#❝  —  you should see me in a crown.  /  ISMS !  )
walkedlegacy-closed · 8 months
please disregard this post.
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kandisheek · 7 months
Flame is the queen of fluff in my book. Her fics are like little pieces of candy, and no matter which one you choose, they're all delicious. I love the way she explores different AUs and makes them her own, especially the No Powers variety. So if you're looking for some treats, you're in the right place.
Here's some of her work that I think you should check out:
Have You Met My... Husband?
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Bucky/Natasha Rating: M Words: 7,317 Tags: School Reunion, Fake Relationship, Mutual Pining
Summary: Steve's high school reunion is coming up and for reasons that make no sense except in fic, Tony goes with him and poses as his husband. ... and things progress from there ...
Reasons why I love it: Natasha and Pepper really steal the show in this one, what with their meddling ways. Honestly, Steve and Tony need all the outside help they can get, my god, idiots in love is exactly right. I really love the humor in this one, and Bucky and Natasha's banter especially. This fic is adorable, and I hope you give it a shot!
Crouching Genius, Hidden Soulmate
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,276 Tags: Bucky Barnes is a Good Bro, Soulmates, No Powers
Summary: “We’re going to chat about that imaginary numbers bullshit, Stark,” Bucky said with a laugh, “but right now, come with me.” “Where?” “Downstairs,” Bucky said, offering his hand. “I’m about to change your life.” Tony barked out a laugh. “Okay Angelica.”
Reasons why I love it: You had me at Angelica. This fic is so sweet! I love all the little tidbits like Rhodey and Pepper's daughter and Steve's career that really flesh out the world. And of course, I'm a huge fan of Hamilton playing a major role in this fic. I love this one so much, so I hope you give it a shot (and don't throw it away, badum tz).
Paper Crowns and Secret Keepers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,564 Tags: No Powers, A/B/O, Teacher Steve
Summary: Steve Rogers did not play favorites. He’d been one of the kindergarten teachers at Allensville Academy since he got out of graduate school and that was one of his key pedagogical beliefs - no playing favorites. But lands alive, if Peter Stark wasn’t testing his resolve.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaaaah not Flame subverting expectations in the best possible way, I am LIVING! Tony the not-alpha just breaks your heart once you learn about the circumstances that made his secrets necessary, and I love the political undertones throughout the fic in general. Also, Mairi (Askafroa) made some truly fantastic art for this that you desperately need to see if you haven't already, it's the cutest! This fic is amazing, and I hope you check it out for yourself!
A Totally Normal Dad
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,103 Tags: Identity Porn, Parenting, Canon Divergence
Summary: Steve is a totally normal, boring, suburban, stay-at-home-dad. He's also a superhero. His husband only knows the first sentence.
Reasons why I love it: The Incredibles, but make it Stony. I really love how this ties into canon, and oh my god, that paragraph about Steve wanting to grow old with Tony made me genuinely emotional. Also, Steve and Tony are so sweet with Peter, it makes me want to cry. This fic is amazing, and I highly encourage you to read it!
Wax On, Wax Off
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,354 Tags: No Powers, College AU, Merman Steve
Summary: Sure, a man could fall in love with a merman - but where would they make out?
Reasons why I love it: They're so fucking cute, ugh, I love them. Tony doing his level best to make life more comfortable for Steve is so sweet, and oh my god, the ending puts the biggest smile on my face. I also love the way Steve's merman-ism works and the cameos of the other Avengers in texting-form. This fic is delightful, and I hope you give it a go!
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nicholasohrnberger · 2 years
American Institutions That Need to GO
This past weekend we were yet again subjected to another worthless display of self-aggrandizing television. A worthless contest, full of insignificant bloviation and a complete lack of what people really want to see and hear. Millions of people tune in from all around the country, but not because they care or feel like its valuable. These people tune in because at this point, the sad truth is that it has become a laughable gaffe of living walking failures and no matter what side or who you root for, we can all agree that it’s pointless, subjective, and ultimately not worth our time.
The Pro Bowl? Well yes, that hot mess of Superbowl no-shows is certainly disserving of these distinctions and the Manning brothers somehow made it even more unwatchable this year. I have an idea, let’s take all the talent in the league that wasn’t good enough to play for a championship, and have them play a backyard/family reunion style flag football game coached by America’s most annoying (Peyton) commercial salesman and television’s most personality-less personality (Eli). Not only that, but let’s a skill competition that barely translates to the game at large, but no I am not talking about the Pro Bowl.
 The Grammy’s? Equally as useless and better than that, you get a chance to feel bad about yourself for anything you’ve ever said, done, or thought. Why? Well, because there are issues in the world and if you aren’t doing something as important as making near unlistenable music and virtue signaling so hard that America’s TVs all explode, then you aren’t doing enough. I know when I’m looking for entertainment, I look no further than musicians I’ve never heard of, accepting awards on the behalf of the mediocre accomplishments of their ghost writers and producers complete with an appearance from the First Lady to remind us that no broadcast is complete without a political message. The incredible extent of “look at me”ism in this ceremony is staggering and I know that I was wishing that Ricky Gervais would show up, pull a Kanye and snatch the mic from one of these one of these major record label stand-ins and remind them like he did at the 2020 Golden Globes that, “you are in no position to lecture the public about anything.” Still, this isn’t the worst of the weekend.
I wrote this article Monday, February 6th, 2023. The reason I waited so long to release it is because I thought, “maybe. Maybe this time it’ll be different. Maybe on Tuesday, there will be something worthwhile to watch, and we won’t all be wasting our time.” I was obviously wrong. Yet again, the yearly crown for most worthless institution and television event America belongs to the Presidential State of the Union Speech. Last night, we watched a man who is barely sentient and aloof as the day is long, stumble through another speech that holds democrats up to be the peak of civil responsibility and condemn republicans for all the problems facing America right now. 
I should let it be known that I’m as liberal as they come and a supporter of democratic values and governance in this country and to be fair every Trump, Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton, and so forth, SOTU was the exact same way. Gone are the days when you’d have someone like Gerald Ford, as imperfect as he was come out and say something we didn’t like or as bluntly honest such as, “the state of the Union is not good: Millions of Americans are out of work...We depend on others for essential energy.” Sound familiar? That would be because we find ourselves in similar crisis’ today. Stagnation, gun violence, drugs, a woman’s right to choose, homelessness, war in Ukraine, sourcing energy from our enemies, tax increases, energy bill increases, joblessness, the list goes on and somehow, it’s always the other guys fault. Not only that but we still seem fine with both Republicans and Democrats alike, putting forth cancer survivors, Gold Star Families, the families of victims of gun violence or police brutality, and so on as images that we can look at, acknowledge, and perhaps think they did so out of decency and not for a self-serving purpose.
The system is broken and that’s no shock. Perhaps what’s most shocking is that we still tune in expecting something to change. Perhaps that’s the beauty of Americans. Perhaps the beauty is the idea that despite being fed the same tact and nonsense, election cycle after election cycle, we still tune in and turn out hoping for change and doing our part. Maybe, willful ignorance is a virtue but as far as I’m concerned, the State of the Union Address is officially a worthless institution that needs to leave the American consciousness and so I ask President Biden with all due respect. Please, next year, just send the congress a letter.. It’d mean as much to them as it does the people. Just about nothing.
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omensfound · 5 years
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                                        IT AIN’T EVERY DAY                                         A                      QUEEN                                         COMES TO POWER.                                                             ~                                         I’M  GONNA  MAKE                                         MY   OWN   EMPIRE.
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pyropaws-blog1 · 5 years
tag dump
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 001.   i love scourge the hedgehog with all my heart ¸  ‣  * out ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 002.   goddess don’t talk in whisper ¸  ‣  * ic ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 003.   worn out blazes ¸  ‣  * crack ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 004.   you should see me in a crown ¸  ‣  * blaze ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 005.   don’t let them look through the curtains ¸  ‣  * isms ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 006.   let’s kill this love ¸  ‣  * audio ˎˊ˗
✧ ˚ ⊹ ── 007.   we got scars on our future hearts ¸  ‣  * study ˎˊ˗
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magicsouled · 6 years
tag dump -
#♘× ❝ a girl as blue as magic ❞ ( mirror )#♘× ❝ what you bring back may never be the same ❞ ( aesthetic )#♘× ❝ i’ll tell you this but only once ❞ ( drabble )#♘× ❝ wear it well ; wear it proud ; this pain is only yours ❞ ( closet )#♘× ❝ down to the bone ; you hold your truth ❞ ( musings )#♘× ❝ hold back ; don’t hold back ; they’ll judge you all the same ❞ ( isms )#♘× ❝ won’t you come see about me ; i’ll be alone dancing ❞ ( music )#♘× ❝ tragic backstory unlocked ❞ ( headcanon )#♘× ❝ teach me softly how to love ; tell me why the heart quickens ❞ ( desires )#♘× ❝ only the brave and the broken are kind in this world ❞ ( charlie quinn )#♘× ❝ the princess rose from the ashes her dragon lovers made of her & crowned herself the mother fucking queen of herself ❞ ( margo hanson )#♘× ❝ a man takes his sadness and throws it away but then he’s still left with his hands ❞ ( quentin coldwater )#♘× ❝ bitterness is born of experience ; it is the privilege of one who has truly lived ❞ ( eliot waugh )#♘× ❝ if you don't want to end up in someone else's poem then maybe you should start treating people better for  a change ❞ ( julia wicker )#♘× ❝ i hope you never doubt again that even when you are in pain ; that you are a miracle ❞ ( penny adiyodi )#♘× ❝ when you're taught to see the world through fire ; nothing looks safe ❞ ( kady orloff diaz )#♘× ❝ our roots are so tangled ; our pain is one ❞ ( alice and charlie )#♘× ❝ my name is bambi and i have a basketball game tomorrow !! ❞ ( ooc )#♘× ❝ brighter than bright ❞ ( promo )#♘× ❝ oops ! i did it again ... ❞ ( self promo )#♘× ❝ snapchat addict ❞ ( munday )#♘× ❝ swallow for god powers !! ❞ ( crack )#♘× ❝ important af ❞ ( psa )#♘× ❝ for a rainy day ❞ ( save )#♘× ❝ she is wildfire and she is coming to devour you whole ❞ ( queue )
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plethoraxsouls · 4 years
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( Tag Drop: Nevaeh Telcontra )
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redruined · 4 years
valeria tag drop!
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readerbell · 3 years
Finally, some Lanaeve crumbs for your girl.
“Nynaeve.” His voice caught and held her like a noose. “I wanted to speak to you alone. You always seem to be in the women’s apartments, or in company.”
