#✧・゚that’ll be one (1) nugget please ➻ asks ・゚✧
tewwor-moving · 1 year
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from lei for funsies !! (they did pretty well but they're kind of an asshole and they lowkey ghost . . .)
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The silence is deafening, certainly, but he's genuinely too shocked to break it.
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tewwor-a · 3 years
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@temporalobjects​​ pinged: ❝  just let me look at you for a little bit.  ❞ yeolwai [made up a ship name that sounds kinda obnoxious, like a badly drawn cartoon dinosaur]
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"Hm?” There’s barely enough restraint to withhold a yawn, but he keeps his lips shut. Doesn’t say anymore than that single hum. Celebrations are surely to be had with such quietness. What with his incessant chatter just to get a raise out of Iwai whenever possible. But he sits here now, struggling to stay in the waking world. Two overlays across continents will do that to a person, and he certainly wasn’t impervious to such fatigue. Still, he cants his head towards the voice to let Iwai scrutinize all he likes.
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tewwor-archived · 5 years
❥     𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒   𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌   𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  (accepting) | @perdidoelcielo
‵ i was not made to be subtle. ′
“And there are some birds that weren’t made to fly- you trying to prove a point, or are you just saying that for the hell of it?” His words came out harsher than intended, but he wasn’t exactly in the mood to listen to something philosophical right now. And if this was something personal and serious.. well then, he could live with being a grade a asshole.
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Hello beautiful!! You already wrote two alice imagines but can you possibly do another fem reader x alice in which they are very close friends so one day alice takes her a meadow and tell her true feelings about y/n and she is a vampire?
||AN|| Awe shucks. Thank you! You flatter me. Ahahahaha. Just because of that, here's your request nugget. ||AN2|| Thank you for requesting! Don’t be shy to request again nuggets! Have a great day and enjoy this fic! ||AN3|| Yes, I am still alive- Sorry for the late answer oops-
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Title: Road to Forever? 
Pairing: Alice x Fem! Reader
Summary: In which Alice finally confesses to you, after 2 years of her gathering her courage up
Warnings: Fluff. Happy couple. Really sappy and cheese-y lines. 
Word Count: 1,072 words
GIF isn’t mine
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆      。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
You frustrate Alice so much. The fact that she couldn’t see your future is driving her insane. With Bella, she could still see her, as long as she wasn’t with those pesky wolves but with you, it’s different. So she decided, why not get to know you? Hopefully, that’ll settle the nerves she didn’t even know still worked.
The minute she saw you in the busy halls of Forks High School with a scowl on your face, she immediately skipped towards you, tapping your shoulder making you turn around and a look of shock makes it way towards your face. The Alice Cullen tapped your shoulder?! Needless to say you were panicking inside... You should really listen to what Alice is saying instead of just looking at her lips moving. She smiles brightly at you and offered to walk you to class, ultimately making that day one of the best ones you ever had in Forks. 
And that was the beginning of your now 2 year friendship. She wasn’t Alice Cullen to you, to you, she was just Alice. The bright-perky individual who had a bell like voice that just seems to echo all around your brain. Your own source of sunshine in this rainy country. The same one who just texted you that she’ll be coming over in 15 minutes and you have absolutely nothing to wear. 
You groaned loudly, deciding to not care and just threw sweatpants and a hoodie on, it’s not like your crush is coming over or anything. But your crush is coming over and you are not ready physically and mentally. 
“Hi! You look...” she looked you up and down then raised her brow
“Uh-huh. Like a fashion disaster. I didn’t have enough time okay?” You chuckled and rubbed the back of you neck in embarrassment 
“You are not going out like that.” she dragged you back into the house and made you sit on your bed
“Here.” She gave you a pile of clothes which consists of a black turtle neck and a grey zipper up plaid dress. 
When you were finished dressing yourself up, she told you to get your doc martens on then then proceeded to drag you again to her very bright yellow Porsche. 
