#➳ π‘Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘  & π‘ π‘Žπ‘‘ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘ π‘’ ➳ ; π‘’π‘™π‘™π‘Ž ; ❨tales❩
starsallalight Β· 6 months
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@lucianasolaria sent : "I was just admiring your gardens. They're beautiful, reminds me of home, of walking in the gardens with my grandmother."
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Smiling as she came up to the garden entrance herself, the queen gazed around before turning back to the princess.
"Yes. They're quite peaceful, aren't they? I spent a lot of time here myself when I first came to the palace. Taking care of a garden, at least, was about the only thing that was familiar. I'm glad they can give you a taste of home as well."
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starsallalight Β· 8 months
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@amaranthblooms sent : "Hello, Your Grace, I am Leanora your new lady-in-waiting." When Leanora's mother had heard she had earned a place as the new princess' lady-in-waiting Madame de la Tour had been over the moon. Since the Mystery Princess had been found many courtiers were clamoring to get in to the future queen's good graces.
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Smiling softly at the young woman, Ella couldn't quite resist the instinct to curtsy and bow her head. She needed to get better at remembering that she was no longer required to do so. She'd already earned quite strange looks from several of the older ladies this morning, and even seen a few of the lords whispering as she approached.
"It's very nice to meet you. Rosamund has told me about you. I hope we can be good friends too, like she and I seem to be on the path to becoming."
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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@familyxxdutyxxhonor sent : β€˜ shh. ’
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"Ada?" Ella weakly stammered. Her head ached, and it hurt to blink. What had happened? She'd been on her way to the garden, to have lunch with her husband, her sister and her brother-in-law, and Rosamund. And that was the last thing she remembered.
What happened? And where was Kit?
"Kit... Wh-Where's Kit?"
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starsallalight Β· 2 months
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@familyxxdutyxxhonor sent : "Lavender's green, dilly dilly; lavender's blue," Adara sang softly, gently running her fingers through her little sister's hair. "If you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you..."
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Sniffling as she lay in her sister's lap, Ella curled her fingers gently into the fabric of Dara's skirts; a habit she'd had since childhood, during the few times her golden innocence gave way to distress.
"Do you think they're together again, Ada? Truly?"
She couldn't bear the thought that their parents hadn't been reunited. Hadn't been able to find each other in that next place. It was the only way that she could make it through this, knowing that her father was truly happy and at peace again because he was with his beloved first wife once more.
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starsallalight Β· 7 months
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@familyxxdutyxxhonor sent : β€œno one’s ever going to hurt you again. i promise you that on everything i believe in.”
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Try as she might, Ella couldn't find the words to either thank or properly respond to her aunt. It hurt more than she'd expected... If she didn't know better, she could almost trick herself into thinking that it was her mother come back to life.
And thinking of mother now, knowing that she'd failed to keep her promises... Well, that made everything so much harder.
"I'll work for my keep." She swore instead, as that seemed like what she should say. "I won't be a burden on you, aunt."
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starsallalight Β· 5 months
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@happinessnamed : Ella & Felicity
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"Oh, Felicity! I knew you'd come." Ella beamed, reaching her arms out to hug her old friend, as if they'd seen each other only last week and not years ago. "It's so good to see you again. You've been well, I hope?"
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starsallalight Β· 10 months
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@amantesmultorum : Ella & Marcel
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"I do hope you'll forgive me, sir," The queen began with a timid smile. "if I was frightened of you at first. Rosamund's told me about you. Kit and Camila as well. But I'm afraid when you came across us in the garden, I didn't know that it was you. I'd been told you fell in battle, you see. And everything happened so fast..."
Rosamund seemingly going into a trance, Kit running up, calling for them, and freezing himself. Rosamund fainting, and the rush to get her seen to. It had all been a little too much for Ella to handle, especially given she was still adjusting to a life free of abuse but full of new responsibilities and duties.
But now things had calmed down. She'd had time to reconcile the fact that the stranger who'd startled her husband and friend so was a friend, not a foe, and Ella felt increasingly guilty about that initial fear. "I hope you'll allow us to start over? To let us be friends?"
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starsallalight Β· 9 months
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@magicalbeings sent : [STAR] The sender and receiver discuss constellations and share stories under the night sky.
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Turning her head to gaze over at him, Ella smile peacefully. Kit had promised to make this night special, and he certainly had. A moonlit picnic and cuddling under the stars was something right out of a book! The fact that there was a meteor shower that night only made it better.
