#❦ — chad meeks martin & parrish denbrough (blccmngs)
inxspacetime · 8 months
❛  calm down. you're okay, you're safe. it was just a dream.  ❜ - parrish & chad
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Chad woke up from the nightmare with a sharp jolt, a sleeping Parrish nearly thrown off of him in the process. Sharp enough to cause a pain deep in his back, which only made the dream feel more realistic. This wasn’t too common for him, but it happened a lot more than he’d like to admit. Physically, he was just about as healed as he was gonna get. And mentally, he really was in a good place, especially considering the alternatives. But the attack wasn’t something he would ever be able to take lightly. He was still able to feel the blade hammer into his side, he could still taste the blood gurgling in his throat, and thanks to the layer of sweat he woke up, he could still feel the chill that filled him as he nearly bled out on his supposed friend’s lawn.
It took a minute to register that he was no longer in a dream, some time after Parrish started trying to calm him down. He blinked a few times, and his breathing began to slow as the realization hit. It was long over with, he wasn’t in Woodsboro anymore, and he was, in fact, safe. Still, it was hard to completely shake off. It felt so real — mostly because for him, it was real. He turned to the other as he checked back into the present reality, giving a slow nod as his breathing regulated, showing that he understood. After another minute, he was finally able to speak. “I know, I know…,” he agreed with a sigh. He reached a hand up, wiping some excess sweat from his face with the back of it.
“Sorry if I got you up.” It wasn’t an if, the sun was just barely out- he knew he woke the other up. And he knew he didn’t have to apologize, Parrish was more than understanding of these occurrences, but it didn’t stop the words from leaving his still-tired body. 
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inxspacetime · 9 months
📏 + raleigh & damian are 5’10, parrish is 6’ , chandler is 5’9 & bellamy is 6’3
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Send me 📏 (ruler) + your muses height and I’ll compare them to mine!
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↳ Raleigh/Dewey (Dewey's also 5'10)
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↳ Damian/Corey (Corey is 5'9)
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↳ Parrish/Chad (Chad is 6'2)
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↳ Chandler/Joey (Joey is 5'10)
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↳ Bellamy/Drew (Drew is 6ft)
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inxspacetime · 9 months
📜 - parrish & chad
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incorrect quotes generator meme
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Chad: “That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut…” Parrish: “You would eat yourself?” Chad: “I wouldn’t even question it.”
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inxspacetime · 1 year
sender gets on their knees and lets receiver slide their thumb into their mouth - parrish & chad
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𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬
It wasn’t an unfamiliar position to see Parrish in. Down on all fours, eyes glued to Chad’s features like a dog waiting to be petted. He was watching a football game - anyone who was unlucky enough to get stuck nearby when he watched knew how quick it could absorb his attention. However, it seemed the sport finally met its match in the form of a cute blond who just wouldn’t take no for an answer.  Anyone else? They likely would have been met with a much more annoyed version of the jock. Even then, his brows were knitted together as he gazed down at the sudden interruption. But any sign of the look was gone in seconds, now a mixture of intrigue, lust… and still slight confusion, but Chad wouldn’t really be Chad if he didn’t look at least a little clueless at all times.
A hand rose up to his face, taking quick moment to mess with Parrish’s hair before travel downward. The game was nearly forgotten, eyes only occasionally flickering between the television screen and the boy situated between his legs. He reached his mouth, his thumb gently pushing past pink lips in order to lightly press the pad against his tongue. “I’d say distracting me like this deserves a spanking, but something tells me you want that.” He teased, spare fingers lightly stroking his face as he spoke. By then, the game was paused, Chad now successfully distracted from anything going on within the television.
He eventually pulled back, allowing Parrish the chance to speak without obstacle. “Why don’t y’tell me what you want -, huh?” He encouraged with a smirk on his lips. He reached for the already growing bulge in his sweats, palming himself as he stared his lover down.
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inxspacetime · 1 year
send ⭐️ to pick up my sick or injured muse - parrish & chad
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Pick up my muse!
Chad thought he was dead. He thought he passed away, and the half-conscious state he was stuck in was what the afterlife. He was being chased, and at first, he seemed to have the upper hand. Any object that wasn’t glued to the wall (and one that must not have been glued enough) was lifted and tossed at his soon-to-be assailant. If this jackass wanted to put a knife in him, then he was going to have to work for it. His downfall, both metaphorically and literally, came when he reached a bit of a dead end; a second-story balcony. The killer was close on his tail, the only options he had were to face another barrage of stabbings and hope for the best, or to try and climb his way down from the balcony - while still hoping for the very best. He ended up going with the latter. If he got himself down far enough - the fall shouldn’t have been enough to hurt him. 
