#✰ : cissnei ( ic )
fcrir · 5 months
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he's done nothing wrong in his life ... ever
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aicidos · 1 year
"i know it's not a lot." zack sets the cake down in front of her; little and lopsided as it is — it's barely enough for one, let alone two. "but i couldn't pass up on that promise." / for cissnei's party !!!
unprompted.   ♡  * always accepting !  @sicsemper
aside from rude’s tip on zack’s quickly-approaching arrival at the turk breakroom soon, the place was left empty— precisely due to the turks' schedule, which followed no known convention and had as much rhyme or reason as lazard’s disappearance. she figured the others would disapprove, but her aversion to employees taking smoke-breaks in any other HQ breakroom was greater. 
cissnei only knew zack had arrived by the way the room brightened. 
she couldn’t have predicted, however, what his hands would reveal: a significantly small cake, pristine white frosting and a plump strawberry to crown it. “zack, you remembered…” she managed to say amidst clearing her throat, a hand raising to hide her mouth and, raising it a little, the redness that she felt (and dreaded) quickly spreading on her face. “no, no— really, it’s enough,” and yet, there was the instinct to shake her head, to refuse it, because she has always known to not trust the unknown, and experiences hadn’t been any different. she couldn’t think straight like this— briefly, logic reached and grasped to remind her it wasn’t a scenario that required it, as foreign as that sounded. 
then again, it was a celebration. 
in milliseconds, it flashed across her eyes. the future. overseeing trainees, operations. filing sensitive reports. her shuriken’s dulled blade. the ongrowing attention towards a backwater town mako reactor failing, and the first class soldier candidates that would oversee the mission. her eyes returned to zack again, who she knew for a fact had not yet been relayed the mission, and felt like mourning a moment that hadn’t ended.
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cissnei sliced through the cake’s crumb like flesh, the slope of the fork leaving a crescent moon. the sweet mouthfeel made her ease into a smile, despite everything. “as thank you,” she began, sinking her fork into the toppled strawberry, offering it up to him. “you can have the best part.”
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cssnei · 2 years
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@greatxgospel sent: [ FAKE ] - for  your  muse  to  pretend  to  know  my  muse  in  public  to  save  them  from  a  difficult  encounter
Prompt from:  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (Still accepting!)
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Cissnei was on her daily run, it was a day off for her and she was planning on spending it doing errands that she had pushed back for far too long. The Turk in her casuals was just like any other normal person, not entirely intimidating at all thanks to her height and stature. It was quite fun if anyone wanted to stir up trouble.
In the distance though, she could hear a commotion. A bunch of troublemakers it looked like and... Aerith? Her eyes narrow as the redhead slowed to a walk as she approached the situation. As the arguing grew louder, the Turk pushes past much to the protest of the young adults.
"Don't you boys have somewhere else to be other than bothering my good friend over here, c'mon Kylie, let's go."
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She takes Aerith's arm and throws down a sack of gil to calm down the group and with an innocent giggle, she shoots a wink at the flower girl. "You boys have a good day now!" She states innocently before turning the corner away from the alley and to the safety of the bustling cityscape.
"A little early for you to be out and about in alleyways topside, don't you think Aerith?" Her innocent and sweet tones from earlier fade to her business one. "You make selling flowers look more dangerous than what I do..."
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
starter for @askaeristheflower
Cissnei had known about the girl in the church for most of her adult life, thanks to the fact that she'd been a Turk for all of that time as well. She had seen pictures of her, been shown a map of the church she frequented, as well as her house, and knew all about her history as the last of the Ancients.
But one thing that she hadn't done was met the girl.
Reno and Rude and even sometimes Tseng were usually assigned to watch over little Aeris, but today, things were a mess with some missions and conflicting schedules. She had had no escort yesterday at all, so today, it would be Cissnei's job to keep an eye on her.
No point in being rude about it. She found herself approaching the church doors and pushing them open, where she knew what she would find inside. Sure enough, there was the other girl, kneeling by the flowers growing up from between the floorboards.
"Hello," Cissnei called as the girl looked up. She was sure she had already been identified as a Turk, just from her outfit, but she hadn't been planning on lying to the girl either.
