#❤ out of love; out of bounds. ( ooc. )
lightlycareless · 1 month
Hey hope you're doing great ❤ I wanted to ask, how do you think Naoya would react if his beloved wife is infertile? I think it would be pretty interesting considering he's a traditionalist and heir and all 🤔
I am doing fine thank you 🥰!! I hope you're doing well too.
And omg this ask.... it was just what I needed, angst. Or at least that's what I wanted to take it as hahahahahahaaaaaa thank you so much for sending in this hehe. The perfect excuse to write down some thoughts I've been having for a while.
warnings: mentions of infertility, adultery, self doubt. Naoya is somewhat ooc I guess but he's your loving husband nontheless.
Happy reading!!!
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Discovering you were infertile quickly becomes one of your worst nightmares—and not simply because of that, which is severe by itself, but rather all of the things that ensued; notions that your mind convinced you of … the insecurities it awakens.
The moment you and Naoya decide to finally try out for a baby, you completely dedicate all your efforts to it. It was only all you ever wanted, after all: to have a family with the man of your dreams.
Thus, believing your prayers to be answered in just a matter of time, you and Naoya began to make all preparations, from buying clothes to choosing which room to transform into a nursery… you were enthusiastic as enthusiastic could be! Your husband nothing but indulging to your desires.
But even with all your persistent attempts, those typical symptoms associated with pregnancy failed to present themselves. Weeks passed and you haven’t felt either nauseous or tired. No odd cravings, nor anything else…
A part of you didn’t want to admit it; feared that doing so out loud might make it true, but perhaps… perhaps you were one of the women that were fated to struggle when conceiving, regardless of how much you desired a baby; still hoping you’d be placed above such chances and have your dream conceded.
Yet… it didn’t. And with much fear in your heart, you’ve decided to go to the doctor for a checkup. A second opinion, the reassurance that everything was fine, you were just bound to struggle a bit before becoming a mother.
Maybe there was something else you were failing to consider, skipping over when together with Naoya…
Desperately hoping for literally anything else but the gut-wrenching revelation that soured your heart for the rest of your life.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, but the reason why you haven’t been able to get pregnant is because you’re—”
You knew exactly what was coming and yet, you didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t think yourself capable of—it just… it just never occurred to you that it would happen. That it would be true.
But that awful word felt like it was being imprinted on your forehead, with bright red ink for the whole world to scrutinize, when she said it. When she sentenced your fate and marriage in more ways than you could possibly imagine.
So that’s why you weren’t able to have a child. That’s why no matter how much you tried, how much desired it, you weren’t seeing results.
Oh, what a simple solution.
“But that—that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it, right?” Naoya frets soon after, perhaps to give you hope, encourage you to seek solutions. Medicine has advanced so much in recent years, certainly there must be something to consider before closing this chapter!
Yet, to you… his words unwittingly igniting a new insecurity in you as you’re reminded that you weren’t the only one who wanted a family as well, with Naoya seemingly having much more to lose if unaccomplished.
There was nothing, ever, in his actions to lead you down this path, but you couldn’t help but worry about it, especially the circumstances you were surrounded by.
If you weren’t able to conceive, then… what was your purpose as his wife?
What kind of scrutiny awaited you once you returned to the Zen’in estate, once his family knew that you were unable to have children? They’d figure out in time, perhaps it wasn’t even necessary to tell them personally…
Not that it mattered, this would only highlight what they already thought of you:
A failure.
“A woman that can’t have children is no woman at all.”
“It’s the only thing we had hopes she’d be able to do well, and not even that was she capable of. What a disgrace”
“Oh, poor Naoya-sama… hopefully he’ll be able to deal with this issue before it’s too late.”
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N.” Your husband, all too aware of the inner workings of his family, was quick to defend you. Either by openly scolding them, punishing those he could, or removing you from those dire situations, away from the comments of people you really shouldn’t bother considering, and surround you with those that truly cared for you. “They don’t know what they’re saying.”
Clearly, for how could they even imply he was angry at you? Disappointed? Instead of worried given how dimmed you behaved nowadays, lacking the happiness that always accompanied you whenever doing your daily duties or talking with your staff and family!
