#✰.⠀⠀save ﹕treasured keepsakes of precious memories.
coruscantide · 5 months
✰.⠀⠀ooc ﹕bold of you to assume i’ve reached peak dumbass. ✰.⠀⠀thread ﹕step forward & take the leap. ✰.⠀⠀answered ﹕an unsent letter addressed to you. ✰.⠀⠀queue ﹕there is always sleep between part and meet. ✰.⠀⠀music ﹕our hearts in tune. ✰.⠀⠀aesthetics ﹕a drop in the ocean leaves lucent echoes. ✰.⠀⠀save ﹕treasured keepsakes of precious memories. ✰.⠀⠀dash ﹕scribbles left behind on the wall. ✰.⠀⠀destiny trio ﹕thinking of you wherever you are. ✰.⠀⠀seasalt trio. ﹕seasalt melting under a twilit sun. ✰.⠀⠀worlds ﹕constellations connecting us all. ✰.⠀⠀party members ﹕friends in my heart. ✰.⠀⠀kairi ﹕astraeus heartbeats within the dark. ✰.⠀⠀kairi ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀kairi ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀kairi ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀sora ﹕heavy oath lined with pieces of light & hope. ✰.⠀⠀sora ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀sora ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀sora ﹕study of the heart. ✰.⠀⠀riku ﹕a lost dawn breaks over a burdened heart. ✰.⠀⠀riku ﹕in character. ✰.⠀⠀riku ﹕headcanon. ✰.⠀⠀riku ﹕study of the heart.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month
Severitus Fluff Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words
find the masterlist directory here
last updated: 08/03/24 | links last checked: 08/03/24
Always by randomausfulloffluff [G, 1k]
AU where Severus Snape has adopted Harry Potter. After defeating Voldemort at Hogwarts, Severus heals Harry and there are enough cuddles to satisfy every Severitus-loving heart.
Bedtime Stories by Likelightinglass [G, 1k]
Severus reads Harry a bedtime story.
*Cheer and Goodwill and All That Bollocks by ForgottenChesire [G, 3k]
There are memories that he'd rather forget associated with this season. His father's drinking. His mother's ire. Neither took a break during this time, instead, they seemed to increase. Harry makes a sound that could almost be a word. Being a year and five months old he should be saying mum and da or maybe speaking in two to four-word sentences… if the nattering, disapproving mothers he's had the misfortune to run into are to be believed. "Lupin says that we need to make this special. I doubt that you will remember any of this." He doesn't think about why he doesn't push the werewolf out of his life. Doesn't like thinking about the sinking loneliness. It is Christmas time after all. So he lets the smile that has been on the very edge spread. Long fingers reaching up and poking the very tip of Harry's nose. The toddler laughs, mouth open wide and little hands reaching up to grab his hand. He does not like Christmas but Lily had loved it.
*Father Figures and Days of Acclamation by MellarkandArt [G, 1k]
He decided to stop reminding the teachers that he didn’t have any parents to make presents for, too. Instead, he did the projects as he was told, writing Happy Christmas, Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Father’s Day, and signing empty “I love you’s” to people who did not exist for him. He decided not to throw them away like Aunt Petunia had done with his either, and instead saved them like she had with Dudley’s presents. He kept them under the mattress on the cot in his cupboard like he did with all other things that were precious to him, which really didn’t amount to much. Harry often wondered what it would be like to have a parent who treasured his handmade gifts like Aunt Petunia did with Dudley, a parent who didn’t see his presence as a nuisance. Maybe that’s why he kept these things, for the hope that someday, maybe, he’d have someone he could give them to. Someone who would treat them as a keepsake, someone who would treat him like something of value. Maybe someday.
Harry Potter: The Singing and Dancing Sensation by fuzzyhamish [G, 1k]
Harry is home with Snape for the summer and he's bored out of his mind when suddenly he gets an idea…
His Saving Grace by FireboltSparks [G, 3k, Snily]
Poor Severus is so buried under his work that he forgets to put this little son to bed! And right after Lily had gone through so much trouble of reminding him…
Intervention of the Fates by Calacious [G, 1k, James/Severus]
Severus has been trying to get Harry to sleep for hours, and when he finally does manage to coax the ailing little boy to sleep, Harry refuses to leave his arms. James proposes that they bring Harry to their bed…just this once.
Mama Severus and the Upset Tummy by Calacious [G, 1k, James/Severus]
Much to Severus' frustration and James' not so secret delight, young Harry calls him mama, but it's hard to claim that he's not when it's Severus that Harry goes to with his various aches and pains rather than James. (follows Intervention of the Fates)
*Menagerie by Bil [T, 2k]
AU. Take one Severus Snape, one baby Potter, and one insane Headmaster; simmer gently and stir well. Don't forget to duck!
Nightmare in the Kitchen by fuzzyhamish [G, 1k]
Harry Potter was adopted by Severus Snape a year ago and now he's decided he wants to celebrate, but things do not go as planned.
*Nightmares by Likelightinglass [G, 1k]
Harry has a nightmare. Severus has no idea what to do.
*Quidditch and Quietude by Ttime42 [G, 2k]
Harry is looking for some peace and quiet after a rough quidditch match. He knows just where to go. Assume established severitus. 6th year-ish. (podfic available)
Reflective by FancifulRivers [T, 1k]
Harry Potter brings home his report card.
Severus' Guide to the Wizarding Book of Childcare by Calacious [T, 1k, James/Severus]
A series of short snippets of fatherhood from Severus' perspective.