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errant-light · 4 months
if you're gonna make a image set of the Turks as an organization + Rufus and use art from either Rebirth or Crisis Core Reunion and neither Elena nor Cissnei is there? I am judging the fuck out of you, sorry.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
I heard Angeal is into photography
what kind of photos does he take?
Photos On Angeal's Camera
• Zack mid-squat.
• A photo of a gorgeous sunset somewhere in Mideel, its second version with Genesis and Sephiroth posing in front of it. Their smiles are forced and unenthusiastic. Angeal clearly forced them to take the picture.
• A photo of Lazard working in his office but he's casually wearing a fake axe headband one of the SOLDIERs put on him.
• Zack and Sephiroth posing with their thumbs up in front of Genesis, who's sleeping on the floor of his office with an eye mask. They glued two eyes onto the mask while he's passed out.
• A photo of Sephiroth in full uniform and armor casually pushing a shopping cart at the store. He's in the bread aisle holding at a discount baguette.
• Genesis goofing off in a meeting, using the length of Sephiroth's hair as a mustache.
• Cloud giving Zack a piggyback ride, but they're falling so it's just a blur of motion in the picture.
• A photo of Genesis falling from an air vent, but it's just a red blur of motion.
• A photo Genesis took where Angeal is drawing cat ears on a poster of Sephiroth.
• Mirror selfie in the elevator of Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal after a grueling assignment. They're all covered in dirt and muddy water.
• A nice picture of Zack and Sephiroth with their arms around each other at the pool. Genesis is drowning in the background.
• A panorama of a grassy scenery that got ruined because it caught Sephiroth struggling with a melting ice cream cone.
• A cute picture of Cloud pointing at a Cloud in the sky.
• A nice selfie Zack took where he's smiling, but you can see Lazard yelling at Angeal and Genesis in the background.
• A photo set of Hojo tripping up the escalators, Sephiroth's favorite thing ever.
• Angeal takes tons of photos of the plants in his apartment. He's very proud of them.
• A photo of (drunk) Sephiroth licking up spilled milk off the counter that he keeps as blackmail.
• A photo of (sober) Genesis face-planted on the ground in glittery high heels he could not walk in. He also keeps it as blackmail.
• Several pictures of his completed recipes, oftentimes accompanied by a shot of Sephiroth, Genesis and Zack looking pissed because Angeal won't let them eat before he takes the photo.
• A random photo of Sephiroth sitting at Lazard's, drinking and iced coffee and wearing sunglasses.
• A photo set of (infantryman) Cloud kicking down a door that says "SOLDIER members only" and walking inside.
• A photo of Cissnei doing Zack's makeup.
• A photo of Sephiroth sitting on Zack's messy bed in his even messier room. Sephiroth is doing a thumbs up. Angeal took this one to shame Zack into cleaning his room.
• A photo of Angeal posing alongside one of the Guard Dogs. And then a follow-up of Sephiroth and Zack imitating the same photo with Zack as the dog.
• Genesis pretending to read intently. He's holding his book upside down.
• A photo of Sephiroth laying face down, spead-eagle in the middle of the road. The picture was Sephiroth's idea and he made Angeal title it "How I Feel Inside."
• Several photos of flower beds at Aerith's house. A photo of Zack and Aerith doing that cliche prom pose in front of the flowers.
• A candid photo taken during lunch in the cafeteria. Sephiroth and Genesis are laughing at something.
• Several candid photos of Angeal taken by either Zack or Genesis, who claim that Angeal takes pictures of everyone but himself. Some of these include:
• Angeal while he's cooking with one of those cliche "kiss the cook" aprons. • Several photos of Angeal with random SOLDIERs and cadets dangling off of him. It really showcases how everyone loves him as both a mentor and a co-worker. • Angeal watering the plants in his apartment. • Cute picture of Angeal using Zack as a barbell, Zack is laughing. • A photo of Angeal blowing out the candles on his birthday cake. There's frosting on his nose.
• A gust of wind causing Sephiroth's hair to thwack Genesis in the face.