“It took an effort to face him, but she was sure her features were calm when she looked up at him.”
Knowing Nynaeve, I can almost bet the calm face she’s talking about is a scowl.
“I’m looking for Rand.” She was not about to admit to avoiding him. “We said all we need to say long ago, you and I. I shamed myself—which I will not do again—and you told me to go away.”
I mean on one hand, he didn’t but on the other… he kind of did. So…on this, I’m on Nynaeve’s side even though I can feel the angst Lan has been living with for a month.
“I never said—” He took a deep breath. “I told you I had nothing to offer for brideprice but widow’s clothes. Not a gift any man could give a woman. Not a man who can call himself a man.”
“I understand,” she said coolly. “In any case, a king does not give gifts to village women. And this village woman would not take them. Have you seen Rand? I need to talk to him. He was to see the Amyrlin. Do you know what she wanted with him?”
She’s trying so hard to seem unbothered lmao.
His eyes blazed like blue ice in the sun. She stiffened her legs to keep from stepping back, and met him glare for glare. “The Dark One take Rand al’Thor and the Amyrlin Seat both,” he grated, pressing something into her hand. “I will make you a gift and you will take it if I have to chain it around your neck.”
Nynaeve is the only person in this series who can push Lan’s buttons like this lmao. The man is stoic and unflappable… until it’s time to face off against her lmao. As a side note, Lan forcing his gift on her is reminiscent of this scene from the show but in a romantic way lmao.
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He’s all, ‘YOU WILL TAKE MY LOVE, WOMAN. If I have to force it on you.’
She pulled her eyes away from his. He had a stare like a blue-eyed hawk when he was angry. In her hand was a signet ring, heavy gold and worn with age, almost large enough for both her thumbs to fit through. On it, a crane flew above a lance and crown, all carefully wrought in detail. Her breath caught. The ring of Malkieri kings. Forgetting to glare, she lifted her face. “I cannot take this, Lan.”
She kept telling herself that the reason Lan didn’t want to be with her is because he’s a king and she’s a village woman…and here is said king giving her the only reminder he has of his kingdom. It makes her refusing to let the ring go even as she’s drowning seem more romantic now. It’s Lan’s last memory of home and she’d rather die than leave it and save herself. 🥺
He shrugged in an offhand way. “It is nothing. Old, and useless, now. But there are those who would know it when they saw it. Show that, and you will have guestright, and help if you need it, from any lord in the Borderlands. Show it to a Warder, and he will give aid, or carry a message to me. Send it to me, or a message marked with it, and I will come to you, without delay and without fail. This I swear.”
This is so 🥰🥰 Given that Moiraine is listening to them at this moment, I’m sure this is what finally pushes her to make *the* decision. It’s one thing for Lan to take casual lovers, but this is a declaration of love & a vow that Lan will drop whatever to come to Nynaeve’s aid.
Anyway, Nynaeve’s not giving me a chance to think about Moiraine because she delivers a classic Nynaeve-ism:
“Her vision blurred at the edges. If I cry now, I will kill myself. “I can’t. . . . I do not want a gift from you, al’Lan Mandragoran. Here, take it.”
Then Lan does it. He calls her Mashiara. 😭
“Mashiara. Beloved of heart and soul, it meant, but a love lost, too. Lost beyond regaining…” 🥺
Nynaeve spots Moiraine & demands to know how long she’s been standing there.
“Not long enough to hear anything I should not have,” the Aes Sedai replied smoothly.
Which is Aes Sedai speak for, ‘I heard everything, girl.’
Lastly, I know Nynaeve’s obsession with pulling down Moiraine is one of the most annoying, irrational things in this series…but Moiraine goads the girl too 😭😭
“It would mean leaving Egwene to go to Tar Valon alone. Or have you decided to forgo Tar Valon yourself? If your own use of the Power is not schooled, you will never be able to use it against me.”
I’ve been watching Moiraine closely during this reread and she really knows how to get under people’s skin lmao. A few chapters ago, she was goading Liandrin into anger and, in wondering what Liandrin was up to, forgot to smile in a way that would piss Liandrin off some more and was annoyed at herself. 😂
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Epilepsy HeadCannon - MLQC
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*Some of my close friends suffer from epilepsy and I’ve been working with them over triggers and seizures for this piece.  I answered this to the best of my ability from knowledge from friends and online research, everything may not be accurate. Please understand I attempted my best to do this the justice it deserved.*
Warning: Talks of seizures and triggers.
*Thank you to @shadowtsukiyo​​​ for your Lucien-ism and help*
Mr.Mills was away on a family emergency for a couple of days meaning Victor had to go to the store to get the food he needed for Souvenir.
“Come on we’ll go, it will be fun!” You tugged at his hand, the scowl on his face at having to do his own shopping, “Oh wait let me get my bag for life!”. 
The look on his face, the f- is a bag for life?
He took you to the fresh outdoor market to gather the supplies he needed, the only thing left on the list was meat.
Of course he went to a locally sourced organic butchers where the meat was stored in a large walk in refrigerator. You were hesitant to go in at first, the cold temperature was often a trigger for your epilepsy but you didn’t want to be a burden to Victor, hoping you would be in and out in a short amount of time.
But this was Victor Li. 
He took his time examining everything to make sure it was of perfect texture, look and weight for his cooking. 
You’d only been in the cold room for a few minutes but the slow tingling that burned in your fingertips quickly rose up your arms. The feeling of your stomach dropping and the sensation of tingling quickly heated up your body causing an almost cold sweat to tremble across your body. 
“Bella?” Victor turning to face you after you didn’t reply to a comment he made, the panic in his eyes as he saw the colour flooding from your face. Your eyes were focused on a specific spot in the room, even though you was physically there your mind was at a total blank at the buzzing sensation taunted across your body.
The next thing you remembered was being held tightly in his Victor's arms in the basking sun outside the shop, his hand cradling your neck as he held you close to his chest. You weren't sure how much time had passed or what exactly had happened.
“Are you okay?” The soft worry in his voice as he felt you push yourself back weakly, looking up to meet his gaze, his purple eyes wide with alertness. You nodded meekly with a shallow swallow, the rapid thumping of your heartbeat slowing down.
“I-” You started but the tears built up, the softness of his lips pressing against your crown as he let you sob silently against his chest, no rush or pressure to explain. 
He took you straight back to his house, tucking you in his bed as you slept for few hours whilst he stayed by your side and stroked your hair in a comforting manner. 
When you awoke you found him sat at the edge of the bed with a bowl of pudding in his hands waiting for you.
You explained you had epilepsy, that you took regular medication to keep it under control but cold temperatures seemed to be a trigger. 
“Dummy… why didn’t you tell me? You should have waited outside,” The softness in his voice as he pried the bowl out of your hands and wrapped his arms around you.
“I didn’t want to be a burden,” You sighed into his chest, letting the warmth of his body elope you.
“Idiot…” The softness of his cheek rubbing against your forehead, “You are never a burden to me,”. 
He held you close for the remainder of the day, whispering sweet words of love as you peacefully fell asleep against his chest. 
You and Lucien hadn’t been dating very long when he suggested a day out to the new exhibit at the butterfly sanctuary, he’d been given private access to it before it opened to the public.
“I’m so excited!” You squealed, fingers intertwined with Lucien's hand as he let out a small chuckle. The admiration on his face as he watched the smile radiate off your face, letting you pull him along playfully to reach the double doors faster.
“Mr.Mo, it’s pleasure,” An employee of the exhibit held out his hand, Lucien giving him a flash of that friendly smile as he extended his hand out to shake it. 
“The exhibit is already so beautiful, although it’s beauty holds nothing compared to the beauty beside me,” The smoothness of his words sends your cheeks slightly pink.
“Well we are honoured to welcome you both to be the first people to see the new additions, if your follow me,” The employee laughed, guiding you both to a room with a wide screen and a row of chairs, “We just have a short video to play before you enter,”.
You both a seat, Lucien's arm wrapped around your shoulder as the employee stood at the back of the room, the pressing sound of a button and the screen came to life.
Sharp bursts of colours flooded the screen, several flashing lights above it and the next thing you saw was black.
Lucien instinctively grabbed you and held you close to his chest, blocking the array of flashing lights from your vision. He knew your epilepsy was triggered by flashing lights after you had a minor seizure when he was lending a hand on the set of miracle finder. 
“Turn it off now,” His voice stern and in a raised manner, holding you close to him as he continued to shield you from the flickering colour of lights from the room. He refused to let you go until the room was still, silence lingering in the air.
“Are you okay?” His voice softer than normal, peeking down as he watched you nod against his chest. 
“Yes,” You reassured him, he pulled you away in the nick of time, any longer and it would have caused a seizure. 
The employee dashed over with a string of apologies, ‘The lights were not meant come on, I’m so sorry,’. 
You slowly pulled from Lucien's chest and told him it was fine, accepting his apologies but Lucien wasn’t happy to accept.
“Will you bear with me,” Lucien taking your hands and pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles but focusing his gaze on the employee. 
You sat in the room awkwardly, you could hear the raised but not yelling voice of Lucien from outside in the corridor as he scolded the employee for such carelessness. 
“Lucien, you really didn’t have to tell him off,” You pouted as you took a bite of the ice-cream in your hands. He let out a sigh and shook his head.
He refused to stay a second longer at the exhibit after his talk with the employee, insisting you go and rest in fear of a seizure coming but you reassured him you were fine. Instead he took you to a quiet park where you found yourselves resting under a fern tree with ice-cream as you between his legs, your head resting against his chest.
“My silly fool,” He sighed, wrapping his free arm around your waist. "Your health, your safety come above all else. Just because those..." A cold look crossed his face before softening, "just because they're inadequate in their training, does not mean you or anyone else should suffer. Let me take care of you, silly girl.
“Miss.Chips please you have to come!” Kiro continued to plea through the phone to you.
“Okay, okay, fine! Let me just re-organise the day and I’ll be over okay?”.
“You're the best Miss.Chips, I knew I could count on you!” The over-excited squeal on the other side of the call.
“You owe me a great show superstar!” You laughed, eyes focusing on your screen as you dragged the scheduled work for today into different sections of your calendar, freeing up your day.
“I will, I promise! I’ll never let my number one fan down! Oh I gotta run, Savin is looking for me, I’ll see you soon!” The clicking button of the call ending rang through your phone. You shook your head with a smile, Kiro being just as chaotic as ever. 