*denotes personal favorites
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erabundus · 1 year
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@ruinlost &&. said... Examine! + inteyvat
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both  flower  and  rock;  "the  best  of  both  worlds,"  a  certain  someone  once  told  you.  at  a  glance,  it  appears  to  be  as  delicate  as  any  other  plant  —  yet  a  cursory  tap  to  its  petals  reveals  a  different  story.  perhaps  it's  a  bit  absurd,  but  you  can't  help  but  feel  a  strange  kinship  in  that  regard.  you  are  both  contradictions,  things  that  appear  as  ephemeral  as  your  peers,  yet  saddled  with  the  durability  to  last  indefinitely.
there  are  two  conflicting  sets  of  memories  regarding  how  the  flower  came  into  your  possession.  you  have  those  for  many  things  —  in  one,  there  is  a  natural  sequence  of  events.  in  the  other,  fate  tries  to  bend  itself  in  such  a  way  to  produce  a  cause  that  would  warrant  the  effect.  in  one,  cipher  pressed  it  into  your  hands,  a  gesture  of  friendship  and  goodwill.  in  the  other,  you  merely  happened  to  find  it  passing  through  the  same  area. in any case, you associate it so strongly with him that you know which rendition you hold far closer to your nonexistent heart.
the  kabukimono  once  collected  a  great  many  "treasures."  they  were  not  treasures  in  the  conventional  sense,  but  rather  things  he  found  beautiful  enough  about  the  world  to  warrant  saving.  it's  only  natural  he  would  later  abandon  them  when  he  realized  what  ugliness  the  world  festered  with  as  well.  as  the  balladeer,  you  carried  the  flower  with  you  for  many  years,  tucked  away  in  the  pouch  slung  across  your  back  —  alongside  your  mother's  feather.  at  the  time,  you  thought  it  only  fitting;  two  symbols  of  your  past.  two  gifts  emblematic  of  the  people  who  abandoned  you.  people  you  trusted,  people  you  once  loved  as  family.  sometimes,  on  quiet  nights,  you  would  take  it  out  and  run  your  fingers  across  those  too-tough  petals.  you  would  try  to  sear  the  pain  of  that  betrayal  into  your  mind.  a  reminder,  that  no  matter  how  kind  someone  might  seem,  they  will  leave  the  moment  you  no  longer  hold  any  value  to  them.
it's  a  miracle  you  never  threw  it  away  in  a  fit  of  rage  and  hurt.  some  would  call  that  restraint;  you  call  it  weakness.  still,  you're  grateful  your  past  self  was  too  much  of  a  coward  to  sever  that  bond  completely.  it's  a  very  precious  keepsake  —  a  treasure,  now  more  than  ever  before.
sometimes  you  wonder  what  farrow  might  think,  were  you  to  show  it  to  him.  however ...  every  time  the  thought  crosses  your  mind,  you  inevitably  find  yourself  deciding  against  it.  curio  and  cipher  live  on  only  in  your  own  memories  now;  let  them  rest  there  in  peace. after everything, it's the least they deserve.
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kobestrain · 2 months
From Faded to Fantastic: Best AI Photo Restoration Tool Revealed
In the digital age, preserving memories has become easier than ever. However, many of us still hold dear to physical photographs that capture the essence of bygone eras. Over time, these cherished images can fade, becoming a shadow of their original glory. This is where AI photo restoration steps in, transforming faded photos into vibrant keepsakes. Let’s explore the best AI photo restoration tool that can breathe new life into your old photographs.
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The Power of AI in Photo Restoration
Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many fields, and photo restoration is no exception. AI photo restoration tools utilize advanced algorithms to analyze, correct, and enhance old images. These tools can repair damage, enhance colors, and sharpen details, making your photos look as if they were taken yesterday.
Best AI Photo Restoration Tool
The best AI photo restoration tool stands out due to its precision, ease of use, and remarkable results. This tool employs state-of-the-art AI technology to meticulously restore photos, addressing common issues such as color fading, scratches, and blurriness. The process is simple, allowing users to upload their images and let the AI work its magic.
Key Features of the Best AI Photo Restoration Tool
Automated Restoration: The tool automatically detects and corrects imperfections, saving time and effort.
Color Enhancement: It revitalizes faded colors, bringing vibrancy back to old photos.
Detail Enhancement: AI algorithms sharpen and enhance details, ensuring clarity and definition.
Damage Repair: Scratches, tears, and other damages are seamlessly repaired.
User-Friendly Interface: The tool is designed for ease of use, making it accessible to everyone.
Why Choose the Best AI Photo Restoration Tool?
Opting for the best AI photo restoration tool ensures that your precious memories are preserved with the highest quality. The advanced AI capabilities ensure that each photo is restored to its optimal state, allowing you to relive moments with crystal-clear clarity.
Using the best AI photo restoration tool not only saves time but also provides professional-quality results. Whether you have a collection of vintage family photos or just a few special images that need restoration, this tool can handle it all, delivering impressive results every time.
Restoring old photographs has never been easier or more effective, thanks to the best AI photo restoration tool. This tool harnesses the power of AI to transform faded, damaged photos into fantastic, vibrant images. By utilizing this technology, you can ensure that your treasured memories are preserved for future generations. Embrace the magic of AI and bring your old photos back to life with the best AI photo restoration tool available.
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eleganteternity · 3 months
Capture Your Memories Forever with Special Photo Projection Charms and Keychains    
In the general public, when there's no time to waste, it is basic to sort out some way to save those loved recollections. A distinctive option, photo projection charms and keychains let you carry a small, creative version of your loved ones or treasured events. These items are meaningful presents for friends and family as well as personal keepsakes.  
Unveiling the Magic of Photo Projection Charms
Photo projection charms are more than just jewelry; they are a portal to a precious memory. Imagine wearing a pendant that, when viewed through a smartphone camera or directed light, reveals a vivid image of a special moment or person. The magic of a photo projection charm online is in its ability to merge technology with personal sentiment, offering a unique way to keep your dearest memories close to your heart.
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The Perfect Gift for Every Occasion
Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just a simple gesture of appreciation, photo projection charms and keychains fit perfectly. Their ability to be customized makes them extraordinarily personal and touching. The recipient will not only get a beautiful piece of jewelry or a handy keychain but will also receive a timeless memory that they can literally look back on whenever they wish.