• Cloud fell asleep in Zack's apartment, Zack promptly grabbed a chocobo plush, placed it near Cloud and called Angeal to come take a picture.
• A photo of Lazard in the lounge surrounded by SOLDIERs. Everyone's comfortable. Lazard is wearing a hoodie he stole from one of them and is eating a bag of chips while they all talk.
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salternateunreality2 · 4 months
Lazard was having one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. Overworked and underappreciated, he was on his way to grab some food, when for the 57th time that week, SOLDIER Zack Fair asked if he could get a puppy.
"Of course!" Lazard replied with a friendly smile on his face.
Later that day he was already paying for the meanest, most unhinged, most easily triggered, untrainable and bloodthirsty little chihuahua he could find. If there was a line between a pet and a demon, this little critter had crossed that line lightyears ago. None of its ancestors had a single redeeming quality.
How is Zack doing, as a pet owner?
Zack's best friends:
* Kunsel - basically a Turk and a SOLDIER combined.
* Cissnei - a Turk. A literal contract killer/gangster for a corporation.
* Cloud - a Nibel wolf/chocobo hybrid.
* Angeal - literally insane.
* Sephiroth - Sephiroth.
What is a dog? Man's best friend.
Roche: hey, how y'all...
Roche: *little kid scream* GET YO FUCKIN DOG, BITCH
Zack: It don't bite 😊
Roche: YES IT DO
Cloud: *chasing Roche with murderous intent because he drank the last of the milk*
Demon spawn dog: *laughing at the fun in its little demonic voice*
Lazard: Hello, brother, what brings you to my...off...ice...where's Darkstar?
Rufus: That's actually why I came down here, she's missing.
Lazard: I'm sorry to hear that, I'll put out a notice for the team.
*unholy sounds*
Rufus: ...
Lazard: ...
Darkstar and Demon spawn: *making friends and/or babies*
Rufus: ...why are its eyes glowing red like they're portals to hell?
Lazard: *SIGH* because they are. Literally. Science confirmed.
Zack: Cupcake! You found a girlfriend! THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER! *Taking pictures*
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Sephiroth: Cupcake, my parents were soulless monsters too. I identify with you.
Cupcake: *demonic screeching*
Sephiroth: Yes, I agree, killing all humans would reduce the problems with them murdering each other, but then we would become the murderers. I'm just not up for it this evening.
Cupcake: *demon sounds*
Sephiroth: No thank you, I prefer fish.
Lazard: *pops pills, retreats*
Genesis is constantly fighting the thing.
Cloud can scream back at it and it understands. He claims to have learned from The Forest.
Nobody asks any more questions.
Zack loves it to the moon and back. ❤️🐶❤️
Angeal is crying in a closet somewhere.
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exturk · 6 months
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btw, I mentioned on my other blog that my activity is going to increase after friday. (spring break) .... so I was curious if anyone would like to plot?
thread plot or just dynamic plotting is fine. I'm just really new to writing Cissnei and... some rough ideas of how I can approach others IC would be great ~
if interested, give this post a like and I'll send you an IM.
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amidst-wonderland · 6 months
final fantasy: rebirth {a mess of emotions, not in chronological order}
this is more story-based, so heads-up spoilers below.
“question. does that make me a dumbass?”
not aerith asking about reno
chadley nearly outing cissnei and cloud getting real confrontational about it.
cloud is so much more conversational in this, i felt in remake he was bordering on joker level’s of player-character. he’s a lot more laidback, which is understandable since he didn’t really know anyone but tifa and midgar’s only like what a week long?
the game now feels like an ensemble piece rather an a cloud simulator.
cloud not realising he’s the one loner friend
americans aren’t the best swearers - put to much emphasis on the swear itself but cloud does it so well.
he’s a prickly, backchatting bitch in this game and i love every single second of it. he’s not mopey, stubborn and grumpy. he’s ‘i’m going to actively make myself your problem if you cross me, so don’t.’
barret immitating yuffie?! or, “oh, wow. tell us more.” it’s giving abridged.
yuffie’s little naruto run!
yuffie and cloud’s growing sibling dynamic is the cutest shit. like, he should be be pissed at her but immediately protected her from the captain.
