chiefmedical · 4 years
animal crossing new horizons sentence starters pt. 2.
“ a lot of folks need to find better hobbies than watching other folks. “
“ i dunno what’s happening, but i feel real spooky. or maybe gassy… but i think it’s spooky. “
“ let me know if you ever write a guide to getting the most out of a day, because i want to read it! “
“ i’m trying to be personable, but i get the feeling that people just think i’m annoying. “
“ i just don’t know how to talk to folks anymore… “
“ i just heard a rumor going around. really none of my business. “
“ i thought it was awesome, and i think you’re awesome—so it seemed like the perfect symbol of buddyship! “
“ what is wrong with you?! i am NOT in the mood for this today! “
“ that. is the sweetest. thing. ANYONE. has ever said to me! “
“ when i first saw you i said, ‘i… don’t know that person.’ “
“ i just got nervous thinking about you out there… digging… and what you might find… “
“ dunno where you get the energy for all your shenanigans, ____. “
“ sure, i dig around in garbage sometimes, but who doesn’t? “
“ uh, you weren’t meant to see that… i’ve been meaning to get rid of it. “
“ i do enjoy hosting at my house, i must say. it’s such a relaxing way to get to know someone! “
“ i’ve never worn shoes in my life. but if i did, i’d want fabulous fat foot fashion for sure. “
“ wait until everyone sees what you sold to me, ____! “
“ it’s always a treat, just getting to talk with you! “
“ i always figure that if you can get to wednesday, the rest of the week is easy. “
“ i’m struggling to come up with a last-minute dinner plan… “
“ hey, what’re you staring at? i know i ain’t the best housekeeper, but… “
“ to be totes honest? this is the time of day when i get the sleepiest! “
“ the best part of taking a nap in a tree is how the tree puts you on the ground just before you wake up! “
“ welcome to the ‘chill zone.’ it’s where i hang out and, well, chill. “
“ i’ve only got enough nautical puns to last a couple of hours… “
“ nothin’ to do now but pace back and forth for the next few hours. “
“ i am a dancer and this is my canvas! …what do you mean ‘dancers don’t use canvas’? i’m a dancer-painter! “
“ i’m not allowed to look at the sun! not since… ‘the incident.’ “
“ i love all the amazing discoveries i make on my walks! like cute flowers! and places to hide… “
“ sorry about the mess, but i don’t have time to clean today… “
“ man, ____, how are you so charming all the time? “
“ all i’m doing is sitting here and watching the sky… that cloud looks like a sandwich! “
“ dressing well is a form of self-care. that’s why i’m trying to get my health insurance to cover this really sharp pleather jumpsuit. “
“ i wonder if something fun will happen today?! it could! any old second! anytime now… “
“ i lost my voice. i was trying to be a heavy-metal singer. instead of a pop star… i am SO not metal. “
“ you ate my spice cake, didn’t you? i won’t be angry, just tell me the truth! “
“ the air is so much yummier when there’s lots of plants around. it’s like candy for your lungs! “
“ i’m over the moon, darling! you must let me thank you. “
“ i wanna be friends with everybody. so i wanna learn everything about everyone! “
“ do you have a skill? a thing you’re best at? mine’s unhinging my jaw to swallow my snack bags whole! “
“ i love to shop. but i buy stuff i don’t need, then i wonder why i bought it, then i see a new thing i want… “
“ i usually just eat whatever i can reach when i’m lying on the floor. deciding is hard! “
“ know what i do when i see TWO cute outfits i want, but i can only afford ONE? i buy both! it’s totally the worst choice, but i get everything i want! even if i… feel lousy about it later… hang on. i think i’m having a moment of clarity. “
“ when are you gonna stop messing around and start planning for your future, ____? “
“ yeah, i got dreams alright… i wanna start a shaved-ice stand! and be the assistant manager so i could get a great big discount! i’d probably get bad brain freeze all the time from eating so much of it, but it’s so sweet and tasty! “
“ i like to think of this whole space around here as my backyard. now don’t worry—that doesn’t mean you’re trespassing. yet. “
“ it’s so interesting to see what different choices folks make when they lay out their homes. “
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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am i doing incorrect trek quotes right
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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Star Trek Color Challenge
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chiefmedical · 4 years
alright im gonna start working on drafts here and throughout my blogs. i’m going to be on a mini hiatus from june 4-20th because i will be going home to visit family and friends. i’ll still have access to internet and will most likely be replying to people but i wanted everyone to be aware. my activity hasn’t been great lately, but it might get worse.
