#✩ *゚ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ ╱ short.
hopetruest · 5 years
            For him life was the wings of a butterfly amidst an eternal hurricane.   He never knew when it would chew him up then spit him out,  or assuage his sorrow with some grand fortune --- A curse,  but a curse he learned to nurture from the sheer resign of knowing it’ll never change and his only option is to accept,  and ultimately,  shape something good from it.   Delusion to most,  survival to others who might take the time to understand.   With no family nor friends the butterfly’s wings blew him toward the ocean breeze of Okinawa --- A new start for Nagito,  which too meant a clean slate or so he hoped.   Though it was a bustling place full of life it was more serene than other cities and the sound of seagulls made for a welcome substitute.   At the end of Summer his moniker as transfer student would become official and though it was nerve-wracking for him as it would be for anybody,  he’s hopeful it could present an opportunity for those he could call friends.
              The sun was at its zenith and humidity clung to his sun-starved complexion but the sea air felt invigorating so that he wasn’t uncomfortable,  which made perusing the town infinitely more enjoyable.   There was something charming about the local shops and businesses that were superior in authenticity as opposed to pricier,  superficial places of living --- he always did idealize the strength in community.   And speaking of ideal;  An outdoor stall selling desserts appealed to his encroaching hunger.   He’s not about to turn down sakura mochi.   After paying an extra ¥500 as thanks,  he pivots on his heel while taking a bite,  people watching to pass the time.   It seems he’s not the only one however as he realises there’s eyes on him too.   Nagito turned,  now face-to-face with a redheaded girl who looked to be around his age.   Oh .  .  . He’s standing smackbang in the middle of the sidewalk.   Covering his mouth as he swallowed,  he smiles and laughs --- sheepishly.      ❛ Ah,  I’m sorry!   I didn’t know I was in the way.   I shouldn’t be so careless. ❜
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CLOSED  STARTER   /   @omochikaerii
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etastra-moved · 5 years
open to: anyone !!
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     “i’m sprouting...” voice is colored with something like childish awe and shot through with disbelief, as if hojin can’t quite believe the strands of hair sticking up on the crown of his head are actually there and not simply a trick of the light. fingers pat delicately at where the cluster of hair is sticking straight up, reminiscent of a stubborn weed, and lips purse with an expression torn between amusement and annoyance.
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etastra · 5 years
@svnnysidevp !!
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     a pleased little giggle, bonafide and sweet and soft, falls from lips as he stares at the developed polaroid and its single subject. it’s a little blurry, not as refined as the photographs he’s submitted for exhibitions, not as perfect as it should be, but its imperfections are what make it beautiful. he turns it towards asahi with a tiny grin, voice impossibly fond when he hums quietly: “this is going with my other favorites.” into the shoebox of polaroids of the other, in mundane and unique and simple situations, tucked under chunyu’s bed for safe keeping.
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bcnnibel · 8 years
closed starter for: this loser @wherevertheroadtakesme
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crystal frowned, her mind not responding to anything more than her name on the other’s lips. she just wanted to sleep. it seemed like she had just fallen asleep since the train’s seats were an extremely uncomfortable place to sleep. ‶ five more minutes, sarah. ″ she muttered, her body turning around as she waved the other. eyes still closed until a bright light caused her to scrunch her nose up, turning back the was originally was. ‶ are we almost there? ″ her voice was rough as she opened her eyes a little to look at the familiar face.
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whitemelody-blog · 5 years
{ ᶜᵒᶰᵗᶤᶰᵘᵉᵈ ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ X ʷᶤᵗʰ @perfectdisastcr }
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Vanya listened to her brother’s tone and just gave a short nod before leaving his side to get the needed items he wanted. She wondered what her brother would of been like if he didn’t go in the future but she didnt dwell on the fact.  She came back and placed the sewing kit in front of Five with some clean bandages too.
