#《 elena fisher. 》writings.
andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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5x09 | What Happened and What's Going On
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wingsofwrath · 4 months
Finding Common Ground | Uncharted
Elena feels the explosion behind her more than she hears it.
Sam collides into her before they both hit the deck hard, blown back by the force of the blast. It rattles the hull of the half-collapsed ship, the deck shaking under them. Finally, it splinters, and the other half of the galleon breaks away. In the back of her mind, Elena thinks she hears a scream. It takes a moment for her to break through her daze and sit up. Sam groans and rolls onto his back, taking his weight off her.
But where’s Nate?
“Nate!” She’s on her feet at once, scrambling to the edge of the deck where the rocket hit, but there’s nothing. “Nate?!”
Sam is slower to get to his feet, but once he’s shaken off the shock of the explosion, he’s right there with her. “Shit, Nathan?!”
“Over there! Get them!”
They don’t have time to search for him. The Shoreline mercenary with the rocket is loading another one up. Elena goes to reach for her gun and swears under her breath when she realizes it’s not on her. Her eyes scan the deck for any sign of it, but she’s not quick enough.
Sam is though. He pops off a shot at the merc’s head, and it’s enough to knock off his helmet. He staggers, still gripping the RPG, and finally mounts it onto his shoulder once more, aiming at them.
Another shot hits him in the shoulder. The rocket falls from his hands and he collapses with a grunt.
“Come on, we gotta go!” Elena shouts, seeing more mercenaries converging on them. She finds her gun, loads another clip into it and jumps over the side of the ship onto the rock face below, stumbling a bit. Sam follows soon after and they take off towards the shore, heading through the foliage to stay hidden.
After walking for what feels like hours, Elena’s mind has time to settle and her thoughts drift back to Nate. She didn’t see him go down with the ship, that’s a good thing, right? There’s a chance that he could be okay and not…
She shakes her head. With his luck, he probably got washed ashore along the beach somewhere. He’s probably wandering around near their side of the island. It wouldn’t be the first time he unwittingly found his way back to her.
It also wouldn’t be the first time we ended up in a situation like this… Elena glances at Sam as he walks behind her.
After Nate mentioned the story about Alcazar, she almost wanted to punch him in Sam’s stead. Talking Nate into this little secret adventure would’ve been enough on its own, but he had to act like his life was in danger to get Nate to come with him? She couldn’t imagine Nate ever stooping that low.
For brothers, Sam and Nate are remarkably different. Elena wasn’t sure what to expect when Nate had awkwardly introduced Sam. Looking at him now, the deeper lines in his face, the tattoos, the smell of smoke that lingers around him, everything about him is alien to her. Sam doesn’t have Nate’s awkward charm, his excitability, or his decency. Being here with him doesn’t feel right to her, not after he convinced her husband to lie to her and risk his life on yet another desperate treasure hunt. Now here they all are, on an island full of ancient deathtraps and gun-wielding mercenaries who want them dead.
Elena sighs. Some things never change.
“We should go back and look for Nate,” she finally says, stopping to look at Sam. “I’m kinda worried.”
“Yeah,” Sam says, rubbing absentmindedly at the wound on his arm. “I’m…I’m sure he’s fine, ya know?”
Elena nods. “He’s gotten out of worse scrapes than this, trust me.” She tries to sound confident, but the look on Sam’s face tells her she’s not very convincing.
“Yeah…Yeah, I know.”
As they start backtracking, every little noise or movement catches Elena’s attention. The birds rustling in the tree tops, the water rushing down the river nearby, every small shift in the jungle has her on edge and she’s not sure why.
She keeps one hand near her holster as she scans the area around them.
“So, uh…how long’s it been?”
Elena stops walking. “Uh…w-what?”
When she turns to look at Sam, he’s standing a good distance behind her, his hands tucked casually into his pockets. Despite the mud caked onto his clothes, the small cuts and bruises on his face and arms, and his disheveled hair brushed back out of his face, she can definitely see the resemblance in that moment.
The squint in his eyes as he stares off into the distance and the way he purses his lips are all Nate. He has this detached, faraway look on his face, like he’s imagining something much grander and exhilarating than their trek through the jungle. When he focuses on her again he smiles, awkwardly.
“You and Nathan, how long’s it been?”
“Oh,” Elena says. It’s not something she was expecting to hear from him, especially with everything that’s happened over the last few days. She wants to ignore the question and tell him to get a move on, but before she can stop herself she’s counting off the time in her head.
“Seven years; married for four.” She holds up her left hand where the wedding ring glimmers in the sunlight. She finds herself staring down at it. Hoping. Worrying.
To her surprise, Sam chuckles. “Never took Nathan for the marrying type.”
It’s such a simple comment, but it stabs at her in a way she can’t explain. She drops her hand back to her side.
“Neither did I,” she says, sounding annoyed as she looks at him again. “Guess there’s a lot I don’t know about him.”
Sam’s face falls, and he can see the hurt in her eyes as she turns away. “Hey, Elena? I…I didn’t mean…I wasn’t trying to—”
“Let’s just find Nate and get the hell out of here.”
The last thing she wants to hear is an excuse from him. He’s the whole reason they’re here, after all. Part of her feels irritated with herself for even wanting to divulge anything about the life she and Nate share, when she still knows so little about Sam. It seems unfair, in a way, and the more Elena thinks about it the more she realizes that Sam is still a stranger.
She clenches her jaw and keeps walking, hearing Sam’s footsteps as he hesitantly follows.
About 20 minutes later, Sam picks up his pace, rushing up ahead until he’s standing directly in front of her.
She looks up. “What?”
“Hey,” Sam says. “I know we kinda got off the wrong foot, and believe me, this isn’t at all how I was planning to meet you—”
“This isn’t about me, anymore, Sam. This is about Nate,” Elena cuts him off flatly.
Sam sighs, exasperated. “Yeah, I know, we need to find him, and we’re going to, but I just wanna explain—"
“Explain what? How you lied?” she says, staring hard at him. The words cut into him like ice, and he freezes. “Yeah, I know about the Alcazar story.”
Sam winces. “You—you don’t understand.”
Elena scoffs. “What is there to understand? You manipulated your brother into coming along on this little family reunion. You lied to him, to all of us.”
Sam holds up his hands. “Hey, you got it all wrong, I didn’t put a gun to his head—”
“But you’re his brother. You think if there was even a chance that your life could be in danger that Nate would say no? How was he was supposed to turn you down? You didn’t give him a choice, Sam. And yeah, I know it takes two to tango. I’ve sorted everything out with Nate. But you? You’re not off the hook, not by a long shot.”
Sam glances off to the side, then down at his feet. “I did this for us.”
“You did it for you, because you’re willing to risk anything and everything to find that treasure,” Elena says pointedly.
“Hey,” Sam’s voice is firm as he looks up, staring back at her. “Nathan’s family, and we’re in this together. You don’t know what it’s like for us, what’s it’s been like. After everything we’ve gone through, I’d never risk his life over something like this.”
They stand there in silence for a long time, and Elena doesn’t move.
There are a dozen ways she can respond to that, with biting sarcasm or just throwing it back in his face. Instead, she takes a deep breath, and decides to let this be a teaching moment. Watching his face carefully, she responds, “Then walk away from this. Help me find Nate, and then we can all leave together.  You, me, Nate, and Sully, we’re all a family now, like it or not. No more bullshit, Sam. No more secrets. Let’s just cut our losses and go.”
Sam watches her for a long time before tearing his gaze away. He rubs the back of his head, staring off into the distance, firm and focused this time. It’s not until he looks back at her again that she realizes what he’s been looking at the entire time. Before he can open his mouth to speak, an explosion rings out in the distance.
Towards the mountain. Towards Nate.
When they find him, all of Elena’s anxiety melts away. She hugs him, tighter than she’s ever hugged him. She makes a crack about Sully saving his ass again, and they all smile.  For a moment, it feels like she, Nate, and Sully are all back on that boat, sailing away from the island where they’d found El Dorado all those years ago.
But that’s in the past, she realizes, looking at the scrape on Nate’s forehead, the lines in his face, and the gray around his temples. There’s only so many times she can stand to almost lose him. Back when they were younger, and the thrill of adventure and the adrenaline brought them together, it was easy. There were no attachments at first, no strings. But over time she grew to love him, and it got harder and harder to watch throw himself into danger. That time was over, they had to be smarter, safer, they’d decided. Because Elena didn’t want to think about what would happen if she actually lost him this time.
But seeing Sam come around the corner, sheepish and awkward as he approaches them, she also realizes she’s not the only one who loves Nate.
It only becomes more apparent when Nate goes after him. She can’t bring herself to be angry. She wants to stop him, to tell him that Sam’s not worth saving and they need to leave while they’re all still breathing, but she lets him go. She had tried talking sense into Sam, but in that moment, she knows the only one who can really get through to him is his little brother.
Maybe she really doesn’t understand, she thinks as she sits across from them on the plane later. Nate is huddled off to one side, sleeping away and completely oblivious to Sam as he lights up a cigarette, looking just as tired and worn out. He eyes her lazily from his seat.
“Hey, if you’re still mad, I get it.” Sam glances over at Nate. “Dummy should’ve just left me back there, I wasn’t worth it, not after I dragged him into my shit.”
Elena sighs. Finally. “Did the little brother finally talk some sense into you?” she asks, teasingly.
“Nah,” he says, looking back at her. “I was actually thinkin’ about what you said back there.” He sits up, pulling the cigarette from his mouth. “About me, the whole ‘selfish, manipulative jackass’ thing.”
