#❣️ blueglass
offorestsongs · 3 months
some old Twst OC memes
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offorestsongs · 5 months
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mer boyfriends in honor of mermay!
kalle: i can't stand floyd's annoying ass-
also kalle five seconds later:
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offorestsongs · 6 months
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pov: you're kalle and you made the mistake of befriending(???????????) the leeches
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offorestsongs · 4 months
summary; literary just the "would you peel an orange for me?" thing but with my oc x canon ships (feat. Rook, Floyd, Vil & Riddle). that's all that's it
author's note; this is so very self indulgent forgive me. ALSO if there's any mistakes pretend there aren't its like 5am for me rn
♡ “Uh, hey, would you peel this for me?”
♡ Lysander feels a bit silly asking for this; he knows Rook would bring him a piece of heaven if he just asked, there is no need for silly tests. But Cater had mentioned the idea a few days ago, and for one reason or another, it had stuck with Lysander.
♡ It’s just for fun, he tells himself, no harm in that.
♡ Rook smiles softly as he takes the orange out of Lysander’s hands.
♡ “But of course, mon fleur. Let’s give your pretty hands a rest, shall we?”
♡ It’s kind of stupid, Lysander thinks, how watching his boyfriend peel an orange for him makes him feel like basking in the sun. Maybe there is a point to this whole thing after all - it is still sweet to have such tangible proof that somebody cares. 
♡ If Rook knows he's being put to a test (and he most probably knows, let's be real) he doesn't show it in any way. 
♡ He treats the orange peeling with the seriousness of a military order. And he even takes off the gross white parts that Lysander hates!
♡ “Mhm. Now open your mouth~”
♡ Lysander blushes, a vivid pink on his pale cheeks. “You- You really don’t have to! It’s fine!”
♡ “Oh, but I do. It’s an honor, really.”
♡ Lysander never had much of a strong will, not when it came to Rook, anyway. He puts his embarrassment aside and lets Rook hand feed him the orange, piece by piece.
♡ There’s no point in testing their relationships because they’re very much not in a relationship. A few (a lot) make out sessions in the dark corners of the school’s hallways do not a relationship make.
♡ And yet there Kalle is, in the Octavinelle Lounge, when it’s just them and Floyd, that stupid orange in hand.
♡ They know it’s a bad idea before they even ask.
♡ “Wanna peel this for me?”
♡ Floyd (the audacity!) laughs.
♡ “Nice try, fishie,” he says, still looking smug and amused, and annoying (so — like usual). “You don't think I'm stupid, don't ya?”
♡ “It's just an orange, Leech. It's not like you have anything to do anyways.”
♡ Floyd gives them a long look. “Yea, no. I don't think I feel like it.”
♡ Well. That was about what Kalle was expecting.
♡ Floyd leans over, in one swift motion takes the orange out of Kalle's hand m. Kalle doesn't even have it in themselves to protest.
♡ It's not like they care. It's just a stupid trend and a stupid orange, and a stupid eel. They don't care the slightest bit about any of this. 
♡ Floyd throws and catches the orange, looks it over carefully. For a brief, horrifying second, Kalle expects him to bite into it like an apple.
♡ But no. He peels it like a normal, well adjusted person then breaks it in half.
♡ “Here ya go, fishie. Happy now?”
♡ He throws half of the orange at Kalle. They're too surprised to actually catch it, letting the fruit fall on their lap.
♡ “Yeah. Thanks,” they mutter.
♡ When the silence falls between them, neither of them seem particularly happy.
♡ “Vil, my darling dearest, my sweetest heart, the light of my worthless life, the apple of my eye, the—”
♡ Vil rolls his eyes. “Stop this,” he cuts in before Rosienne can continue with his tirade. “Spending so much time with Rook is bad for you. Just tell me what you want.”
♡ Rosienne grins.
♡ “Would you do me a favor and kindly peel this orange for me?”
♡ He’s being silly, he knows it well, but he can't help it. Rosienne's heart is an ugly, thorny thing that without constant reassurances will rot and wither. 
♡ Vil raises an eyebrow. “Really, dear, really? Is that what we're doing now?”
♡ Of course he instantly figured it out. It's Vil, after all.
♡ “Hey now! I was trying to be romantic, alright!”
♡ “No, you're being silly. Do you really think you need to put me to a test? Because if so, that's frankly quite insulting.”
♡ Both his tone and stare are as cold as the darkest months of winter and Rosienne is ready to start spilling apologies.
♡ And then Vil leans over to place a light kiss on Rosienne's forehead.
