#✿ — w/ jaein.
dees-writing-corner · 2 years
three calls answered; one call missed - third call
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pairings: wooyoung x fem!reader; ? x fem!reader
genre: angst
word count: 1207
main masterlist
part 2
For the past 10 minutes, I have been watching my phone light up as Wooyoung's name pops up with an incoming call. I have managed to avoid him for the past month and I'll be damned if I give in now because the last two times he decided to call me after 10 pm, it was disastrous for me.  
Finally having enough, I picked up the phone, ready to say no to whatever it was that he was going to say.  
"Uh, Y/N?"  
Frowning, I wasn't sure if I was hearing the voice properly, "Yeosang? Why are you using Wooyoung's phone?"  
"Ah, you see, we're out with the others right now, and San and I kinda need you to come and fetch us? We can't drive, so could you come to Moonlight please?"  
"Yeah, sure, as long as I don't have to drive Wooyoung."  
"You're good, Yunho's the one taking him home."  
Hanging up the phone, I made my way out of the house and towards the club.   
I could probably start a chauffeur business or something with the number of times I've had to drive these lot home.   
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Squeezing past dancing bodies, I made my way towards the booths at the other side of the club, eyes scanning them as I did so, trying to figure out which one they were in.  
Spotting a couple of familiar faces in the last booth, I quickly made my way over.  
Yeosang and San both looked quite alert, that was probably due to the fact that they rarely got wasted, though the other few didn't look that way. Most of them were mumbling to themselves, eyes barely open. The only other two who looked sober were Yunho and Hongjoong, both of whom I have met a couple of times.  
"You two the designated driver tonight?"  
Hongjoong nodded his head as he motioned towards Seonghwa, "Yeah, it was supposed to be the three of us, but this one, couldn't stop himself."  
Chuckling, I nodded along, "Yeah, good luck hauling him home. I think he's passed out already."  
Turning to Yeosang and San, I was about to say something when I noticed Wooyoung pick up his head. When his eyes landed on me, I could tell he saw me as her. Yet again.  
Wooyoung got up and launched himself at me.  
Face stoic, I tried to push him away, "Not her. Let go before I do something that may hurt you." 
You see, in the past month, I have managed to get past the little crush I had on Wooyoung, because honestly? He wasn't worth it.   
Wooyoung simply whined before tightening his arms around me.   
Closing my eyes and letting out a deep breath, I tried to stop myself from doing anything rash, but it wasn't quite working.  
Finally having enough with Wooyoung's game, I turned to Yunho, "Could you go get me a large jug of ice water from the bar please?"  
Nodding, he went to the bar.  
Looking back at the three, I motioned to the drunk koala hanging off of me, "Could one of you pry him off of me please?"  
Hongjoong quickly jumped to his feet, pulling Wooyoung's form off of me, ignoring his whines.  
He made grabby hands at me, trying to get me to hold him, though that only earned him a cold stare.  
"Still not her buddy."  
Yunho came over with the jug of ice water, grabbing it, I looked to Yeosang and San, "You two might want to get up."  
Once they got out of their seats and grabbed their stuff, I made my way over to Wooyoung, who immediately held onto my waist.  
"I'm giving you three seconds to let go."  
Ignoring his whining, I mentally counted to three before pouring the ice water over his head.  
With a gasp, he let go of me before looking back up at me, this time looking much more sober.  
"Y/N? What the -?!" 
Staring Wooyoung dead in the eyes, I bent down slightly, "Listen, I need you to understand that I am not Jaein. And I never will be. You can either delete my number or change the contact pic, because I am sick and tired of having you call me in the middle of the night drunk and calling me Jaein." 
Not waiting for a response, I turned back around, bidding goodbye to Hongjoong and Yunho who were still shocked.  
Pulling Yeosang and San out of the club and into the car, we all just sat in silence for a while. 
"So," Breaking the silence, we brought our attention to San who was in the back, "That just happened." 
The three of us looked at each other before breaking out in laughter. 
Calming down a bit, Yeosang wiped a tear from under his eye, "I never thought I'd see that in real life!" 
"That was the only way I could think of to sober him up!" 
Starting the car engine, "You guys are coming to my place, right?" 
Seeing both of them nod, I pulled out of the car park and made the journey home. 
-next morning- 
Starting the coffee machine, I could hear footsteps coming into the kitchen.  
"Morning Y/N."  
San padded his way over, giving my arm a brief squeeze before getting a glass of water.  
"Good morning, how'd you sleep last night?"  
"Really good. Where'd you get the mattress? I want one for myself."  
"San-ah," Yeosang entered the kitchen, placing a hand on Sans's shoulder, "Unless you're willing to spend a week's worth of your salary on a mattress, I won't bother asking that question."  
Blinking, San paused for a moment, before whipping his head around to look at me, "You spent $900 on a mattress?!"  
"More like $1100, but yes."  
"I- Never mind then."  
Quickly setting everything down for breakfast, I brought over the coffee pot before sitting down.  
"So," Taking a sip of the coffee, Yeosang looked over to me, "The deadline for the offer is coming up. Have you made a decision yet?"  
"Umm, I think I'm gonna take it."  
Looking up from his breakfast, San immediately broke out into a grin, "Yeah? That's good. It's your dream job, no?"  
"I mean, yeah, it is, but I don't like the idea of leaving you two behind. You guys are like my only friends."  
"Aww," Yeosang cooed as he got up from his seat to sit next to me, pulling me into a hug, "Our little baby doesn’t want to leave us. Isn't that cute?"   
Rolling my eyes playfully, I pushed him off of me, "You know what? The idea of flying halfway across the world isn’t as bad anymore."  
Chuckling, Yeosang ruffled my hair, "No, but for real, we'll call and text every day, and we’ll visit you as often as we can, right San?"  
"Yeah! Just because we're no longer in the same country doesn't mean that we'll grow apart."  
"Okay. But can we leave all this touchy-feely stuff for when I leave? I've still got 3 months with you guys, let's not make cry just yet."  
The rest of the day was spent lounging in the living room talking and just spending as much time as we could together. 
part 4
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foundmeinyoux · 1 year
Du machst öfter topless am Strand w/f
Jaein, das erste mal dieses Jahr auf malle
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yenafmd · 3 years
setting: ​online exclusive photoshoot, september 2021 with:  @fmdjaein
“the concept today is flowers, because our jaein is pretty like a flower.” yena explained to the camera, framing her friend’s face with her hands. the idea had been simple enough, for their little amicable photoshoot to be released online, yena had rounded up every last fake flower she could get her hands on, donning her friend in a simple, flowy white dress with her hair done wildly and tousled, soft, peachy make-up accentuating her features. “she always looks so cool and chic in ultraviolet, like a total girl crush, which why i thought it would be nice to show another side of jaein for todays shoot!” yena adressed the camera yet again before finally turning to her friend again.
