#❛ ♚ : ██ ─ ASK.
carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
dumbass x dumbass with goku?? ty in advance!!
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This was unbelievable, really. For a couple of fighters who frowned at the idea of sitting around and staring at a TV for hours, they didn't waste time hogging up the couch and hoarding your new video game to themselves. Hercule wasn't kidding about it being the most popular versus game to hit homes but you assumed that was probably because he was in it. And the main character no less, using his tale of the Cell Games and the battle for the universe against Majin Buu. Including the likeness of the true warriors in those battles as The Champ portrayed them to make himself look better sounded like a crappy idea when it was first brought to those who knew the real story, Hercule being nice enough to ask permission to use their appearances and special techniques for his personal gain this time.
But then you saw the trailers and samples of gameplay leading up to its release and it was a real eye-catcher for you. You were looking forward to playing it
You just thought being gifted the game would mean you actually got to play it!
By their disposition it was clear who was winning and how things were getting tensed, the crowd of saiyans, humans, namekian, and...well, you’re not certain what Buu was, but they were all squeezed into your living room to spectate the current players and also play as their respective characters to see if their parodied versions were at least given some dignity. 
First they mock you for all the time you spend on video games and now they’re caught up in it. This had gone on long enough.
“I call next. Let me play, too!” You pouted at your husband, the obvious dominator of the rest. Goku’s eye didn’t even leave the screen, locked in his concentration as he responded to you.
“You said house rules were the newcomers play the winner. Vegeta has to pass it, he's the one losing.”
“I am not losing to you! You are using a cheap strategy to irritate me!” The Prince quickly snapped. With the raging energy coming from him, you were sure he was going to snap the controller in half.
“I don’t care who’s losing, it’s my game and you’ve been playing long enough! Everyone else is…” Your voice trailed off realizing that your words were simply in one ear and going out the other. With a huff, you marched across the floor and stood directly in front of the tv blocking everyone’s vision. You’re met with jeers all around, forcing them to pause their fight.
“(Y/n)!” Goku, antsy to keep playing, quickly moves from his seat and approaches you. “C’mon, You know you can’t do that. I was winning!” You squint your eye at him and fold your arms refusing to move.
“Out of the way, woman! I was just about to get Kakarot out of the game once and for all!” Vegeta urged as well but you ignored him glaring up at Goku.
“I want…to play.” You insisted.
“You said house rules can’t be broken, hun. You just gotta wait your turn like everyone else.” Goku leans over, holding a hand over his mouth to whisper to you. “Don’t worry, Vegeta won’t be lasting much longer.” In response, your pout grew. You waited long enough to even get the game, you’re not waiting another few hours to play it! With a grump, you untuck your arms and push your fist into Goku’s chest. Looking at the way you posed it, he arched a brow at you. “Really? That’s how you want to settle it?” 
You asserted with a single nod. He gives you a solemn look, brows lowering over his eyes as he nods in return. No one's ever seen Goku look at you in such a way before, a glare better earned by those he could claim as archrivals. Your guests watch more silently in anticipation, Goku tucking his controller under his arm and presenting his own fist to you. In a silent countdown, you both hammered your fists down in the air, shouting in unison.  
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erobret · 15 days
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@palespawn asked : “Enough waiting. I crave blood.” ( halsin )
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LARGE HAND GRIPPED THE ARM OF THE OTHER . not roughly , simply enough to stop the male from leaving the spot where they hid . he would risk them getting them found by the enemy and they did have to wait for the others if they were succeed .
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hazel hues fell upon crimson . the druid knew that this one was a spawn . he had learned of that upon joining them on the road . it had not changed his view of him . there had been no choice given to him when he had been turned , for that he could only assume . he was not one to pry into one's past .
however , was it blood he wished to spill in battle ? . . . or did he crave it for nourishment ? gaze turned back to fixate on the clearing below them . ❝ have you not fed recently ? ❞ he inquired , her voice low and rough . ❝ if you are lacking then the strength for what is to come then i may offer you my own . ❞
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thevessaliuz · 5 months
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"Jack...can I ask you something?"
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"Umm.... Of course?"
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slytherintragedy · 2 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝👀❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Hermione }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @bccksmarts ❫
// Still in the chamber of Dramione, with the slim chance of escape.
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When Draco had walked into the prefects bathroom, it was empty. Not even Myrtle was hanging around, which he appreciated because last thing he wanted was the ghost to see him naked. So after he started the bath and added some bubbles, he began stripping. Once he was completely naked, he moved to get into the tub but stopped when he heard a noise behind him. Quickly turning to see what it was then his eyes widened when his icy hues locked on familiar brown. Didn't even bother covering himself as he quirked an eyebrow, lips curving into a smirk slightly. ❝Excuse me, this bathroom is currently occupied Princess. So do you mind Granger, unless you plan on just staring at me in all my pride and glory...❞
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fractempyreal · 4 days
I love putting my friends through emotional damage when I whip out the obscure Vergil lore.
