#✩ — [ prepared for takeoff ! ] | accepted
7171955 · 6 months
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. . . [👽] [🛸] [🦾] [💫] [🪐] [🌎] [🌐] [🔧] . . .
RQ : A board for @citizenoftmrrwlnd ! I absolutely loved doing this and going out searching for a variety of gifts — I hope it brings you as much joy as I had making it .
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sidekick-hero · 2 months
In Loving Memory
Written for @steddieangstyaugust Day 4, prompt: Angst with Happy Ending
Tags: Modern AU, rockstar Eddie, plane crash, HAPPY ENDING, minor character death
words: 3.3k | AO3 | mature
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“Good afternoon, Mr. Harrington. My name is Elizabeth Quinn, and I’m part of the cabin crew today. Thank you for choosing to fly with us. I hope you're enjoying your flight so far.”
Steve looks up at the owner of the soft voice to his right. It’s a young woman in a stewardess uniform with big brown eyes that instantly remind him of Eddie.
“Oh, hello. Uhm, yes, everything is fine, thank you.”
The stewardess smiles warmly. “I'm glad to hear that, sir. I wanted to discuss a situation we’re currently facing. As you may know, flights can sometimes be overbooked, and today we have a few more passengers than seats available in first class. We’re looking for a volunteer to move to another section of the plane. In exchange, we’re offering a significant compensation package, including a voucher for a future flight, a complimentary upgrade on your next trip, and a gift card for our in-flight shopping.”
She looks apologetic, and he can tell she hates asking him this. It’s not a particularly long flight, and he mostly booked first class because that’s what his father’s secretary always did for him the few times his parents had him fly to wherever they were. So giving up his seat for a four-hour flight doesn’t seem too bad.
“Yes, I can move to another section of the plane. That’s okay,” he tells the stewardess and is rewarded with a bright, genuine smile adorned with dimples. Another thing that reminds him of Eddie. He pushes the ache in his chest down and returns the friendly smile with one of his own.
“Thank you so much for doing this, Mr. Harrington. If you have any specific preferences or questions, please let me know. Your understanding and cooperation greatly help us ensure everyone has a comfortable flight.”
With that, she leads him to another part of the plane, presumably Economy class.
“This one right here, Mr. Harrington. It has extra legroom and is situated next to an emergency exit. I will make sure you have a pleasant flight with us. You can call me with the call button or find me at the front or back of the plane.”
Steve nods with another smile that falls as soon as she walks away to prepare for takeoff. His thoughts wander back to the reason he’s on a flight to LA today.
He still wonders if this is a good idea. When he bought the ticket to LA, he was sure of it. The panic that had constricted his throat had lessened as soon as he pulled up the website of the airline and he felt like he could breathe again for the first time when he got the confirmation mail.
It’s a long shot, he knows that. Surprising Eddie in LA after everything that happened but he hopes it’s a grand enough gesture that maybe Eddie will forget how much Steve has hurt him. Robin suggested to just call Eddie and apologize, explain to him why Steve was so reluctant to take the next step with him.
The truth is, Steve doesn’t think he could handle it when Eddie didn’t pick up the phone or just hangs up on him before he can say his piece. If Eddie decides that it’s too much for him, that Steve’s too much, too damaged, then be it. But he needs to see Eddie one last time, drink in those beloved doe eyes one more time.
Steve thinks about why he and Eddie fought the last time they saw each other. Growing up in a very conservative household, Steve always suspected he might like men as well as women, but he denied any attraction toward men because of what his parents might say. He knew they wouldn’t accept him.
He was 31 when he walked into a bar in Chicago with his best friend Robin and locked eyes with the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Eddie was the first man he ever kissed, ever slept with. He couldn’t help himself, not when Eddie flirted with him, wooed him, and made him laugh with his whole body. Steve always assumed what they had was strictly physical, just some fun between two single guys.
But Eddie wanted more than that. He wanted a relationship with Steve.
Eddie had asked Steve to be his date on the red carpet in LA for the Grammy Awards. Eddie was actually nominated with his band, Corroded Coffin, and he wanted to show the world who he loved. But Steve was scared. Everybody would know he was in a relationship with another man. So he declined, and Eddie left Steve’s apartment heartbroken.
Steve can still see the look on Eddie’s face, the hurt in his eyes. It had shattered something inside him, but his fear was stronger. He had watched Eddie walk away, the love of his life slipping through his fingers because he was too afraid to hold on.
Steve’s thoughts are interrupted by the plane's PA system crackling to life, announcing their imminent takeoff. He leans back in his seat, staring out the window as the plane begins to taxi down the runway. The memory of Eddie's face, the pain in his eyes, is as vivid as ever.
He had tried to justify his fear, telling himself it was about protecting Eddie, about not wanting to put him through the scrutiny and judgment that would come from being seen with another man. But deep down, Steve knew it was about protecting himself. He was scared of what his parents would think, what the world would think.
As the plane ascends, Steve closes his eyes, replaying that last conversation with Eddie in his mind.
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"Steve, I love you. I want us to be together, really together," Eddie had said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I want you by my side at the Grammys. I want to show the world who I love."
Steve had felt his heart pound in his chest, a mix of fear and longing. "Eddie, I can't. You know how my parents are, how everyone will react. It's not that simple."
Eddie's eyes had filled with tears. "It is that simple, Steve. Either you love me enough to be with me, openly and proudly, or you don’t. I can’t keep hiding us. I can't keep hiding you."
Steve had stood there, silent and conflicted, as Eddie walked out the door. The sound of the door closing behind him had felt like the end of everything.
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The plane levels off, and Steve opens his eyes, blinking back tears. He knows this trip to LA is a long shot, but he has to try. He has to make Eddie understand how much he means to him.
Steve takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone, opening the notes app. He starts typing, trying to find the right words to say when he sees Eddie.
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The flight attendants come by with the beverage cart, and Steve looks up to see Elizabeth smiling at him. “Can I get you anything, Mr. Harrington?”
“Just some water, please,” Steve says, returning her smile.
As she hands him the bottle of water, she says softly, “It looks like you have a lot on your mind, if you don’t mind me saying.”
Steve looks up at her as he accepts the cup of water and finds that he actually wants to talk with someone about what he’s about to do. He needs someone to tell him that it’s going to work out.
“I do. I’m on my way to win back the man I’m in love with.”
There, he said it. He admitted that he was in love with another man and now he’s fighting the urge to hide, scared of her reaction. But he holds her gaze, heart pounding in his chest.
“Oh,” she says, her eyes softening, “that explains the look on your face. I think you’re very brave, Mr. Harrington.”
Steve takes a moment, contemplating how much to share. But he feels a strange sense of comfort in Elizabeth’s kind eyes.
“His name is Eddie,” Steve begins, his voice barely above a whisper. “He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever met. He’s kind, talented, and makes me laugh like no one else can. But I let my fear ruin everything between us.”
Elizabeth listens intently, her expression encouraging him to continue.
“We fought because he wanted us to go public, to be together openly. He wanted me to go with him to the Grammys, to be his date. But I was too scared of what my parents would think, what people would say. So, I said no. And he left,” Steve explains, his voice cracking.
Elizabeth nods, understanding in her eyes. “That sounds really hard, Steve. But it also sounds like you care a lot about him.”
“I do,” Steve says, his eyes filling with tears. “I love him more than anything. That’s why I’m going to LA. I need to tell him how sorry I am and that I’m ready to be with him, no matter what anyone else thinks.”
Elizabeth places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It takes a lot of courage to admit when you’re wrong and to fight for what you love. Eddie is a very lucky man to be loved so much by you, Steve. I hope he sees that.”
Steve smiles, feeling a bit lighter. “Thank you, Elizabeth. I really hope he does.”
Elizabeth gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving on to the next passenger. Steve watches her go, feeling a much needed sense of hope. He’s made mistakes, let fear dictate his actions, but he’s ready to make things right.
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About two hours into the flight, Steve decides to stretch his legs and walks up and down the narrow aisle. He passes families with little kids, an elderly couple working on a crossword puzzle together, and two young women chatting and laughing. It’s fascinating to see so many different lives intersecting in one place.
On his fifth lap, Elizabeth appears next to him, gently touching his arm.
“Steve, could you please take your seat and fasten your seatbelt?”
He looks at her, puzzled. “But the seatbelt signs are still off.”
“That’s true, but from experience, I know the signs could come on any minute. I just wanted to give you a heads-up before the aisle gets too crowded with everyone returning to their seats.”
Steve nods, appreciating the heads-up. “Thanks for letting me know.” He heads back to his seat.
As Steve settles in and fastens his seatbelt, the plane suddenly lurches violently. The cabin shakes with a gut-wrenching turbulence, hurling passengers and their belongings through the air. Panic erupts as screams fill the cabin, and Steve clings to his seat, trying to stay calm amid the chaos.
Elizabeth dashes down the aisle, her face pale and eyes wide. She spots Steve and rushes over, her voice barely audible over the cacophony. “Steve! Call Eddie! Now!”
Heart pounding, Steve scrambles for his phone. His hands tremble uncontrollably as he dials Eddie’s number. The turbulence makes it nearly impossible to hold the phone steady, but he manages to keep a grip.
The call connects, and Eddie’s voice comes through, thick with confusion and worry. “Steve?” He asks and then he must hear the chaos in the background because he immediately adds, “What’s going on? Is everything alright?”
“Eddie,” Steve’s voice cracks as he fights back tears. “I’m so sorry. I should have been braver. I should have been all in. I’m on this plane, and it’s really bad. I wanted to come to LA to talk to you. I wish I could have done all this in person. I wish I could kiss you one last time.”
Eddie’s voice trembles with desperation. “Steve, what’s happening? Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Steve’s eyes dart around the cabin, the plane shaking violently as alarms blare and panicked voices rise. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t want this to be a goodbye, but I think it might be. I needed to tell you how much I regret being so scared, and I’m sorry for hurting you. I love you, Eddie. I should’ve told you when I had the chance.”
The turbulence worsens, and the plane begins a terrifying descent. The noise in the background grows louder and more intense. Eddie’s voice, filled with panic, tries to reach him. “Steve, stay with me! Please!”
But as the plane’s descent becomes more violent, the call goes eerily silent. Steve’s heart pounds in his chest as the only sound now is the relentless, chilling dial tone. Tears stream down his face as he grips the phone tightly.
Elizabeth returns to Steve’s side, her eyes filled with kindness and urgency. She places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Hold on, Steve. It’s going to be okay, but I need you to fight. For Eddie, okay?”
Steve nods, trying to steady himself amidst the chaos. He closes his eyes, focusing on Eddie’s voice and the love they shared, holding onto the hope that somehow, somehow, he’ll get another chance.
The last thing he hears is the deafening roar of something massive hitting the ground way too fast.
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When Steve opens his eyes, he’s immediately overwhelmed by blinding light and searing pain. He groans, wishing for unconsciousness to take him away again so the agony would stop.
The sound of Eddie’s voice pulls him from the sweet embrace of nothingness. The panic in Eddie’s voice is palpable, as if he’s on the verge of breaking down.
“’ddie?” Steve mumbles, his mouth feeling like it’s stuffed with cotton and his tongue heavy.
“Yes, I’m here, Stevie. I’m here.” Suddenly, Eddie’s beloved face appears above him, his eyes red-rimmed and watery. “Hi, baby.”
Steve manages a smile, the pain momentarily overshadowed by the sight of Eddie’s face. How he’s missed those eyes.
The thought brings Elizabeth back to his mind, the stewardess with the same eyes. Reality crashes back, and Steve gasps with the sudden realization that he should be dead.
“What… happened?” he croaks, his voice barely audible as his strength begins to wane.
“I promise I’ll explain everything, Stevie, but first we need to get your strength back. I’ll let the nurse know you’re awake.” Eddie reaches for the call button next to Steve but stops to press a gentle kiss to Steve’s forehead. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was terrified of losing you.”
That’s the last thing Steve hears before darkness pulls him under once more.
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The next time Steve wakes up, he feels a bit better. The pain is still there, but it’s dulled by the medication, making it manageable. He’s strong enough to talk more than just a few minutes, and he uses that strength to repeat to Eddie what he had said on the phone during the crash.
Eddie is holding Steve’s hand between his, his tear-streaked cheek resting gently on the back of Steve’s hand. His eyes are still red and puffy, but he speaks with a steady voice that is thick with emotion. “Steve, I could never just walk away from you. I knew you weren’t ready, even though it hurt. I planned to talk to you when I got back to Chicago, to tell you that I would wait for you, as long as I wouldn’t lose you. But when you called and I heard all that screaming… Fuck! I can’t even think about it without wanting to throw up. The crash was bad—most of the front was completely destroyed. It’s a miracle you survived.”
Steve blinks, trying to piece together the fragments of his memory. “How… How did I survive?”
Eddie’s gaze is intense as he searches Steve’s eyes. “From what they told me, you were supposed to be seated in the front, but you weren’t. No one could explain why. Your seat was right next to the emergency exit, so they got you out quickly. And you had your seatbelt fastened, which probably kept you from being thrown around too much. It’s almost like fate that you survived. Only twenty-three people made it.”
Steve’s eyes widen as he absorbs Eddie’s words. The thought weighs heavily on his chest: If it hadn’t been for Elizabeth’s warning, he might not have been so lucky. He’s sure she’s the reason he’s still here.
A flicker of concern crosses Steve’s face. “Elizabeth… she was a stewardess on the flight. She moved me to this seat, told me that first class was overbooked and asked if I’d be willing to switch. And she also made sure I fastened my seatbelt just before we started going down.”
Eddie’s eyes grow wide with shock. “But… they said on the news that casualties were below a hundred because first class wasn’t as full as usual. They said no one in that section survived.”
Steve’s heart pounds as he starts to realize the gravity of Elizabeth’s actions. “I need to find out if she survived, Eddie. She saved my life, and I need to thank her.”
Eddie’s eyes brighten with resolve. “We can do that, Stevie. I need to thank this woman, who saved the man I love. What’s her name? I’ll get Chrissy on it—she’ll find out in no time.”
Feeling his love for Eddie surge, Steve lets it overflow for the first time without restraint. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
They share a long, tender look, like lovesick teenagers, before Steve remembers Eddie’s question. “Her name is Elizabeth Quinn.”
Eddie’s expression changes abruptly. All color drains from his face.
“What did you say her name is?”
“Elizabeth Quinn. Why, do you know her?”
Ignoring the question, Eddie asks, “What did she look like?”
Steve describes Elizabeth, including her big brown eyes that reminded him of Eddie’s—one reason he bonded with her almost instantly.
As Steve finishes, Eddie looks even paler. Wordlessly, he pulls out his phone, navigates to an article from the airline, and hands it to Steve. The headline reads: “Airline Grieves Loss of Crew Members on Flight 731.” The article features a picture of a stewardess who looks just like Elizabeth. Her name is listed below the photo: Elizabeth Quinn.
Steve’s heart sinks as he reads the name. “That’s her. Elizabeth Quinn.”
Eddie’s voice trembles as he looks at Steve. “Elizabeth Quinn was my mom. She was a stewardess, and she died in a plane crash when I was eight.”
Steve’s eyes widen in shock. “I’m so sorry, Eddie. I had no idea.”
Eddie’s eyes are glassy as he looks at Steve. “She was the best person I knew. She loved her job and loved helping people. And now it seems she came back to help two more people: me and you.”
Steve reaches out weakly, placing a hand on Eddie’s. “I wish I could have thanked her in person. But I did tell her about you—how funny, smart, and amazing you are. How much I love you. And I should have known, because you look just like her. The same kind eyes and dimples when you smile.”
Eddie squeezes Steve’s hand, his voice breaking. “I’m glad you got to meet her. God, this is so crazy. I was so angry for so long that she left me. I know it’s unfair, but that’s how I felt. I miss her so much.”
“She knew you loved her. She made sure you wouldn’t lose another person you love, because she loves you too. Even if she’s no longer here, she’s still watching over you.”
“Over us, you mean. I’m pretty sure this means you’re part of the family now.”
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Eddie still asks Chrissy to check the airline's list for Steve’s savior. He’s not surprised when Chrissy reports that there was no Elizabeth Quinn on that flight.
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edosianorchids901 · 4 months
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Till the World is Mended
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "horizon line"
It was always strange to be in space again, after so long. To look out over the endless expanse of stars, stretching on and on forever. Adrift, almost.
The total lack of a real way to orient himself left Crowley dizzy. His eyes automatically sought out the horizon line, but it didn’t exist. There was no solid ground, not here.
But it was the only real safe place to meet. No one paid attention to the stars, especially not when both Sides were locked in their preparations for battle. If anything, they were looking at Earth.
Crowley unfurled his wings and flapped again, even though it wasn’t strictly necessary. He’d been just floating for a long time, letting his initial takeoff carry him. Demons weren’t bound by physics, which was terrific for takeoff. But physics came in handy when he wanted to remain in motion without doing much work.
He was nearly there, to the rendezvous point. He and Aziraphale had once met in benign places like St. James’s Park, the number nineteen bus, the British Museum café. Now, they met on a satellite, or the Moon, or floating further outside Earth’s orbit.
They were meeting well outside Earth’s orbit today. Every time, they changed things up a little. It hurt, having to sneak around like this again, but it would be worth it in the long run.
Crowley spread his wings wide to slow, then banked into a careful turn. He spun around, back towards the blue-green planet that he and Aziraphale were fighting again to save.
It wasn’t too long before a radiant burst of light flashed beside him. He glanced at the tear in space and caught a quick glimpse of Heaven’s bleak white walls before Aziraphale stepped through.
It was still weird to see Aziraphale in a regular suit instead of the old, comfortable clothes. But at least now, a year into his new job in Heaven, he’d switched from white to a gentle tan. It looked more like him, and so did the bow tie. It was Heaven’s tartan, not his own, but at least it was no longer a plain gold tie.
“Hello, Crowley,” he murmured, manifesting his wings. He drifted over, hands flexing anxiously. “Oh dear. I’m still not used to this.”
“It’s not that complicated, angel.” Crowley held out his hand, and Aziraphale caught it. The momentum put them in a slight spin, and Crowley stilled their rotation with a quick flick of his wings. “You just need more practice.”
“If only. I’d very much like to spend more time out here.” Aziraphale gave a heavy sigh as he used his own wings to steady himself. “I-I know I always complain about the difficulties of managing space, but it is so much nicer than Heaven. I really do loathe those white corridors.”
“Nnnnh.” Even after months of meeting like this, Crowley was never quite sure how to respond to that without starting an argument. And he was tired of arguments. “You’ve gotta have at least a little pull as Supreme Archangel, right?”
“Not really.”
“Not even enough to redecorate?” Crowley kept his tone light, and he smiled at Aziraphale’s mild annoyance. “Come on. I bet you could sell them on some motivation posters, at least. You could have Sandalphon write the slogans for them.”
