
PLEASE NOTE: I currently do most if not all of my RP in discord. That information can be obtained by messaging me on tumblr in ask or messenger.
What I’m looking for –––– ♥
▌RP partners/Friendship ▌I’m willing to do pre-established ships mainly past relationships, family, old friends, enemies, past business partners. As long as it is talked out and agreed on ahead of time.  ▌Open communication about the RP at all times. ▌RP in discord with possible in-game at a later date ▌Looking for somebody who doesn’t mind if I tag them in posts about our characters with gifs, quotes, and such.
Out of Character –––– ♣
▌I am an older writer/roleplayer, 40+, and when doing NSFW (including erotica, violence, etc) topics, I prefer the writer to be 25+. SFW - 18+ ▌I mostly do para writing, but it can and will vary in length. I have no expectation on length, If you write a line or a chapter, I am good either way. ▌IC and OOC separate at all times. I am not my character, and she is not me. This is very important to me. Please do not take OOC into RP and vice versa. ▌I can always be contacted via Tumblr ask/messenger or Discord, if you have my discord.
Contact Information –––– ✰
Tumblr @ellissay-morningstar
Carrd: In the works
Discord -  Please request. 
In game - Ellissay on Moon Guard
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risingsouls · 2 years
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@synthetixflora​ asked: ♢  "He's a 10, but he gave the last railroad to Four after I spent all game trying to stop him from getting it. And yes, I am still salty about that." Lila @ Turles duh
They’re a 10 but... || Open!
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            “ For starters, it didn’t take that long to acquire all of the railroads between us. Second...it was a calculated risk. I am usually excellent at math... ”
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ellcgrxce · 2 years
♢  ⤷   𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛
gotta head out for a bit but wanted to say i’m always open to DMs and starters if anyone wants one! on both my pinned posts ( ELLE & DEVI ) feel free to react whenever you might want a closed starter xx
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alicesought · 2 years
“P-please… L-leave me alone…” (;3c)
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Hypnosis starters oh no. || 🐇
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♡♠♢♣    ⁀  Hush.  Hush.  He  taps  his  finger  to  his  lips.
"  I'm  not  hurting  you.  I'm  not  going  to  hurt  you,  Angie.  No,  no,  no--  This  isn't  hurting  you.  "  Was  there  something  in  the  tea  again?  Probably.  Whatever  it  was,  however,  was  not  the  same  substance  as  the  first  time.  No  hallucinations,  no  imagination  running  wild,  no--  this  one  seemed  to  severely  dull  the  mind  instead.  Which  means  it  was  likely  meant  to  drastically  reduce  hypnotic  resistance.  Never  a  good  sign.
This  was  no  repeated  mistake.  The  look  in  his  eyes  was  different  now,  driven  like  a  steam  train  with  anxiety,  perfectly  aware  of  who  he  was  talking  to  if  only  too  erratic  to  think  straight.  Panicked,  desperate--  don't  you  understand?  Nothing  leaves  his  grasp  without  claw  marks  on  it.  Even  if  he's  hurt  it--  especially  if  he  ever  hurt  it.  It  was  something  nearly  new  to  experience--  you  can't  lose  something  you  don't  have.  He's  never  had  a  friend  like  her  try  to  leave--  not  like  this.  Not  so  abruptly,  so  hideously,  not  in  such  a  way  that  it  felt  like  rusted  nails  yanked  from  his  skin.  If  it  was  his  fault  then  he  must  fix  it.      Let  him  fix  it!      Every  single  mention  of  that  tea  party  they  shared,  the  way  she  wouldn't  so  much  as  bend  in  her  perception,  scraping  against  the  memories  he  denied--  it  was  like  digging  her  little  fingers  into  an  open  wound!  All  at  once  compulsion  surge  through  his  very  veins,  searing  like  chemical  burns  as  his  mental  dissonance  collapses,  causing  his  head  to  swim,  his  mind  to  plead  bargains.  
You  can  make  this  stop.  You  can.  You  have  the  power.  She  isn't  behaving  correctly,  this  isn't  right.  None  of  this  is  right.  The  wrong  must  be  righted.  You  can  make  her  right.  You  can  make  her  behave.  
"  I-I'm  going  to  fix  this.  I'm  going  to  fix  this.  Don't  worry...  "  His  trembling  voice  kindly  reasoned,  his  piercing  stare  deadlocked  onto  hers.  Eyes  that  were  wide,  unnaturally  dilated  and  difficult  to  look  away  from,  meeting  them  for  mere  glances  felt  like  risking  sinking  into  them.  Could  it  be  more  obvious  in  the  tension  in  his  voice  that  he  didn't  want  to  do  this?  But  something  was  wrong  in  his  Wonderland,  horribly  wrong,  and  she  was  the  source  of  it.  If  he  can  just  make  her  see  things  the  way  he  does,  no  matter  what  anyone  tells  her,  no  matter  what  anyone  says--  "  I'll  make  things  right!  I  can,  I  can--  Be  still,  don't  fight--  look  at  me!  ANGIE.  If  you  won't  look  into  my  eyes  then  listen,  listen  to  my  voice,  dear--  Please...  I  will  put  your  mind  at  ease...  I  will  free  you  of  that  wicked  thought  that  separates  us...  I  won't  let  you  feel  an  ounce  of  fear  or  stress,  no  more  duress...  just  warm  hug  days  and  happiness...  We  are  going  to  be  the  BEST  of  friends  again,  just...  let  yourself  fall...  "    
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weniightmareyou · 5 days
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♢ main ♢ rules ♢ open starters ♢ starter calls ♢ prompts ♢ wishlist ♢
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♢ about ♢
This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. (It's also my canon main, if you're looking for those muses.) Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post meme prompts.