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chiefmedical · 4 years
Send to get a kiss from my muse!
Add 👀 to give my muse the kiss, instead.
Send ❤️ for a romantic kiss. Send 🖤 for a neck kiss Send 💚 for a familial kiss Send 💙 for an accidental kiss Send 💜 for a platonic kiss Send 💛 for hand kiss Send 💝 for a a kiss on the forehead  Send 💞 for a dip kiss Send 💓 for a cheek kiss Send 💟 for a kiss on a wound Send 💔 for a bite on the lip Send 💘 for a kiss goodbye Send 💗 for a good morning or goodnight kiss Send 💕for a deep, passionate kiss Send ❣️ for a kiss that conveys an emotion Send 💖 for an anniversary Send 😍 for a kiss in greeting Send 🤜 for a punch in the kisser Send 🍝 for a food-based kiss Send 💋 for a kiss of the receiver’s choice
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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—    BASICS :      AOS 
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▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? :     leonard is 6 ft 1 in 
▸   ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? :   he is fine with it? he doesn’t care either way, 
▸  WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? :    he has thin brown hair that he usually wears short. He will grow out his facial hair when he’s not on duty. so extended shore leave, his retirements. 
▸ DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? :  no he doesn’t. he’ll run a comb through it. 
▸  DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? :   mccoy does not really care what people think about his appearance. he is a “you see what you get” kind of guy. 
INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? ▸ outdoors. RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? ▸  sunshine. FOREST    OR    BEACH ? ▸ the beach. he grew up in the warmth.  PRECIOUS    METALS     OR    GEMS ? ▸ gems. FLOWERS   OR   PERFUMES ? ▸   he doesn’t love anything overly scented so flowers probably?  PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ? ▸  personality.  BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? ▸  being alone. ORDER   OR    ANARCHY ? ▸   order. PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR     WHITE    LIES ? ▸  painful truths. SCIENCE   OR    MAGIC ? ▸  science. PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? ▸  peace. NIGHT    OR    DAY ? ▸      night. DUSK    OR    DAWN ? ▸     dusk. WARMTH    OR    COLD ? ▸    warmth. MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW   CLOSE   FRIENDS ? ▸   he would always rather have a few friends than a group of people he doesn’t really know. READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ? ▸  leonard enjoys reading non-fiction in his spare time. 
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? :   he tends to have outbursts when he is stressed and frustrated. 
▸   HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED THEM ? :    leonard dealt with the loss of his father when he was just starting his career out as a surgeon. He helped his father commit suicide. The cure for the terrible disease he had was found three weeks later. He may have lived. Leonard keeps this close to him. He blames himself for this and every loss on his table as a surgeon. He’s become more closed off from people because of it and he was drinking a lot more after his father died and it just continued. He had reeled it back after his divorce and was not binge drinking as much by the time he entered starfleet academy. by the time he graduated, he had stopped trying to hide his emotions in liquor, though he still drinks. 
▸   WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? :   the days that he and jocelyn were happy, the formative years of his daughter, walking to his dad’s office with him and helping the secretary while his father saw patients. 
▸   IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? :    no. he is a surgeon. he has vowed to save lives not take them. 
▸   WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? :  he is miserable to be around. stay away from him, don’t talk to him. he’s a ticking time bomb.  ▸  IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE WITH  THEIR LIFE ? :  yes he is, though he doesn’t trust people easily. he’ll do what it takes for his people to survive. he does not care much for his own safety if others are involved. but, if he needed to trust someone with his life, he would. 
▸ WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN LOVE ? :   on the outside it doesn’t seem like much changes. he’s still snarky, still sarcastic, still bitter. but he’ll say softer things, try to arrange time together with his busy schedule, and when he’s with the person he loves, he tries his best to be very attentive. 
TAGGED  BY :  @spacetrekked​ TAGGING : anyone who wants to!!! 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
send  aesthetic  for an aesthetic board / edit of our muses
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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sexual  preferences  study. / AOS
bold  what  applies, italicize  what  sometimes  applies, strike  what  never  applies, &  leave  what’s  n/a.