“Perish the thought. I think I’d prefer to keep the all white décor.” A smile tugged at Aziraphale’s lips, though. Good joke, then. “I miss you, Crowley.”
“Nh. At least you don’t have to miss me right now, eh?” Crowley pulled a flask from his pocket. “Scotch? Also, I brought those chocolates you wanted.”
“You do spoil me, my dear. Thank you.” After Crowley drank, Aziraphale accepted the flask and did the same. His shoulders relaxed a little. “Oh, that is good. Do you know, I’ve been thinking it might be fun to set up a little black market in Heaven. Not that I can be directly responsible for it, of course…”
“Ooh, I can. If you give some random, bored angel an assignment near me, I can corrupt them.” Crowley flashed a grin. “I’ll get you supplied in no time. I’m already sabotaging Hell’s lower ranks by showing off how good things are in retirement.”
“More of them sneaking around to talk to you?”
“The ones who are sick of getting fed to Hellhounds or electrocuted or set on fire, yeah.” Shuddering, Crowley opened the box of chocolates and offered it to Aziraphale. “Mostly Erics. With Shax and Hastur so far up the hierarchy, they’re having a bloody miserable time.”
“Poor things.” Aziraphale ate a chocolate. “At this rate, you’re going to have an army in no time!”
“Well, that’s the plan. The more we can get on our side, the better.” Gesturing, Crowley conjured a tartan blanket. It spread itself out, then locked into place, like it was resting on grass. “There. Enough about work for now. Wanna lie down for a bit?”
“I very much do, yes.”
They settled in together, curling up close with Earth in view just below them. Almost every time they met up, they took the chance to cuddle, or at least hug. Today, with absolutely no chance of being spotted, it was a good time to cuddle.
Aziraphale rested his head on Crowley’s shoulder with a pleased hum. “This is really quite nice. I do enjoy having this view while we snuggle.”
“Me too.” Crowley kissed Aziraphale’s brow, hand drifting up and down his back. “I miss you too. But m’ glad we can be together for now.”
It was never long enough, but Crowley had always been an optimist. One day, he and Aziraphale could be together again full time. Until then, they would spend time together when they could, gazing down on the planet they were both fighting so hard to save.
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - Revolution
day 11 @youngroyals-events
The Space AU no one asked for.
read below or on ao3 (900, G).
“Begin countdown, Captain Wille!”
“Yes, Sergeant!” Wille salutes. “Beginning countdown. 10… 9… 8…”
Simon flips a few switches on the board, brow furrowed in concentration. Under his breath, he mumbles, “Hatch doors secured, Sergeant.” 
“6… 5… 4…”
“Well done. Thank you, Major Simon,” Sergeant nods approvingly, securing her seatbelt. “Prepare for takeoff, crew!”
“All engines are online,” Simon calls, just as Wille finishes his countdown. “Could you count any slower?”
“3… 2… Thrusters go!” Wille shouts, ignoring Simon’s comment and typing away at the keypad by his left hand. Over on his side, Simon pushes the forward thruster handle. Into her ear piece, Sergeant communicates with home base. 
“Liftoff confirmed,” she announces after a moment. All three continue to brace against the rattle of the ship. 
Wille has to raise his voice over the noise. “Exiting the atmosphere, Sergeant.” 
“Good, Captain Wille. Major, mission report.” 
While Wille manages the rotation control joystick and keeps an eye on their speed, Major Simon rattles off their mission. 
“Headed for the Moon, ma’am. We’ll complete one revolution in the natural satellite’s orbit, before breaking off and using the Earth’s gravity to slingshot us around the other side of the planet, lining us up for an easy reentry.” 
“Two revolutions.”
Simon turns to Captain. “What?” 
“We’re doing two revolutions,” Wille says, eyes locked on the screen before him. 
“Uh, no. I’m pretty sure I remember correctly,” Simon sasses. “Who did Sergeant ask for a mission report?” 
“Captain! Major! Enough. I won’t have you two messing up my mission,” Sergeant cuts in, glaring at the both of them. “We’re doing one revolution, then we’re going in to land.” 
“But, Sergeant,” Wille gasps, “that wasn’t in the mission plan. Does base know about this?” 
Simon sucks his teeth. “If Sergeant says we’re landing, we’re landing, Captain.” 
“Base answers to me,” Sergeant affirms, eyes scanning out the window. “Captain. Define revolution for me.” 
“Uh,” Wille stutters, “The circling of one object around another.”
“That’s your definition?” Simon chuckles.
Wille glares at him. “For example – if you’d let me finish – the Earth makes one revolution around the Sun each year, give or take a few days.” 
Sergeant hums appreciatively. “And how many days in one year?” 
“365.” Simon and Wille nearly shout in unison. 
“Really?” Wille quirks an eyebrow. “She asked me for the definition. Not you.” 
“We’re both astronauts, Captain. Plus, last time I checked, Majors outrank Captains.” Simon smirks. 
“Stop!” Sergeant yells, pointing. “We need to focus! Asteroid belt ahead!” 
Wille and Simon both jump into action, flipping on the sensitivity sensors and each taking different jobs to navigate them through the dangerous field. They stop bickering enough to safely navigate their ship through the precarious situation, much to the happiness of their Sergeant. 
“Good job, Captain, Major. Now, let’s land this bad boy.” 
Under strict direction by Sergeant, they manage to easily enter the Moon’s thin atmosphere and identify a safe spot for landing. 
“Suit up!” Sergeant calls, already heading for her helmet. 
Sergeant steps out first, head on a swivel, followed by Simon. Wille exits last, but his foot gets caught, and he goes tumbling over, with a shout and the sound of cardboard ripping. 
“Pappa!” comes a tiny, angry voice, rushing over and then right past him. “My ship!” 
Wille coughs lightly, removing the stuffed animal he’d taken to the stomach on his fall. “Sorry, love.” 
Simon stands over him, smiling down at his clumsy husband. 
“I’m a lot taller than both of you,” Wille grumbles, then accepts Simon’s hand to stand up. He brushes himself off, then kneels down by their Sergeant. “I’m sorry for ripping the door. Shall we go look for some tape in the craft closet?” 
The young girl in her silver shirt and cardboard-crafted astronaut helmet nods her head rapidly, shaking the helmet a bit so that she has to readjust it to be able to see out the small hole in the front. “I’ll go get it, I know where it is! Then we can explore the moon!” 
Wille smiles and groans slightly as he stands to his full height again. Simon wraps himself around Wille’s back, pressing a gentle kiss into his shoulder, both of them watching their young daughter disappear around the corner into the hallway. 
“Are you okay?” Simon teases. “That was quite the fall, Captain.” 
Wille turns in Simon’s arms so they face each other. “Yes, Major, I’m okay. You don’t sound very concerned.” He sticks out his tongue teasingly, so Simon does the same. Then, Simon stands on his tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to Wille’s lips. 
“We’ve had a lot of revolutions together.”
Wille chuckles. “Revolutions around the sun, or actual revolutions?”
“Both,” Simon grins, pinching at Wille’s hips, making him yelp slightly. 
“That we have. Here’s to many more.”
“Many, many more. To finally executing my plan to tear down the monarchy, and to a million more years with you.” 
Wille barks out a laugh, spinning Simon around, each of them dancing easily around the toys scattered across the floor. 
Their oldest comes careening back around the corner, holding not only a roll of tape but a few other new decorations for the cardboard spaceship they’d built out of the big box the new bed frame for their second child had come in. 
Just as she settles down with the tape, Wille joining her to patch up their ship, the baby monitor signals their toddler has woken from her nap. So, Simon gives each of them a kiss on the head, then heads down the hall, calling, “Don’t explore the moon without me! I’ll be right back!” 
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thesugarclubs-blog · 2 years
Leash of Faith - AU Steve Rogers x OC
warnings: retired, dog dad Steve Rogers, meet cute in a park, strangers to lovers, smut, 18+
word count: 12.2k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1315003134-leash-of-faith-shaye
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The pink blossom petals floated around in the breeze, dropping from the tree above Shaye in lazy circles to the ground beneath her boots. She watched as Milo chased the petals, snapping his teeth at them in an effort to get a hold of one. 
“You silly boy, those don’t taste good,” she knelt, patting her knee so he would join her in the shade. 
She was thankful that the warm weather had rushed in from the coast, everything had been so grey for so long and the sunshine felt so good on her skin. She tucked a loose strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear as Milo nuzzled himself into her side. She watched all the people wandering around the park with their dogs, most hand in hand, and found herself pining after that connection. It had been over a year since she moved to the city and except for a few friends she had only made because they were coworkers, Shaye was hopelessly alone. 
Milo licked her face as if he could read her mind, “I know, I know. I have you,” she laughed and she gave him a few deep scratches behind his long ears.
 His head snapped to the left, “No,” she sighed, knowing the look far too well not to be prepared for the takeoff. Milo had seen a tennis ball and before she could get a hold of his collar he was darting down one of the many winding forested paths of the free-range dog park. 
Before she could catch another breath, the chocolate fur of her pet had gotten out of her sight. 
"Dammit." Shaye cursed lowly, raking her eyes in search of Milo. 
Walking down to the little pond at the edge of the park, she spotted her dog playing with another and the owner, a little far off, his head turning searchingly as if he was looking for something
She didn’t recognize the owner, she brings milo here almost every day. But she didn’t mind, both pups seemed happy, playfully fighting over the ball every time the owner would throw it. 
She’d never seen milo interact with another dog like this before, it was almost like they’d been friends for years.
Shaye looked on from the far side of the pond with a smile as the tall, broad-shouldered man kneeled to take the ball from Milo's mouth and faked a throw. As both their furballs looked forward, tongues out and ears perked up her smile turned into giggles as they realized there was no ball in sight and turned to jump on him. 
His bright blue eyes met hers as he turned to the sound of her laugh, waving at her with a shy smile. Shaye felt her cheeks heat a little, an answering smile spreading across her face as she waved back. 
The man pointed to Milo, then her. She nodded, just as Milo spotted her, wagging his tail frantically. Shaye started walking around the pond as Milo took off towards her, the man and his dog following.
Just as she rounded the pond, Milo ran and slammed his whole body into her, happily wiggling his whole body as she tried to calm him down. 
"Milo, you silly boy!" Shaye chuckled, kneeling and grabbing Milo's face in her hands as she accepted a few kisses to her cheek, "you know not to run off like that!"
But before she could clip his leash back into place, he turned back to the other dog and the two ran off once more. Shaye turned her attention to the man who was now standing in front of her. His long dirty-blonde hair was tucked into a black baseball cap and the long sleeve navy blue shirt he donned clung to every muscle in his arms. 
"Sorry! I tried looking for you but the dogs had other plans," he said with a hint of a Brooklyn accent before letting out a deep chuckle.
“I…yeah…I…sorry, what?” Shaye stammered, completely distracted by the cornflower-blue eyes that crinkled down at her.
The guy laughed again, rich and deep.
“I said the dogs seem to have other plans.”
"Oh– I mean yeah Milo is always looking for a buddy to hang out with," she replied in a soft voice, still taken by his eyes that were surrounded by beautiful long lashes and noticing how slowly her brain was catching up as she extended her hand out, "I'm Shaye."
The man's grin somehow grew even brighter as he gently shook her hand, her palm encompassed by the broad warmth. The dogs ran around them both, yelping and panting as the sounds of their collars jangling got louder with every movement. 
"I'm Steve," he murmured, strands of dark blonde hair falling from under the cap as he nodded at her. "And that is Rocky." 
Shaye turned to look at the large golden retriever, who trotted up proudly holding a paper plate like a frisbee. In the distance, a couple on a picnic with their dogs looked up disgruntled and Shaye had to hide her mouth behind her hands, blue eyes wide with laughter. Steve sighed before taking Rocky’s prize, petting the fluffy shiny fur as affection softened his voice. 
"It's a good thing you are so pretty," he murmured down at the wiggling creature and the husky tone of Steve's voice made Shaye's face heat up.
She couldn't take her eyes off of him, even as Milo was at her side, pawing at her and demanding her attention. She heard Steve say something to her, but the words didn't quite register until he was staring right at her.
"Shaye, right?"
"What?" She snapped back to reality. "Oh! Yeah, that's Shaye-- I mean, I'm his--"
She had to pull herself together. Fast. It had been a long time since she was this flustered over a guy, but he was... cute wasn't the right word. Hot? That didn't feel right either when she looked at his broad shoulders, muscles that rippled beneath his shirt, and his trim waist. How was it suddenly a million degrees at this dog park?
"I've never seen you here before," Steve chuckled, obviously choosing to ignore her little stumble. "Are you just visiting, or..."
I clearly picked the wrong places to hang out, she thought to herself. Shaye ran a hand through her hair and rubbed the back of her neck. 
"I'm kind of new to the city."
“Well if you ever wanted someone to show you around the city, I’d be happy to help. Plus I think our dogs would like to hang out again” Steve smiled at her. Shaye felt a fluttering of butterflies in her stomach when he smiled at her.
“Yeah, that would be—“ Shaye paused, gaze stuck on Steve’s sunshine smile. She really, really would like to see that smile again. 
“That would be?” 
“That would be lovely, to see you again,” and then with the most confidence she could muster in front of a — quite frankly, unfairly — attractive man, continued, “do you wanna get dinner? With me, I mean? Or… not? I just thought for keeping an eye on this menace, I could thank you with dinner…”
Yeah, she sucked at this.
A grin formed on his lips as he dipped his head slightly, catching her nervous gaze that had fallen to the dogs playing between them. Anything to ignore how handsome he was and the quickly growing feeling of rejection in her chest. 
“It would be an honor to have dinner with you.” 
Shaye’s eyes flickered up to him, his smile somehow growing even brighter as her brows knit together. “Really? Because I mean if you’re busy it’s totally okay you don’t have to go I could just say thank you and we both can walk away—“ the word vomit started before she could even stop it. 
“Shaye,” he chuckled, interrupting the spiraling thoughts her brain seemed to spew out loud, “would you like to have dinner with me?” 
She stared up at him for a moment, the corners of his mouth upturned again as she realized that he was doing the asking for her now to take away the anxiety growing through her like prickly vines. 
With a sigh of relief, she finally smiled up at him, “I’d love to.”
"I'm going to ride this wave of confidence and offer to cook you dinner," Steve gave her a smirk, "I promise I live in a safe part of the city and I won't lock the door behind us in case you and Milo want to make a run for it."
Shaye's face flushed and as much as she wanted to blame the warm breeze and sun, the fuzzy, flirty feeling that coursed through her was entirely how Steve watched her every move with curious blue eyes as she decided. "I don't think I've ever had someone cook for me on a..." she trailed off. 
"A date," he laughed, he stepped forward and tilted his head to catch her eye line before confessing, "I have to admit it's been a while since I picked up a beautiful woman on a date. Rocky is cute but he's a terrible wingman, stealing Frisbees and all."
A laugh escaped her lips as she tried to come up with a response but this man managed to draw her mind blank. 
''Well, I gotta thank Milo for running off, I'm getting a free dinner out of it,'' Shaye said before realizing how shitty that might sound, she covered her mouth with her hands. 
''Don't worry. You're not the only one awkward at this, I will make sure Milo gets an extra treat from me, for letting me meet his owner.'' Steve put a hand on the back of his neck, a low chuckle leaving his lips.
She bit the corner of her lip trying to pull back the smile that grew on her face. 
"Well then, playdates with his new buddy and treats? I'm gonna have to step my game up after this date or I'll lose my spot as his favorite person." She teased. The butterflies flit about her stomach as she watched him pull his bottom lip between his teeth with flushed cheeks. 
"Nah, I think Milo just figured he'd try a hand at sharing his favorite girl's attention and I wouldn't wanna lose that honor. So I'll do what I can to stay in his good graces." he smiled.
Shaye’s answering smile was broad, and she glanced down as Milo nudged her. 
“Although he seems to have reached his limit on sharing,” Steve chuckled as Shaye bent down to pet Milo. She grinned, ruffling his hair before turning back to Steve. 
“Guess you’re gonna have to do some work to get him sharing again,” Shaye teased and Steve smiled at her. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve yet,” he winked and she felt her cheeks heat again.
With a soft giggle, she turned her gaze down to Milo, scratching her fingers into the top of his head as he sat, panting heavily at her side. When she had come to the dog park that morning, finding a handsome charming man was not on her to-do list, but she certainly wasn't mad about it. Especially because the cute man had a very cute dog that Milo seemed to be fast friends with. 
"I'm sure you do," Shaye teased again, swiping her tongue along her bottom lip and smirking up at him.
She was blessed by the sight of his bearded cheeks turning pink as he grinned shyly at her, it made her heart go a little fast knowing that she had an effect on him too with how flustered she'd gotten.
Milo was nudging her leg with his nose, whining and wanting her undivided attention, making Shaye bend down a little to hook his leash and a pat on the head before standing fully again and smiling back at Steve who seemed to follow her every move.
"I'm not sure what you have planned between now and dinner," she said shyly, running the leash between her fingers as she looked up at Steve. "But Milo and I would love some company..." 
She let the unspoken question hang in the air, nerves tingling across her body. Steve looked down and met her gaze, the afternoon sun catching the strands of red and gold that threaded throughout his beard. Her fingers itched to feel the wiry hair, wondering if it was as soft as it looked. 
"My best friend might be a little annoyed if I don't meet him for a beer, but he kind of always is so..." he chuckled, beaming at Shaye. "Lead the way, sweetheart."
She could feel the electricity between them. The sunshine kissed her skin and a cool breeze picked up behind them, almost ushering them out of the park and toward the unknown. The biggest difference between the past and this moment is that Shaye wasn’t afraid of what was ahead- Steve was sweet. And actively trying to spend time with her. And she wanted to soak in that feeling for as long as she could. 
She took a step forward then paused. “Oh,” a small laugh sounded from her chest as she bit her bottom lip. Steve looked at her with curiosity. “I don’t know many spots around here,” she said cautiously.
"There's a little bakery near here," Steve replied. "I don't know how you feel about cupcakes, but they make the best in the city."
"Doesn't every bakery say that?" Shaye teased.
Steve chuckled.
"Well, I've tried almost all of them, and I can confidently say that Wanda's is the best of the best. They do little Italian sodas, too." He smiled at her. 
"You eat dessert before dinner?" Shaye laughed as they walked through crowds of people.
Steve shrugged and tossed her a wink that almost made her knees buckle. Milo seemed to sense her nervousness and glanced back at her, panting. She smiled at him. He was so good at sensing how she was feeling. 
"Yep. Sometimes I have ice cream for breakfast. I've gotten a little more relaxed since I retired."