Naoya worried, naturally. So much so that he decided to reassign all his missions and duties to someone else just so he could keep by your side, tend to you, let you know that you aren’t alone and that he understands what you’re going through—to the best of his ability.
Your husband hoped that his company would make you happy, it always did or so he supposed by the way you clung to him whenever around.
But not this time around. If anything, having him near proved worse than he anticipated, as if his presence was a constant reminder of whom you failed, and what you would have to sacrifice in order to fulfill your role.
“Y/N, my love… you have to eat.” Naoya murmurs, kneeling to your level as he gently holds onto your hands, hoping that this gesture would be enough for you to raise your eyes to him and, well… see him.
Acknowledge him. Like your husband, the man who swore to accompany you through thick and thin—instead of purposefully ignoring him, like he wasn’t even there.
Had he done something to bother you?
Or was there something else prickling at the back of your mind?
“I’m not hungry.”
“…I know.” He breathes, pressing his lips together and squeezing your hands. “But at least try to do it a bit. You can’t go on for hours without eating.”
You don’t respond, not even lifting your eyes to him.
“At least do it for me, please? I… I worry for you, my love.”
“…Why?” You eventually respond, giving him a look of unprecedented anger that takes him by surprise. Though he was still able to see that deep within, you weren’t mad, rather… sad.
“What do you mean why?” he repeats, hurt by the implications behind your reaction. “You’re—you’re my wife. Obviously, I care for you.”
“…perhaps it would be better if I wasn’t. Then someone else could do the job.”
“Y/N?” Naoya blinks, frightened by your words. “What are you—"
“I’m not hungry.”
Naoya leaves with the conclusion that perhaps it’s best to not touch the subject anymore. Perhaps you just… needed some time along to come to terms with this unwanted predicament, for his words seem to only make everything worse.
He won’t leave you unattended—never. Your husband would leave your care to your attentive staff, who had been nothing but amazing friends the moment they knew what happened at the doctor’s office.
“Please keep a close eye on her. And tell me if anything happens, please.” Naoya silently confides to Mariya before heading over to you, seconds away from his departure.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Is what Naoya always says when deployed to those tedious, seemingly senseless missions he often questions why he even bothers. His family has enough money to support you and himself, so why does he have to keep on?
In moments like these you would’ve reassured him that it was all for his career; for the sake of proving himself to the clan and HQ that he’s a worthy sorcerer to guide the next generation—though you’d agree that him being away was just as dreadful as it sounded.
But not this time around. No, instead, you just keep quiet, demure as Naoya steps closer to press a kiss on your forehead, a good luck charm that was normally bestowed to him by you, yet given the circumstances, you needed it far more than him.
“Take care, I’ll bring your favorite, ok?”
Naoya presses his lips together before entering the car, disappearing into the horizon.
Your husband considered himself to be very focused when it came to his work, although he won’t deny that ever since he got married, he’s unable to keep you out of his mind—today was to be no exception, though not how he would’ve liked.
Ever since he left the estate, there has been a dreadful sensation gnawing at the back of his mind, the presumption that something bad was to happen, and yet, he was unsure whether it related to his missions, or worse, the estate—you.
Naoya anxiously checked his phone whenever he could, believing that whatever bad news he was to endure would come through there.
And he was right, for it rang during the times Naoya specifically asked to not be bothered unless it were an emergency, quickly taking it out of his pocket and reading the caller ID across the screen; heart sinking when realizing it was none other than the estate, or more like the line assigned for you.
“What is it? Is it Y/N? Is she ok?!” Naoya breathes against the speaker, not even muttering a hello.
“No, Naoya—she isn’t. I don’t even know how to begin to explain but she—she started packing her things.” It’s Mariya in the other side, with an unmistakable tone of fright that spirals Naoya even more.
“What?” Naoya breathes, heart thundering against his ears. “What do you mean she’s packing her things?!”
“I don’t know, but that’s what she’s doing! I tried to talk her out of it, or at least get her to tell me where she’s planning to go but she’s not saying anything!”
A million thoughts cross Naoya’s mind at that moment, but one perseveres above the rest:
Is she leaving me?
The mere notion of a separation is enough to make him mad.
“Stop her!” Naoya demands. “I don’t care how you do it but stop her!”
“I’ll try stalling her, but she’s—she’s very determined to leave, Naoya. You have to come back!”