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alwaysfakeit-blog · 8 years
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                ❝   it doesn't make me nervous.   if anything I'm restless.            yeah, I've been around and I've seen it all.   ❞
                                                                                                                      @yourwxr // sc.
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vxncleef-blog · 8 years
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❝ And how are you, my king? ❞
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hopetruest · 5 years
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     A devil may care  penchant for trouble was his curse,  something tethered to his soul from birth.   That was no exception here on Jabberwock Island --- With a grimace and palms on hot sand he hoists himself up,  feeling a little ashamed of his own clumsiness.     ❛ Ow .  .  . ❜     There’s a sharp,  shooting pain in his side and a muscular twinge that causes him to wince.   Maybe admiring the Tropical allure of the rock pools is an endeavor better left to caution --- and diligence.    Well,  there’s always the silver lining of what was yet to come  ( still plenty of hours left in the day right? )  and despite the searing pain he manages a smile.   Plastic-y but seemingly genuine like a wax figure.
      But masochism swiftly escapes him as he summons the attention of the Ultimate Nurse,  nearby but oblivious --- ❛ Hey! Mikan! ❜     Even when he raised his voice Nagito conveyed a tranquility that was never cause for alarm,  like the gentle cadence of a mother handling her young.   It was friendly and difficult to ever imagine as anything other than such.   Even as he stood there,  doubled-over,  he’s more concerned about hindering her with unnecessary burdens  ( those burdens being himself ) --- But,  he supposes it’s only natural for a wearing leech to do exactly that.   Forgive me,  Mikan.
     ❛ No doubt you’re enjoying your time with the others,  and I don’t want to trouble you,  however .  .  . I’m in need of your medical prowess. ❜     He winced again,  removing his hand from his side;  Which beneath his clothing had already started to show the beginnings of dappled blue and purple.   Nagito’s words were strained,  his breaths short.   Still,  he smiled through the pain.   Something tells him this is a little more than a bruise.     ❛ You see,  I thought I was doing everyone a favor by staying out of your way over here by the rock pools but uh,  I miscalculated a step and ended up falling over onto one of the larger rocks.   Pretty stupid,  huh? ❜
CLOSED STARTER   /   @mikancore
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hopetruest · 5 years
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        ❛ They’re pretty fascinating right? ❜     He’s not sure if she noticed him there in the library alongside her,  but that’s okay,  he’s like a ghost skulking around the place with no other aim than to indulge history and mystery alike.    As such,  Nagito had accumulated a pile of books juxtaposed to his cross-legged self on the floor,  skimming through most with the occasional pause when something really caught his eye --- In fact,  now that he considers the mutual silence up until this point,  he’s uncertain of when she even got here.   Nonetheless it was refreshing to be in the presence of another glutton for knowledge and culture.
          The spine of an open book lay across his palm,  a smile worn gracefully on his face.   From a single glance it’d be easy to determine the complexity of the book’s contents seeing just how many fine printed words were jam-packed onto a single page.      ❛ I’m reading something on the Ars Goetia.   Have you heard of it?   I just wondered since you seem to be interested in this kind of thing also. ❜      The others appeared flummoxed by Sonia’s declaration of affinity for the dark and macabre --- All but Gundham,  and Nagito too.
          Being a princess,  to his understanding,  wasn’t all about standing around looking pretty as some dolled-up trophy daughter.   She had to learn language,  politics,  etiquette,  and a variety of elements of society most would only see in movies.   Knowledge is to be found in all corners of the world --- And too,  in darkness.      ❛ .  .  . Sorry.   I’m probably disrupting you. ❜      One could hear a pin drop in this room;  He felt louder and more annoying than usual,  like a gnat.   But it’s a good place to be alone with your thoughts,  ruminating or perhaps stagnating in all things contrite.   Maybe that’s why he liked it so much --- That,  and it made for adequate shelter from the sun.
CLOSED  STARTER  FOR   /   ソニア・ネヴァーマインド   /   @novosonian​
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hopetruest · 6 years
tag dump #2.
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