♡ “I will still peel it for you, if you just want the orange. They're good for your health either way.”
♡ Rosienne feels like he may cry. 
♡ “...yeah, yeah I do.” He takes a second to take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. Sometimes he hates how easily crying comes to him. “Thank you.”
♡ For Eliott, it's less of a test and more of a cute little game. He loves Riddle more than the world itself, but he just wants to see Riddle’s reaction. For the fun of it, nothing more.
♡ At least there was a very low chance Riddle would know it's a trend — the boy didn't even know how to use most social media, bless his heart.
♡ “Would Her Majesty be so kind as to peel this orange for me?” Eliott asks, not even trying to contain his amusement.
♡ Riddle eyes him over carefully. He's definitely suspicious, taught by experience that his boyfriend is prone to coming up with various schemes, but finally comes to the conclusion that it can't be anything harmful.
♡ “Of course,” he just says, nodding.
♡ Eliott beams. “I love you so much. Have I told you that already? Because I do. So much.”
♡ The blush that blossoms on Riddle’s cheeks is maybe the most delightful thing Eliott has seen today. “Quite a lot, yes.”
♡ He peels the orange, quick and clean, then passes it back to Eliott.
♡ “You should have a half,” Eliott offers. “It's only fair.”
♡ Sometimes i love you is a neat little pile of orange peels. Sometimes i love you is an orange shared in half.
♡ When Riddle smiles at his boyfriend, it's soft.
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offorestsongs · 3 months
hi hi!! i’d love to know more about blueglass for the ask game!! pre relationship 4 and general 3 specifically 🥺 💖
hiii hello <33 thank you so much for asking about my stupid messy awful idiots (lmao) <33
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
poor Floyd </3 what can he say, he likes his partners strong-willed and ready to fight him 💀 Kalle is complicated and unpredictable and smart and while at first Floyd was spending time with Kalle just because he thought it's funny to annoy them (Kalle always acts so stoic and calm, Floyd thinks it's incredibly funny when they drop the act and show all the emotions they usually hide), the more they actually were around eachother, the more Floyd started to like them. i like to think that he had his big OH moment when they were both doing some bussines for Azul and he saw Kalle at their most unhinged hfhhf meanwhile Kalle is very closed-off and does everything to distance themselves from people and not let anyone close, but the moment they allowed themselves to feel any fondness for Floyd, they were GONE. literally the "fell first/fell harder trope"
3. What was their first kiss like?
so you know the "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid?"/"you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" meme? it was very. well. that. they've been dancing around their feelings for a hot second now but never really, you know, did anything about it, Floyd was being at his peak annoying, maybe doing some joke-flirting, Kalle was getting heated up until they finally pull Floyd by his tie to kiss him so he will finally shut up dfjjj Floyd's brain stops for a second. and then they're fully making out this is why Azul doesn't let them work shifts together anymore /j
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offorestsongs · 3 months
Hello Algy! ♡
For the heart ship game you reblogged, can I ask 💜 for Kalle x Floyd (Blueglass) please? ♡
Thank you! ♡
Sheep, hello!!! thank you so much for the ask!!!
Words flow easily from under Kalle’s pen, neat and organized, a perfect streamline of their thoughts. They always liked writing potionology essays, especially when they pertain to different types of magical flora and fauna. It may be the only subject they feel truly confident in. They know more than most students and they’re well aware of it. Proud of it, even, if they could ever be-
Whatever thoughts run through Kalle’s mind come to a halt as a pair of cold lips presses a quick, wet kiss to the nape of their neck, just above their collar.
“Leech!” Kalle yelps, sharply turning around.
The culprit in question grins, all sharp teeth and innocence. “Hiya, fishie~”
“What- Did you become even more stupid than usual?!”
There’s an ugly black line across the page from where Floyd had startled them - Kalle thinks that enough warrants yelling in the library. They can feel their beating heart in their throat.
“Ha, you’re cute when you get angry like that, y’know?” Floyd casually takes a seat next to Kalle — Kalle is not going to have peace any time soon, it seems.
They take a long, deep breath. They can't get angry. It's exactly what Floyd wants, after all. Who would they be, to let him win like that? They turn back.
“Just so you know, I’m ignoring you,” they announce.
