#⩩ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀( ✧˚ · . ༝༚༝༚ ryder threads. )
susandsnell · 4 months
I love that the rules of Daniel Day-Lewis are that if he's pitted against a young male character, that twink is getting obliterated, but if it's a pretty lady, he's getting kneecapped.
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blushdrunks · 28 days
a closed starter for my beautiful fiancée, @canncnball, from alexandria lopez.
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when he said he hadn't had a decent meal in years, she hummed, "burgers and fries at billy's it is, then?" she said and placed her sunglasses back on before climbing into her car and waiting for her ex to get in beside her. the moment she saw him...just the moment she looked at ryder, everything came flooding back and things had changed. in such a small amount of time.
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iansolko · 3 months
closed starter for @ryderastrea
Some time after his talk with Daniel, Ian was feeling better about their friendship.  He didn’t feel like he needed to pull away out of necessity anymore at least, and he made himself follow his own urge to text him and meet up when he wanted to.  He’d come to tell himself if Daniel didn’t want to hang out or not text him back, then he had the option on his own of not doing so.
He didn’t feel very good about his friendship with Ryder, though; having given them the same weird cold shoulder for months.  And Ian had realized late one evening while unable to sleep, that if Daniel had noticed he’d been pulling away and felt sad about it, then Ryder probably did, too.  If that were the case, then he didn’t want to make Ryder sad anymore.  That was the last thing he wanted out of all of this.  The thought of potentially having another conversation like the one with Daniel made his stomach churn uncontrollably, but the thought of no longer being friends with Ryder hurt even more.
The next evening, Ian headed to the medbay when he knew their shift was about to end, so that he knew where they would be.  The other medics were obviously still around as he entered, and he gave a cheerful enough smile to them on his way to the hybrid’s station.  “Hey, Ryder,” Ian greeted, then in a quieter tone he continued, unthinkingly fidgeting with his hands.  “Um, I was wondering…could I talk to you about something?"
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stanleyvampire14 · 11 months
Uhhh reblogging these because idk if Snow can reply with his main yet @lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks
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HE’S SO POLITE (until the chaos starts unraveling)
Simon’s the one that’s around him the most.
Meanwhile Piggy just “You should have saved me you bitc-“
Then there’s mulberry who exists in the very background so Rye can never sleep or do anything in peace bro always has eyes on him
“HI SLOTH :D” -Ryder
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canncnball · 27 days
a closed starter for my beautiful fiancée, @blushdrunks.
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steps carried him around the entire house and he had no plans to stop until he found alex. he knew she was pissed and he knew it because he knew her, but also because he was pissed, too. they were always connected in that way. if she felt it, he felt it. at some point, he saw gio standing off in the corner of the living room, talking to a few people, and alexandria wasn't there with him. that made it so ryder kept looking until he tapped his knuckles against a door that he soon opened and he saw alex seated on the edge of the bed. "you shouldn't have done that," he said while stepping into the room with the door shit behind him. "he was gonna hit me one way or another. he was just trying to push your buttons by saying anything and you let him do it."
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@marvelmyriad [Loki Laufeyson]
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Sigourney Mereanne Pryde, daughter to the Star Lord, Peter Quill, and Earth mutant hero, Kitty Pryde the Shadowcat. Now due to her very unique heritage, her mutation...well it mutated beyond that of her mother's and took on astro properties. For instance, and this would be a good time to tell you of this ability because this situation deals with this one. Sigourney's mutation was simply called Quantum Tunneling, even though there is nothing simple about it. It's basically the same as her mother's but on a really weird levels, in the used lightly it works exactly like her mother's powers, when used more potently it opens a quantum tunnel to a place the wielder can visualize and that mixed with her father's Universal Knowledge & Cosmic Awareness it made it really hard to keep Sigourney in one place for too long. That is unless you ground her mech suit, apply called Queen, which her folks did. So that just means things get a little more.....chaotic. Sigourney has so much less control of her quantum tunneling when she is outside of Queen but that never stopped her before. Sigourney stood back in her father's hanger bay on New Spartax. She held her hands out and reached like she was reaching out for a wall but toward the air, calming herself, slowing her breathing, trying to use some of those Earth techniques that connect you to the universe or some shit. A wave of ethereal energy rippled around in front of Sigourney's hands, making it seem like reality was a shimmered reflection in a once calm pound. Sigourney patted her dad's old elemental guns attached to her hips, scuffing her boots on the ground checking the rocket boot attachments. Sigourney took a deep breath in and stepped forward into the ripple, and into a swirl of information attached to her cosmic connections, it about made her sick. Then just as suddenly it stopped and she was stumbling into somewhere. Sigourney looked around waiting for her eyes to focus. "Where the hell am I?"
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wefxundwonderland · 2 months
open to: f/nb
plot: ryder cheated on your muse but he still loves her and is trying to get her back
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"please don't walk away from me." ryder called, shaking his head a little. he picked up his speed so that he could catch up. "i know. i know. i messed up. i - there's no excuses. but..." he sighed. "i love you." you don't know what you've got till it's gone was the phrase which sprung to mind.
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etxrnaleclipse · 3 months
Closed starter for @writtenxbeginnings || Carlos and Grace
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Carlos beamed as he opened up the door, seeing her stood there with Charlie in her arms. "Two lovely ladies at my doorstep." he commented, before stepping back to allow her to enter. "Thanks for coming over tonight, it'll be nice to have the company." Carlos had been going a little stir crazy, being home alone on leave following the Keyes incident, so having his good friend over for some dinner was a blessing.