"Tonight has been wonderful. Thank you." She whispered tenderly as she brushed the back of his hand with her fingertips.
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starsallalight Β· 10 months
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@familyxxdutyxxhonor sent : β€˜ you’ll have to get through me firstβ€¦Β β€˜
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Biting her lip while her eyes traveled to and fro between the lords, Ella's hazel eyes teared up and she cradled her middle protectively.
She still wasn't quite used to anyone besides her brothers and Kit coming to her defense, and part of her still feared any ill befalling those who did try to defend her; despite the fact that her stepmother and the former Grand Duke were far away and unable to sink their claws into her life any longer.
Ella longed to find Edward or Kit, and seek comfort and safety in their arms. But she had to learn to stick up for herself again. For Declan's sake. For her unborn child's sake...
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starsallalight Β· 11 months
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@magicalbeings sent : "You look beautiful."
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Turning from the mirror, Ella's smile grew. "It's not too much?" She asked, looking down to smooth out the skirt of her wedding gown.
It was true that this dress was much more to her style than the gown her fairy godmother had given her for the ball. But still. Ella wasn't used to silk and organza, let alone one that was hand painted! She had hoped that Kit would like it, but she was worried that it was all too extravagant for the likes of her.
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@beautifulstars : Ella & Kit
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Humming to herself as she rounded the corner to return to her classroom, Ella stopped short upon seeing a young man wandering around, seemingly lost. Her brow furrowed and she took a curious step closer.
He certainly wasn't a fellow teacher. She'd met them all over the course of her student teaching, and during her orientation and trial period. All the same, he was clearly lost. And with the school having undergone renovations and expansion over the summer, everyone from staff, to students, to parents were still trying to get used to everything. It wouldn't be the first time a parent had gotten mixed up while trying to attend a conference with their child's teacher.
"Can I help you, sir? Are you looking for someone? Forgive me, but you look a little turned around."
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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Featuring muses by @amantesmultorum @encntada @familyxxdutyxxhonor . If there's interest in a part 2, feel free to let me know, and I'll gladly continue~
Trigger warnings: Death, War, Prisoner of war, Grief, & Fainting
Dum dum, dum dum.
Kit’s heart thundered in his chest, filling his ears with nothing but a sound he could only liken to war drums. It was a sound he’d prayed to never experience again. Not after what the last one had cost him and those he held dearest. Not after how those darkest moments haunted his dreams at night, leaving him waking in a cold sweat, clinging to his sweet, innocent bride for some level of comfort and assurance.Β 
Dum dum, dum dum.
He’d been all but racing through the palace for at least twenty minutes, the letter Lord Marois had brought him clutched in his hand. The letter that would change everything. For him, for Frederick and Ella. For Camila and Rosamund… Cami… Her heart would be shattered all over again. Would the resentment resurface? Would she turn it, this time, to their lifelong friend? And Rosamund… Kit had to find her. She needed to hear this from him, only from him.
Reeling as he was from the shock, and bound by his determination to do the right thing for everyone he loved, the king nearly didn’t see the figure before him. And it was only when they reached out to catch him that he seemed to briefly find a bit of lucidity.Β 
β€œKit,” Frederick’s deep voice called out, concern written plainly all over his face. β€œWhat is it? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
A ghost… It was aptly appropriate, in an absurdly macabre manner.Β 
β€œWhere’s Rosamund?”
β€œRosamund?” The Grand Duke repeated, furrowing his brow for a moment. β€œI believe she’s in the garden with Ella. Why? Kit, what’s going on?”
Swallowing thickly, he held the letter out to his friend. Frederick took it and gave his king one last look before scanning it over himself. Slowly, his face fell. Looking at Kit with a haunted look of his own, he handed it back. β€œDoes her father know?”
β€œHe brought me the letter, but I don’t believe he read it.”
Frederick nodded and licked his lips for a moment. A quick glance was all it took for him to settle his own raging emotions. He’d always been the more logical of the two; he was the mind where Kit was the heart. β€œYou go talk to her. I’ll explain everything to Lord and Lady Marois, and Camila when she returns.”
β€œThank you, Frederick.” Kit nodded, trying to pull the lead from his legs. But just seconds after the Grand Duke was making his way in one direction down the corridor, the King was going down the other.
