junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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do not edit ᕱᕱ snowflake boy (1, 2)
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
way back to you
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Elena had heard Nathan’s lying tone before, of course. But it was never directed at her.
or, a thief’s end AU told by elena’s perspective.
read it here: (x)
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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SUHO 수호 〖Grey Suit〗*:・゚ Teaser Image: Colorful
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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easily distracted student junmyeon
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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#10YEARSWITHEXO ♡ we are one, let’s love!
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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a handful of the many achievements made over the past decade with exo! thank you for the ten most beautiful years of my life. let’s love and walk this path together forever ♡ (insp)
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junmyeoneyesmile · 2 years
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MAMA, 2012 Tempo, 2018 LOVE ME RIGHT, 2015 Obsession, 2019 CALL ME BABY, 2015 중독 (Overdose), 2014 Monster, 2016 History, 2012 Love Shot, 2018 Power, 2017 늑대와 미녀 (Wolf), 2013 으르렁 (Growl), 2013
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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Reblog cutest bub Myeonzo for good luck 🍀
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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SUHO - vlog
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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LOTTO (EXO, 2016)
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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EXO’s Travel the World on a Ladder with Junmyeon.
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
angel baby
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Junmyeon had a natural glow on him, something Joohyun couldn’t explain, that made him unique. Angel, she thought, because there was really no other way she could describe this man.
He was beautiful like an angel, ethereal.
you can read it here: (x)
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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Suho - 220214 Instagram account update: “여러분 안녕하세요. EXO 리더 수호 김준면입니다. 드디어 제가 2022년 2월 14일 오늘부로 소집해제를 했습니다! 우선 EXO-L이 가장 보고 싶었다는 말을 먼저 전하고 싶네요. 복무 기간 동안 여러분들과 조금은 떨어져 지냈지만 덕분에 EXO-L을 더 많이 생각할 수 있었던 뜻깊은 시간이었습니다. 1년 9개월이란 기간 동안 여러분들과 멤버들이 너무 보고 싶어 꿈에서도 콘서트를 한 적도 있었는데..ㅎㅎ 하루빨리 이 시간을 뛰어넘어 무대에서 여러분을 만나고 싶었나 봐요. 그래도 또 이런 시간들이 있었기에 ‘기다림조차 행복하다면 사랑이지’라는 제 말처럼 기다림의 시간이 우리의 마음을 더 깊어지게 하지 않았나 하는 생각도 합니다. 그래도 이제는 다시 떨어지지 말아요 우리! 안을 수만 있다면 꼬옥 안고 놔주지 않을 고야😭🙄 저는 지금 이 순간부터 우리 EXO-L을 위한 선물을 준비하고 있습니다. 저를 기다린 보람이 느껴지는 선물이 되기를 바랄게요🙏 한동안 오래 보지 못한 만큼 이제는 더 많이 자��� 봐요 우리 약속!!!!!! We are one EXO 사랑하자! P.S I miss your silver light”
Translation: “To EXO-L. Hello everyone, I’m EXO’s leader Suho Kim Junmyeon. As of today, 14 February 2022, I am finally officially discharged! Firstly I would like to tell EXO-L that I missed you the most. Although I was apart from you during my service, I spent this time thinking of you even more and believe that has given a deeper meaning to my absence. I longed to see you and our members so much over the past year and nine months, that I once even dreampt of being with you all at our concert..haha I must have been wishing the days would pass more quickly, so that I could sooner meet you all again on stage. During these times the phrase ‘If the wait is enjoyable, it must be love’ came to me, and like my words, I think our feelings towards one another have strengthened. Let’s not part again! If I could hug you, I wouldn’t let you go😭🙄 From this moment onwards, I am preparing a present for our EXO-L. I hope that this present will make the time you have spent waiting for me feel worthwhile🙏 Even more than the time in which we couldn’t see one another, I promise that we will be together frequently from now on!!!!!! We are one EXO, let’s love! P.S I miss your silver light”
Photo links: 1, 2
Credit: kimjuncotton.
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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220213 Suho LYSN Update
“To. EXO-L ❤️
I missed you ❤️ I missed you! Thank you so much for waiting (for me)! In the future too, let’s love ❤️”
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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junmyeoneyesmile · 3 years
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JUNMYEON — Self-Portrait, The 1st Mini Album (2020)
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