And that’s exactly what Naoya does, careless with what happens on the mission, he drops everything on the spot and rushes his way back to you. He was lucky that his latest mission didn’t place him too far from the estate, so when he finally returned home you were still around.
Though it seemed that if he had taken just a few minutes later, you wouldn’t be there anymore, as you’d managed to escape your staff’s persistent attempts of stalling you, a small suitcase by your side, as you headed to the exit with them just right behind you.
“He—Hey, honey, what—what are you doing?” Naoya asks with a nervous chuckle, gesturing to the staff to leave the two alone, which they obliged soon after, elated that he was finally there—but worried he couldn’t be of much help.
“I’m leaving.”
“And where—where are you going, my love?” He goes on, his heart squeezing in pain as his worst fears seemed to materialize before him. Yet, Naoya still hopes to be wrong. “Did… did your family need help with something? If so, maybe I could drive—"
“…No.” you say, not even looking back to him. But he was still able to hear the pain in your voice. “I don’t—I don’t need anything, because I’m never coming back.”
“What?” Naoya freezes, hands trembling as his mind tries to understand what you just uttered. “Y/N— you can’t—”
“I… I no longer have a place here.” You say. “After this I… I realized I was never meant to be with you”
“That’s not true.” Naoya swiftly interjects. “None of the things you’re saying are true! I cannot envision anyone else to be my wife, less to share my life with! Where did you even get this idea?!”
“What do you mean where?” You frown, looking back at him. “Have you not been aware of what’s going on around?!”
“Y/N, I—I get that you’re upset because of what happened. I can only imagine, really, the pain you’re going through. You have no idea how much I wanted to have a family with you too but— but if it’s not meant to be then… then I guess we just have to live with that!”
“That’s easy for you to say, isn’t it?” you hiss. “It’s just so easy for you to simply move on, because all you have to do is look for someone else to do the job!”
“And who told you I wanted to do that?! I never implied, not even once, that I was interested in having another woman just for the sake of having a family! I don’t want to! If it’s not with you, then I don’t want anything!”
“Then I guess you didn’t want it as much as I did.” You murmur, Naoya freezes.
“What’s… that supposed to mean?”
“…Nothing. I’m leaving.” You say, attempting to walk away. But before you were able to do as much as take the first step, Naoya grabs your hand, keeping you in place. “Naoya—”
“No, I can’t let you go. I won’t let you.”
“Let—let me go!” You tug at his arm. “You wouldn’t understand anyways!”
“Then help me understand.” Naoya pleads. “Please—please tell me; I’ll do anything you want, whatever you want, it’s done—but please don’t… don’t leave me.”
This is why you wanted to leave before he came back, because you knew that at the sound of his trembling voice, and the teary-eyed look in his face, you’d succumb.
You’d crumble, wanting nothing more than to stay with him.
Because you wouldn’t take it. You couldn’t take the notion of hurting him even more than you already seemingly done.
… It is also why you took this abrupt decision. Why you needed to leave.
“… I just—I just want to go home.”
“But… you —you are home.” Naoya says, a sad chuckle at the overwhelming pain of you not recognizing his company as home. “He—here, with me.”
“I can’t be here anymore.” You whisper, looking back at him. “I don’t think I—I can take this anymore.”
“Why?” Naoya laments, gently cupping your face and wiping your tears away. “What happened? Did something happen while I was gone?”
Always. The Zen’in could never keep to themselves.
“…I have failed you.” You eventually sob, Naoya taking you into his arms and chest as you let out the sorrows you’ve been dragging along. “As your wife I— I was supposed to give you children, a heir, but I—I couldn’t and that is going to—it’s going to— ruin your life.”
“Ruin my life?” Naoya asks, perplexed. It all becomes clear now, who was responsible of this misunderstanding…
Just what kind of stupidities did his family plague you with?
“If I—I can’t have kids then you—you couldn’t be heir anymore.” You explain. “And I love you too much to do that to you.”
“I wouldn’t be heir—”
Were they truly that desperate that they resorted to doing this?
Intimidating you?
Naoya doesn’t even bother to ask who started this train of thought, knowing all too well where to look.
It probably began with his uncle, the man that never knew how to keep quiet, always commenting in other’s marriage because his was miserable. As if that gave him permission to do so. Always quick to bark first.