Retired? This guy had to be like 35. Max. Maybe he was a stockbroker, but he didn't seem to have that energy. Just before she could ask him about it, Steve pointed up ahead to a beautiful brick and mortar store with fogged up windows. There was a bright red awning with Wanda's Cupcakes and Confections in beautiful cursive. She spotted matching tables and chairs outside while people were sipping on coffee and sodas, and enjoying their treats. How had she never seen this place before?
The shop looked like it was very popular and had a very welcoming vibe to it. Steve pushed open the door and a friendly-looking woman with reddish brown hair standing behind the counter greeted them with a huge smile. 
“Steve I didn’t expect to see you today I thought you would be busy with Barnes but I am happy to see you. Oh, and you brought Rocky!” the lady behind the counter squealed as she rounded around the corner and dropped down to the floor to give the golden retriever a chest rub the dog responded by giving her a load of kisses all over her face.
“Barnes?” Shaye mouthed as Rocky soaked up the attention. 
“The best friend I mentioned,” Steve clarified, “anyway, this is Wanda, baker extraordinaire. Wanda, this is my new friend Shaye and her dog, Milo.” 
Wanda offered a soft smile and held her hand out for Milo to sniff curiously.
“It’s lovely to meet you both.” 
“Wanda has this thing where she likes to predict what flavor cupcake newcomers will like just by looking at them,” Steve said excitedly, “she got me in one.” 
"It's more like a sixth sense." Wanda grinned as Milo nudged her hand asking for more pets, "however Steve here will eat anything sweet you put in front of him so he wasn't too hard to figure out." 
Steve laughed, "Wanda definitely has a habit of being my sweets dealer." 
"Well, I'm sure anything you give me will be great, but I am open to your suggestion." 
Wanda smiled wide, clapping as she stepped in front of her. "Alright, alright, alright, let's see," she hummed, eyes narrowing to examine Shaye. After a brief moment and a shared look between Steve and Shaye, Wanda snapped her fingers, "Buttercake with Fresh Whipped cream and topped with strawberries."
"I don't know if I should be offended or flattered that you guessed that without breaking a sweat," Shaye watched as Wanda gathered up a cupcake and boxed it up in the cutest tiny pink box for her. She took it and peered through the small peekaboo window at the pastry with a smile on her face. "How much?" she asked. 
Wanda smiled, wiping her hands on her apron, "on the house, any friend of Steve's is a friend of mine." 
Shaye looked up at him, standing next to her, and caught him staring down at her, "try it," he encouraged, "best cupcake you'll ever eat. I swear she makes them with magic." 
Shaye lifted the lid of the box, grabbed the deliciously looking treat, peeled back the red paper lining, and bit into it. The rush of sugar hit her tongue and she let out a low moan in satisfaction. He wasn't lying when he said that they were delicious. 
He chuckled.
"You have something.." he started pointing to the tip of his nose.
Great, now I have whipped cream on my face.
"Here let me help you." Instead of using a napkin, his finger reached to her nose and cleaned it off.
She felt the heat creep up her neck and her cheeks flush at his action. Her eyes locked on his as he pulled his hand back and she suddenly felt as if time was standing still and it was just them in the bakery, exchanging soft smiles as their eyes spoke for them. 
The click of nails on the laminate flooring broke them both out of their trance as their pets huffed expectantly for sweet treats of their own.
With light chuckles, the two of them turned to their pets, shaking their heads. Shaye reached over and scratched the two dogs one after the other, "so spoilt," she joked. 
Turning her blue eyes back to meet Steve's, she watched as he ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck, a soft blush creeping up his neck. She'd known this man for less than an hour and already she could tell he was going to be trouble. Kind, funny, loved dogs, everything she'd been looking for in a man. Now it was time to wait for the shoe to drop. 
"So, Shaye, besides being a great dog mom, what do you like to do for fun?" Steve questioned, picking up some frosting from his cupcake on his finger and sticking it between his lips.
“Well, I love to read. I can’t go into a bookstore without buying at least one book. It’s a bit of a problem… I’m running out of space on my bookshelves” she replied as she felt a slight blush rush to her checks.
“Books are good,” Steve chuckled, his cheeks flushing as he fumbled for his next words. “I like books— sorry, I’m a little out of practice when it comes to this.” 
Shaye hummed around a bite of cupcake, an understanding smile on her lips.
“Oh, me too. Don’t worry!” 
“Good— well not good. A girl like you should have ‘em lining up.”
Shaye let out a loud laugh.
“Well, you’re first in line that’s alright with me,” she paused, studying Steve as he sucked another dollop of frosting off his finger. “Okay, I have a question for you. You said you were retired? What did you do?”
The blush returned to his cheeks as he glanced down at the half gone a dollop of frosting. "I uh--," he paused before chuckling softly, "I'm surprised you didn't recognize me." He said glancing down at her, "I used to be Captain America." 
Shaye's eyes went wide with the confession. Of course, she knew who Captain America was, but she didn't even put two and two together until now. With his herculean frame and broad shoulders, her mind wandered to how his uniform fit him. 
"I mean.. the beard and the hair is a pretty good disguise." She laughed softly, "I'm sorry I hadn't put two and two together." 
Steve shook his head, "No it's okay," he chuckled, "it's actually refreshing to know you hadn't recognized me."
"I haven't been in the city long and long before that I..." she swallowed tightly, "the snap affected everyone." She looked at him, hiding the fact that she was still juggling the complex emotions of missing so much time. "When I came back my entire life had changed, I was pretty confused, lost..." she explained, her hand reaching down to pet Milo as he huddled in closer for affection. "I ended up at the pound and found Milo. His owners had been snapped and never came for him."
"He needed you as much as you needed him," Steve nodded, looking down at the dog. "Putting your faith in the unknown is difficult, but if you let it the universe can lead you down the path you're meant to be on." 
"Handsome and smart," she hummed, looking away from him so he couldn't see the water that had pooled in her eyes.
"Hey, sweetheart. No big feelings tonight. Give me that beautiful smile." he said, reaching for the stray strand of hair in her face and pushing it behind her ear. That action made her shudder, a wave of goosebumps rolled over her skin along with a splash of warmth pooling low in her stomach. That little, innocent touch aroused her. 
What would her body's reaction be when he touched her? 
His fingers grazed her jawline tenderly until they reached her chin. The soft grasp elicited her to tilt her head back to meet his gaze. When their eyes locked, Shaye blinked away the tears in hers offering him a small smile as she lifted her hand up to his forearm. A silent thank you for his compassion and understanding. Especially after having stayed back during the blip and working endlessly to help bring them back. She can't even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for them as well. Putting their fate in the unknown as he put it, one day after the next until they succeeded. 
She gave his arm a small squeeze and he smiled affectionately back, tapping his thumb against her chin. 
"What do you say we get a little more fresh air before dinner?" he asked.
“I think that sounds perfect,” she murmured, standing when he did and holding tight to the leash. Steve held the door for her, Shaye’s heart thumping erratically in her chest. They walked down the street, fingers brushing every other step until Steve reached out and grasped her hand in his, warm and big, dwarfing hers.
Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the swipe of his thumb across the back of her hand. She felt the nerves in her body ignite, a soft smile creeping onto her lips. It was a beautiful New York day, not too chilly for this late in the afternoon as the golden hour sun caught Steve's eyes just right. 
Steve smiled down at her and scrunched his eyebrows together, keeping a small smirk plastered on his lips, "What?" 
"Nothing," Shaye breathed a laugh and shook her head, looking back out into the street as they walked, "I just uh, I gotta say this was not what I was expecting when I took Milo for a walk today." 
"You know, I was thinking the same thing," he laughed with her, squeezing her hand and nudging his shoulder into hers, "I think Rocky is happy that he found a new friend," he winked down at her.
“Rocky’s not the only one,” she muttered under her breath, missing Steve’s soft smirk as his super soldier hearing caught her words as if she’d whispered them straight into his ear.
He squeezed her hand once and then pulled her closer to him. They walked along the street as if they’d done it a thousand times before, their pets trotting along merrily together.
The butterflies in Shaye’s stomach finally calmed, but she knew they’d taken up residency there for the evening. An unexpected whirlwind romance with a handsome Super Soldier? She chuckled to herself at her luck and tugged Steve’s hand closer to hers as they walked.
“Hey,” Steve said gently, looking down at her. She beamed up at his baby blue eyes as the dogs stopped to sniff around some bushes on the sidewalk. “I know a spot where we can watch the sunset. Any interest?” 
Her stomach churned- the butterflies violently fluttered about. “Of course,” she said, her cheeks growing warm. She could feel her pulse quicken as he continued staring down at her. A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, and she practically drooled as she imagined the whiskers of his beard scratching against her skin. “That sounds lovely.”
Steve led her toward a small dock that overlooked the water. People were milling around, sipping coffees, and eating cupcakes that she now recognized were from Wanda's shop. He smiled down at her.
"This is my favorite place to go after a run," he said softly. "I like to watch the sunrise."
"How early do you get up?" Shaye asked as they approached a small bench and sat down.
"Around 4:30 or 5:00. Depending on if it's a Saturday or not."
"You sleep in until 5:00 on Saturdays?" She giggled. 
"I'm an old man! I like to be up to catch the morning paper. Literally." He stared at her with a deadpanned expression and she quirked a brow before he collapsed into giggles. "I'm kidding. I read the news on my phone like everyone else."
Shaye laughed, her nose scrunching up. Steve smiled at her.
"That sunset's almost as pretty as your smile," he said softly. She looked down and noticed that their fingers were still linked.
Shaye’s heart felt like it was going to burst. The compliment was so sincere when she knows for a fact that coming from any other guy it would sound like a line — one she’d probably roll her eyes at. 
“You really are one of a kind,” she whispered and Steve chuckled, the sound rich and rumbly. 
Steve’s attention fell to the sunset, his thumb absentmindedly tracing over the back of Shaye’s hand, and she took the quiet moment to observe him. The strong line of his nose sharpened by the shadows, tanned skin, and grey strands in his beard was highlighted by the glow of the sunset.
“You know, golden hour’s a good look on you too,” she said, squeezing his hand
The blush returned to his cheeks as his tongue flicked over his bottom lip. The butterflies in her chest swarmed around her heart as he smiled down at her. 
"Steve Rogers, are you blushing?" She said trying to ease the tension building between them. 
He laughed again, "what can I say? It's hard not to in front of you."
"I'm learning today that I'm very easily flattered by strangers," Shaye clicked her tongue and scrunched her nose up at him. 
She watched as his face lit up and a wide smile that reached his attentive stare spread, "I'm really glad Milo likes tennis balls all of a sudden," he laughed. "Remind me to pay him back later." 
"I don't think he's going to let you forget," She laughed as the dogs rolled around each other and tangled their leashes until neither of them could get anywhere. "What a mess you've made," she stood to untangle them but Milo's leash was twisted around her leg and as he pulled to free himself he knocked her off balance. She yelped as she fell back, her knees buckling from the instability and fell into Steve's lap. 
"Hi," he laughed, his hands cautiously placed around her arm and on her knee. "You okay?" He asked, and she nodded. "If I didn't know any better I'd say those two planned that," he nodded to the dogs who had untangled themselves and were chasing each other's tails.
Instead of jumping up, she let herself linger in his lap for a few seconds. His muscular thighs make for a comfortable seat, she noted. His strong arm came around her waist, holding her.
A cold breeze hit her face making her feel bold enough to bury her face into the crook of his neck, his scent enveloping her senses and completely clouding her mind where the only thought was him.
“Are you cold swee- Shaye?” Steve asked quietly his beard scratching her forehead as he, rubbed his big hand up and down her arm, warming her from the slight chill. 
“A little,” she admitted, climbing off his lap and wrapping her arms around herself. Steve stood too, holding his arm out to the side in invitation. Shaye blushed faintly but pressed into his side, heat radiating from his body. 
“Let’s head to my place, and get you warmed up while I try to impress you with my cooking skills,” Steve grinned down at her before they started walking, slowly so he could keep his arm around her.
The dogs followed happily as they made their way down the busy New York street. Steve's apartment wasn't too far away from where they were, but being out in the open fresh air, huddled together wasn't something Shaye was about to complain about. It made her happy seeing Milo trotting beside Rocky without a car in the world, and as if she'd transported into 101 Dalmations, she'd have to thank her dog with extra treats later for this introduction. 
They took a small detour down a side street so that Steve could show her his favorite little coffee shop. It doubled as a bookstore and Shaye felt her eyes light up as a grin crept onto her lips. 
"I'll have to take you there next time," He spoke quietly, keeping his eyes on her. 
Shaye pulled her lip between her teeth and looked up to meet his eyes, with a cocked eyebrow, "next time?"
“I mean- well- if you-“ He paused, panic creeping into his voice. Shaye could practically see beads of sweat forming on his brow. 
She wanted to soothe him, reassure him- grab him and scream, "Of course!" But she also desperately wanted him to finish his thought.  “If you think there will be a next time?” He grinned hopefully at her, his blue eyes filled with anticipation and worry. 
“Depends on how good your cooking skills are,” she sang. The worry fell from Steve’s face as he laughed, straight from the depths of his belly. 
His grin was genuine but she could see the sparkle in his eyes. It made her knees weak. 
“You’re trouble,” he sang back, his voice dropping an octave. He tugged on her hand, the warmest smile pulling at her lips. “C’mon, my place is around the corner.”
She giggled as she walked with him. Normally, walking alone in parts of the city made her nervous, but with Steve, she felt completely safe. He was looking around with an almost wistful expression on his face like he was remembering something. Shaye glanced up at him.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," he said softly. "Just thinking about how much has changed."
"In a good way, or a bad way?"
Steve's dark ocean blue eyes caught hers as he glanced down.
Shaye wondered just how much he had seen. She'd heard everything there was to hear about Captain America-- mostly the heroics, but not about the things he might have lost. It never really occurred to her, and she didn't really want to ask. His expression said more than either of them probably could.
"This is me," he said, gesturing to a large, well-kept brick building. Steve dug his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the front door, gesturing for her to enter.
"Ladies first."
"Such a gentleman," she giggled.
"Gotta give you a reason to come back. It all starts with manners."
“Rare in this day and age,” Shaye sighed as she ducked inside. 
“Probably showing my age.” 
“Or y’know, common decency.” 
Steve laughed as he followed in behind her, the dogs tangling again through the narrow hall to his apartment. 
“I’m gonna warn you now, it’s not much. Don’t go expecting fancy Stark tech or anythin’. I’m a simple guy and I like to think my home reflects that.” 
“Good. Because I came here for dinner with Steve Rogers and not Captain America. Or former Captain America, I guess.” 
Rocky and Milo bark, impatient to be let off their leashes as Steve opens the internal door and they pull, racing into the apartment.
When he circled back around she unclicked Milo from his leash and let Steve take it, her fingers brushing against the palm of his hand. "I doodle," he laughed. 
Shaye didn't ask as she kicked off her boots at the door and carefully padded through the space to the table, "these are hardly doodles." Her fingers pushed the pieces of beige paper around, taking in each drawing. She knew the faces that he messily marked out in soft charcoal lines, Tony Stark, a wide smile on his face. Black Widow, her hair long braid blowing in the wind. "They're painfully sad," she hummed to herself as her eyes traced over one of the Wakandan King looking pensive. 
"Unfortunately, nightmares don't understand what retirement means," he sighed looking at the table from the kitchen, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked up at her, "I butcher my memories of them with those drawings but at least I don't forget their faces." 
"You should frame them," she nodded, ignoring his self-doubt with words of encouragement, "they're incredible."
A small, unsure laugh slipped from his lips as he walked the short distance to her. He stopped behind her wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he dipped down to rest his chin gently on her head. Shaye let out a soft sigh leaning back against him as if she'd been doing it for years already. 
"Thank you, but I think you're looking at those with the eyes of your heart," he whispered. 
"It's hard not to when you clearly draw what the eyes of yours saw and loved for years." she said, picking her fingers up from the papers and turning slightly in his arms, "But I mean it, you should to keep your memories safe." 
She reached her hand up to move a hair falling across his forehead now that he'd removed his cap. 
"I'd love to hear stories about them, you know one of those next times."
A soft but slightly pained smile spread across Steve’s face. “I’d love to tell some,” he said quietly, voice low with emotion. Shaye completely turned in his arms and cupped Steve’s face, stroking his bearded jaw until he looked at her. 
“No big emotions remember? Let’s save those for next time too,” she murmured and Steve huffed a small laugh, nodding as his eyes cleared. 
“Alright Shaye,” he said, backing them up out of the room and into the kitchen. “Prepare to be dazzled.”
Shaye leaned against the counter, out of his way as she watched Steve move around the kitchen with ease. Pulling noodles out of the pantry and placing them on the counter. It was as if he was dancing around the kitchen, floating with each ingredient as he started prepping. 
"I hope pasta's okay with you, it's uh, kind of my special dish," Steve laughed nervously, as he dumped a small pack of ground beef into a bowl, "My mom used to make this when I was kid, and I got her to teach me one day. It was rare back then for kids to cook, but I loved it. I still remember her recipe..."
Biting the inside of her cheek, Shaye grinned at the tall man in front of her, "it sounds perfect Steve, I can't wait to try it."
Steve moved with incredible grace for such a large man. Shaye couldn’t take her eyes off him, wondering when she would wake up from this incredible dream where Steve Rogers was cooking her pasta. The clickclickclick of Steve turning on the gas range brought her back down to Earth. 
She watched the flame spread across the bottom of the pan as he seasoned, stirred, and sautéed. 
“You really know your way around the kitchen,” she observed with a giggle. “It’s impressive.”
Steve scoffed as he rummaged through cabinets, pulling out two wine glasses. “Yeah, right! You like red?” He gestured a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon towards her and she nodded.
“Bucky- my best friend, that I was telling you about earlier- tried to drag me to a cooking class once. But I was too nervous to go.”
Shaye watched him twist a corkscrew in the bottle- and effortlessly pull the cork out with a small pop. Jesus. It looked like it required zero effort, yet she could see the outline of his biceps through the taut fabric of his dark blue long sleeve. 
She gulped as her gaze drifted towards his broad shoulders and his now outstretched arm. Her knees almost buckled as she took the glass of wine from him. 
“To new friends,” he said with a smirk. He looked down at her through his thick lashes, and she caught his tongue dart out to wet his bottom lip.“And to hoping there’s a next time.”
Oh, there's definitely going to be a next time. She could already feel it. This man was charming, sensitive, loved his dog, and he knew how to cook. Shaye stared at him as he started to prep dinner, making the sauce from scratch. He chopped onions and garlic and sautéed them on a pan. Soon, the kitchen smelled incredible and she had to resist the urge to drag her chair closer to the stove. Her stomach growled a little.
"Do you need help?" Shaye asked.
