#❄️𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞.❞ ┋headcanon.
frcstwinded · 2 years
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so i am a firm believer that kaeya’s birthday isn’t 30th november. this man isn’t a sagittarius at all, and i’m a canon ignorer through and through. i accept it as the date crepus took kaeya in after pierro threw him into a 500 year long ice bath, neglected him and got picked up by the winery owner.
as khaenri’ah likely has its own calendar - akin to the chinese one - i believe kaeya’s actual birthday is october 29th, making him a scorpio - as he should be. however, due to kaeya having no real clue how the khaenri’ahn and teyvat calendars work in translation to each other, he’s accepted his teyvat birthday is november 30th. 
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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in his investigations and connections in his circles - both abyssal and human in nature - kaeya learned of and eventually took a certain sword to make better use of both his cyromancy abilities from his cryo vision and his abyssal abilities from being a khaenri’ahn survivor of the cataclysm. making it his main sword, he learns of it’s name being altajmid al'abadiu and focuses on lethal, fast strikes while imbuing the users natural capabilities into itself to further strengthen the strikes - akin to the paracausal nature of the abyss that understands a creature well before said creature admits anything. 
cause i’m a little goblin, if this was a legit genshin sword (even tho the passive is defo gonna be impossible bc its ripping off the rifthounds, which are abyss creatures so it fits the vibe here) the stats would be:
five star weapon - designed like a katana but having abyssal ruins etched into the blackened blade. the ruins reflect the element the user wields - in kaeya’s case a light blue.  main stat: atk 47 (646) secondary stat: elemental dmg 8% (43.6%) passive ability: abyssal puncture. increases dmg by 10-20%. triggers when critting an enemy, the enemy you crit against will begin having the bleed status and lose 2 - 6% of their max hp per second for a maximum of 15 seconds. this effect triggers once every 45 seconds.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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well since i’m not gonna be active a lot during kaeyas real birthday, might as well write out each verses feelings on their birthday. in general, kaeya has no clue when his true birthday is, due to khaenri’ah using a different calendar compared to teyvat, so the reason he “celebrates” it.
for all verses: before khaenri’ah fell, kaeya was spoilt by his mother and father, but it never got to kaeya’s head. when he was seven and eight, he snuck out and give anything he didn’t fully want to children who were struggling, finding more joy in that. 
main verse: it’s a very cruel day in his mind. he doesn’t celebrate it himself, but others drag him into celebrating it nowadays. growing up with crepus and diluc, they made every birthday special, and kaeya kept hold of every card and still has them to this day in his office stowed away, but he cannot bring himself to look at them. kaeya never had a proper celebration ever since crepus died, he just went out drinking, but he longs for a birthday where he and diluc can just be brothers again and celebrate him entering the family. the 30th of november was picked by crepus because that was the day he found kaeya and took him in as his son.
fatui verse: kaeya feels detatched from his birthday, given how he was raised around the fatui he didn’t really have anything “normal” to fall back on. it wasn’t until rosalyne began convincing some of the fatui - even pierro - while kaeya was young to treat him as a normal child and remind him of that truth, even if he was the prince of khaenri’ah. as he grew older, he did get the odd thing but he didn’t expect anything, but when signora died, kaeya began hating his birthday. she was what made it relevant, and now she’s gone, kaeya wants to hate it, but with some members still honouring her wish now she’s gone, he can’t find it in him to denounce his birthday as a thing of celebration. the 30th of november was picked by signora because that was the day he found himself being taken in by the fatui.
abyssal verse: honestly doesn’t care he even has a birthday, probably needs reminding by the abyss like yo you’ve gotten older. he’s so out of touch with his humanity in this verse it’s honestly a redundant day to him. the 30th of november was picked out of randomness, unlike the other verses that had reason for this date.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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So it’s time to talk about kaeya’s mother, who died from the cataclysm, was called kazemi izanagi. she’s pierro’s first wife, and she basically is an original character between me and @solarflaretm to fit our canons for our muses.
• she has southeast and east asian heritage. one side of her family japanese, the other being indian. when she married pierro, kazemi took on his surname and became kazemi alberich.
• she had gold eyes, which is where kaeya got his one gold, but some of her family members had heterochromia which kaeya does inevitably inherit.
• her mother’s side is of direct royal descent, meaning pierro did marry in to royalty.
• less on her but pierro was her mother’s royal advisor and knight before he married her and became king when she was coronated as queen when she passed on.
• she is a cancer, due to her being a social empath. they had kaeya when her and pierro were roughly 5 years into their reign of khaenri’ah.
• kazemi handled the social aspects of being the leader of khaenri’ah while pierro handled all the behind the scenes. they agreed it was the best approach to rule their kingdom.