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ryanlockheart · 4 months
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— ₊ ° . ☆ 𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 a long way away from the dorky kid in glasses that he'd been growing up. okay, maybe he hadn't outgrown his love for spider-man and princess leia... but he at least appeared to be a little bit cooler than he was in high school. sure, he might gotten a little better at hiding those thigs when he'd ran off to college, but he had to out of necessity. he'd been the football team's favorite punching bag — though whether that was because of his love for all the wrong things or because his voice hadn't dropped an octave until his sophomore year in college was still unclear. but away from the ruckus of high school, toby had grown into his own skin. he was unabashedly himself, no matter where he went. he wasn't going to let anyone steal the light from his eyes again — least of all anyone like ryder cooke. toby had never imagine he'd see ryder's face again... but there he was. in the midst of the dark basement in next to nothing. surely, he must've been dreaming or had one too many cocktails — or maybe ryder'd had a secret twin hidden away in an asylum a la one of toby's favorite books to bury his nose in as a kid. toby would've been content to ignore his presence outright altogether, but there was something about him that kept drawing his eye. then again, in that crop top, he might as well have been begging for it. why ryder was even at a party like that was beyond him, but then again, he very well could've been repressed. what unfolded next was the last thing he'd ever expected. he was pretty sure he was a dreaming as he watched ryder pull out not one but two cocks and settle down on his knees. he couldn't pull his eyes away. toby's feet carried him over to the familiar face before he could stop himself. "so you're the cumdump they've all been talking about? oh, how the mighty have fallen," toby teased. his dainty hand came to grab his own thick cock from his jeans. "better get to work. don't think these boys'll mind. y'kinda owe me, don'tcha?" / @kitbogart
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marshallmaevik · 6 months
closed starter for @ryderastrea
Marshall was not completely sure if she believed in Earth tarot so much as memorizing what each card meant and finding that occasionally they would answer her questions in sometimes scary-accurate ways.  At the very least, it was an enjoyable way to pass the time.  She was doing this now on the floor of the rec room, examining her cards as they were spread out in an elaborate configuration, when she spotted Ryder’s general shape coming in the room out of the corner of her eye.  “Hello,” she greeted while giving them a small wave, still looking down.  
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beck-hartman · 1 year
WHO: Beck & @owenryder WHERE: Pizza Thyme (Cruise-in)
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Beck had done his time at the yard sale. Mama was happy, and that's what they say: when she's happy, everyone's happy. Having all her kids in nearby again, he was pretty sure she hadn't been unhappy since he got back anyway.
No offense to the yard salers, but Beck was just waiting until he could get over to Pizza Thyme for the cruise-in. Currently sans car himself, he wanted to see what everyone else had and live a bit vicariously. Pulling up in his bike, he could see them already lined up...and it was magnificent.
Hopping off once he'd parked, he headed over to where he saw Ryder standing by the sweetest car he'd ever seen. "Bro!" He called out, "is this yours for real?" He did say he'd never had to work a day in his life, but he kinda thought that was an exaggeration.
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jcksonfields · 8 months
Who: JD and @owenryder
Where: Singles Night, Masquerade Nightclub
When: February 2024
One thing was for certain, the parties in New Orleans were about to get crazier once JD arrived. Turning to Ryder beside him as they waited in line for the club, he replied, "so what's the game plan? If we have one. Or are we just about to go ham?" Wiggling his eyebrows and rubbing his hands together, JD gave a smirk to his friend, as he tried to get a feel on the tone of the night. JD wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for whilst in town other than to have fun. All he knew was that he was single and ready to mingle.
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sevcnminutcs · 10 days
OPEN TO: f / mutuals and non-mutuals
MUSE: Ryder Holt, 30
CONNECTION: ex, former fling
PLOT: In source
"Fine. You were right, and I was wrong. Happy now?"
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carrekiblue · 1 year
closed starter for @ryderastrea​
It was now only a couple days before they were set to leave, and they’d been holding off on goodbyes for as long as possible, but now...it was time to stop the procrastinating, as hard as it was.  Blue wandered around the ship, finding their fiancé in the place he usually was--the medbay.  “Hey, Princess...are you busy?”  They attempted to be cheerful, but the sudden tightening of their throat from emotions made it hard to be.
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angelvings-archived · 10 months
status     :     open     . muse     :     ryland     hawkins     .     open     for     :     anyone     !
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« it's     been     months     and     i     still     haven't     met     any     of     your     friends     or     family     .     why     don't     you     just     admit     it     ;     you're     embarrassed     about     being     with     me     . »
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invcntions · 1 year
@closed starter for @silkchvffon because where has my legacy gone
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lucas bradshaw. he doesn't know the name, which in itself is both annoying and reassuring. they're barely broken up, and she's far too smart to be rushing in to some marriage with a guy she barely knows - but it certainly doesn't help ryder's understanding of the situation. the points which follow don't either, although if she was trying to work out how to plunge a knife into his chest and twist it several times then it was mission accomplished. all he can do is stare, processing it with no real resolution. “ but - this is just what we do. ” any logical sense fails on the very tip of his tongue. yes they had tried a thousand times, and yes it 'd been messy, but that didn't mean it hasn't also been right. that it wasn't love — it had been a game, keeping things interesting while they were young, but never once was that meant to mean they wouldn't end up together. or at least ryder had always assumed so. it was only now starting to sink in that esma might feel rather differently. “ how can you want this? ” the words are almost an accusation as they fall quickly from his lips, a hand raising for fingers to rake back through messy hair. “ you can't even know this guy, esma. where the fuck did he even come from? because if he knew anything about you then he'd know you're supposed to be with me. ” esma and ryder. ryder and esma. they went together and everyone in their circles knew it. they knew it. or at least he thought they both did.
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