It wasn’t a terrible plan, and had the killer been a little slower - it may have worked out a little smoother. But they swung just as he hopped over the balcony’s railing, and though they missed anything instantly fatal, the pain he felt when the hunting knife dug into the flesh of his forearm made it a little hard to celebrate. It stung, and the shock was enough to force any sort of balance he had out of his system. They swung again, but by the time they would have made any further damage, Chad was falling to what he assumed was his death. He didn’t know what he landed on, he didn’t even know he was alive. He thought the fall was enough to finish him off, and if not then the costumed figure would come to finish what they started.
But when he did open his eyes, aside from the familiar red and blue lights, he didn’t see any killers. No, the person he’d soon realize was cradling him was the farthest thing from it. He blinked a few times, a bit numb to the world for a few, odd moments. But then it all came back to him with no holding back, the stinging in his arm, the throbbing in his head. But what he tried to focus on was the warmth of Parrish’s embrace, the familiar scent of the other as he buried his face into the crook of his neck. He only had a few more seconds of peace before the medic bandaging his arm (as well as Parrish) began to hound him about what happened, so he wanted to enjoy it for as long as he possibly could.
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inxspacetime · 1 year
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@blccmngs​ sent: o3 - parrish & chad from THIS meme.
It was a calm night for the pair. It was a week of exams. They finished the last of theirs, but some of their other friends weren’t as lucky. So instead of doing anything too crazy to celebrate, a pizza and some cheesy movies scratched every itch both Chad and Parrish had for the evening. It was starting to get late. He wasn’t even sure how they made it into the horror section, but he recognized a title that his sister used to make fun of to no end — which seemed perfect for a good laugh. Had he not been on the verge of falling asleep, the movie wouldn’t have had the slightest effect on him.
But Parrish decided to stretch out a bit just as a pretty predictable jumpscare popped onto the screen, his legs and feet settling over his lap unexpectedly. And there was no denying it, that got him a little bit. He startled, but caught himself before his boyfriend was disrupted from his change in position. He looked down at his lap, then up to the owner of the legs that currently stretched over him. “It’s not nice to scare people.” He teased, fingertips ghosting over the skin of his legs. “-but, it’s even less nice to leave yourself so vulnerable afterwards.” He continued as fingers traveled south, just lightly brushing over his ankle.
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“Hope you’re not ticklish,” he warned.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
048. fairgrounds during a large event (or after hours) . - parrish & chad
↳ 048.   fairgrounds during a large event  (or after hours) .
This was bad. Very very very very very bad. The entire reason he and his friends went across the country was to avoid the ghostly mask that flipped their lives upside down just a year prior. And now, it seemed as though Ghostface was a universal figure of terror. There had been two attacks, and two bodies to go along with them so the buddy system was now in full effect. Not that Chad was planning on taking an eye off of Parrish either way —- that wasn’t a mistake he would make again. 
The fair had been so full of life just a half hour ago, when they first started to look for his sister. Now, it seemed as though they were the only people left on the fairgrounds. Well, not the only… but he tried not to think like that. The last two days had been more than enough excitement for the football player, hopefully this was just a false alarm. “Y’think she left?” Chad didn’t. If she were to leave she would have recommended that he leave too - or at the very least tell him that she was going. 
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Still, he continued to fiddle with his phone, continuing his attempts to call her in hopes of an answer (or even just the sound of her phone ringing - he was growing desperate). He looked up from his phone to Parrish, the worry he tried to dismiss easily readable in his features as he pulled his boyfriend in even closer.