You’d left work early, luckily with the little work you actually had going on right now it meant you could get off early without disrupting the rest of your week. Kiro had personally invited you to a private view of his newest album and a special surprise, knowing Kiro it would most likely be a new food or snack he’d discovered. 
Kiro’s studio was located outside of town, a quick trip in a taxi and you found yourself standing outside the doors.
“Heya Bella! Kiro said you was coming, he’s in the usual room,” The security guard, Hank, giving you a friendly smile and wave which you mirrored before walking down the corridor. You weren't even close to the room and you could already hear the bickering between Kiro and Savin.
“But it’s lunch and I’m hungry!”.
“Kiro! You’ve already eaten lunch,”.
“It wasn’t lunch, it was a snack,”.
“A sharing bucket of chicken is not a snack Kiro,”.
“Your just jealous because I didn’t share it with you!”.
“Kiro, the only person you shared it with is your left and right hand!”. 
You let out a burst of laughter as you pushed open the door, Kiro stropping in the corner with his back turned to Savin.
“He’s right you know, a share bucket is for like four people,” You chime in, Kiro turning instantly at your voice, “Although one hungry Kiro equates to four people,”.
“Hey!” He protests, running across the room and scooping you into his arms as he twirls you around with a tight embrace, “You're so mean Miss.Chips”. The pair of you giggled as he finally put you down, leaning up you placed a sweet kiss to his cheek. Kiro, international super star who could charm millions of their feet, still blushed at your affection actions. 
“Come on, I promised you a surprise!” He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours as he leads you to an empty theatre room, a stage set up with a microphone. He led you to a set right in front of the stage and gestured you to sit down before jumping onto the stage and running to the side.
“I hope you're ready for a Kiro special Miss.Chips!” He pressed a button on the side of the stage, music began blasting out of the speaker as the lights in the room dimmed. He ran back to the center, grabbing the microphone as he began to sing but you were unable to hear the words. The flash of the strobe lights flitted across the room, you covered your eyes to block it but it was too late.
You cried out to Kiro, every nerve inside your hands set alight that spread like wildfire up your arms. The recognisable sensation of tense and fear dropping into your stomach as you slumped against the chair. The last thing you saw was Kiro screaming out for Savin as he dashed to your side before it went dark.
You awoke to a team of people around you, Kiro to the side of you clutching your hand with fear in his eyes. You had no idea where you were or what had happened but the reassuring squeezes from Kiro made you feel a little safer.
You were laid across the floor as someone helped you to sip water from a straw, your body feeling it had been hit by a ton of bricks as your muscles inside you throbbed. Kiro profoundly apologised over and over until his voice went hoarse.
“Kiro, please it’s fine you didn’t know,” You squeezed his hand, finally able to sit up as the people around you backed off to give you space.
You explained to him how at concerts you was normally back stage therefore the lights weren’t really a trigger stimulant then, but when you was up close to them thats when they affected you.
“I’m also really sorry about your necklace,” He sighed, the chain that you wore around your neck had been ripped off and lay broken in his hands.
“It’s okay, I needed a new one anyway,” You laughed lightly, you stopped buying expensive necklaces after your favourite one was yanked and broken when you had a seizure as a teenager.
“Well here,” He reached around his neck and took off the silver chain with a cross on it and placed it over your neck, reaching behind and fastening it up, “As an apology,”.
“Kiro I-,” Your fingertips reach up to feel the cold metal against them.
“So that I’m always with you,” He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles before scooping you off the floor and into his arms, carrying you into the room from earlier and resting you onto the plush sofa, “Rest here,”. He hummed to you softly, stroking your hair as you left yourself rest, falling into a restful slumber.
Work in words had become a nightmare. Each day a new problem seemed to be added on top of another and by Wednesday you were on the verge of breaking down. 
It didn’t help upon your never ending pile of work that Victor was breathing down your neck every five minutes, demanding consistent updates on your progress. 
You sat at your desk, fingers digging into your temples as you let out a small cry, everything feeling like it coming on top of you. Every-time your phone pinged you feared to look at it, knowing it was either Victor or someone from the team trying to get a hold of you. 
You let out a sigh of relief to see it was Gavin, ‘Just checking on you pumpkin’.
‘I’m okay! How are you doing?’
‘Have you eaten?’.
‘Yes :)’ - a complete lie, you’d not even properly in two days.
‘Are you in the office?’.
‘Yes, I think I’ll be home late again’.
The three dots appeared on your phone before stopping, Gavin was clearly just as busy as you were. 
You pulled yourself away from your phone before continuing on your screen, getting lost in a document which seemed to never end until a familiar scent of cedar-wood and pine filled your nose. With a smile you turned in your chair to see Gavin walking across the room, a bag which you knew was filled with food in his hand. 
“Hey you!” You got up and flung your arms around his neck, the warmth of him embracing you as he hugged you. He placed a kiss to your temple as he set the bag on your desk, leaning over you as you sat back down in your chair. 
He could sense you were stressed, the gentleness of his hands as he rubbed your shoulder telling you take a break and not to over-work yourself. 
“When did you last sleep?” He asked, the last few nights he’d been working night shifts meaning he wasn’t home when you got back.
“Um… I got a few hours last night,” You yawned, you could never sleep when you were stressed, especially when it was over work. He sighed in response, without even looking you knew the expression on his face, brows tightly knitted together. 
“You need to look after yourself better,”.
“Says you!” You turned around and playfully pushed his shoulder but he didn’t laugh, concern all over his face.
He went to open his mouth but the words of another filled the office.
“So this is why my report is late,”. Victor. 
“Mr. Li!” You panicked, quickly getting up from your chair to see Victor pacing the office with a scowl on his face.
“I expect to see the people I invest in working, not indulging in social activities,” He sighed, eyes glaring at Gavin.
“I’m sorry, I’m almost finished! I just have a lot going on the minute,” You meekly replied, bowing your head in almost shame as he tutted.
“I knew investing in this company was a waste of time,” The sharpness of his words made your stomach drop. You were already stressed as it was, you didn’t need Victor threatening to pull from your company to add to it.
“Back off! You can see she’s stressed,” Gavin stepped in front of you protectively. The glare between the two of them, the words shared between them failed to reach your ears.
Your heart began to race in your chest as you felt your palms begin to tingle with a cold sweat, the weight of the world feeling as if it was beginning to collapse in on you. 
“Gave!” You meekly called out, the feeling you knew far too well to be more than just a panic attack. 
Lightheadedness took over as your knees buckled from under you, the prickling sensation of your nerves set on fire began to trail across your body as you fell to the floor. The rapid pounding of your heart felt like it would almost burst from your chest before you lost consciousness.
Gavin shoved Victor out the way, freeing the area around you by throwing the office chairs across the room as he knelt beside you. He managed to free the choker from your neck, tossing it somewhere as he took your hand, ‘Call a first aider’ he yelled over his shoulder to Victor. Gavin refused to take his eyes off you, watching you with every moment. 
He knew you were prone to seizures, ever since that day in high school when you had one during an exam, knowing stress was a huge triggering factor. 
He held your hand tight but kept a distance to not restrict you or your movements, keeping by your side as he felt fear like no other took over him. He swore to protect you, to keep you safe and yet watching you motionless on the floor he felt like a failure. 
By the time a first aider had arrived you’d slowly regained consciousness, eyes slowly fluttering open but shutting again from the intensity of the lights. 
“It’s okay, I’m here,” Gavin softly cooed, stroking your hand with reassurance. 
“This is your fault,” He turned to hiss at Victor who stood by dumbfounded at the events in front of him. 
You felt weak when you were finally able to open your eyes, a mild thudding in your head as you tried to sit up, trying to piece together what had happened. 
Gavin sat patiently by your side as the first-aider gave you a strong once over, bringing a bottle of water to your lips and helping you to take a few sips. 
“I’m sorry....” You whispered with a collection of tears in your eyes as you peered up to Gavin, now holding you in his arms. 
“Don’t you dare apologise,” He whispered, holding you a little tighter with his words, “It’s okay, I’ve got you,”. You slumped against him, the feeling of your legs slowly coming back to you but Gavin refused to let you go, holding you bridal style as he stood. “I’m taking you home”.
“But- my work,” You weakly protested.
“Go. Take the rest of the week off, I’ll find Anna,” Victor stepping into your conversation, his face still stern but there was a softness in his eyes. Gavin nodded and without a word carried you out of the building before flying you home, never leaving your side for the next few days. 
When you returned to work, the stress of everything had seemed to have faded away. The calls from Victor over your work dialed down significantly and the workload seemed to be less intense than usual.
Maybe Victor had a softer heart than he let on. 
“Come on princess, just one drink,” Shaw continued his protest as you sighed.
“Okay, just one,”.
Just one, turned into many more. 
The atmosphere on the live house began to die down, leaving you and Shaw alone at the bar with your drinks. Normally you wouldn’t have been so easily swayed to stay but the fleeting look of Shaw when you had stood to leave kept you staying. 
With your epilepsy you knew better than to drink, only keeping to a maximum of two but it had been so long since your last seizure you wasn’t overly worried.
“Another round, same again?” Shaw signaled to you but you shook your head and raised your hand.
“I can’t,”.
“Just one more, please,” He pouted, I mean how can you say no that him.
“I’ll just have a water,”.
“A water? Really?” He teased leaning in a little close to you.
“I have to be careful,”.
“Careful?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow to you, “Are you up the duff or something?”. You tutted and rolled your eyes, slapping his arm playfully.
“I have epilepsy,”.
He looked at you a little taken back.
“Tell me you know what it is, or is that too big of an eight letter word for you to know,” You laughed watching the bashful blush on his face as he tutted, “I know what it is idiot,”.
A slight silence fell between you.
“So what, you drink too much and it causes you to have a fit?” A genuine question from the lavender haired boy.
“Sorta, it’s different for everyone, I know my limit after last time,” The thoughts of your last seizure when you were university from drinking too much send shivers down your spine, “I just monitor what I drink and if I start to feel funny I stop,”.
“What about lights and stuff, like the stage lights?”.
“Depends, the ones here don’t flash so it’s okay for periods of time,” You smile, taking a sip of the water the bar-tender placed in front of you as Shaw took a sip of his beer. 
“Oh, so is that you haven’t been down to see my band play,” He smirked, causing you to roll your eyes again.
“I mean maybe if you tried asking me to come watch you play instead of indirect hints I would have you know,” You pressed a finger to his chest with a giggle.
“You would?” He smiled before hiding it with his normal demeanour.
“Of course, I do have good taste in music,” You cradle the water close to your lips, “I’ve heard the bass guitarist is really cute as well,”. Your eyes watch the blush rise of his cheeks as he chokes a little on the air, you loved throwing a little curve ball to him every now and then with a subtle flirt.
