#❦ — corey cunningham & damian harmon (blccmngs)
inxspacetime · 1 year
[ beach ] sender and receiver have a beach day. - @blccmngs damian to corey
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⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ ☀︎ love languages, part two: quality time.
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Corey hadn’t been to the beach in… years. The last time he was there, he was a kid. But a world of change had been thrown onto him in that time, he couldn’t even remember the last time he thought of a beach. So when Damian first proposed the idea, to say he was skeptical would’ve been an understatement. And at first, he wasn’t really into the idea. But eventually, Damian proved to be convincing enough. So with a tote bag half-packed, they went to the store before finally setting off for the nearest beach.And really, despite how he felt at first, it was the most fun he’s had (that didn’t result in murder) in a long time. The water was perfect, the weather was forgiving, it was a day where everything seemed to perfectly align itself for the pair, one after the other.  A bonfire may have sounded a bit cliche, but to them it was the perfect way to conclude the day. So Corey found a spot out of the way and put his Boy Scout skills to use. In under twenty minutes, the fire was going strong and the marshmallows sat above it were burning bright. They sat huddled together, a perfect view of the moon sitting over the water. Corey continued to look over his shoulder in case they needed to make a run for it, but he was still able to enjoy himself, much like the rest of the day.  “We should get a room nearby. I’m not ready to give up the view, but I wouldn’t mind viewing it from a bed.” The offer was as innocent as he spoke it, words slightly muffled as he nuzzled the other’s neck.  He didn’t need anything else to happen at that point. They could have driven home in silence, they could have gotten a motel room and made love the rest of the night — - the entire world could have ended at that very moment, and it still would have been considered a perfect day in his eyes. 
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inxspacetime · 9 months
📏 + raleigh & damian are 5’10, parrish is 6’ , chandler is 5’9 & bellamy is 6’3
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Send me 📏 (ruler) + your muses height and I’ll compare them to mine!
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↳ Raleigh/Dewey (Dewey's also 5'10)
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↳ Damian/Corey (Corey is 5'9)
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↳ Parrish/Chad (Chad is 6'2)
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↳ Chandler/Joey (Joey is 5'10)
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↳ Bellamy/Drew (Drew is 6ft)
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inxspacetime · 9 months
"I'm not sure I can move right now." - damian to corey
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Post-Coital Collapse starters
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“Why would y’want to?” Corey asked, almost teasingly, as he rested into the mattress. Damian was on there too, somewhat. A good portion of his body was lounging on and-slash-or against him, but enough spilled over to the bed for it to count. It started out as a simple night in. They went out the night before and Corey had a not-so-great encounter with a couple of locals - so a night in seemed like the best option. And really, it made it easier for the night to end as it typically would; it ended in a similar way the night before. Lounging around Damian’s bedroom, watching movies that struggled to keep their attention if they weren’t making them jump out of their seats, it was the only natural path of progression to take. It’s almost as if they knew the outcome all along! Now they were sweaty, out of breath, and, as Damien pointed out, tired. But more than anything, they were satisfied. Corey was basically a pile of mush himself, but, he was a pile of mush with a smile plastered to his lips. He kept an arm around the other naked form as he attempted to get into whatever auto-played after their movie finished.
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inxspacetime · 1 year
∗ 5o﹕ sender  rests  their  forehead  against  receiver’s . - damian & corey
The scene was calm, not even a hint of the chaos that seemed to follow Corey as of late in sight. The streets were nearly empty, save for the few stragglers one of them would point out from their spot on the radio station’s roof. But even they were long forgotten about as time went on. It was a rare moment where the curly-haired boy felt nothing but peace. He was sitting in his favorite spot, with his favorite person, it seemed as though for a short time, nothing could go wrong for either of them.
They’d been making out for what felt like hours, but really only couldn’t have been more than a couple minutes. They both pulled back gasping for air, but the distance was short-lived. Not that either was ready for another kiss, but they also weren’t quite ready to have any sort of space between them. Brown eyes were quick to find the other pair upon reopening, staring into them as their foreheads were pressed together. A dopey smile was quick to spread across panting lips, perhaps the biggest he’s worn in a while, but that’s just the effect Damian had on him.
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inxspacetime · 1 year
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@blccmngs​ sent: { holding } - damian & corey from THIS meme.
Their bodies moved in a matching rhythm, a synchrony the pair always seemed to have around each other - no matter what they were doing. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea of Corey, to wreck the only friendship he had left in Haddonfield for a chance at something more. But the reward was worth the risk, and if there was anything that past month had taught Corey, it was that he never stood a chance when it came to temptation.
He was eager, but he did his best to be gentle. He took control without letting the beast completely take over. And going off of Damian’s reactions, he seemed to be doing something right. Currently, he was in his lap, happily sliding up and down his length with every movement - practically bouncing himself against the pair of thighs beneath him. Corey only watched in awe, his mouth hung open while a lazy grip was kept on his friend’s hips.
