#❛⠀₊˚ ☾ ?⠀ la lune ( ouye )    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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⤭⠀░.   ₊˚ ☾  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀独身者 ?⠀ MOONLIT BACHELOR ! ♡    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀. / ( do not rb. )
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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· · ·  ❛  IN  THAT  CASE  ,    i'm  glad  i'll  be  your  first  experience  with  it.    most  tarot  card  readers  tend  to  charge  a  high  fine  for  a  reading  .  .  .    and  not  a  lot  of  them  are  genuine  ,    either.    i  promise  this  will  be  free  ,    at  least.    it's  up  to  your  discretion  if  you  find  my  words  to  be  true  or  not.  ❜    OUYE's  own  comment  failed  to  prompt  him  to  justify  himself  properly  to  YUMENO.    the  bittersweet  memories  of  his  childhood  cautioned  him  with  dictating  what  was  true  or  false  and  good  or  bad  for  them;    he'd  much  rather  leave  judgement  solely  in  their  hands  and  hope  they  make  the  right  decision.    he  mustered  a  small  smile  as  YUMENO  placed  the  silken  cards  face  -  down  on  the  table , giving them a nod of approval.
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· · ·  ❛  MOST  STANDARD  READINGS  address  the  past  ,    present  ,    and  future—    at  least  ,    standard  readings  with  three  cards.    most  readings  use  ten  cards  ,  each  dictating  a  variety  of  topics  .  .  .    but  i  figured  that  might  bore  you  ,  ❜    he  mentioned.    ❛  the  one  closest  to  my  left  hand  is  the  past.    it  speaks  of  how  your  past  affects  your  current  state  of  mind  and  the  cause  of  the  troubles  that  plague  you.    the  one  next  to  it  offers  insight  into  the  current  situation  at  hand  ,    how  the  present  currently  revolves  around  you.    the  one  closest  to  my  right  hand  peers  into  your  future  to  deliver  the  most  likely  outcome  and  overall  success  at  whatever  you  choose  to  inquire.    ah  ,    don't  be  scared  if  your  reading  comes  out  negative—  cards  aren't  always  omnipresent.    they're  bound  to  change  ,    like  flowing  water.  they  can  only  offer  guidance  with  what  they  have.  ❜    OUYE  inched  his  seat  closer  as  he  rested  his  elbows  on  the  table  ,    warm  eyes  eye  finally  lifting  its  gaze  from  the  cards  and  back  to  YUMENO. · · ·  ❛  .  .  .  IS  THERE  A  QUESTION  you  want  to  ask  the  cards  ?    it  could  be  anything—    career  ,    friends  ,    education  .  .  .    whatever  aspect  of  your  life  you  want  to  know  ,    i'll  be  more  than  willing  to  read  it  for  you.  ❜
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╰ ★ █║ ⁞ — ˗ˏˋ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 were not like any they had seen before. The silver trims still shone like STARS even with the shadows muting their tones. Those cards were FAR fancier than the usual white cards with the suits sold at most of the toy stores in Yokohama.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ Most people would have raised an EYEBROW at the scene and the idea of playing card games with a stranger in a dark alleyway. The child had experienced FAR WORSE horrors in this world though and at this point, they were too enamored by the CARDS.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ ❛ I've NEVER had my fortune read before ! I can try it ! ❜
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╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ Their own starry eyes stared downwards upon the deck of cards offered towards them. Which cards did they feel drawn to ? With all of the backsides holding the same intricate patterns, it was difficult for the child to tell. Their hand hovers over the cards as they try to FOCUS. Which ones did they like the best ?
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ Eventually, they pull THREE CARDS from the deck.