“so, what do you think? do you like it?” she asked jaein, broad smile on her face. yena knew her friend’s everday style to be a little cuter and more feminine than ultraviolet’s image would let on, it would be fun to play into that. “the idea is to incorporate the flowers-” picking up a good armful of all sorts of flower props to show off to jaein and the camera. “in fun, creative ways, so you blend in with the flowers!” as she put them back aside, she held one plastic daisy clutched between her fingers, gently tucking the stem behind jaein’s ear. “see! you look stunning already, you’re a natural!”
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fmdtingarchive · 3 years
Setting: Dimensions’ Headquarters Date: April 7th, 2021 Time: 11:29am Characters Involved: Guanting & @fmdjaein​
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the seemingly constant back and forth between guanting and dimensions hadn’t been solved as of yet, which was more than disappointing to unity’s maknae. he had been battling with unity’s managers and dimensions executives for what had to have been months at that point. it was always him asking - more like begging and pleading, to be given the chance to release music on his own. it had been a constant battle ever since the beginning of the year. he had thought that since he had gotten a surge of popularity due to his time on secret sibling and master in the house that dimensions would be more willing to let him promote music on his own, but alas, he turned out to be wrong. 
he sighed under his breath as he pushed the elevator button to the lower floors, trying to decide whether or not he wanted to stop past the cafeteria in the building or stop by one of the many little convenience stores or cafes that were on the way back to his apartment. he glanced up when he heard footsteps approaching the elevator, reflexively reaching out to press the ‘doors open’ button for them. “oh - hey!” he smiled when he recognized who it was. “what floor are you going to?” he asked, his fingers hovering over the buttons.
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j-shcn · 4 years
“ Te queda bien el blanco ”                 ╱╱               @naejaein​
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   había un ambiente tenso que le disgustaba, odiaba los funerales con toda su persona desde que era pequeño, pero tampoco era un gran conversador como para distraerse de sus alrededores “ gracias, al menos esto es mejor que los uniformes ” al menos sabía que no se iba a autosabotear para lucir mal en un evento si podía lucir bien por una vez “ tú también por cierto, luces bien ” .
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k-ycosin · 4 years
“ Ay estos zapatos me están matando ”                 ╱╱               @naejaein​
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   la queja llegó a los oídos de la semiveela y se sintió como un pequeño deja vú de una conversación anterior “ traer zapatos a un funeral en exteriores no fue la mejor idea ¿no? ” preguntó con cierta diversión, sabía que ella no era la mejor para hablar siendo que había decido usar jeans blancos y zapatillas, quería honrar la memoria de las personas que perdieron, pero no iba arriesgar su comodidad en el exterior nunca “ hay algunas personas que están sin zapatos si tanto te molestan o pasa el resto de la tarde sentada ” que realmente no parecía una mala idea teniendo en cuenta el poco ánimo que había en el ambiente.
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soontofustew · 7 years
thoughts about edward avila
I know I’m supposed to be off tumblr but I really can’t help talking about this whole Edward Avila situation. (Context here, I actually don’t watch Edward Avila, and I haven't even heard of him prior to this whole situation. But I’m a fan of Pristin and also this situation is pretty hypocritical in itself.) It’s terrible that someone is able to body shame a mere teenager in this day and age, and that there are people who still defend him and his comments.
Points of contention:
1. Body shaming a 15 year old girl? Seriously? I know he’s trying to see it from “the standpoint of an idol in the Korean industry”, but this is precisely why the whole issue is so hypocritical. Male and female idols are not held to the same standards, by talking about Kyla, he’s implying that females are expected to be thin, that they are expected to fit into this societal norm. Why doesn’t he talk about male idols that aren’t thin? Take for example, Super Junior’s Shindong. He has not received the same amount of negative attention that Kyla had received and Kyla is clearly not overweight, she just doesn’t fit into Korea’s insane beauty standards for women.
2. He doesn’t understand why Pledis debuted her in “the state that she’s in”. Firstly, he’s already implying that there is something wrong with Kyla’s body. There is NOTHING wrong with Kyla. Yes, she doesn’t look as skinny as the other girls in Pristin but this does not mean that there is anything wrong with her just because she isn’t as thin as the typical Korean idol. (I’m using the word typical loosely here.)
Secondly, Pledis obviously thinks that there isn’t anything wrong with Kyla, hence they debuted her in the first place. She is perfectly healthy or they wouldn’t have allowed her to debut. Not being thin is not the same as having health issues/complications. Just because Kyla doesn’t conform to the ideal does not mean that you get to take an issue with that.
3. He also said, “girls stop growing around 13 - 15, you can just do a quick Google search”. Google is not a reliable, credited source, hence his statement is already inherently flawed. Girls also don’t stop growing at 13 - 15? Yes, puberty starts earlier for girls and ends earlier than guys, but this is an average assumption. Different people have different levels of hormones in their body, react to their surroundings and environment in different ways. He can’t comment on this because there is no set scientific theory or fact that can predict when anyone stops growing for that matter. Everyone’s body is different.
That’s pretty much my whole issue with his video. Saying that Koreans care about beauty standards is true, agreeing with them AND pointing out there Kyla does have an issue is totally wrong and disgusting, not to mention misogynistic. He also keeps repeating "appearance doesn't precede talent" throughout the video, before proceeding to judge Kyla on her appearance. Way to be contradictory.
Personally, I feel that Korea’s double standards in terms of beauty (although this happens all around the world) are to blame. Women tend to be held to a higher standard in whatever they do, be it beauty or academics among other things. Kyla is just a 15 year old girl, she’s still growing and even then, it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have any health complications and that should be the end of this issue. She’s healthy. Just because you have an issue with her not conforming to an ideal beauty standard, does not give you or anyone the right to insult her or exclude her from her group.
If anyone takes issue with this post or feel that I could’ve worded something better, please feel free to message me. If you’re just going to hate on Kyla, I’ll ignore you.
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famedexclusive · 2 years
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8 AUGUST— The sixth episode of the Base x Mnet competition show CROWNED aired on August 7.
The episode started with a short recap of the unit stages from last episode before jumping into the full group second round stages.
As the group ranking last and second to last in the first round rankings, Catalyst and Candy performed first. They were grouped in the edit, with rehearsal clips of Catalyst shown, and then rehearsal clips of Candy. Both groups were required to switch their songs halfway through rehearsals and their reactions to the news as they were informed at the time of ranking announcement was shown. One scene of Candy showed members YERIN and SUN taking a break from practice to converse about their feelings toward the upcoming stage. Catalyst’s performance was shown first, with their performance of Polaris’s “Dionysus”. Candy then performed their rendition of “Ddu-Du Ddu-Du”. Candy’s performance was followed by a reflection from SUN: “Our members worked particularly hard this round, so coming together to this performance without any major hiccups is a feat by itself. I hope all of the members are proud of themselves. I’m trying my best to be proud of myself as well,” and then praise from original Ddu-Du Ddu-Du singer Ultraviolet’s JAEIN ( “I think that they really sprinkled it with Candy’s usual charms.”).