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chaoticrebels · 6 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ you look exactly the way i thought you would. a little shorter, perhaps. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Sylas }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @berylcluster ❫
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It was a busy day, which wasn't anything really new for the male. But oh how he sometimes wished that he could disappear, at least that way he'd have a moment of peace without the responsibilities that he had just by being who he was. Don't get him wrong, he loved his life the way it was, it just got a bit too much at times. Especially when his privacy was constantly invaded, constantly being told what he could and couldn't do.
Today was an especially frustrating day, that Dimitri almost put a hit on one of his advisors. But that would be suspicious so instead the male took off, snuck out of the palace with every intention of leaving the country for a bit. A well deserved vacation from his responsibilities, yet as he stood in the middle of the crowded airport he hesitated. Which caused him to sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair, could hear the whispers around him because some were beginning to recognize him which wasn't ideal in an sense of the word. And given the fact he didn't have his bodyguards with him, it could get pretty bad, pretty fast.
So it didn't take Dimitri long to b-line it to the exit, to get out of there before things went south. Although on his way out, he ended up running into someone. It wasn't gentle in any sense but it wasn't that rough either, yet it was enough to stop him in his tracks for a moment. Giving the other a sheepish, apologetic look. ❝My sincere apologies, I should have been more careful. Not that I'm really one hundred percent sure that it was my fault, maybe like eighty five percent sure but-❞ The male remarked before he was cut off with the comment, which caused a snicker to escape his throat as he tilted his head in response. ❝Oh do I? How fascinating but I'm glad I didn't disappoint you too much.❞
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herok1ng · 1 month
gee i wonder who this could be
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greedbent · 6 days
She might have spent a little TOO MUCH TIME with this bro, recently. For without realising it, Itsuki starts pulling a sour expression very similar to his own. With a clenched jaw and ever so slightly furrowed brows, once again-- she doesn't even realise that she's doing this while she stands nearby him or even beside him whilst he carries on in his doings.
@yukikorogashi || in which kaz is the worst influence (as usual) u-u;
He's learned not to pay her much mind.
Her presence isn't all that bothersome, that is; she hasn't made herself into some sort of pest like a few others Kaz could readily name, and when she chooses to be around him, she doesn't get in his way. It's almost like he has a shadow at times, one in the form of a young girl who rather fits the description of light more accurately, but those who know Dirtyhands (by rumors or the lucky few on a personal level) know not to ask questions about the company he keeps.
Unless you're someone like Jesper. Or even Wylan. Nina, too, if she were around.
It took the former's stray comment one day for Kaz to finally notice. And now, as he finishes sorting through a pile of documents, he ventures a look and hardly needs longer than a second to confirm the allegations. “You can stop that, you know,” he says, straightening the papers with a few quick raps atop his desk. “Making that face. It doesn't suit you.”
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
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whispers softly; give this a like if you're interested in discussing a ship! I'll come and talk it out with you!
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
tall + gentle x short + vicious, vegeta? :D
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With your arms over his shoulder and his tall hair tickling your chin, your breasts were pressed against his nape as you scanned over the carnival amusements, meticulous in your decision for the next ride. You were wired from the last one that you wanted to keep up the thrill, though your boyfriend did not share in your excitement as much. Waiting in lines of fussy humans and fumbling through crowds of them walking every which way was already more than he was willing to tolerate, and it was starting to show in the protruding vein on his forehead. But he was a saiyan of his word. He came to the carnival with you, as promised. 
Leaning your weight into his back as you lifted onto your tippy toes for a better view, a soft shade of pink started to bloom across his face as he tensed up feeling the soft squish of your chest scrape his neck carelessly. To point it out to you would be an admittance to perverse thoughts in his mind about you, so he simply endured it with a strained groan as you used him to stand a little taller and held up your hand to shield your eyes from the sun for a better view of the distant ride that caught your eye.
You let out an excited squeal and flattened your feet as you pulled away from the shorter man only to prance around him and take his hand to lead him through yet another crowd. Vegeta didn’t resist, but your enthusiastic tugging without any spoken direction to him set him a little out of sorts.
The moment you broke through the crowd, a smell hit his nose and Vegeta’s feet stilled holding him in place. The snag on your arm almost knocked you back but you caught yourself and turned to look at him, watching as he observed one of the food stands. It was about that time of day. You smiled at him and moved around with a firm hold on his hand to pull him toward the concession stand instead. With your eyes focused on him, you misjudged your surroundings and a much taller man walked into you, roughly bumping your shoulder and causing you to jump back in terror. 
“Sorry!” You apologized, though you’re not sure it got across with the abrasive “Pay attention to where you’re going” barked back at you. You felt Vegeta’s hand tighten on yours as his eyes now tracked the stranger, brows tensed and jaw clenched. His other hand caught the man’s arm before he completely passed him. Before you could think to react to stop him, the man was flung higher than any ride in the carnival. Fortunate enough to land “safely” on one of the rounding ferris wheel carriages.
“Imbecile.” The Prince scoffed, shoving his freed hand in his pocket.
“Vegeta!” You yelped in disbelief, then turned to the ferris wheel and cuffed your free hand around your mouth as you shouted out. “H-He’s really sorry! Just hungry!” You found your arm being pulled and your feet following as Vegeta made his way to the food vendor, the crowd of people actually parting for him after witnessing his extraordinary feat.