In a shocking turn of events, it was Damian who seemed to bet a bit overzealous, his rhythm faltering as he temporarily lost his balance. He didn’t actually fall; he grabbed onto his shoulders before that, and Corey still had his hands on him. Which, he now used to take a bit of the lead. “I got’cha,” he muttered with a shaky sigh. His hands squeezed at the soft skin surrounding his hips, guiding them through the motions as Damian held onto him.
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He got the hang of it again pretty quickly, but the harsh hold he had on him just barely lightened up.
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inxspacetime · 1 year
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@blccmngs​ sent: “hey…” [hesitates] “be safe, alright?” - damian & corey from THIS meme.
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The words left him feeling bittersweet. Sweet because of the intentions behind him, the care and even concern Damian had for him. But the bitter part came in because it was he who was the danger. Corey had become the biggest threat to the town they lived in since… well, since they guy who served as his mentor. And while he never regretted it before — nor would he in the near future, moments like these were the type to actually make him feel not-so-great about it all.
But he does his best attempt at keeping that to himself. So he mustered up the widest smile he could before closing his arms tight around Damian. “I will. You too, I already feel sorry for whoever’d try to hurt you.” It was spoken like a joke, but no doubt did he mean what he said.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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@blccmngs​ sent: 🔫 - damian & corey :)) from THIS meme.
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Corey was in over his head. At that point, there was no denying he was a killer. His body count was rising - he did have some assistance, but all beginners did. And the best part of it all was this his assistance was the one taking the blame for it. The town knew Michael, they knew what he was capable of. And the few who learned about his new sidekick never lived to tell the tale. The plan seemed pretty foolproof… until he started going out on his own. He was a killer, but he wasn’t a great one. There were a couple cases where the victim may have gotten away with it if it weren’t for Michael. And just as his luck would have it, these guys weren’t looking to run away but to fight back. He managed to take one out, but the other guy was twice his size. The knife was swiftly kicked out of his hand, and the last few minutes had been spent with Corey cowering, doing his best prevent the jock from preventing any further damage onto him.
And then… … …nothing. A choked gurgling noise, that soon faded into complete and total silence. He expected the other guy was watching his friend cross over to the other side, a new level of rage filling him that would send the curly-haired killer there right after him. But when he opened his eyes, the sight was something he would’ve never expected to witness outside of a dream. He saw Damian, a look of shock and panic (mixed with a little bit of blood) on his face as he watched the guy bleed out from his neck. His gaze flickered between his love and the man he just killed, but truthfully it was hard to keep his focus off the other. Ignoring just how hot he found the situation, he likely just saved his life. He was the one to start this fight, but the guy wasn’t leaving until it was finished. And Damian just helped rush the process. He was sore all over, but any and all pain was ignored as he leapt over for a hug.
He wasn’t sure how much he saw, and part of him was scared to ask. But he knew he had to confess, to say something because now he was dragging Damian into it too. And as far as he knew, he was no killer. Well, technically he was, but he didn’t expect it to become a habit for him too. “I love you. .. let’s get out of here.” The words were spoken rather quickly, anxiously, but he meant every last one. Damian was everything to him, he was his peace in this hellfire of a world. He’d do whatever it took to keep him out of harm’s way, and after what he just witnessed it was clear the sentiment was shared.
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+BONUS (because I didn’t read the meme until after I had this 90% completed and thought it meant Corey was killing someone so enjoy!)
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Corey had been doing what he could to keep his ‘double life’ a secret. At least, from Damian. If anyone else found out, there was no issue in just killing them (or sending Michael onto them). But Damian was an extremely rare circumstance. He didn’t want to kill him, possibly the only person in Haddonfield he’d ever spare. In fact, he’d let every one of those rotten bastards burn in hell if it meant keeping the other male safe —- and that night he was one step closer to that goal. They were out and about for the night. Corey decided to give the older killer some room to breathe, and though he was a bit hesitant about leaving the safety of Damian’s, the sound f a walk around town sounded alright in theory. But one rumor about Corey that he could never quite prove wrong was that wherever he went, trouble seemed to be right on his heels. The guys were familiar faces to him, but the guy he was with was considered ‘fresh meat’ in their eyes.
He heard the usual nicknames and comments, but then they turned their attention to Damian. They teased, poked at him, talked to him like he was stupid because he was the only one ‘dumb’ enough to be nice to the town psycho. He wasn’t really sure when he snapped, or even where he got the power to snap in such a way. He barely managed to kill someone with a knife before that night, but he reached a breaking point that there was really no simmering down from without spilling someone’s blood. They could make fun of him, torment him, even attack him as they did a few nights back. But Damian did nothing to nobody, he was the only one in this town that was worthy anything - surely more than this group of assholes. That was why he felt not an ounce of remorse for the attack.