The next segment of performances was framed as seniors versus juniors and covered rehearsals for Lily, Andromeda, Selene, and Ultraviolet, who just escaped punishment by ranking in the mid-to-low range last round. Lily’s rehearsals were juxtaposed with Andromeda’s as both groups pulled cards requiring them to cover a song released before 2010 while Selene’s were juxtaposed with Ultraviolet’s. Lily’s stage of “U Go Girl” was introduced by a talking head of YURI (“We practiced quite hard and lost out on quite a bit of sleep just to perfect our stage.”) and led out by praise from Selene’s MIRAE (“Lily had the most complete stage and concept. Each piece fit together without feeling too contrived.”) then Andromeda’s cover of “Listen To My Word (A-ing)” followed.
Selene suffered a setback during rehearsals when member HYOJUNG fainted. One of Selene’s manager was shown explaining the situation and that Hyojung had to miss two of Selene’s rehearsals. When she came back, Hyojung’s work ethic was shown as she immediately jumped into asking fellow member MIRAE to help her catch up. Both members shared their thoughts on the situation via talking head (Hyojung: “While I did my best to catch up to everything my members had been working on, I regret not being able to take care of myself well enough.” / Mirae: “Hyojung is our youngest so we’re all worried about her.”) Their stage of Cloud’s “Very Nice” was then shown to go off without any further major complications.
From Gold Star Media’s most senior group to their most junior, Ultraviolet was shown getting through rehearsals without any similar health problems. Their stage of yet another labelmate, Catalyst’s song “Kick It” was the next one shown. Member JAEIN gave her own commentary on their performance (“I think we did a nice job! I’m feeling better about this one than the last because I think this does a better job representing what Ultraviolet’s sound really is even if it wasn’t our song.”)
Quantum/phase and Equinox were the next groups shown as they placed in the middle of the pack. Quantum/phase covered Titan’s “Be Mine”, while Equinox were the third group to pull a twist card requiring them to cover a song released before 2010. Quantum/phase’s performance went off without a hitch and earned praise from Candy’s SUN (“They’re able to create a beautifully theatrical performance in any setting, with just minimal props and their unique style. I’m a big fan of well constructed concepts.”), but during Equinox’s stage of “I’m Leaving You”, member KIANA was shown stumbling and having a surprised expression mid-performance. After different angles of the moment were replayed, it was revealed her shoe had broken. Kiana’s thoughts on the moment (“I feel as if that incident has impacted not only myself, but the group’s overall performance. As a professional, I could have done better to hide it.”)  interrupted the performance before the rest of it was shown.
Calypso, Cloud, and Platinum were the high-mid range rankers and they got the second to last segment of the episode. Calypso pulled a card allowing them to choose any song by one of the other groups to cover and this resulted in a performance of Selene’s “Hush”. Member YENNY commented on her hopes for the stage (“With this stage specifically, especially since we chose the song, it was more important than ever that we did right by the original artist. I hope they enjoyed our stage just as much as we did.”) LUX echoed the same sentiment (“I hope at the very least we make Selene proud.”). Selene member HYOJUNG was shown as the answer to their hopes after Calypso’s stage (“I think they were great.”). Cloud also covered a Selene song, “Décalcomanie”. Platinum took on a more laidback version of Lily’s “Nobody”.
Polaris and Titan were the second and first ranking groups respectively and the tension raised as their stages approached. Both groups got to pre-record their stages in front of an audience of their own fans. Polaris did a dramatic rendition of Ultraviolet’s “Kill This Love” which was met with an impressed reaction from Calypso’s LUX ( “Their performance was stunning. Theatrical, dark, and absolutely gorgeous.”) while Titan did Polaris’s own “Fire”. member DURI wrapped Titan’s segment with his thoughts (“We showed something completely different when it comes to ‘Fire’. We had a strong performance and everything came together well!”).
A short final segment was shown of fans being polled leaving the filming about who their favorite performance was before a brief recap of all stages was shown along with information on how to vote for the second round.
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pengu-hours · 3 years
anon if u see this 😁😁 idk what’s wrong w you but please don’t throw the word grooming around like that 😭 and don’t accuse people of being groomers, especially if you don’t know shit. you make it seem like it’s weird for people who are 18+ and people who are minors to be friends, which it isn’t unless u make it weird 🤥 which u clearly are.
calling their race “stupid” makes you a racist piece of shit. it is absolutely not okay, and if you have a problem w their race then leave?? stop interacting?? block pengu if you have to?? why are you so obsessed? again What is wrong with you? are you a fucking child ?? i don’t get it.
and if you have a problem w them not liking christianity, that really sucks for you. i was raised catholic myself but you don’t see me crying and shitting myself over their opinion. if you’re entitled to your opinion so are they. they don’t owe you anything
have i mentioned i love jaein recently? no? well i do
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exodusmusing · 4 years
 below the cut you will find 90 korean male names with their meaning! all of these names are taken from kdramas, idols, actors and a list of names i have found on internet but it did take some time, so please like or reblog if you find this helpful!!
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disclaimer: some names will have more than one meaning, that happens because of different hanja. i’ll put most of the meanings i’ve found, since i’m not a korean speaker to tell which one is the right/best one.
