#⪼ 𝕀ℂ. ⪻ | interactions.
usurperkiing · 1 year
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    Beams of lights of various colors from cheaply-made, electric " disco balls " spun to further illuminate the dim-lit room. Light bulbs of red and blue and the occasional flash of white light when someone would open the bathroom door made up the rest of the light. Music was loud enough to buzz through the floor, making the vibrations start at his feet all the way up to his chest. These speakers were large and surprisingly thankfully really decent in quality, especially in comparison to the lights and beer choices. Aegon did love being close to the speakers at parties. The possible very likely threat of tinnitus ( as his mother had been and would be so eager to remind him of later ) did nothing to deter him.
The only thing that was deterring him from enjoying himself-- and the very attractive woman he was so interested in dancing with and possibly sneaking off to the bathroom with later-- was his sister. It was as if he could sense when something was wrong with her, it was just whether or not he would care enough to do anything about it. Unfortunately for him, he did often care just enough to weave his way through drunk college kids to find Helaena. After all, it was him who had dragged her here because he didn't want to take her home and then come back. Pure laziness on his part. Now, like clockwork, it was time to suffer the consistent consequences of his actions.
With a sigh that morphed into a mildly frustrated groan, Aegon discovered that his spidey-sense was right.
He found her close to a corner near the kitchen, where the music was still loud but the lights were not nearly as irritating. Patrons seemed to pass the corner and his sister by without much thought, which he was actually rather grateful for. Fingernails scratched at reddening skin, and Aegon knew she wouldn't stop even if she broke skin. Touching Helaena in any capacity wouldn't do anything to help the situation, so he came close enough that she would hear him talk, but not close enough to allow any sort of physical contact.
" Have you considered drinking?" Came his sarcastic voice, but there was a very obvious tone of ' come on, let's go ' to it. A tone he had used all their lives, but more frequently than he would have liked now.
| @wcrriorhearts |
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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     Enough was enough. 
     Enough blood had been spilled. Too much, in fact. Aegon wanted none of this. Indifferent as he was to most of the lords whose lives were taken by order of his grandfather and the distaste he very outwardly would show to his nephew, not once did he want anyone killed in his name. In his foolish, drunken state he had sarcastically celebrated his brother for killing the bastard, that much he would admit. But he didn’t want him dead. He didn’t command Aemond to kill him. And yet, somehow it all led to now, where the blood of his own son was on his hands. 
    The looks on his family’s faces, those who had to watch the brutality, was the only thing he could think about as he mounted Sunfyre. The horror that would forever haunt their eyes. The blood on Jaehaera’s face, on her little hands. Helaena would never be the same, and he couldn’t even begin to describe the multitude of emotions that she had gone through in a short time. His mother was nearly crushed under the weight of her own guilt. If this was what being king meant, he did not want it. He would cast his namesake’s crown into dragon fire if only to rid himself of this... This overwhelming sense of anger and sorrow and panic, all so foreign to him. These were the feelings that, once they even began to rear their ugly heads, he would drown them in wine. There was hardly any time or opportunity to drink even close to such lengths since his coronation. It felt wrong to. 
    Sobriety was a fucking curse. 
    Some time ago, perhaps an hour, he had sent a raven to Dragonstone. Inconspicuous. Nothing but a rendezvous point and a request to come alone meant for Rhaenyra’s eyes only. There was nothing to even indicate who had sent it, which might prove to work against him, but he hadn’t thought about that at the time. He could only hope she would understand. And that she would come alone.
    It wasn’t a far trip on dragonback, yet it felt like it took days to get there, even with the urgency with which the golden dragon flew. The moon was still high in the sky, and he assumed it was close to the hour of the owl. Black, jagged mountains came into view. Sunfyre circled the area thrice before landing in an area that would leave them both able to flee easily should Daemon or Jacaerys join or come in place of his half-sister. There would be no talking, no attempt at a surrender if they did. Only fire, only blood. 
      | starter for @wcrriorhearts​​​
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usurperkiing · 1 year
  @liikeclockwork​​ asked: ❛ If you mean to elicit some anger from me, you should know that you’re failing. - cassie      - from house of the dragon season one sentence starters. ( x. )
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    Insults had always come naturally to him. Being a prince meant that everyone was beneath him, and many needed to be reminded of their place. As a boy, he hardly cared if the words were clever or poorly costumed as compliments. As he grew, however, he learned that if he were to spew any inappropriate, provocative vocables in the place of snub remarks, it would always grant him the reactions he realized he wanted. That discomfort that reddened the cheeks of all who could hear. A reason for them to look at him with the disdain they already held. And soon enough, they would fly off his tongue as a dragon would fly from the pit.