TAGGED BY :   @sagaiisms  TAGGING : anyone who wants to!!
is  submissive.    is  dominant.    prefers  to  top.     prefers  to  bottom.   likes  to  switch.    identifies  as  heterosexual.     identifies  as  homosexual.     identifies  as  bisexual.     identifies  as  pansexual.    identifies  as  demisexual.    identifies  as  asexual.     enjoys sex  with  men. enjoys  sex  with  women.    enjoys  sex  with  multiple  people  at  one  time. initiates.   waits  for  partner  to  initiate.   spits.     swallows.     prefers  sex  in  the  morning.     prefers  sex  at  night.     prefers  sex  any  time.     no  sex  drive.   low  sex  drive.  average  sex  drive.  high  sex  drive.   hypersexual.
small  build.     medium  build.   athletic  build.    muscular  build.     curvy  build.     voluptuous build.     wears  boxer (briefs) .   wears  lingerie.     goes  ‘commando’.   shaves  /  waxes.  doesn’t  shave  /  wax.    cup  size  a - c.   cup  size  d - f.     1 - 5"  in  length.    6 - 9"  in  length. 10"  or  over  in  length.
sounds   —
is  silent  /  makes  little  to  no  sounds.     is  very  quiet.    is  very  loud.   grows  in  volume  over  time.  bites  hand  /  partner  /  pillow  to  muffle  themselves.    calls  out  partner’s  name.   curses.     fakes  /  exaggerates.     prefers  a  quiet  partner.     prefers a loud partner.  is turned on by dirty talk.     is turned off by dirty talk.
kinks   —
having  their  hands  pinned.     pinning  their  partner’s  hands.   having  their  hair  pulled.   pulling  on  their  partner’s  hair.    being  watched  ( by  their  partner ).   being  watched  ( by  a  third  party ).     watching  their  partner.   receiving  oral.   giving  oral.    calling  their  partner  ‘ daddy.’    being  called  ‘ daddy. ’     giving  praise.   receiving  praise.    biting  /  marking.    being  bitten  /  marked.   some light spanking.   being  spanked.   teasing.   being  teased.   having  toys  used  on  them.   using  toys  on  their  partner.   giving  anal.     receiving  anal.  choking.     being  choked.   dirty  talk.     being  tied  up.   tying  their  partner  up.  being  worshiped.   worshiping  their  partner.  humiliating.   being  humiliated.    degrading.     being  degraded.     knife  play.     blood  play.   being  pegged.  pegging.
places   —
in  a  bedroom.     in  a  shower  /  bath.     in  a  pool  /  ocean.    in  a  kitchen.   in  a  bathroom  ( home ).   in  a  bathroom  ( public ).     in a  car.    in  a  tent.   in  an  alleyway. in  a  field  / forest.     at  a  school.   in  an  empty  /  abandoned  building.     in  a  library.  on  a  rooftop  /  terrace.   in  a  dressing  room.    in  an  elevator.     in  a  parking  lot.   at  a  museum.   at  a  cemetery.     at  a  beach.     in  a  closet.     at  a  hospital.
0 notes
chiefmedical · 4 years
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➢ college au
ah yes ! you're a sucker for coming of age plots, and you're probably going through an existential crisis currently. don't drink too much caffeine and please remember sleep more :( bonus: you probably also like coffee shop aus and anything with the found family trope! you might be a bit gay, but aren't we all?
➢ TAGGED BY: @sagaiisms​ ➢ TAGGING: YOU. 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
since i’m up, i know i should be doing homework so i’m not rushing tomorrow. but here i am, writing replies for the first time in a bit. let’s see if i can actually write any more. 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
gaea  is  ready  to  read  him  the  riot  act  when  he  takes  the  tricorder  from  her  (  it  would  be  just  like  him  to  decide  he  deserves  to  suffer  for  hurting  someone  else  and  she  won’t  stand  for  it!  )  but  instead  she’s  treated  to …      certainly  not  what  she  had  been  expecting.     she  had  been  so  sure  that  her  father  must  have  done  something,  like  trying  to  convince  leonard  he  was  wasting  his  time  with  her  (  and  fear  of  him  believing  coupled  with  the  idea  of  him  being  hurt  had  made  her  run  as  fast  as  she  had  ).      the  fact  he  had  punched  her  father,  not  for  himself  but  for  her …      she  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  about  that.     can’t  sort  her  emotions  out  enough  to  figure  out  what  she’s  really  feeling.      she  can’t  even  bring  herself  to  agree  that  she  doesn’t  deserve  it.             ❝ baby. ❞      she  lays  her  hand  on  his  cheek,  hoping  to  meet  his  eyes  again.      ❝ you  cannot  risk  getting  kicked  out.     not  over  me.      my  father  is … ❞      gaea  isn’t  even  sure  how  to  finish.      in  the  aftermath  of  just  hearing  what  titan  had  said  to  her,  during  class  nonetheless  (  and  it’s  nothing  she  hasn’t  heard  before,  about  her  insignificance  and  lack  of  fortitude  and  how  there  has  never  been  a  cadet  more  unworthy  of  being  there  ),  saying  ‘it’s  normal’  or  that  she’s  ‘used  to  it’  may  only  make  things  worse.     her  other  hand  comes  up,  thumb  stroking  the  skin  of  his  cheek.      ❝ it  doesn’t  matter.      i’ll  be  going  to  my  father’s  office  and  begging  him  not  to  talk  to  anyone  in  an  attempt  to  make  sure  he  just …      lets  it  go. ❞