“Where are we even going love?” The nickname slipped from your lips, your eyes widened just a bit before you played it off, heart bashing against your rib cage. 
The corner of Alice’s lips lifted up slightly, she couldn’t believe that after all these years, all it took was 1 word with 4 letters to make her dead heart skip again. She felt normal, alive and well, inlove. 
“That’s a surprise, love” She playfully replies back, silently wishing that after a few hours, she won’t have to cover it up with a joke.
A few minutes later, she parks in a seemingly empty space. She steps out and waits for you.
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” You teased, taking her cold hands into your warm ones. 
“I take great offense in that statement” She replied, a playful smile dancing on her lips
Before you could even answer her, you both stopped as the sight of a carefully laid out blanket, with a basket on top of it, surrounded by the beautiful shades of violet, purple, green and the beautiful red, orange and yellow hues of the slowly setting sun. 
You glanced at the beautiful being beside you, only to see her staring directly at you, you took notice of her appearance, from her pixie-like hair to her no doubt, designer shoes. But that wasn’t the only thing you notice. You also notice the anxious look on her face, her eyes painted with uncertainty and a tint of fear.
“What’s wrong?” you ask her
“I want to tell you something.” she nervously plays with your fingers, the rays of the sun creeping slowly towards the both of you.
“Can you promise not to run away?” She bites her lip
“Yes. I promise.” You say sincerely, tightening your grip on her hands
“I don’t know how to just break this to you but... I’m a vampire.” You blinked at her, fast. Then proceeded to try to stop your laughs but you failed, only to stop when you see her frowning face.
“Wait are you serious?...” Your words slowly drifting away, the sun’s rays now grazing her body, painting her pale skin with shiny, diamond like texture. 
You couldn’t speak, you were too much in awe of her beauty. Alice was thinking of the worst, she relied on her visions too much and now the dull ache of fear residing in her stomach was something she does not like, at all. 
“Beautiful” You whispered out, reaching out to touch her, caressing her face.  Your eyes widened and you immediately pulled back
“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just that you’re so pretty and you’re just perfect and I like you so much and I-” You stopped, your words now making sense to your previously-not-functioning-brain
You just confessed you liked her. You just confessed you liked her. You just confessed you liked her. You panicked in your brain, thinking about how she’ll hate you now and how you could probably die right here and you wouldn’t mind-
The sound of her giggles, jingling like bells pulled you back into reality. Her smiling face about an inch away from yours. Two things could happen right now- she could kiss you, or suck you dry... you really didn’t want to think about either, both might make you faint.
“Shh. Kiss me please.” With no hesitation, your body surged forward, closing the small distance between the both of you.
The kiss was slow and sweet. Years of hidden feelings finally blooming out. You smiled into the kiss, pulling away to catch your breath.
“Wow.” She just chuckled at your reaction as she dragged you to the picnic blanket. 
The two of you spent at least 4 hours talking about her, her family, you and just about everything honestly, she then had to leave because of a vision that included a clumsy Bella, a fuming Rosalie and an anxious Edward. 
But rest assured, you entered your home with a blushing face, the ‘goodnight’ kiss that just happen on your doorstep fresh on your mind. Needless to say, you crashed on your bed, your thoughts drifting to the already scheduled next date,. 
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immortalled · 4 years
Some highlights and trivia from the Misfits series 1 scripts that no one asked for (extremely long post ahead):
Episode 1
- Jeremy feels somewhat more manipulative and selfish. It’s nothing new that he’s the reason Louise kicked Nathan out, but there’s a deleted scene where he comes in immediately after Louise has booted Nathan, Louise is crying, and he just tells her “You’re doing the right thing. We need this.” And I dunno. I get it, but somehow seeing it just makes the whole situation feel scummier. I could be biased.