"Nope," Steve replied as he flipped the knife expertly in his hand before dicing up some tomatoes. He glanced over his shoulder and she could have melted into the goddamn chair. "All good here."
"When's the last time you cooked for someone?" She asked.
"Well, I cook for Buck a lot. That guy almost lives on takeout," Steve chuckled. "But other than that, it's mostly just me. Rocky gets a few bites here and there."
"You like to cook." It was an observation. He looked so comfortable like he was finding a part of himself that was lost. 
Steve stopped and turned around, grabbing his wine glass. He took a sip.
"Before my mom died, I used to help her in the kitchen. She said a man should be able to cook for a woman, not just to impress her, but to take care of her." There were tears in his eyes and Shaye felt a lump in her own throat. "So, she had me chopping onions at the table with her. Said it kept me out of trouble."
"Did it?" Shaye asked.
Steve grinned, blush creeping into his cheeks.
"Not really."
"What sort of trouble did you get into?" She asked, watching him slide the knife across the board moving so smoothly that it was as if it was a part of him. 
He hummed, a sly grin spreading across his lips at whatever he was remembering. "I used to get into fights, a lot." Steve started as he cleared the cutting board into the pan stirring as he shook his head. 
"Fights?" She asked with a laugh. 
Steve turned towards her, lowering the heat on the stove as leaned against the counter, "I was picked on a lot for my size when Buck and I were kids. My mouth didn't help either," he grinned, "Bucky pulled me out of fights more often than not, but I remember this one I had mouthed off too much to this man who ran the local pub." His large arms crossed his chest, the long blue sleeves of his shirt pulling against the muscles in his biceps and forearms, "He never let me in alone, even though I was old enough. So Bucky and I stole one of his cases of beer one night." 
Shaye gasped, covering her mouth trying to hide the bright smile on her face, "Steven," she grinned. 
He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, looking guilty as can be until he smiled up at her, "Bucky and I drank that whole case on the pier that night." A wistful look passed over his features, "It was one of the last times that we were together before the war." 
She bit her lip, watching the look come and go. 
"Anyway," he breathed, "My ma somehow found out and both Bucky and I ended up in the kitchen for a week." Steve smiled, "If you're busy in my kitchen Steven Grant, then you can't be out galivanting around New York like a delinquent" He laughed repeating words his mother had said to him.
“Your mother sounded like a smart woman,” Shaye smiled.
“She was a force,” Steve’s brows knitted together as he stirred the pot slowly. She watched as he quietly focused on the pot, after a while he stood back, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, “do you want a taste?” 
She stood from the chair with an exaggerated excitement and moved to stand close to him as he held out a spoon full of sauce to her. Her nose scrunched up from the heat, “it's hot, don’t burn yourself,” he whispered, his hand cradling the spoon as he pursed his lips and blew on it to cool it down a touch. 
Shaye nearly moaned when it touched her tongue, the delicate mixes of spices and fragrant vegetables he had mixed in created a sauce better than she had ever tasted. “That’s incredible,” she licked the excess off her bottom lip and looked up at him, his blue eyes raking over her as he focused on her lips. 
She smiled shyly and he looked back up at Shaye. “I’m glad you think so, it was my ma’s recipe. She passed a few down, and her sauces were always amazing, she always knew the right mix of spices to flavor up any old meal.”
Shaye gazed up at him. There was still sadness in his eyes. She wanted to reach up and cup his face in her hands. Maybe even kiss him. But instead, she settled for a gentle squeeze of his muscular forearm.
"She would be so proud of you."
His eyes became glossy, glistening with tears and he cleared his throat. She had a feeling he didn't cry much, maybe it was part of the whole Avengers "save the world" exterior that he put on. Or maybe it was an indication of the decade he was raised in when men had to be stoic and tough. She could tell there was something beneath that, rippling like an ocean. 
"That's awful nice of you."
Shaye got a little bolder, gliding her hand up his arm. She could feel warmth spreading through her cheeks, and Steve's dusted pink in return.
"It's easy when it's the truth, Steve."
He smiled and quickly flicked a tear away.
"Thanks for calling me that."
"My name. Lots of people still just call me Cap."
Shaye nodded. She didn't care about his title, about the heroics. All she wanted to do was get to know the man underneath all of that. And so far, she liked what she saw.
"Well, tonight, you're just Steve. And I'm just Shaye. And we just met at the dog park."
He chuckled.
"I don't usually cry in front of company."
She shrugged.
"It's no big deal. I don't think so, anyway."
His dark blue eyes searched her face. Blue, with small flecks of green in them.
"You really are somethin', sweetheart."
Shaye smiled up at him feeling her own bought of blush creep up the back of her neck the longer he watched her with those eyes. 
He reached up brushing back the few strands of hair that had fallen out of place, pushing them back behind her ear before his hand rested just below her jawline. His thumb ran along her jaw. She could feel her heartbeat in her throat and no doubt by the way the corners of his mouth upturned gently she knew he could hear it. 
"I usually wait until after dinner to ask this," he started, his voice dropping an octave, "but would it be okay if I kissed you now?" 
Her eyes glistened up at him, the warmth in her chest returning as she bit her lip but before she could answer, he shook his head. 
"I'm sorry, that's too forward," he said and she felt his hand begin to pull away from her. Shaye rested hers against it as her other hand gripped the underside of his bicep, holding him to her. This is probably too forward, she thought as she shook her head back. 
"It's not," Shaye whispered, before moving to the tips of her toes and pressing her lips to his.
“There's no way that actually works!" She tilted her head back and laughed as he carefully fished a spaghetti noodle from the pot. 
Steve grinned, his eyes glimmering up at her against the low light of his kitchen. "My ma taught me this trick," he cooed, "she wouldn't steer me wrong." 
He suddenly stood, tossing the noodle at one of the cabinets. Shaye gasped as it stayed glued to the wood. Steve beamed proudly as he held out his hand pointing to it. 
"See, told you."
"Sorcery," she licked her bottom lip and stared at him in awe. 
"You ready to taste heaven?" He asked, piling the spaghetti onto a plate in a need little pile. He placed it on the counter between them and handed her a fork. 
"Not sure I'm worthy for that," she teased, and twirled the noodles around her fork but before she could lift it to her lip, he wrapped his mouth around it and stole her bite with a cheeky grin on his face. 
"It's really good," he laughed with a mouth full, the sauce pooling at the corner of his mouth practically begging her to clean it. 
"Tease," she shook her head before she pushed up onto her toes and kissed the corner of his mouth, stealing the leftover sauce and bringing it into her mouth. "You're a messy eater too." She whispered before leveling herself out, he rewarded her with the flush of his cheek and a fork full of food waiting for her to try.
Shaye leaned towards him, wrapping her lips gently around the bite of spaghetti, eyes drifting shut as she hummed, smile pulling at the corners of her lips. 
“You’re right, it is good,” she grinned as she opened her eyes to see Steve’s locked on her, dark and full of desire. 
“Takes a tease to know one I guess,” he rumbled and she flushed but spun another bit of noodles onto her fork.
Shaye raised an eyebrow as she grinned.
"What was that?" She leaned forward, setting her fork down.
He shook his head, the flush deepening the longer she kept her gaze fixed on him. 
"It would be ungentlemanly of me to repeat it."
Shaye picked her fork back up and took another bite, chewing in quiet contemplation as Steve mostly avoided eye contact out of sheer humiliation... or something else. No, it was definitely something else.
"Maybe I could tease it out of you," she whispered with a smirk.
Steve raised a brow, his eyes finally landing on her own as his tongue flicked over his bottom lip. "You could try." He grinned, taking a bite of his food. 
"And if I win?" She asked, pushing noodles across her plate as she punctured a piece of meat and brought it to her lips. Slowing pulling the fork from in between her lips as she watched him watch her. 
Steve cleared his throat as she finished pulling the fork from her mouth, tapping the prongs gently against her bottom lip. Her heart racing as she leaned against the counter to keep herself steady. 
"Hmm," he hummed, "that prize I think I definitely cannot say out loud."
Steve raised a brow, his eyes finally landing on her own as his tongue flicked over his bottom lip. "You could try." He grinned, taking a bite of his food. 
"And if I win?" She asked, pushing noodles across her plate as she punctured a piece of meat and brought it to her lips. Slowing pulling the fork from in between her lips as she watched him watch her. 
Steve cleared his throat as she finished pulling the fork from her mouth, tapping the prongs gently against her bottom lip. Her heart racing as she leaned against the counter to keep herself steady. 
"Hmm," he hummed, "that prize I think I definitely cannot say out loud."
Shaye swallowed hard, Steve’s body so close to hers she could feel the heat coming off him. She tilted her head up towards him, lips grazing the edge of his bearded jaw. 
“I want you,” she breathed, and Steve shuddered beneath her, her hands resting lightly on his chest. “But I’m nervous,” she admitted and looked down. 
Steve nudged her chin up until she was looking back into his eyes. “Like I said sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
Her eyes slid shut, her heart beating like a hummingbird's wings as Steve dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers. She felt a jolt of electricity rush all the way down to her toes. The kiss was more intense this time around, both of them knowing exactly what they wanted from each other. Her fingers curled, nails raking down the front of his chest as their mouths moved together, the kiss deepening. He moaned into her mouth and she whimpered in reply.
Shaye parted her lips and his tongue pushed against hers. His hand slid around her waist, fingers splaying out across her lower back as he pushed her against the counter. She whimpered, tasting wine on his tongue. A deep growl emanated from the depths of his throat as he broke the kiss, lips trailing down her throat as her breath hitched in her chest.
"I don't do this often," he breathed.
"You could have fooled me," she laughed.
He giggled and pulled back, his eyes sparkling. Shaye's arms wrapped around the back of his neck, not wanting to let him go.
"No, I mean, uh, what we're... about to do."
She grinned.
"Well, if you've got me, I've got you. Yeah?"
Steve contemplated for a moment before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her out of the kitchen and down the hall toward his bedroom.
"Got it."
Shaye squealed before falling into a fit of giggles as her arms wrapped around his neck. Her fingers tangled into his hair as she held on to him. 
Steve toed open the door to his bedroom as he carried her over to his bed, setting her down on the mattress. She rolled onto her back, smiling up at him as the sound of nails clicked down the hallway. Both dogs followed them, curious as to what was going on. 
"Oh no, this isn't for either of you." He shooed them out of the bedroom before shutting the door, grinning as he turned back to her. Blue eyes darkening as she propped herself up. "You, however, " he breathed, "are very much for me."
Steve gripped her softly, pulling her to the edge of the bed and all Shaye could do was watch in awe as his fingers worked over the button of her jeans. He paused looking up at her, waiting for permission and only continued when she softly nodded. He helped her from her jeans, chucking them to the floor as he knelt down between her thighs. He wrapped his fingers around her ankle, drinking in her every reaction as he worked soft kisses up the inside of her leg. 
He stopped, kissing her inner thigh twice and brushing his beard against her before peering up at her, "we'll go slow," he nuzzled in again, kissing higher up on her thigh and sending a warmth she hadn't felt in a very long time coursing through her. "One kiss at a time," he laughed as she wiggled beneath him, the hair on his face tickling her gently.
Steve leaned in, pressing a kiss to her cloth-covered hip before glancing up at her, his fingertips trailing along the waistband. He pressed more kisses to her skin as he slowly revealed it, pulling her underwear down and baring her to his gaze. 
Steve tossed her panties to the floor with her jeans as Shaye stripped off her shirt. He pressed short but lingering kisses up her legs, inching his way between her thighs until the backs of them were braced on his shoulders. 
He tilted his head down, breathing warmly over her bare pussy, already wet. Steve inhaled deeply and pressed a kiss to the tops of her folds, sliding his tongue out and down to swirl around her clit before he kissed it and pulled back. 
Shaye stared at him, chest heaving, and he grinned. “More?”
“More,” she agreed, running. her fingers through his hair and tugging as he brought his mouth back between her legs.
For a man who said he didn't do this often, he was doing a fucking incredible job. His tongue swirled around her clit, teasing strokes that worked her up until she was a quivering mess in his mouth. Shaye's hips rolled toward his mouth like waves threatening to engulf him. Steve took it all in stride, alternating between long, slow licks and desperate flicks of his tongue while his large hands pinned her to the bed. It was clear who was really in control, but he was so goddamn soft and sweet about it that she didn't mind the role reversal. 
Shaye moaned, looking up just in time to watch Steve's hips grinding into the mattress. Her cunt ached and she tugged gently on his hair.
"Steve?" He looked up, mouth dropped open and eyes fixed on her. She saw a flicker of worry, but it was quickly abated when she smiled. "Use your fingers?"
He grinned.
"Anything for you, angel."
She gasped as he slowly slid two thick fingers into her dripping cunt, biting down on his lip as her back arched. 
"Tell me if it's too much," he breathed, and she moaned in lieu of words. "But I never want you to stop making those pretty sounds for me."
She felt his fingers crook ever so slightly, hitting that spot within her that made her toes curl and the tips of her fingers tingle. No man had ever been so in tune with the way her body moved. Steve acted like he was a map he had engrained into his mind from the start. 
"Sing for me," he whispered against her skin, pressing kisses to her inner thighs, nipping and licking the soft bits of her legs. Steve crooked his fingers again forcing her to oblige as moan after moan and whimper fell from her lips. Her chest heaved as he continued to work her and the fire in her belly slowly grew with every movement he made.
“Steve?” His name dripped from her lips and his eyes fluttered to them, “kiss me,” she begged tugging in his hair, pleading him to do so. 
He obliged, colliding with her mouth as his hand worked patiently between her legs. His tongue slid between her lips and captured every moan and whine that tore from her as the pressure grew in her stomach.
Steve worked his fingers faster, curling against her spot and rubbing until Shaye was gasping into the kiss. 
“Oh, oh fuck, Steve!” she cried, orgasm crashing over her, waves of it tickling her veins as Steve gently pulled his fingers free. 
Shaye let Steve go when he pressed up onto his hands above her. She licked her swollen lips and glanced down at his jeans. She reached for the button, Steve nodding at her and she undid it, pulling the zipper down. She pushed his pants down over his ass, underwear following and revealing his hard, thick cock.
Her mouth dropped open at the sight of it and a bashful smile spread across his face, his cheeks dusted pink. She giggled, wrapping her hand around it and giving it a few long, slow strokes just to watch his eyes slide shut and his mouth drop open. He moaned. 
"Now you're shy?" she asked. 
Steve's eyes popped open.
"Not shy," he purred. "Just thinking about all the ways I can make you scream my name. It sounds so good comin' out of your mouth."
Before she could even speak, their lips crashed again and Shaye was swept up in a current of pleasure as she desperately tried to shove his jeans down his hips. But when her legs wound around his waist, Steve broke the kiss and shook his head.
"Oh, no. There's no way in hell I'm rushing this."
She whined as he pushed himself off of her, tearing off his shirt and shedding his jeans and underwear. A squeak escaped her lips when she saw just how chiseled he was. Everywhere. A trim waist, muscles on top of fucking muscles, broad shoulders, and thick thighs. And those fucking hipbones. Shaye didn't know what she wanted to run her tongue over first. Steve's eyes raked up and down her body.
"You're on birth control?" She nodded, still trying to process the sight of him as he grinned. "Good."
Shaye reached for him.
"Steve," she begged.
He slowly took a step toward her, his eyes glinting.
"Say please."
Shaye pulled herself up onto her knees, crawling toward the edge of the bed as he took another step towards her. As soon as he was close enough she reached out, her fingertips brushing over the ridges of his abs before her nails dug into the skin. 
Steve hissed, a wolfish grin spreading across his face as she looked up at him through thick lashes. The dark blue of his eyes now a thin line around the blackness of his blown-out pupils. 
"Please," Shaye whispered, leaning forward and ghosting her lips over his chest, "pretty please." 
He wrapped his hand around the base of her throat, not squeezing but holding her there as they stared back at each other, her lips still roaming his body while his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.
“Good girl,” Steve whispered, using his grip on her neck to push her back just enough for him to lean down and capture her lips. 
Her nails dug into his sides as he bit her lip, sucking it into his mouth and worrying it before letting go. He pushed her backward, his knee on the bed so his arm could wrap around her, leading her in a controlled fall back onto the bed. 
Steve rested on his forearms above her, Shaye ghosting her fingertips along his abs, tracing the deep v that led to his cock. She gripped it, stroking it quickly and making Steve’s hips stutter forwards. 
“Please Steve, fuck me,” Shaye breathed and Steve groaned, dropping his head to her shoulder, letting her guide his dick to her cunt.
"You're gonna get me far too used to the sound of you begging for me," Steve growled as he slowly began to tease her with the tip of his cock. 
A whimper escaped his lips as he pushed it in just a little, just enough to make her gasp. Even the tip was fucking thick. His face broke out into a big smile. He dipped his head, biting down gently on her earlobe.
"We'll make it fit, hmm?"
She let out a ragged, strangled moan as he pushed himself a little deeper, taking his time. Steve pressed his lips to her forehead as pain shot through her and her breath hitched. He stopped instantly, sensing that she needed a break. 
"You got me, I got you, right?"
Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she breathed deeply and pain began to shift, and then he felt really fucking good. Her body was covered in goosebumps and one of his large warm hands slid up her body, cupping her breast, thumb gliding over her pebbled nipple. 
He pushed a little deeper as she relaxed. And then a little more. Her fingernails raked down his strong back, feeling thick ropes of muscle flex beneath her touch. He grinned. 
"Not even halfway."
"Oh, God," she breathed. Her legs wound around his waist and she slowly rolled her hips. Steve cried out as he finally bottomed out, the two of them completely still, sharing breaths. 
His eyes shone and he placed a soft, delicate kiss to her lips.
"You're so good for me, sweetheart," he mumbled.
She could have come right then and there. Her cunt clenched around him and she whimpered Steve giggled, rolling his hips ever so slightly.
"You like that, don't you? You like to be told how pretty you are? How well you take me?"
She nodded and he practically beamed as their bodies began to move in tandem. Flames licked her skin, and sweat began to form on her skin, but Steve was taking his time with her. Just like he promised. 
"You're perfect, Shaye."
"I could say the same about you," she breathed as he began rolling his hips faster. Not by much, but just enough to tease her and leave her wanting more of him. 
Shaye moaned again, her head tilting back into the pillow. Steve's arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her hips to meet his as he dragged his tongue along the length of her neck, nipping at her skin. The new angle made her feel every ridge and vein of his cock that pulsed inside of her making her body practically vibrate in his arms. 
"You feel so good," he growled, nipping at her pebbled nipples, sending jolts of delicious pain through her body, "like you were made for me." 
Steve groaned as she clenched around him and her sweet jibberish praise filled the air between them. 
"Tell me, angel," he groaned, his hand grasping her chin in an attempt to bring her focus back to him, "were you made for me?"