The gardens… Likely in the plot he’d gifted Ella. She had mentioned wanting to get her flowers planted as soon as possible, in order to give them their best chance against the winter’s frosty chill.Β 
And in that secluded little corner the queen and her lady in fact were. Surrounded by little trays of bulbs, trowels, watering cans, and little mounds of unearthed soil, the two women were laughing and brushing curls from their eyes. They both were dressed simply, in what could be considered peasants’ or servants’ dresses, with their hair half wrapped in a bun and held off their necks with scarves. Both had dirt on their hands, under their nails, and perhaps smudged on their noses and cheeks. But neither minded. They just sat beside each other, the sun shining down on their bowed heads; one golden and one chestnut. As Kit and Frederick had their encounter, the ladies were having a discussion of their own.
β€œThere! That’s the last. Now we’ve just got to cover them all and water the area.” The queen beamed proudly. β€œSee, I told you gardening wasn’t hard.”
β€œSpeak for yourself.” Rosamund laughed, wiping the back of her hand across her forehead. β€œAs much as I love plants, I kill everything I touch. Some people have the talent for it, and I’m not one of them.” 
β€œDon’t worry. I’ll teach you.” Ella graciously offered.Β 
Flashing her mistress- her friend- a smile, Rosamund laid aside her tools and flopped onto her back, looking up at the wide blue sky above. Soon enough, the autumn would come. The time of year she most dreaded. β€œI wish the summer would last longer.” She found herself confessing.Β 
Ella didn’t answer for a moment, instead looking the other woman over with a saddened gaze. β€œKit told me that it’s a hard time of year for you all.” 
β€œDid he tell you why?”
β€œSort of. He told me that it was autumn when you and Camila lost the men you loved.” 
The words left a lump in the lady’s throat that she had to force down before she pulled herself back up. β€œYes. Gabriel and Marcel went to war with Kit and Frederick. They were both lost the same day.” 
β€œOh… Oh, that’s awful…” Ella stammered. β€œI’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”
β€œIt’s alright. Maybe it would do me some good to talk about it. I… I haven’t ever really.” 
Not that she’d wanted to, at the time. There was too much to do. Too much emotion she’d forced herself to bury. It was only now that she could even think of him without feeling that empty pit in her stomach grow more cavernous.Β 
β€œIt must have been so hard for you both. Being alone, and having to face that.” 
β€œIn a way.” Rosamund confessed with a little nod. β€œWe both turned inward. Camila wouldn’t really let anyone try to console her. Not that anyone could, really. As for me, I… I tried to focus on her. Then on Kit and Frederick when they returned. Trust me, there were- there are- some people here who would have given Lady Tremaine a run for her money. Courtiers in a palace are among the most underhanded and wicked people when they choose to be. And a grieving widow wouldn’t be spared their machinations, if it served a better purpose to them to abuse that grief and find some selfish benefit in it.”
A heaviness passed over the queen’s face, remembering well how she and her brother hadn’t been given a chance to process their grief for their father because of their stepmother. She knew well what Rosamund meant. β€œWhat were they like?” She finally asked.
β€œThey were good. So very good.” Rosamund replied, her eyes misting over, despite the little smile that tugged at her lips. Reaching up to wipe them away with her apron, she sighed heavily. β€œCamila loved Gabriel so much. They brought out the best in each other, rather like you and Kit. If I had to pin down the one of the men closest to Kit besides Frederick, it was him… He promised his sister that he’d look after him. And I know that it filled Kit with such guilt that he came back and Gabriel didn’t. He told me once that if he could have switched places with them, he would have in a heartbeat. Of course I told him not to speak like that, but grief… Grief manifests in us all differently. And I guess he felt her anger at the situation more than anyone. After all, he was the prince, the leader. In his mind, it was up to him and him alone to protect all of those men. He never could accept that it was out of his hands. That he did the best that he could, but he couldn’t have saved everyone.” 
Biting her lip, Ella’s hazel eyes turned away. She didn’t want to think about Kit and Frederick on a battlefield, trying desperately to save their friends. It wasn’t their fault. But she knew that Camila’s reaction wasn’t her fault either. For the princess, it was a no win situation. And she knew that it would have wounded Camila just as deeply if her husband had returned safe and sound, but her elder brother hadn’t. Ella herself couldn’t imagine losing Edward like that. It would have destroyed her.Β 
β€œAnd… Marcel?”
Now hesitating herself, Rosamund reached up to clench the pouch she always wore around her neck, tucked safely into her clothes where no one could ever use it against her, where the evils of the world couldn’t corrupt it. β€œHe made me laugh.” She answered, the words feeling utterly underwhelming and failing to properly convey the depths of her feelings for the man. β€œHe brought me a sense of peace and joy that I haven’t found since. That I’ll never find again. He was unlike anyone I’ve ever known, or will ever know.” 