all i hear is priscilla’s dad’s irish accent from abridged when ever someone says her name or, “mr dolphin, ye daft bastard.”
rufus shinra… the man that you are.
every rude and elena scene, just, yes. her with the ice-lolly, the corneo fight, rude’s pub club?! babysitting palmer. (also, they call it the clean-shaven club when rude literally has a beard).
i genuinely thought we were gonna at least get that iconic reno and rude scene outside of gongaga (and as a long-shot a reunion with cissnei - i stand by the fact tseng absolutely knows where she is.)
that final turks training facility was a bitch to find.
don’t get me wrong, yuffie, barret, tifa and red’s trials were sad but aerith’s absolutely wrecked me. like i’ve got a stuffy nose already and i literally couldn’t breathe with the tears.
same with dyne and barret, like what you mean you want me to fight palmer?! i’m sitting here ugly crying about two men who love their daughter and have been through hell and back.
i’d love to see cissnei and leslie get involved with the wutai turk team-up
as much as i love aerti’s ‘improved over og’ friendship. it’s not passing the bechdel test anytime soon.
fuck queen’s blood.
cloud saying “down boy” sir- THE WHIMPERING!
the kids locking yuffie in with the hooded men on the cruise.
nanaki walking in the cabin on two legs fucking kills me. i also caught barret admiring himself in the mirror.
the fact the name tag is, “???” when we can hear yuffie cheering on cloti.
did they kiss?!
so, we finally see loveless and it was everything i ever wanted. genesis, i’m sorry, you were right.
“death doesn’t suit a turk”
cloud jr is too cute and i love my chocobro protagonists
speaking of, i’m in two heads about ffxv. you can see a lot of the inspiration the team got from that game but i think they left out the one thing that made ffxv perfect, which was the constant chatter during traversal
cloud turning on tifa during the gongaga reactor mission is giving the ffxv: omen trailer
i need a tonberry robot for my desk
jessie’s poster! i really thought she’d be alive with biggs
cloud calling gus a prick is when it clicked for me, like cloud’s got bite
i need esther’s red boots
cid is played by j. michael tatum?! sebastian- france- kyouya-
elena stuck in the heat yelling at rude, omg this is the turk moments i love.
as someone who is scottish, i can’t believe i witnessed cait sith tell cissnei to “wheesht”.
not the biggest fan of cissnei’s new colour scheme. would’ve gone with browns, accented gold buckles and mustard yellow personally
wished they’d’ve put in an turk easter egg in her house.
cosmo canyon’s lantern scene is so pretty.
gold-fucking-saucer. woah
sitting at the water tower with aerith felt wrong, and i know that was intentional.
omfg vincent, why he kinda dressed like gyuvin in en garde?
jesus, roche.
still not keen on seph’s voice - mainly because i don’t like tyler and also zack is better but i’m still not keen
symbiote!peter to “OMG GUYSSS HAIIII” is like fucking whiplash. two minutes ago we were crying over harry, now hotels?!
i knew that’s what marlene saw! and now zack knows! i am not okay!
was low-key waiting on elena throwing the keystone to reno to catch for a grand intro but he kinda just appears, and i loved every second of it.
the way both tifa and aerith have had to stop cloud murdering a turk.
cloud with blood by his own hand on his face is such a chilling image. it’s like seeing someone like superman with it.
avalanche versus reno and rude’s fight was giving advent children, like specifically reno and rude’s fight with loz and kazoo. (which i rewatched recently. rude’s face when reno steps on his glasses is the funniest thing in that film, also i can’t unhear fred from scooby-doo when loz speaks even though i know it’s not frank welker - it’s the dude that plays corneo).