“Anyway, I should get going, it’s late,” You rest the glass on the side, standing up and getting your back. Shaw stands up, throwing a few notes onto the bar as he follows you out.
“You need something?” You ask, slightly confused as he walks beside you.
“Can’t be letting you walk home alone, it’s not safe for you to be on your own,”.
“I’m a big girl Shaw, I think I can manage the ten minute walk,”.
“Yeah, well… shut up,” He huffs and takes your hand in his, “Just to make sure you don’t wander off or anything,”. The gesture warming your heart as you felt his thumb stroking over yours.
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serqentines · 3 years
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( demi man , he/they , 25 , froy gutierrez )  ‣  merlin’s beard , i can’t believe it’s actually ( draco malfoy ) . they went to ( hogwarts school of witchcraft & wizardry ) where they were a ( slytherin ) , which makes sense because when i think of them i hear ( you should see me in a crown ) by ( billie eilish)  . they have been working as a ( herbalist at mr. mulpeppers apothecary ) and i heard that they are feeling ( apprehensive ) about  kingsley’s death . i hope that they can keep their wits about them since they’re ( resourceful , shrewd , & ambitious  ) but they’re also ( shallow , haughty , & judgmental ) so i guess we’ll have to wait until we see their obituary !
𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚. 𝟐𝟓. 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲. 𝐞𝐬𝐭.
𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒 : dossier / isms / interactions / main.
draco lucius malfoy. born june 5, son of lucius malfoy & narcissa black, first heir to the malfoy fortune. a boy with locks of wispy blonde, whiter than snow and softer than the downy fur of a pygmy-puff & eyes the shade of a stormy sea -- oh, how he was destined for damnation. the boy who lived was a myth, a legend, a scoundrel who had tainted draco’s world before he even formally entered it. he was, after all, pure of blood. he was a part of a dying culture, the living testament to the timeless saying -- magic is might. the malfoys swore they’d be on the winning side of a war waged against their kind, against their luxuries and their fortune. but oh, how tragically misguided they were.
the war was cruel, bitter. it left him with scars he had yet to acknowledge. he started as a child, nose held high and indignant sniffs closely following. he wished to befriend the boy who lived, wanted to bring him to the right side. to show him a life of luxury, of fortune, of power beyond their wildest imaginations -- but the dream died young, and with it, draco brewed in hatred. a child as young as him acted like a sponge, brainwashed by a toxic world; his mother was kind and his father noble -- but the malfoys were desperate; they pledged their allegiances to the archaic world of a century long forgotten. and with that, draco found himself allied with those who hated change. mudblood -- it’s an ugly word, but it became a jeer he spat out mercilessly. he spewed hate and vitriol and disgust -- for it was all he knew. and the dark lord knew that a boy as stupid, as childish, as desperate to please as draco would be the most perfect weapon.
he was only 17 when he was tasked to kill; his hands began to shake and his gray hues became blurred with tears. he didn’t want to kill -- and yet he stood, wand drawn, heart pounding, blood roaring -- for fear bit at his heels and clawed at his insides. he would die like this. he would die a murderer, an instrument to the dark lord’s whim. by then, it was too late. he was far gone, beyond redemption, and he trudged through the battlegrounds with his head hanging and his shoulders squared.
they told him that if he turned him in, he’d be forgiven for his father’s sins. he looks into his eyes, swollen features disfigured and ugly -- but he knew. draco would always know. how could he forget the boy who lived after all those years of torment and hate? but as he stood there, dark gray meeting muddled green, draco felt something within him ache. he had seen death, had heard his professor beg him softly with broken pleas before the last bits of life left her. he heard her whimpers before they died on her lips. but most of all -- he remembered heranguish. it was crushing, suffocating the breath from his lungs until he felt like he was going under the deep black currents time and time again. 
his skin crawled each time he recalled the sound of his aunt’s wild laughter as it echoed through the lonesome halls of malfoy manor each time she drew her wand to torture the innocents brought to her disposable. he always knew what his peers, his supposed comrades were capable of. it was the most unspeakable of evils, darker than any curse, any hex, any spell he could find. the cruelty sizzled through his veins and singed his skin and as the dark mark etched itself into his flesh, draco had to swallow back a sob. his mark was exactly why he knew the sins of his father were necessary to be forgiven -- less he or his family suffered the same untimely fate as the others.
and yet, he hesitated. for once in his life, the boy who made all the wrong choices, the boy who had no choice at all, decided that it was time to carve his own future. he couldn’t be sure, he said -- a lie -- and brushed the chosen one aside. perhaps he saved the wizarding world in that moment by sparing the life of the boy who had already lived. but the sins of his father remained -- for they would always linger.
when the war finally came to its tragic end, the malfoys had lost everything. their fortune, their name, their dignity, their power. lost, forgotten, thrown away. the impending trials at the merciless hands of the wizengamot had left them stripped to their bare bones, shameful and hollow. his one saving grace had been his mother; narcissa had saved the world with her unwavering love for her family -- and for that reason, she was spared. the scars of war, however, did not mend so easily. the malfoy name, once so full of power, elegance, and sway, became a laughingstock. they were shamed, ridiculed, smeared without remorse in the prophet. draco knew that it was inevitable -- and with his father’s mugshot plastered every which way & his (short) sentence amongst the dementors, it became painfully obvious that the once-powerful malfoy bloodline was now tainted by the bitter stench of defeat. 
quietly, draco returned for his eighth year -- and it was painfully obvious to those around him that the former bully, brat, and loudmouth had died amongst the fallen. a casualty to the war’s angry clutches. his head hung low and pale blonde locks hid stormy gray eyes; he didn’t expect forgiveness. a malfoy never waited on anyone -- but even then, a small part of him ached for redemption. ached to find his place in a world changing minute by minute, second by second. he had already lost it all. what more was left for them to take? perhaps he was not the boy who lived, but he was still just a boy. a misguided, troubled, easily brainwashed boy. how exceptionally lonely it was to be draco malfoy, the boy who never had a choice.
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jq37 · 5 years
Ok thoughts on Six on Broadway fresh out of the theater (2/16; 3PM show):
First and most importantly it totally lived up to the hype that I've been trying and failing to not build up in my head since last year. And this might be the hypest audience I've ever been in. Everyone in line was talking like they already knew what was up and I saw a good amount of people in like crowns and space buns and stuff. And every single time a Queen got burned during the show, everyone “OOOOOOH”-ed like we were on Wild ‘N Out or something. 
While I was in line, I’m 95% sure I saw Toby Marlow sprint past me and then return 10 minutes later with a slice of pizza. 
I got a pin and I asked the dude for an Aragon pin and he was like, "Is that queen of the castle?" Like lol buddy welcome to your first weekend working at Six.
Before the show starts, they play pop songs but I assume with the keyboard set to organ or harpsichord sounds. The two songs I recognized were Truth Hurts and Havana.
If you’re here looking for intel on the seating situation, I had seats second from the top and way to the left and I still saw everything fine (and I am not a tall person) so I wouldn’t worry too much about where you’re sitting.  
Like I said before, it's such a hype show. Like even if you've heard the soundtrack or seen the show through ~other means~ I promise you're not ready.
Right when the show starts, they project out these Tudor rose projections into the audience which is a nice touch. It’s such a nice looking set in general with the lights in the back and the band up on stage. I really like how highlighted the band members are in this show as compared to other shows I’ve seen. It’s a hard job and I bet it’s nice to get the props. 
“Live in Consort” is the best pun in Six because it’s a reach but said with such confidence that you have to give to to her. 
"Donde esta my crown?" is already a funny line but it’s even funnier when you picture two British 20-somethings conceiving of the line.
Any time Aragon waves at the crowd, which is a lot, she Princess Diary waves which I love. 
A lot of people have had a lot to say about the American accents and it's honestly ridiculous. Like, we're already taking these historical figures so out of their original context that could hardly be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Like, Kathrine Howard can sing a Brittney Spears song but it has to be in a British accent? Come on. And I actually think some songs (like No Way and Get Down in particular) sound a little more natural in an American accent considering the artists they’re taking inspiration from.
I can’t believe they do this show without a break. This is like 90 minutes of pure cardio. It’s, “I’m getting exhausted watching you,” choreo. They didn’t stagedoor after and, tbh, good. Go lay down before the 8pm show please. That’s 100% what I’d be doing.
I have heard the Anne Boleyn intro before but it’s a million times funnier watching her actively peace out as she’s being talked about and then take a selfie and quickly stash her phone before the song starts. 
They really scrubbed as many of the “mate”s out of the show as possible which I get but I feel like I would have just left them alone since it’s such a common British-ism that I feel like people know. 
I was led to believe that in “Wearing Yellow to a Funeral,” Anne is cut off from calling Aragon a massive bitch but lol that was def a hard C and not a B they stopped her after. 
“What a weekend,” is also a killer line imo. 
Still wild that Elizabeth is never mentioned in this show except indirectly when Anne says when she had a daughter Henry killed her. 
Heart of Stone has def grown on me since I first heard it and Abby Mueller is obv amazing but it’s still weird to hear after a song about how this dude literally decapitated someone (“You’ve got a good heart?” Jane, what? Citation needed) and I think it’s good that it’s basically undercut immediately by the, “Severed head,” line by Anne. Also, I lowkey spent most of the song preparing for the cut to Haus of Holbein. 
I was not prepared for the cut to Haus of Holbein. 
Literally, I could not wipe the stupid grin off my face during the entirety of Cleves’ pre-HoH speech because I knew exactly the nonsense that was about to happen and it still surpassed my expectations. 
If I didn’t already know that Boleyn’s line was, “the whole of the Holy Roman Empire,” there is no way I would have understood any of that. The German accents during that scene truly do sound like they were told, “Do literally whatever,” and it’s so funny. 
Cleves’ throne rising out of the stage so she can sit in it is such a Moment.  
Brittney Mack’s operatic riff or whatever it’s called during the slow-mo part of Get Down is so, so, so fill the room amazing. Man it was so good. Also, I 100% did not realize that on the “take my fur” line, they breakaway rip her little jacket off and it’s this cool sparkly bodice piece under. Based on audience reaction, neither did they. 
I feel like everyone always talks about Boleyn’s energy in this show and they should because they’re right but--speaking for the Broadway cast--she’s for sure second to Cleves in terms of raw energy. 
During the roast, I think to Aragon, Howard strokes her cheek with the back of her hand which is super funny, as is her shaking her fists at the sky after the, “When will justice be served,” line to Jane.
