#❖ ███ ──   ρʀoтεcтιɴɢ мʏ нoɴoʀ αs soʟםιεʀ ) 。 ( Main V )
dreamsofasoldier · 2 years
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      The raven watches as the blonde strikes out multiple times to get a handle of the weight of the buster sword. -- Sure, this was his sword but it was quite heavy and if Cloud were to ever inherit it or pick a weapon that was just as heavy he would need to get used to the weight. There was something wrong however with his posture it was too stiff. Zack’s face scrunches up with dissatisfaction and moves towards the blonde.
         ❝ You’re doing it wrong. ❞
        Zack speaks as he reaches towards Cloud and pushes lightly on his back.
          ❝ You need to relax here a little more and widen your stance a little more. ❞
         The raven moved his right foot and lightly tapped at Cloud’s boot with his boot. 
           ❝ There, much better. ❞
                                                                                               ( xx || @cloudvii )
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dreamsofasoldier · 2 years
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                                                   ❛  will you stop doing that?  ❜
                                 » » ❖ Angsty Questions │ @cloudvii​ — » ACCEPTING
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         Black gloved hands ran through blonde locks that teasingly dared to show the raven’s affection towards him -- an old passed down action from even his mentor now passed down to Zack who catches himself doing the same thing to Cloud. A soft laugh escaping his lips until the blonde snapped at him and slapped his hand away. Maybe he should consider doing the action a little less.
          ❝ H - Hey -- ❞
            In a way the action hurt Zack’s feelings, he often joked with Angeal every time he did the action but Cloud was not Zack after all, this was something he had to remember. His other hand met with the other lightly rubbing it as a small pout escapes his lips and retreats back to give Cloud space.
          ❝ Sorry, Cloud ... I’ll stop if you really want me to. ❞
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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         Running through the slums in the dead of night just to complete a girls wish: She couldn’t sleep. With all of these texts back and forth he was really excited and full of energy to complete her wishes. As he approached her house he noticed that a window was left open. A grin appeared across his face as he approached the window and called out her name. Hearing his name being called out in a whisper he pops up from his hiding place and smiles as he looks at her though the open window in more casual clothes. 
           ❝ -- Hey. Everything good? ❞
         Zack speaks in a hushed tone making sure that there were no problems around the house. he silently puts in one foot after the other careful not to make any sound before joining her on the bed. He places his phone on silent and then in a place where he can find it in the morning. followed by his work clothes but his weapon is no where in sight.
          ❝ It may be my day off tomorrow but I still have to look like I am on duty the following morning, so don’t worry. ❞
         The raven moves an inch closer to her as he opens his arms out as if ready for a hug.
          ❝ Ready? ❞
                                                                                        ( @pulchralilium​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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       ❝ Huh? Was that all of them? ❞
        The raven looked up from his stance, pain etched over his face but he couldn’t hold back a smile. Calling Cloud’s name he wondered if he saw how amazing he was at fighting all of these rookie soldiers that tried to gun him down. Grabbing a hold of his best friend he draped Cloud’s arm around his neck as he grabbed a hold of his waist in order to carry him and walk with him. Exhaustion hitting him in waves but he had to keep going, he told himself he had to for Cloud’s sake.
         Coming out the the haze and into the light Mako-blue eyes adjusted to the light. for a moment Zack thought he was going crazy after all of that fighting. He thought for a moment that he had passed a figure that looked like Cloud. -- But there couldn’t be two of the same person so what exactly was going on? The feeling nagged at the back of his mind as he glanced over at Cloud. he needed to know because if this was a person impersonating his best friend he’ll deal with it right away.
        ❝ Hold on ... Wait for me here buddy I’ve got to check on something. ❞
          Hiding Cloud in a safe place he walked away from his unconscious best friend and back to the direction to where the person that passed them was. Even though Zack was already exhausted her sprinted in the direction of the look alike until he was at a reasonable distance from him. An exhausted gasp could be heard that escaped his lips followed by the clang of his sword on his back yet to be drawn. A hand steadily on the hilt as Zack glared at the blonde, he definitely had the similar physique to Cloud -- seemed a bit more physically fit with muscle.