baekhyeon (virtuous brother)
beomseok (like a rock)
bitgaram (light river)
bongju (post; pillar or support)
changmin (sunlight jade)
cheondung (thunder)
chinhae (depth of the ocean)
chunghee (righteous and dutiful)
chungho (a righteous lake)
daeho (great personality)
daejung (honest; great or righteous)
daeshim (greatest mind)
daesung (great voice; loud sound or grand reputation)
dakho (deep lake)
dongjin (eastern dragon)
dongwoo (east rain)
geonyeong (builds glory)
gunwoo (builds a house; creates rain)
hajoon (ha means summer, talented and joon means handsome)
hakkun (rooted in intelligence)
hangyul (uniformity)
hayoon (great and allow)
heechul (strives for completeness/wisdom)
hoseok ( symbol of greatness)
howon (grand river)
hyeseong (comet)
hyunki (wise; clever; shrewd; astute; expert or intelligent)
hyunshik (brilliant; smart or clever)
ilseong (day and completed)
insu (preserving wisdom)
jaehwan (rich and prosperity)
jaein (talented person; is respected/compassionate)
jaewook (talented bright light; is the rising sun)
jihoon (wise and meritorious)
jimin (wisdom heaven; great purpose)
jinhyuk (shows off treasure)
jinki (treasured foundation)
jinryuk (true/ treasured power)
jiyong (determined dragon)
jonghyun (bell of victory; filled with victory)
jongmin (filled with kindness/wisdom)
joowon (original)
junghwa (upright and rich)
jungsoo (correct and excellent)
junho (handsome tiger; deepens greatness)
junsu (handsome and prosperous)
junwoo (prosperous helper)
junwon (thorough leader/origin)
kangdae (mighty and strong)
kangin (strong and compassionate)
kibum (rises above boundaries; consolidates rules)
korain (luminous and glorious)
kwangsun (generally good)
minho (friendly/intelligent tiger; great jade)
minhyuk (clever/great/friendly and shining)
minjun (intelligent prince)
myeongsu (bright river)
myungdae (great righteousness)
namjoon (southern prince)
sangwook (one who is always well and healthy)
seojun (prosperous and handsome)
seokjin (great/bestowed treasure)
seonggyu (noble pointed jade)
seongyeol (noble and fiery)
seulgi (wisdom)
seunghyun (raises the cauldron; victorious and mysterious)
seungri (victory)
sukchin (unshakable rock)
sung (successor or one on the verge of winning)
sunwoo (kind and helpful; to proclaim and to protect)
suyeong (excellent and brave/eternal/bright)
taegeun (foundation or root)
taehui (superior; great or big)
taehyung (very well behaved)
taemin (extremely great; incredible person; much intelligence)
taeyang (the sun)
wonshik (head of the family)
woohyun (blessed with intelligence)
yejun (unearths talent; talented and handsome)
youngbae (eternal education)
youngjae (eternal talent)
yeongsang (bright and soaring)
yesung (talented sound)
yohan (korean version of john so “to be gracious” is the best meanig i could found)
yongguk (contains country)
yonghwa (contains peace)
yongsun (dragon in the first position)
yuhwan (possesses shine)
yunhee (watches the ocean)
yunho (proper and grand; observes grandiosity)
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baejl · 3 years
What do your ocs' bfs like the most about them? A physical feature, a personality trait and habit, thank you.
w: long answer - loooved the question btw ❤
lucas/moon: moon has some faint freckles and lucas always say he could spend hours just looking at it. about a habit, he loves when she paints abstract figures on his back or arms
jay b/jaein: loves jaein’ hair and how soft, long and health it is even with all the damage and chemicals it went through 🥶 he loves when she massages his shoulder when his producing. it started as a joke but it's a habit now
johnny/jade: LOVES her neck\torso (especially when she wears off shoulder shirts). as they're two cocky and confident bitches, they're always arguing who's the strongest and having 'abs competition'. most of the times, he starts it because he loves how competitive she gets
mingyu/minah: mingyu loves how small minah's hand is compared to his and loves holding it. it doesn't matter where they're, if they can, he'll always hold her hand. for her trait, he absolutely thinks the way that she, even that unintentionally, acts so classy, is very sexy.
somi/jk: jungkook loves somi's tattoos. he knows that he's one of the few people to see them and although he knew about them before they started to date, he never really got the chance to see them and when he did, he felt the happiest man alive. she usually speaks while sleeping, but she speaks so softly and cutely that that made him fall in love for her even more.
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yenafmd · 3 years
setting: exclusive gala, central garden, 27 december 2021 with: @fmdjaein​
pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the purse she had been carrying around all night, yena slipped one between her lips before eventually holding out the pack to jaein. “there. take it. you look like you need it.” she offered, the closest to a comforting gesture her brain could muster in that moment. generally, yena knew jaein to be... not the most enthusiastic person, tired, generally unhappy with her predicament. she could, however, also tell that these stupid rumors coming out were weighing down even more on her friend than her usual sullen demeanor. not to mention the poor thing was probably tired enough as it was, on the heels of returning from japan. all in all, it wasn’t hard to imagine jaein was having a shit night.
taking out a pink lighter, yena lit her own cigarette with nimble fingers. where they were seated, on a bench far away from the prying eyes and covered from view by an abudance of plants they should be safe to have a quick stress smoke break. wouldn’t be the first time they had pulled something like that. “just don’t worry too much about all that bullshit yeah?” she offered, holding up the lighter to light jaein’s cigarette as well. “like, we all know it’s not true anyway. they have no reason to suspect it’s you.” as harsh as it was, yena doubted jaein cared much for being in ultraviolet to begin with, leave alone enough to throw hands. “and like- i know you didn’t pick a fight but, hypothetically, if you had, they totally had it coming, just saying.”
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Don't Break Me Again
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Commissioned by: @skittlez-area512​
Pairing: Younghyun x Reader 
Wanrning: Just Pure Angst 
Word Count: 2.4k 
"Who was that?" You ask Younghyun,  trying to force a smile as you approach him, watching another girl try to slyly slip away.  
"The girl I'm going home with after the show, likely my future wife." He says, his face straight, his eyes lacking any humor. He places his guitar strap over his head as he gets ready to step on stage.
"W-what?" You ask, the tears building in your eyes.
"I'm just kidding babe, christ." He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
Before you can respond, he runs on stage, ready to melt hundreds  more of girls' hearts.
It took you a few days to be able to fully let go of his comment.
He was joking, at least that's what he told you later that night. You were being dramatic and overly sensitive again, you didn't trust him and he didn't know if he could be with someone as insecure as you, so you told him fine. You packed a week's worth of clothes and headed to a friend's house.
5 days later he called, begging for you to come home. He apologized profusely, promising he was going to change.
You needed to ask him a question that night that you returned, but you were scared. More so scared of his reaction but also his answer. With Younghyun it really could be anything.
"You.. you weren't with anyone while I was gone, were you?" You asked nervously. You and Younghyun sat on the couch, cuddling.
"God no. Why would you even ask that? I spent the entire time missing you baby. I'm so sorry for everything. You deserve more, I'll be the man you need." He whispers, pulling you in closely.
And you believed him. You believed all of it. Until you found a pair of dark purple panties shoved in between the mattress and box spring a few days later.
And they definitely weren't yours.
"What the fuck is this, Younghyun?" You scream, throwing the panties you had found at him.
"Why are you throwing your underwear at me and screaming like a mad woman?" He snaps, placing his guitar case on the floor. "I just fucking got home and you start this shit already."
"I'm starting this shit? You said you weren't with anyone while I was gone!" You cried. Your heart felt like it was going to shatter.
"So fucking what if I was! You weren't here. What else was I supposed to do?" He spits. "I let you have your little tantrums, you run off and do god knows what, with who knows who while you're gone."
"I sit inside and I cry! Because I love you! And I want us to work! And you're out fucking whatever?" You scoff, unamused.