One by one by one they all went down. One of them pulled a pocket knife on him, he did not know how he got it out of his hands but that was how he finally put an end to it all. An end to the teasing and the torment, an end to their lives, but also an end to living in secret. At that point there was no hiding who he was, or what he’d done. Damian had just witnessed, could still hear one of his boyfriend’s victims gasping their last breaths as trudged towards him. Corey expected the other to be long gone, he wouldn’t have blamed him. He did it to protect him, but he knew most would consider the tactic rather extreme. Those guys were rotten, though. The only way they could’ve helped make the world a better place was in the position thy were in now - and Corey would’ve been lying if he didn’t feel the slightest bit proud for being the one to put them there.
But, then came the actually hard part. The part where he had to answer for what he did, and hope, and pray, that the other was permanently terrified of him. He’d hurt himself a thousand times over before he’d ever think of hurting Damian. And his display, while unorthodox, was one of the ways he showed it. He wiped the blade lazily before stuffing it into his jacket pocket, now completely unarmed as he looked at his lover. Specks of blood still sat across his cheeks, but he didn’t care in the slightest. All that mattered was that Damian was okay; they were both okay…
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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@blccmngs​ sent: ♡ + damian & corey! from THIS meme.
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Who is the most affectionate? this is a bit of a tough one, but I feel like Damian is the one who initiates any sort of affection the most. Corey will definitely have his moments, but overall maybe Damian.
Who initiates the handholding? Again, Damian. If they’re around someone that Corey feels threatened/jealous of then he won’t hesitate.
Who worries more for the other? Corey. Damian worries for sure, but as they get more involved he’d become Corey’s only priority (even above himself).
Who is more likely to ask for help? Damian. Corey’s not one to expect help from anyone, so he’s given up on asking unless he absolutely has to. But if Damian saw him struggling and offered to help, he wouldn’t refuse.
Who is the one always losing the keys? Honestly I could see this being a problem for them both, but for the sake of an answer maybe Corey does it a little more often.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? Corey, if he has to leave before he gets up.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Corey. He gets attached pretty easily, so this sounds like him. I could see them both feeling that way as time goes on, though.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? I wanna say Corey. I don’t think Damian wouldn’t, but I could see Corey doing it first.
Who introduced the other to their family first? Corey’s parents are likely dead before they’d have the chance to meet Damian, but I feel like they’d know of Damian first just because of how different Corey would act after they get together (a.k.a happy).
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Damian. I mean, can you blame him?
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Damian. Corey’s mental health is it a bit of an all time low when they first met, so I could see him checking in from time to time. Even if he seems to be in a relatively good place.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? Corey. Damian would do it just as quickly for Corey, and has to a few townspeople, but Corey would take it to a much more deadler severe level.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? I’m a little torn, but I think Corey would have more regular ‘surprises’ like gifts or something to that degree while Damian’s surprises would be ‘bigger’.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Damian. And Corey does his best to follow through.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Trick question, they both end up waking each other up trying to snuggle with them on the couch.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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@blccmngs​ sent: send me  ‘ 🧸 ‘  for your muse to give mine a stuffed toy - damian & corey.
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Corey had seen the stuffed animal before in Damian’s bedroom, even given him hell for it from time to time (all in playful fun). He heard the story of its origin a few times already, but it was still fuzzy in the killer’s mind at the moment. It was a bit of a routine at that point to make his way to his friend turned… more-than-friend after his nightly activities - almost a chance to gather whatever scraps of normalcy he could. It was getting harder and harder to do so without straight up telling Damian what he was doing. A small part of him suspected the other wouldn’t be as terrified of him as he feared, but he was extremely hesitant to actually rip that band-aid off. And he wouldn’t do so until he absolutely had to. Until the other found him with the knife in his hand and the blood splattered across his face.
Thankfully, that night he didn’t have to give any sort of excuse. The injuries were minimal, the evidence almost none existent. Well, the fresh ones at least. He was still a big banged up, but nothing he needed to explain to the pair of blue eyes looking him over. The toy was old, years of play and snuggling apparent in it’s almost ragged appearance. But even if it looked as though it’d been stomped on and possibly even run over, he knew the significance it held to Damian. Or, at least, he knew it was of some significance. He looked at the bear as it was handed to him, an almost goofy smile on his lips that he couldn’t get rid of if he tried. “Is he gonna protest me whenever you’re not around?” The response was playful, but no doubt had Corey just gotten ahold of what he’d already consider a prized possession of his. 
Whether it served as just a decoration in his bedroom, or if it did end up having some sort of protecting power within its fur, the fact that it came from Damian made it more special than any ounce of magic could’ve done. He quickly hugged the bear to his chest, immediately doing the same to his previous owner.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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@blccmngs​ sent: 6. staying the night in case they need your help, being asked to sleep on the bed instead of the couch/floor from THIS meme.