Where Technology Meets Sentiment
The technology behind photo projection charms and keychains is as fascinating as it is heartwarming. By using high-resolution micro-lenses, these small accessories can project an image onto a surface when exposed to light. This means every time you light up your charm or keychain, you are instantly transported back to that special moment, making it a remarkable blend of innovation and emotion.
Explore Photo Projection Keychains in the USA
For those residing in or visiting the USA, finding a photo projection keychain USA style means accessing a blend of modern technology and fashion. These keychains are a well-known choice among those wishing to safeguard their recollections in a particular and valuable manner since they are made for sturdiness and style as well as for customization.
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If you’re looking to immortalize your memories in a charming and innovative way, look no further than ElegantEternity.com. Specializing in personalized photo projection charms and keychains, ElegantEternity.com offers quality, creativity, and a touch of magic to each item, ensuring that your memories are not only preserved but also made accessible with just a beam of light. Visit today and discover the perfect way to keep your cherished moments close at hand.
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decovrys1blogs · 4 months
Captivating Frames: A Blend of Memory Preservation and Storage Solutions
In the world of home decor, picture frames serve as the silent narrators of our cherished memories, transforming mundane walls into galleries of personal milestones. However, the evolution of these frames has taken a leap beyond mere display, merging functionality with aesthetic appeal. Particularly, picture frame for kids and picture frame with storage stand out as innovative solutions that cater to the dynamic needs of modern families. These frames not only encapsulate moments but also offer clever ways to organize and store valuables, making them an essential addition to any household.
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The Magic of Picture Frames for Kids
Creating a child-friendly space that stimulates imagination and preserves the innocence of childhood memories is a challenge many parents face. A picture frame for kids is not just a tool for exhibition but a canvas for expression. Midway through this exploration of decorative elements, these frames emerge as versatile pieces that can hold everything from the first scribbles to award certificates, adapting as your child grows. Their designs often incorporate bright colours, playful themes, and durable materials, ensuring they withstand the test of time and the exuberance of youth.
Dual Purpose: Picture Frames with Storage
As we delve deeper into the realm of multi-functional home accessories, the picture frame with storage introduces itself as a groundbreaking innovation. This concept is a testament to the ingenious blending of form and function, providing a space-saving solution for those seeking to declutter their surroundings without sacrificing style. These frames are ingeniously designed to store jewellery, keys, or even small keepsakes, making them a perfect fit for bedrooms, entryways, or dressing rooms. By embracing these frames, you integrate an element of surprise and practicality into your decor, showcasing your memories while concealing your treasures.
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Design Considerations and Material Choices
When selecting a picture frame, whether it’s for kids or with built-in storage, the material and design play pivotal roles in its longevity and compatibility with your home decor. Frames crafted from sustainable materials such as wood or recycled plastics not only contribute to the environmental cause but also bring warmth and authenticity to your space. The design, on the other hand, should echo the personality of the room and its inhabitants, whether through minimalist elegance or vibrant whimsy.
Incorporating Frames into Your Home
Integrating these frames into your home requires a blend of creativity and strategic placement. For children’s rooms, positioning frames at eye level can make the artwork or photographs more engaging for them. Meanwhile, frames with storage can be placed in areas where functionality meets necessity, such as near doorways for easy access to keys or in dressing areas for jewellery.
The quest for the perfect picture frame that marries aesthetics with functionality ends with the innovative solutions offered by picture frame for kids and picture frame with storage. These frames not only serve as guardians of our precious moments but also as clever solutions to everyday storage dilemmas. For those looking to embrace this blend of utility and beauty, shop.decovry.com stands as a treasure trove, offering an array of options designed to elevate your home decor while fulfilling practical needs. Explore their collection to find that perfect frame that speaks to your heart and suits your space.
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Discover the Elevation of Handmade Birthstone Jewellery
Birthstones hold a special significance in the world of jewellery, symbolizing individuality, connection, and personal identity. From the radiant glow of rubies to the shimmering elegance of sapphires, each birthstone carries its unique charm and meaning. Customized birthstone jewellery offers a beautiful way to celebrate birthdays, milestones, and cherished relationships, allowing wearers to adorn themselves with pieces that are as unique as they are.
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Discovering the Beauty of Gold Personalized Collection
Gold Personalized Collection offers a timeless and elegant way to express oneself and commemorate life's most precious moments. Whether adorned with initials, names, or meaningful symbols, these collections allow individuals to create bespoke pieces of jewellery that reflect their style and story. Crafted from high-quality gold and meticulously engraved or adorned with gemstones, each piece in a personalized gold collection becomes a cherished keepsake that tells a story and evokes cherished memories.
Customized Birthstone Jewelry
Customized Birthstone Jewelry combines the beauty of birthstones with the personal touch of customization, resulting in pieces that are both meaningful and stylish. Whether it's a necklace adorned with a single birthstone or a family tree pendant featuring multiple birthstones, these pieces allow wearers to carry a piece of their identity with them wherever they go. Customized birthstone jewellery is not only a beautiful accessory but also a heartfelt tribute to the wearer's unique journey and heritage.
One of the key benefits of customized birthstone jewellery is its versatility and adaptability. Whether worn as an everyday accessory or saved for special occasions, these pieces seamlessly transition from day to night and complement any outfit or style. From delicate earrings to statement rings, customized birthstone jewellery offers endless possibilities for self-expression and personalization.
Embracing Individuality 
Whether it's a monogrammed necklace, an engraved bracelet, or a custom-designed ring, these collections allow wearers to make a statement and express their personality with style. Crafting a piece from a gold personalized collection is a collaborative process that begins with inspiration and ends with a unique and treasured keepsake. 
Experience Personalized Luxury
For those seeking customized birthstone jewellery or personalized gold collections, Three Sisters Jewelry Design offers a curated selection of exquisite pieces that celebrate life's most meaningful moments. With a focus on quality craftsmanship and personalized service, Three Sisters Jewelry Design creates jewellery that transcends trends and becomes treasured heirlooms.