“I didn’t call you a jackass,” she says patiently.
“I know,” he says, grinning. “Almost wish you had punched some sense into me.”
“I wanted to,” she admits, and smiles a little.
Sam smiles back, then flicks his eyes over to Nate. Taking another drag from his cigarette, he asks, “So, I take it he told you about how we ended up becoming two-bit, no good thieves?”
“Yep. He explained everything when I found him.” She doesn’t relish the memory, but she remembers hearing Nate talk about the old woman, all the artifacts in her home, and when she found them…
“It’s why he hates that I smoke, too,” Sam says quietly, looking down at the floor. “He’s never said it, but I always suspected that’s why.”
Elena nods, watching him sadly. “That must have been so terrible for you two.”
After a beat, he straightens up and smiles at her, but she can tell it’s a bit forced. “Anyway, enough about me, what’s it like being the wife of notorious treasure hunter Nathan Drake?” he asks.
Elena just smiles, shaking her head. “You got a couple of hours?” “Well, it is a pretty long flight home. Indulge me.”
“Where do I even start…”
Sam smiles.  “Start at the best part.”
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the-drakeboys · 2 years
Get Her Out
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Summary: With the love of his life gutshot and falling weak, Sam will fight with his last breath to get her out alive.
Pairing: Sam Drake x Female OC (Unnamed)
Word Count: 2,342
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, mentions of death.
A/N: Missed y’all so much. Hope you enjoy this lil’ blurb!
“Told…you… this was my last job….” she whispered to him in the dark through a shaken, wry smile, propped up back against his chest. His fingers were curled around her middle, little streaks of dark red blood dripping over his skin where he held all the pressure he could to her gut. He pressed his face to the side of hers, squeezing his eyes closed. “But you were alw-ways too stubborn to listen.” She hummed as she struggled to breathe, her hair stuck to her damp forehead in long strands.
Sam felt a hot tear escape his eye, his teeth gritting as he held onto her. “Me? Stubborn?” he choked, his tone playful as his heart ached so loudly she could feel it in her own. “Not in a million years.”
There was a long, quiet pause, her trembling and shuddered breathing accompanied in the darkened stairwell by the distant drip-drop of a leaky water pipe.
“I better g-get to see the sunrise, though, b-buster,” she murmured, a frog in her throat. Her body slipping as her muscles began to give out.
He turned his head, lips pressing to her temple. “I promise… you will.”
Outside, an endless barrage of hellfire was raining from the sky. Bullets flying in every direction, men shouting orders at one another. Mercenaries out for blood against a rebellious people, protecting their land – and the treasure it held.
“Sweetheart…” he croaked, “We… we gotta try and move you.”
“No,” she shook her head, “I… I don’t think I c-can. Not yet.”
“We gotta try, darlin’.” He looked down at her, meeting her eyes and feeling the earth shatter inside him. “C’mon, you’re tough. Won’t even break a sweat.”
He shifted, and she cried out. Quiet wailing that would live in his veins for the rest of his life. The gaping bullet wound in her gut still flooded beneath his palm, and her vision blurring with the pain.
“C’mon, baby,” Sam whimpered, laying her down beneath him, “Please, god, it’s okay, you— oh, god.” Every cry out of her sent words tumbling from him. He pulled the dirty, sweat-soaked button-down from his back, balling it up. “You can do this, baby. No one tougher’n you.” He couldn’t tell if he was just giving her the push she needed, or flat-out begging her. The words were just coming.
She stared up at him. Her everything. The man she’d hated from the first day she met him; until she didn’t. Until the treasure didn’t matter anymore, until the gunfights and fistfights and running for their lives were just the backdrop to the most intense love she’d ever felt in her life. And now he was shaking in a way she’d never seen him do before. He was afraid in a way she’d never seen him feel before. As he tucked his balled-up shirt beneath hers and pressed it down against her wound, she sucked in air and held in a scream, knowing that if there were anyone else knelt over her now… she would have let go already.
“I got you, baby,” he promised, “You just hang onto me. I’m gettin’ you outta this.” His arms slipped around her body, and he lifted her into his chest. He was up on his feet. He stared down at her for one more moment. “We’re gettin’ you home.”
“I-I’m…I a-am…” she tried to speak, her fingers wringing weakly around his filthy white tank top, but the words were caught. Curled into him, focused - so focused - on breathing. Trying to fight.
“Don’t,” he pleaded, “Just save your energy, just… hang on, okay?” He leaned himself out of the wrecked doorway, rubble beneath his boot. The nearest guns were aimed away from them, utterly unaware that they were still alive.
He finally went for it. Hunched over her as he moved swiftly across what felt like a minefield, sounds bursting from every which way so loud that neither of them could concentrate if they tried.
But she was just holding on. Focusing on breathing. In… out. In… and then out. Slowly. Carefully. Against lungs that felt like fire.
Sam’s tattoos. Just up above her. Her bloodied fingers tracing them once more. His dirty, muddied hair, his stubble. Her mind carving the lines of his jaw and the warm timbre of his voice into her memory, the flecks of green in his eyes and the soft touch of his lips. All of it sealed away so she could never forget.
Sam weaved through ruins. Broken down buildings, smoke billowing from fires in every direction. Bullets pinging off of burnt out cars, grenades rolling into halls and bursting outward.
He stayed away from all of it, ducking behind walls and holding his breath as soldiers and mercenaries shouted and ran.
All he could think about was her. Her body in his arms, her face pressed into his skin, her breaths shallow and quick. Scared to feel them slow down. She was his everything. She was maddening and kind, she was smart enough to knock him on his ass with her words and strange enough to laugh at all of his jokes and loving enough to see the heart he had locked away inside himself, one no one had been allowed to touch since before he could remember. He gasped for air as he ran with her. He couldn’t lose her. He had to get her out.
Sam looked up. A mercenary, gun up, trained on him.
“S-Sam…” she whispered into his skin. “L-Let me go…”
“No!” he yelled, tears pushing to the edge. “No!”
“Drop the gun!”
Sam tightened his arms around her. Her fingers clutching to his tanktop, the blood pooling between them as she began to let go. “S-Sam…”
Sam looked down at her. “Please…” he whispered, dropping to his knees. His gun falling from his hand and landing in the dirt. “You gotta stay, sweetheart, you…”
He watched her eyelids flutter, the mercenary’s boots thudding in front of him and kicking the gun away.
The muzzle of the M4 pressed to his temple.
“Any last words?” the voice demanded.
Sam’s gaze didn’t shift. He let out a slow breath. Everything slowed down. Her eyes slipped closed. And he whispered, “I love you.”
“Hey, asshole–” a voice blurted from behind them.
The mercenary spun on his heels, a gasp flying from his throat.
“Kiss my ass!” Nate shouted. Bam. The mercenary’s body dropped to the ground, and Sam’s eyes finally opened, looking up to find his little brother hurdling over a barrier to get to him.
“I got your cover, big brother, c’mon,” Nate assured him, grabbing at his shoulder, “C’mon! We gotta go!”
Sam’s heart thumped painfully as his brain processed all that had just happened, “Let’s go!” he heard Nate shouting.
And so he got back up, and he followed Nathan. Followed him out. Numb and terrified all at once. Felt her in his hold, her arm hung at her side and swaying limply as he ran. His body exhausted but mind racing.
Nate burst through doors and shot down men, threw everything he had at them as he charged for the train.
And as his bullet reached the last man that stood in the way of getting them to safety, he looked back at his big brother and saw the fear. “We made it, Sam,” he breathed, “C’mon. We’re here.”
Two more were there. Chloe and Elena. Leaning out of the train as it started to chug along the tracks.
“C’mon, Sam…” Nathan’s eyebrows furrowed. Sam stood there, clinging to her. “Sam, we’ve got her. Let us help.”
Sam just looked at him, he didn’t know what to do. Elena stepped forward, and put a hand on his arm. “Sam, we’ve gotta move, okay? Let us take her.”
And Sam felt her pulled from his body. He felt Chloe help him up into the train car. He watched as Nate laid the love of his life down on the floor of the train car, and as Elena hurried forward with her supplies.
But all he knew was what he saw when he looked down.
The blood that painted his tanktop red. That’s all he knew.
Chloe watched as Sam collapsed. Fell to the metal floor, eyes closed and body covered in blood and dirt. She ran to him, too late to catch him.
All he could think as he drifted away was the beautiful face of the woman he loved.
In the distance, words were spoken, almost out of focus in a way. Blurry conversations, muffled and busy.
Sam’s body ached from head to toe. He was slumped in the corner of a hospital room, a clean t-shirt thrown over his head. In the seat next to him sat a bottle of water and a pair of some sort of pills. He grimaced as he shifted himself upright, feeling all the wounds from the days previous stinging and burning. He reached up and rubbed his palms down over his face. He felt numb, eyes slowly traversing the width of the room and finding no one.
The two hospital beds in the room were empty. His gut sunk as he stared at them. One of them undisturbed, and the other with blankets that once held a person…and no longer did.
His chin began to quiver as he stared at the bed, the conversations outside the room still rumbling on.
He cleared his throat and looked down, shakily picking up the water and pills. With everything hurting, he didn’t really care what they were. The bottle next to them only had a label written in what he assumed was Tagalog, so there wasn’t any hope of finding out one way or the other.
He popped them into his mouth, and took a swig of the water, eyes closing with relief at the feeling of it rushing down his gullet.
“...but for the record, I told him. I told him Rafe was bad news. If he’d listened, that whole trip would’ve gone pretty differently–” Nate’s voice led him into the room, breaking Sam’s gratitude for the water and forcing him to turn.