From there, the elders. His father too, probably. They probably thought the same as Ogi but kept quiet about it because they had other matters to tend too—or perhaps too drunk to care. But do not be fooled, they were the ones that once suggested him getting a lover, a concubine of sorts, to “secure” the bloodline long ago; way before this issue began. Naoya promptly dismissed them, calling their idea idiotic: but what gave him security that they wouldn’t insist again?
He could see how this happened too, scolded himself for not even considering it before!
Since Naoya was now out of the estate, it gave them the freedom to target the one they considered most vulnerable, and without holding back: you.
If done right, then you would essentially be intimidated into disappearing from their life, giving way for their plans to continue. Or so they hoped.
You were too good for this family, how could he claim to deserve you, when he’s allowed so much pain to befall you?
“If Naoya can’t bring himself to beget a child for his wife, then he might as well pass on the title to someone else.”
None of those words were true, not one bit. But how could he dismiss them if he’s never taken the time to say what he thought of this situation?
Of what he thought of you, and what it means to this marriage?
It was time that he did what he should’ve the moment you stepped out of the doctor’s office.
“I wanted a family with you, I won’t say that I didn’t; that I never found something enthralling about hearing the footsteps of our children running from one side of the estate to the other. To have kids that looked just like you, or maybe like me; though secretly hoped they looked more like you. Ever since I saw you interact with my cousins, that’s all I thought about. You being the mother of my children.” Naoya murmurs, holding you tightly against him. “But… I’ve also accepted that some things are simply not meant to be. And if we are not meant to have a family, as long as I have you by my side, I am fine with it.
As long as we remain together, I will know what happiness is.”
“I—I don’t—” your lips tremble, overwhelmed by Naoya’s, regretful for the way you’ve behaved these past few days. “Naoya, I’m—"
“Whatever they said, it’s a lie. Nothing but things to get under your skin—hurt me.” He insists. “You know how my family is, how stupid they can be—"
“But they—they said things that could be true.” You fret. “If I’m unable to give you a child, then you—you might not be heir anymore—”
“Y/N.” Naoya sternly interjects, cutting through your spiraling mind as he cups your face, forcing you to look at him. “To be an heir is my birthright. It was decided way before you stumbled into my life. So, what happens after shouldn’t worry you.”
“But the Zen’in—”
“Like to antagonize people. Make up things to worry your pretty little mind just for the laughs of it.”
“And what if it is true? What if I do make you lose your title? I know how much you wanted to be leader! If that happens, I—I couldn’t—I couldn’t live with myself!”
“It won’t happen. I promise. I swear.” Naoya insists, kissing your tears away. “But please, please don’t ever think of yourself as expendable or replaceable, because you are not. Not to me.”
“I’m—I’m sorry.” You sob again, pressing your face against his chest. “I’m sorry for disappointing you—I’m sorry for not being able to give you children…!”
“You’ve never disappointed me, never.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head. “If anything, I’m sorry for disappointing you. I failed to be the husband you needed in these difficult moments. I… let my fear get the best of me, giving you the impression you were less than enough.”
“Are you… are you really ok with not having a family?” you dare to wonder, one last reassurance.
“It just means I’ll have more of you to myself.” He attempts to jest, successfully making you laugh, but not without a sniffle to follow. “…But we could always… adopt if you want.”
“I… I guess I have to think about it.”
“You don’t have to make a decision now.” Naoya says. “Or ever. Just know that whatever you decide, I’ll agree with.”
“…I think I still need some space from here.” You murmur. “And see my family too.”
“You haven’t told your father, have you?” you shake your head, Naoya sighs. “Do you want me to be with you?”
“You already made your most to be here, I don’t want to distract you any further”
“This is a family emergency; I have to be there. What’s the use of being your husband if I won’t act like one?” He insists. “But if you don’t want me there, I won’t insist.”
“I want you to be there.” You confess. “Please”
“Of course, always.” Naoya promises, leaning to softly kiss your lips. “…Does this mean we’re still… together?”
You nod, another tear sliding down your cheek as you hug him tighter. “I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you either. …I’m sorry.”
“Don’t think about anything anymore; just focus on being with your family. It’s probably the best place for you to be right now.”