Whether you're looking for a customized birthstone necklace to celebrate a birthday or a gold personalized bracelet to commemorate a special occasion, Three Sisters Jewelry Design offers a diverse range of options to suit every style and preference. Visit threesistersjewelrydesign.com to explore their collection and discover the perfect piece to adorn yourself or someone you love.
Our website is a valuable resource for more information.
Handcrafted Personalized Jewelry
gold personalized hand charm
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framespik · 7 months
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FrameSpik: Your Gateway to Memorable Events and Timeless Memories
In the whirlwind of wedding planning and event organizing, every detail matters. From the invitations that set the tone to the albums that preserve cherished memories, each element plays a crucial role in creating unforgettable experiences. Enter FrameSpik – your partner in crafting perfect invitations and preserving precious moments with 100+ invitations and wedding albums that speak volumes.
Invitations: Where Every Celebration Begins
The invitation sets the stage for any celebration, offering guests a glimpse into the magic that awaits. With FrameSpik's extensive collection of 100+ invitations, finding the perfect design to match your event's theme and style is a breeze. Whether you're planning a whimsical garden wedding, an elegant black-tie affair, or a cozy backyard gathering, FrameSpik has a design to suit every occasion.
From classic and timeless to modern and minimalist, our invitation templates are fully customizable, allowing you to add your personal touch with ease. With just a few clicks, you can adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to create invitations that reflect your unique vision and personality. Say goodbye to generic invites and hello to personalized perfection with FrameSpik.
Wedding Albums: Preserving Precious Memories
Once the confetti has settled and the vows have been exchanged, the memories of your special day live on through your wedding album. FrameSpik understands the importance of preserving these precious moments, which is why we offer a range of stunning wedding album designs to help you relive the magic again and again.
Our wedding albums are more than just photo books – they're timeless keepsakes that tell the story of your love and commitment. With layouts designed to showcase your favorite moments in style, you can trust FrameSpik to transform your wedding photos into works of art that you'll cherish for a lifetime.
Seamless Integration and Convenience
What sets FrameSpik apart is its seamless integration of invitations and wedding albums, offering couples a convenient and cohesive solution for their wedding planning needs. From sending out save-the-dates and RSVPs to creating custom thank-you cards and designing your dream wedding album, FrameSpik puts everything you need at your fingertips.
With our user-friendly interface and intuitive design tools, crafting the perfect invitations and wedding albums has never been easier. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time planner, FrameSpik empowers you to bring your vision to life with confidence and creativity.
Get Started with FrameSpik Today!
Ready to elevate your wedding planning experience and create lasting memories that you'll treasure forever? Join the FrameSpik community today and discover the endless possibilities that await. With 100+ invitations and wedding albums to choose from, there's no limit to what you can achieve with FrameSpik by your side.
Sign Up Now and start planning your dream wedding with FrameSpik.
From the first invitation to the final album, FrameSpik is your trusted partner in creating unforgettable events and timeless memories. With our extensive collection of invitations and wedding albums, as well as our user-friendly design tools and seamless integration, FrameSpik makes it easy to bring your vision to life and celebrate love in style. Start your journey with FrameSpik today and make every moment count.
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randomstudioindia · 7 months
Unleash Creativity and Individuality: Embrace Your Home with Random Studio's Treasures
Your home should be a canvas, reflecting your unique personality and artistic spirit. Random Studio understands this desire, offering a treasure trove of products that blend functionality with captivating aesthetics, allowing you to transform your space into a haven of personal expression. Let's delve into some of their offerings that will spark your imagination and inspire creativity:
Embrace the Unexpected with Abstract Wood Wall Art:
Beyond Convention: Break away from the ordinary with Abstract Wood Wall Art from Random Studio. These handcrafted pieces showcase the natural beauty of wood intertwined with bold, abstract designs, adding a touch of intrigue and conversation to your walls.
More Than Decoration: These artworks become thought-provoking focal points, encouraging interpretation and igniting the imagination. Choose a piece that resonates with your emotions and creates a unique atmosphere in your space.
Variety for Every Taste: From minimalist geometric patterns to swirling organic forms, Random Studio offers a diverse selection of abstract wood art to match your preferred style and decor.
Celebrate Memories with Personalized Birthday Photo Frame Designs Online:
Beyond Generic Frames: Commemorate special occasions with unique Birthday Photo Frame Designs Online from Random Studio. Explore a variety of options featuring playful themes, vibrant colors, and customizable elements like names, dates, and messages, creating a truly personalized keepsake.
Memories That Shine: Turn ordinary photos into extraordinary treasures with these personalized frames. They become cherished conversation starters, reminding you of cherished moments and loved ones.
Perfect for Gifting: Surprise your friends and family with a one-of-a-kind birthday photo frame, capturing their special day in a unique and meaningful way.
Bring Nature Indoors with a Vertical Plant Stand:
Greenify Your Space: Embrace the calming presence of nature with a stylish Vertical Plant Stand from Random Studio. These space-saving designs allow you to display your favorite plants vertically, adding a touch of greenery and life to your walls or corners.
More Than Just a Stand: These stands become functional artworks, showcasing your plant collection in a visually appealing way. Choose a design that complements your decor and enhances the ambiance of your space.
Perfect for Small Spaces: Living in a compact apartment? Vertical plant stands are your allies! They utilize vertical space efficiently, adding greenery without sacrificing precious floor area.
Transform Memories into 3D Art with a 3D Photo Collage Frame:
Beyond Flat Photos: Elevate your cherished memories with a captivating 3D Photo Collage Frame from Random Studio. This innovative technique adds depth and dimension to multiple photos, weaving them into a cohesive and mesmerizing story on your wall.
Relive Special Moments: Tell a visual narrative of your life's journey, showcasing milestones, travel adventures, or precious family moments in a way that truly stands out.