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inxspacetime · 7 months
[ STEADY ] - parrish & chad
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It was happening again — - - to them. Chad and the rest of the ‘core four’ as he named them went through hell after their first run-in with the ghostly white mask. Truthfully, they were still dealing with the aftershocks of the spree. But in some cases, like Chad’s, they were starting to find some pattern of normalcy again. He adjusted to university life pretty easily (no surprise there), joined the football team, and met Parrish. Before that month, things had really been looking up for the jock. But then a body dropped, *three of them. The group barely had a chance to react, because they were targeted soon after - giving them a front-row seat to watch bodies four and five drop. Police cars surrounded the building, yellow tape blocking off the alleyway where body number five lay mangled. A million thoughts were running through his head at once. What he could’ve done differently, who could he trust, and most importantly;-
.-why them? Why again? The cycle was dark and twisted, and it never seemed to have a true end. Whether it was ten months or twenty years, it was beginning to feel as though he could never actually feel safe now that he was part of this ‘legacy’. That was part of why he’d been so jumpy when he felt a hand on him. Well, that and the whole ‘witnessing someone die’ thing, but really Chad was just a ball of paranoia by then. Maybe even worse than Mindy. He flinched away from the touch, the panic on his face replaced with slight (very slight) relief to see Parrish. It was hard to explain what he felt looking at the other male. He liked to think he knew the blond, he wanted to say he was no killer… but he would’ve said the same thing about the girl who stuck a knife into his side before it happened. 
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His eyes narrowed a bit, face slightly contorted into an expression he wasn’t sure was meant to convey worry or suspicion as he gripped onto his boyfriend’s shoulders. “ .. … where were you?” He did his best not to sound accusatory. And if he took a second’s break from that, maybe he’d remember that he knew where Parrish was supposed to be when this all went down. He didn’t really think he had anything to do with it - well, he was at the very bottom of his list of suspects. But fear wasn’t a kind emotion, especially when he’s already felt what he’s afraid of.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
[7B] - parrish & chad
↳ [7B]
The relationship was one their friends caught onto pretty quickly. Not that they were exactly hiding anything from them, but it seemed the rest of their friend group knew how serious things between them were… before even they were able to. So when they did eventually both start skipping out on the occasional outing together, it didn’t take much at all for the rest to figure out that they were together - or what they were doing.That morning Chad’s excuse was actually pretty solid. He had a football game a few nights ago and twisted his ankle, so he said he was just resting up. And of course Parrish stayed back in order to play nurse; help him around, keep him company, all that good stuff. And that wasn’t exactly a lie, he did wake up that morning a little sore and Parrish was taking pretty good care of him. But what they were currently doing, while not surprising to anyone, probably wasn’t recommended for a speedy recovery. 
His knees were pressed into the mattress — his bad leg propped up in order to avoid it killing the mood. Parrish sat in front of him, face shining under a thin coat of saliva as his he continued to push in and out the tight warmth of his throat. Hands gripped firmly at his head, fingers tangled in blond locks to hold him in place as his face was fucked properly. “Ah, shit. That’s it, that’s it baby…” he groaned out. Dark brown eyes were trained on his lover as his mouth continued to work his cock like no other. The next time he pushed his entire length past reddening lips he decided to hold his position a little longer, fingertips lightly scratching as his scalp as his hands clung close to his head. After another few moments he released his grip, allowing Parrish to come up for air.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
[ sling ] - parrish & chad
fluffy & cute prompts
↳ [ sling ] — while cuddling, my muse wraps their leg around your muse’s hips
It was just a quiet night in, surfing through streaming services and putting the first movie that seemed to catch their attention. It wasn’t something he would have considered his thing in the past. That was more his twin sister’s tempo; he was the lovable jock and she was the movie nut. But since the murders back in his hometown, he didn’t think he was able to appreciate moments like this enough. He still enjoyed a god party every now and then - he’d never turn down an outing with his teammates, but those days he really didn’t need much more than someone he cared about and maybe something semi-interesting to do or watch - though that second part was optional.
They laid across his bed. Or actually, Chad laid across his bed. Parrish was there too, but after a while he shifted from being on the bed to mostly laying on him. And he didn’t mind it one bit. The closeness was his favorite part of it all, really. Parrish could have put the most boring movie to ever exist, but he’d find a way to make it entertaining so long as he had the blond hanging off his arm. And though sex was a pretty classic way of doing that, laying there with the other made him equally as happy. And practice kicked his ass pretty thoroughly that day, so something this lowkey was just what he needed. 