╰ ✗ * . ⊹ ˗ˏˋ ❛ Like this ? ❜
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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idc if ouye invites you to take a bath with him you're basically married. congrats, the honeymoon is in hawai'i. get packing
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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@theircurse liked for a starter | song : violence and spiders by saint phnx
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· · ·  ❛  WHEN  THE  NIGHTMARES  COME  AND  THE  DARKNESS  KILLS  THE  DAY—    tell  me  what  you're  scared  of.  ❜
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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₊ ⠀ ✧ ⠀ ❛    ⠀how does your muse carry emotions ?    ⠀❜
tagged by stolen from ;     @theircurse tagging ;     @chenqizi , @farspirits , @magiclcss , anyone who hasn't done this yet ( yes , this includes you ) !
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⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀anger    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
jaw  clenching  ,   hands  balling  into  fists  ,   teeth  grinding  ,  yelling  ,   going  nonverbal  ,   vocalizations  ,  stuttering  speech  ,   rushed  speech  ,  slow  concise  speech  ,   rambling  ,  quiet  ,  arms  crossing  ,   shaking  head  ,  curling  lip  upwards  ,  baring  teeth  ,  tearing  up  ,  animated  ,   expressionless  ,   projects  ,   internalizes  ,   vents  ,   withdraws  ,   tighter  movements  ,   passive - aggressive  ,   direct  ,  physical  outbursts  ,   verbal  outbursts  ,  pacing  ,  going  still  ,  anger  boils  over  in  the  heat  of  the  moment  but  cools  down  quickly  afterwards  ,  anger  brews  slowly  but  lingers  longer  ,   will  act  out  of  impulse  when  angry  ,   will  stew  on  their  anger  and  plot  revenge  ,   holds  grudges  ,   forgives  easily  ,   forgives  but  never  forgets
⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀joy    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
easy  smiles  ,   fighting  back  grins  ,  suppressed  laughter  ,  loud  laughter  ,   giggles  ,   chuckling  ,   smirks  ,   whole  body  laughs  ,   covers  mouth  when  laughing  /  giggling  ,   throws  head  back  when  laughing  ,   slaps  leg  ,  touches  people  around  them  when  laughing  ,   looks  down  when  laughing  ,  looks  for  eye  contact  when  laughing  ,   sparkling  eyes  ,   bubbly  happiness  ,  quiet  subtle  happiness  ,  obnoxious  happiness  ,   wants  to  spread  joy  ,   quietly  savours  joy
⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀sadness    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
crying  ,  bottling  it  up  ,   seeking  distractions  ,  wallowing  ,   meditating  and  processing  ,   avoidance  ,   seeking  out  comfort  ,  withdrawing  ,   swallowing  thickly  ,   talking  it  out  ,  internalizing  it  ,  sad  smiles  ,   depression  naps  ,  using  alcohol  ,  using  drugs  ,   seeking  out  sources  of  joy  ,  fidgets  with  sentimental  item  ,   sits  in  silence  ,   broods  ,   gets  moody  ,  wants  someone  to  share  the  misery  ,  tries  to  hide  negative  emotions  ,  nurtures  others  to  make  themselves  feel  better
⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀embarrassment / shame    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
blushing  ,   looking  away  ,  rubbing  at  the  back  of  the  head  ,  running  a  hand  through  hair  ,   clearing  throat  ,  covering  the  face  ,   laughing  nervously  ,  laughing  it  off  ,   overthinking  ,  letting  it  go  ,   self  -  deprecating  humour  ,  deflecting  ,  getting  irritated  ,   smiling  ,   withdraws  ,  crossing  arms  over  the  stomach  ,   crossing  arms  over  chest  ,  hands  in  pockets  ,  shoulders  sinking  ,  shrugs  ,  falling  into  silence  until  comfortable  again  ,   talking  a  lot  to  compensate
⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀guilt    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
avoiding  eye  contact  ,   shoulders  sinking  low  ,  head  hanging  down  ,  crying  ,  chest  aches  ,  lashing  out  ,  internalizing  ,  apologising ,  deflecting  ,  communicating  ,  withdrawing  ,  grand  gestures  for  forgiveness  ,   accepting  fault  easily  ,   punishing  themselves  ,   martyrdom  ,  victim  complex  ,  over - active  guilt  complex  ,  healthy  conscience  ,  internalizes  even  after  forgiveness  ,   seeking  redemption  ,  moves  on  easily  ,  denial  ,  shuts  off  empathy  to  cope  ,  lack  of  guilt  /  conscience  ,   sorry  they  got  caught  more  than  caused  harm  ,  can’t  handle  knowing  they  hurt  others
⤭⠀﹟.  ﹠﹠.  ❛⠀fear / anxiety    ⠀❜ ⠀ꜜ ⠀.