Gift of Uniqueness: Surprise your loved ones with a personalized 3D photo collage frame, transforming their ordinary photos into an extraordinary keepsake that encapsulates shared memories.
Adorn Your Walls with Beautiful Canvas Drawings:
Affordable Art for Everyone: Embrace the beauty of original artwork without breaking the bank with Beautiful Canvas Drawings from Random Studio. Choose from a diverse selection of styles and subjects, from serene landscapes to whimsical illustrations, finding pieces that resonate with your heart and add personality to your space.
Support Local Artists: Many of these canvas drawings are crafted by talented Indian artists, allowing you to own unique pieces while supporting the local art community.
Invest in the Future: Canvas artwork is a timeless investment, adding beauty and value to your home for years to come.
Why Choose Random Studio?
Uniqueness & Personalization: They prioritize handcrafted pieces and curated collections, ensuring you find distinctive products that reflect your individuality and enhance your surroundings.
Quality & Craftsmanship: Each piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, using high-quality materials that stand the test of time.
Convenient Online Shopping: Browse and purchase their products from the comfort of your home, enjoying a user-friendly online experience.
Imagine this: Your walls come alive with the captivating textures of abstract wood art. A personalized birthday photo frame becomes a cherished keepsake. Lush greenery climbs your vertical plant stand. Memories leap off the wall in stunning 3D form. Beautiful canvas drawings add a touch of artistry to your space.
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babyraz62 · 1 year
Personalized Newborn Baby Gifts to Celebrate Special Moments in Australia
The joyful event of welcoming a baby into the world calls for celebration and thoughtful gift-giving. Look no further than BabyRaz if you are looking for the ideal newborn baby gifts in Australia! BabyRaz is your one-stop store for all things baby-related, offering a broad variety of presents and souvenir suggestions.
Newborn Baby Gifts Australia: Adding a Personal Touch -
Nothing beats the thoughtfulness of customized baby presents when it comes to greeting a new bundle of joy. BabyRaz has a huge selection of presents that may be personalized, including cuddly blankets, cute onesies, and pretty nursery furnishings. These presents may be made more special by adding the newborn's name, birthdate, or a loving note. These additions will be treasured for years to come. These beautiful and considerate gifts will undoubtedly become priceless mementos during the baby's development.
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Personalised Baby Gifts Australia -
There is no better way to show your love and care for a newborn than with customized baby gifts, which are available in Australia. You may easily personalize a variety of products with BabyRaz by adding the baby's name, initials, or a touching message. Imagine the parents' joy when they open a soft, velvety blanket with their child's name stitched on a gift or a precious onesie with a unique message for the infant. These customized keepsakes are unique mementos because they go above and beyond the norm and make an impact.
Gifts for Newborn Australia: Timeless Memorabilia -
Celebrate the birth of a baby with everlasting souvenirs that preserve priceless memories. A variety of souvenir options are offered by BabyRaz, including handprint and footprint kits, memory albums, and picture frames. These presents enable parents to save the most priceless memories of their child's early years. These mementos provide sentimental recollections of those ephemeral times that pass away much too soon as the baby develops.
Baby Gifts Sydney: Easy Online Shopping -
With BabyRaz's online shop, choosing the ideal baby gift has never been simpler for folks in Sydney. From gorgeous apparel to useful accessories, browse a huge range of chosen presents from the comfort of your home. The user-friendly BabyRaz website makes it simple to locate the perfect gift to commemorate the newborn.
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New mum hamper Sydney: A Thoughtful Move -
Celebrating the new mother's transition into parenthood is an important part of welcoming a new baby. BabyRaz provides a lovely selection of hampers for new mothers that are intended to nurture and encourage them at this unique time. These hampers could contain relaxing aids, calming drinks, skincare goods, and more. With a thoughtful hamper from BabyRaz, you may show the new mother in your life how much you care.
Baby Gift Hampers Australia: Selected with Love -
BabyRaz's baby gift hampers are a great option if you are trying to discover the ideal present for a newborn. Each hamper is carefully chosen to contain a variety of useful and fascinating gifts that both parents and newborns will appreciate. These baskets of  Newborn keepsake ideas are a complete delight bundle, including everything from soft toys and blankets to onesies and infant care items.
Overall, BabyRaz is your go-to place for the cutest and most thoughtful presents in Australia when you want to celebrate the birth of a baby and show the new parents how much you care. Whether you choose curated hampers, timeless mementos, or bespoke baby presents, each item is lovingly made to make the occasion even more memorable. Choose from a variety of items and fill the new parents' hearts with happiness. With BabyRaz's lovely selection of newborn baby gifts in Australia, celebrate the miracle of life. Place your purchase right now and take part in the joy of a new baby's arrival.
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Blessings and Tokens of Love: Unique Baby Christening Gifts in Ireland
Introduction: A baby's christening is a momentous occasion, filled with joy, love, and celebration. In Ireland, this significant event holds great cultural and religious importance. As family and friends come together to witness the sacrament, it is customary to present the child with a special christening gift, symbolizing blessings and well-wishes for their future. In this article, we explore the enchanting world of unique baby christening gifts in Ireland, offering inspiration and ideas for those seeking the perfect token of love for this cherished milestone.
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Traditional Irish Keepsakes: Ireland boasts a rich heritage, and traditional christening gifts pay homage to its cultural roots. From beautifully crafted Celtic crosses and shamrock-adorned jewelry to intricately embroidered baby blankets and hand-knit Aran sweaters, these gifts serve as lasting symbols of Irish identity and blessings for the child's journey ahead.
Personalized Treasures: Personalized christening gifts are a wonderful way to create a lasting memory. Consider items such as engraved silver spoons or cups, monogrammed blankets or clothing, or custom-made photo albums filled with precious moments captured during the child's early days. These thoughtful, one-of-a-kind gifts become cherished heirlooms, treasured by the child and their family for years to come.