Younghyun scoffs. " I'm just trying to play catch up, whenever I get the chance baby. We all have a past, some more than others." He smirks, looking you up and down, and not in a lovingly way, no. This was a judgemental, disgusted look.
A look that you were no stranger too when it came to Younghyun.
"Wow." You sniffled, rolling your eyes. "Not even surprised you'd end up going there with a line like that." You laugh, no humor to be found anywhere. "I'm done." You whisper.
That night you end up at your best friend, Jaein's house. She's always had a particular distaste for Younghyun, or as she calls him, Brian.
"He's a piece of mother fucking shit babydoll, and you deserve someone who is not a giant man baby piece of shit. That's all I'm saying." She says, shrugging her shoulders before taking a large sip of wine.
If there was anyone you could truly count on, it was Jaein. She never failed to make you laugh, brightening your spirits after Younghyun so viciously tore them down, even though it wasn't her job to fix it.
She always told you how much you were worth and how much you should see it, but she knew you loved him.
Fuck did you love him.
She always took your side when you came to her about your fights, she shit talked him like there was no tomorrow, but she also never tried to convince you to leave him. She knew you weren't ready, she also knew that you would leave him when you were ready. She always gave you a hug when you said it was time for you to go back to him, never pressuring you to stay.
She knew no one could leave him for you.
Early that next morning, you left Jaein's and headed back to your shared apartment with Younghyun. You opened the front door, slipped off your shoes, jacket and hat while making your way to the bedroom.
You unbutton your jeans, sliding them down your body before stepping out. You stood at the edge of your bed where Younghyun slept so peacefully.
You knew you needed to end it but you were unbelievably, unequivocally in love with him. You would do anything for him, be anything for him and he knew it.
You just wished he felt the same about you.
You constantly asked yourself why you stoll stayed, why you put yourself through the torture of knowing theres almost a 100 percent chance he will never love you as hard and as much as you love him. You needed to be done. But how can you quit something you need so badly?
You knew he was able to love, you've seen it. He loved his guitar. He loved his music, and he loved his groupies that followed him from small dive bars to even bigger dive bars. He loved the attention that he received from those women, any woman really that wasn't you. In his mind because you couldn't make it to every show, you weren't as dedicated as them. You didn't love him more than them. You didn't support his music enough. Telling him you were working was never a valid reason to not be there to support his dreams even though you were pretty sure he didn't even know what your dreams were.
You were done.
You just wished he wouldn't break you again. And again. And again.
But that seemed to be the thing he was best at.
This time you were actually going to be done. You needed to be done. You couldn't keep chasing him around, waiting and praying that one day he might decide to settle down. One day he might decide you're finally worthy of his unconditional love since he's put you through so much.
One day you might be good enough.
You crawled into bed with him, his arms slipping over your body before pulling you in tightly against him. He nuzzles his face into your head, deeply inhaling the scent of your hair.
"I've missed you." He sighs.
A tear slips down your cheek as you wiggle yourself closer to him.
"Really hope you didn't go fuck some dude last night like a whore." He huffs.
You can't do this anymore.
Now Y/N. Do it now.
"I'm done, Younghyun." You whisper.
"Stop." He groans. "Don't ruin a perfectly good morning."
"I'm not. I just can't anymore." You sigh, wiggling out of his hold.
"Where the fuck is this coming from?" He snaps, sitting up in bed before rubbing his face. "Fucking Jaein is getting in your head again isnt she?"
"No, I'm finally realizing it myself. You tear me down, and build me back up only to tear me down harder next time. You don't care about me. You constantly throw it in my face that I have a past and think I'm always cheating, but that's all you. You think I don't care about your music because I don't attend every show, you crave the attention from random women, not to mention who knows how many times you actually cheated." You snap. "I'm done being treated like I'm the lowest scum when I've done absolutely nothing to deserve it. I've done nothing but love you and support you but it's never good enough for you Younghyun. I will never be good enough so I'm done." You sigh.
"Please don't baby. You're my world. I love you so much, let me prove it to you baby." He cries. Boy was he an excellent manipulator.
"You've had an abundant amount of chances and you've fucked them all up. Save it." Younghyun begged and pleaded for you to stay while he followed you around the apartment as you gathered up the belongings you could think of at that moment, the most important things. You knew you could come back in a few weeks or so to grab whatever you forgot. Because this time was it, this time you were done.
Looking over your shoulder, you see Younghyun's pained face as your hand reaches for the door knob. "If you walk out that door Y/N, I swear to god, I'm done. I won't ask for you back, you'll have lost me forever." He snaps.
"You've already lost me." You whisper, gently closing the door behind you.
A few weeks later, it still felt like your chest was going to cave in. Like your heart was going to glue itself back together before shattering into a million pieces, over and over.
You cried into Jaein's pillow everyday, all day. You missed him so much. Maybe it wasn't time, maybe things could be better this time.
Younghyun had texted, called and showed up to Jaein's apartment everyday. His messages came multiple times a day, his calls even more. Your heart slowly mended itself with every loving message you read, with every soft word you heard him speak through your voicemail. He sounded sincere this time. He sounded like he was going to try, this time would be different. Maybe the 11th time's the charm.
You took a few days to think it over, making sure it was truly what you wanted, and it was. Not to necessarily get back together with him at the moment, but just to see him. See him perform, listen to his voice. You missed everything about him.
This was a good idea.
Or so you thought.
Jaein kept her mouth shut as you made sure your outfit was perfect. Younghyun had told you he had a gig tonight at one of the first bars you met at. You didn't tell him you were going to come, you wanted to surprise him.
"I wish you all the luck with Brian, babydoll." He forces a smile.
"Thank you. For everything." You smile. "I'll see you in a bit."
For the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful. Younghyun promised to spend more time with you, go to anger management, and couples counseling. All things he had never promised before.
He was trying. He was finally trying.
You smiled widely as you pulled the door open to the bar.
Your eyes looked hopeful as you tried to find Younghyun. They widen as you spot him laughing. You can hear the sound of his laugh in your head.
Making your way over to him, you rehearse in your head about what you're going to say to him, wondering if he'll hug you, swing you around, plant a kiss on your lips?
You're distracted as you approach him, the possibility of so much happiness blinding you. When you finally came too, you stopped dead in your tracks. Younghyun laughed as he wrapped an arm around a girl, leaning in closely to whisper something in her ear, making her giggle. Their eyes met, he slightly grips her chin to tilt her head up before leaning down to place his lips on hers.
After a few seconds, they break apart, smiling at eachother. He feels like they're being watched so he raises his eyes,scanning the room. He lands on you. You with the shocked face, hurt eyes and heavy breathing.
You were so fucking stupid. You should have known better. You did know better. Younghyun had never changed, he had always said he would but never did. What made this time any different? Nothing except you had hoped so fucking hard that this time it was it. This time he would love you properly.