Chloe stood there with Nate, a look of concern and pity etched into her features as her eyes landed on Sam.
“So… Sam, how’re you holding up?” She stepped forward, sitting next to him and taking in the empty look on his face.
“How long I been out?” he questioned with a hoarse voice.
Nate smiled with a sort of sadness, setting his hands on his hips. “Bout a day and a half. Tried to get you into the bed but you put up a fight. So the chair it was.”
Sam nodded, managing a small, dry chuckle. “You tellin’ me I sleepwalk?”
He looked up at his little brother. He had questions, but he didn’t want the answers. So the banter would continue.
“If that’s what you wanna call it.”
Chloe gently rubbed Sam’s back, looking between the two brothers and waiting for the right time to say something. He took one more long swig of the bottle, finishing it off.
“Can you walk?” she asked quietly.
Sam nodded, setting the now empty bottle off to the side. “Let’s go for a quick stroll then, shall we?” she murmured, standing up and offering her hand.
Nate glanced at her, a smile between them as Sam took her up on it. With his hand in hers, he pulled himself to his feet, wobbling at first.
The three left the room. Shuffled down a corridor, toward a door at the end of it.
Warm, golden rays of sun peered through the window in the door, Sam’s gut burning as he remembered his promise.
Remembered the look on her face when she asked for it.
Remembered how she–
“But what about Belize? That was a great one, right?” Elena’s voice cut right through his thoughts as Chloe led him through the door.
She stood at the edge of the balcony just on the other side, chatting happily away.
And that’s when Sam saw her. In the wheelchair beside Elena, a cast on her wrist and a hospital gown hung from her shoulders, all of her little cuts patched up, the dirt cleaned from her skin, and an IV connected to the back of her hand.
She turned to him. She saw the look on his face, the disbelief in his eyes, his whole body frozen in the doorway as he stared at her. She smiled warmly then, tilting her head to the side.
“Told you I’d get my sunrise, baby,” she smirked, carefully reaching her hand out to him.
“Oh…God,” he bumbled, falling forward into her and pressing kisses to her face, one after another, Elena, Chloe and Nate laughing in the background as he overwhelmed her with love. “How in the hell-” he was breathless, kneeling beside her and looking up into her eyes, “How… I… thank god, I… I–”
Warmth and gratitude flowed between the five of them, Sam getting up and turning to grab onto his brother. He thrust Nate into a tight hug, hanging onto him and mumbling “thank you, little brother” again and again.
“Hey, hello, hi–” Chloe waved her hands behind him, “Who do you think drove us in?”
“--and how about who patched you both up on the way to the hospital?” Elena chimed in, hands on her hips but a smug smile on her face.
Sam laughed his apologies out, pulling back from his brother and messily swiping at the tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked at the three of them, his hand reaching out to gently hold a hand he never thought he’d get to again. Her palm warm, fingers delicately lacing together with his. “Thank you. All of you. Really, I…” 
“Oh, just shuddup,” the voice below him laughed. And she pulled him down to her with the little strength she had, a tired grin on her lips as they met his in a kiss.
The happiest kiss of his life.
@s4mdrake @landoverthemountains @supernaturally-avenging-hannibal @cassieseraphim @qwertybubbler @darlingsdevil @hozierwastaken @missdictatorme @archesa @writersblockincoming @ladamari68 @unchartedterritoria @curious-expectations @creative-diaries @jodiereedus22​ @multifand0m-gal0re​ @trickstergoddessblog @chellestrash @jinwonholeo​ @makingpeoplesmile97 @lunarastrobabe @thislifepackagesucks​ @bechobbi​
Shoot me an ask, message, or reply if you’d like to be tagged in my works! Thanks so much for reading!
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
way back to you
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Elena had heard Nathan’s lying tone before, of course. But it was never directed at her.
or, a thief’s end AU told by elena’s perspective.
read it here: (x)
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yllowpages · 1 year
elena deals with nightmares. of many different things. sometimes it's the normal, out-of-pocket things everyone could have nightmares about. sometimes it's more specific. moments she's lived. but more than anything, and especially in the first couple of years following, her nightmares have replayed those split seconds before flynn dropped that grenade. she knows how lucky she is to be alive. and the thought that she was so close to dying is just... it's terrifying. and of course it's one of the main reasons she became so cautious moving forward. so, some nights, her mind just can't help but go through that moment. watching him take out the grenade and look them all in the face when he let go. she can remember the sound and the pain — all of it. sometimes the nightmare is exactly as the moment happened. sometimes she tries to run, to see if she would have escaped it. once or twice ... she's been the one holding the grenade and forced to drop it. every option is horrible. those nights she can't get it out of her head, she just doesn't sleep frankly. she can't. her mind will be racing too much and she'll close her eyes and that's all she'll see. so she has to do anything else to get it out of her mind. she'll literally wake up at two in the morning from this and just get up and start cleaning or reorganizing things or even working. anything but sitting alone with her thoughts. and she wishes sometimes she could forget it altogether. but the scarring she took away from it — both mental and physical — makes that difficult sometimes.
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Finally able to write again so have the beginning of an Uncharted fic
At some point it will get darker but that is way later in a chapter that I still need to plan.
It is also villain Sam
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jasmineeeeeeeeesblog · 5 months
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I don’t know if anybody reads these anymore 😭 but this is a Klaus imagine. I’m also on Wattpad I’ve written one shots about Jeremiah fisher and Klaus on there. My name is unknown_writ_er if you wanna check it out. I have a few stories I won’t post on here cause they’re fluff but you can check them out if you’d like. Also I’m open to request so just send me them! Also I can write fluff on here but I don’t see a lot of it.
Summary: Klaus was busy and you were bored so you thought you’d dance with someone? A dance never hurt anyone…
I spent the whole night sitting down at the party. The whole thing was just for him to make plans and talk to people. I haven't seen Klaus the whole night. Everyone was just dancing and having fun. Klaus invited me as his plus one. He always does that because he always needed me by his side as his last hybird. We weren't dating or anything special. He gets mad though when I talk to other people especially boys because I can get 'attached' to them and spill all his secrets but I honestly didn't care too much about this rule because I honestly liked Klaus. I seen the good out of him through all the bad but at times like this I do get bored.
Damon Salvatore. He walked up to me with his fit and tall figure, Black hair, and blue eyes staring at me. He walked up to me and asked to dance.  Dancing wouldn't hurt anybody. I wouldn't catch feelings for Damon he's an ass and he's in-love with Elena. He's probably just tryna to use me to get closer to Klaus but I didn't care I was so bored. I grab his hand and get up a slows song turns on. We dance he his hands on my waist I had my hands on his shoulders and he was smirking at me. I would be lying if I said Damon wasn't hot but I just wasn't attracted to him like that.   He kisses my hand then sends me off to go to my next dance partner is was this random guy. I've never seen before. He was just a random new guy.
Then Klaus came and compelled the dude to go away. Then started dancing with me. "Now what did I say Y/N" he says. "It was just a dance" I say rolling my eyes. He grips on my hips harshly. "You still disobeyed me." He says. "It was only once just get over yourself" I say as I walk away. He grabs my hand "go get in the car I will deal with you in a second don't disobey that order" he says sarcastically. I decide to ignore him. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of wine. I then hear Klaus say his goodbyes then leave. I knew he'd be in here in a matter of seconds as he realizes I'm not out in the car. As I expected Klaus was in there in the matter of seconds he grabbed my arm and ran back to the car he threw me in the back seat.
He closed the sliding window that connects the drivers to the passenger. He got in. "Why do you not listen to anything I say" he yells. "Because I was bored and I just wanted to dance I'm not inlove with Damon." I yell back. I've never yelled at him the shock look on his face turned to anger. He pinned me against the seat "DONT ever yell at me again Y/N and I'll make you regret it." He says. "And do exactly what I'm your last hybird you won't kill me since you can't make anymore" I say. "There's things worse than death, love" he says. "But I don't think I'd ever be capable to do those things to you" he mumbles. My hearing going in and out for his low tone. "What did you say." I said. "Nothing" he says. "You know whatever I'm walking home" I say as I get out. "Fine walk home dont be surprised if I don't let you in" he says.
It was cold but it obviously didn't matter I was a vampire. I walked home instead of using my vamp speed because I didn't wanna see Klaus and he probably didn't wanna see me now. I soon get home after 2 hours it was like 11 by time I got home. I sigh as I knock on the door. It was locked of course it was. I just yell "Fine I'll just go to the Salvatore's boarding house" I say as I start to walk away. Before I got to the stairs of the porch I heard the door open and someone grab my arm, slam the door, and pin me against it. It was Klaus with messy hair, eyes bags, his sweatpants hanging low so that can I see his v-line, and his shirt off. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him right now.
His hands were on the side of my head his body wasn't that close but his face was. I smirked. "Why don't u want me at the Salvatore house so bad" I said. "I already told you" he says. "That can't be the reason you let me in the house after you told me you wouldn't." I say. "You know I could protect myself but you just like to have control over me" I say. He Just stares at me without saying anything. I didn't think I was right so the shock on my face when he didn't disagree or deny it. " oh so that's what it is. You like how you know you could do anything to me at the snap of your finger." I say smirking. I put my hand on his torso. Tracing his abs. His face still staring straight but I could still tell by his eyes I was affecting him. I rubbed my hand further down to dick. He let out a gasp and I could see him get hard. He backed up from me and then kept walking back and forth.