Spiritual and Religious Gifts: Given the religious significance of a christening, gifts with spiritual symbolism are particularly meaningful. A small silver or gold cross pendant, a guardian angel figurine, or a Bible engraved with the child's name and date of baptism are all popular choices. These gifts serve as reminders of faith and provide comfort as the child embarks on their spiritual journey.
Timeless Jewelry: Jewelry holds a special place in commemorating a baby's christening. Delicate bracelets, necklaces, or cufflinks adorned with birthstones, pearls, or intricate designs are classic gifts that can be cherished throughout a lifetime. Consider selecting a piece that can be passed down through generations, carrying with it the blessings of love and family ties.
Educational and Inspirational Gifts: Inspire the child's curiosity and love for learning by gifting educational and inspirational presents. Books with moral tales, personalized storybooks that feature the child as the protagonist, or a savings account to start their future education fund are all thoughtful options. These gifts not only celebrate the child's spiritual beginning but also encourage their personal growth and development.
Gift Vouchers and Experiences: For those who prefer a more flexible approach, gift vouchers for baby boutiques, toy stores, or children's clothing shops allow the child's parents to choose a gift that best suits their needs and preferences. Alternatively, consider presenting the family with an experience voucher for a day out at a local zoo, theme park, or a family photoshoot to create lasting memories.
Conclusion: Choosing a baby christening gift in Ireland is an opportunity to convey blessings, love, and well-wishes for a child's future. Whether opting for traditional Irish keepsakes, personalized treasures, spiritual symbols, timeless jewelry, educational gifts, or experiences, the key is to select a gift that resonates with the family and carries heartfelt sentiments. By presenting a unique and thoughtful token of love, you contribute to the celebration of this cherished milestone and create lasting memories for the child and their family.
For more info :-
Baby Christening Gifts Ireland
Personalized Baby Gifts Ireland
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smkphotographics44 · 1 year
Baby and Newborn Photography in South Lanarkshire and Glasgow
SMK Photographics, which is based in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire, Glasgow, operates as a baby and newborn photographer. The excerpt also mentions that we are a fully digital studio and can travel anywhere in South Lanarkshire and throughout Glasgow as event photographers. Additionally, we specifically cover locations such as South Lanarkshire, Loch Lomond, Busby, Motherwell, Hamilton, Paisley, Johnstone, Barrhead, East Kilbride, Ayrshire, and many more. It is possible that you may have a question related to this information, please feel free to ask.
SMK Photographics offers Baby Photography in addition to various other types of photography services such as Wedding Photography, School Photography, Nursery Photography, Newborn Photography, Photo Booth Hire, Event Photography, Pet Photography, Portfolio Photography, and Portrait Photography.
Capturing Precious Moments: Tips for Newborn and Baby Photography
Capturing baby photography and newborn photography in a frame is one of the cutest things you can do to save the memories of your little ones. These photographs are supposed to be kept forever so that you can recall the memories of when your child was small. However, capturing baby photography and newborn photography is quite a tough manageable task for the photographers' end. Many factors are supposed to be taken care of when photographers capture newborns and babies.
Finding a professional baby and newborn photographer in South Lanarkshire and Glasgow who can capture these moments can be a daunting task. At SMK Photographics  we understand that capturing the baby is important, but the comfort and safety of the little one is a top priority for parents.
During newborn photography sessions, we go to great lengths to create a comfortable and safe environment for your little one. We take extra caution to ensure that nothing is bothering them, such as bright lights or loud noises. Our goal is to capture your baby's individuality in a way that showcases their unique personality and charm. We work closely with parents to understand their specific photography preferences and incorporate those elements seamlessly into each photo session. Ultimately, our aim is to provide you with cherished keepsakes that you'll treasure forever.
SMK Photographics are located in Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire, Glasgow. As baby and newborn photographers, we try to accommodate every important thing in the frame that makes the subject look more beautiful. We are a fully digital studio so we can manage to travel anywhere in South Lanarkshire and throughout Glasgow as event photographers as well.
 Preserving the Memories of Your Child's Early Years with Professional Photography by a Dedicated Baby Photographer
A baby photographer who is dedicated to capturing the special moments of a child's early years. Their high-quality photography services aim to capture the innocence, joy, and beauty of childhood with an attention to detail that ensures a professional experience every time. Clients can work with experienced photographers to create stunning images that will be cherished for years to come. The photographer specializes in capturing the unique and precious moments that define a child's early years, and their dedication to customer satisfaction ensures that each client receives the best possible service. Overall, the passage highlights the importance of professional photography in preserving the memories of a child's early years.
SMK Photography offers a range of options for baby photography and newborn photography. Our photographs can feature a variety of effects, including colourful, black and white, and mixed effects. As an award-winning professional photography team, we also provide traditional colour photographs.  Additionally, we offer multiple frames of the photographs, so you can use them in more than one place. Contact us at 01416343741 or send email on [email protected] . You can visit our website: https://www.smkphoto.co.uk
Also visit our GMB profile: https://g.page/r/Cd1QASVukU9uEBA
Choosing the Right Photographer for Your Baby's Photoshoot with SMK Photographics
Lastly, the photographer's professionalism, reliability, and ability to work well with clients should also be considered. We should be easy to communicate with and should be able to accommodate any special requests or needs that the client may have.
Overall, choosing a photographer for baby photos requires careful consideration and research to ensure that you find someone who can capture the beauty and innocence of your little one in a way that you will cherish for years to come. We assured to you , if you work with us you do’t feel  that your money has wasted.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 6 days
Severitus Hurt/Comfort Masterlist | Works With Less Than 5k Words
find the full masterlist directory here
last updated: 09/10/24 | links last checked: 09/10/24
Always by randomausfulloffluff [G, 1k]
AU where Severus Snape has adopted Harry Potter. After defeating Voldemort at Hogwarts, Severus heals Harry and there are enough cuddles to satisfy every Severitus-loving heart.