β€œYou loved him.”
β€œWith all of my heart.” 
Ella’s slender, calloused hands reached out to gently grasp hers, offering a compassionate and understanding squeeze. Rosamund returned the gesture and stared off into the distance. β€œI always thought that we’d be just as happy as Camila and Gabriel, someday… Heh, I’ve never told all this to anyone. Not Frederick, nor Kit and Camila. Not even my parents. It was just… It was too personal. And I didn’t want to be a burden on anyone. Not when everyone was grieving something.” 
β€œYou don’t have to talk about it if you’ve no wish to.” 
β€œNo, I want to.” Rosamund reassured her. β€œI’m finally at a point where I think I’ve come to terms with it. Acceptance is one thing. But one can accept that the person they love most in the world is dead without really processing that they’ll never return again. You know?”
Ella nodded. β€œMy father was like that. When my mother died.” 
β€œHow long did it take him?” The lady-in-waiting questioned, tucking a loose yellow curl behind her ear.Β 
β€œTo feel ready to start a new chapter? Almost a decade. I was 10 when my mother died, and 18 when he married Lady Tremaine.” The queen explained before cautiously weighing her next words. β€œIf the time ever came for you, would you?”
β€œIf my father ordered me. I wouldn’t like it, I’d hate it even, but if it would be of some help to him and my mother, I would. I suppose if it was to someone like Frederick or Edward, someone who’d treat me with respect and kindness, I could manage better. But my heart would never be in it. I’d be respectful and kind back, but… The love would never be there.” 
Rosamund stopped for a moment to gather her thoughts. A deep furrow appeared in her brow. β€œFor as long as I can remember, my deepest fear has been a marriage where I have no say. I’ve seen too many instances at court where it ended in disaster. There was a girl who lived here once. Her father was on Kit’s father’s council, along with mine. She was in an arranged marriage with the son of the former Grand Duke’s cousin. And her life, Ella, it was miserable. He was unfaithful, and he laid his hands on her whenever he had the chance. She suffered every day until she laid in her childbed. Neither of them survived. I was, I am, petrified to my core about living that life myself. Of having any semblance of choice taken from me. Marcel… He swore he’d do anything in his power to protect me from that.” 
β€œYour father loves you too much to condemn you to that fate.” Ella vehemently assured.Β 
β€œI know. It’s an irrational fear, but a fear nevertheless. I think of that poor girl, and then I look at you and Kit, and I remember Camila and Gabriel, and it… It just reminds me of what Marcel and I could have had, if we’d been given a chance. If we’d had more time.”
A mournful silence fell between the women. And still, Rosamund clung to the pouch containing the portrait and the ring that were her only links to him. She could remember well the day that Master Phineas had taken her and Camila each in hand and brought them to his studio, only to find Gabriel and Marcel waiting. The painter had first sketched, then painted four portraits and presented them to the two couples just days before the men all left for war. One each for Camila and Gabriel. One each for her and Marcel. Rosamund had cried, and tenderly kissed the painter’s cheek, thanking him with everything in her.Β 
β€œWe should finish up. Prudence will be furious if I bring you to lessons with the both of us covered in dirt.” She said through a choking lump, with as much composure as she could manage. And Ella, knowing that Rosamund needed to end the discussion, simply offered another squeeze of her hands before they turned to the flowers once more.Β 
It was while Kit was headed to the garden that they were gathering their tools and dropping them off before heading back toward the palace. Ella and Rosamund walked silently, their arms linked together, when the queen suddenly stopped. β€œWho’s that?”
Rosamund lifted her head and gazed down the path, where a figure was walking in their direction. But they didn’t have the uniform of the palace gardeners. Nor did they dress like a servant. She came to a stop, Ella frozen beside her, while she tried to size up the situation; just in case she needed to try and defend them both in order to give Ella a chance to run and raise the alarm. But the longer she watched, the more confused she became. She knew that silhouette. She knew that gait.Β 
β€œIt can’t be. It’s impossible!” 