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ff7central · 3 months
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An (Un)Fortunate Accident
(122011 words)
by Cantanatova
Chapters: 35/35 Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake (Video Game 2020), Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997)
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Genesis Rhapsodos/Cloud Strife Characters: Genesis Rhapsodos, Angeal Hewley, Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Lazard Deusericus, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Tseng (Compilation of FFVII), Cissnei (Compilation of FFVII), Shotgun (Compilation of FFVII), Kunsel (Compilation of FFVII), Don Corneo, Heidegger (Compilation of FFVII), Hojo (Compilation of FFVII), Reeve Tuesti, Cait Sith (Compilation of FFVII), Tifa Lockhart, Claudia Strife, Rufus Shinra Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Cloud Strife, Omega Genesis Rhapsodos, Shinra Trooper Cloud Strife, Beta Angeal, Alpha Zack Fair, Alpha Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), and everything that comes with that, BAMF!Cloud Strife, AU, Not Canon Compliant, I mean not at all, Just a bit of fun really, Self deprecating!Cloud Strife, Comfort, Feels, Falling In Love, Mutual Pining, Slash, Anal Sex, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Competent!Cloud Strife, No Jenova (Compilation of FFVII), Still scientists though, And still Shinra, Possessive Behavior, (no it’s not Genesis), Mild Unwanted Sexual Advances, Power Imbalance, Sexism, Genesis vs sexism, Chinese Translation Available
Summary: All Genesis wants to do before his heat is to curl up in a duvet and eat his bodyweight in ice cream, but he has an important report to review and sign by the end of the week. All Angeal needs to do is to find a nice beta trooper to come and drop it off for him. Simple enough, right? Cloud just wants to keep his head down, work hard and excel at his career. But throw a Genesis shaped spanner in the works and nothing will ever be quite the same again. A story of mistaken designations, oblivious friends and political machinations.
Recommended by @errantnight
Note: This fic requires you to be logged in to AO3 to view.
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lynmars79 · 6 months
tagged by @rinzukodas
LAST SONG: "Flow" from FF14 Endwalker. I was listening to a bunch of FF music earlier and that's one of the last ones on that playlist.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Just Candela Obscura at the moment; haven't really been following the main Critical Role campaign for a few weeks. There's a buncha shows and films I do want to catch up on though...
Goliath/Elisa Maza (saw some saucy art the other day)
John Sheridan/Delenn (Reactor Mag's starting a B5 rewatch)
Clive Rosfield/Jill Warrick (Fire & Ice slowburn in FF16)
CURRENTLY INTO: Agreeing with Rin's change of wording here. So in no particular order:
Midst - Podcast, weird scifi western, 3 unreliable narrators, a fascinating cast and unique setting. Morally questionable people who think they're each in control of things (they're not) and a cult/government that uses morality for currency and social status. Hosted by Critical Role, but they let Third Person do their own thing. The videos are mildly animated art, the sound and music are amazing, I love how they use words and like combing through the transcripts, there are appendices with lore each episode. It's in its 3rd and final season, wrapping up a distinct story. Episodes are only 15-40ish mins long, 19 episodes a season. It's great please listen (with headphones on for the sound design).
FF7 Rebirth - Watching a friend play. It's pretty great but oh so many sidequests and minigames! The story changes are fascinating and often clarifies or explains things that were nonsense or ignored in the original. Adds new mysteries and oddities all its own. Adds in some things from side games in the same world (like Cissnei).
FF16 - Have to watch friends play this too as I have no PS5 and am waiting for the PC release. I love the characters and the overall story (tho I have my quibbles). Also could use some more sidequests and minigames, but Rebirth took all of them.
Flight Rising - clicky browser game where you breed pretty dragons, giving them patterns they can pass on to offspring. Can dress them up, give them familiars, play games, fight coliseum battles. I've been playing to one degree or another for 10+ years. I'm currently trying to catch up my neglected familiars and max out their bonds.
FIRST SHIP: Probably from the 1980s cartoons when I was a kid. I don't remember. There's been so many.
PLACE OF BIRTH: The clinic no longer exists, actually.
LAST MOVIE: Legit cannot remember; rarely watch movies, though there's plenty on my To Watch list…
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: an original fantasy story. I know the characters, I know the plot. I know the world state. Backstories. Figuring out where and when it starts, how characters get to various points and places (and what they change in my plans along the way). Have more research to do but want to have the general shape wrangled into place to narrow that down.
TAGGING: whoever wants to!