All muses on this blog are original characters with bios linked for each, and I'm happy to write them into AUs and crossovers. Please do not steal or reblog my bios/headcaons/etc., as they belong to me. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Note: Please bear with me as this blog is highly under construction while I transfer information and rework bios. My OCs are new to Tumblr, but the muses have been in development and written on other platforms for 10+ years, and I've been writing various other canon and original muses on Tumblr for that long as well.
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♢ muses ♢
♢ Alexander Smith (21+) ⭒ serial killer ⭒ Alexander Calvert ♢ Aven Wolfram (30+) ⭒ romance novelist ⭒ Phoebe Tonkin ♢ Blair Cavalleri (25+) ⭒ therapist ⭒ Ana de Armas ♢ Dallas Monroe (30+) ⭒ homewrecker ⭒ Kellan Lutz ♢ Grant Andersen (35+) ⭒ illustrator ⭒ Chris Evans ♢ Kade Hunter (21+) ⭒ ghost ⭒ Thomas Dekker ♢ Layla Duchannes (30+) ⭒ psychic ⭒ Emmanuelle Chriqui ♢ Lilah Cavalleri (21+) ⭒ fanfiction writer ⭒ Zenia Marshall ♢ Persephone Bell (21+) ⭒ sorority girl ⭒ Riley Voelkel ♢ Rio Monroe (25+) ⭒ rancher ⭒ Wilson Bethel ♢ Samantha Cooper (25+) ⭒ programmer ⭒ Samara Weaving ♢ Tommy Blair (25+) ⭒ musician ⭒ Dougie Poynter
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whatthedormouse-said · 3 months
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♢ main ♡ bio ♧ face ♤ muse ♡ wishlist ♢
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Mallymkun is a canon character from Alice in Wonderland, and her portrayal is a mix of headcanons, various books, and movie lore. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write her into crossovers or AUs.
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default verses:
storyverse: Any events that take place in Wonderland, where Molly is either a soldier in the King's army, the rebel officer who slayed the Bandersnatch, or a dormouse trapped in perpetual tea time (usually found napping inside a teapot).
fableverse: When the storybook worlds collapse, Molly finds herself in a contemporary town called Fableton, where she's finally free of the magic of Wonderland and the curse that turned her into a dormouse. Deciding she no longer wants a life of violence, she attends college to become a nurse. (bio)
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gyalis · 9 months
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" why you mad at ME ? I told you i had some stops to make. i'm here ain't i ? "
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fatedevour · 9 months
♢  —    @diiluvies ​asked:  run along, unless you want me to cut your face wide open. //neu dont threaten him jfc
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" It seems I've already incurred the wrath of the Chief Justice. Might I ask, is this a new record? " Rather than possessing any sense of alarm or concern, the second harbinger seems AMUSED by the greeting, a gloved hand lifting to resting upon his chin below the mask the conceals the true expression. " So much for diplomatic curtesy. Is it from my own reputation, or that of my colleagues? Or is it, perhaps, the fact that your JUSTICE is overall useless when it comes to me? After all, I've broken no laws of Fontaine's. ( That anyone knew of ; whether it was true or false was knowledge only that Dottore himself would know. )
He regards the other with an avian tilt of his head, like a vulture waiting for an animal to drop dead so that it might feast upon the carcass. How meddlesome. He turns his head to glance to the side - a CARELESS seeming act that was ANYTHING BUT. He is no fool after all, and even HE is not arrogant enough to not keep an eye out for those who were of more problematic disposition to his endeavors.
" Very well! " Dottore laughs, a sound from deep in his chest like an earthquake. " I'll make sure to stay out of sight, CHIEF JUSTICE. " One must always be careful of the requests they make. He had no interest in the man as it were. No, what he came for was something FAR MORE INTERESTING. He needed no time with the other. " As it is willed, so it shall be. " A phrase so often attributed to something holy or spiritual now tainted upon the tongue of a heretic.
He offers no bow or otherwise PROPER etiquette of farewell when he moves to go past the justice. One might think it from insult, but his lips are curved up at the corners into a RAPTORIAL smile of sharp teeth. " But as a word of advice, I would caution against such AGGRESSIVE greetings. It rarely ends well for those who try to provoke others. " He remarks when he's standing almost shoulder to shoulder before taking a step past.
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wildxcardrebel · 2 months
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||♢|| how the hell did I not only forget, but make an open starter only five minutes before Ren's birthday?!
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rbbthl · 1 year
Don't try to break my fall, down this rabbit hole I (go) Who are you? I hardly know, I should think that I would Wake up What a disaster to be late for my own ball Wake up Heart beating faster, hope the queen is rational
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Independent roleplay blog for Ryohei Arisu portrayed based on the Netflix show Alice in Borderlands written by Trice. Multiship, NSFW won't be tagged. Minors DNI.
♤ about ♢ rules ♧ face tag ♡ open starters
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healingscarsarc · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ they're playing on their handheld device right now ... they're very focused at the moment.
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milliescollection · 2 years
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he is a firefighter alongside EZEKIEL . he is thirty-eight years old, a heterosexual cis male, from queens, new york . give this a like to start a thread with him !
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