    “ Now why would I want to anger you, my lady?” The wine truly did make it more difficult to conceal the emotions on his face. It left his eyes void of much, but the way he formed slight smirks and the almost sing-song inflection of his voice made him so painfully obviously disingenuous.  “If I wanted to gain your ire, I would be sure to acquire a private room for us.” He liked to be close. Closer than appropriate. Close enough that, if he so desired, he could reach up to brush his fingers against the skin of her throat. “So that you could unleash whatever... pent up frustrations you may have on me.”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
   @liikeclockwork​​ sent a raven:  “if i was your date i would’ve never showed up.” cassie bc shes bullying him            - from cruel sentence starters. ( x. )
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    “ Sure about that?” Though his eyes were closed, brows raised up and lips pursed. Cigarette held between the ringed fingers of his right hand that hung at his side, knee bent with a foot resting against the outside brick wall of the bar. Tobacco hardly doing anything to mask the stench of the dumpster a few feet away, but he really couldn’t be fucked to care. He had smoked in worse places. Besides, he needed a moment to soothe his wounded ego, since his ‘ date ’ left within the first five minutes of meeting up. “’Cause you’re out here right now. With me. Lookin’ like that. Not even asking to bum a fag. Pretty romantic, if you ask me.”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
  @alicenthightowertargaryen​ sent a raven: ❛ there’s no place i’d rather be than by your side. ❜       - from medieval/fantasy sentence starters ( x. )
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    Silence. Befuddled silence filled the room, and silence was truly something Aegon hated. That tenseness in the air that could only make one think of what they were doing or what they had done, or worse, what they were going to do. But what his mother uttered to him led to a short revel in the inability to respond. What sort of trickery was this? Was this a dream? His eyes looked into the goblet in his hand and, upon seeing he hadn’t drank nearly enough for his ears to mistake him yet, wondered if the previous night’s wine had ever left his brain. And then that gaze came back to Alicent, and she seemed... genuine. He had never known her to jest, and it wasn’t likely she was to start now. 
    “ I believe you’ve confused me for one of your other sons, mother.” Was what he finally settled on, his expression taut before bringing the aforementioned cup to his lips and downing its contents rather quickly. Surely that was it. 
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usurperkiing · 1 year
   @oficecndfyre​​ sent a raven: ❛ keep your sword up and your back straight. ❜  (Baelon)       - from medieval/fantasy sentence starters. ( x. )
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     Aegon had trouble trying to differentiate when he was being advised and when he was being chided. More often than not, they would both come in the same tone ( especially from his mother ), so it was easier to believe that it was the latter, as not to make too big a fool of himself in front of anyone. His elder, half-brother was no different. 
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    “ Oh, yes,” began the younger with an amused scoff, hilt of a wooden sword resting lackadaisically in his hand, “I forgot what an expert on swordsmanship you are, brother.” It was worth noting that he didn’t correct his posture, either. Whether it was from laziness or pride would truly be anyone’s guess. “Remind me, again, how many duels you’ve won?”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
   @wcrriorhearts​​ sent a raven: ❛ of all the idiots in the realm, i’m trapped with you. ❜ ( from Helaena )        - from medieval/fantasy starters. ( x. )
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     “ Comforting to know that our blood is not the only thing we have in common, sweet sister.” His gaze did not meet hers as he spoke, instead it was scanning for the nearest pitcher in sight. Wine to ease the headache caused by too much wine. A joke from the gods when they created wine, he supposed. There was, he noted, a chance to jest about how this was the most she had spoken to him in some time, however, he abstained. If only because he couldn’t actually remember if she had spoken to him recently or not. The last few days were a muddled mess in his memory. 
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    Hands grabbed for the gold container and the cup that stood next to it. The sound of liquid pouring was almost a comfort. “Perhaps,” he began, offering the cup to Helaena, which was quite the gentlemanly gesture on his part, “our tastes will start overlapping, as well. If only to tolerate each other.”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
  @oddlies​ asked: ❛   This is a vile accusation.   ❜   -Set!         - from house of the dragon season one starters. ( x. )
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     The corners of his lips twitched up, just enough for the grin that threatened to take over his features could be noticed by the god. Even when he tried to keep a neutral expression, the hint of amused mischief was still evident. A silver goblet rested perfectly in his hand as he gently swished the liquid around, gaze seemingly transfixed on the way the wine swirled in the cup. “Vile, is it?” His brows raised in a feigned surprise as the rim met his lips, that all too familiar taste returning to his tongue as if it had never left. 
     “ My apologies. Perhaps I should word it better, hmm?” The corners of his lips were now pulled down in a rather dramatic frown. “What was the nature of your brother’s death?”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
   @oddlies​​ continued from ( x. )
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    What was he expecting? He couldn’t even remember. Whether it was something he wanted or something to occupy his time was lost in the drunken chuckles that spilled from his lips just as the wine spilled from his cup. Had Aegon been any more sober, he might have considered it a waste and to waste even a drop of Dornish strongwine he would deem a criminal offense. Maybe he’d scold himself if he remembered it on the morrow. 
   Glazed violet eyes squinted to focus on the figure before him. But while he knew his eyes might deceive him, there was one thing that he could comprehend even in his sleep: a chance to flaunt his status. “My good sir!” The prince began, only slightly slurred, clapping a hand down on the man’s shoulders. “Don’t you know to whom you’re speaking? I am a prince of the realm! Son of King Viserys Targaryen, the first of his name; king of all the...” His wrist twisted in a vague gesture,” fucking— bastards and the first cunts.” Or however that pointless title was declared. An unnecessary mouthful that meant next to nothing to him.
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