“Can you stay over there too? At least until I feel better?” you ask. “I mean, if it doesn’t affect your work.”
“I’ll make all the preparations, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Do you also need me to send your staff?”
“I wouldn’t mind the company.” You say with a smile, making Naoya’s heart flutter.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He says, pinching your cheek. “I’ll see if I can make time for a holiday too; we could fly somewhere nice, cold to fight this horrible summer heat.”
“I want to take it easy for now.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He nods, kissing your lips once more. “I’ll always be here when you need me. Don’t ever forget that.”
“… I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Little details to note: Naoya has always struck me as the type of guy that never really wanted a family, he just had no interest! That changes a bit when you come along, but the bottom line is that he isn't actively seeking it. Sure, he likes to play with the idea of breeding you, but you know, he had other priorities. (He loves your kids tho when you eventually have them, do not get me wrong)
And once again, the Zen'in estate is not a good place for you lol. Thankfully, I like to think that changes when Naoya eventually becomes leader :) but most of the time you're living somewhere else—and honestly, he prefers it that way too. More... privacy ☺️
I just really wanted to write an argument between the two were both have their biggest insecurities exposed :) kind of extremist in Y/N's part but can't say I didn't enjoy the angst hehe I hope you enjoyed it too!!
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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silkythewriter · 10 months
Silky,dear... if you don't mind, could you please do a headcannon for Dee with strawberry s/o. She's so cheerful,kind and understanding ❤️ please. I love your blog,And I've admired you for a long time😭✨
❤︎︎“I love everybody because I love you”❤︎︎
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Warnings: might be a bit OOC! Haven’t written about him in awhile I apologize!
Fandom: metal family!
Author note: HIHI!!! OMG TYSM?! UR SO SWEET (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃AHH I LOVE THIS REQUEST TYSM!! please request again this was absolutely AWSOME to make
Summary: Your boyfriend Dee, was one hell of sight, but with you happily walking with a cheerful bounce with him you can imagine the stares you get for the contrast. One doll of a person and then the blond who almost looked straight out of the dead with his dark eyeshadow.
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“I love it when you look my way”
The contrast between you and him is like day and light, and when you both come strolling by weather that be passing by the local convent shop. Or making a quick stop to a store that’s peeked your interest, eyes were bound to wonder. The stares were noticeable, but you guys have gotten use to it, cause your love for him couldn’t be dented by a pair of curious eyes.
Your personality peeked his interest, I mean who could be this kind and caring??, no less to just some normal people who haven’t impacted you in any significant way. It just made him…confused? (-∀-💦)
The way your kind eyes stared at him Tugged at his heart in an alarming (at least to him) way! The blush that spreed across his face the first time you gave him a sliver of kindness was to much for him.
Your cheerfulness always brightened him up especially after tough interactions with glam. Railing up and you being the only one to comfort him back to his collected self. And even if he doesn’t vocalize it he is very much grateful <3.
You make it point to make him feel understand-ed and would never make him feel alienated by his interest un like some un kind people. You let him rant about his newly found obsession or just show off a new skill he learnt.
Even small things like you congratulating him on a good score he got, or maybe for remembering the smallest thing, even commenting on his intelligence. It’s not like his teachers, just thanking him for being the only knowledgeable student, but instead asking more questions to learn more about the topic, and really see how much he knows. And though he doesn’t like being bombarded questions he deems stupid, when it comes to you it makes him like seeing the shock and awed look you give him. Can you blame him? Not only is it adorable but he likes showing off in front of you.
He would rather be dead then admit this but he loves the way you smell like strawberry, he would take this to his grave before admitting this he finds it embarrassing ( =ω= )
Let’s you do his eye shadow only because of how delicate and caring you are with it, you always make sure to take your time so you don’t hurt him little moments like that is what he absolutely adores about you!
I feel like he gets easily flustered by physical touch so whenever your get happy just by seeing him and hug him you can look up and see him red as a strawberry (≧◡≦) ♡
Whenever he goes shopping in the off chance he has some money to spend after he’s done grabbing some clothing he always makes sure to drop by your favorite store. Weather that be a cute accessory story, or a small bakery you might have said you enjoyed, either way he always makes sure he has left over money. So whenever he has a bag filled of random darkly colored clothing only to walk into a store and buy you some pink clips for your hair you can imagine the cashiers surprise. Dee though a bit embarrassed doesn’t care much it’s worth seeing your bright smile at the small item.