• when the cataclysm hit, kazemi was leading a group of survivors through khaenri’ah, but was unfortunately caught in an abyssal blast that killed the group immediately - traumatising pierro who witnessed the incident and took the decision to freeze kaeya as a result.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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so the thing from 3.5 that will be canon here is kaeya’s attempt to run back home to khaenri’ah. having been incased in a khaenri’ahn machine to keep kaeya frozen in safety when the cataclysm hit, it was shipped to mondstadt and later uncovered by crepus and his son. opening it, they saw the little boy who had woken up just like he had a sleep, and wasn’t initially aware of what happened in the aftermath. all kaeya knew was pierro’s words of being khaenri’ah’s “final hope” and he intended to be it.
staying in the dawn winery, it only took a matter of weeks before kaeya stumbled upon history books related to the cataclysm, but didn’t know that was the name of khaenri’ahs destruction. reading it, it broke the eight-year-old’s heart and one night, kaeya ran off to sneak onto a boat back to sumeru. he used the maps to work out roughly where khaenri’ah was, and knew sumeru was the best move to find an entrance that was not the chasm entrance. 
it didn’t take long for crepus’s men to find the child before he got far and crepus to come and pick him up in the early hours. while kaeya was unsuccessful, when he saw crepus pick him up, he realised the impact he had on him already as both he and diluc were beyond upset at that. it’s why he never pulled this stunt again, but still researched his home from other viewpoints. 
this was also what birthed his hatred for the gods as he learned they were seen as heroes, and not the villains.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕙 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕡𝕚𝕖𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦?
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your result: knight
if you were a chess piece, you'd be a knight!
you're a brave and daring person, always ready to take on whatever comes your way. you're also impulsive and often act without thinking first. but your heart is always in the right place, and people know that they can count on you when the going gets tough.
you don't let obstacles stand in your way, always overcoming them with ease and grace. and you have many tricks up your sleeve, always able to outsmart your opponents and stay one step ahead, thanks to your creativity.
tagged by: @clandestinestar​
tagging: reading this? you ;)
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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kaeya is fluent in multiple languages for two reasons. the first, is to maintain his ring of contacts and the second is his own knowledge as the spying prince of khaenri’ah, using teyvats own varying languages to gain secrets. his coded messages to his circles are also based on varying languages, depending on who receives each one.
below is a breakdown on his language knowledge
> khaenri’ahn (native and first language - knows all forms) > abyssal language (used by abyss mages/heralds, is known to be an adaptation of khaneri’ahn - knows all forms) > hilichurl language (is a known adaptation of khaenri’ahn - knows all forms) > common teyvat tongue (second language, fluent and appears native - knows all forms) > mondstadtian language (third language, fluent and appears native) > liyue language (knows written very well, spoken is a good progress) > inazuman language (knows written very well, spoken is not important to him) > sumeruan modern language (fluent in both) > sumeruan ancient language (fluent in written) > fontaine (fluent in written) > natlan (fluent in written) > snezhnayan (fluent in written, spoken is a working progress)
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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kaeya within the fatui does obtain a cryo vision, due to how he has to endure a constant struggle between picking khaenri’ah or letting it be a memory. he obtains this privately, without ever telling anyone in the fatui the truth, and in his outfits he doesn’t show his vision - which would be a snezhnayan  based one - on his person at all, but has it hidden away in his shirt. 
he does however inherit rosalyne’s delusion and use that alongside his vision, curious to see how impactful it is - and learning it is very much a useful tool. due to his abyssal influence, he is able to negate the negative side effects, which lets him continue to use it as a means to hide his true vision from the world. 
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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the official tierlist for kaeya’s ranking of the archons
why is this, this is why from kaeya’s viewpoint:
nahida - she is not a fighter, she is someone actively seeking out peace and was never mentioned to be at khaenri’ah at all, but the abyss hates her for interfering with it’s work. even if she must shoulder the burden of the seven, kaeya would spare nahida out of the seven
murata - she is the god of war, kaeya can respect following the domain, and as such, remains indifferent about her. 
the tsaritsa - she is who gave him his vision, and given how she understands his conflict internally from the aftermath, he cannot truly hate her. 
zhongli - the eldest and by looks the leader of the seven, he relies on contracts and can force people into them. he is a warmonger, and kaeya doesn’t want to be around him.
venti - even if he isn’t active, he is meant to be freedom. where is the freedom for khaenri’ah to exist? believing him as a hypocrite, he is ranked lower than zhongli, but as he knows venti best nowadays, he doesn’t despise him.
ei & makoto - as none know who was where, kaeya blames them both for spearheading a lot of attacks on khaenri’ah. now ei is subjecting inazuma to the same fate as she did to khaenri’ah of being ruled or killed under her thumb and would rather end her himself.
focalors - WHERE IS THE JUSTICE???? hypocritical bitch who deserves nothing short of his blade beheading her. 