trembling  ,   crying  ,  sarcasm  /  sass  to  cope  ,  humour to  cope , rambles  ,   going  quiet  ,   going  nonverbal  ,  getting  angry  ,   fidgeting  ,   freezing  up  ,   impatience  ,   clenching  jaw  ,  picking  at  nails  ,  chewing  at  the  lip  ,  pulling  at  clothes  ,   adjusting  jewelry  /  clothing  /  hair  ,  pacing  ,  swallowing  thickly  ,   eyes  widening  ,  over  -  reacts  ,  under  -  reacts  ,   calm  ,  logical  ,  panic  ,  irrational  ,  overthinks  ,  carefully  analyzes  ,  talk  to  themselves  ,  breathing  exercises  ,  flight  ,  fight  ,  withdraw  ,  fawn
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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· · ·  BOUTS  of  insomnia  weren't  necessarily  a  stranger  to  OUYE;  far  too  often  he  found  himself  staring  at  his  ceiling  ,  mentally  counting  seconds  in  hopes  of  finally  being  lulled  to sleep  or  at  least  keeping  some  sort  of  track  of  how  long  he's  been  awake  ,  only  to  no  avail.  last  night  had  been  no  different  ,  as signified  by  the  dark  purple  creases  staining  the  underneath  of  his  eye.  he  struggled  to  keep  himself  propped  up  with  his  hand  resting  against  his  cheek  and  elbow  supported  by  the  desk  below.  despite  how  elegant  his  handwriting  normally  was  ,  he  could  barely  lift  the  tip  of  his  pen  ,  his  prose  reduced  to  mere  unintelligible  squiggles.  truth  be  told  ,  he  barely  processed  KAEDE's  voice  ,  let  alone  her  (  technical  )  hypocrisy  in  regards  to  proper  sleep.
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· · ·  ❛  'M—  .  .  .    ❜  as  soon  as  he  felt  his  words  slurring  and  his  speech  faltering  ,  OUYE  cleared  his  throat  ,  his  body  jolting  with  the  action.  ❛  i  promise  i'm  fine  .  .  .  thank  you  for  your  concern  ,  KAE—  .  .  .  miss  RYUGAZAKI.  ❜  still  so  insist  on  calling  her  by  her  last  name  -  when  will  he  finally  soften  on  that  .  .  .  ?
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( ♡ closed starter for @ouchiis​ ♡ )
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    “Ouye, sweetie.. bestie… are you okay? You look like you haven’t slept in a day or two.” and yet, this is coming from the same girl who’s sleep schedule has been messed up for who knows how long.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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@lunarscaled liked for a starter | song : freaks like us by sleeping wolf
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· · ·  ❛  YOU  CAN  TIP  TOE  ON  THE  LINE  OF  MADNESS—    just  be  sure  to  watch  your  step  at  night.  ❜
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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· · ·  ❛  PLEASE  excuse  me  if  i  come  off  as  rude  ,   but  .  .  .  if  i  may  inquire  ,  WHAT  ARE  YOU  ?  ❜ · · ·  OUYE's  pallid  fingertip  swiped  against  the  rim  of  his  glass  before  shooting  the  person  sat  nonchalantly  next  to  him  a  gaze.   he  rested  his  elbow  on  top  of  the  bar  ,   resting  his  cheek  inside  his  soft  palm.   OUYE  was  never  the  social  type;  and  yet  ,   catching  glimpse  of  an  otherwise  orphic  stranger  managed  to  push  his  boundaries  as  curiosity  got  the  better  of  him.   he  took  a  contemplative  sip  from  his  glass  as  he  calculated  the  best  way  to  continue. · · ·  ❛  .  .  .  I'M  RELATIVELY  familiar  with  entities  such  as  yourself.   i've  visited  hell's  hearth  before  ,   yet  she  didn't  quite  seem  to  want  to  keep  me  there.  their  eyes  always  hold  such  vast  sorrow―   i've  caught  glimpse  of  the  same  look  behind  your  eyes  ,  as  well.  ❜
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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@sylvctica liked ( ♡ ) for a poem !