The night before had been a rather big one for Corey. So much happened and yet… not a word of it was he able to explain. Anyone he told would think he was insane - or, more insane than they already thought he was. The only one who actually understood didn’t talk, so there was surely a feeling of isolation there. And considering how terrible his body felt the following day, he didn’t really care to see another soul. But, continuing the recurring theme in their relationship, Damian proved to be an exception to that. He wouldn’t judge him - he’d have some questions, for sure. But instead of them being accusatory, his concern would be genuine. So when he finally deemed himself too sore to stay on his own, he went to his friend’s. He didn’t go home, he couldn’t go home, and anywhere else in the world… didn’t sound safe to him. The rage inside him was diffused, the anger and hatred he felt just a day prior melted into the fear and unease he was usually filled with. And the only one in that town to make him feel comfortable was the boy he currently held onto.
Questions were asked and some answers were given. Not all true, but true enough to keep him from feeling like a total liar. Damian offered to sleep in another spot after seeing the rather large bruises across his back and sides. But Corey refused, instead opting to keep the other as close as he possibly could. It wasn’t that he was afraid to be alone, that would be a much more simpler answer. But as he laid there, face buried in the crook of his friend’s neck, breathing in his scent as if it were his favorite cologne, something deep inside him felt satisfied, content and complete. It was an obsession he didn’t even realize was blossoming, a fear of being without Damian over anything else. It wasn’t healthy, and part of him knew it but tried to stay quiet because this was the closest thing to ‘healthy’ he’s had in a very, very long time…
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Tired, weak arms were looped around his frame, feeling a sense of security he was almost a stranger to as he eventually drifted off to sleep.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
1. M/M - damian & corey
↳ [ 1. M/M ]
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Corey was never really around alcohol. And even when he was, his scared him out of bothering with it almost entirely. He could count on one hand how many times he got drunk, and on one finger how many of those experiences he actually enjoyed. But that night already was enough to surpass just about every night spent sober. It was a week of firsts;- his first time standing up for himself, his first kill, and now his first time getting absolutely obliterated. 
The drinks were enough to calm the rage that was still brewing inside of him, but not the almost painful arousal that he felt. It didn’t hit him until the adrenaline that came with a successful hunt wore off, but once it did, it was all he could feel. And so he went to Damian. Not because he expected, he just thought he would get drunk and sleep… whatever this was off. It was either that or go home to his mom fresh after a kill with a raging boner - and before that image had a chance to manifest in his head, he was raiding the liquor cabinet of the nearest house he could find.
How they got to their current position was a bit of a blur, but it wasn’t rushed. A drink was had, then another, and before another could be finished (a fourth for Corey), the space between their bodies was finally closed off, nonexistent. They were both eager, - truth be told, Corey had been thinking of a similar scenario since the two met - but there was no haste in their actions. The exact goal wasn’t sure yet, all they wanted was to be as close to each other as possible - that, and to be naked.
Clothes were discarded in piles next to the bed, no rhyme or reason to it as their focus was on each other. Corey kept as firm of a grip as he could around both their cocks. His own hips swayed back and forth for the slightest bit more friction between them. His curls were damp with sweat, dark brown eyes nearly black as he stared down at Damien, his prize…
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inxspacetime · 2 years
“Are you sure you should be doing that so soon? You were hurt.” - raleigh & corey
Worried Sentence Starters
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Corey paused, as if the words used were a spell used to freeze him in place. It was true, he was hurt. However, how he got hurt was where the deception started to creep in. The transformation he underwent only happened in a few days, but it felt as though his entire life had been leading up to this more sinister turn of events. The tormented finally became the tormenter. And while it felt incredibly fulfilling, this was the part he didn’t enjoy; lying to Damian, making up cover stories for where he went and what he did, who he did it to… But he did it to make sure the other stayed as far away from any trouble he got into. Well, really he did it because he didn’t want to lose the other, but that reason was a close second. 
His newest excuse was that he fell down some stairs, which did happen. But the gauze already secured around his torso hid the stab wound that accompanied the soreness throughout his body. But the soreness wasn’t as bad as it should have been - or at least, as bad as Corey expected it to be. It was a bittersweet feeling, watching Damian worry the way he did. It warmed his heart to knew he cared this way, but at the same time it was crushed because he only knew just a glimpse of what actually happened. And he was scared of what would happen if he were to find out about the bigger picture. So until that was at risk of happening, he knew he just needed to go along with whatever story he concocted. 
He shrugged his shoulders lightly before setting the bags down onto the kitchen counter. “I’ll be fine. Can’t have you doing everything for me. I’ll start feeling bad.” As if he wasn’t already feeling pretty awful.
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