- After getting her powers and losing her fiancé, Kelly cries all night. Again, no surprise, but it hurts getting confirmation. :(
Episode 2
- The old woman Nathan pushes in a wheelchair does in fact roll out the door when he lets go. RIP Joan. Some say that if you listen carefully, you can hear her still rollin’ to this day.
- The old “SHE’S STEALING YOUR PENSION” war vet is named Stan. Stan has some serious PTSD. Please protect Stan.
- Alisha thinks Sally is lesbian. 
- Simon’s wardrobe is inspired by Joy Division’s Ian Curtis. I’ve never seen Curtis dance, but apparently Rheon incorporated some of Curtis’ dance moves into Simon’s character.
- There’s a deleted scene where the gang finds Nathan in the community centre, staring sadly at a photo of Ruth which has been put up in her memory. Robert really keeps playing the same characters, doesn’t he?
Episode 3
- When Kelly and Jodi are fighting, Socha accidentally headbutts Mojekwu for real. Whoops.
Episode 4
- The athletic segments are filmed at the Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium. 
- In a deleted scene, Kelly calls Simon a “good-looking bloke” and tells him he should get a girlfriend. She also says that “loads of girls like sweet, quiet guys”. Simon is touched by this and immediately asks if she’s single.
- Nathan was only supposed to kiss the bowling ball. Of course Sheehan had to be weird and lick it instead. Disgusting.
- Simon’s jerk friend, Matt, sounds a little less like a jerk in the script. He’s actually guilty and feels more sympathetic. Doesn’t make him embarrassing Simon in front of everyone any better, though. 
- The original plan was for Simon to turn against the main cast and evolve into a supervillain by the end of season 1, which is one reason why Simon is so horribly creepy in S1 (namely perving on the girls). 
- Confirmation that Simon is excited by vulnerable / unconscious girls. #yikes
- Nathan’s dad, Mike, is named “Gareth” in the script. “Gareth” canonically thinks Nathan is an “inconvenience”. 
- Tony’s surname was originally “Warren” instead of “Morecombe”.
Episode 5
- There’s a note in the script that says “Curtis’ rap during his self-assessment therapy with Sally is the only improvised dialogue in the whole of Series 1“ and I’m not entirely sure, but I think that’s probably a typo. Either we missed out on Curtis’ special hidden talent for rapping, or that should say “Nathan” and Sheehan adlibbed the Ruff In The Jungle Business. I think the latter is more likely. 
- Sally tells Simon in a deleted scene that she was teased as a child for being fat. 
- Simon, while talking to Sally at the pub about trying to burn Matt’s house down, has a wave of guilt about peeking up Kelly’s skirt outside the club in the last episode. 
- Confirmation that Sally begins to have genuine feelings of attraction toward Simon. #yikes yikes
- The scene with Nathan picking up the baby took over half a day to shoot because the babies kept crying.
- Kelly originally snaps Nathan out of Finn’s hypnotism by pushing herself into his thoughts. Which I think is fascinating because I don’t remember her telepathically communicating with characters before.
- The BMX footage that Simon shows Sally is supposed to be Superhoodie. Hello, plot-holes and paradoxes.
- In a deleted scene, Nathan says he’s jealous that Kelly has “two powers”; being able to hear other people’s thoughts and talk to people telepathically. Seriously sad that this ability was removed in the final cut.
- In another deleted scene, Simon suggests that maybe their powers are changing. Kelly seems to agree. Rachel and a lot of Virtue symbolism also appear early; the gang unknowingly disrespect Rachel by sloshing water on one of her Virtue banners and walking over/on it as they pass.
- Yikes. Deleted scene that alludes to Nathan’s possible alcohol problem with a shot of the community centre’s kitchen and all the empty bottles. 
- In another deleted scene, after Kelly questions Nathan about his dad, Nathan complains (revealingly) about Kelly getting in his head. Things get a little flirty, Kelly teases him and serves potato letters with the chicken nuggets. She spells “PRICK” out on Nathan’s plate. It’s really cute.