Shaye whimpered, tugging on Steve’s shoulders until he pressed her further into the mattress, hips flush together, his dick deep inside her. 
“Oh god,” Shaye moaned, clenching around the thick cock pressing against her walls. 
Steve grinned and kissed below her ear, sucking a mark as he began rocking his hips gently. 
“Just Steve, remember?” he teased, and Shaye tried to roll her eyes but he thrust forwards and her eyes rolled back in her head instead.
She laughed.
"You cocky asshole."
He giggled, dipping his head just to let out a soft, husky moan in her ear that made her grab his ass and push him deeper inside of her. 
"I'll take that, too." He kissed her cheek. "But you're still my good girl, aren't you?"
"Yes, Steve," she whimpered.
"Tell me," he begged, his hips snapping a little harder. He was hitting her G-spot with just the right amount of force and pressure, and she was clinging to the edge of that proverbial cliff. "Please?"
As much as she loved to hear him beg, she liked it even more when her pleas made him fall apart.
"I'm your good girl, Steve."
A deep, carnal growl filled the room and he picked up the pace as she raked her fingernails down his back, surely leaving deep red marks on his skin. Pleasure built, and Shaye could sense that her climax was right around the corner. She wanted to see just how hard he could fuck her. She could take it.
The edge began to feel overwhelming as he continued the brutally perfect pace. Keeping her hanging by a thread. 
"More," she whined, moving her hips with his, "please, Steve." 
He let out something between a growl and a laugh as his hips deliberately slowed, "is my girl getting greedy?" 
Shaye whined again, her hips moving at a frantic needy pace as his almost slowed to a stop, teasing her. He glanced down between them as her hands found purchase wrapped around his biceps as she used him to chase her release. 
"A little needy too." he cooed before dipping his head, "you want harder?" Shaye nodded quiet gasps leaving her lips, "faster?" he groaned as once again, she nodded. "Because you've been such a good girl," he said in a slow gravelly sing-song voice before thrusting again, the brutal pace picked up and the tip of his cock hit her g-spot with precision. She clenched around him again, forcing another growl to leave him as he pressed his lips to hers, giving her exactly what she needed. 
"Good boy," she whispered against his lips before taking his bottom lip between her teeth.
Steve whined, high and reedy, his hips slamming into hers, grinding deep before pulling out and doing it again. Shaye released his lips, falling back against the pillows. 
“C’mon sweetheart, let go, I’ve got you, promise I’ve got you,” Steve grunted, fucking Shaye with hard, deliberate strokes, each one hitting her spot perfectly. 
“Ohh fuck!” Shaye cried out as she squeezed every muscle, body tensing as her back arched, pressing her chest up into Steve’s. 
“Atta girl,” he breathed, pressing his lips to her temple, breath coming faster as he somehow picked up the pace.
A few more hard thrusts and Shaye was sailing over the edge, a scream slicing through the room as she came. Her cunt quivered around him, squeezing him tight, and Steve just kept fucking her. She could hear the headboard thunking against the wall behind them as her climax ripped through her like wildfire. 
"That's it, sugar. All over me. C'mon sweetheart, you got one more in you, I know you do."
"Jesus fucking Christ!" She practically sobbed as he just kept hitting that spot over and over again until one orgasm melted into the second and she was clinging onto him like a life raft. 
Steve bit down gently on her earlobe.
"I'm gonna come," he groaned.
"Please," was the only word she could get out as her body trembled beneath him.
With a few more snaps of his hips, she finally felt him still, burying himself deep inside of her as he came, moaning her name like a prayer. Her mouth dropped open and his lips crashed against hers, their bodies moving slowly as Steve sought out every last ounce of pleasure he could. Finally, he collapsed, both of them breathing hard.
"That was incredible," she laughed.
He pulled back, eyes as intense as ever.
"Stay with me?" He asked. "Uh, the night? Would you spend the night? I've got sweats for you to wear, there'll be pancakes in the morning, and I grind my own coffee beans."
Laughter rippled through her and she couldn't stop smiling. Of course, she wanted to stay.
"Well, maybe I can get that second date, then."
Steve dipped his head, his lips pressing to hers in the sweetest kiss. After a moment of lingering, he pulled back, "sweetheart that second date was inevitable." 
Shaye pushed back the hair that had matted to his forehead from sweat, curling it behind his ear as her eyes flickered to his. "You feel it too, huh?" She whispered. The confession laced with anxiety in her nerves. 
A beaming smile fell over him, "yeah, darlin' I do." 
She grinned, lifting her head and stealing a kiss. "Good." 
Steve laughed before sliding out of her and climbing off of the bed. 
"Why are you leaving me?" She laughed in a mock pout as he spun around towards her. 
"I'll be right back, don't you worry," he opened the door as both Milo and Rocky raced through clamoring to the bed, "shit!" he yelped reaching for collars. 
Shaye fell back into the bed, laughing as he wrangled them with muttered curses. Even with super soldier skills the two dogs managed to jump onto the bed, curling up at the end as her and they both stared up at his frustrated look. 
"Spoiled, you both." He pointed a finger at each dog. Shaye bit her lip, hiding how adorable he looked frustrated at them. Steve turned and made his way out of the door only coming back a few minutes later with a washcloth and balancing two glasses of water. 
Shaye had curled up under his comforter, the dogs snuggled up at the end of the bed still, this time both intertwined together. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion as she forced herself to sit up. He pulled the comforter back a bit, handing her the water and setting his aside before gesturing to the cloth in his hand. It only took a moment for her to realize that he was asking permission. She nodded her head before he began gently cleaning her up between her legs. 
"Thank you," she whispered as he took the glass from her and climbed into the bed under the blankets. 
"My pleasure, angel," he said pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
Shaye curled into his side, resting her head on his chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat as it lulled her to sleep.
She hadn't realized that she had fully fallen asleep until the soft golden hue of the morning sun streaked over the bed. Shaye had rolled over onto her stomach, facing the window that was only partially open. Dust glittered in the beams of sunlight and Milo's familiar soft, steady snores filled the room. 
Steve shifted next to her making her lift her head to see him sitting against the headboard, brows furrowed in concentration as his pencil scratched at the notebook he was cradling in his hand. He looked ethereal. His hair was still a mess from sleep, his eyes back to the softened blue she remembered meeting yesterday afternoon. 
"Good morning," she rasped in her usual morning voice. 
His eyes flickered down to her, the concentration turning on the soft sweet face she loved. "Morning," he whispered back leaning down to kiss her. She let out a soft moan at the feel, the sparks returning and butterflies in her stomach waking up from their brief night's slumber. 
He folded the notebook back up, "how did you sleep?" 
Her eyes wandered to the leather-bound paper in his hand. "Like a rock," she smiled, "were you drawing?" the curiosity in her outweighing her compulsion control. 
Blush crept over his cheeks, "Uhm--yeah," he flashed her a shy smile, "I was." 
She sat up, bringing the blanket up to her chest covering herself. "Can I see?" 
Steve opened up to the page he was scribbling on, staring down at it for a moment before holding it out to her. Her eyes flickered up to his before glancing down at the drawing. 
A gasp left her lips as she stared down at a drawing of herself. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders as she hugged the pillow she was cuddling with not ten minutes ago. 
"You just looked so peaceful and the sun," he whispered, "I didn't want to risk forgetting what that looked like." 
Her gaze met his as tears threatened to prick at the corners of her eyes.
She had never met someone who made her feel so cared for and loved than him and it had only been twenty-four hours. Shaye knew that this thing between them was more than just a simple meet-cute at the dog park. He ignited something in her and it felt addicting. 
"It's beautiful." she choked out softly. 
Another smile graced his features, "it's because it's you." 
Shaye leaned in to kiss him again, her lips slotting over his as if they were made for each other. She pulled back, smiling at him. 
"I know this might be a little soon," she said softly while his fingers brushed her cheeks, pushing back the mess of waves her hair had turned into, tucking the strands behind her ear, "that second date sounds good right now, maybe some of the pancakes and some coffee?" Shaye offered as he chuckled. 
"I think I can manage that." He teased, kissing her once again as she hoped that this morning would become the first of many just like it.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@rathalascendant said: "it's no use. i have to stay here."
⚔️ Dramatic Sacrifice Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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The word his hoarse and ragged as it tears itself from Alfie’s throat, so guttural it almost sounds like a growl. Beside her, Lalune’s reaction is much the same. The dragon beats her wings, rushing to the edge of the edge of the cliff only to pull back at the last moment like a frightened steed. Too frightened to take off in pursuit. Only able to watch in despair as her Rider is carried off by Grimmel’s airship.
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“We’re not leaving you!” Alfie calls out, preparing to mount her Rathian, only to be knocked off of her monstie by one of the Deathgrippers. It looms over her, having swatted away her beast. Lalune, sensing that her time is growing thin, attempts another takeoff, only for yet another Deathgripper to pin her down again. She yelps, terrified of the stinger hovering over her, poised and ready to strike as soon as Grimmel gives the word.
A word he’ll give the second Mari gives him a reason too.
“Call off your beasts, rider. No need for them to die too.” His hiss draws the Deathgripper looming over Lala closer- close enough now that its drool is dripping onto her whimpering face as she cowers beneath its weight. The sick bastard. He’s using her own love for her monsties against her. Against them all. And for once, there’s nothing they can do about it. He’s brought a while horde of them to outnumber the riders and their companions. “Not yet…”
“Don’t you listen to him, Mari!” In trapped under the crushing force of the Deathgripper, Alfie refuses to yield. The wind is being forced out of her lungs by the claw on her chest, but she maintains a vice grip on the jaws around so intent on clamping down to bite her head off. “We won’t let him touch our monsties, yea hear? He won’t touch a single hair or scale or feather on any of ‘em! We’ll fight them off, and then we’ll find you! No matter what it takes! No matter how far he takes you - we WILL find you!”
She grunts as the jaws tighten under her grip, her arms threatening to buckle under the pressure. Still she holds her resolve, looking to her trapped friend.
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“We’re not leaving you behind!”
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
Better - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader
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A/N: Had a bit of an up and down week (mainly down lmao) so I was unfortunately slightly slower than I would've liked with this, but I've finally completed this ♡
As always, requests are open and comments are very much appreciated! Thank you for reading and hope you're all having a good day ♡
Words: 2.3k
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Cursing yourself for accepting this whole thing, you reached into the small plane, pulling yourself in and seating yourself next to him, fidgeting as you kept your eyes fixated on the console in front of you. He went over his checklist, making sure that your belt was secured, leaning forward to tug on it, his face so close to yours. You swore you could see him blush, for a second wondering if it was because of the closeness, but shaking your head at the thought, knowing that the reason was probably his position, the small amount of space he had to move, or simply the way the plane was heating up quickly. He’d explained that it would cool down once you were higher up, but you probably wouldn’t notice even if it didn’t, teasing you about how scared you would be.
And you would’ve answered back with a smart remark, if only he hadn’t been so close, one hand on your thigh as he pulled and checked that you were secure. “Hey.” He looked up at you, his hazel eyes scanning your face, still set on getting you up in the air like you had promised him before he left, but not wanting to push you if you really didn’t want this. “Are you okay? We don’t have to-” “No, no, it’s fine. Just nerves.” you managed to mutter, trying your best to avoid looking at him. “Okay.” he took a small breath in, nodding. “If you want to get out, you tell me. Any moment, I take you back to the ground, okay?” You had nodded, checklist soon gone over, clearance for takeoff given and engines on. Your hand held tightly to the belt, your hands shaking, but you concentrated on his voice, soon finding yourself up in the air. 
You watched as the world shifted around you, in colors and details, gripping tighter to the belt that held you still when you felt the plane tilting, making the sky slip down one side and giving you a full view of the ground below.
Beautiful, sure, but what the fuck. 
You trusted Rooster with your life, but this plane was fast and so small and it somehow made it seem like so much could go wrong so quickly. His breathy laugh broke you out of your trance, turning your face towards him as you muttered a low, I swear to God I’m gonna kill you. “I thought this was to celebrate me not dying on my last mission? Seems like a waste to kill me so soon.” He joked and moved the plane back so that it was parallel to the ground, a shit eating grin still gracing his annoyingly beautiful face, but you couldn’t help but feel the fear and anger quickly vanish when his hand gently found yours, giving you a sense of comfort. “Do you trust me?” The sky was slowly changing to a more subtle shade, the orange starting to rise from the horizon. You did trust him, you did. Even up here, you trusted him. It was more a matter of your brain screaming at you that there were quite a few feet below you, and that you could easily die if this went wrong, but you tried to remind yourself that not only did you trust him with your life, but that he was one of the best people you could be in a plane with. “I do.” You ignored how your cheeks heated up at the words, the dream from a few nights ago flashing behind your eyes, and turned to glance at him, giving him a small nod and smiling Taking a deep breath, you tangled your fingers with his, feeling him squeeze back lightly. “I promise I’ve got you, baby. I’d never let you down.” The wink he sent your way, the pet name, along with his cheesy smile made you laugh, comforting you once more, just as you noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes. “Or better, I’d never let you down metaphorically.” He accentuated the last word, watching you as you prepared your witty remark, ignoring his words. “Metaphorically? That’s a big word for y-… wait, what do you mean, metaphorically?” He grinned at you and closed his eyes, nodding slowly. “Going up is fun, but going down…” “Roost-“ You couldn’t even finish his name before his laughter echoed in the plane, just as the ground moved from under you to in front of you, and holy shit, if you were joking before now you weren’t so sure. “I’m gonna kill you! What the fuck! Fuck, fuck, Rooster!” “Oh, what sweet, sweet words.” You could almost see his stupid smile as he broke the descent, changing the direction of all that was surrounding you, the nose of the plane now pointed upwards, into the fading blue, this somewhat less scary even if the pure adrenaline was still coursing through your veins, the pressure on your chest not quite easing, your lungs still feeling so tight. “So, I guess I did let you down, huh? Physically, at least.” “Rooster, what the hell.”
He laughed, and again you felt his hand squeeze yours, pulling your hand onto his thigh so you could still hold onto him while both his hands were busy, the action making your heart beat faster. It usually was easy to ignore your feelings, believe that you wanted to be friends and nothing more, always telling yourself that the way he pulled away when things seemed to lean towards something more didn’t hurt.
You thought back to that night, before he left for what felt like years, leaving you and Penny to sit together every night after her shift was over, her words always leaving you a little closer to reveal your feelings to him if? when he came back. “You know, he always has his eyes on you.” she muttered one night, sipping on a warm tea as the waves crashed faintly, their sound drowned out by the music and the thoughts in your head. “Yeah, he’s oddly protective.” you laughed, shaking your head. 
Any time a guy would come over, he’d be there, making up an excuse about how they have a bad reputation or he’s a jerk, you deserve better.
One night you snapped back, his hand on your waist just adding to the whirlwind of emotions in your chest. “What is all of this about?” “You deserve better!” “And who exactly is better? Because you keep saying that, but it’s been months, and better still hasn’t arrived.” You had been close that night, your bodies almost touching, his face inching towards yours before pulling back, throwing a quick apology as he made his way back inside, ignoring his own beating heart and push he had felt to just kiss you, this once. 
“And why do you think that is?” Penny asked, smiling softly at you. She had seen the way he looked at you, a way that was so close to how Pete looked at her, and a way that left Pete speechless the first time he saw it.
“Are they together?” He had asked her, eyeing the two of you, him looking at you intently while you took aim, ready to beat Hangman at pool for once. “Not that I know, no. They’re both oblivious about their feelings, I’d say.” she answered, movements quick as she prepared another drink, setting it down on the bar. “Why?” “He looks at her like Goose looked at Carole.”
“Penny.” you warned her, smiling nonetheless at the accusation. “He sees me as a friend.” “Yeah, that’s why he almost beat Hangman up when he tried to make a pass at you.” She teased, shimmying down her chair, looking at the horizon. “The two of them are always almost beating each other up! That’s their way of showing love.” “Sure, whatever you say.” You could see her smug smile, and with few comments and jokes you managed to steer the conversation away, concentrating on something else instead. 
Truth was, her words hadn’t left you. You did think about them. You thought about them before he came back, when you imagined what it’d be like to run into his arms once he got back, telling him how you truly felt, kiss him. But when he did, you didn’t follow through with any of your thoughts, offering him a simple hug, his arms wrapped tightly around you and seemingly not wanting to let you go, the only words you could say being I’m so happy you’re back, I missed you so much, yet no “I love you”s. You thought about them after he came back, when you’d sit together and chat, and your legs would be touching, or his arm would be wrapped around your shoulders, or he’d get a little drunk and look at you with a look you couldn’t quite place, one that would make you blush bright red. And you thought about them now, with your arm wrapped around his arm, holding on for dear life even if you trusted him, even if it was more than trust that you felt for him.
“Still good?” he asked you, gaze flicking to you for only a second before staring back ahead, biting back a smile when he felt your grip on him tighten. “Yeah, yeah.” “Lost your comebacks?” he teased. “Oh, shut up.” you answered back, frowning. Penny’s words wouldn’t leave your head, and you realized that if there was a moment to try and be brave, it was now. Neither of you could run away, and you realized that that was both the best and worst possibility, technically. So, you did. Holding onto him, you found the courage to see what he really felt for you, testing the waters before fully diving in. “You have to get me down there in one piece either way, I have a date tonight, Bradshaw.” You said that looking straight ahead, pretending to take in the views when all you were focusing on was his reaction. You could only see him with the corner of your eye, but you swore he took a short break in, turning his head to look at you before snapping it back. His hands were gripped tight, his lips in a straight line. “With who.” It didn’t even sound like a question, his tone no longer holding any of the playfulness that it held just a moment ago. So maybe Penny was right, after all. “You always said I had to find someone better, right?” You spoke, finally turning to look at him, seeing his jaw tensing at your words. It was hard to see, almost, the way that his eyebrows furrowed in place, his grip stayed tight, his gaze focused on getting you back to land, not sure he could bear this conversation. When he didn’t answer, you carried on. “So I did. But I don’t know if he’ll say yes to the date, technically.” you tried to hide your smirk, feeling pretty confident, pushing that last bit of fear behind, letting go of it. “He’d be a fool.” he muttered. “Well, are you?”  you bit back, his expression tensing up more when he heard your words. “What?” He looked at you, then away, then back again. His eyes were so big, and you couldn’t help the laugh that his expression drew from you, his lips perking up when he heard it. “What?” He asked again, needing to hear it from you. “Feel like going on a date tonight?” You finally asked, biting your lips as he smirked, his mood instantly shifting, just like everything did, his laughter echoing as he switched directions one more, your grip on him tightening once again as the world moved beneath you. “I really do, baby, 7pm sound good?” You looked ahead, mouth agape as you lightly punched his arm, giggling when he straightened out, starting the descent to the ground. “God, I hate you.” You muttered, closing your eyes and relaxing in the seat, feeling his back straighten as he approached the ground, getting ready for landing. “Nope, doesn’t seem like you hate me, sweetheart, not quite.” “Don’t let me asking you out go to your head, Roos.” There was nothing quite like knowing you had finally taken that extra step, the evening slowly getting planned in your mind, what you’d wear, what you’d do, or say, what it would be like to kiss him, or be with him in with something more than friendship on the table.