You let out loud laughs/ scoff before turning around to run out the doors you had just so excitedly came in.
"Y/N wait!" Younghyun yells, leaving the girl behind to chase you.
You run through the door to the outside, where it's now pouring rain.
Of course.
"Y/N, please!" He yells, catching up to you. He grabs onto your arm, yanking you back. "Just wait!." He yells.
"What!?" You scream, pulling your arm away from him. "What the fuck do you want?"
"You weren't supposed to show up tonight. You weren't supposed to see that." He sighs.
"Oh." You laugh. "So its my fault for showing up, hoping to fix us, and not your fault for being a piece of shit who just can't keep it in his pants."
The rain pours harder, you and Younghyun stand face to face, water dripping down your bodies.
"You didn't return any of my calls or texts. What was I supposed to do?" He asks. "It's been like a month."
"Wow." You scoff. That's all you can say.
"How long after I left did you start seeing her?" You ask.
"Four days." He admits.
"F-four.. four days? You only waited four fucking days? I'm so fucking stupid. You will never not be a self centered piece of shit will you?" You laugh.
"Excuse me? What the fuck gives you the right to insult me? How's a used up whore like you any better." He laughs.
"Yeah, okay. This just sealed it. I'm done." You say, turning to walk away again.
"You're done because I'm saying you can be done. Got it? Because I'm tired of manipulating you. I'm ready for someone new." He smiles.
"What are you talking about?" You ask.
"I've never loved you, frankly never really liked you. You were just too easy. Too easy to manipulate, to easy string along like a little puppet. I could completely tear you down until you were nothing and say all the right things to build you back up. You're easy to read, easy to fuck, just all around easy. I need a bit of a challenge now." He smirks, patting your shoulder before walking away, leaving you standing in the rain, thinking about the words you'd never recover from.
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msujaein · 4 years
❅ It’s You  —  Jaein & Forsythia
     Jaein had spent most of his time so far just sitting in the cafe reading up on some medical books while he sipped on his coffee. It would definitely be a little easier, and quieter, to really just study either in his room or even at the library on campus however it preferred spending time in the cafe due to the fact that he could actually just get coffee at any point if he ever needed a refill to help his brain wake up a little more at times. He had actually thought about getting a job at such a place just so he could enjoy the aroma of the one thing he liked to drink whenever he got the chance to. Though, with as much as he had going on with not only his clubs but also classes as well, so even trying to get a job with how busy he already was just wasn’t the best idea to really be thinking about.
     He’s been sitting there for a short while now at one of the tables, sipping on his beverage as he does so. Jaein wasn’t even really paying much attention to anything really going on around him, that is until he heard a certain name. He’s quick to glance around when he hears a certain name being said that makes his curiosity grow as he does so. It’s a name that he wouldn’t be able to even forget if he were to try. ‘Sage’ The name was all too familiar and someone that Jaein had gotten to know a little bit, apparently gaining a new nickname from the other in the whole process.
     When he finally figures out just who had mentioned the name, Jaein slowly gets up from the table he’s currently seated at and makes his way over to the stranger. “I’m sorry to interrupt but I heard you say the name ‘Sage’...” He pauses for a moment, realizing that this whole situation made it seem as if he had been eavesdropping this whole time. Jaein takes a moment before he finally continues with what he wants to say. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything....I was just sort of curious as to how you know Sage....” His tone doesn’t even sound the slightest bit apologetic, neither does his expression as he just looks at the female with a neutral expression, though he actually does mean what he says but he really just always had the same sort of expression on his face whenever it came down to it. 
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jinkisbelly · 4 years
Home - 9/?
Jongyu, omegaverse, angst-ish, rated m, w/c: 2ish k,
Summary: Jonghyun is Jinki’s home. Problem is, Jonghyun doesn’t remember that Jinki is also his anymore.
Part 1,   Part 2,   Part 3, Part 4,  Part 5,   Part 6,  Part 7  Part 8  Ao3   AFF
            Jonghyun stood at the doorway of his childhood home, gazing at the familiar walls and archways, the far steps in the hallway. This house was his home, the only home he could remember having. He slowly smiled as he felt a kiss pressed upon the back of his neck and hands moving around his tummy. Jinki’s voice is just above a whisper as he says, “You don’t have to move out if you aren’t comfortable enough.” 
            “I want to remember what my home really is.” Turning his head a little, Jonghyun smiled and covered Jinki’s hands with his own. “I want to feel like that house is my home before the babies are born, and I cannot do that sleeping in my childhood bedroom.”
            “Whenever you’re ready.” 
            Jonghyun gave one last look before turning. Jinki helped him up onto the front part of the small cart they were using the carry the few things that hadn’t been moved yet. A thick blanket was thrown over his shoulders and a kiss pressed to his cheek. Jinki was upfront by the horse, reins in his right hand as he slowly led them from the front porch. Towards home.
            As Jonghyun rested his head against the folded towel behind him and sank deeper into the water, he sighed contently. A gentle chuckle bubbled up to his right and shifting his head just enough he could see Jinki leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. “What are you laughing at?”
            “You’re very cute, is all. Plus, I needed a break from all that paperwork.” Jinki gave a soft smile, the warmth vivid in his eyes. Jonghyun slipped further into the water until it covered his mouth under Jinki’s adorning gaze. The curve of his belly was visible out of the surface of the water, feet resting on the end of the tub. Jinki’s soft footsteps were what made Jonghyun look back toward him. He sat parallel to him, resting his crossed arms on the edge of the tub, leaning his chin on top. “How are you feeling?”
            After lifting his lips from the water, Jonghyun quipped, “Like a fat sea creature.” 
            “It’ll be over soon.”
            “So you do think I’m fat!” 
            “Of course not! I just didn’t think you’d believe me if I said how breathtaking you are.” 
            Jonghyun squinted at him before nodding with a light chuckle, “You’re right. I don’t.”
            He softly squeaked as Jinki pushed up onto his knees, leaning closer to cup his jaw. Ever so gently the man pressed a kiss to Jonghyun’s lips before deepening it, fingers pushing into damp hair. Jinki nibbled on his bottom lip as he pulled away, “You really have no idea how attracted to you I am, do you?”
            Running his tongue over his bottom lip, Jonghyun gazed up at him heatedly, “That kiss left nothing to the imagination.” 
Jinki kissed up his jawline towards his ear, brushing a few strands of wet hair from it before whispering, “I’d make you cum right here, beautiful, but you’re supposed to be relaxing.” 
            Over the last month since their conversation about wanting to be together completely, he had noticed the confidence Jinki held when it came to displays of affection and flirting. While welcomed, each time the man turned up his charm it made Jonghyun’s stomach do a somersault. Now, he let out a soft gasp, hand coming up to grip Jinki’s bicep where he was resting his weight on the edges of the tub beside his head. “You don’t have to be this hot, Jinki. It’s unfair.” 
