#✷ slipstream samurai | johnny silverhand
duefault · 1 year
@altkiller asked: you think you can just walk in here and expect me to listen ? (for johnny :x)
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〝 no – was figuring i’d have to repeat myself a few times before you started listening. 〞 posture was SLUMPED - sunken into the couch. composure was similar to that of a marionette that’d been left behind backstage, all tension sapped and left to the will of gravity. thick, jet-black aviators veiled his eyes - a protective measure as he nursed a hangover that likes of which would likely prompt a normal person to make a visit to the ER. 
his right hand clutched a metal-plated lighter, idly fidgeting with it as the flame flickered on and off. red & blue hues that hovered a little too closely to his pant legs. a dumb grin evolved, his head moving upward - breaking its downward gaze. he snapped to life, legs now resting upon the coffee table. his muddied boots clamped down on the glass-top, with LITTLE CARE for whatever items and keepsakes he’d just trampled under foot.
〝 it’s funny – KERRY said the same thing. between the two of you its like being stuck in a bad BD. 〞 soon enough he was on his feet ( in defiance of most commonly understood conceptions of medical science ) hands reaching for a crumbled pack of cigarettes he’d left on the counter-top.
〝 fuck it. i’ll do it by myself. im tired of sittin’ around – pointless if all we do is talk. 〞egotistical - yes, but not stupid. he got why alt & kerry had their apprehensions. it was ARASAKA after all - the pole around which the world pivots.
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duefault · 1 year
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