He helped you out, holding your hand with one of his, his other steadily pressed against the small of your back, pushing you in his arms once you touched the floor.  He needed to feel you against him, hold you for a moment before going back to being the teasing old him. He wasn’t sure if he was better than any of the other guys that tried to court you before he had so rudely interrupted, but he’d try. To hear you say those words, asking him out just after he had felt jealousy for an unknown person, there was nothing but adrenaline coursing through his veins, and he couldn’t wait for tonight. “7pm?” He offered again, taking a step backwards and smiling when he saw your flustered expression, finally back on the ground, the comfort of it no longer helping with your nerves. “Yep.” You answered back, moving back towards him to place a light kiss on his cheek, pulling away and nodding once more, making your way back home, the prospect of the evening stamping a permanent smile on your face, as well as a light blush. 
He waited, watching you walk away, silently cheering while he tried to calm himself, rid the blush from his cheeks, the rush of it all making him feel like a teenager again. 
It was you that insisted on heading to the Hard Deck, not for long, you had promised, I just have to do one thing, you explained to Rooster, pulling him through the door. It was late, and you both just wanted to head home, kiss, be with each other, but there was just one thing you had to do before heading home. Penny looked up after a mere moment, spotting the two of you and waving, her eyes falling to your interlocked hands, raising an eyebrow as she watched you walk back out. She chuckled, never doubting Bradley’s feelings for you, or yours for him. She was just glad you had both figured it out.
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Chubtober Day 12!
Today’s prompt is from fatguarddog’s list - Space Station. Although, I will admit this little drabble is more space adjacent lol - enjoy!
Namjoon and Jungkook are both astronauts while their partner, Jimin, is a nurse. Namjoon and Jungkook are supposed to go on a mission together, super exciting for everyone involved even though Jimin has been struggling with the idea of a year and half without them.
While in preparation for the mission, Namjoon gets injured in a practice scenario from an accident out of his control. A large piece of equipment failed and left him with an injured leg.
Namjoon has to stay home now, unable to recover and prepare before the mission date. He works with Jimin to convince Jungkook to go for them both, being proud of him and with a brave face until takeoff.
Jungkook is gone from a 16-18 month trip and while he is away, the grief of losing his opportunity hits Namjoon hard. Between the mental toll and his physical recovery, comfort eating becomes his new normal.
The weight piles on quickly considering his sudden lack of physical activity and much larger intake. Namjoon spent his days on their couch, alternating between savory and sweet snacks while he watches various space movies.
Jimin is slightly enabling Joon as he functions as his caregiver, knowing and empathizing with how difficult this is - monitoring his mental health more closely than his physical health. He would much rather see Namjoon enjoy a filling meal and cuddle with him than be despondent and wrapped up in his own thoughts.
After finally healing his leg, Namjoon becomes a professor. He makes the difficult decision with Jimin to leave the organization all together due to the trauma. He couldn’t fathom going into work and seeing what he couldn’t have over and over again.
Jungkook talks to them over video call when able, but Namjoon’s emotional state and weight gain isn’t noticeable to him, especially when Jimin was expected to most of the talking anyway.
Namjoon made all his previous colleagues, their friends, and family promise not to say anything since Jungkook couldn’t do anything. They all agree considering Namjoon’s fragile situation.
Jimin constantly is torn between telling Jungkook and honoring Namjoon’s wishes, knowing the stress could put Jungkook at a health risk which already has Jimin on edge but also hating how much Namjoon is struggling.
By the time Jungkook’s mission is returning home, Namjoon has gained nearly 80 pounds in that year and a half. Jimin had gotten him into therapy and his mental state was much better, but Namjoon’s weight was still slowly climbing.
Jungkook arrives home, so incredibly excited to reunite with his partners but completely shocked by Namjoon’s new stature then surprised again by his partner’s change in career.
The misplaced guilt hits Jungkook hard, needing to talk through it with Jimin night and after night once he is home with them. He admits that while he is angry about the fact that they hid Namjoon’s situation from him, he also understands their rationale to keep him focused up in space.
Jimin also explains his own struggle of seeing Namjoon going through such a hard time while Jungkook was away as well. Jungkook decides to approach Namjoon about it which leads to a lot of emotions but also acceptance.
Jimin and Jungkook love Namjoon no matter what and as Jimin keeps telling him, he carries his new weight well. Namjoon is starting to accept that his astronaut days are long behind him now and he is becoming content with his new body.
Jungkook adjusts to being back home and also shifts to a career based in education and leadership, telling his partners that it’s not the same without Namjoon.
Jimin is loved and appreciated by his partners for being the glue between them during the most difficult phase of their relationship.
And Namjoon heals. He works through the pain and grief of losing his dream while excelling at and enjoying his new career. His relationship blossoms once again through the love and support of his partners.
Through all of this, Namjoon also continues to enjoy and rely on food to comfort him. However, he’s not all that upset as his new weight is proof of a journey he persevered.
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022
Day 13 - Santa Baby
Prompt from FanFiction User RJRMovieFan: I would love a sequel about Beca Noelle Claus and her wife, Chloe Claus (Chapter 6, "The Mrs. Clause" from 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases-2021). Chloe wants to have kids, so she and Beca go to a fertility clinic in "Barden, GA."
Note: I'm asking you to suspend your belief and just accept that getting pregnant at a fertility clinic is quick and easy.
"So, we're really doing this?" Beca asked Chloe as she helped the elves ready the smaller sleigh for their trip.
"We've talked about it enough," Chloe said. "Now it's time to do something about it, dontcha think?"
"You're right, dear," Beca said.
"Of course I am," Chloe said, kissing Beca on the cheek.
"Okay, guys, make sure you set the GPS coordinates to Barden, Georgia, USA."
"We know, Santa," Elf Randy said. "It's not our first rodeo."
Beca glared at him. "You know there are a lot of elves who would love to have your job."
"Santa, leave Elf Randy alone," Chloe said. "He and the other elves have been getting you where you need to be for a while. And they haven't sent you to the wrong place yet, have they?"
"No, dear," Beca said.
"Now apologize to Elf Randy," Chloe said.
"But, he-"
"Apologize. And, make it sincere."
"Yes, dear," Beca said. Clearing her throat, she said, "Elf Randy, I sincerely apologize for questioning your abilities to set the correct GPS coordinates."
Elf Randy stood looking at Santa Beca.
"Elf Randy," Chloe said, getting the elf's attention. "Tell Santa thank you and that you accept her apology."
"Yes, Mrs. Clause," Elf Randy said and cleared his throat. "Thank you, Santa. I accept your apology."
"Good," Chloe said, smiling at everyone. "Let's go. We do have an appointment to keep."
Beca helped Chloe into the sleigh as the elves finished the takeoff preparations.
"This is it," Beca said.
"Let's go!" Chloe said excitedly.
"On Snowcone," Beca called out, snapping the reins.
Snowcone snorted and started running; soon, the sleigh was airborne.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
"I can't believe we're almost there," Chloe said, her excitement palpable.
"Engaging the invisibility shield," Beca said as she flipped the switch. "Now, we just need to find a place to land. Oh, there!" Beca pointed out a clear space and guided Snowcone toward it.
The landing was a bit bumpy, and Beca and Chloe were jostled. They exited the sleigh, and Beca made sure the coast was clear before stepping away.
"That was a bit rough, Snowcone," Beca said. "We'll practice your landings when we get back to the North Pole."
Snowcone snorted, lowered his head, and pawed the ground.
"Don't get sassy with me," Beca said.
"Beca," Chloe said, putting a hand on her arm. "We have to check into our hotel and go to the clinic. If we don't leave now, we're going to be late for our appointment at the clinic."
"Oh, right," Beca said, grabbing their suitcase from the sleigh.
Beca took Chloe's hand and pulled out her phone to see where they had to go. "It's this way."
After checking in, Beca called an Uber to take them to the clinic. A short while later, Beca and Chloe made it to the fertility clinic. Once inside, they were greeted by a buxom brunette.
"Welcome to the Barden Family Fertility Clinic, may I help you?" the brunette said.
"Yes, thank you, Stacie," Beca said. "We have an appointment."
"How do you know my name?" Stacie asked, furrowing her brows.
"Um," Beca mumbled, looking at Chloe.
"She read your name tag," Chloe said, pointing at Stacie's chest.
"Oh, yeah," Stacie said. "Of course. May I have your names please?"
"Beca and Chloe Mitchell," Beca said.
Stacie looked them up on her computer.
"Ah, here you are," Stacie said. "You'll both be seeing Dr. Posen. She has a ninety-five percent success rate. Have a seat and we'll call you back shortly."
"Thank you, Stacie," Chloe said, taking Beca's hand.
Chloe led Beca to a seat and sat down. Beca was chuckling.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, it's nothing." Beca said, looking around before whispering, "It's just Stacie is on both the naughty and nice list. That doesn't happen very often."
"Hmmm," Chloe said, nervously bouncing her leg up and down.
"Are you okay?" Beca asked.
"Yeah," Chloe said. "I'm just nervous. We're about to find out if we can have a baby, Beca. That's huge."
Beca smiled and kissed Chloe. "I love you. You are going to be the best mom."
"Thank you," Chloe said. "I love you, too."
"Beca and Chloe Mitchell," Stacie called out. "Dr. Posen will see you now. Follow me, please."
Beca and Chloe got up and followed Stacie.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
Beca and Chloe were both examined and given clean bills of health. They were sitting in Dr. Posen's office to discuss the next steps.
"So, which of you wants to be the carrier?" Dr. Posen asked.
"I do," Chloe said, raising her hand.
Beca smiled at Chloe but spoke to Dr. Posen. "We'd like to use my eggs if possible."
"We can do that," Dr. Posen said. "Since your wife will be the one carrying the child, we can start today on the Reciprocal IVF Process."
"What does that entail?" Beca asked.
"It's a basic four-step process," Dr. Posen said. "First, we will give you both medication to synchronize your menstrual cycles."
"We've lived together for quite some time," Chloe said, chuckling. "We're already in sync with each other."
"Oh, really?" Dr. Posen said. "Well, that's good. So we can move on to the next step and retrieve eggs from Beca and fertilize them. Then we wait a couple of days to transfer the fertilized eggs into Chloe. Do you have a donor in mind?"
"Not yet," Chloe said. "We want to use an anonymous donor."
"Great," Dr. Posen said, standing. "Let's have you take a look at our donors so you can pick one."
Dr. Posen showed Beca and Chloe into a room with shelves of binders.
"What are you looking for in a donor?" Dr. Posen asked.
"We'd like someone with the same color hair and eyes as Beca," Chloe said.
"Okay," Dr. Posen said as she went to a shelf and pulled out a binder. "This binder has brunette men with blue eyes. Take a look through here and see if anyone catches your attention."
Dr. Posen set the binder on the table, and Chloe pulled it to her.
"Once you've made a selection, press the button next to the door," Dr. Posen said. "A light will come on, so we know you're ready."
"Thank you, doctor," Beca said.
Dr. Posen left the couple alone; Chloe opened the binder and started looking through it.
"Oh, I like this one," Chloe said, pointing at the man's photo. "He has brown hair and dark blue eyes like you. Ooo, and he's a doctor."
Beca looked at the photo and nodded. "I like him, too."
"Okay," Chloe said, continuing to look through the binder. She went back to the first photo they liked and asked, "I like him the best. What do you say? Have we decided on this one?"
"Yeah," Beca said. "I'll press the button to let them know we've made a decision."
Dr. Posen entered the room, and the couple informed Dr. Posen of their selection.
"Okay," Dr. Posen said. "Beca, if you come with me, we can retrieve your eggs. Chloe, you can go back with her if you want."
"I want you with me," Beca said.
"Okay," Chloe said.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
A few days later, they went back to the clinic, and Beca's fertilized eggs were transferred to Chloe. Once Dr. Posen finished the procedure, she took off her latex gloves and threw them in the trash. She turned to look at Chloe.
"You can take a home pregnancy test in two weeks to see if it took," Dr. Posen said. "If it's positive, take another one. If that one's positive, call and make an appointment with us to do a blood test to confirm you're pregnant."
"Okay," Chloe said.
Beca took Chloe back to their hotel and went back out on her own. She came back with dinner and five pregnancy tests to take home with them.
"I want to make sure we are prepared," Beca said when Chloe saw all the tests.
The next day, Beca and Chloe returned to the North Pole with as much fanfare as if Santa was returning on Christmas Day.
"How did it go," Beca's mother asked as soon as they got out of the sleigh.
"Well, I got Beca's eggs transferred into me," Chloe said. "And we should know in two weeks if it took."
"This is so exciting," Mrs. Claus said, hugging Chloe.
Beca smiled as she joined her mother and Chloe, hugging them both.
The next two weeks seemed to take forever to get here.
"Today's the day," Chloe said and took the pregnancy test into the bathroom with her.
Beca, Mrs. Claus, and Elf Polly paced outside the bathroom door, narrowly avoiding running into each other.
"Beca?" Chloe called from inside the bathroom.
"Yeah, Chlo?" Beca called back through the door.
"I can hear you guys pacing out there," Chloe said. "Go find something to do, and I'll let you know when I'm done."
Beca turned to her mother and Polly, shooing them with her hands. "You heard her, go find something to do."
"I'll make breakfast," Polly said.
"I'll help," Mrs. Claus said.
The two walked away, and Beca put her ear to the bathroom door.
"I meant you, too, Beca," Chloe called out.
"Sorry," Beca said and went to the kitchen to wait with her mother and Polly.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
"Congratulations," Dr. Posen said. "You are indeed pregnant."
Beca and Chloe squealed and looked at each other.
"This is wonderful news," Beca said, teary-eyed. "When are we due?"
"If my calculations are correct," Dr. Posen said. "You'll be having a Christmas baby."
"Seriously?" Beca asked, wide-eyed.
"Seriously," Dr. Posen said, chuckling.
"Thank you, Dr. Posen," Chloe said. "This will be the most amazing Christmas gift ever."
"You're welcome," Dr. Posen said. "See Stacie before you leave so she can schedule your next appointment. I will want to see you in three months."
"Okay," Chloe said. "Thanks again."
Beca and Chloe made their appointment and went back to their hotel.
"I'm going to call my mom," Beca said.
"Can we just fly back home instead?" Chloe asked. "I want to tell her in person."
"We can do that," Beca said, kissing Chloe. "Why don't you pack while I go check us out."
"Okay," Chloe said.
A short time later, they were in the sleigh and on their way to the North Pole.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
Three months later, Santa's village was abuzz with excitement as Beca and Chloe prepared for their trip to Barden for Chloe's first checkup since finding out she was pregnant.
"Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?" Mrs. Claus asked as they were getting in the sleigh.
"We were going to talk about it during the flight," Beca said. "I think I want to be surprised and not know until the baby is born."
"I feel the same way," Chloe said, smiling as she kissed Beca's cheek.
"I guess we're going to wait and see," Beca said.
"Good luck, " Mrs. Claus said, stepping back from the sleigh.
"See you in a couple of days," Beca said as they started off.
Later that afternoon, Chloe was lying on the table with Beca holding her hand. Dr. Posen was moving the wand over Chloe's stomach.
"Everything looks good," Dr. Posen said. "Do you want to know the sex?"
"No," Chloe said,
"Yes," Beca said.
They looked at each other.
"I thought you wanted to be surprised," Chloe said.
"I did," Beca said. "But I thought about it on the way here, and I changed my mind. I like the idea of calling him or her by name, so we can stop referring to him or her as it."
Chloe chewed her lip for a moment and then looked at Dr. Posen.
"We'd like to know," Chloe said.
Dr. Posen smiled. "You're having a girl."
"Yes!" Beca cheered.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
The first thing Beca did once they were back at the North Pole was to tell her mother they were having a girl.
"We're naming her Kristine, with a K," Beca said. "So, she'll be Kris Kringle like dad."
Tears came to Mrs. Claus's eyes. "That's wonderful. He would be so excited to know the Kringle legacy will live on."
Beca was saddened for a moment thinking about her father, but one smile from Chloe brought her back to a euphoric state.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
Months passed, and all was well with Chloe's pregnancy. It was December 1st, and Santa's workshop went into high gear, getting ready for Christmas.
Two weeks before Christmas, Chloe had another appointment with Dr. Posen for a routine checkup. Beca was too busy to go, so Mrs. Claus and Polly accompanied Chloe.
When they returned, Beca was pleased to learn that everything was going well and that Dr. Posen expected Chloe to deliver on time.
Christmas Eve was here, and Chloe was at the sleigh to see Beca off.
"Don't have Kris until I get back," Beca said, pulling Chloe to her.
"I'll try not to," Chloe said, kissing Beca. "Have a good night! I'll see you in the morning."
"I love you," Beca said, pecking Chloe's lips one last time before getting into the sleigh.
"I love you, too," Chloe said as the reindeer readied themselves.
Beca called out the reindeer names and snapped the reins. Chloe and the elves waved as Beca took off.
Chloe sighed and grabbed her side.
"Chloe, dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Clause asked.
"Um, yeah," Chloe said. "I think I'm in labor."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases ~~
Beca watched as the last batch of gifts magically made their way down the final chimney.
"That's it, guys," Beca called to the reindeer. "Let's go home."
The reindeer glided through the night and were soon landing in Santa's village. Beca looked around to see only a handful of elves to help secure the reindeer and put the sleigh away.
"Where is everyone?" Beca asked one of the elves.
The elf ignored Beca and quickly began unhitching the reindeer. Beca huffed and stomped off to her house.
The elves snickered as she left. "I wish I could see Santa's face when she finds out."
Beca's eyebrows were furrowed when she saw most of the villagers outside her house.
"What's going on?" Beca asked as she made her way through the crowd.
"Get in here, Santa," Beca's mother called from the front door, motioning for her to hurry.
"Did something happen to Chloe?" Beca asked as she hurriedly entered the house.
Just then, Beca heard a baby's cry and her eyes widened as she ran toward the bedroom she shared with Chloe. She burst through the door to see Chloe lying in bed with Kris in her arms.
"Welcome home, mama!" Chloe said.
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willow-salix · 2 years
Chapter Update!
Jeff blinked in shock as Virgil dumped his soaking wet daughter-in-law as gently as possible into a chair. Gordon, for his part, tossed a towelling robe in her direction, uncaring that it landed on her head.