"Y/N stop messing with me" he says staring at me. "Who says I messing with you" I say smirking. "You better lose that attitude you know you're defenseless against me" he says. "Yeah I think you like that. You can control everything I do. You like that I have to listen to you" I say getting closer to him and I push him on the back of the couch and climb on top of him. "I barely touched you and you got hard" I say smirking. He flips us over "you just had a whole thing how I'm in control and now you want to try and be. Not happening love" he says as he holds my wrist in one hand and tears my dress with the other one. He sits up with his legs on either side of my hips and kissy sits admiring me. My arms were still pinned. I managed to get out of it as he wasn't holding that long and I flipped us over. He was just smirking at me amused. I started leaving hickeys down his neck and torso.
(IK that vampires heal quick but just imagine hickeys stay‼️)
As I got to the waistband of his sweatpants. I pulled them down along with his boxers. His dick hit his stomach. I bring my hand to it and start stroking it. He threw his head back. I bring his tip to my mouth and start licking it. I started taking him in my mouth. I took us much as I could then stroked the rest. I kept bobbing my head and Klaus soon grabbed my hair pushing me down more and more. He then pulled me off. I could tell he was about to finish. "Y/n you drive me crazy" he says breathlessly while flipping us back over. He started kissing my neck leaving hickeys all down me. "Now I'm about to fuck you better than anybody can especially Damon." He says as he kisses down to my breasts and unclips my bra. And starts sucking on my nipple. One of his hands slide up to my neck. The other slides down to my panties and slides his hand in. I let out a gasp as he rubbed my clit.
He inserted 2 fingers in me while rubbing my clit. I was moaning. He moved his mouth to my other nipple. When he found my G-spot I screamed his name. He looked up at me and smirked. Then kept going at a fast pace there. He then stopped attacking my breast then kissed me. He took my moaning to slip his tongue in my mouth. "Klaus I'm about-" I was cut off by a moan as he went faster then I finished all over his fingers. He pulled them out then licked the juices off his fingers. He then slid my panties off. Then aligned himself against my entrance. "Is this okay" he whispered in my ear. My breath hitched feeling him so close to my core. "Yes Klaus" I said breathlessly. He slowly pushed into me.   He leaned onto my shoulder then slowly starts going in out.
"Faster" I said with a moan. He starts going faster hitting my g-spot. I was scratching his back. He started leaving hickeys on my neck. As he kept going faster he started rubbing my clit as I finished all over his dick. I was sensitive now. He kept going and my legs were shaking. I was squeezing against him he looked like he was about to come undone. He went at a faster pace and I finished for a third time all over his dick then he finished deep inside me then rode out both our highs. He planted a kiss on my forehead then he left I thought he was just gonna leave me here. Was I just a random fuck? He came back with a blanket, a tshirt, and towel. He had put some boxers on. He cleaned me up then threw the tshirt on me then threw the blanket over me then got next to me wrapped his hand around my waist and laid his head on my neck and we fell asleep.
This is more soft version but I could make another story kinda like this and make it rougher if y’all liked.
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erismerald · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 (Samuel Drake x Insecure Fem! Reader) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
𝐀/𝐍: Hello my loves! I know I have been some time away and without any kind of inspiration, however this has been a very complicated year for me and I have not been well enough mentally to even be able to read or post anything!!! But luckily I am slowly getting better (because i´ve meet someone who´s inspire me, and tbh he is a lot like Sam) and now I feel a little more inspired and motivated to write!!! I wish you a good read and I would like to remind you that my orders will open in a few days or so feel free to send me something!!!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It's amazing how exciting and terrifying living alone can be, during a sleepless night as you think back and rethink the nights others warmed the bed of the person you loved the most, a storm of pleasure hit your door.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Insecure reader, Age gap, Semi-Nsfw (sexual tension is in the air for now eheheh) a huge load of fluff, Drunk Sam
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,517
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Lust is a pleasure bought with pains, a delight hatched with disquiet, a content passed with fear, and a sin finished with sorrow. It's not reprehensible to want something that isn't ours, to desire in the depths of our thoughts something that our heart yearns for, that our body malevolently covets, to be enveloped by the sin that torments our thoughts… during the day it's as if it's just a specter that struts around your heart, but when dusk sets in, this carnal sin dominates every sensation in your body, until the revelry of your hands sliding across your soft skin begins, caressing every centimetre of the core of your body, allowing your thoughts to imagine him in your place… in his most libinous state, such a pure sensation, you begin to imagine his body attached to yours, both in a voluptuous battle to feel more of each other, his lips brushing against your neck and his husky voice a melody to your ears, you imagine his hands pressing you against the mattress, his tongue obscenely tracing its way down between your legs… in the pitch black, you utter his name lovingly like a lover whispering the most lascivious promises, you purr his name, yet your hands caress your core, feeling the wave of pleasure run through every cell of your body… when that pleasure finally sinks in, you open your eyes and feel yourself gasping for breath, and you realise that it was nothing more than your imagination.
You get up calmly from your bed, your body still recovering from the forbidden sensation of pleasure, you see your naked figure in a small worn mirror given to you by the person who kept your mind occupied day and night, quite possibly looted during one of his countless adventures with his companion Sully, and you realise that your face is flushed, ashamed as you remember the previous events, you look away in a struggle to maintain focus, redirect your gaze back to the object and in its reflection observe your nude physique, from your perspective it was no big deal, for many years you hid yourself because you were ashamed of certain features, until you met Samuel Drake, a charming man you were fortunate enough to meet at a conference given by one of your favourite journalists, Elena Fisher. Since then, your friendship and your love for him have intensified, even though you knew that your feelings for him were completely doomed and incorrect… for various reasons: your age difference, your lack of experience in relationships, his lack of interest in you… Sometimes you let your mind wander to the immensity of the women he'd already had and that brought you a feeling of craving… jealousy, but deep down you knew that it was completely impossible for anything to happen between the two of you, he saw you as a godchild, a kid in his eyes… You shook your head in an endeavour to dispel these negative thoughts and focus on what was important at that moment: finishing your college paper, you still had a few days to hand it in but you'd rather get it done before you suffocate yourself with work.
The temperature had dropped over the last few days, you could feel it as you walked barefoot across the cold living room floor of your small flat, your gaze carefully examining the clutter, the abandoned sheets and books in battle, on the living room coffee table, on the desk, even on the kitchen table, you could tell that these last few days had been extremely busy, and a large part of you wanted to finish this work as soon as possible so that you could rest and take a few days for yourself. Contemplating the huge window in front of you, it was raining heavily and the only lights were those of the huge city on the horizon, this kind of weather had been your favourite since you were a child, you slowly made your way through the small room towards the kitchen, a coffee would be your salvation for the night, or so you thought.
The sound of lightning echoed through the sky, hours had passed since you started working, you quickly glanced at the window and the rain had become heavier and steadier, completely distracted by the storm brewing on the horizon, you were surprised by the ringing of the doorbell… you weren't expecting anyone that night… or any other night, but for a moment you felt a wave of anxiety run through your body, who could it be? You walked cautiously to the door and peered through the peephole, holding your breath as you saw who was on the other side… Sam… his wet clothes clinging to his muscular body, his hair in disarray and on closer inspection you noticed that he had a wound on one of his arms and his nose was once again broken… You quickly opened the door, his expression changing from serious to relieved within seconds of seeing you.
"S-Sam? what happened-" your question was interrupted when your bodies came together in an embrace, you could feel his breathing quicken, his body relax as it came into contact with yours, his perfume was intoxicating mixed with the blood that dripped down his arm, his face was hidden in the hollow of your neck and that activated something in your body, a strange warmth travelled through your whole being "S-Sam…?" you asked once more.
"I'm sorry for turning up unannounced, darling, but I didn't have anywhere else to go so I thought I'd pay my dear Y/N a visit." For a few seconds his raspy voice against your neck provoked another feeling, a river of pleasure emerged from between your legs, but you put that thought aside when you smelled the alcohol, he was drunk… and had most likely got into some kind of bar fight. As much as it pained you, you pulled your bodies apart and looked straight into his eyes, you had to take care of him, he needed you right now.
"Come on… Let's take care of you, big guy" he chuckled softly, and with a little effort you managed to get him to the sofa, but when you got there you unbalanced yourself on one of your books and almost fell on top of him "S-sorry, the mess is huge, I've been busy-" your eyes met and you could see amusement in the depths of his eyes, his gaze analysed you calmly from top to bottom, your heart started racing, you could feel his breath close to your lips. … but you quickly pulled away, you knew that look wasn't really directed at you, you knew that because he was drunk he could do and say things that he didn't really feel. "Whilst I get the first aid box, please Sam stay still" you stood up from your position, you heard a snort of laughter coming from him, you could feel that cunning old man smirk
"Your house… your orders love, I promise I'll be quiet" he said as you walked away towards the bathroom, picking up the small white box, you stopped in front of the mirror, you were flushed red, your breathing fast, you couldn't get out of your head the image of him lying on your sofa, his sweatshirt clinging to his body… for a man in his 40s, he's too well preserved… you got lost in your thoughts and only came back when you heard his voice pulling you back to reality "What's up Y/N?" his voice was mesmerising, once again you tried to push those thoughts out of your head, you had to focus on the task at hand.
