#❛ i’m beginning to think i could cure a rainy day. ❛ ( re: character study )
chiefmedical · 4 years
just your daily reminder that leonard was actually made cmo by spock after the previous cmo had died in the line of duty and he is not cmo because jim is his friend. 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
——> glass cage
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You feel disconnected from the world around you. You can see everything, everyone can see you, but you're not really there. No one can really communicate with you, can they? You're isolated, even when you're around people you're alone. You want desperately to be close to someone, but you're afraid of what will happen if you shatter your glass prison. You don't want to let someone in, you don't want to leave, and it's a constant battle of your own will. It's easier to be alone, where no one can hurt you... Isn't it? Due to the number of questions in the comments about what to do about your answer, I've added some strategies that might be helpful on each answer! People are going to hurt you. It's a fact of life. But they're also going to give you the happiest days you'll ever have. The trick is to be confident and love yourself, to know that you're enough and that not everyone is going to appreciate that. Some puzzle pieces don't fit together, even though they may look it at first, but just that they don't go there doesn't mean that they're broken, worth less than the other pieces, or don't belong. Sometimes they might go to a whole other puzzle, but there is a puzzle where they belong and are being searched for. Build up your self-esteem, know your worth, and prepare to take risks. Life if full of them. But if you know who you are and that you're a worthy, important person, when things go wrong it's easier to bounce back. You're the only person that you're stuck with for the rest of your life, so you should love and value yourself more than anyone else. Take the time to get to know yourself and love yourself, and then go with the intent to get to know and love others. Not to validate yourself or prove that you're worth something. If your only intent is to get to know and love others, they'll get to know and love you in return, and even if things don't work out, you haven't failed.  
TAGGED BY: @vokava​ TAGGING: @incorrigiblyhuman​ @snowinabottle​ @bahbas​ @detpowell​
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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—    BASICS :      AOS 
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▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? :     leonard is 6 ft 1 in 
▸   ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? :   he is fine with it? he doesn’t care either way, 
▸  WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? :    he has thin brown hair that he usually wears short. He will grow out his facial hair when he’s not on duty. so extended shore leave, his retirements. 
▸ DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? :  no he doesn’t. he’ll run a comb through it. 
▸  DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? :   mccoy does not really care what people think about his appearance. he is a “you see what you get” kind of guy. 
INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? ▸ outdoors. RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? ▸  sunshine. FOREST    OR    BEACH ? ▸ the beach. he grew up in the warmth.  PRECIOUS    METALS     OR    GEMS ? ▸ gems. FLOWERS   OR   PERFUMES ? ▸   he doesn’t love anything overly scented so flowers probably?  PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ? ▸  personality.  BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? ▸  being alone. ORDER   OR    ANARCHY ? ▸   order. PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR     WHITE    LIES ? ▸  painful truths. SCIENCE   OR    MAGIC ? ▸  science. PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? ▸  peace. NIGHT    OR    DAY ? ▸      night. DUSK    OR    DAWN ? ▸     dusk. WARMTH    OR    COLD ? ▸    warmth. MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW   CLOSE   FRIENDS ? ▸   he would always rather have a few friends than a group of people he doesn’t really know. READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ? ▸  leonard enjoys reading non-fiction in his spare time. 
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? :   he tends to have outbursts when he is stressed and frustrated. 
▸   HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED THEM ? :    leonard dealt with the loss of his father when he was just starting his career out as a surgeon. He helped his father commit suicide. The cure for the terrible disease he had was found three weeks later. He may have lived. Leonard keeps this close to him. He blames himself for this and every loss on his table as a surgeon. He’s become more closed off from people because of it and he was drinking a lot more after his father died and it just continued. He had reeled it back after his divorce and was not binge drinking as much by the time he entered starfleet academy. by the time he graduated, he had stopped trying to hide his emotions in liquor, though he still drinks. 
▸   WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? :   the days that he and jocelyn were happy, the formative years of his daughter, walking to his dad’s office with him and helping the secretary while his father saw patients. 
▸   IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? :    no. he is a surgeon. he has vowed to save lives not take them. 
▸   WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? :  he is miserable to be around. stay away from him, don’t talk to him. he’s a ticking time bomb.  ▸  IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE WITH  THEIR LIFE ? :  yes he is, though he doesn’t trust people easily. he’ll do what it takes for his people to survive. he does not care much for his own safety if others are involved. but, if he needed to trust someone with his life, he would. 