“What’s up, John?” Virgil asked, turning to address the floating hologram of his brother.
“Other than you treating my wife like a sack of potatoes?”
“Not important,” Selene told him, brushing it off with a wave of her hand as she awkwardly dragged the robe on without getting up. “I’m fine, it’s all good, carry on.”
(You can read it here on Ao3 or continue under the cut)
John watched her for a moment until he was sure she was alright before he answered the original question.
“A small, five-storey residential apartment block has collapsed in Mumbai,” he reported, flipping effortlessly into rescue mode as if nothing had happened. “Cause as yet unknown. We registered no seismic activity, but that region is an earthquake hotspot and the area of the collapse looks to be one of the older parts of the city.”
“Could be that previous activity had damaged the structure,” Jeff suggested. ”Earthquakes can weaken the foundations of the load bearing walls, then it's just a ticking time bomb.”
“It’s highly likely,” John agreed. “The buildings in and around the collapse are all in various states of disrepair and likely haven’t been checked for structural integrity since the last tremor.”
“That’s the unfortunate thing in this world, not everyone is on an equal footing, some have less than others and some have too much.” Jeff sighed, shaking his head sadly. “Get going, boys, help where you can, Scott is preparing for takeoff and Alan is already waiting in Two.”
“FAB.” Virgil ran for his chute, Gordon doing the same.
“I’ll give you more details inflight,” John told them just before they disappeared. “I’m still liaising with the local authority on the ground.”
Gordon shot him a thumbs up and Virgil waved a hand in acknowledgement as he disappeared headfirst into the wall.
“I still don’t know how he can be comfortable hurtling backwards like that,” Selene muttered to herself.
Jeff chuckled. “Brains offered to make him one that rotated like Scott’s but he argued that backwards would be more fun,” he said with a dismissive shrug. “Boys will be boys.”
Selene stifled a giggle at his comment, Virgil was the one she least expected to subscribe to the ‘boys’ reasoning for anything. If it had been Scott she would have simply nodded and accepted it, that was him all over.
As if summoned by her thoughts, the red nose and sleek silver body of Thunderbird One shot past the window in a whine of engines and exhaust smoke.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” John asked her, although his eyes were focused on something off-screen as he followed Scott’s progression into the sky. “Do you want me to come down?”
Selene huffed dismissively. “Of course I’ll be alright, it’s not like I’m alone.”
“I’ll take care of her,” Jeff promised.
“I don’t need babysitting.”
“No, but you do need watching to make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t,” Jeff insisted.
John, knowing when to back out of a situation, cleared his throat to get their attention. “I’ll be getting back to work then but make sure you text me if you need me.”
“We’ll be fine, I'm going to get changed but if I get stuck then Kayo can help as soon as she’s back from her supply run, she’s getting us some decent ice cream, chocolate and face masks for our next movie session," she assured him. “So stop fussing.”
“Fine, I’m going, I’m going.” He lifted his hand in a little wave as the hologram blinked out. The distant sound of rumbling accompanied his exit as Thunderbird Two took off from the other side of the island.
“He’s ridiculous,” Selene groaned once the boys were airborne, settling back into her chair. “He won’t stop stressing, which in turn is stressing me out.”
“He’s worried,” Jeff pointed out. “It’s because he loves you.”
“I know, but does he have to be so-”
“Full on?” Jeff suggested.
“You could say that.”
Jeff sighed, leaning back in his desk chair. “It wasn’t just you, you know.”
“I know, Alan was hurt too,” she said, a small frown creasing her forehead.
“No,” he corrected gently. “I mean that you weren’t the only one going through it. I know you were the one that was hurt physically, but it did a number on us mentally too.”
Selene opened her mouth to argue but thought better of it. “Sorry.”
“There’s no need to be sorry,” Jeff assured her. “I’m just reminding you that John is, unfortunately, used to losing people closest to him. This scared him more than he’ll ever let on, and fussing over you is his way of making sure he doesn’t have to go through that again.”
“I know.” Selene smoothed the robe down over her legs, feeling uncomfortably exposed with just her swimsuit on underneath. It was cold and damp and she wanted nothing more than to dry off and get into some warm clothes, but there was little chance of that at the moment. She couldn’t get to their room without her chair, which was still down by the pool and she didn't want to ask Jeff to fetch it for her while they were talking. She would just have to put up with it for the foreseeable future.
“It’s not that I’m not grateful or that I don’t appreciate him," she explained, wanting him to understand how she was feeling. "I just hate that he has to worry at all.”
“I sure get that. It was the same when I came home, everyone was fussing around me and treating me like I was made of glass.” He gave her a pointed look, she had been worse than all of them, running around after him and constantly trying to feed him or fetch him things he hadn’t asked for and didn’t really need, just so she could feel like she was being useful.
Selene didn’t even have the grace to look ashamed of her contribution to proceedings as she stared at him, waiting for whatever wisdom he saw fit to dish out next. Jeff stared right back at her, not saying a word, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to stand the silence for too long.
“OK, OK, I get it, we only did that because we cared,” she blurted out, proving him right yet again. “But it was a different situation, you had been gone for so long and they thought they had lost you, they grieved you, you were gone for eight years, I was knocked out for a few days. It’s totally different.”
“Not to them, it wasn’t.”
“Of course it was,” she insisted. “You can’t compare the two, you’re their dad, they needed you.”
“They need you too.”
Selene shook her head dismissively. “No, they like having me around, that’s different. They don’t need me, they already have everything they need.”
“They had the same things after my accident that they had before,” Jeff calmly pointed out, steepling his fingers as he regarded her thoughtfully. “More in fact, because they inherited all this. But you say they still needed me. There’s no difference. They needed the person, not the things. They need you just as much as they need me, as they need each other.”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, aren’t you?”
“Not entirely, I’m trying to stop you thinking such ridiculous things, if the byproduct of that is that you feel better, then it's a win-win situation. Now, be honest, do you really think they don’t need you?”
Selene stayed quiet for a moment or two. Jeff continued to watch her, though he did so in such a casual manner, his feet now propped up on his desk, that she didn't feel like she was being scrutinised too much.
“No,” she finally admitted. “I know they need me for some things, but that's the problem.”
“What is? You might have to spell it out for me, honey.”
“I can’t do anything they need me to do at the moment. I’m useless to them. All I’m doing is causing them more work and more stress. I just have to sit here while they are off saving the world and wait for them to come back and save me too. I’m nothing but a hindrance to them at the moment. I just want to be able to help them again.”
Jeff sighed, shaking his head softly. He swung his feet down from their perch and made his way slowly over to the seating area. He lowered himself carefully onto the couch next to her chair, mindful that, even though he was as fully healed as he would ever be, he wasn’t as fit as he used to be and still had to be gentle to himself.
“Honey, if you think that all they need you for is physical help you’re crazier than a dog in a hubcap factory.”
“Is that a Kansas thing?”
“No, that’s a you thing, so none of your cheek, young lady.”
“Sorry, Dad,” she said, but there was a small smile on her face that hadn’t been there before.
“Good, enough of your silly talk, you hear me?” He waggled his finger sternly at her but it was all for show. “Now say, yes, Dad.”
“Yes, Dad,” she repeated dutifully, though she did it with much eye rolling.
“Now, I’ve got a hankerin’ for some monkey bread and you’re just the girl to help me make it,” he said, getting slowly to his feet
“Woah, woah, wait a minute. One,” Selene gestured to her lower half, “I can’t exactly walk around a kitchen baking anything at the moment, and two,” she paused, her head tipped to the side, nose scrunching up in confusion, “what the hell is monkey bread?”
“Monkey bread is the most delicious thing you’ll ever taste, Scott used to be addicted to it as a boy.”
“Scott’s addicted to anything that's food,” she pointed out. “That’s not a rousing endorsement.”
“John loved it too.”
“Oh, you’re sneaky.”
“Never claimed otherwise, now, I’m gonna fetch your chair and you’re gonna quit your yappin’. I figure I can move but can’t bake, you can bake but can’t move, so together I think we’ll just about pull it off. What do you reckon?”
Selene eyed him suspiciously for a moment or two but then she nodded. “Fine, get my chair, we’ll give it a try.”
Monkey bread, it transpired, turned out to be something akin to miniature cinnamon buns all squashed together in a bundt tin.
Jeff was somewhat better than some of his sons when it came to taking instructions, he bowed down to her superior baking knowledge and did his best to follow her orders to the letter.
The dough was simple enough to make. Jeff fetched all the ingredients while she read up on the instructions on her phone. As per usual they tripled the recipe, knowing that what was supposed to feed a family of four wouldn’t touch the sides with his hungry brood.
Jeff took care of the pan in which milk and butter were gently simmering while she continued to guide him as best she could from her less than lofty perch. It was quite frustrating, not being able to stand up and get involved with it herself, but she managed to keep her complaining to a minimum.
“Thunderbird Five to Tracy Island,” John’s voice broke through their quiet conversation, his hologram popping up out of the portable comm they had left on the kitchen table. “What are you two doing in the kitchen?”
“Making-” Selene started but Jeff cut her off.
“Mind you’re own, now what’s wrong?”
“We've received a stand-down call,” John reported his tone grave. “We’re awaiting further information.”
“But you only just left, they can’t even be there yet,” Selene said.
“They aren’t, Scott is almost there but Thunderbird Two is only halfway. They’re maintaining their position for now until we know what’s happening.”
“Alright, son, keep in touch.”
“FAB, and you,” John paused to point at Selene, “don’t be doing too much, and don't keep getting out of that chair.”
“Dude, what do you take me for? An idiot? I'm allowed to move about a bit now, so I got out of it to get changed because I didn't particularly relish the idea of sitting around getting a wrinkled arse from a wet swimsuit.”
“That’s an image I never thought I’d have, nor did I particularly want." He paused, closing his eyes briefly as he prayed for strength. "Just… behave, OK? Do as Dad says.” John’s hologram vanished with that parting shot, leaving them alone again.
“Why do you think they’ve been told to stand down?” Selene asked Jeff the moment John was gone.
“Could be any number of reasons,” he pondered, his focus on the contents of the pan he was slowly stirring. “Good or bad.”
“I’ve never known it to happen before, have you?”
“Once or twice,” Jeff said. “Pass me those eggs, will you?”
Selene handed him the bowl of eggs she had cracked and whisked with a fork ready to be added to the buttery milk. “What happened those times, it must have been early on in the organisation?”
“Yeah, it was. What do I do with these again?”
“Turn off the heat and let the milk cool a little first or you’ll cook the eggs when you add them.”
“Can do.” Jeff switched off the burner and moved the pan aside to a cooler part of the stovetop. “Do I assume you want to know the story while we wait to hear back from John?”
“You assume right,” Selene said, busily measuring flour, sugar and yeast into their largest bowl.
“Well, there's one time I’ll always remember, not because of the stand down but because of what happened after.” Jeff dipped the thermometer in the pan, testing the mixture. “John had received the call and I sent Scott out to scout as I was busy in Thunderbird Three, I think I was dropping off a new guidance processor to Lee for Alfie.”
“Sorry, you wouldn’t know of it. I meant Shadow Alpha, the moonbase we used to run together. Of course, there was a full team with him at the time and I had to drop it off without anyone seeing my face.”
“Why what?”
“Why couldn’t anyone see your face?”
“Because at that time International Rescue was a secret organisation, no one was supposed to know who we were.”
Selene snorted delicately. “Yeah, that lasted a long time. I found out in about ten minutes of googling and that was only because I didn’t know anything about you all at the time.”
“Yeah, well, that was in the beginning,” Jeff muttered, clearing his throat.
“Why is it no longer a secret?” Selene asked, always one to be curious.
Jeff chuckled to himself as he tested the milk again and then slowly added the eggs, whisking them in with a fork. “It was harder than I expected. We had automatic camera detectors onboard so we'd know if anyone took a picture, but there were cameras everywhere and it was too hard to stop them all. Everyone has one on their phone or on their building and, much as we tried, some images got out.”
“But surely that was just the crafts? What could they tell from the outside?”
“Well, as it happened, it turned out that my sons were pretty useless at keeping a secret.”
Selene frowned. “They were?”
“Scott especially, bring me that bowl, will ya?”
Selene wheeled herself over, the bowl balanced on her lap, allowing him to take it.
“I’m not surprised it was Scott.”
It was Jeff’s turn to snort in mild amusement. “No, me neither. I probably should have seen it coming.”
“What did he do?”
“Oh, it wasn’t just him, but he was the worst. He kept introducing himself to people.”
Selene burst out laughing, mostly because she'd seen him do that very thing too many times to count.
“We tried having codenames, but they kept forgetting to use them, especially in high-pressure situations. The problem came when one would say their name over the radio, then another would try to be clever and just introduce themselves as Tracy but it was soon figured out. John was just as bad, he’d forget and answer a call with his full name like he was taught at Tracy College.”
Jeff poured the eggy milky mixture slowly into the bowl she’d given him, threw in a pinch of salt and, on her instruction, started mixing it with his hands. “For the first few years, people just went with it, keeping our secret to a certain point, maybe out of loyalty or gratitude for us saving them.”
“So when did the efforts at secrecy stop?”
“I heard it was after my accident,” Jeff said, still working on the dough. “It was reported that International Rescue had gone after the Zero-X and then Thunderbird One came back without me. Scott wanted to go out there, but I’m glad I overruled him.” There was a slight catch in his voice that he tried to hide, but Selene heard it, though she ignored it as he wanted her to do.
“I guess the world knew after that,” she mused. “There’s no way to hide it.”
“No, there wasn’t, besides I think the boys were secretly pleased that they didn’t have to worry about me chewing them out for messing up, which brings me back to the time I was going to tell you about.”
“You were in space and Scott was, I’m assuming, in One,” she parrotted back, proving that she had indeed been listening.
“Yeah, so we’d been alerted to a fire in Tokyo, I liaised with John in the space station and we sent Scott out to assess the situation and see what equipment would be required, this was in the days before the pod vehicles were customisable in the module, back then we had to guess what we needed and hope we picked the right thing.”
“Sounds like a lot more work.”
“Yeah,” Jeff agreed with a little harrumph noise that didn’t sound exactly positive but still a little proud. “We were just starting out, Brains and the boys have done a lot of improvements in the years since, but I still like to think we were doing good things back then.”
“Oh, you definitely would have been,” she agreed. “I’ll admit, when John and the boys came out to rescue me, I didn’t know much about you all. I’d heard of the GDF of course, but I rarely followed current affairs. When you were starting out I would have been about eighteen and at that time I didn’t pay attention to much other than my own life. And, by the time you started getting more recognition and had your accident, I was with Nathaniel and he didn’t let me watch television or listen to the news and I guess the habit stuck as I never bothered when I lived alone. I figured that if anything important happened one of my friends or my parents would tell me about it.”
“Do you think knowing about us would have helped?” Jeff asked quietly, covering the dough he’d been mixing with a warm towel and setting the bowl aside.
"With the Nathaniel thing?"
Jeff nodded.
Selene thought about it for a moment or two. At first it seemed like a strange question, she hadn't been in an emergency situation, it wasn't something she could have been rescued from. But, maybe the thought of someone out there that would help you no matter the situation might have been a comfort to her.
“You know, I think it would have. I’ve been with John long enough to know that he does more than just answer the calls. Yes, he’s the first point of contact for people needing physical help, but he’s also the one that listens to people, not everything can be fixed with a Thunderbird machine, sometimes you just need someone to tell your problems to and feel like someone genuinely cares.”
She fiddled with the bag of sugar she had been measuring from, needing the distraction, knowing that he would be watching her as closely as his son would. “I think if I had known about you guys back then, and I had called for help, feeling like I had nowhere else to turn, I would have gotten it.”
“Do you regret it?”
Selene shook her head. “Not now. It sucked going through it but if I had called for help and gotten it, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I wouldn’t have met John either. Because I would have been too damaged, too hurt and too vulnerable for him to have been anything else but nice to me. I would have been a call that was listened to and then passed on to someone more qualified to help. And he would have been right to do it.” She smiled to herself as she sprinkled cinnamon into the sugar bowl. “It worked out just how it was supposed to.”
“That’s a good way to look at it.”
“It’s the only way to look at it,” she said, shrugging lightly. “Shoulda, woulda, coulda, as Nan used to say. There’s no point looking back, you aren't going that way. If you spend your entire life dwelling on how things could have been you’ll miss the magic of what’s to come. And honestly, I’d go through it a hundred times if I knew I’d get you guys at the end of it.”
Jeff tutted lightly as he moved to the coffee maker. “And you think you have nothing to offer at the moment.”
It wasn’t often that Selene found herself unable to find something to answer back with, but the pink staining of her cheeks told him how much she appreciated the compliment, even though she would never admit it. Instead, she said, “Are you ever going to tell me the rest of this story?”
Jeff chuckled to himself, knowing exactly what she was trying to do. “Coffee?”
“Always, but only if you tell me the rest.”
“I don’t think it’s as exciting as you think it will be,” he hedged, pouring them a cup each and doctoring them to their individual liking, just cream in his, sugar and milk in hers.
“Tell me anyway, before I make one up.”
“Now that I’d like to hear.” He sipped his drink, knowing he was teasing her but unable to stop himself. She delighted him in that way. She was nothing like his boys or Kayo, she reacted in a completely different way, one that, despite her tough-as-nails attitude and bossy manner, was charmingly innocent. He imagined that, as a young child, she would have viewed the world through wonder-filled eyes, seeing fairies in the woodland and Santa on her roof. She took his teasing in good humour, more so than she would with even Scott, whom she was incredibly close to, acting more like a daughter would with her father. He wished that he had had more time to get to know Rufus Tempest, but the few hours that he had known him showed him to be a loving, kind and devoted father and husband, just as he himself hoped he had been.
“Dad,” she whined, pouting out her bottom lip. “Why are you picking on me?”
“Because you make it so easy.” He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips every time she called him Dad instead of Jeff. He knew that he’d been a little underhanded in introducing himself that way in an effort to gain access to her hospital room, but she had taken it in her stride and ran with it. He didn’t mind in the slightest, in fact, he loved it. He liked the lightness she brought to the house with her cheerfulness and caring nature that she extended to everyone on the island. If she wanted to adopt him as her father he was more than willing to accept the job.
She continued to pout, making no effort to stop until she got her way.
“Scott had flown to Tokyo in order to assess the severity of the fire and see what we could offer in the way of aid. Our equipment is less about tackling fires and more about saving lives, so we were expecting Virgil to follow along with the Firefly, the Firecat or maybe even the Mole if there were people trapped anywhere. But, as it turned out, reports of the fire had been greatly exaggerated and, by the time that Scott got there, the local authority had it under control and he was turned back.”