You quickly return to the living room, Sam was sitting on the sofa going through some of your papers when you arrived. "You've been really busy, huh? Have you had any time to yourself? with so many books around I don't think so" he said as you made room to sit next to him, every touch of your skin, even covered by clothes, made your blood rush through your veins "please can you pull up your sleeve? It's funny that every time we meet I have to look after you and yes I've been busy unfortunately" you sighed opening the box and taking out some of the materials you'll need, he smiled as he took off his shirt, as you turned to him you saw his naked torso in front of you, you automatically got embarrassed and looked away, he saw you blush and smirk, he knew the effect he had on you, the air around you was hot. … you wanted to focus on the task at hand but you couldn't, the sensation of his body close to yours, the heat he emanated… it was like a drug was affecting you, but with a lot of effort you managed to finish bandaging his arm. You felt his gaze intensify on you, those earth-coloured eyes analysing every bit of your skin exposed by the pyjamas you were wearing. Sam had looked at you like that before, but on all those occasions he had been drunk, and in an attempt to divert the subject you asked him how he had got himself into that state.
"Well, I'm in town for a few days, Victor and I think this might be our next clue to an artefact we're looking for, and since I had nothing to do I went for a drink, but I think I pissed someone off by trying to flirt with the barmaid…" he said, leaning back on the sofa. Jealousy… That feeling from earlier again… Anger and insecurity ran through your head, and you weren't even listening to what he was saying anymore, it was as if your mind had focussed on that one detail, it was obtuse to think of him as a lover, let alone be jealous of something that wasn't even yours, but that feeling was consuming you and you only managed to return to reality when you felt his touch on your arm "Hey? are you listening darling?" You immediately looked at him, you could feel tears forming in your eyes and so as to avoid having to deal with questions or the feeling of pity, you got up and walked to the kitchen "I'm going to make some coffee", was the last thing you had said before leaving the room.
You shouldn't feel angry, you shouldn't even desire what isn't yours, but somehow that feeling consumed your whole being, just imagining the women who warmed his bed, the cries of pleasure that came out of their mouths, the touches, the words spoken… everything you couldn't have but wanted, everything you longed to have but once again didn't have… you let your mind wander, until you felt a gentle touch on your shoulder, you looked back and Sam's face seemed somewhat saddened to see you like that, neither of you uttered a single word, but the silence was quite comfortable, but unfortunately you couldn't hold back the tears that you had fought so hard to keep in your eyes, and finally they dripped down from your eyes, wetting your face. Sam stroked your arm first, pulling you closer to him, cutting the space between the two of you, and gently lifted your chin so that your eyes meet, wiping away the tears that were still running down your cheeks with his thumb, without cutting your gaze… inside you were nervous, sad, but the feeling of his caress made you feel at peace with yourself.
"Tell me, dear, what's wrong? You know you can trust me with everything" he whispered in your ear as he pulled you into his arms, the only thing you knew how to do was hide your face in his chest, hugging him tightly… asking the gods that this moment would last forever.
"Sam… I… I know I shouldn't, I know it's not the right thing to do, but I've had feelings for you since the day we met… every time you call me, every time we meet, I wonder when I'll be able to see you next… you've stolen my heart in a way that I can't even express myself…" You said softly, still hiding your face in his body, "I long for something that isn't mine, and I get jealous every time I know that someone else is taking the place that could be mine in your bed… next to you." Saying this out loud was a really difficult task, you didn't want to give in to temptation, but you couldn't bear to let yourself feel this anguish any longer, no matter how much you'd be rejected, you'd rather tell him than hide it. Sam once again grabbed your chin and forced you to look up. The light around you was tenuous, and you could hardly see what was around you, but for mere moments it was just the two of you in that kind of darkness. You felt Sam slowly approaching you, his lips brushed your neck "Do you want me?" he said as he gently kissed your exposed neck "Sam…" you felt his tongue drawing little 's' on your skin "Answer me darling, do you want me?" his lips moved up to your lobe, nibbling, letting out a slight moan, "Y-Yes… " you answered breathlessly, he pulled away, leaving you in the interlude of a forbidden pleasure, your eyes locked once more, one of his hands rested on the side of your face, forcing your lips to be mere millimetres apart, the other slid down your body until it reached your waist, pulling you towards him, claiming you as his.
"My dear Y/N, ever since I laid eyes on you I knew I wanted you… no other woman can fulfil the desire I feel for you… i thought you'd reject me so i didn't go through with it, but god damned, each night i wished it was you whispering my name, that it was you moaning with each thrust, that it was your heart that beat close to mine after we fell on the mattress tired and sweaty from the carnal battle that neither of us had won" and with that he sealed your lips, you felt his tongue asking permission to enter and you gave in, you were both gasping, but the fight didn't stop there. With a simple gesture, the hand that was holding your waist lifted you up onto the stall, forcing both your legs open, where he positioned himself in the middle, his kisses went down to your neck once more and all you could do was moan his name.
"Tell me you want me, darling, beg for me, let me be a priest who worships you, let me make you mine, and only mine…" he said between kisses and caresses, your head was light, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart and the pounding rain, but with effort you answered
"Yes… please."
𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝…
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goldnhrs · 4 months
hello! i finally have some free time ahead of me and have been dyinggggg to write. i'm looking for 21+ partners to write with on discord & open to m/f & f/f ships! below are some wanted fcs, wanted opps and fandom ships that i would love soooo if you are interested please feel free to shoot me a message or like this and i'll reach out ♡
wanted fcs:
sabrina carpenter, madelyn cline, sydney sweeney, olivia rodrigo, camila mendes, lola tung, camila morrone, abigail cowen, margot robbie, simone ashley, greta onieogou, zoey deutch, lily collins, ana de armas, kristine froseth, jessica alexander, olivia holt, maude apatow, florence pugh, halle bailey, laura harrier, dua lipa, kaia gerber, madelaine petsch, dakota johnson, blake lively, lily james, alisha boe
wanted opposites:
drew starkey, harry styles, jeremy allen white, glen powell, pedro pascal, renee rapp, joe keery, maya hawke, oscar isaac, austin butler, theo james, chris evans, sebastian stan, christopher briney, jonathan bailey, jacob elordi, michael evans behling, bill skarsgard, mason gooding, cillian murphy, jonah hauer king, joe burrow, dylan o'brien, damian hardung, penn badgley, michael b jordan, barry keoghan, + any from my wanted fcs
fandom ships: (bolded is my preference)
haley james x nathan scott , sarah cameron x john b routledge , sarah cameron x jj maybank, rory gilmore x jess mariano, nancy wheeler x steve harrington, kate sharma x anthony bridgerton, summer roberts x seth cohen, marissa cooper x ryan atwood, joey potter x pacey witter, belly conklin x conrad fisher, ruby bell x james beaufort, padme amidala x anakin skywalker, daisy jones x billy dunne, gwen stacy x peter parker (tasm), elena gilbert x stefan salvatore, serena van der woodsen x nate archibald
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Jonah Simms
Amy Sosa
Marcus White
Garrett McNeill
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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fullofyouth · 2 months
private and selective multimuse. mainly focused on writing with friends and keeping my circle of followers small, though i love making new friends too. not follow for follow. rules and muses are below. if you have one or more you'd like to plot for, please don't hesitate to reach out. ( please note belly is my primary muse and everyone else secondary as i have developed her longer )
heavily affiliated with @connief1sher + @kookheir, @seilas, @sparelove, @kildaraes + @thwolvss + @calibns.
💌 please be mindful this blog is low activity. i work at all hours of the day, some days i'm more present than others. i am quite a shy bean and can get overwhelmed easily, so please don't take it personal if it takes me a while to reply back to ims.
💌 triggers apply. such as, depression, anxiety, grief, curse words, death, self esteem issues and so on. nsfw material could appear on this blog from time to time, as my muses are 18+ in most settings and mun is of age - i won’t put it under a read more but i will tag everything.
💌 i love shipping, i'm not afraid to admit it. i am open to any and all kinds of shipping and dynamics, canon and original characters are more than welcome. the ships that will require plotting romantically is bellyjere and delena, and even then i'm picky about who i choose to write them with. my muses are multi verse, multi ship and crossover friendly. i love to plot and ship in general, whether that be familial, platonic or romantic please consider me down.  
💌 i don't care how you choose to format or if you use icons/gifs, i am here to write and have fun. on that note, i will be using gifs with the occasional icons for the foreseeable future and might alternate between small or big text and double or triple spaces in my writing depending on how i feel.
💌 my name is lisa, i'm 26, aussie, and go by she/her.
canon muses.
isabel susannah conklin ⤑ the summer i turned pretty ⤑ lola tung ⤑ heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships. only exclusives are conrad fisher and rafe cameron. previously summerwishes.
elena gilbert ⤑ the vampire diaries ⤑ madelyn cline/indiana evans or nina dobrev ⤑ heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships. only exclusives are conrad fisher and rafe cameron.
erica reyes ⤑ teen wolf ⤑ madelyn cline ⤑ heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships.
jenna sommers ⤑ the vampire diaries ⤑ sophia bush/madison davenport ⤑ heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships.
amara petrova ⤑ the vampire diaries ⤑ madelyn cline or nina dobrev ⤑ heavily headcanon based and canon divergent ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships.
original characters
dylan romaine ⤑ the vampire diaries ⤑ madelyn cline or nina dobrev ⤑ doppelganger ⤑ huntress ⤑ 18+ ⤑ open to all connections and ships.
more to be added soon.
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ecmotions · 1 year
STARTER CALL! Like this post and I'll write you starter probably based off something from your wish list. Comment below on who you'd like, otherwise I'll choose randomly. Muses list is under the cut.