Heavy absolutely ADORES you! Literally bouncing off the walls when you come walking in with his brother. He was at first taken a back from how much polar opposite’s you and Dee are but quickly got over it after realizing how sweet you are!.
Heavy definitely teases Dee jokingly before running off after Dee’s had enough you get to sit as you see them bicker you find it amusing but always make sure to help Dee calm down! ( ´͈ ◡ `͈ )
Secretly has the same perfume brand you use and sprays it on his bed or around his room at night because it reminds him of you and comforts him but I didn’t tell you that! (▰˘◡˘▰)💦
He gets jealous easily especially when everyone gets so quickly comfortable with you cause of your inviting personality, he dose poorly to hide this but also hates being called out for it especially by his brother.
But just by you hugging him and saying comforting words makes it all go away, you just know how to make him melt in the best possible way.
But with that all said you basically have him wrapped around your little finger. And though he hates to admit it, he wouldn’t have it any other way <3.
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AH WOW IM RLLY RUSTY (๑•́ω•̀๑)💦 I haven’t made head-canons in a hot minute, so I am so sorry if he’s OOC or their not the best, BUT THANK SM THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE ESPECIALLY FOR MY FIRST HEADCANONS IN AWHILE!! ٩(ᐛ)و
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gennemi · 9 months
Muzan with fem! reader who likes to cross dress? i think it would be cute since they can both wear suits & be twins, and he can teach her how to do things, like how to properly do ties!
𝑴𝒖𝒛𝒂𝒏 𝑲𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒋𝒊 𝒙 𝑪𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒆𝒎! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
A/N: sorry about this being late! Was figuring out how to write this out! While also working on other works! I hope you enjoy this lovely! ❤ thanks for asking this! I enjoyed writing it! ❤✨
Warnings: nothing, just Pure fluff, soft Muzan, a little bit OOC Muzan.
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When she first admitted to Muzan that she enjoyed cross dress, he didn’t think much of it. To him whatever makes her happy, makes him happy. Until one day she came up to him. “Dear? Can you help me tie this?” She asked, causing him to look up from his task. His eyes widened there she stood in a suit that matches his, struggling to tie the tie. He was utterly speechless, she looked breathtaking. He then shook his head out of his thoughts, before standing up to help her with the tie. Giving her a small kiss after. “You look absolutely breathtaking darling.” He smirked.
As the days went on, she continued to cross dress, making herself look like him. He felt a swell of pride, and love in his heart. He would everyday compliment her, and help her with certain tasks. Even teaching her how to tie a tie. But regardless of him doing so, she still came to him for help, enjoying him doing said task for her. Made her feel closer to him. He found it very amusing.
He looked up from a task he was doing, to see her bounding up to him. He knew exactly what she wanted before even asking.” Darling, I've taught you so many times how to do this.” He mused, looking at her softly. “I just love when you tie it.” She spoke sheepishly, making his eyes go even softer. “And that's okay dear. Now come here.” He mused softly, and she approached him. He then proceeded to start to help her tie the tie. He won’t lie, but won’t admit it out loud but he enjoyed doing this. After he was done, he did what he usually did, give her a light kiss, and the usual compliment. And everyday after that would be the usual. She would ask him to help her (him knowing before she even asked), he would help her, then give her a small kiss, and a compliment. Just to see her smile.
Because it was always worth seeing that beautiful smile
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
Meeting the parents with Jamil?
If I did something wrong, I apologize in advance.
Nope you did everything perfect! I should be apologizing for answering so late..
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
🌺Meeting The Parents🌺
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Jamil was nervous. You could tell. You kmew him well. You had his tell-tales memorised.
His usual flat expression remained on his face as always, but the way he fidgeted with his tie and tapped his foot impatiently as you rang the doorbell to your parent's home gave away his true feelings.
He was not confident about this meeting.
He was just a servant. The servant to a rich heir that would be much more appealing to any parent wanting what we best for their child.
...Would he be good enough?
You turned your head to send a reassuring smile his way, and he wearily smiled back. He was not sure of your parents would accept him as your partner, but the unspoken words in smile was a comfort.