*Claustrophobic by Annie1025 [T, 4k]
Despite Voldemort's return, Harry spends his summer at Spinner's End. Everything takes a turn for the worse when Death Eaters decide to pay an unexpected visit to Severus. In a bid to maintain their cover, Harry is compelled to hide in a wardrobe. However, the confined space triggers his hidden trauma, unravelling a series of events that explore his relationship with Severus. OR: Harry has claustrophobia and is forced to hide in a confined space. Panic attack ensures. Snape is not happy. Set in the summer after 4th year.
*Father Figures and Days of Acclamation by MellarkandArt [G, 1k]
He decided to stop reminding the teachers that he didn’t have any parents to make presents for, too. Instead, he did the projects as he was told, writing Happy Christmas, Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Father’s Day, and signing empty “I love you’s” to people who did not exist for him. He decided not to throw them away like Aunt Petunia had done with his either, and instead saved them like she had with Dudley’s presents. He kept them under the mattress on the cot in his cupboard like he did with all other things that were precious to him, which really didn’t amount to much. Harry often wondered what it would be like to have a parent who treasured his handmade gifts like Aunt Petunia did with Dudley, a parent who didn’t see his presence as a nuisance. Maybe that’s why he kept these things, for the hope that someday, maybe, he’d have someone he could give them to. Someone who would treat them as a keepsake, someone who would treat him like something of value. Maybe someday.
*Henoch-Schölein Purpura by Lukenthius [G, 2k]
When Chemistry Professor Severus Snape goes to pick his six-year-old son up from school, it is clear the boy is not well.
I'm Sorry! by lastcrazyhorn [T, 1k]
Little Harry was rescued from the Dursleys by his Daddy, but not all of their lessons are easily forgotten.
Nightmare in the Kitchen by fuzzyhamish [G, 1k]
Harry Potter was adopted by Severus Snape a year ago and now he's decided he wants to celebrate, but things do not go as planned.
Of Potions and Phobias by tt22123 [G, 1k]
Severitus story with nightmares (pdf & e-book files available)
*The green of despair, the black of love by Annie1025 [T, 3k]
Moody demonstrates the Unforgivables in the Defence class. Harry witnesses the killing curse, encountering the infamous green light for the first time, transforming it from a distant memory into a vivid experience. Overwhelmed by the ordeal, he hastily leaves the classroom in search of the only person he trusts wholeheartedly.
*when they would take the light by Buckets_Of_Stars [T, 2k]
Harry wasn't expecting to have a panic attack from DADA class. He also wasn't expecting to be shown the effect of the Killing Curse up close and personal, not when his own mother's green-tinged scream still rings in his ears every single night. In a burst of panic, The-Boy-Who-Lived runs to the only place - the only person - he feels safe with. His adopted father, his Da, Severus Snape. Who is also the only person he's not allowed to love, not if he wants to keep them both safe in the prologue of this inevitable Second Wizarding War.
*denotes personal favorite
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babymadeaustralia · 2 years
Fun and Meaningful New Baby Keepsakes
Treasure the memory of your little one with one-of-a-kind baby keepsakes DIY from Baby Made. We have a range of new baby keepsakes that will create happy memories to look back on as your little ones become big kids. From a baby inkless footprint kit, DIY baby hand and feet casting kit and ultrasound frame to an about me baby book, gift certificates and many more, we have various fun and meaningful baby keepsakes to help you save those precious first memories of your baby. To view the products, visit our website: https://www.babymade.com.au/products/category/keepsakes/ or call us at (03) 9509 4060.
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coruscantide · 4 years
more general tags (2/3)
✰.` interests ◟desires.┊when you wish upon a star as dreamers do. ✰.` destiny islands.┊lost along the shoreline ◟taste the sea breeze. ✰.` ic.┊the heart of a princess burns ◟a radiant light rekindled. ✰.` ooc.┊bold of you to assume i’ve reached peak dumbass. ✰.` thread.┊step forward & take the leap ◟realize your wish. ✰.` memes.┊starcracker paper trails ◟meteor showers left in the wake. ✰.` asks.┊an unsent letter ◟reticent thoughts addressed to you. ✰.` starter.┊embark on a new journey. ✰.` crack.┊altered memories. ✰.` save.┊treasured keepsakes of precious memories. ✰.` queue.┊there is always sleep between part and meet. ✰.` promo.┊our connecting hearts create a constellation. ✰.` sp.┊ another side story ◟detours in the road. ✰.` dash com.┊i think i'm in the wrong neighbourhood. ✰.` dash games.┊let's play together ◟here's a hint! ✰.` art ◟drabbles.┊loose pages pinned to the wall. ✰.` psa.┊heads up! this might be important.
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yyxy-seph · 4 years
I wanna try to make a writing request, of you say no tho I totally respect it m8.
But what if... Sephiroth has a timid gf who's literally attached to her old (and very raggy) baby blanket? (Despite being a grown woman) and like... she likes to cuddle it when upset? Like that thing is her most treasured earthly possession?
How would he react to finding out something that odd?
...again it's fine if you don't want to take the rq but uh, I uh... could relate to a prompt like this lol.
If u do decide to do it, sfw plz and maybe some fluff?
God bless and have a lovely day!
Hello! Thank you so much for requesting. I hope you’re also having a blessed day. Sorry for taking a bit on this but here it is.
- I don’t think he’d judge you for this at all.
- He might not be used to it at first but just give him a little time.
- When he is used to it, he’ll think that you’re super precious for it and hopes that he gives you the same feeling of comfort and protection.
- He’ll even grab it for you along with some snacks when you’re having a rough day.
- We all know that Seph is a sensitive guy so I think he’ll certainly understand and encourage you to do what feels best for you.
- and here’s an imagine I also made for you!