Elena Garcia - Age 28 and is bisexual (Cierra Ramirez FC) Elliot Thomas - Age 29 and is bisexual (Jordan Fisher FC) Caroline Fisher - Age 25 and is bisexual (Olivia Holt FC) Oliver Hart - Age 28 and is bisexual (NIck Robinson FC) Kimi Soren - Age 26 and is bisexual (Lana Condor FC) Mason Reed - Age 27 and is bisexual (Tom Holland FC) Claire Thatcher - Age 27 and is bisexual (Dove Cameron FC) Elijah "Eli" Matthews - Age 22 and is bisexual (Joshua Bassett FC) Amelia Jones - Age 24 and is bisexual (Sabrina Carpenter FC) Andrew "Drew" Moore - Age 25 and is bisexual (Froy Gutierrez FC) Mia Russo - Age 28 and is bisexual (Victoria Pedretti FC) Greyson Adams - Age 26 and is bisexual (Jacob Elordi FC) Layla Turner - Age 27 and is bisexual (Florence Pugh FC) Marco Diaz - Age 31 and is bisexual (Tommy Martinez FC) Astrid Murray - Age 27 and is bisexual (Kristine Froseth FC) Mei Liu - Age 20 and is bisexual (Lola Tung FC)
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prophecey · 8 months
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INDEPENDENT + MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE MULTIMUSE . current muses can be found under the cut, but all former muses are available by request. KT + twenty nine + minors / personals DNI.
this multi-muse blog is private and very selective with low to moderate activity and will be heavily plot and dynamic based. if you don't interact ic or ooc, i will softblock.
plotted interactions are preferred. romantic ships will require plotting and ongoing ooc interactions as well as ic interactions. familial and platonic ships are just as important.
i will be using basic formatting on this blog. threads will be small text with bold and italics for emphasis. if you want me to change/simplify my text for any reason, just ask. i prefer to write longer length replies.
muses are from various media, some that contain mature themes i will tag everything with the #TRIGGER CW format, but if i miss something, please send a dm so i can fix it. there may be sexual themes present on this blog but nothing will be explicitly written.
don’t be a dick! in character drama is fun, but keep it between our muses. if you unfollow me, please soft block. i will not interact with anyone that writes problematic themes or uses problematic or deceased fcs.
graphics belong to me unless stated otherwise. not affiliated with any of the media, characters or faceclaims represented on this blog. all content is my own creative property so do not use my lore without permission.
alex claremont diaz. rwrb, bridgerton. taylor zakhar perez fc.
andrés cordero. tsitp oc. maxi iglesias fc.
anthony bridgerton. bridgerton. jonathan bailey fc.
ben de vaillant. bridgerton, modern royalty. damian hardung fc.
conrad fisher. tsitp. christopher briney fc.
drusilla elmsworth. bridgerton oc. alisha boe fc.
evie grimhilde. bridgerton, modern royalty. sofia carson fc.
harry bingham. tvd, the society. alex fitzalan fc.
indira petrova. bridgerton oc. aubri ibrag fc.
josephine "posey" lovelace. bridgerton oc. kristine froseth fc.
kieran night. original demon lore. maxence danet-fauvel fc.
luna castillo. original familiar lore. sofia carson fc.
neil josten. all for the game. froy gutierrez fc.
rebekah mikaelson. tvd, bridgerton. claire holt fc.
rosalie hale. twilight, bridgerton. simay barlas fc.
sophie beckett. bridgerton. courtney eaton fc.
tris prior. divergent, thg. daisy edgar-jones fc.
violet bridgerton. bridgerton. ruth gemmell / rose williams fc.
allie hayes. off campus. scarlett leithold fc.
andrew minyard. all for the game. conor doherty fc.
campbell riley. tvd, grey's. abigail cowen fc.
daniel le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. adam brody fc.
dean di laurentis. off campus. matthew noszka fc.
elena gilbert. tvd, grey's. nina dobrev fc.
feyre archeron. acotar. simay barlas fc.
garrett graham. off campus. felix mallard fc.
grace le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. samara weaving fc.
hope mikaelson. legacies. danielle rose russell fc.
isaac lahey. teen wolf, tvd. daniel sharman fc.
jeremy gilbert. tvd. froy gutierrez fc.
john tucker. off campus. ken bek fc.
josie saltzman. legacies. kaylee kaneshiro fc.
liv parker. tvd. penelope mitchell fc.
lizzie saltzman. legacies. jenny boyd fc.
samantha larusso. cobra kai. mary mouser fc.
steve harrington. stranger things. joe keery fc.
steven conklin. tsitp. sean kaufman fc.
summer di laurentis. off campus. madelyn cline fc.
tyler lockwood. tvd. michael trevino fc.
valerie tulle. tvd. elizabeth blackmore fc.
REQUEST MUSES (plotting required!)
alex karev. grey's. justin chambers fc.
azriel of velaris. acotar. berk cankat fc.
cassian. acotar. alperen duymaz fc.
demetri alexopoulos. cobra kai. gianni decenzo fc.
jasper diggs. original character. hugh dancy fc.
jean moreau. all for the game. archie renaux fc.
landon kirby. legacies. aria shahgasemi fc.
luke patterson. jatp. charlie gillespie fc.
mat hatter. original character. alex fitzalan fc.
nell crain. thohh. alycia debnam carey fc.
scarlet graves. original character. sandra bullock fc.
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Fictober Prompt Day Four! Prompt: "Do you even know what this means?"
Pairing: Elena Fisher/Chloe Frazer (Uncharted)
Read the story below or on Ao3!
“Just so you know, this is highly unprofessional.”
Elena mumbles the words against skin that still smells of sun and salt, of the beach where they’d spent most of the day, of the sheets where they’ve spent most of the night. Her lashes flutter, brushing against freckles she’d charted earlier with her lips and the tips of her fingers, and it earns her a faint laugh, throaty and low.
“Exactly what I was thinking, sunshine.” Chloe’s voice rumbles through her from where their bodies are pressed together, tangled into a double helix that makes it difficult to pinpoint exactly where one of them ends and the other begins. “I think I’ll have to report you to HR.”
Elena laughs, leaning back enough to give her a perfect view of Chloe Frazer, treasure hunter extraordinaire with the killer smile and hands skilled at more than scaling rocky outcroppings and turning the gears of some ancient puzzle. Chloe’s dark hair falls in twists across the pillow beneath her head, her eyes heavy-lidded and still mostly pupil, kiss-swollen lips making it difficult for Elena to focus on anything else.
It’s all too easy to figure out how she’d ended up here in the first place. A prize-winning journalist known for her integrity, her unwillingness to be swayed by a bribe or promise of a hefty payout, or by thinly veiled threats of danger. Of course, Chloe hadn’t used any of those things to get her to compromise her journalistic values. A crooked smile and offer of a drink had been more than enough apparently. 
“I’m just saying,” Elena presses, legs folded beneath her as she leans back on her thighs. “I don’t do this kind of thing. Ever.” 
Chloe blinks at her, as curious as she is confused, clearly attempting to figure out how to navigate this situation. “Look, it doesn’t have to be-”
“So you should feel special,” Elena finishes with a smile, more than a little pleased to have caused Chloe’s composed facade to crumble, if just for a moment. “Just so you know.”
Chloe smiles, that same wicked grin that had landed Elena here in the first place, in the hotel room of the subject of her latest documentary, and reaches for her. Elena goes willingly enough, skin still humming with the memory of Chloe’s touch, and allows Chloe to pull her closer, to guide their lips together, to none-too-subtly fit Elena’s body over hers. The sheets tangle around them, a frustrating barrier between her skin and Chloe’s, and when Elena attempts to tug them free, the rustle of paper distracts her from her mission, from the feeling of Chloe’s lips at the hollow of her throat. 
Chloe gives a groan of protest when Elena shifts back slightly, pulling the papers free from the tangle of sheets, eyes widening. “Shit. I’m not sure my producers would love it if I had to tell them the centuries old treasure map got ruined because of…” Her ears pinken, a surprising flutter of girlish embarrassment rushing through her. “Well. You know.”
With a laugh, Chloe sits up, leaning against the headboard. “Oh, right. We wouldn’t want to tell them we’ve been getting up to…you know.” 
“Shut up,” Elena mumbles, collecting the brittle, weathered papers, and carefully stacking them together once more. Most of the writing is in Spanish but there are snatches in English written in a careful calligraphy, annotations in the margins and reminders left behind by a man who has been dead for centuries. She pauses, unable to help herself, as drawn to the papers as she’d been the first time she’d laid eyes on them. “Do you think all of this is real? That there’s really a lost treasure of El Dorado out there?”
Scoffing, Chloe rolls her eyes. “Well, there better be. Otherwise all of this is just a giant waste of time.” She reaches for the papers, letting her fingers brush against the tattered edges, the creases that have forever marred the parchment. “The guy I took these off of seemed to believe in it, anyway. Swore everything we needed to find the place was right here in these papers.” 
Elena arches an eyebrow, shaking her head. “Aren’t you worried he’s going to track you down? Want his stuff back?” 
Chloe hadn’t exactly been particularly forth-coming about how she’d stumbled upon the supposed treasure map and documents that would lead any treasure hunter brave enough right to El Dorado, but it hardly comes as a surprise to learn that it hadn’t been in the most…honorable of ways. 
But isn’t there a saying about honor and thieves?   
And who is she to judge anyway? Knowing the acquisition of the documents hadn’t exactly been above board hadn’t stopped her from agreeing to go on this wild goose chase for the sake of a good documentary, had it? 