“That’s it? Selene demanded, staring at him like he had grown a second head.
“Seriously? That’s the whole story?”
“I did tell you it was probably less exciting than you were imagining.”
“I know, but I figured it would be more than that since you said you’d always remember it.”
He swigged a little more of his coffee before answering her. “Ah, but I said I remembered it because of what happened after,” Jeff reminded her. This was how conversations always went with her, she would meander around, asking more questions, pushing you off into tangents that had nothing to do with the original point, but they were enjoyable nonetheless.
“Yes, so why do you remember it?” She was leaning forward in her chair, her eyes brighter, more alert and interested than he’d seen in weeks. This was their girl, the one that was endlessly positive, not the one they had been used to seeing recently.
“Oh, well that was on account of Scott getting shot down and crash landing in the desert where he met-”
“Thunderbird One to base.” Scott’s hologram appeared where John’s had previously been.
“Talk of the devil,” Selene muttered.
“Hi, Son,” Jeff greeted him. “What’s occurring?”
“All Thunderbirds are returning to base,” Scott reported. His words were clipped and businesslike, but the tone and his downcast eyes gave away his true emotions. “Local authorities have downgraded the situation from a search and rescue to a search and recovery.”
“Alright, Son, we’ll see you when you get home.”
“FAB.” Scott’s hologram cut off, leaving the kitchen a little darker in the dimming evening light.
“What does he mean by that?” Selene asked, although she had a horrible feeling she knew the answer.
“He means there are no lives left to save,” Jeff told her gently. “No doubt John will have confirmed it with a scan but if there are no life signs then there is no need for International Rescue.”
“But surely they could help in some way…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say next. The relaxed, fun atmosphere they had created as they worked had been replaced with one of sad hopelessness.
“It’s better they come home,” Jeff told her. “Our primary goal has always been to save lives and if there are no lives to be saved we aren’t needed. Imagine if another call came in and the boys had been out all day working there? They might not be able to get to another rescue in time, or they might be too tired or their crafts under-fueled. No, it’s better to know when to quit than to keep trying at something that is impossible.”
“I suppose I can understand when you put it that way.” She sighed deeply, slumping a little in her chair. Her poor boys. They hated it when they had to give up on anyone. Failing to rescue someone was their worst nightmare, one they thankfully didn’t have to face very often. But this was different, in this, they hadn’t even been able to try. “They must be devastated.”
“Yeah,” Jeff agreed. “But that’s where you come in.”
“Me?” She looked up at him like he held the answer to the mysteries of the universe in his hands. “What can I do to help them when I’m like this?”
Jeff sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. How could she still be so blind? Did she not realise that the only thing his sons needed at that moment was for her to be there for them as she always was? She could still hug them, she could still talk to them, just as she always did. And it appeared it was his job to make sure she realised that.
“First off, you can help me finish this monkey bread, then, when they get home you’ll do what you always do, you’ll make them feel better.”
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caddyxjellyby · 1 year
To even a casual observer, it was clear that medical education could not proceed out of synchrony with the rest of the country's educational system. Medical schools were dependent on earlier levels of education for producing a large enough pool of well-prepared students. Early in the century, when the number of applicants with college backgrounds was small, this was readily apparent. At all but the most competitive schools, admission was open to anyone with a high school degree. Accordingly, attrition was exceedingly high, for those without college preparation usually dropped out or failed.
After the Flexnor report, admissions standards to medical school rose rapidly. This was made possible by the extraordinary growth in the number of academically prepared applicants. From 1890 to 1930, a period in which the population of the United States roughly doubled, the number of students enrolled in secondary schools increased from 337,823 to 4,799,867. During the same period, the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities increased from approximately 122,000 to 1,085,799. World War I represented an especially important takeoff point. After the war, a college education for the first time became integral to success for those seeking wealth or social prestige in America. One result was a much higher number of academically qualified students applying to medical school.
By World War I, medical schools for the first time could fill their classes with well-prepared students. In 1915, roughly half the schools required a minimum of one year of college, the other half two years. By 1937, more than half of the schools required at least three years of college. Ninety-two percent of all students admitted to medical school that year had taken at least three years of college, and over half had obtained a baccalaureate degree. Incoming medical students in the 1930s were viewed as "not only the most competent group of students ever admitted to our medical schools, but by and large the best group of students in training for any profession throughout the country."
Through the 1920s almost all qualified applicants were accepted. However, in the late 1920s competition for medical school became much keener as the number of qualified applicants began to greatly exceed the available positions. In 1929-30 only 48 percent of the nation's 13,569 applicants were accepted. Throughout the 1930s those figures remained approximately the same. Rejected applicants who still wished to become doctors had little choice but to go abroad to study. In the 1930s a considerable number did so, particularly Jewish students from the state of New York.
- Time to Heal: American Medical Education from the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care by Kenneth M. Ludmerer
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7171955 · 6 months
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. . [🌲] [🪶] [🌿] [🕊️] [☁️] [🪵] [🐉] [🍃] [⌛️] . .
RQ : A feathered dragon stimboard with a focus on the sky and pine forests.
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years
Super Wings World Academy AU
Note: I'm still writing Guardians Super Wings AU, I'm not giving up on it to start a new AU, I'm just going to share one more of my Super Wings fanfics. I hope you enjoy World Academy AU as much as you enjoy GWAU!
World Academy: The home of future Super Wings
Where are the Super Wings training?
How are they selected?
How is your training?
All this takes place in a very special place: The World Academy
The World Academy is a school where students are received (planes and vehicles) to be prepared to become Super Wings
This academy is located in Seoul (South Korea) and receives students from all over the world, preparing them for their mission with future Super Wings. Through the "Welcome Package" students are accepted into the academy and would train until the day of their First Takeoff (your graduation).
Yumi: The Queen of Books
A lilac biplane named Yumi is recruited by the academy, his skill is literary manipulation.
She has a book called "Dreambook" (the same color as your painting) and besides traveling (real, historical or imaginary) , trapping, Summon objects, teleport, plus everything she writes the book will do the asking.
Yumi is shy, calm, LOVES READING AND WRITING, likes to be alone, many students call her weird and bully because of her sweet personality and its model, as they call it outdated, for being an old and classic model. By the way, your MBTI is INFP, and your enneagram is 4w5.
Sophie: A Genius Designer
Sophie is a cyan blue plane who uses her biggest hobby, drawing, to become a Super Wing, With her "revealing brush" everything she draws becomes real, such as weapons, objects, calling people and so on. Sophie is a little more sociable than Yumi, but like her, she likes to stay in her corner, drawing. Your MBTI is ISFP, and your Enagram is 4w5.
Dustin: The World Academy Horror
Dustin is the antagonist of this story, a bully student, with the power of telekinesis that he uses to literally "strike terror" in the academy.
He, as well as some members of the faculty, will demote Yumi and Sophie to the maximum, so that they give up being Super Wings because they would not be in the "standard" (which in this case would be: adventurers, athletes, builders or who have a connection with technology), just what Sophie and Yumi are not, being students who are not feeling that need for extreme adellnaline. Your MBTI is ESTJ and your enneagram is 8w7.
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suhail323432 · 4 months
Discover the Sky with EasyLeasy The Best Drones on the Market
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In the world of Best Drones, EasyLeasy stands out as a beacon of innovation and quality. Whether you are a proficient videographer, a specialist, or fair somebody looking to investigate the skies, EasyLeasy offers a extend of rambles outlined to meet your needs. Our commitment to greatness and client fulfillment makes us the most excellent choice for your ethereal experiences.
Unmatched Performance and Technology EasyLeasy Best Dronesare equipped with cutting-edge technology that ensures smooth and stable flights. Our rambles include progressed GPS frameworks, high-definition cameras, and intelligent flight modes. With EasyLeasy, you'll be able capture breathtaking aerial film with ease. Our natural controls and strong plan guarantee that even tenderfoots can pilot our rambles with certainty.
Affordable Excellence Quality doesn't need to come with a hefty cost tag. At EasyLeasy, we accept in making top-tier drone technology accessible to everybody. Our run of rambles is competitively priced without compromising on highlights or execution. Whether you're searching for a budget-friendly alternative or a high-end demonstrate, EasyLeasy has something to suit your budget and needs.
User-Friendly Experience
Ease of use is at the center of our plan logic. EasyLeasy Best Drones come with user-friendly interfacing and comprehensive client manuals, guaranteeing a hassle-free encounter from takeoff to landing. Our client back group is continuously prepared to help you, giving master counsel and solutions to any issues you will experience.
Safety and Durability
Safety is fundamental when it comes to flying drones, and EasyLeasy takes this genuinely. Our rambles are built with high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of flight. Features such as obstacle shirking, programmed return-to-home, and crisis landing capabilities guarantee that your drone and its environment stay secure. EasyLeasy Best Drones are designed to be solid and solid, giving you peace of intellect amid your flights.
A Drone for Every Enthusiast
EasyLeasy offers a diverse range of Best Drones tailored to different needs and preferences. Our lineup includes:
1. EasyLeasy Mini: Perfect for beginners and indoor flying, this compact drone offers ease of use and stable flight performance. 2. EasyLeasy Explorer: Ideal for hobbyists, this drone features a high-definition camera and extended flight time, making it perfect for capturing scenic vistas. 3. EasyLeasy Pro: Designed for professionals, this model boasts advanced features such as 4K video recording, intelligent flight modes, and superior stability.
Why Choose EasyLeasy?
Choosing EasyLeasy implies picking for quality, reasonableness, and uncommon client benefit. Our rambles are built to convey prevalent execution, and our commitment to development guarantees that we remain ahead of the bend within the quickly advancing ramble industry. We are enthusiastic approximately what we do, and it appears in each ramble we create.
Join the EasyLeasy Community
Once you select EasyLeasy, you're not fair buying a ramble; you're joining a community of like-minded devotees Best Drones. Share your encounters, learn from others, and take your airborne photography and videography to modern statures. Take after us on social media and remain overhauled with the most recent news, tips, and elite offers.
EasyLeasy is devoted to giving the leading rambles on the advertise Best Drones. Our mix of advancement, reasonableness, and customer-centric plan makes us the go-to choice for ramble devotees of all levels. Investigate the skies with EasyLeasy and involvement the world from a unused viewpoint. Find the delight of flight and capture dazzling ethereal sees with our remarkable run of rambles. With EasyLeasy, the sky is genuinely the constrain.
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transglobal-overseas · 4 months
Your Guide to Studying Abroad for Indian Students
The prospect of studying abroad can be both thrilling and daunting. It's a chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, broaden your horizons, and gain a world-class education. But with so many factors to consider, the process can seem overwhelming. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps you need to turn your dream of studying abroad into a reality.
Step 1: Light the Spark - Defining Your Goals
Before diving into specifics, take a moment to introspect. What ignites your passion for studying abroad? Is it a specific program or field of study offered overseas? A yearning to experience a new culture firsthand? Perhaps it's the desire to develop independence and global competencies. Understanding your motivations will guide your decision-making throughout the process.
Step 2: Chart Your Course - Choosing Your Program and Destination
Now that you know your "why," it's time to explore the "where" and "what." Research universities and programs that align with your academic interests and goals. Consider factors like program curriculum, faculty expertise, reputation, and available scholarships. Don't limit yourself geographically! Explore countries with strong academic traditions, unique cultures, or a language you'd like to learn.
Step 3: Funding Your Future - Scholarships and Financial Aid
Studying abroad can be an investment, but there are numerous resources to make it more affordable. Research scholarships offered by the universities you're considering, government agencies, and private organizations. Many universities offer financial aid specifically for international students. Utilize scholarship search engines and explore opportunities offered by your home country for overseas education. Remember, even smaller scholarships can significantly reduce your financial burden.
Step 4: Craft Your Application - Standing Out from the Crowd
Once you've shortlisted universities, delve into their application requirements. Standardized tests like GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, or IELTS may be necessary. Prepare application essays that showcase your academic achievements, cultural curiosity, and suitability for the program. Highlight relevant extracurricular activities and volunteer experiences. Seek guidance from advisors or current international students at your university for application tips.
Step 5: Secure Your Spot - Visas and Immigration
Acceptance letters are exhilarating! Now, research visa requirements for your chosen country. Gather necessary documents, including your acceptance letter, proof of financial support, and health insurance. Application timelines can vary, so factor this in while planning your departure. The university's international student office can be a valuable resource for visa guidance.
Step 6: Prepare for Takeoff - Practicalities and Pre-departure
As excitement builds, attend pre-departure orientations offered by your university or program. These sessions often cover cultural adjustment, budgeting tips, housing options, and health considerations. Familiarize yourself with customs and etiquette in your host country. Pack light, focusing on versatile clothing suitable for the climate. Research local transportation systems and communication options.
Step 7: Embrace the Adventure - Cultural Immersion and Personal Growth
Studying abroad is an enriching cultural experience. Step outside your comfort zone and actively engage with your surroundings. Participate in local events, volunteer in the community, and practice the language. Embrace cultural differences with an open mind. Be patient with yourself as you navigate cultural nuances and overcome language barriers.
Step 8: Become a Global Citizen - Building Bridges and Lasting Memories
Studying abroad allows you to forge lifelong connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Make the most of opportunities to interact with peers, professors, and locals. Participate in student exchange programs or international clubs. These interactions broaden your perspective and foster a sense of global citizenship.
Step 9: Navigate the Challenges - Overcoming Obstacles
Studying abroad isn't always smooth sailing. Homesickness, cultural clashes, and academic pressures are common experiences. Reach out to support services offered by your university's international student office. Connect with other international students who might share similar challenges. Remember, these hurdles are temporary and contribute to your personal growth.
Step 10: Reflect and Share - Bringing Your Global Experience Home
As your study abroad journey concludes, take time to reflect on your experiences. How has it impacted your academic aspirations and personal development? Consider volunteering as a peer advisor or mentor for future international students. Share your experiences by writing blog posts, giving presentations, or participating in cultural events. Inspire others to embark on their own global adventures.
Studying abroad is an investment in yourself, your education, and your future. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the triumphs, and most importantly, enjoy the incredible journey of becoming a global citizen.
FAQs: Studying Abroad
1. What are the academic benefits of studying abroad?
Studying abroad allows you to:
Pursue unique programs: Gain access to specialized programs or fields of study not offered at home.
Learn from diverse faculty: Benefit from world-renowned professors and international perspectives.
Develop global competencies: Enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and intercultural communication skills.
Boost your resume: Stand out to future employers with a globally-focused education.
2. How can I afford to study abroad?
Studying abroad can be financially manageable. Explore options like:
Scholarships: Research university-specific scholarships, government grants, and private organization awards.
Financial aid: Investigate financial aid programs offered by your home university and the study abroad institution.
Part-time work: Explore work opportunities in your host country, following visa regulations.
3. What are the visa requirements for studying abroad?
Visa requirements vary by country. Generally, you'll need:
Acceptance letter: Proof of enrollment from your chosen university.
Financial support documents: Bank statements or scholarship documentation demonstrating financial ability.
Health insurance: Proof of valid health insurance coverage.
Additional documents: Specific requirements may vary, so consult with the best study abroad consultants in delhi.
4. How can I best prepare for the cultural differences while studying abroad?
Embrace cultural immersion by:
Learning the language: Even basic language skills enhance communication and build rapport.
Researching local customs: Understanding cultural etiquette minimizes misunderstandings and fosters respect.
Connecting with locals: Participate in community events and make friends to gain firsthand cultural insights.
5. What are some challenges I might face while studying abroad, and how can I overcome them?
Common challenges include:
Homesickness: Stay connected with loved ones, engage in familiar activities, and explore support groups.
Cultural adjustment: Embrace differences, seek guidance from fellow students, and maintain an open mind.
Academic pressure: Utilize university resources like tutoring services and connect with professors for additional support.
Remember, these challenges are temporary and contribute to your personal growth. Embrace the journey to becoming a global citizen.
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remediovet · 7 months
Here's How You Relocate with Your Pet Easily
Planning to move out of the country with your pet?
Then you must brace up as you need to take extra measures for the trip. But why? The reason is that in order to travel with pets, it is necessary to make some preparations. Many countries demand different documents that address information about your pet.
Collecting different documents to relocate with your little companion sounds like a hard task. However, when you know what arrangements you need to make, then the whole process becomes easy. So, if you are eager to know what steps you need to take to relocate with your pet hassle free then you are in the right place.
In this blog, we will discuss what measures you need to implement while travelling with a pet on a plane.
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Preparations You Need to Make Before Relocating with Pet
Here are some tips that help you to relocate with your little one without any complications:
Plan Ahead
It is important to match your preparation timing with that of your pet. If you first start to make your own arrangements and delay the document work for pets, then it can become a problem later. Preparing for your little one's documents later may take time to get approval, and in case of any error, the process may be further delayed. On the one hand, you are ready for takeoff, but on the other hand, the paperwork for your pet is still pending. This situation will surely cause you to postpone your flight.
Book an Appointment with the Vet
Taking your pet to the vet is crucial because of two reasons. First, in case your dog suffers from anxiety or has some medical condition, then the veterinarian will provide the prescription. With the medical prescription, you can ensure that your pet does not have to suffer during the flight. Secondly, a visit to the vet is also crucial to get a health certificate and vaccination, which some countries demand when you have to travel with a pet.
Search for the Perfect Airline
Not all airlines accommodate canines on the plane. So, it is crucial to do thorough research and check whether the airline company you choose allows pets. Even if the airline accepts pets, there are some other things you need to see, such as:
How many pets airline allow if you intend to take more than one pet
The type and breeds of animals allowed 
Whether the pets can stay in a cabin or have to travel in cargo 
Buy the Right Crate
Choose a crate that is airline-approved. To make a better buy, make sure to take proper measurements of your pet's size and make your search accordingly.
Train Your Pet
Your little one may not feel comfortable being in a confined space for long hours. So, in order to keep your pet free from stress during the flight, you can give them training. If you have to place your pet in a crate, then you can buy one beforehand to use it for training. Keep your pet in the crate for a few minutes initially and slowly increase the time. To train your canine adequately, you can seek the help of a professional.
Consider relocation services 
The Pet Relocation Services are a saviour when you can't take out time to prepare for your pet's travel. The relocation company takes your responsibility by helping you at each step. Here are the tasks that the company performs for relocating your pet on your behalf:
Prepare all the necessary documents 
Suggest the best vets for your pet 
Train your little one for the long flight
Deliver your pet to your new home 
Conclusion: Moving to a foreign land with your pet can be daunting as you are required to comply with the formalities of the concerned authorities. However, by making timely preparations, you and your furry friend can experience a hassle-free journey. If you are new to relocating with a pet and want professional help, then you can rely on RemedioVet. They provide excellent pet relocation services that keep your pet safe and comfortable during the journey. So contact them for more details.
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