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leonard  really  doesn’t  want  to  argue  with  someone  else  today.  what  he  really  wants  is  a  stiff  drink,  maybe  a  couple  until  he  can  sleep.  but  he’s  been  working  on  that,  not  using  alcohol  as  a  coping  mechanism  for  what  he  can’t  control.  “  gaea,  you  can’t  fight  my  battles  for  me.  if  he  wants  to  say  something  about  me,  i  could  find  ten  people  that  would  say  something  about  his  actions  against  you  in  class  !!  i  don’t  care  about  this  place  if  they’re  gonna  kick  me  out  for  defending  someone  i  care  about  ??  i  could  find  a  job  at  any  one  of  these  hospitals,  making  more  damn  moeny  than  starfleet  would  ever  give  me.  you  can  bet  your  ass  i’d  have  my  damn  lawyer  shark  of  an  ex-wife  on  the  phone  to  get  your  dad  kicked.  “  he  knows  he’s  going  off  on  a  rant,  swinging  the  hand  that  has  the  tricorder  around  as  he  talks.  “  i’m  not  scared  of  starfleet  brass.  what  i’m  scared  of  is  you  not  seeing  how  important  you  are.  and  how  much  you  don’t  deserve  that.  “   
why  has  he  been  plagued  with  caring  for  children  who  don’t  know  their  worth  ?!  even  if  gaea’s  only  a  year  younger  than  he  is.  “  you  &  jim,  you’re  just  the  same.  blaming  yourselves  for  things  that  aren’t  in  your  control.  why  is  it  so  hard  for  you  to  see  what  i  see  ?!  “  he  shouldn’t  be  getting  angry  with  her.  she’s  had  a  verbal  whipping  from  her  father  already  today.  but  it  baffles  him.  “  you’re  brilliant.  he’s  a  fucking  idiot  &  i’m  gonna  do  everything  in  my  power  to  make  sure  no  one  treats  you  like  that  again.  “  
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chiefmedical · 4 years
gaea  almost  wants  to  drop  the  game  but  she’s  in  too  deep  now.     technically,  she  isn’t  lying.     she  has  a  line  sitting  on  her  tongue  for  when  she  finally  gets  what  she  wants.     she  squeals  when  leonard  suddenly  pulls  her  close,  hands  gripping  his  shirt  as  her  lips  spread  in  a  grin.     every  person  who  has  ever  said  he’s  a  stick  in  the  mud  or  too  grumpy  to  be  fun  hasn’t  seen  him  like  this  (  and  she’s  happy  to  keep  them  believing  that  and  only  sharing  the  truth  with  jim  ).      ❝ oh  yeah?     you  got  some  kind  of  concealed  weapon  i  don’t  know  about? ❞     she  keeps  her  movements  small,  hands  sliding  down  his  chest  before  tickling  his  sides.
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“  i’m  bigger  than  you  are.  “  leonard  reminded  her,  enjoying  the  way  her  face  lit  up.  in  moments  like  this  it  was  to  easy  to  pretend  that  they  had  no  worries,  no  problems.  they  could  simply  be.  he  wanted  to  see  her  like  this  more  often,  he  realized.  happy  &  carefree,  smiling  at  him  as  if  he’s  done  something  amazing  for  humoring  her  teasing.  he  squirmed  against  the  movements  of  her  fingers,  pushing  her  on  her  back,  him  leaning  above  her.  “  i’m  a  lot  bigger  than  you.  “  
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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there are a lot of things about the unsettling stars that i really don’t like, but one of the things that i will be using as canon in this blog (already have because it was my personal headcanon) is that mccoy is not accomplished in any kind of combat. whether it be with a phaser, hand to hand, or with another kind of weapon. he does not believe that, as a physician, he needs such skills. he is going to save lives, not take them. 
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chiefmedical · 4 years
draft count by blog (not including asks): 
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spock: 4 
leonard: 11
multi: 10
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chiefmedical · 4 years
my kink is having a rp partner that is also a very good friend where you can have 20+ ships with them but also tell them about everything and anything
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chiefmedical · 4 years
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