▸ WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN LOVE ? :   on the outside it doesn’t seem like much changes. he’s still snarky, still sarcastic, still bitter. but he’ll say softer things, try to arrange time together with his busy schedule, and when he’s with the person he loves, he tries his best to be very attentive. 
TAGGED  BY :  @spacetrekked​ TAGGING : anyone who wants to!!! 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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open curtains / closed blinds ;   stray dog / house cat  ;  people / pets  ;   outside / inside ;half-empty / half-full ;   tv / radio  ;   sing / dance ;   shoes / sandals  ;  cash / credit ;  hike/drive  ;   casual / elegant   ;   centre / corner  ;   sword / shield  ;  airplane / boat  ;fizzy / flat;   garnished / plain   ;   extra salt / extra pepper ;   spicy / mild ; record player / digital media  ;   opaque / transparent ;   white lies / complete truth ;   blunt / subtle ;  loud/silent ;   books / music ; familiar / new ;   youth / experience ;   spoon / fork & knife ;  knife /baseball bat ;   space / ocean ; bow & arrow / blow dart   ;   love at first sight / slow burn;freckles / dimples   ; long lashes / long fingers  ;   soft lips / sensitive neck ;  slow dance /intimate conversation.
TAGGED BY: i stole this from my own blog
TAGGING: @spacetrekked​ (nyota uhura) @snowinabottle​ @starcaptn​ @cptnkrk​ @vokava​ @sagaiisms​ (aramis) 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
tag drop !!
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❛ all i’ve got left is my bones. ❛ ( re: leonard mccoy )
❛ i don’t believe in the no win scenario. ❛ ( re: james kirk )
❛ fear of death is illogical. ❛ ( re: spock )
❛ the wife took everything but my bones. ❛ ( re: jocelyn darnell )
❛ i’m dedicating every day to you. ❛ ( re: joanna mccoy )
❛ and did I not on multiple occasions demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity. ❛ ( re: nyota uhura )
❛ revenge is a dish that is best served cold. ❛ ( re: khan noonien singh )
❛ i cannot believe i live in a world where mark ruffalo exists! ❛ ( re: ooc )
❛ damn it man i’m a doctor. ❛ ( re: musings )
❛ i’ve found that evil usually triumphs. ❛ ( re: aesthetics )
❛ i’m beginning to think i could cure a rainy day. ❛ ( re: character study )
❛ the wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. ❛ ( verses: star trek 09 )
❛ i’m a doctor not a goddamn torpedo technician. ❛ ( verses: into darkness  )
❛ fear of death is what keeps us alive. ❛ ( verses: beyond )
❛ little piece of infinity. ❛ ( verses: closed aos au with caesarofstars )
❛ they drafted me. ❛ ( verses: the motion picture )
❛ wonderful stuff that romulan ale. ❛ ( verses: the wrath of khan )
❛ turn death into a fighting chance to live. ❛ ( verses: the search for spock )
❛ what is this– the dark ages? ❛ ( verses: the voyage home )
❛ i doubt any god who inflicts pain for his own pleasure. ❛ ( verses: the final frontier )
❛ are you afraid of the future? ❛ ( verses: the undiscovered country )
❛ admiral mccoy. ❛ ( verses: generations )
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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stolen from: @hridar​
tagging: whoever wants to do this!!! 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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open curtains / closed blinds ;   stray dog / house cat ; people / pets  ;   outside / inside ;half-empty / half-full ;   tv / radio  ;   sing / dance ;   shoes / sandals  ;  cash / credit ;  hike/drive  ;   casual / elegant  ;   center / corner  ;   sword / shield  ;  airplane / boat ; fizzy / flat;  garnished / plain   ;   extra salt / extra pepper ;   spicy / mild ; record player / digital media  ;   opaque / transparent ;   white lies / complete truth ;   blunt / subtle ; loud / silent ;   books / music ; familiar / new ;   youth / experience ;   spoon / fork & knife ;  knife / baseball bat ;   space / ocean ; bow & arrow / blow dart   ;   love at first sight / slow burn; freckles / dimples   ; long lashes / long fingers ;   soft lips / sensitive neck ;  slow dance / intimate conversation.
TAGGED BY: @spacetrekked​ 
TAGGING: i already tagged people LMAO
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