Not a Surprise: I also Wasn’t Ready for All You Wanna Do. 
AYWD is the song I was most curious to see audience reaction to (w/ HoH being a close second) because, you know, it’s an ostensibly fun song except that it’s awful. But I think the mood of the audience kinda followed Howard’s. When she was joking around, everyone kinda felt like they had permission to joke around too--like there’s a part in the choreo that happens more than once where they put her hands on her and she shrugs them off and the first time it happened there was a laugh but when it happened again during the third verse when she’s clearly Over It and dancing in a really rote and exhausted way, no laugh.
(Sidenote: The juxtaposition of Cleves and Howard--arguably the most and least successful Queens--is always to interesting to me. The placement of such a “I’m so Dope,” song next to a, “My life was trash,” song. And, now having seen it, there’s a part in the Get Down choreo where all the other queens have their hands all over Cleves in a hyping her up kinda way and, as, in contrast, Howard is getting touched constantly in AYWD and it’s Bad.)
(Double sidenote: During verse four of AYWD, there’s a part where everyone walks in front of Howard and they duck so they don’t block her and Andrea like basically didn’t duck at all. It was lowkey super funny). 
Anyway, the breakdown was rough. By which I mean extremely good but rough to listen to. Like, I know it’s a part of the song so I knew it was coming but I’m so used to the studio version that listening to her full on sob through the last chorus was A Lot. You could feel the air sucked out of the room. Huge props to Sam Pauly.
So, iirc, in the West End version of the show, post Howard’s song is the fight which dissolves into literal hair pulling/having to break people up. In this version, it doesn’t got that far. They get to comparing miscarriages and the Cleves breaks it up and tells Parr it’s her turn. Then, she gets an intro to an upbeat sounding song that we never actually hear because she can’t bring herself to sing it. Then she goes into the same (or at least a similar) speech about, “We shouldn’t do this,” which leads into IDNYL.
When Katherine does the, “Katherine de Valois, I mean I don’t know,” line, Cleves looks at her like, “Bitch what?”
When Boleyn gives the, “Everyone notices that Jane can’t dance,” line, I didn’t catch Jane’s reaction like I wanted to because Aragon immediately breaks into a sidebar with her like, “Right? That’s totally true.”
During Jane’s verse in Six, everyone is actually pretty down with the Tudor Von Trapps line and then she says Royaling Stones and loses everyone. 
I didn’t realize that they did the same couples choreo during the Six that they do for Ex-Wives but I like that a lot. Very circular. 
It is extremely hard to not sing during a show like Six, especially once you’ve conditioned yourself for the past six or so month to start spitting out lyrics the second you hear any of these songs start. I really really hope they have Sing-A-Long tix at some point because I am willing to shell out for that and I think a lot of people in that audience would have as well.
Some random dude at a light say me holding my playbills and asked how I liked the show because he’d good things which, if an omen for the show’s prospects, is a good one. Opening weekend is probably not a fantastic gauge of show longevity because of course all of the hypest fans would be out now but if it can keep up this energy then man they’re gonna have a hit (well, a further hit). 
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Meet the Beaumonts: When Maxwell Married Stephanie
This is yet another installment of the Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @ao719 @cocomaxley @leelee10898 and @speedyoperarascalparty . Thanks for letting me join in on the fun, chickas!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
Tag list: @fullbeaumonty @annekebbphotography @carabeth @stopforamoment @zaffrenotes @editboutique @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetween2loves @choiceslife@ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @wannabemc2 @enmchoices
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      Stephanie smoothed the rainbow-colored tulle of her mid-thigh length skirt, checking her reflection in the mirror. She adjusted the deep blue, sequined bust of the dress before reaching for her lipstick.  
     “You look fantastic, Rosebud.” Maxwell said utterly enthralled with the woman before him.
   She peeked up into his eyes in his reflection in the mirror.
    “Wedding colors and House Beaumont colors. You outdid yourself with this dress, Hun.”
   Her fiance rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Well it helps that you could make a potato sack look sexy.”
     She spun to face him, stepping on tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her waist and he placed a chaste kiss to her mouth. He felt a smile bloom against his lips as a snicker fell from the love of his life.
   “You look pretty spectacular yourself, Baby.”
    Stephanie adjusted his tie and brushed off his shoulders. “I don't know why you bother with a jacket, though. They never last the whole event because you hate them.”
  “Yeah, well. I have to try hard to look good enough to be on your arm, Red. Shall we?” Maxwell extended his arm and she took it, draping her hand in the bend of his elbow.
           They entered the ballroom of the Ramsford estate, greeting guests as they headed towards the dais, grabbing champagne flutes along the way.
    Bertrand and Savannah stood arm in arm on the raised platform, their own toasting glasses in hand. The Duke of Ramsford cleared his throat as his wife handed him a microphone.
     “We'd like to thank you all for joining us for my little brother's rehearsal dinner. Savannah and I are overjoyed to be welcoming the lady Stephanie Scott into our family tomorrow. Please enjoy yourselves and do make sure to offer proper salutations to the bride and groom.”
      A few hours later Stephanie found herself with Gen and Alicia near the dessert table.
    “You called it with the jacket, Stef. I guess it must be hard to move like that in one.” Alicia laughed, gesturing towards Maxwell as he grooved out on the dance floor.
    Stephanie glanced in the direction her friend had pointed to find her fiance, devoid of blazer with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Yep that's my Maxie.”
    She beamed as she noticed Countess Madeline and Lady Kiara at a table nearby.
Knowing that the two bitter women were almost always trying to plot against Alicia and Pam, she edged a little closer to them, straining her ears against the absurdly loud music to eavesdrop.
       “It's really very sad if you ask me, the nose dive this once prestigious house took when Duke Barthelemy and Duchess Renee died.” Madeline sneered.
     “Oui. House Beaumont was once one of the most revered houses in Cordonia and now they've only sullied their name by Bertrand marrying a commoner.” Kiara agreed.
  “And now the spare is following suit. And even worse, she's an American commoner. Maxwell's parents are likely rolling in their graves over his choice of a wife. Rest their souls.”
      Stephanie gulped, her face going pale.
   “Stef, are you okay?” Gen asked placing a hand on her friend's forearm.
   “I…. I feel dizzy. Excuse me.” She replied as her world started spinning. She sat her champagne flute down and headed towards the nearest door.
      She staggered into the the hallway collapsing into the wall. She pressed her back firmly against it, sliding into a sitting position, gently hugging her knees.
    Stephanie's nostrils flared as her chest heaved, her breathing coming in short spurts through her nose.
   Pam and Drake appeared in the hallway. He was adjusting his tie as Pam pawed at her hair, trying to smooth it back into place.
    “Stephanie, oh my God!” The brunette woman rushed over placing her hands on her friend's shoulders.
    Stephanie blinked furiously, trying to focus on Pam.
   “Drake, go get Maxwell. She's having a panic attack.” She instructed. Drake raced into the ballroom.
  “That's it, honey. Breathe. Max is coming.”
      A few moments later Maxwell came flying out of the ballroom with Alicia and Anitah on his heels.
    “Rosebud! What happened?!” He shouted kneeling to take Pam's place in front of his fiance. He gingerly cradled her face in his sizeable hands, his eyes darting back and forth between hers.
    Just the sight of him calmed her by measures, but her breathing was still erratic. “M...Madeline…” she squeaked out.
   “Sssshhhh. Don't try to talk, Sweetheart. Just focus on me.” Maxwell told her calmly.
  Alicia began removing her dangle diamond earrings, promptly handing them to Anitah.
   “Brooklyn?” The queen asked and Alicia nodded before stalking into the ballroom, her skirt swept up in her arm.
    Stomping up to Madeline, she cocked her fist delivering a swift right hook to the Countess’ nose.
     Madeline fell from her chair and Alicia stepped over the crumpled woman. “Listen now and listen good. I've had enough of your shit. You stay away from Stephanie. Do you hear me?” She pointed at the blonde on the floor who nodded swiftly.
    “That goes for you too, bitch.” She huffed at Kiara.
     Back in the hallway, Stephanie's breathing was almost back to normal and Maxwell helped her up, pulling her protectively into his arm. “I'm going to take her to bed. Anitah will you let B know what happened?”
    “Of course.” Anitah replied.
        The couple slowed as they approached Stephanie's estate room. She looked up at Maxwell with puffy eyes and tear-stricken cheeks.
     “Are you okay, Rosebud?” He asked, his thumb gently caressing her face.
    “I am now. I'm so sorry, Hun. I don't know what came over me. I just got so overwhelmed…”
    Max placed a finger over her lips. “It's fine, Red. As long as you're okay now that's all I care about.”
     Stephanie looked deep into his eyes searching for any hint of disappointment. Finding none, she wrapped her arms around his waist. She pulled him tight against her, breathing in his familiar scent. Maxwell always smelled like chocolates and coffee, and she sighed delightfully into his chest.
    When they finally parted, Maxwell leaned in slowly. Just before his lips met hers she turned away, his kiss landing on her cheek. He didn't move at first except to lean away a little, his mouth still puckered a moment before it fell into a frown.
   “Did I...did I do something wrong?” He asked, brows furrowing.
   “No.” Stephanie began her gaze still averted. “It's bad luck before the wedding.”
  “Well I've never heard that a kiss was bad luck. Just the spending the night together. Is that an American thing?”
  She winced at his words, hoping he didn't notice. American thing.
    She looked back up at him. The concern on his face was breaking her heart, so she smiled warmly.
   “I'm just tired is all. I'm worn slap out.” She forced a chuckle, but he grinned in response and that was what she wanted to see.
  “I love your southern-isms, Rosebud. Well I guess I'll let you get to bed then.” He planted a kiss to the crown of her head and slowly turned her door knob.
   “Good night, Maxie.”
  “Oh it's going to be the best night because tomorrow I'm going to marry the girl of my dreams...but like in real life.” He winked as she chuckled stepping inside.
   “I love you, Maxwell Beaumont.”
  “I love you too, Stephanie Scott. I already can't wait to see you tomorrow.”
     The next morning the squad and Savannah all gathered in the bridal ready room positioned just off of the boutique.  Stephanie's gown stood, all by itself, in the corner. She stepped over to it, admiring the craftsmanship of Ana de Luca.
      It was a strapless dress with a white, corset-style bodice. Stephanie ran her fingers over the rainbow colored jeweled detail just below the breast. As her hands continued to dance further down the dress to the multi colored layers of tulle creating the skirt, she drew in a deep breath and tugged her floral print robe closer to her body.