He could tell the blond’s attention was slowly turning from the third movie they put on that night. He was starting to drift off into sleep, and the idea sounded more tempting by the second. His suspicions were only confirmed when a leg made its way across his body, hooking around him and pulling him in closer. A tired smile spread across Chad’s lips as he was brought in even closer, a low hum of approval escaped him but the noise was faint.  The arm wrapped around Parrish’s midsection did the same, pulling him into a bit of a lazy embrace. It wasn’t much longer after that he ended up falling asleep, his face nuzzled into golden locks.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
💘 - parrish & chad
Send me a heart for my muse’s reactions to yours giving them a kiss…
↳ [💘] … because they suddenly realized how much they love my muse 
Chad was nearing the end of a FaceTime call with his mother. She’d been making it a habit ever since he left for college to constantly check in on him. Some would call it overprotecting - and Chad may have used the word overbearing once or twice, but he’d argue it was an appropriate response to what happened just half a year before he left. She wasn’t making sure he wasn’t getting into trouble, she was just making sure trouble didn’t try to catch up to him. And while it could be much at time, he did appreciate it. 
Somehow they got onto the topic of Parrish. His mom was a bit hesitant about the news - or at least, she felt she should have been, but she didn’t do that good of a job hiding her excitement she felt upon hearing that he had a boyfriend. He actually thought the other male was still asleep, which was why he was so quick to gush to her about the blond. It wasn’t anything he wouldn’t have said to Parrish’s face, expressing his feelings were just never one of his strengths. He didn’t consider it a weakness, but he surely could have used some work. Though, anyone who heard him at that moment wouldn’t have suspected a thing.
He was only actually interrupted when he spotted Parrish, wide awake and next to him on the couch. However, he didn’t have much time to react to the startling realization before his lips were captured in a deep kiss. He was able to hear the sound of his mom cooing in the distance and did his best in shutting down the call before he focused his energy on the kiss. He pulled him into his lap, arms closing around his waist to continue the kiss until he couldn’t. When he finally pulled back, he looked at the other with a grin. “Morning to you too, handsome.” It was half past noon, but his day was only beginning now that the other was awake.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
🍑👅 - parrish & chad for @blccmngs
send 🍑👅 to sit on my muse’s face
The party the night before had been pretty intense. Chad tried his best not to overdo it, and though he got a little tipsy, he thankfully didn’t drink enough to be struck with a hangover. He had a class early in the morning, but he ultimately decided to skip it. He got to bed pretty late, and even though the alarm did wake him up, he wasn’t exactly looking to get out of bed yet. The fact that Parrish crashed at his place that night, keeping his bed oh so warm definitely helped.
But despite the fact that Chad wasn’t leaving that bed anytime soon, it was pretty clear the both of them were awake at that point. They continued spooning for a few minutes longer, giving each other a chance to actually wake up before going any further. And it wasn’t long at all before their limbs were tangled, their bodies intertwined as their lips met in a lazy kiss - one that depend with each passing second. And then, once they were tired of making out and more awake to do anything else, that was when the real fun started.
He relaxed against the bed, head propped up by a pillow as Parrish’s body hovered over him. Muscular arms wrapped around the other’s legs, keeping him close as his mouth continued to work against his hole. His tongue rested flat against the tight hole, savoring the taste of his lover as he licked a stripe over his rim. The tip of his tongue jutted out, tracing along the small wrinkles that sprouted from it.
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inxspacetime · 2 years
❛  i’m wearing some nice new lingerie for you.  ❜ - parrish & chad
Chad’s eyes widened at the news he just received from Parrish. It was his first trip back home since going across the country to college, the first time he was bringing Parrish to his hometown, introducing him to his parents as well as the horrifying mystique that surrounded Woodsboro. The trip had been going pretty well. They stayed in his family home, and his mom was more than eager to meet the guy who was currently taking up most of her son’s time. But after a couple days, Chad decided it was time to venture out a bit - to take Parrish out to see some of the more special, not-so-murderous sights that the town had to offer. Well, that was one of his reasons. Another was a chance at being alone together. Chad felt just a little weird about having sex in the same house as his parents. And while he did make some exceptions when he knew he absolutely could, he knew they were both in need of some one on one time. So the plans were made, the two were on their way and his parents didn’t suspect a thing (or maybe they did - what mattered was Chad never heard about it so he considered that a victory).
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They were only in the hotel room long enough for their bags to hit the floor before they were on each other. And things had already been getting pretty hot and heavy but Parrish’s little announcement was only further driving him into a certain kind of insanity that only the blond seemed to be able to tap into. A wide smirk spread across his lips as the information was processed. The hand on his boy’s leg rubbed upwards, landing against his hip. “Well then, why the hell are ya’ still wearing all of this? Or is this a present I’m supposed to unwrap myself?” He inquired, though fingers were already beginning to work at the button of the other’s jeans.
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