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gcldfanged · 1 year
Jae rating the other Turks, like: Tseng- Scary, but you get like horny and afraid Ruluf- That is my emotional support bastard/How dare you try to kill my boyfriend Jules- He is my homicidal little meow meow who has never done anything wrong, in his entire life/'how much could a potion cost, 1000 gil???' Freyja- Tiny bunny in love with giant girlfriend who's five times his size Ren- Like a loving Big Sis but the type who'd draw a dick on your face with sharpie when you're passed out drunk Reno- Shares food with, chill bro Rude- The bigger chill bro Elena- Rookie, Greenie, but respects because she was running a fucking bar and collecting intelligence when she was what- in middle school or some shit? Balto- Would hand him over to Satan for one corn chip Rod- Diet Reno™ zero calories Gun- Would buy her a drink, would buy her several drinks Cissnei- One minute she's all chill and normal, then bam- You wake up in a tub full of ice missing a kidney Juget- GIRLBOSS, STEP ON ME, I'LL JUST CRAWL AND BE THE GROUND THAT SHE WALKS ON Martial Arts Male- who
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aicidos · 2 years
she spotted her already…? well, cissnei hums from her place by the roof’s floorboards, aerith has grown up under the turk’s oppressive eye. she shakes her head, “it’s just me today.” cissnei offers, dropping down to one of the pillars and onto the floor. save for them, the place is empty, just as reno told her it usually is. cissnei’s head tilts and she nods at the plucked flowers, analyzing, wondering. “...are those for the leaf house?” she asks, even if her question is invasive, revealing the extent of their surveillance — which isn’t a surprise by any means.  @gaynsborough.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
“you’re kinda cute” (derogagtory) /for cissnei bc knives' absolute contempt for shinra makes this funny
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Cissnei wasn't unfamiliar with this kind of creep, the kind of man who said things that were kind on the surface but had no good motives underneath the surface. She was small and pretty, and she knew it, and this sort of thing was relatively common in people who didn't know who she was.
"Is that so?" she chirped in response, silently sizing him up. She could probably take him, if she were so inclined, but she wasn't sure, and she didn't really care to find out. "That's kind of you to say."
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firewvlk · 2 years
wanted connections.
amicia de rune (a plague tale):
béatrice de rune
arnaud malpart 
atreus (god of war):
ava silva (warrior nun):
sister camila
shotgun mary
mother superion
michael salvius
sister lilith
cal kestis (star wars):
second sister/trilla suduri
cere junda
greez dritus
cara mason (legend of the seeker):
richard cypher/rahl
zeddicus zu'l zorander 
ciri (the witcher):
cerys an craite
hjalmar an craite
lara dorren 
daisy johnson (agents of shield/marvel):
phil coulson
lincoln campbell 
melinda may 
alphonso mackenzie
bobbi morse 
harley quinn (dc/injustice):
oliver queen
dinah lance
hunter (midnight suns/marvel):
agatha harkness
eric brooks
nico minoru 
steve rogers
jaina solo (star wars):
anakin solo
luke skywalker
jagged fel 
kyp durron
mara jade
john b (outer banks):
big john
pope heyward
josh washington (until dawn):
hannah washington
beth washington
chris hartley
mike munroe
the judge (far cry 5/new dawn):
joseph seed
faith seed
john seed
jacob seed
carmina rye 
nick rye
joey hudson
sharky boshaw
staci pratt
mary may fairgrave 
laurie strode (halloween):
judith myers
karen nelson
frank hawkins 
marceline (adventure time):
ice king/simon petrikov
rachel amber (life is strange):
chloe price
max caulfield
steph gingrich 
nathan prescott
justin williams 
evan harris
victoria chase
sera gearhardt 
selene (underworld):
eve corvin
shaggy rogers (scooby-doo):
maggie rogers
velma dinkley
steve harrington (stranger things):
tommy hagan
erica sinclair 
lucas sinclair
zack fair (final fantasy vii):
angeal hewley
cloud strife
aerith gainsborough
yuffie kisaragi
tifa lockhart
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shinrarisen · 2 years
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She feels a wave of nope coming on, and it’s originating from Zack-
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