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· · ·  TUCKED  betwixt the etiolated stems of freshly cut dendrodiums  rested a  poem  encased  in  a  silken sage  envelope  sealed  with  a  golden  wax  stamp  with  a  flower  emblem  on  it.  pungent  ,  earthy matcha powder  gently  stained the  homemade  aged  paper  ,   triumphing  any  aroma  coming  from  the  flowers.  
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a familiar candlelight weaves itself betwixt the path’s crowd; rather than crackle and flicker , they whisper with the grace of smoke with tales of lonely sylvan glades , of blest blood in veins of rivers , of the nation’s silken blossoms and asters and lilies adorned , of amber mountains in liyue— of vinous tendrils in mondstadt— of the one time in sumeru lost to time’s sodden sepia. trails of stories follow like ash , like the death of autumnal leaves , remnant traces of memories perhaps best aged like floral wine— perhaps best forgotten.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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₊ ⠀ ✧ ⠀ ❛    ⠀where do you need to be kissed ?    ⠀❜
tagged by ; @bitterseadrop tagging ; @v-iciious , @utsuboh , @chronosbled , @asea0fmxses ( surprise me ) , @magiclcss , && anyone who hasn't done this yet !
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over - worrying and overthinking everything , your mind is always a whirling storm. no matter how you try , the fears overwhelm all else. you need someone trusted to press a kiss to your forehead , helping to quiet the thoughts that just refuse to settle.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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₊ ⠀ ✧ ⠀ ❛    ⠀𝓾𝓷𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓭 ( always accepting ! )    ⠀❜
@bitterseadrop spoke ; WHO THE HELL IS EDGAR?
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· · ·  ❛ 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐄  ,    born  january 19th  ,   1809  and  having  died  october  7th  ,   1849  ,    was  an  american  writer  ,    poet  ,    editor  ,    and  literary  critic  who  is  best  known  for  his  poetry  and  short stories  ,    particularly  his  tales  of mystery  and  the  macabre.    he's  hailed  as  one  of  the  founding  fathers  of  detective  fiction  and  he's  made  significant  contributions  to  the  science  fiction  and  horror  genres  in  general.    however  ,  as  one  of  the  few  writers  who  relied  on  literature  alone  for  a  living  ,    his  life  was  plagued  with  significant  hardships financially. ❜
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· · ·  ❛ . . . OH  ,    MI  PADRE   ,  THERE'S  A  GHOST  .  .  . ❜
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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          THE FIXER UPPER .     