            One more breathtaking kiss was pressed to Jonghyun’s lips before Jinki pulled away with a grin. “Enjoy your bath. If you still find me unfairly hot after, we’ll see what can be done.” 
            Before he could leave the room entirely, Jonghyun called out softly. “Did you come in here to tease me?”
            Jinki smiled over his shoulder as he paused, “No, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
            “So mean!”
            He could hear Jinki’s chuckles clear in the other room as the man disappeared from view.
            While Jinki was still unfairly hot after his bath, the soft intimacy they fell into was just as good, if not better, than anything sexual they might have done. The pillows behind Jonghyun did their best to keep him comfy as he leaned against the headboard. His legs were over Jinki’s thighs, on either side of his hips, as the man gently rubbed oil over his belly. Even if their cubs decided to play ‘catch daddy’s hands’, it was nice. Jinki’s hands were a little rough from his years of using his hands for work, but his touch was gentle as he worked in the oil. It was supposed to help with the stretch marks, but Jonghyun didn’t hold any hope he was getting his pre-pregnancy body back any time soon or at all. “Did we ever talk about names?” 
            Jinki’s right hand slows as it moves underneath the curve, near the waistband of Jonghyun’s pants, as his eyes flick up toward him. “We did.” 
            “Did we chose any?”
            “There were a few we liked.” Jinki lets out a soft sigh, resting his hands on Jonghyun’s thighs with his eyes downcast. “I don’t want what we decided months ago to sway your opinion now or make you think you have to agree to the names I say. They’re our cubs, you should have a sound say in what their names are.”
            “If we had names picked out, I don’t want you to change them because of what happened.” Jinki just shook his head, refusing to lift his gaze. Jonghyun gently tapped Jinki’s chin, smiling when it got the man’s attention. “You know me better than I know me right now. What were the names?” 
            “You swore we were going to have a girl and you told me you wanted to name her after my Mom, Jae-eun, but for a boy it was Jaein, to have her a part of this in a way.” 
            “Jaein is a beautiful name Jinki.” 
            He flashed a little smile, eyes lowering to gaze at the way their cubs were kicking against where his hands had moved. “Then we just need one more.” 
            “You just had to go and make twins, huh?” 
            Jinki grinned, cheeks painted in a pretty rouge, as he leaned to give Jonghyun a little kiss. “We both did that.” 
            Jinki had left early that morning, way before the sun rose all the way, saying he’d be back before dinner. The mid-afternoon sun had already begun to set when Jonghyun felt off. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly. The babies felt fine, but there was a feeling as if something was happening, something important. The piece of white cloth fell from Jonghyun’s hands as he rushed to grip the dresser. The feeling was fuzzy and distorted, like trying to move through fresh mud. His brows were wrinkled as he called half panicked, “Minho?” 
            A few moments passed before the taller man stepped into the room, worry vivid on his face. “Is it the babies?”
            “No, it’s something else I- I can’t make it out.” Carefully, he found the rocking chair in the corner a few steps away, leaning heavily back into it. It was then as his eyes closed the image flashed, and his eyes snapped back open. “Jinki. It’s Jinki. He’s hurt.” 
            “You can feel him again?”
            “Yes? No.. just flashes.” Jonghyun took a deep breath before heaving himself out of the chair. “I have to get to the Hut.” 
            “You aren’t going anywhere.” Minho crossed his arms across his chest. “If Jinki is hurt, Kibum is with him. He’ll be alright.” 
            “It’s starting to get icy out there and I don’t need you taking a spill. Neither does Jinki for that matter.” Minho then sighed, “Would it make you feel better if I go?”
            Jonghyun tapped his fingers against the dresser, sheepishly looking up at his brother. “Yeah.” 
            Minho squeezed his fingers before heading toward the front door, slipping on his boots and coat, and closing the door behind him. Jonghyun frowned deeply as he tried to stop his mind from overthinking things.
            The bandages were barely secured around his shoulder before Jinki was attempting to leave. Kibum put a firm hand on his good shoulder and shoved him back down. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
            Jinki stared up at him like he had grown two heads. “I have to get home.” 
            “You had to be carried in here, remember?” 
            “I’m fine.” Jinki flashed a little smile. Sure, he ached all over and could really use a nap, but that wasn’t really that abnormal. “What I can do here I can do at home.” 
            Kibum had his arms crossed over his shirt, hip cocked a little as he gazed at his partner. “At least wait until the doctor comes back. Then I’ll help you home, alright?” 
            “Thank you.” Jinki relaxed against the pillow behind him and let out a deep breath. Shifting his head until his cheek was against the pillow, he looked up at Kibum and quietly asked, “Is the young scout alright?” 
            “He’s freaked out. He shot you and I had to stop him three times from coming in here when you were getting worked on. Apparently he wanted to apologize.” Kibum gently sat on the mattress beside him, strategically placed to make it very hard for Jinki to escape before he was discharged. “How’s the head?”
            “Like I tumbled down a ridge in the freezing cold of winter.” Jinki hummed, eyes fluttering shut. “I’m just glad Jonghyun can’t feel me. He’d be worried sick if he could.” 
            Both men looked toward the door when they heard a loud, familiar voice until Minho was stepping into the room, hands on his hips. “Alright, I’m only going to ask this once so please don’t make me look at your chart. What happened?” 
            Jinki glanced at Kibum before giving a little grin at Minho. “I’m fine. Does it matter?”
            Kibum scoffed, leaning forward on his knees with an amused grin. “Let’s see how well that works for your pregnant mate, buddy.” 
            His favorite place to nest was in front of the couch. The cushions were tugged down onto the floor, every pillow in the house fluffed up and tossed into the pile, and having so many blankets it was impossible to tell where one began and the next three ended. It was the warmest spot in the house when the fireplace was lit. Jinki never liked it when he lit it when he wasn’t home, but it was cold out. The smell and crackle of the wood burning were really nice and almost soothing to him. In his nest swaddled in blankets to the point only his head and hands were visible, was where he was when the front door was pushed open.
            Slowly looking up from the book in his hands, his eyes immediately found Jinki. One of the man’s arms was over Kibum’s shoulders, while the right one was cradled to his stomach, and Minho was trying his best to assist him in walking without jostling him on that side. Jinki’s gaze moves from Kibum’s face, after mumbling something, and falls on Jonghyun. He grins and it’s almost disconcerting seeing it with the broken lip and small scrapes over his face. “I’m alright.” 
            Kibum helps him settle on the love seat to the right of Jonghyun, sighing as Jinki quickly slips from it to be on the man’s level. Jinki grimaces as pain flashed through him, but as soon as he settles he relaxes, leaning his head back on the cushion less couch. “If I ask what happened are you going to tell me the truth?”