β€œRosamund?” Ella’s shaky voice called, trying to stop her. But the lady pulled her arm free and took a few steps forward.Β 
All sound seemed to vanish. She couldn’t hear Ella calling her name. She couldn’t hear the racing footsteps in the distance, nor the voice calling their names. It was like she’d walked into a dream, or a memory. And reality had faded into the background. Nothing else existed except the ever shortening distance between her and the figure before her.Β 
She had to know. Even if it would destroy her all over again.Β 
What felt like ages, but couldn’t have been more than seconds later, she was there, standing before the figure. Her blue eyes nearly started out of her head. Her mouth hung open in silent disbelief. That face seemed to have walked right out of her mind, right out of the grave, to her side. She’d gone mad… It was the only explanation. Bringing it all up to Ella had made her delusional. She was hallucinating. She had to be…
Ever so slowly, almost against her will, a hand rose from her side and reached out toward him. But it hesitated, drew back slightly, as if in fear of the oncoming heartbreak when the vision faded. The urge to know, to be sure, however, was too strong. Despite the hesitation, Rosamund watched as her hand continued forward. It reached the face, cradled that familiar cheek, and felt real and true flesh beneath it. Just as quickly, Rosamund’s arm dropped, and she could finally hear Kit’s voice calling her name.
She looked from the figure, over her shoulder to Kit, with Ella looking almost frightened at his side. Then, seeing the shock on his face, knowing he saw what she did, Rosamund looked back to Marcel. And at that same instant, everything slowly went black.
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starsallalight Β· 2 years
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@dreamcrs : Ella & Cal
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Wrapping her arms around herself as the door closed behind them, Ella hesitated. Her heart raced so quickly that it hurt, felt like it was going to explode from her very chest. Nails dug into her skin, and she swallowed thickly.
Fear kept her from meeting his eyes. She couldn't bear to see the judgement, the rage, the disappointment that she was sure would be there. She had hoped she'd have more time before having to face this, but it seemed that fate was, once again, working against her.
When she looked up from Lucy's eyes to see her father standing there, Ella froze. Any trace of color drained from her face. All the air was gone from her lungs. And she knew that it was all over. She should have known she couldn't keep her return- or their daughter- a secret for long.
"I can explain." She whispered, tears already building in her eyes and throat.
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@beautifulstars sent : "Uh-uh, come here!"
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She'd barely even moved away from him at all, and Kit was already awake and pulling her back into the bed. Chuckling softly, she laid back down beside him and turned to face her husband.
"Better?" Ella asked. "You'll have to be patient with me. Routine is hard to break, and I've spent years getting up at dawn. It'll take some time before it truly sinks in that I don't have to anymore."
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@beautifulstars sent : Send β€˜πŸ—β€™ for our muses to meet at a formal Masquerade Ball
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She should have known this was a bad idea. Her stepmother had been right. A grand masque like this was no place for the simple likes of her. The feeling of being out of place wasn't much helped by her costume.
Her godmother had assured her that no one would recognize her. And even Ella had to admit that the disguise was a good one. The pink and white mask covered nearly all of her face. Only her eyes, hair color, and small sections of her forehead and cheek on the right side could be distinguished. And those surely weren't enough to indicate the truth of her identity.
But still... Even without the added burden of symbolism, Ella knew she stuck out. The pale pink chiton style dress was enough to do that, even without the butterflies and flowers petals making up the strap and hemline. But then the pink and silver butterfly wings only finished off the look, making it plain which ancient goddess she was meant to be.
Everyone had stared when she walked in. Some open mouthed. The sensation of eyes on her like that was one she wasn't used to. And now, Ella only wanted to hide. To blend in. Maybe it was the rush to escape that led to her only just seeing the man before crashing into him.
"Oh! Forgive me, sir. I..."
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starsallalight Β· 1 year
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@beautifulstars sent : [ Β FOREHEADΒ  ] :Β  sender and receiver lean to kiss each other, misjudging the destination they bump foreheads instead of meeting lips.
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Had anyone told Ella back when she started waiting tables at the diner that she'd meet someone so wonderful there, she'd never have believed them. But fate worked in mysterious ways. And yet, there they were, sitting on the couch in her suite's common area watching a movie while her roommates were all out. It had been yet another wonderful date, and this was the first time she'd brought him inside her dorm. Kit always had seemed somewhat cautious, and Ella herself hadn't wanted to impose on her roommates.
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Lifting her head from his shoulder, she glanced up at him. And, seemingly before either of them knew it, they were both moving toward the other. Ella's head spun, and she felt almost dizzy. That was, at least, until a clamor of pain rattled her to her very bones.
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"Ouch!" She gasped, rubbing her forehead before looking down embarrassed and flushed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... It's just... I haven't... I've never..."
She'd never really been ashamed to admit that she'd never dated anyone before him, let alone been kissed. But now, it felt like she'd been living under a rock.
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