- Not only was Simon supposed to be the supervillain, but he was supposed to die at the end of season 1.
Episode 6
- “Virtue” was originally called “Respect”, but had to be changed because a political party used the same name. 
- The girl in the opening scene, the one Alisha knew from school, is Ellie. Presumably the same Ellie Alisha mentions in episode 1. 
- The two other Virtue members that pass the gang are named Danny and Lucy.
- This deleted scene was too good not to write out. Simon, Kelly, and Nathan are discussing how to solve their Virtue problem and save Curtis and Alisha:
NATHAN relents, thinks a moment, has an idea...
NATHAN: Okay. How about we spike them?
KELLY’s exasperated.
NATHAN: We get them off their tits on acid. They’re hallucinating so bad they puke. When they come down, maybe they’re back to normal.
SIMON: D’you think that’ll work...?
NATHAN: Hands up who has a better idea.
Neither SIMON nor KELLY put their hand up. 
NATHAN: Then I’ll call my dealer...
NATHAN whips out his phone.
Cutting to a character that was revealed in another deleted scene that I didn’t list, Chewy. Massive stoner, surrounded by a variety of pills, yada yada. Chewy’s phone rings, he answers.
NATHAN: Chewy? It’s Nathan. Can you sort us out with some trips?
CHEWY: I don’t deal drugs any more.
We now see that CHEWY is using his other hand to comb his previously unruly hair into a neat side parting, which looks utterly ridiculous...
CHEWY: Nathan, mate. I’m telling you, drugs are bad news.They lead to a life of crime, mental illness and prostitution. 
NATHAN’s horrified by the response. He quickly ends the call, looks at KELLY, who can see there’s something badly wrong...
NATHAN: (appalled) They’ve got to him... Chewy... That boy’s been stoned every day since he was twelve. (angry, jabbing a finger) She’s gone too far this time. She has crossed the line.
- When Simon and Nathan are being surrounded by Virtue, Simon was supposed to punch Nathan instead of push him away.
- In the original script, when Simon was supposed to be evil, he kicked Nathan to the ground then battered him bloody with a baseball bat. In the storyboards, it looks like Simon intends to kill him. Nathan barely manages to escape thanks to Simon being interrupted by Virtue. 
- Superhoodie was originally introduced in a series of short online films recorded by Simon.
- In a deleted scene, Nathan takes refuge from Virtue in a place called Bar X. The scene was meant to be set up as a reference to The Shining. It’s empty. Nathan gets drunk and starts to reminisce with the bartender, James, about underage drinking, pulling girls, and how many times he’s gotten sick in the toilets there. There’s some odd tension in this scene between Nathan and James and I’m not sure what it is, but it’s amusing. 
- Nathan’s scene with Kelly in her flat is longer. There were some funny lines about her track suit and a lot more awkward fumbling as he tries to compliment the chav look. 
- There was supposed to be a Vegas Baby-esque montage of Nathan “arming” himself and getting dressed to infiltrate Virtue. We were ROBBED. 
- Kelly was supposed to stroke Nathan’s hand affectionately after putting his iPod in the coffin with him. R O B B E D .
- The graveyard scenes were filmed at Kensal Green Cemertary.
- Many of the people in the club after the funeral are Virtue members. 
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willgayers · 7 years
like, imagine eddie working in a 24/7 convinience store during the night shift (like,,, 11pm-4am) and richie is a regular that just comes in the weirdest hours and buys the most bizarre combo of items and is always trying to flirt w eddie making puns with whatever items hes buying and eddie lowkey likes it (cue stan rolling his eyes)
lmaooo yes yes yes!!