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⇢   ❛⠀✦    OUYE  DOESN'T  KNOW  HOW  TO  NOT  SAVE  PEOPLE. ⇢   ❛⠀☾    HE  NEVER  had  someone  to  save  him  as  a  child.  it  seems  that  ,  since  his  birth  ,  tragedy  was  written  in  his  blood.  perhaps  that  is  simply  how  fate  has  it.  it's  cruel  ,  yes  ,  but  after  so  many  years  of  misfortune  after  misfortune  ,  he  eventually  learnt  how  to  handle  it  ,  how  to  romanticise  it  and  find  beauty  in  it  ,  even  in  the  strangest  of  places.  and  he  heavily  sympathizes  with  the  poor  fools  who  experience  tragedy  just  as  often  as  he  does.  he  knows  what  it's  like  to  have  your  heart  broken  ,  time  and  time  again.  all  he  wishes  to  be  to  broken  ,  beaten  people  like  him  is  a  source  of  solace  and  remedy. ⇢   ❛⠀✩    AND  THAT'S  PRECISELY  HIS  PROBLEM. ⇢   ❛⠀♡    OUYE  FINDS  himself  naturally  drawn  to  people  who  are  broken  and  believes  that  ,  somewhere  ,  somehow  ,  there's  something  good  in  them.  that  they  aren't  beyond  redemption.  and  while  this  hope  does  break  the  harsh  exteriors  of  some  people  ,  what  about  those  who  won't  stop  hurting  him  ?  those  who  merely  seek  to  take  advantage  of  him  ?  those  who  refuse  to  change  ,  no  matter  how  hard  he  tries  ?  those  who  don't  even  need  to  be  fixed  ?  OUYE  gets  to  know  someone  ,  and  he's  immediately  analysing  them  to  figure  out  what  damage  has  been  done  to  them.  he  has  a  soft  spot  for  notably  hurt  people  or  people  susceptible  to  hurt  like  children  ,  but  .  .  .  what  about  everybody  else  ?  he  can't  even  imagine  such  a  thing. ⇢   ❛⠀⊹    TRUTH  be  told  ,  he  focuses  so  much  on  other  people's  damage  to  neglect  himself.  he  doesn't  need  to  be  fixed;  in  his  eyes  ,  he's  already  been  damaged  enough.  he's  sad  ,  it's  as  simple  and  tragic  as  that.  he's  long  accepted  that  fact.  all  he  can  do  is  save  other  people  before  the  damage  gets  worse.  but  .  .  .  he  focuses  so  much  on  helping  other  people  that  he  can't  help  himself.  he's  not  okay  ,  and  it's  as  simple  and  tragic  as  that.  he's  so  focused  on  protecting  other  people  and  helping  them  heal  that  he  refuses  to  accept  his  own  hurt.  in  fact  ,  he's  made  peace  with  it;  he  hasn't  rejected  it  ,  he  merely  accepts  wounds  as  they  come.  and  if  he  continues  waiting  until  the  sadness  eventually  breaks  him  .  .  .  well  ,  that's  bad  news  no  matter  what  verse  he's  in. ⇢   ❛⠀☽    OF  COURSE  ,  this  seems  like  such  a  petty  issue  to  analyse.  he's  a  savior  in  some  senses.  however  .  .  .  i'd  much  more  compare  him  to  a  martyr.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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· · ·  HE'S  DOODLING  HEARTS  IN  HIS  JOURNAL  while  kicking  his  legs  back  and  forth  and  sighing  dreamily  ,    but  he's  writing  '  beelzebub  '  and  '  asmodeus  '  and  '  balam  '  over  and  over  again  on  the  page  in  cursive.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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· · ·  HE'S A TEN but he's about to SNAP.
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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₊ ⠀ ✧ ⠀ ❛    ⠀𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓮𝓷 ( accepting ! )    ⠀❜
@hirudou spoke ; They’re ’s a 10, and they look pathetic while treading water :)
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· · ·  . . .
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ouchiis · 2 years ago
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@ofrozsa | cont.