“You don’t have to worry about him,” Chloe assures her with a grin, the type that sends heat rushing through Elena, pooling in the center of her belly. Chloe leans over to drop the papers carefully onto the nightstand before returning her focus back to Elena, letting her hands settle against the expanse of Elena’s ribs. “I’ll protect you.”
“Great. Thanks.” 
Chloe’s fingers tip-toe across skin, moving from freckle to freckle, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “So you don’t actually believe we’re going to find anything?” Chloe sounds half curious, half amused by this idea. “So what’s the point in all this?” 
Elena shrugs, unable to keep herself from arching closer to Chloe’s touch, pressing her body firmly into her hands. “Good television? Curiosity? A sense of adventure?” She pauses, considering. “This isn’t all that bad either.” 
A grin spreads across Chloe’s face, one her hands reaching up to tangle in Elena’s hair. “Well. I’m certainly glad you were in the market for a clever, gorgeous, devilishly charming treasure hunter to be the focus of your show then.” 
“Yeah, you’re right.” Elena nods, sighing. “Too bad I couldn’t find one of those.” 
Chloe scowls, though it looks far from convincing, especially as she’s pulling Elena closer into her lap, tugging gently to guide her in for a kiss. Elena goes without complaint, sighing into Chloe’s mouth as their lips meet, settling her hands on Chloe’s shoulders. 
Unfortunately, that’s the moment that her phone picks to vibrate, lighting up impatiently from its spot on the bedside table and years of routine have her head turning in the direction of the device like some sort of Pavolvian dog. Unfortunately. 
“Just leave it,” Chloe protests the second her lips are available to do so, the fingers not currently buried in Elena’s hair curling around her hip. “Aren’t you off the clock?”
“Well…” Elena’s head swims from the sensation of Chloe’s breath against her throat, from the feeling of Chloe’s nails brushing against her scalp, promising something far more interesting than an e-mail. 
“It’s from my producers,” Elena says and at least her apologetic tone is sincere. “It’ll just take a minute…I just need to…” 
She leans over Chloe to get the phone, ignoring Chloe’s grumbled laughter and the fact that the movement only presses their bodies closer together. Instead, she swipes open the email, reading it over quickly and then slower once the contents start to dawn on her. “Holy shit.”
Despite herself, Chloe looks at her quizzically, abandoning her attempts to distract Elena by tracing nonsensical patterns on her hipbone. “Good news?” 
Elena grins, tossing the phone aside and taking Chloe’s face between her hands, kissing her. “The studio liked the treatment I sent them, for the beginning of the documentary.” She’s electric, vibrant, luminous. Crackling with possibility. And some of it can even be blamed on the email. “Do you even know what this means?” 
Chloe, for her part, looks slightly dazed, pupils blown, staring at Elena’s lips. “Uh…something good?” 
“Yes! They’re going to keep funding the documentary!” Elena can feel her cheeks aching from the strain of her smile and the kiss she presses to Chloe’s mouth is clumsy and hardly a kiss at all. “We can actually see if there’s anything at the end of all those treasure maps of yours.” 
“Well, that is good news.” Chloe smirks, reaching up to run her fingers through Elena’s hair. “Though if you want to keep me hanging around, you can just say so. No need to blame it on the treasure, sunshine.” 
Elena shakes her head. “You’re a bit insufferable.” 
Chloe smirks, shrugging. “I’ve heard that before.” 
Elena leans closer, arms looped around Chloe’s shoulders. “Guess you’ve got to give me an adventure now.” 
“I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” 
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divisionten · 2 years
Artemis Fowl Escape Room
Note: this was originally posted to Kotaku, but a number of my old articles there were destroyed after they purged whole sections of the site.
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I’ve been very good friends with one of my former classmates for almost 20 years. He’s a massive Artemis Fowl fan (as am I, though I didn’t grow up with it like he did) so, when I found a signed copy of the book for his Christmas gift, I knew I couldn’t just give it to him. He’d have to be Artemis... and steal it.
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NOTE: I paid for it. Please don’t steal books, and support your favorite artists. :D
Not just steal it, steal it from his own past self. Artemis Fowl follows the Doctor Who school of wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff.
First and foremost, I had just over a week to figure out
a) my budget and
b) how the puzzles would flow from one to another
Budget wise, I wanted to spend less than $50, which meant I needed to get creative with props. I own a Cricut, so I could make some very professional looking custom textiles, stickers and cards/paper items, and had a massive amount of sticker vinyl already on hand. I work for an electronics company, and do hobbyist Arduino, so I also already have lots of wire, batteries, some modules, and a few completed robots I could cannibalize. Lastly, I also have a large stock of cosplay items (wigs, costumes, fabric, foam) lying around. I know most people wouldn’t have this on hand, but if you’re planning on making an escape room, look at what YOU already have. Maybe you have power tools, or maybe you’re good at designing quick websites. You probably also have more than eight days to come up with an entire escape room game too, but the idea came to me AFTER I found his gift.
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Lower Elements Police shirts for my friend’s wife, my friend, and myself of Wing Commander Vinyáya, Extremely Irritating Human Fowl, and Captain Short. Materials cost for all three was between $15 and $25- I have leftover heat vinyl i can use on another project, and a cool new shirt for myself to boot.
As far as things that lock, all I have is a locking mailbox, and a small key locker (like the kind used by some AirBnB to store a key outside a house). None of the doors within my house lock. So, I knew I’d definitely use the mailbox and key locker SOMEHOW, but I also needed something big and safe enough to hold the book.
Like... a safe. I bought an extremely cheap one on Amazon for $12.
I also spent another $8 on some concentric stacking boxes to start the hunt.
From there, my puzzle flow began writing itself. “Artemis” would need to do two things-
Find the location of the safe.
Discover the safe combo.
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I’m already building a full jumpsuit out of scuba neoprene and copious amounts of cursing, but for now, this’ll do. Also, yes, I’m aware I wrote it in English and not Gnomish. Sue me.
Since things tend to go in threes, I split the puzzles into three quest lines, and started filling in the blanks with puzzles.
Lastly, to sweeten the deal, I decided to raid my cosplay drawers (and my heat transfer materials) to make an EXTREMELY low budget Holly Short cosplay (homemade shirt for me, plus my Kino goggles, Elena Fisher thigh pouch, my exercise armband, 13th doctor boots, Dipper/Hiccup wig, and some cheap elf ears), plus shirts for my friend and his wife, above.
The last thing I did was convince another very close friend (and actor) to call in as tactical support (aka the escape room hint helpline) as the Artemis Fowl books’ equivalent of Q, a very condescending centaur named Foaly. I sent him the full set of puzzles I’d written with solutions (and changed his name in my caller ID), so he could berate “Artemis” and offer hints or solutions should my friend get stuck.
START OF THE HUNT: Open concentric boxes, and get scolded by Artemis Fowl
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I set up three boxes, each smaller than the other, with 3 codes (Gnomish, Centurian, and the Eternity Code) on the inside lid of of each box, nested in each other and wrapped.
The smallest box contains only an invitation to begin the game.
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-To Myself:
It has come to my attention that there may be an issue. If you’ve gotten this, that means you’ve lost your memory- and, by extension, MY memory.
For safekeeping of my own mind, I’ve taken great pains to hide pieces of my own memories with friends and various acquaintances. Do yourself a favor and find the original document the People wrote on me those years ago. You’ll know it when you see it.
I hope.
You’re me, which means you’re too smart for me to wish you good luck. Just go and find the high school bags of three of our former friends. They should point you in the right direction.
- A. Fowl Jr.
There’s also a sheet of instructions.
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I hope this finds you in good health. I’m worried. I’ve had my mind wiped before, and it probably will again in the future. I don’t think you’ll be the ones who do it- you learned last time I’m a bit too smart for you.
In case someone more... unsavory, like that maniac pixie does something to me, I leave instructions on how to help jog my memory.
· In the residence with the People’s files, I’ll leave two clue trials. There will be three clues leading to the location of the People’s file. These will be tied with gold ribbon. And three more, with green, on the actual combination to said safe. Only I will be smart enough to put that information together, and I’ll need all six total to have enough to remember both the location and combination.
· Foaly and you will be indispensable. Please help where you can.
· If a door is closed or locked, unless a clue I’ve left behind specifically says to open it, it can stay closed. The same can be said for drawers and closets. You know me. I don’t like getting my hands dirty more than necessary.
· On that note, if a clue requires any sort of brute force, it’s wrong. I can’t assume Butler will be there to assist. You have my express permission to smack me upside the head of this and remind me I’m a planner; physical activity is hardly my strength.
· I may have seeded the internet (very well, I HAVE seeded it) with my own history lest I forget something like Butler’s first name or other personal information. Remind me to look up things online should I need to be reminded of family history.
· Everything needed to get my memory back is located on-site, but it may not all be indoors.
Thank you, Holly. I trust you to hold this until needed. I only hope that day never comes.
A.F. ii
The next three quests could be done in any order, and involve searching three bags I use for cosplay. I picked characters my friend was familiar with, so, while I do own a really nice Kaede backpack from Danganronpa v3, I didn’t use it, as my friend has only played the first game.
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PERSONA 5 QUESTLINE: First combo lock clue/safe clue
The FIRST of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching JOKER’s bag. A note from the Phantom Thieves is contained within, with the following text:
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Hey, Dullahan (still your code name, right? Skull mentioned you might have had a change of heart). Been a while. You asked us to steal your heart for safekeeping, so we did. We only took a piece, though, so just follow the trail and you’ll be just fine; check the pillowcases; Mona’s always whining I need more sleep. Oh yeah, the first piece of it is in the Recon officer’s hands. Maybe they’re willing to TRADE for it? You might want to POKE them about it. Gotta GO- we’ve got more work to do. Sakurai invited me to some kind of tournament. -Joker
Trade Pokémon in Pokemon Go
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I have a Pokémon to trade, an Unown. It’s an X, named MarksTheSpot.