    Every piece of her was ready to meet Maxwell at the altar and become his wife. Every piece but one.
     A nagging, irksome feeling in the pit of her stomach kept replaying the Countess’ words over and over again.
     “...even worse she's an American commoner.”
    “Well we're all dressed.” Alicia began, drawing Stephanie from her trance. She turned to face her bridesmaids, each wearing a different color of the rainbow.
    Alicia was in royal blue, Savannah in a vibrant yellow, Genevieve wore hot pink, Pam a deep plum, and Anitah in a Kelly green. Each was a vision in her respective dress; Stephanie's childhood vision of her special day.
    “Now let's get you in that thing. It's going to take all of us.” Pam mused pointing at the wedding gown.
   The bride stood before the floor length mirror, her ginger hair pinned half up, the rest flowing down her shoulders in loose, beachy waves.
    “So you have your something old.” Savannah stated, draping their grandmother's antique pearls around Stephanie's neck and clasping them.
   “ Your something new. From Rashad's dad.” Gen held up a pair of freshwater pearl earrings.
     “They're lovely, Gen. Please thank Demetrius for me.”
   “And something blue…” Alicia finished, wrapping a blue handkerchief embroidered with House Beaumont's crest around the handle of the bridal bouquet. “Now we just need to find you something borrowed.”
   “ I think I can help with that, actually.” Anitah said. She reached into her bag and pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a simple silver tone tiara adorned with Crystal and pearls.
   “It's from my royal collection. It'll match your heirloom pearls nicely and I think every woman should feel like a queen on her wedding day.”
    The monarch smirked as Stephanie's eyes went wide. She stepped up, adding the tiara to the crown of Stephanie's head, careful not to jostle her hair.
   “Oh Anitah!” The bride began whirling to peer into the mirror once more. “It's beautiful. How can I ever thank you?”
   “Just knock em dead out there. Seeing you look your best as you marry one of my best friends will be thanks enough for me.” The queen shrugged.
       Stephanie studied herself in the mirror. The woman staring back at her , wrapped in all the trappings of a noble wedding, looked nothing at all like herself. Suddenly she felt dizzy again. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was a mistake.
     Not because she didn't love Maxwell. She did. More than anything; But seeing herself so dressed up only drove home the point that she didn't belong here on his arm.
    And the others are court, people that were important in Maxwell's country, they were taking notice.
    How could she ruin his House like this? Certainly she couldn't change the fact that his brother had married her cousin. The ladies at court would probably always gossip about Savannah, but at least she was a Cordonian.
     … Maxwell's parents are likely rolling in their graves over his choice of a wife….
     “I... I need to talk to Maxwell. Now. Right now!” Stephanie declared stepping away from the mirror. Her bridesmaids shared a concerned look.
    “Stef, it's almost time to start. Drake will be here any second to walk you down the aisle. Max is probably already at the altar-” Pam tried to reason.
    “I don't care what time the invitation says! Max and I are the ones getting married! What are they gonna do? Start without us?” Stephanie snapped.
      Alicia's eyes went wide as she mouthed “okay…” turning to face Pam.
     “I'm sorry you guys, I'm not trying to yell, I just...I really have to talk to him. Now. It can't wait.” Stephanie pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
   Gen nodded. “Okay, but you can't see him before the wedding it's bad luck. So stand right here and me and Nitah will go and get him.”
     The ladies ushered Stephanie to the wall just next to the door jamb. She leaned against it, her head falling back to rest upon it as well as she sighed loudly.
     A few moments later they returned.
    “He's right outside.”Gen told her, a small giggle escaping her lips. “Funny. He's standing just like that.”
     Stephanie's eyes met Genevieve's, silently thanking her for honoring her crazy request.
   “Okay, we'll give you guys some privacy.” Pam stated ushering everyone out. She paused in the doorway and said, “we'll be waiting in the vestibule. And no peeking you two.”
    Once everyone was gone, Stephanie asked, “Maxwell?”
     “I'm here. Is everything okay, Rosebud?”
    She could hear the subtle anxiety in his voice and she closed her eyes as her heart sank. She slid down the wall, the fabric of her wedding gown catching slightly as she did.
   There was a faint scraping against the other side of the wall indicating that her soon-to-be husband had done the same. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Maxwell's familiar, large hand reach around the corner, palm pointed skyward.
    She smiled to herself, lacing her fingers in his. Her hand suddenly looked so naked since she had removed her Sapphire and diamond engagement ring for the ceremony.
     “I've just been thinking...we met seven months ago. Seven months. There are still so many things...and today we're getting married.”
   She looked down at the multicolored tulle skirt of her gown, rolling the fabric between her unoccupied hand.
     “Somehow you don't sound so sure about that, Red. Are we...are we getting married today?” Maxwell's voice was calm now, even and understanding.
    “I love you so much, Max. I can't imagine my life without you, But this is a huge step. I guess I just wanted to..ya know? Give you an out. If you want one. It's just us here, so we can do this quietly-”
   “Stephanie, why would I want an out? You're my soulmate.” He interrupted gently squeezing her hand.
   “Look… I don't fit in here, Maxwell. I'm not made for all of the pomp and circumstance. The fancy parties and the opulence. I mean one of your best friends is literally a queen. I grew up on a farm in Texas. You're nobility. I can't compete and I can't keep up. And most of all, I know I'm not good enough. I just don’t wanna make you look bad.” Stephanie mused, her voice cracking.
    From his place in the hallway Maxwell shook his head, wiping his hand down his face before nervously wetting his lips.
     “What brought this on? Have you been just stewing in this? Stef...I love you and you love me, the real me. That's all there is to it. I don't care about all of the other stuff.”
     “I overheard some ladies at our rehearsal dinner talking about how first Bertrand married below his station and now you were doing the same thing and how your parents would be so disappointed. I don't know.”
    Maxwell pulled her hand further into the doorway. She could just make out the ends of his messy chocolate hair and the tip of his slightly upturned nose as he brought the back of her hand to his lips. He lingered there for a long moment, his breath warm against her fingers.
     Finally he said, “ If you don't want to do this, I can't make you. It'll kill me to let you go, Stephanie; but I will gladly do that if that's what you want. I'd do anything for you, even break my own heart. I just want you to be deliriously happy, Rosebud. No matter what it takes. So I'll tell ya what I'm going to do. I'm going to head out there,  to the altar, and I'm going to marry you, if you'll still have me. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I just want to be your husband, because I love you and I know that this type of love only happens once in a lifetime.”
   Maxwell pressed his lips to her hand once more before standing. He brushed off his slacks before adding, “ I really hope you'll meet me out there. I can't wait to see you in that gorgeous gown, baby.”
     Stephanie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was still silently begging her tears not to fall when Drake appeared in the doorway.
     “There you are. Let's go get you married, Beaumont.” He grinned.
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dfroza · 4 years
A Time of the end
of the world as it is known.
the birthing pains of its rebirth is seen played out in the scenes that John describes in the book of Revelation
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament (New Covenant) is chapter 6:
[Breaking Open the Sealed Scroll]
Then I watched as the Lamb broke open the first of the seven seals. Immediately I heard one of the four living creatures call out with a powerful voice of revelation sounding like thunder, saying, “Come forth!” So I looked, and behold, there was a bright white horse. Its rider had a bow and was given a crown of victory. He rode out as a conqueror ready to conquer.
When he broke open the second seal, I heard the second living creature call out: “Come forth!” And there appeared another horse, red like fiery flames, and its rider was given a great sword and the power to take peace from earth, causing one to put to death another.
Then he broke open the third seal, and I heard the third living creature call out, “Come forth!” And behold, I saw a black horse right in front of me, and its rider was holding measuring scales. And I heard what seemed to be a voice from among the living creatures saying, “A small measure of wheat for a day’s pay, and three measures of barley for a day’s pay, but don’t harm the olive trees producing oil and the vines producing wine.”
When he broke open the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature call out, “Come forth!” And behold, I saw a green horse, and its rider’s name was Death, and Death’s Domain followed him. They were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, death, and by the wild beasts.
When the Lamb broke open the fifth seal, I saw gathered under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and because they had the testimony of the Lamb. They cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Sovereign Lord, holy and dependable, how long before you judge those who live on the earth and vindicate our blood on them?”
Each one was given a glistening white robe. And they were told to rest a little longer, until the full number was fulfilled of both their fellow servants and brothers and sisters who were going to be killed just as they had been.
And behold! I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal, which released a powerful earthquake. I saw the sun become pitch black and the full moon become bloodred. The stars fell from heaven to the earth, as a fig tree shaken by a stormy wind sheds its unripe figs. The sky receded with a snap—as a scroll rolls itself up. And every mountain and island was moved from its place. Then the kings of the earth and its great princes and generals, the rich and powerful, and everyone, whether they were slave or free, ran for cover and hid in the caves and among the mountain boulders. They called out to the mountains and the boulders, saying, “Fall on us at once! Hide us quickly from the glorious face of the one seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 6 (The Passion Translation)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 17th chapter of 2nd Chronicles that documents the life & times of King Jehoshaphat:
[Jehoshaphat of Judah]
Asa’s son Jehoshaphat was the next king; he started out by working on his defense system against Israel. He put troops in all the fortress cities of Judah and deployed garrisons throughout Judah and in the towns of Ephraim that his father Asa had captured. God was on Jehoshaphat’s side because he stuck to the ways of his father Asa’s early years. He didn’t fool around with the popular Baal religion—he was a seeker and follower of the God of his father and was obedient to him; he wasn’t like Israel. And God secured the kingdom under his rule, gave him a firm grip on it. And everyone in Judah showed their appreciation by bringing gifts. Jehoshaphat ended up very rich and much honored. He was single-minded in following God; and he got rid of the local sex-and-religion shrines.
In the third year of his reign he sent his officials—excellent men, every one of them—Ben-Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah on a teaching mission to the cities of Judah. They were accompanied by Levites—Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tob-Adonijah; the priests Elishama and Jehoram were also in the company. They made a circuit of the towns of Judah, teaching the people and using the Book of The Revelation of God as their text.
There was a strong sense of the fear of God in all the kingdoms around Judah—they didn’t dare go to war against Jehoshaphat. Some Philistines even brought gifts and a load of silver to Jehoshaphat, and the desert bedouin brought flocks—7,700 rams and 7,700 goats. So Jehoshaphat became stronger by the day, and constructed more and more forts and store-cities—an age of prosperity for Judah!