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· · ·  LEAVING  THE  HOUSE  MEANT  DEATH.    OUYE  KNEW  AS  MUCH.    SUCH  IS  THE  LIFE  OF  A  HERMIT. · · ·  AND  YET  ,    he  foolishly  suppressed  his  intuition  ,    the  vile  that  burned  in  the  back  of  his  throat.    he  asked  the  cards  about  the  outcome  of  stepping  outside  in  hopes  of  some  form  of  affirmation  ,    some  motivation  to  abandon  the  comfort  of  his  room—    '  the  tower  ,  '    they  mocked  him  with  ,    the  most  tragic  card  of  the  deck.    however  ,    despite  the  qualms  churning  in  his  stomach  ,    OUYE  managed  to  pry  himself  out  of  the  solace  of  his  bed  and  on  to  the  streets  of  a  nearby  marketplace.    the  chattering  of  locals  flooded  his  ears  like  the  cacophony  of  a  bee's  nest  ,    and  each  time  a  stranger  bumped  into  him  ,    his  entire  body  flinched  and  froze  as  he  prayed  for  them  to  ignore  him.    this  was  necessary.    he  needed  to  get  out  of  the  house.    he  can't  stay  cooped  up  forever.
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· · ·  OUYE  DESPERATELY  AVOIDED  THE  GROUPS  OF  STRANGERS  like  the  plague  ,    merely  sticking  to  the  sides  in  hopes  of  finding  something  good  to  eat  -  he  was  immortal  ,    sure  ,    but  starvation  wasn't  the  most  pleasant  thing  to  experience  -  and  retreating  back  home  for  the  day  and  probably  the  next  several  months.    however  ,    as  OUYE  turned  a  heel  to  scan  the  stands  around  him ,    ignorant  of  the  commotion  ahead  ,    a  shadow  darted  near  his  blinded  side  with  enough  force  to  cause  him  to  stumble  backwards  and  nearly  collapse.    his  body  instinctively  reached  backwards  to  catch  himself  with  his  hands  ,    yet  instead  of  making  impact  with  the  harsh  asphalt  below  ,    his  back  instead  fell  into  a  softer  ,    warmer  embrace  ,    causing  the  breath  to  escape  his  lungs.    before  sobering  ,    his  mind  immediately  began  racing  ,    figuring  he'd  accidentally  bumped  into  another  person  and  needed  to  come  up  with  a  flurry  of  apologies.    instead  ,  however  ,  his  eyes  eye  darted  upwards  ,    focusing  its  gaze  on  BAEK  as  he  snarled.
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· · ·  OUYE  REMAINED  IN  HIS  GRASP  ,    PARALYSED  ,    unable  to  speak  even  after  processing  his  questions.    after  a  few  silent  seconds  ,    like  FRANKENSTEIN's  monster  coming  to  life  ,    he  finally  jolted  awake  as  if  finally  realising  his  surroundings.    he  placed  his  hands  on  BAEK's  chest  with  a  small  apology  as  he  used  the  other  to  fully  stand  up  again  ,    removing  his  touch  as  soon  as  he  felt  stable.    he  brushed  off    (    likely  imaginary    )    grime  and  dust  from  the  hem  of  his  button  -  up  shirt  ,    his  eyes  eye  darting  everywhere  it  could. · · ·  ❛  I  ,    UHM  .  .  .    I  DON'T—    I'M  SORRY  ,  ❜    he  immediately  gave  a  shallow  bow  in  apology.    ❛  i  don't  .  .  .  i  don't  think  i  was  injured  ,    no.    i'm  sorry—    i  promise  i'll  be  fine.  ❜    he  began  to  wiggle  around  his  fingers  and  glance  down  at  his  body  as  if  to  make  sure  the  thief  didn't  actually  injure  him.    his  body  froze  after  scrambling  for  a  few  seconds  ,    his  eyes  eye  darting  back  up  towards  BAEK  as  he  straightened  himself  half  -  heartedly  in  front  of  him. · · ·  ❛  THANK  YOU  FOR  CATCHING  ME  .  .  .    such  temerity  ,  ❜    he  muttered  the  last  part  to  pass  a  comment  at  the  now  runaway  thief.    ❛  i  promise  i  would  have  been  okay  if  you  just  ignored  me  and  went  after  him  .  .  .    i  didn't  mean  to  get  in  your  way.    i  apologise.  ❜
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