       ❝ Who are you and why do you look like Cloud. Some sort of DNA you got from Hollander to make you look like my best friend? ❞
                                                                                    ( starter for: @bronzetiermuses​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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                 ❝ Mandatory cuddle nap time. ❞
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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                   Anon asks -   I dare you to kiss Cloud. Open mouth. No granny kisses. ;)                    Anon asks -   Send all the Cloud kisses ;)
             » » ❖ Dare Zack to kiss someone │ @bronzetiermuses​ — » ACCEPTING
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        Travelling with his best friend was the best choice he could have ever made in his career, both of them going from ShinRa soldiers and receiving mako energy to mercenaries with soldier muscle. After a long days work they often found a place to crash, sadly since they were out in the country doing a job they were told that the best place they could give them was a large bale of hay that was kept in the barn. Lucky for these people they were dealing with country boys so the hay might not be a bed but it was better than the hard ground.
        Zack laying down quickly on the hay where as Cloud was more reluctant but eventually followed suit. Their sword propped up against walls close by in case anyone dares to try and jump them in the middle of the night -- there had been plenty of times where Zack defended Cloud when he was poisoned. They had gotten to chatting before sleeping reminiscing about their villages and how Gongaga and Nibelheim did things so differently. A chuckle escaping Zack as he faced Cloud and Cloud looking up at the barn roof.
        A frown escaped Zack for a moment as he wondered what was so interesting about a barn roof. An overwhelming surge over taking the older as he propped himself up, quickly pinning the blonde against the hay.
           ❝ Cloud, I ... ❞
       Without hesitation he moved in pressing his lips against his as he inched closer to the smaller person’s body. Zack wasn’t sure if Cloud had either given into the feeling of his lips pressed against his but his mouth gave away what the other wanted. Allowing his tongue to move in passed his lips and teeth Zack kissed the blonde deeper as if his heart beats wildly against his chest.
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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                 Aerith asks -  Aerith crosses her arms, a pout on her lips as she settles on the pew. "Zack...I'm not filling this out" She's being a brat, but just for him.
» » ❖ Valentine’s day applications / umprompted │ @pulchralilium​ — » ALWAYS ACCEPTING 
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        Oh, she was going to pout? Well, two can play at that game. Zack pouts in return as he leans in and allows his chin to rest lightly on her shoulder.
           ❝ Aw, come on Aerith ~ ❞
          He takes advantage of his closeness and quickly kisses her cheek.
          ❝ -- If you don’t do it I’ll fill it in for you and draw hearts everywhere on the page pretending I am you ~ ❞
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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       It had been so long since ShinRa had granted him a vacation and it had been months since he submitted the request and now he was granted time to go visit his parents after so many years. This time he was going to bring home a surprise. Shoving a specific letter into his pocket the raven then pulled out his cellphone and hovered over Aerith’s name. Selecting her name he types: 
         ‘ Pack for a long trip, I want to take you somewhere special. ‘
       Slapping his phone shut he grabbed his suitcase and headed down towards the slums to take a beautiful lady away from the steel sky. A few minutes later he knocks on her door, a smile across his face as he’s dressed in more casual clothes, his sword still strapped onto his back in case of any danger. 
          ❝ Did you tell your mom that I’m taking you on a trip? I would hate it if she would think I kidnapped you or something. ❞
        The raven smiles as he waits for a moment. 
         ❝ Are you excited? ❞
                                                                            ( plotted : @pulchralilium​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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         Watching over the group that followed in pursuit to save Aerith it seemed like Cloud was the only one to approach her. It was like a wave washed over the blonde as he pulled his sword out to strike her where she knelt praying only to stop himself from his actions. A horrible feeling was approaching -- a feeling Zack hated to admit. A familiar sound from above caught his attention and with all of his might he wished for one thing and one thing only.
                Please don’t let Aerith die. Please just grant me this one chance to protect her.
         Grabbing the sword he always seemed to carry with him he quickly tries to move to defend her but at the angle Sephiroth approached her it was a little difficult to defend. Never the less this was the last straw.
              ❝ NOT THIS TIME SEPHIROTH!! ❞
         The raven materializing like a guardian spirit in that moment thwarting Sephiroth’s plans and pushing the sword far away from any vital organs and yet still harming her. He sighs in defeat, he failed her once again to protect her and now her unconscious was with him.
               ❝ It’s not time for you to join me yet, Aerith. They still need you. ❞
                                                              ( Starter for: @pulchralilium )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
From here xxx
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       ❝ Would you prefer I tell you on a daily basis why or how you are pretty? ❞
            Zack smiles as he looks over at her who was pressing her head against his shoulder, a hand raising up to push the hair out of her face. He’s not exactly sure what brought the thought on but she shined like the sun in a cold winter’s night. Her smile alone could melt the ice around anyone’s heart, followed by a warm summer breeze that was just so relaxing. Zack smiles as he leans back into her lightly as he offers her a drink of water.