He also had excellent fighting men stationed in Jerusalem. The captains of the military units of Judah, classified according to families, were: Captain Adnah with 300,000 soldiers; his associate Captain Jehohanan with 280,000; his associate Amasiah son of Zicri, a volunteer for God, with 200,000. Officer Eliada represented Benjamin with 200,000 fully equipped with bow and shield; and his associate was Jehozabad with 180,000 armed and ready for battle. These were under the direct command of the king; in addition there were the troops assigned to the fortress cities spread all over Judah.
The Book of 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 17 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, february 14 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
An email from Glenn Jackson:
February 14th
* The "powers" (of the air) are still present; but wherever Christ is preached and believed in, wherever His authority is "established", a limit has been set to their working. This limit is the sign and the promise of their defeat. Primarily this limitation is seen in the continued existence of the Church of Jesus Christ. By her very presence she breaks through that unshaken stability of life under the "powers" which we know and marvel at in ancient civilizations. She is made up of men and women who see through the deception of the Powers, refusing to run after "isms".
Standing within the community of a people or a culture, their very presence is an interrogation, the questioning of the "legitimacy" of the "powers". The "powers" are limited by the very presence of men and women who will no longer let themselves be enslaved, led astray, and intimidated, against whom the program of the "powers”, that is, their effort to separate men and women from God, suffers shipwreck. It is then inevitable that the "powers" should resort to oppression and persecution. But in this very act of desperation their unmasking is repeated and confirmed. They can no longer exist without being forced to uncover their true nature.
...."When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him".... Colossians 2:13-15 NASB
...."And do not be terrified in even one thing by those who are entrenched in their opposition against you, which failure on your part to be frightened is an indication of such a nature as to present clear evidence to them of utter destruction, also clear evidence of your salvation, and this from God. And the reason why you should not be terrified is because to you that very thing was given graciously as a favor for the sake of Christ and in His behalf, not only to be believing on Him but also to be suffering for His sake and in His behalf, having the same struggle which you saw in me and now hear to be in me".... Philippians 1:28-30 Kenneth Wuest Translation
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
February 14, 2021
The Greatest Love
“And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” (Genesis 22:2)
There are many types of love in the world—romantic love, marital love, erotic love, brotherly love, maternal love, patriotic love, family love, and love for all kinds of things—pets, food, money, sports, and on and on. But what is the greatest love?
Love is probably the greatest word of the Bible, and, by the principle of first mention of important biblical words, the first time the word “love” occurs should be a key to its use all through the Bible. Rather surprisingly, love is first encountered here in our text, speaking of the love of a father for his son, of Abraham for Isaac, the son of promise. Furthermore, the father is being told by the very God who made the promise to offer his beloved son as a sacrifice!
From the New Testament (see Hebrews 11:17-18), we know that this entire scene is a remarkable type of the heavenly Father and His willingness to offer His own beloved Son in sacrifice for the sin of the world. This tells us that the love of this human father for his human son is an earthly picture of the great eternal love of the Father in heaven for His only begotten Son.
And that means that this love of God the Father for God the Son is the ultimate source of all love, for that love was being exercised before the world began. When Jesus prayed to His Father the night before His sacrificial death, He confirmed this great truth; “for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world,” He prayed (John 17:24). Indeed, “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and the eternal love within the triune Godhead is the fountainhead of all true human love here on Earth. HMM
0 notes
dancingarchitect · 7 years
There have been times when I’ve wondered if Black Thought should be in the running for #goat emcee. This video is one of those times. My friend and colleague, drummer Morgan Childs, actually transcribed these amazing rhymes: Uh I’m sorry for your loss it’s somebody dead in a car and it’s probably one of yours The writin’ all across the window and the walls Whether it was true or false We shouldn’t have got involved Remember We walked past the teacher take the chalk and laugh We wrote punishments “I will not talk in class” Now it’s pistols punishing people for talking fast And all these innocent bystanders is haulin’ ass I hate to say “I told y’all” but I told y’all Things fall apart when the center to weak to hold y’all I’m just collecting what you owe to my owe jar You ‘bout to get swooped down on and stoled on Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish but we was headed for the web even before computers I never thought you’d give me a reason to do this Cain and Abel Jesus and Judas Caesar and Brutus I see intruders avert yer eyes I told you keep out of the hood Circumcise How could you sleep, I thought you always was the first to rise Eyo you heard the line Errybody plays the fool Well I be that exception to the rule The principal that hand deliver lessons to the school I was makin’ major moves My dollar déjà vu My mission when my ambition was brandishin’ the tool to be an icon wearin’ slippers made of python Get mine quicker ‘cause I’m slick as a pipeline Transportin’ the oil tribulation and toil hit the operation but I’m back in the soil Got my crown tilted, my gown quilted silk with cashmere burn the room down in a minute, built it last year Newsflash, I dodged the bullet that killed the cashier My homie told me to come with him to the masthead Them brothers said don’t go from written bars filled with rage to prime time television and your gilded cage Then forget there’s people in the world still enslaved I bar white at my wrist, and let it fill the page Gunfire and flare Sirens glare I’m in an iron chair with people who care don’t get the lion’s share When I don’t give a fuck then I ain’t fair I’m on a higher table people getting’ money like the finest hair Catch the herald I’m fresh chopped and beveled rap on a doctorate level so F Scott Fitzgerald Maybe I’m the new Rakim Maybe I’m Fab Pharoah Undergarments are armor be my intimate apparel Pre-Kardashian Kanye My rhyme play immaculate Same cadence as D.O.C. pre-accident Maybe my acumen is on par with Gucci rappin’ and gimme the proper respect motherfucker we back again For a couple things we lost in a fire the drive and desire to perform on a higher plateau I make that show lost in a mire Wondering how we got so far from inspired Look, when photos were sepia toned and record players were something you would keep in your home Yo the traveller the meanin’ Tariq he was known For the exemplary performance, uniquely his own I made the 21 pound for some a newfound religion When money’s put down there’s only one sound to make OGs and young lions equally proud to listen To seek what amalgam-ism an algorithm comin’ from where only kings and crowns permitted to darkness Where archaeologists found my image in parchment rolled into a scroll holdin’ a message for you It said the only thing fo sho is taxes death and trouble The anomaly, sworn solemnly high snobbery Freakinomics and war policy dichotomy That’s Heaven and Hades Tigris and Euphrates His highness, the apple of the iris to you ladies As babies we went from simolac to infomill to the internet and fentanyl when our consent was still against the will I got that detox for y’all The microphone doctor black Deepak Chopra I’m a griot that make you want to peacock your arm every heavy dignitary payin’ me top regards boy I’m three octaves far from the bi noc ulars so the smart money feelin’ get the heat out the car yo I’m K dot Lamar meets Tupac Shakur Got profiled by a few cops too hot to charge, listen somebody said a price tag was on a rapper’s head so we gonna see a nice bag when a rapper dead the mast black the flag green black and red they probably wave a white flag out the prasma shed (?) no doubt Yo the Game went they own route I can’t explain what these lame kids is talmbout Or how they fit they whole foot into their own mouth I put a couple bodies in a brown bag then I’m en route I’m sneaker shoppin’ with my stuntas size 8 prior to they release, cuz why wait? Look, in my state I got electrified gates for these blasé gods hatin’ at a high rate ‘cause I dodged fate then got great to fly straight if we ain’t family or friends then we don’t vibrate and I’m that Gun in yah face none of y’all safe If I catch you at the right time in the wrong place Slippin’ Sipping on somethin’ with a strong taste Like whiskey or bootleg bourbon with a corn base (Malavine?) take resemble a vehicular threat The mic I spray resemblin’ a sickle of death It ain’t strenuous to come from a continuous breath I set fire to the venue Imma spin you in step Rinse repeat You checkin’ for the sound of the beats I’m the hound I’m a creep I get down Imma eat Imma keep sumpin’ and lay a naysayer to sleep playin’ wit heat nobody and nothin’ fucking with ‘Riq yo these weaklings is claiming they cutting up in the streets Nigga peace You ain’t workin’ with nuttin’ but the police, listen you ain’t feelin’ to be nothin’ but the deceased, listen you in the tournament with a permanent crease I strike fear in the hearts of rap figures who mind bears the stigmas of time no black privilege From Boom Bap niggas To trap niggas you in the trap wit us When the lines is as vivid as the walls on that grab all the graph by the law to rap I reside between the seconds on the chronograph How much more CB4 can we afford? It’s like a sharia law On My Cherie Amour How much hypocrisy can people possibly adore? But ain’t nobody workin’ on a cure? My young boy Y’all just regular I’m an apex predator Brim stay fresh feathered up etcetera nevertheless I got a message of love One day a messenger yo my pen is Henry Kissinger Buzz Bissinger, look My caporegime Mr Noradeen and my oldest son Amin Saleem outta New Orleans Took a golf cart to the baccarat From the Waldorf What was on the walls? That depend on what you call art Imma say 300 k ain’t even in the ballpark I charge more just for awkward small talk So yes Who’s fuckin’ with it if it’s not the best? I get the lobby painted fresh upon my request It’s Kafkaesque His holiness stop the press that cobalt blue Reminiscing on my caress Lord, we got Padma Lakshmi for you Let her massage the back with black seed oil The foundation is firm, the flags need soil Me, I need royalty because I bleed royal Go through the veins to the brain fabulous and strange My journalistic range is a catalyst for change They got anybody to listen pissin’ flames and ‘cause the Hall of Fame got so many missin’ names I’ll acknowledge the original peoples not Oliver Y’all will the get the next challenger for Excalibur Um… more police for my core beliefs They tried to capture me and brand me on the cheek with a fleur de lis that side of my heart’ll be more discrete I’m international, my passport pages like War and Peace I’ve always played my part From the start Back in Philly where the triggers is mandatory to spark With the slightest inflammatory remark I have you in a livin’ a category apart, listen A grain of salt’ll tip the scales It never fails Walk on eggshells sleep on a bed of nails Criminal records like record sales Makin’ heads or tails we like Henrietta (L)acks Up in the cells My mother was a working class very loving woman who struggled, every dinner could have been her last supper (summer?) I come home chasin’ good for nothin’ half cousins and then walk in the crib to the smell of crack cookin’ she was introduced to that substance abuse or some of the strongest drugs that the gov’ment produced look, I even got excused by the principal My story is out of the dub dub interview I seen some ice cold summers, hot winters too I never thought I’d win Grammy awards with the Roots I never thought I would be getting’ long in the tooth My OGs told me “boy, you better go and live your truth” I am a walking affirmation That imagination and focus and patience gets you closer to your aspiration and just cuz they give you shit don’t mean you have to take it My words capture greatness sworn affidavits Yours truly the celestial being You stay seein’ pulling up in a fresh European High steppin out of it dressed to a T And not another got more soul, unless you Korean (!!!!) I’ve been Havin’ visions of Nat Turner holdin’ his master’s head like Yoric and Horatio in Hamlet Smackin’ it like a tennis racquet underhanded Send a message to the gram the eagle has landed Dressed in a military jacket made of canvass I am no guerilla/gorilla I just make ‘em go bananas I stand and wear black and green bandanas cocked hammers hairs on my chin is outstandings Can’t manage the weight of the world is just how I ball it Look, I’ve fallen from the sky to see my calling I’m not crawling I’m a free man like Morgan Seein’ manhood in the hood’s a damn good bargain If every black man don’t tap dance and every girl that got a fat booty don’t lap dance well I guess it’s something wrong, huh Niggas completely uninformed I don’t burn bridges, yo, I keep the haters round to fall I ain’t one of y’all peers I’m the sum of all fears Somebody stronger than me, who that? I mar ears like Obama I wish he had another four years Y’all some jolly good Hollywood squares I’m like “ahem” approach the author witcha offering I smoke rappers writin’ like my only offspring Being his excellency is to be exhausting You in the residency, you’re the one they call King Dolla Ali Baba the talented Mr Trotter Inside of my right palm the marker to stick My the big papa wig chopper Enter the Jaffe Jocker mawfucker I’m stronger than the coffee out in Kaffa All y’all make his vagina hot remind me of my kinda pop I step into the booth I’m a bull inside a china shop Mollywhopper washin’ of a cotton pickin body drop Every time we rock, yo they actin’ like it’s Mardi Gras Til the party stop ‘sgirl was like she there for rory gel (the fuck?) So we saw you pumpin’ that Earth Wind and Fire body ya Cool the Prada Dakar la Merino hard body up You seen another rapper cleaner, mami prolly not How it feel to be the best that did it I’ll admit it I’m visiting from planet bring these niggas down for minutes And y’all know I’m exquisite Wicked as Wilson Pickett The sickness I exhibit I’m too legit to quit it I don’t fake it til I make it, I take it to the limit and break it Never tentative when I’m bad I represent it A feeling just like chases Been a million places Conversation is how beautiful my face is People hated on how sophisticated my taste is Then I pulled up on these motherfuckers in a spaceship Panther mind I’m made of elements you can’t combine I’m at a level of intelligence you can’t define Einstein, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Tesla Recording artist slash psychology professor I preach for the east Never fold under pressure The beast from the east and I glide like Clyde Drexler Eyo my new name is Eighty Five Exes cause I’m the rap game certified specialist When I was reckless I was worried ‘bout the guest list I’m helpin’ rappers everywhere fulfill a death wish Yo Flex, I’m glad we made contact My nigga also know, this shit for combat Brain matta contain too much data I tell a story like fingerprints and blood splatter
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omensfound · 5 years
here’s a list of tags, by muse, for handy reference !!