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offorestsongs · 6 months
i feel like everytime kalle says or does something that upsets floyd or hurts his feelings, he's all like "ha, it's whatever" and everytime floyd does or says something that upsets kalle, kalle is all like "it's not like i care". they're trapped in an endless cycle of stupidity. somebody help them
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offorestsongs · 25 days
HI HI algy!! for the ask game (i don't think i've seen much of kalle and floyd) so how about "You like me because I'm a scoundrel" for blueglass? 👀
omg tysm for the ask i love when you guys make me talk about the OCs i talk about less shfjdhfjdj
actually fun fact: Kalle and Floyd were my first oc/canon ship for TWST (i didnt want to ship Lysander with anyone in the beginning.... look at me now lol)
(ask game here!)
"Can you sit still for five seconds, I am begging."
Floyd looked up at Kalle, presenting them with one of the more annoying of his grins (to be particular, all of his grins were annoying, some just more so than others). There was still blood on his face and just below his darker eye bloomed a bruise in a trutly nasty shade of purple.
Kalle resisted the urge to poke it just to be annoying back. They were (tried to be) the more sensible of the two, after all.
"Aww, look at ya, all worried about me~"
Kalle poked the dark bruise. Floyd winced. "I'm not," they snapped, "And if you don't stop moving, I'm going to finish what the guy started."
"Aw, c'mon! That lil' guppy didn't even stand a chance."
"Then why did you even start a fight with him?"
Thankfully, the blood on his face was mostly his own — turns out, he reacted to being punched in the nose as well, as anyone else would. As Kalle carefully (more carefully than Floyd deserved, really) wiped it from Floyd's face, they just hoped that Azul won't mind the fact that they were using the kitchen towels from Mostro Longue. It was the only thing that Kalle had on hand when Floyd had barged in just as they were about to close their shift.
At least all the customers had already left. The disaster was only between the two of them now.
"How d'you know I started it?" Floyd asked, sounding almost offended.
Kalle stared him down, not impressed. "Well, you're a scoundrel and a rascal and a irresponsible little beast and a—"
"Aw, but ya like me 'cause I'm a scoundrel, don't'cha?"
This time, Floyd's smile was all teeth and blood-stained lips and warm eyes. Kalle wanted to strangle him even more.
The moment lasted just a second too long. Kalle looked away, feeling their cheeks turning hot and hating themselves the more for it.
They cleared their throat. "I most certainly do not."
"Hey, fishie, it's bad to lie, ya'know?"
In Kalle's opinion, they were hundredth percent justified for — lightly — swatting Floyd's forehead with the kitchen towel.
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offorestsongs · 2 months
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MAIN ― ღ
Lysander ― my Yuu | tags; #★ lysander (art) ; #⚜ lysander (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️lilyarrow (lysander x rook)
The infamous Ramshackle Prefect. Despite having a reputation of always being where the trouble is, he's actually a pretty calm, quiet person who usually stays out of action until he's pushed directly into it. Suffers from amnesia; his main drive is his intense desire to find new friends and family.
Rosienne Minuit ― twisted from the enchanted rose (Beauty and the Beast) | tags; #★ rosienne (art) ; #🥀 rosienne (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️thornqueen (rosienne x vil)
A bubbly, flamboyant student, always willing to offer you advice or a helping hand... no matter if you want it or not. Obsessed with love and romance, he makes it his life's mission to help others find their true love.
Kalle Brunne ― twisted from Ursula's cauldron | tags; #★ kalle (art) ; #🐚 kalle (aesthetics/posts that remind me of them/ramblings) ; #❣️blueglass (kalle x floyd)
Quiet, mysterious and always looking like he would rather be somewhere else, Kalle is Azul's loyal yes-man. Some say he acts as Azul's eyes, observing the other students and gathering their secrets.
Swallow Reynard ― twisted from Robin Hood | tags; #★ swallow (art) ; #🦊 swallow (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings)
A star of the Spelldrive team and an enjoyer of (what he thinks is) harmless chaos, Swallow considers himself a vigilante of Night Raven College. He proudly boasts about standing up for the poor and the bullied, and seems to target the more well-off students with his antics.
Eliott Embers ― twisted from Cinderella | tags; #★ eliott (art) ; #✒️ eliott (aesthetics/posts that remind me of him/ramblings) ; #❣️glassrose (eliott x riddle)
A friendly, sweet-faced student from Royal Sword Academy. While charming and always willing to help others, he often seems to be more focused on his own dream world than on what's happening around him, and he's famously cagey about his home life.
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SIDE ― ღ
Grace Celestique ― twisted from the Fairy Godmother [COMING SOON]
Duncan Lawrence ― twisted from the glass slipper (Cinderella) [COMING SOON]
Allan Embers ― twisted from Cinderella's stepsisters [COMING SOON]
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Cendrea ― RSA Cinderella fan dorm [COMING SOON]
Vil + Rosienne relationship timeline
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