      ❝ You’re beautiful, Aerith. Never think that you aren’t and if anyone ever tells you that I’ll knock ‘em out for you. ❞
                                                                             ( @cultivatxr​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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        The sound of music ringing through the air as Zack and Roche were out on a mission outside of Midgar. They should be patrolling the area but for a few consecutive weeks there had been no signs of any danger and no one else was able to see them. The raven smiled as he couldn't help himself but join in even though they were just a shirt distance away. He could hear the slight scolding from Roche but he only laughed as he reached out and pulled Roche into a dance.
       ❝ Come on! We have had no fun like this in a while and no threats have appeared for weeks. So come and dance with me. ❞
       Zack held onto his hands playfully swinging them back and forth.
      ❝ It's not like anyone is going to see us so why not? I promise it'll be a lot of fun and no one will see us! ❞
                                                                                              ( @flamedance​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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             Aerith asks -   ❝You do realize I could formulate an entire power point presentation on your most appealing attributes right? Complete with terrible doodles and multicoloured annotation. I’m going to go for the slightly less traditional and say your hands; and your laugh and the obnoxiously cute way you manage to always find ways to uplift people. I don’t know what else to call that. Is it humanity? It sounds far less sexy with a label, but there you go. Three top selling points. ❞
                          » » ❖ 3 sexy things about Zack │ @cultivatxr​​ — » ACCEPTING  
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     ❝ -- Is my laugh really that sexy? ❞
           Though to be fair he really did want to see a diagram of what she thought was sexy and the presentation would be extremely enjoyable but maybe they could always save it for another day. His arms crossed his chest as he leans in slightly towards her.
    ❝ Shouldn’t we be focusing on you today of all days? It is your birthday after all. ❞
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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         All he could remember was the back-water village burning, that Sephiroth’s mother was Jenova and with that his personality had gone berserk. It was his job as a first class soldier to stop his comrade from this insane rampage, he also promised Angeal to carry his honor on his shoulders. A weight that he was not prepared for.
            ❝ SEPTHIROTH! ❞
         The raven called out his name, drawing the sword on his back as he looked up at the black-winged angel who was threatening to burn and destroy Midgar. People running left and right in fear of the used-to-be Soldier.
             ❝ I won’t let you get away with it this time! ❞
                                                                             ( starter for: @pacifistghost​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
[Because Seph is a little shit] FMK -- Kunsel, Aerith, Cloud
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                       » » ❖ FMK OPTIONS │ @onewinged-tragedy — » ACCEPTING  
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        ❝ WHY?! ❞
           The raven can’t believe he has to pick between these people.
        ❝ I guess ... Fuck Kunsel and Marry both Aerith and Cloud. ❞
            Ain’t no one going to die. If someone really had to die then he guesses Aerith because she does die by Sephiroth’s hands.
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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       How long had it been since Zack left for the job at Nibelheim and left Aerith at the church with her flowers? Was she still using the cart that they made? Probably not. She did want something nicer. The letters upon letters that she had sent him and the text messages flooded through his mind, she must have been worried after all this time and never got an answer from him. Even after a year of receiving them he still wasn’t able to answer her and now ... Now he was in front of the Church.
        The raven hesitated as he stared at the church doors. He half hoped she wasn’t there which would just cause him to turn around and continue on with his work but at the same time he couldn’t keep avoiding her. In the past he never hesitated to see Aerith but now his body was screaming in fear of what she would say to him. If it was a tongue lashing for never answering her all of these years then he did deserve it.
             After all this SOLDIER training the one thing I am scared of is a girl’s words.
        Zack thought to himself before finally grabbing onto the handle of the door and pushing it open. Taking a few steps in it seemed by the sound of the door opening that grabbed her attention. It looks like she kept her promise to him, the next time he saw her she was wearing pink, along with the pink bow he had bought for her.
         ❝ -- Hey Aerith ... I’m sorry it took so long. ❞
                                                                                               ( starter for: @floralcetra​ )
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dreamsofasoldier · 3 years
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                     » » ❖ VALENTINE’S DAY CARDS │ @oflockhearted — » ACCEPTING
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