The door slowly opened to reveal your mother, who smiled warmly down at both of you.
"Oh you're finally here! Come in, come in! Have a seat! I'll make some tea!"
Jamil followed you in, sitting down next to you on a couch covered in floral patterns, looking around and taking in the scent of tea, lavender, and cats.
"Huh? Are they here? Oh there you are!"
Your father poked his head into the living room and grinned at you and Jamil before practically bounding over.
"Good afternoon, dear! Good afternoon, Jamil! I's a pleasure to finally meet you, my boy! I'm (name)'s father!" He spoke excitedly and at an impossibly fast pace, reminding Jamil of Kalim in a way.
Jamil smiled wearily.
"Good afternoon, sir." He said, trying to keep his voice even. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I hope you're doing well."
Your father laughed.
"No need to be so formal!" He said. "But I am doing just fine, thank you! Ah, here's the tea!"
True to his word, your mother entered the room with four steaming cups of tea, handing them out before sitting with her husband across from the two of you.
"So Jamil." She said, smiling. "Tell us about yourself."
Jamil tugged at his tie before folding his hands on his lap, shifting closer to you and clearing his throat.
"I, ahem, I attend Night Raven College, I play basketball, I enjoy dancing, I serve the Asim family in the land of Hot Sands..."
Jamil listed off what he could, avoiding your parent's eyes and steadily answering any questions. It seemed fine. They seemed... happy. Impressed even.
"Well now, aren't you just a lovely boy!" Your mother chirped, smiling wider.
"Indeed. You've chosen well, (name)." Said your father, ruffling Jamil's hair. "We would love to get to know him better.
Jamil stared at them. Then smiled. He nodded slowly and wrapped his arm around you.
A feeling of warmth spread through his chest. He felt appreciated. Accepted. It felt... It felt goood.
"...That sounds wonderful."
A/N: This is only the second time I've ever written Jamil, so I apologise if it's ooc. Hope you have a good day!
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
❤ + unlockthestars
@eiiskonigin asked: ❤ + unlockthestars ( you and mal are already slowly merging into one person anyway )
❤ ** accepting
So first of all, two people sent this in and that should already tell u how much Mal is loved, but if you need some more convincing, then brushes off my shoulders, i gotchu.
Let me tell you. I have been here before Mal. I have been here with Mal. I have been here when Mal went away. I have been here when it was Missa but no Mal. I have been here when they both came back.
And the quality of life around here is 100,000% best with Mal in it. You are a BEAST. I'm not surprised you can also DM DnD because each of your muses up to and INCLUDING your beautiful OCs is a treasure and you give them all love, and you give them all STORIES, and I just get to sit here and scroll the dash like a morning paper catching up with each of them. All in one place from one person. FOR FREE!!!!!!! The ideas!! The mutual muse development!!! We are blessed.
Sprinkle in the fact that they spoil me with OTP content in various flavors, and are so much fun to bounce ideas off of ooc and I'm smitten. It is the dream life of sending songs at 3AM and memes and 'what if's just bc we thought of them. They bring out my big dork so bad and I don't shut up, and maybe that is why WE ARE MERGING. I seriously cannot believe the ways we've been on the same page at the same time sometimes, lmao.
Also they format their messages all nice and spaced, and I am a chronic serial message person and probably overstep my bounds with plotting because I'm just like an excited puppy dragging mud all over the carpet. I don't know how they haven't thrown me out a window yet.
I'm so glad you gave us another chance, I'm so glad you came out of your shell, I'm SO EXCITED for the threads we have going and planned. I could never have enough words your muses are so much fun and your plots are so good, I get so many brainworms. You turn me into a raving lunatic!!!!!!!!
You and Missa both I would go to BAT for in heartbeat.
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knightlcve · 3 years
Someone say Pink Ranger?
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weapon13whitefang · 3 years
Honestly, I am a HUGE crackshipper and when I started looking more into this new character that just recently appeared in the new Helluva Boss episode I knew that he was going to become fandom's new beloved villain. I just didn't expect for a crackship to already appear. Am i surprised? Yes. Pleasantly? HELL YEAH! A cowboy snake and a demon princess. Who would've thought ~ ❤ (their ship name is Royal Assassin, this can't get any better) P.S. I LOVED your little fanfic, you're really talented and you were able to keep them in character (I don't think they were OOC at all!), but I'm curious. In the future, will you be able to bless us with some headcannons or even a backstory about how they met each other? I just got on board with this ship and I was really hoping I'll be able to see you write more about them.