Crack Joker’s cipher
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Inside the pillowcase is a dossier, with a puzzle:
xM fW qF xO zJ kO xN cC lR jK xA gR xC xA gH oO eE xS xE rF wV xD oR eE fR oO xT fV eE xH oO rF jG xE tB kE iN oW xH aA xO oM kK oO xU gU oD oR xS qA aV oF nE xE tT oR xW uG oD wE xA nU wE rD nU cC xY nE oF xT fV xO wI kE rD xO jE xE kR fV iN xA oT iF rT xS nV rS xY aE nE oE iF nE xT nG mE oW xO uN eD jR uT xL kX hT nB xO eE qA xO nN jU xT nR kE xW cX bB oS cD nE eF xH sV dE xO eB bR xM jW qN dE kX vY xA iW bE xK dD wB jE xE iW oW xS eW aH cR iF xT lE xH dS lW nO iS xE fF xI jE kR xR yY uR fG xH nE rR xA xL uB uG oK pQ bR xL xM jE bR xA sI aQ zX xS sS bJ iR yG xT wI bU qR xE uD kR xR xL aY zU iJ vR rH xO aN eT xC gW cO lW qI xK rD uG xK kE rD xE oN nF oL wC xY uH uE oG xC qE xO jR fF xM rU gG oN xB wN oF xO oB qJ yB xT iX eQ kW sO sS hE iS xH oK lE xR kR iE fF xE wR qI uH xE iD fS xZ mU sT yE xE uV hY xR jR kN xO gO aN dQ nE xE rD aD xS iG zZ oW nT sS iE xA rR kR xN dR oO xD yX fR oO xA wE oF nU vR xO sE vR xN kR kZ xE
Finding only the letters with an X before them [X “MarksTheSpot”, remember?] leaves:
Mona cased the house. Way too easy to loot. Who makes their hall masterlock key combo three zeroes and a one?
The Hall Keypad
Putting 0001 into the hall keypad will slide open a small lock containing a key to the mailbox outside as well as a folded-up paper.
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First Safe Combo Clue (in Gnomish):
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The paper contains the following
The Mailbox
The mailbox contains the first safe location clue:
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Joker’s puzzle line has been completed.
DANGANRONPA QUESTLINE: Second combo lock clue/safe clue
The SECOND of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching MAKOTO’s bag. A note from him is contained within, with the following text:
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“Deactivate” Monokuma
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I’m not that easy to get rid of, kiddo. You n’ me. One round. Who’s a better liar, do you think? I want to know… All About You.
A homemade plush Monokuma is in the bag (who also opens his mouth and talks, when squeezed), unzipping the rear compartment is a piece of paper punctured with a You Don’t Know Jack pin and the above message.
The Mysterious Fourth Player
There’s a Jackbox pin attached to the note, signaling to play the Jackbox game All About You.
The three of us log in, and it won’t be streamed on twitch. But a fourth player joins, named MONOKUMA (it’s my friend who is playing Foaly, as I discreetly gave him the room code). He answers as normal (or like Monokuma might), but when it comes to the one-truth-one-lie section he lists the following:
Truth: An alien left you a snack in the fridge.
Lie: Artemis will never regain his memory.
This will lead “Artemis” to search the refrigerator, where a Tardis confection will be waiting.
The Doctor’s Orders
Breaking open the candy TARDIS will have a hastily scrawled note by the Doctor.
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I’ve done lots of travel in my day… lots. Grab my screwdriver off the bookshelf (the OLDER one), and go find my old friend Ford’s journal. I know it’s still there. And check out the inside of the back. It’s exposure to the Chameleon Circuit should translate language, but it won’t crack codes in your own. One’s translated then, and the other… well you wrote that code, so good luck.
Using the 10th doctor’s sonic screwdriver on the last page of Gravity Falls’ Journal 3 (two references my friend IMMEDIATELY groked) will reveal a black light message:
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The Eternity Code
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The Eternity Code (written by Artemis in the third novel) is blocks of lines to make letters. If its too hard to read with the sonic/invisible ink, “Artemis” can peel off the tape and find a printout underneath, which may be a little easier to navigate.
And folded up with it is an “old newsprint article”
Root’s Obituary
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Today, thousands gathered to witness Commander Root’s recycling ceremony. The man, a maverick who knew exactly how to take risks, was well known for clanking through Police Plaza hallways, barking orders, louder than a crack of dynamite. From a humble beginning in Haven’s western suburbia all the way to L. E. P. chief commander, the man never did anything halfway, and has been put to rest, having taken in an incredibly lengthy list of most wanted criminals.
He will be sorely missed.
(The bolded words are all board games on my living room shelf rack).
Makoto’s puzzle line has been completed.
RATCHET AND CLANK QUESTLINE: Third combo lock clue/safe clue
The THIRD of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching RATCHET’S bag. A note from him is contained within, with the following text:
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Not much I can do from another galaxy, but Clank hacked your computer and left you a fairy hologram, you’ll need some infrared goggles to read it. There’s also some weird folder on your desktop, might be worth a look.
Sorry pal, but you’re on your own this time.
This will lead “Artemis” to check the computer.
Hacking Back
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Two users on the computer, myself and... Artemis. There’s some notes taped to the monitor that might help.
“Give it up, Foaly. I know you know my password.” and “you can always click the hint, but it’s the family motto...”
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The hint lists “Gold is Power”, and the password is Aurum Est Postas, the Fowl family motto and Artemis’s own computer password (until he later changes it to Centaur in Book 6).
There’s only two things of note when logging in as Artemis, and they lead into finding the final combo lock clue and safe location clue.
For Emergency Use Only
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Not-so hidden among the wafers, wire, magnifying lenses, and sensors is a pair of ‘infrared’ goggles (Also other than the ‘infrared’ goggles, the rest of the items are all real tech, plus my magnification ring, as I’m legally blind and loathe to carry a larger magnifying glass)
The Final Safe Code Clue
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Wearing the goggles, ‘Artemis’ will now be able to read the image, which is in Centurian.
The Mysterious Computer Folder
There was something else Ratchet said was on the computer, wasn’t there?
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Leads on Finding..../the Safe seems a good place to start.
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Opening the folder is five photographs of people in nón lá (leaf hat), otherwise known as Vietnamese conical straw hats.
I did a semester abroad in Sapa, Vietnam, so not only did I take the photos, I also just so happen to have my own nón lá hanging up in my bedroom (I lost my baseball cap the first week I moved there, and my host mother insisted I get one to protect myself from the sun).
If you’re at all familiar, the Artemis Fowl series begins with Artemis tracking down a fairy begging on the streets of Ho Chi Minh city, so the hat’s my little nod to that.
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Searching the hat leads to a simple note...
Face where Man acquires sustenance and it is sinister.
Face where Fairy acquires sustenance and it is right.
It’s wrapped in a gold bow, like the other two safe location clues.
Ratchet’s (and Foaly’s :D) puzzle line has been completed.
All minor puzzles are complete; it’s now time to find and open the safe..
Clue one tells you its on the bottom rack.
Clue two tells you a bunch of board games.
And clue three says its on the left (sinister) when looking at where humans get food, or on the right on where fairies get food.
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Its inside that rightmost cube on the bottom, since we are facing the backyard from this view, with the kitchen behind.
From here, we know the third digit must be even, as it’s the largest number. The dials only go from 0-9, so the third digit must be 2,4,6, or 8. The numbers must add to ten, with no duplicates, so the third number cannot be 8. It also can’t be 2 (1,1,2 is invalid).
So the third number must be 4 or 6.
But even the next largest numbers (2 and 3) only add to 9 with 4. (2, 3,4) so 4 cannot be the final digit.
The last digit must be 6.
If 6 is the last digit, the other two numbers must add to 4 to make 10. There are only two valid combinations to make this possible (without violating the no duplicate rule)
The combo is either 0, 4, 6
1, 3, 6
(the combo is 1, 3, 6).
With this information, Artemis can find and open the safe.
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When he does, a folded note saying STOP! is inside. It contains the following.
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You’ve come quite close, me, congratulations are in order.
But there is one final test for you, my old friend. Through these trials, you might have jogged a hair of your-my-OUR memory. I hope you have, because if you’ve done this wrong, this box is set to blow.
Under your old L.E.P. contractor’s shirt are two identically sized items. One of them is the files the People wrote on you so many years ago. The other… is a block of C4. Don’t bother pulling at them, but touch the spines all you like so long as you don’t yank it out. They’re designed to be identical, but only one is meant for you.
Foaly, Captain Short, and Wing Commander Vinyáya can’t help you here.
Think on it, and, when you’re sure you know the answer, pull it out and rip it open.
Diffuse the Safe Bomb
I’ll wait.
Last chance to try and figure this one out yourself.
Good? Good.
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And here is where I pull an Artemis Fowl myself, and I play the biggest con-slash-bluff of the hunt.
There are two books inside, both wrapped, with wires coming out of the paper (they don’t actually lead anywhere). No matter which one “Artemis” takes, there is a signed copy of Artemis Fowl inside (the other copy is mine), plus the home-made shirt. Neither “Foaly” nor I will help him; he’s welcome to hem and haw at his old clues all he wishes. It’s entirely up to his gut on this one. There is no wrong answer.
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Merry Christmas, old friend.
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