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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kaeya’s hatred and wrath against the gods is stemmed from two sources, but they’re both so intertwined it’s impossible to split it. as the khaenri’ahn prince and survivor of the cataclysm, he hates what the gods did to his home, even if celestia is the true enemy, he still blames the gods for following their wishes so blindly to save their own skin. even if kaeya is a vision wielder, he uses it only to defend for himself, and would spite god with the vision any day of the week.
the other source is the abyss festering in his soul, a result of the cataclysm and being purged into citizens of khaenri’ah and twisting them into monsters. its almost like a symbiote, and capable of emotions and feeling wrathful, and everytime kaeya uses cryo abilities, it reminds him that he only got it out of sympathy. 
no god escapes kaeya’s wrath and hatred, he despises them all to a high level, no matter what part they played, they never once saved or gave sympathy to khaenri’ah’s tragedy because they focused on themselves.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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the fact kaeya’s kit is all about self-preservation only really. look at his c4 ability where he shields only himself at a low hp pool, his glacial waltz keeps enemies at bay less they wish to be combo’d to hell by his basic attacks - speaking of basic attacks he outright teleports behind foes to surprise them, and then there’s his natural ability to heal every enemy he hits with his frostgnaw attack. he refuses to rely on others to help him because of his history, no one helped khaenri’ah, so why should he expect help from anyone? he does things alone, because in his heart and eyes, he was always destined to be alone in teyvat.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
idk shit about horses but kaeya’s personal horse is an all black one because he’s a dramatic piece of shit and believes as the cavalry captain he gets to be the one that sticks out
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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mostly cause kaeya being injured is very rare, next to none know about the fact that kaeya’s “bleeding” isn’t really normal blood. his blood is thicker, tainted by the abyss and looks darker. it appears like liquid tar and sticks to his skin which leaves the abyssal trails behind that don’t rub off easily. it’s why kaeya’s a fast, nimble fighter who teleports to behind his opponent after four strikes to do a lethal fifth, he knows staying in the same place is going to leave him open. 
very few have seen kaeya bleed, below are each verse specific people who have.
in all verses, pierro knows kaeya’s situation with bleeding from wounds, he’s likely inflicted a couple himself.
in his main verse, crepus, diluc, jean, lisa and any member of the fatui that fought him know his blood’s unique, but don’t know why unless they have abyssal knowledge.
in his fatui verse, all fatui members who are active in combat know about the bleeding, but again without abyssal knowledge, none know why.
other two verses? none really know, he’s a fucking mystery
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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@dvouring​: lily, lotus, magnolia, & marigold.
lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  
kaeya has nothing but love and respect for his mother. kazemi is the charisma kaeya wished he had, the noble leader who cares for her people and he wishes he could be that charismatic. when he heard his mother died, he was distraught, especially for an eight-year-old whose one of their final memories before being frozen is hearing his mother’s death from his father who witnessed it. even now over five hundred years later, kaeya still mourns her death, even heavier than crepus’ death due to the abyssal interference. 
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
he desires a fresh start, a way to be able to live in teyvat and not have the burdens of being khaenri’ah’s prince and final hope. he lives a lie constantly, and it tires him, and he wants a fresh start but he knows he has to save his home for his people, and as such, ignores the pain.
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
his form of the natural world is khaenri’ah, and given how that is mostly ash now, it’s very broken. in terms of teyvat, however, kaeya is disjointed by the nature being so varied, it is jarring to his mind, but he is overall indifferent to this.
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?
i don’t think he does genuine jealousy or envy. his abyssal influence has negated this ability, likely because it believes those emotions unnecessary for the task at hand. 
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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so i firmly believe the abyss is a paracausal entity. this is a term from a different game, but it still fits in with how the abyss works and exists. paracausality is a category used to refer to abilities, events or entities which seem to violate causality (i.e. the principle that all effects must have a preceding cause). given how the abyss knows exactly where to target without any prior knowledge of it’ll happen at this exact time, it defies the concept of causality. remember the twin says they did this journey, but that doesn’t explain how the abyss knows the traveller will do it at a certain day and time.
so, with this knowledge that the abyss is paracausal, those infected by the abyss have a way to use it’s abilities. for kaeya’s instance, he can gain very small visions of the past, but given how distorted it is, kaeya initially believes it’s delusions of reality. yet comparing what he seen to history books, it becomes clear it’s true. kaeya has a vast knowledge of history, and is often the first to bring it up if relevant, acting like he’s seen it when in a way he has. 
it’s possible for him to have seen alternate histories, but due to kaeya not really using his abyssal powers in this way, he doesn’t know if he can or wants to.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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due to kaeya being khaenri’ahn, he knows all variants of that tongue. this does mean he can fluently speak with agents of the abyss who haven’t mastered common teyvat tongue, but also be able to slip any information by people as mere jibberish. 
however to fit in teyvat, kaeya learned the common tongue along with mondstadt’s tongue, but also to make a network he has access to, kaeya learned the other six languages behind everyone’s back. he pretends to only know the common tongues, but is capable of multiple language conversation to keep his very shady profile under wraps and away from the knights.
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