I am SO sorry it took so long to answer this. Life has not been very slow ride for me so I haven’t had much time to answer stuff or even do much besides reblog and run... But I didn’t forget ya!
First off, I love your icon! Eclipsa is the best. SvTFoE was a good cartoon. I wish the ending episodes were a bit less rushed, but I still enjoyed it.
Second, awww I’m glad you liked my little royal assassin piece 🥰 I wasn’t expecting people to like it as much as they have been honestly 😁 but I’m sure glad others do.
Third, I would love giving some backstory and head cannons for these two! I’m working on trying to write something for how they met actually. A little mini piece for fun.
Fourth, I certainly don’t mind sharing a few head cannons with you here!
Striker often unconsciously wraps his tail around Charlie in his sleep and just when they’re together. It’s a protective thing.
Lucifer is NOT happy his daughter is dating an Imp. He’d rather she date a sinner or even one of the overlords than an Imp. Especially considering how Charlie and Striker met... (Will explain that later)
Lilith doesn’t mind as much and of course just wants to support Charlie and thinks Striker is adorable, even if she doesn’t like how they met and has threatened to take off Strikers head and other parts if he ends up making Charlie cry or worse.
Charlie is very much still a V-Card holder. Striker is not. She gets all blushes and flustered by Angel asking about their sex-life (or lack there of) and when they do finally do the deed, Angel demands details and is so damn proud of her lol
The first purge Striker experiences - since he’s from a ring where the purge doesn’t occur - he stays with Charlie to comfort her since she’s so upset by it.
He plays up the charming cowboy for the most part. Well mannered to the others and what not. But he can still be a manly asshole when he goes out with Alastor or Angel to get a little fun
Striker is bound to a punishment that has him stuck to Charlie or whomever she seems appropriate to take care of Striker. That’s mostly Alastor or even Vaggie. They can pawn him off to whomever they want as well
Vaggie and Striker don’t vibe. Vaggie does not trust or like Striker at all. He doesn’t much care for her so he mostly ignores her. Sometimes - when he’s feeling dickish - he’ll do something to make her mad for shits and giggles.
Him and Al have a deal when they’re together. He kills for Al and they keep it from Charlie. Or at least they try to lol
Striker doesn’t mind Angel’s flirting. He’ll flirt back or just chuckle at him.
Husk and Striker get along well. They have drinking contests.
Nifty wants to steal Striker from Charlie. She sniffs his clothes when he leaves them out for her to clean during laundry day. She’s stolen a few of his clothing items too.
Cherri Bomb and Striker like to shoot cans and practice together. She teaches him how to make bombs.
Striker doesn’t like Seviathan von Eldritch and is a little jealous when the guy comes around and unashamedly flirts with Charlie, knowing they dated in the past.
Striker still doesn’t like upper class demons. He thinks they’re just pompous assholes. Charlie and even Lilith are his only acceptance to the rule, but it took him awhile to even get to that feeling towards them. He still wants to take out the celestial demons and higher ups.
Charlie will sleep in Strikers shirts/likes to wear them. He loves when she does
Charlie plays with Strikers tail and giggles when it rattles, thinking it cute. If she’s drunk, she’s worse and acts like a kid with it.
Charlie being with an Imp causes a huge scandal around Hell. Even if Hell and it’s citizens don’t respect the Magne family, she’s still a high class and powerful demon going around with an Imp
Charlie calls striker “Rattle Dragon” out of affection and a little teasingly. He calls her “Princess” a lot, originally in mocking but then with affection. “Firecracker when she’s angry, and “My Hell Angel” when she’s doing her kind deeds or standing up for Imps and such.
Me and my friend @chocolatemicenwhiskey​ each have our own head cannons separately from one another, but we like to play around and have fun with them. One thing we both like is that his mother is a Wrath Imp - who we named Mary Beth. She’s your stereotypical southern mama. Charlie likes her a lot. Mary Beth thinks Charlie is too skinny and tries to over feed her.
I will be posting another piece in the future hopefully soon!
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