            “A young Scout in training thought I was prey. He let the shot go as a shifted. I suppose I should have just stayed a wolf. It would have flown over me.” Jinki reached over with his left hand to curl it around Jonghyun’s. “I promise. I’m fine.” 
            “Fine doesn’t need help walking home.” Jonghyun counters, “Fine doesn’t mean movement causes pain. You aren’t fine, Jinki. He isn’t fine, is he Kibum?”
            Said man stares at Jinki for a long moment, as if thinking, before flicking his gaze a few inches to Jonghyun. “He’s not allowed to use his right arm for the next few weeks except small things and nothing that requires him to lift it above his shoulder. He fell down the south cliff so much of him is bruised and if his dizziness persists, he may need to see the Doctor again for he hit his head when he came to a stop.”
            Jinki muttered. “Traitor.” 
            “Just finishing saving your ass.” Kibum grinned, before nodding at Jonghyun. “You’re probably the only one that can get him to take his required sick leave. Make sure he does.” 
            “I will,” Before Kibum could completely take his leave, Jonghyun called out. “Thank you for having his back.” 
            “Of course.” Kibum gently places a glass vial onto the coffee table pushed over near him. “He’s to take a teaspoon of that twice a day with food. Goodnight, boys.” 
            Minho cleared his throat as Kibum closed the door behind him. “Are you two sure you can make it to bed tonight?” 
            “I’ll sleep here if need be.” Jinki quietly answered, eyes closing slowly. “It’s rather cozy.” 
            “We’ll be fine, Ming. Thank you again.”
            With a soft smile and slight nod of his head, he headed toward the door. Before closing it after himself, Minho quietly said, “Talk about what you felt, Jonghyun.” 
            Then the door was closed shut, the lock clicking close as the man used his copy of their key. When Jonghyun turned back to Jinki, the man’s eyes were open, gaze curious. “What does that mean?” 
            “I may have felt you get hurt.” 
            “What- but the bond it’s-”
            “I couldn’t see everything or really feel much, just that you were in pain. I was folding the baby clothes Minho had helped me wash and there was this spike of fear and pain, and I knew it was from you.” Jonghyun’s shoulders sagged as he sighed. “I was going to go to the Hut, but Minho told me it was too risky with the ice outside. So he went instead.” 
            “I’m sorry. C’mere.” A kiss was pressed to his hair, an arm snaked around his waist to keep him as close as he could get.
            “Do you plan on keeping how you’re really feeling from me?” 
            Jinki’s consistent, steady breaths are more comforting than Jonghyun wants to admit. “I’m not used to being able to keep anything from you. I apologize for doing so. I’ll tell you the truth.”
            And he does, until both are too tired to talk and fall asleep as curled up as they can be surrounded by a dozen pillows on their living room floor.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
please something about Jaehyun and y / n, and their little daughter, who is only taking her first steps and her first word was “dad”💗💗
scenario title: tiny steps
genre: au
a/n: again w/ the jaehyun!dad ask 🤧 i don’t mean it in a bad way but girl are you trying to make me suffer from feeling giddy at the fact jaehyun could be a really good dad? ;-; this is a prequel to this request! hope you like it anon! ~j.
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nothing beats pure joy when your husband felt so accomplished as he watched the video you recorded after dinner. the night came and you placed your daughter in her crib after her effort of making her first steps. jaehyun leaned his temple onto your head with your phone in his hands, grinning so much to the point you felt tears touched your forehead. oh the sniffs caused you to purse your lips to hide your giggles.
“come on baby. i got you. just a little more.” jaehyun called out with his hands up front. your daughter jaein smiled with her growing pearls and dimples that she got from her dad.
drools from gibberish words she tried to say as she too, had her hands up to maintain balance. jaehyun mimicked jaein’s tones of calls, a few “appa”s and “mhm”s had your cheeks swell from smiling too much at the precious sight.
“that’s it jaein. come on.” he encouraged her, getting her favourite stuffed bunny to lure her into his arms.
“honey, she’ll get there.” you assured him and whilst he gave you flying kisses as thanks, jaein lost balance and fell backwards; as if she was attacked by the imaginary kisses.
you picked her up and she was on her feet, walking up to jaehyun with seven more steps. you both cheered like she crossed the finish line of a race and jaehyun carried her with gentleness. “today marks.. jaein’s first steps!” he bounced in his toes followed by kisses, making your daughter giggle non-stop from the stubbs. “hip hip!”
“hooray!” you went along with the massive cheer and said it around two times. jaein had her arms up at the latter word, and you melted at the action.
“who did you walk towards baby?” jaehyun kissed her cheek. jaein was too immersed onto the stuffed bunny in her hands that she started to mumble and sing in gibber talks.
jaehyun looked to the camera; bowing proudly like he did after concerts. “baby~” you called your daughter, wiping her drools with her bib. “daddy asked who you walked towards to~”
jaein stopped talking and looked at your husband; his face internally screaming ‘say appa’.
“i really think we have to wait for that in the future.” jaehyun chuckled with red ears.
“in a few days honey.” you caressed his cheeks.
she began to sing again before she said the only word jaehyun wanted to hear:
“oh gosh honey, did you record that?!” he was shocked, and you were too. considering that you expected jaein’s first words to be ‘mama’ at least.
“of course i did!”
the sniffs made you pause the video. you turned to your side where your arms acted as support to your inclined body. “this is quite a sight.” you teased sweetly, tugging your sweater to your wrists to wipe his tears. “honey you’re so cute.”
“shut up i’m having a precious moment.” he pouted but still cupped your hands rested onto his cheeks.
“alright, moment given.” you poked his nose. he pulled you into his arms for a tight and warm hug. “i never thought you’d tear up.”
“i’m shocked at myself for responding like that.” he rubbed circles at your back. a sigh escaped his lips. “i don’t want her to grow up so fast.”
“she just walked, honey. save your tears to the time she walks.. down the aisle.” the giggles you held in earlier finally left your chest. definitely you try to be as quiet as possible so jaein won’t wake from her slumber. jaehyun grabbed your waist and attempted to tickle you. to his dismay your tolerance was high.
“hey that’s too far ahead!” he hissed and now he was hovering over you with his necklace dangling.
“i’m teasing, you know that.” you stuck out a tongue, followed by a yawn. “can we sleep now?”
jaehyun still had the heart eyes whenever he looked at you. though you were a little different after bringing jaein into the world; deeper eye bags and gotten slimmer from restless nights— there was a certain glow you had that caused him to fall for you like he did back in the days. “okay, let’s sleep. you need it more.” he kissed your forehead and laid beside you.
he switched off the side lamp and pulled the covers over the both of you; not until jaein started to cry right after you and him closed eyes.
“maybe sleep can wait.”
“guess it can.”
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