 “Pay attention to the crowds, these people are animals.”
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erobret · 2 months
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@thuganomxcs asked : Now that they were alone within the break room at the studio Yusuke squats behind her to lift up her skirt to view the contents beneath.
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SHE HUMMED SOFTLY AS SHE MADE SOME TEA . today was a day of photoshoots . mainly a promotion for a popular maid cafe in the area . she was going to be the one advertising their new menu . so . . . she'd been put into a maid outfit . it made sense though she'd been a little embarrassed by it at first . thankfully , after two hours she was given a break while the photographer looked through everything to see if anything needed to be reshot before she went home .
she was stirring in some honey when she felt the breeze underneath the skirt . head turned so that lilac hues could look back over a shoulder ---- she froze . face reddened instantly at what yusuke was doing . he was --- he was looking under her skirt . heart pounded in her chest . nonono ! he was seeing the lace she'd decided to wear ! it was far too scandalous ! ohhhh why didn't she go with a more modest pair ?
❝ don't look ! ❞ quickly she'd spun , hand flying down to pull her skirt back down to cover the lacey little thing . oh she couldn't look him in the eye . he's gonna think differently of her now ! the world saw her as this innocent ray of sunshine with her smiles and laughter and frills and sparkles . what would they think of her if she wasn't as innocent as they thought she was ?
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royalarms · 24 days
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Offers him a plate full of birthday cupcakes. “Happy Birthday, prince Noctis!” ⸻ @foxballad .
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there's always a general awareness around the time of the celebration of his birth , and he's never spent it entirely alone ( despite this , the hole in his chest remains ) . regardless , his anticipation of the day is always a bit dull . numb , even . another day of increased , and generally unwanted , attention . he was tired before the day began , preparing himself for the sociable act he'd have to portray for all , that he might continuously represent lucis in a manner befitting of an heir . still , despite his dread , there is a level of appreciation that befalls him every time he's bestowed with a humble gift ; not one that requests further favor nor one that grapples for his undivided attention . home - made cupcakes , even if he cannot finish them on his lonesome , are appreciated . he smiles genuinely , accepting them with his hands and giving a passive shrug ( as if he were shrugging off the embarrassment of perceivable joy ) .
❛ hey , thanks . you busy ? i was thinkin' we share 'em . ❜
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slytherintragedy · 3 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean. ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Odette }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @gentlepuff ❫
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The Slytherin had honestly just been minding his own business, ignoring practically everyone. Was more than aware of certain whispers that was spreading around, how could he not be? He wasn't deaf and despite seeming zoned out, he's paid somewhat enough attention. But with what's been going on, he just didn't care to snap back. Yet when the Hufflepuff startled him, Draco couldn't help but to snap at her with insults. Though when she snapped back, that had surprised him into silence before his laughter broke the silence that lingered for a little bit. And oh how her next choice of words, only made the corners of his lips curve upwards in a sharp smile. ❝An angel finally got some bite to her, what a surprising twist.❞ Malfoy remarked. ❝But the problem is, I don't buy it so let’s hear one morе joke.❞ Draco knew that war changes people, how could it not? But he truly didn't see her changing, however it wasn't like they were ever friends so what would he know? Nothing.
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fractempyreal · 5 days
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groazei · 2 months
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@waelahst ; “Oh, don’t look so angry, now,” Lezard hums gently, yet, the expression he dons is dark. “I was only having a little fun.”
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--- ❝ I AM NOT ONE TO PLAY GAMES WITH . ❞ dark essence , a being rancid & curdling . no doubt the divine believed him to be damned , but what of the stranger before him ? where did he stand in the light of god & the dark of the devil ? [ there is not even a slimmer of emotion on alucard's face ; --- the briefest speck of annoyance could barely be seen . ] wicked count lifts his hands into his pockets as he continued .
❝ provoking me would be lethal . ❞
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chaoticrebels · 6 months
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✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ Care to join me? #9: (NSFW) A one night stand ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Paul }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @berylcluster ❫
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When Dimitri had snuck out of the palace, snuck into a bar under disguise. He had no intentions on doing anything so reckless, had grown out of that stage. But that was a lie, wasn't it? Because he was being a bit reckless by sneaking out when in less than thirteen hours he'd be meeting his betrothed, just to go to a bar where anyone could recognize him. Which he was sure the press would have a field day with that, especially with the fact he was flirting with some stranger like he wasn't engaged to be married.
But it was just harmless flirting that wasn't meant to go anywhere, the last time he could freely do so. Yet when the male asked if he care to to join him in a one night stand after a few drinks, he was caught off guard. So much he had to take a moment to process what the pretty boy was truly asking then his cheeks heated up as a shade of red settled upon them. ❝You want to hook up, huh? You don't even know who I am and you want to have an one night stand.❞ Dimitri voiced in amusement. ❝Hm, sure why not? Let's do it.❞ He could go out with a bang before his life changed forever, that would be fun. Or that could be the alcohol talking, either way he was down for a good time.
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