#❪   battlestar galactica   ❫   🌙 ˖*
failedsoldier · 2 years
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—  𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.     ( feat.  @scriyptures )
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What's the 'space' part of Priness Angel?
1/ You like your space?
2/ You like Astro space?
3/ You're from space?
4/ Other space?
Someone I once cared for deeply had a crush on Cassiopeia from Battlestar Galactica. There is a little more to that story but I got Spaceangel from that relationship and it stuck. It became my gamer name etc. This is the short explanation but also know...I am always looking at the stars in the night sky. ⭐🪐🌙
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swan-orpheus · 2 years
Finally doing this. 🌸 🌙🍃
Rules : Tag 9 (or fewer, or more) people you would like to know/catch up with.
Tagged by : @cosmologicalhedgehogephemera
Last song : someone sent me a link to some Passacaglia for Violin and Viola:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnOoAnLL7vY when I announced that I wanted to write something for viola before I die. ignore me ignore me
Last TV show : 2000s Battlestar Galactica. I had a sudden craving. I like watching it late in the evening, hearing the dradis swish, it’s oddly relaxing. Also, Figure Skating World Championships >.>
Currently watching : figure skating videos, rewatched A Discovery of Witches which is at times compelling, at other times a bit trashy, but always pretty to look at. I wish it spent more time on alchemy and historical figures. Plus put back the happy endings for queer people from the books, yo.  It’s nearly impossible for me to study without something in the background. 
Currently reading : Structural Hearing, the Tao of Craft, various Japanese workbooks, 蒼い炎 (Aoi Honoo)- a Yuzuru Hanyu biography 🤣, and I started rereading Proust. 
Do it if you would like, I would love to hear more from folks! I just don’t feel like I have the right to tag seeing as it took me over a month to do this. But please feel free! 
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92 Truths Tag
@spectralowls did done got me
Rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
drink: milk (with my cookies)
phone call: Someone for work, had to confirm he fixed his issue before we got to his case
song you listened to: FFXIV - Order Yet Undeciphered (Azys Lla theme) cello cover
time you cried: Last night while watching Star Trek Discovery, I’mma sap
dated someone twice: No
kissed someone and regretted it: Nay
been depressed: There’s an option to be not-depressed?
been drunk and thrown up: nop (I HAVE actually thrown up from alcohol tho; but that’s because I’m allergic)
made a new friend: Ye!
fallen out of love: Nay
met someone who changed you: In the past year? Not really; tho my bf has definitely changed me (But I met him over a year ago XP)
found out who your true friends are: Yuuuuuuuup, and learned just how cruel and vile the fakes were
found out someone was talking about you: Yupo, and it messed me up pretty bad (and still fucks with my ability to function)
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: uuuuuuhhh, 4 that I’d actually consider friends. (and Several others that i wish I could forget)
do you have any pets?: Not anymore, since I live alone and feel like I don’t have the time to be fair to a pet. Though I have had a lot of dogs growing up.
do you want to change your name?: I mean, pretty much everyone calls me Tekk now, so I kinda already did?
what time did you wake up this morning: 5:10 AM, gotta love planning for that 1-5 traffic :’D
what were you doing last night: Watching Discovery with @lynxrose and then playing Skyrim
something you cannot wait for: Going down to New Zealand to spend time with the bf~
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: uuuuuuuhhhhh, prolly? Not recently enough to remember a face or details
what’s getting on your nerves right now: The children running around outside my apartment and shrieking like some sort of demons
blood type: Uuuuuuuhhhhh, it’s the really rare one, I think? That can only take a blood transfusion from someone of the same type?
nickname: Tekk, Tekkie
relationship status: going steady
zodiac sign: Cancer
pronouns: He/Him
favourite show: Uuuuuuhhhh, lots, tbh; Star Trek Deep Space 9, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek Discovery, Game of Thrones, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Avatar, I could prolly keep going for a while XP
college: community college for like, two years, then I dropped out when I realized I wasn’t learning anything that would help with finding a job and felt like I was just wasting money.
hair colour: wet sand? brown? I don’t even know anymore
do you have a crush on someone: Besides my bf, no
what do you like about yourself: Uuuuuuhhhhmmmm, I honestly have trouble looking at myself in any kind of positive light (and hate talking about myself positively) If there is something, I guess it’s my empathy, which is one of the reasons I actually like tech support.
first surgery: Getting my wisdom teeth removed about 10 years ago. All I remember was trying to fight the stuff they put me to sleep with, then constantly trying to stand up from the wheelchair afterwards.
first piercing: don’t got none
first sport you joined: Soccer, only because my parents somehow got me into it. It was so long ago I barely remember it besides hating it.
first vacation: uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, prolly to visit my grandparents in Walla-Walla or Arizona. Outside of family visits; prolly a trip to Westport or Lake Chelan.
first pair of sneakers: Oh gosh, I have no clue.
eating: chocochip cookies!
i’m about to: Go slep (hopefully)
listening to: A review of Shark Tale on YouTube XP
want kids: heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll no
get married: Prolly, when I’m ready and finacially stable (and immigration is less of a nightmare XP)
career: I’m honestly really happy in my current job and want to make that my career.
lips or eyes: Eyes
hugs or kisses: Hugs
shorter or taller: uuuuhh, Taller, I guess? I always seem to be The Short One
troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
older or younger: uh, I’d rather same age, or close to my own age
romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
sensitive or loud: Sensitive
hookup or relationship: Relationship
kissed a stranger: nooooooooo
drank hard liquor: Nope
lost contacts/glasses: O gosh, I’ve left a trail of lost contacts through my life
sex on first date: hell no
broken someone’s heart: Not to my knowledge, and I really hope not. (And I don’t think my ex actually HAD a heart) 
been arrested: Nay
turned someone down: nope
in yourself: hahahahahahaha! no
miracles: yeah
love at first sight: not really. 
25 People I tag: I’d tag people, but I’m pretty sure Cal got everyone I would have :U So, if you see this, consider yourself tagged! >:D
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