My Muse
Pre-Nibelheim! Sephiroth & Female! Reader
Description: An imagine in which Sephiroth is in a bad mood and he counteractively takes it out on you. You proceed to your prized possession trying to brush it off until he comes to you, feeling bad and you two have a sweet breakthrough.
It was one of those days.
Sephiroth was on edge, with his phone to his ear, and his boots making the floor creak as he paced around.
The mixed sounds and aura of his anxiety were also putting you on edge. He was on the phone with Lazard, rejecting a mission request for whatever reason. He didn’t really like to keep you in the loop of his SOLDIER duties as he said he never wanted you to worry about his job. Although that’s just him reassuring you that he’ll be fine, You somehow still find it...disappointing. Truthfully, you have a right to know since you two are together.
If his life is put in jeopardy, so could yours be put in harms way. But then again, He’s Sephiroth. Maybe you shouldn’t worry. But he makes it so hard with the constant movement, twitching eyebrows, and-
“I’m not going on the mission. And that’s final!” He finally hung up the phone, having decided the conclusion.
He placed his phone on the table; heaving a sigh so hard, his back fell forcefully, revealing his stress and concern for the situation.
“Sephi, are you okay?” You asked in a warm tone.
He turned around swiftly. “What does my face say, Y/N? The only people I care for are turning their backs and dropping like flies before me. And how do you think that makes me feel?”
“It’s as if people don’t even take the grain of salt I try to extend with my whole...heart-“
He cut himself off, suddenly gazing my way.
I looked him in his eyes in return.
“Will you leave too?”
“I never said that.” I spoke up.
“What do I look like? Huh, Y/N? Do I look heartless? If so, Is that why people assume I care less about the people I surround myself with? The fame doesn’t concern me, my power doesn’t control me. And why do I still get the short end of the stick?
“Seph, I-“
“You know what? Save it. I don’t even wanna talk to you right now.”
What even just happened? You tried to speak but he cut you off twice. This is his defense mechanism. He tries to shut people out when upset.
While even in the heat of the moment, he instantly regretted talking to you like that. Indeed, he does have a heart. Otherwise, you two wouldn’t be together. His heart is the reason you are together in the first place. You can empathize with his misunderstood and heavy heart. You want to figure him out and give him the love he deserves.
In silent retaliation, you stormed upstairs to your room to tend to your low spirits.
A few moments later, his heart began to ache while his face held a bit of sorrow. He felt so bad for lashing out at you. He sighed to himself once more.
“I have to do better. I love her too much to be acting like this.” His feet lead him upstairs to you, face down in your pillow with your precious blanket in your arms. That blanket was your most prized keepsake. The warmth in each fold seemed to shield you like no one else. It comforted you with Its scented memories and lighthearted aura.
No one seemed to understand your attachment and you don’t really care to explain it. What matters the most is that you know its significance and it’s your comfort.
There were a few occasions like this where after an argument or a hard day of work, you’d come right home to your possession. Sephiroth never really noticed this until the third time he’d caught you with it. And this time would count as the fifth.
He treaded lightly once more in your room, trying to get a feel of your mood.
“Y/N...” He started, “I’m- I’m so sorry. I don’t-“
“I thought you didn’t want to speak to me.” Your muffled voice sounded through the cloth.
“And I understand if you don’t want me to speak to you as well... I’ll give you your space. I’m sorry, my love.” His silver locks surpassed his face, nearly sinking to the floor as his head dropped.
Before he could leave, even with your timid heart, you spoke your mind.
“Why do you always do this, Seph? You cut me off and shut me down when I try to help you. And it never fails...” You say, clutching the blanket a bit tighter.
You continue on, “And you wonder why people think you’re heartless. It’s because when they extend their heart to you, you put it aside and make your SOLDIER duties your main focus. I try my hardest to get your attention and affection because I love you. And I know you love me too because I see it; but what will it take for you to settle down and just make time for those you love?”
Those words made a bigger impact than you initially thought. You said all the right things to get through to him and this day forward he really would take your love-driven advice.
Your relationship is not toxic at all. You both are just trying to understand each other as a new couple. Arguments can be healthy. Without them, there’s no breakthrough. And this was definitely what you two needed.
He lifted the covers up on your bed and got in next to you. You turned around to face him.
Your glistening cheeks appeared, showing that you had been crying. He grazed his thumb over your cheeks, wiping them dry.
“You’re so right. And I’m dead wrong. I want to be better for you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Please try and communicate with me more. Don’t shut me out.” You added.
“I promise, dear.” He replied with a kiss on your forehead.
Right then, His green, cat-like eyes were staring deeply into yours. You blushed naturally, knowing you could never resist those gems.
He chuckled, already figuring you out. Until,
“Oh.. I keep meaning to ask. What’s with the blanket? I’m seeing a pattern here. I’m just curious.”
You swallowed, preparing to be judged. “I-it’s my source of comfort. I’ve had it since I was a child and... I’ve never seemed to detach myself from it.” You explained shyly.
His eyes trailed down to the intricate details on the cotton piece.
Not knowing what was going through his mind you said, “Sorry, I know it’s weird. Just forget I said anyth-“
“No! No. I understand. It’s your muse. I sort of have something similar.”
Your eyes lit up. “Really? What’s that?!”
He glanced to the side, moving his hair from over his chest and around his shoulder.
“You’ll laugh at me.”
This was honestly the most vulnerable you think you’ve ever saw him. And you liked that he was able reveal this quality of himself to you.
“Now, why would you think that? Just tell me, love.”
“I knew it!”
He smirked.
“Yeah, I can’t really explain it either but It’s my relief as well. I get this stream of confidence and comfort when holding it. Maybe it’s because I’ve been with it since my childhood as well.”
“We relate quite a bit, don’t we?”
“We do.” He agreed, pulling you closer to his body under the covers.
You two kissed, completely enamoring each other in warmth and love.
“Oh, Sephiroth.” You say.
“Call Lazard back. You’re doing that mission. You have to face your one-winged angels.”
He grinned once more at your clever words.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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