Lorence J. Harving
( lorence j. harving || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( lorence j. harving || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( lorence j. harving || interaction. ) ————— we are only human ; the universe is not ours to understand
( lorence j. harving || aesthetic. ) ————— living on a crescendo
( lorence j. harving || isms. ) ————— a soldier fighting in a battle to be free once more ; thats worth fighting for
( lorence j. harving || musings. ) ————— visions of heaven crash on the floor of anarchy
( lorence j. harving || visage. ) ————— these scars made of stars
( lorence j. harving || listen. ) —————  you can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice ; if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
( lorence j. harving || meta & dev. ) ————— we all come from different places yet have the same names
Desdemona Ezra
( dessie ezra || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( dessie ezra || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( dessie ezra || interaction. ) ————— you cannot deny me or finish me
( dessie ezra || aesthetic. ) ————— your revelations dont look nothing like the pictures
( dessie ezra || isms. ) ————— shes a killer queen
( dessie ezra || musings. ) ————— you can feed me a fable but i know the taste of lies
( dessie ezra || visage. ) —————  gold dust woman take your silver spoon & dig your grave
( dessie ezra || listen. ) ————— when the prophets speak ; they will say my name
( dessie ezra || meta & dev. ) ————— i used to be a god in my mind
Mykolas Zima
( mykolas zima || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( mykolas zima || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( mykolas zima || interaction. ) ————— every little touch will darken your soul
( mykolas zima || aesthetic. ) ————— why dont you show them how sharp your teeth are ?
( mykolas zima || isms. ) ————— slept like a slave ; woke up a rebel
( mykolas zima || musings. ) ————— im searching for the answers through the bottom of a glass
( mykolas zima || visage. ) ————— the one that i should fear ; the man in the mirror
( mykolas zima || listen. ) ————— all my wolves begin to howl ; theres a revolution coming
( mykolas zima || meta & dev. ) ————— under the knife i surrendered ; my innocence was theirs to consume
Cheyenne Finlay
( chey finlay || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( chey finlay || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( l chey finlay || interaction. ) ————— were motivated by the scars that were made of
( chey finlay || aesthetic. ) ————— the darker the weather the better the man ; you can take all you want but not who i am
( chey finlay || isms. ) ————— my addictive personality finally got the best of me
( chey finlay || musings. ) ————— no truth when you live a lie
( chey finlay || visage. ) ————— your heart is too big your body ; its why you wont fit inside
( chey finlay || listen. ) —————  heaven talks but not to me ; cause heaven knows that nothing good comes free
( chey finlay || meta & dev. ) ————— ive pushed myself down so far i couldnt come back if I tried
Ruarc Eld Silje
( ruarc eld silje || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( ruarc eld silje || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( ruarc eld silje || interaction. ) ————— cold metal triggers on his fingertips
( ruarc eld silje || aesthetic. ) ————— when all the kings men & all their horses cant find a way to save you
( ruarc eld silje || isms. ) ————— you can bring your army ; but your army cant bring me down
( ruarc eld silje || musings. ) ————— all i am is war
( ruarc eld silje || visage. ) ————— i rose up from the dead ; i do it all the time
( ruarc eld silje || listen. ) ————— no more battle lullabies
( ruarc eld silje || meta & dev. ) ————— the world tried to burn all the mercy out of me
Frae Operia
( frae operia || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( frae operia || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( frae operia || interaction. ) ————— you burn everything you see
( frae operia || aesthetic. ) —————  i always make such expensive mistakes
( frae operia || isms. ) ————— got those nails in my mouth for impressionists
( frae operia || musings. ) ————— heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt
( frae operia || visage. ) ————— im too hot ; make a dragon want to retire man
( frae operia || listen. ) ————— even at the best of times im out of my mind
( frae operia || meta & dev. ) —————  im walking past all the fires trying to find out why i grabbed the lighter
Hecate Anaisywa
( hecate anaisywa || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( hecate anaisywa || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( hecate anaisywa || interaction. ) ————— my feet are on the ground i swear / but im not moving anywhere
( hecate anaisywa || aesthetic. ) ————— he is both the sparrow & the lion
( hecate anaisywa || isms. ) —————  ive been waiting all my life to live when ive only been dreaming
( hecate anaisywa || musings. ) ————— speak from the head when the heart isnt listening
( hecate anaisywa || visage. ) ————— the dreamwalker
( hecate anaisywa || listen. ) ————— i know what nobody knows / when it comes & where it goes
( hecate anaisywa || meta & dev. ) ————— there will be no forgiveness for all that you have known
Slaine Umukoro / Merci
( slaine umukoro || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( slaine umukoro || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( slaine umukoro || interaction. ) ————— you better watch what you say to me
( slaine umukoro || aesthetic. ) ————— first things first im a sinner ; its no fun being a saint
( slaine umukoro || isms. ) ————— just a young gun with a quick fuse
( slaine umukoro || musings. ) ————— bloody lips but they speak the truth
( slaine umukoro || visage. ) ————— fear wears a smile but i will be the last one laughing
( slaine umukoro || listen. ) ————— get down with the victim ; we both know you need them
( slaine umukoro || meta & dev. ) ————— dont / blame it on the kids
Casey Seivanyvic
( casey seivanyvic || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( casey seivanyvic || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( casey seivanyvic || interaction. ) ————— im always walking as somebody else
( casey seivanyvic || aesthetic. ) ————— because im hollow
( casey seivanyvic || isms. ) ————— why do i crumble quickly / stumble swiftly
( casey seivanyvic || musings. ) ————— when i was a child i heard voice ; some would sing & some would scream
( casey seivanyvic || visage. ) ————— i appear missing
( casey seivanyvic || listen. ) ————— i sold my soul to the calling
( casey seivanyvic || meta & dev. ) ————— doctor take my brain away from me
Keziah Hajek / Nexx Genn
( nexx genn || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( nexx genn || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( nexx genn || interaction. ) ————— bite my tongue ; bide my time
( nexx genn || aesthetic. ) ————— coded to bleed
( nexx genn || isms. ) ————— id rather die than give up the fight
( nexx genn || musings. ) ————— all those zeroes & ones
( nexx genn || visage. ) ————— i am an army by myself
( nexx genn || listen. ) —————  wake up or youll wake up six feet down
( nexx genn || meta & dev. ) ————— coming out of my cage
Nicodeme Sauvageau / Nico Savage
( nico savage || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( nico savage || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( nico savage || interaction. ) ————— my demons come out to play
( nico savage || aesthetic. ) ————— take me to the stake take me right down to the grave
( nico savage || isms. ) —————  we all die alone ; what do you care to die for?
( nico savage || musings. ) ————— all theses demons in my head ; i have these monsters i cant put to bed
( nico savage || visage. ) ————— ive battled hard with the face in the mirror
( nico savage || listen. ) ————— if you listen real closely you can hear death at your front door
( nico savage || meta & dev. ) ————— on every occasion im ready for a funeral
Caoimhe Halloran
( caoimhe halloran || starter call. ) ————— like for a starter ! mutuals only !
( caoimhe halloran || plotting call. ) ————— like to plot ! mutuals only !
( caoimhe halloran || interaction. ) ————— you cant beat queens at what theyre known for
( caoimhe halloran || aesthetic. ) —————  youve got fire up and down your cheeks ; you burn everything you see
( caoimhe halloran || isms. ) ————— it aint every day a queen comes to power
( caoimhe halloran || musings. ) ————— now theres a devil on my shoulder where the angels used to be
( caoimhe halloran || visage. ) ————— if you think im pretty / you should see me in a crown
( caoimhe halloran || listen. ) ————— shes the giggle at a funeral
( caoimhe halloran || meta & dev. ) —————  ill tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
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