eddie fucking HATES it
but he’s a destitute student (arent we all ha ha ha… send me money) so its not like he really has a choice ya know
he only really likes one of his co-workers (martha) and hates everyone else
but at least theres… something interesting about his job…
richie tozier is 18 and he lives by himself at a condo downtown and his life was pretty fucking boring taking he’d just moved into derry and he knew literally NO ONE other than the cool chick who lives in the same block of flats and richie saw her wearing a the smiths shirt so they became friends 
but then one night,, richie was about to go for a smoke when he realized he’s all out 
also he was kind of in the mood for chicken nuggets
and now that we’re at it how great would a bottle of soda be with that
he remembers seeing a convenience store near his house so he gets up from his couch and glances at the clock ,,, 2am its not that bad yet
so he gets out of the house and walks over to the store
he swings the door open and glances around. the lamps create a rather ugly yellow shade inside,, an old backstreet boys song is playing from the stereos and richie snorts
he doesnt see anyone behind the counter so he just goes straight to the fridge to grab some nuggets,, waddles over to the soda section and grabs a huge bottle of coke
and then he walks out from behind one isle and sees the prettiest?? boy?? ever??
richie drops the coke bottle and it starts to gush out 
the boy behind the counter snaps his head towards richie the SECOND
richie does nothing
tozier just gapes at him
“holy shit” richie literally just blurts out 
“??????” this guy is looking at richie like what the fUCK??
then richie flinches back to the moment
“shit,,, i mean,,, yes,, fuck,” richie starts to reach out for the bottle and eddie is like WHAT is this dude seriously gonna grab the-
the soda is still spilling out and some of it shoots straight against richie’s glasses 
“FUCK” he yelps out and drops the bottle, some MORE of it just filling the floor
“oh my gOd just leave it,,, pay for the rest,” eddie sighs knowing he’s gonna have to clean it up
“i am so,,,so sorry” richie blurts out as he rubs his glasses against his shirt and walks towards the counter
eddie looks at him clearer now that he doesnt have the ridiculously big glasses covering half of his face,,, and he swallows because wow?? he’s actually really cute?? 
“yeah its… whatever” eddie murmurs, licking his lips nervously
“so you’ll take that only?” eddie asks, nodding towards the chicken nugget pack
“and a green marlboro”
eddie fights the urge to roll his eyes. he doesnt get smokers
but instead he just hands him the pack 
“that’ll be 6.50″
“here,, and again i am terribly sorry about…”
they both glance behind richie where the coke is only now starting to die out
“yeah.” eddie just says
a few days later,,, richie’s at the skate park with his only friend in town 
“can i tell you something.” richie asks as they’re chilling on top of their skates
“sure” beverly says,, takin a drag out of her cig
“i saw someone”
beverly starts to smirk wide at him 
“oh yeah??? whats she look like i might know her”
richie glances away
“uh.. not a she, actually. a he”
“i go both ways” richie shrugs as beverly’s silently asking if he’s..? not that she’d judge him but out of curiosity
“okay well, whats HE look like”
“he works at the convenience store” richie says and the second he does beverly bursts out laughing
richie’s like ???what???
“oh my god, EDDIE KASPBRAK???”
“you know him???”
“ohh boy eddie kaspbrak is the princess of this town there’s no way in hell you’re gonna get with him”
richie’s heart sinks a little 
“but hey!! theres plenty of pretty boys in this town”
richie doesnt care he wants that one
eddie’s lowkey thought of the weird guy who spilled coke all over the carpet also 
one night richie’s about to make food but realizes he’s out of french fries. and he wants to eat chicken with french fries. he cant possibly eat it with rice that he has,, he just has to eat it with french fries oh well haha what a great thing he lives next to a convenience store!!
so he goes there,, and ,, its faith its destiny or at least thats what tozier thinks eddie is working 
eddie’s stomach flips
mostly because he’s afraid he’s gonna break something again 
“hello” richie says
“…hi..” eddie says, watching as richie walks,, trying to be all cool and casual but ends up walking against a Lays shelf
eddie drops his head quickly to hide his laughter as an embarrassed richie starts gathering up the chips
he ends up taking one tho only so that he can say he “did it on purpose”
“so you’re taking chips and french fries huh???”
“well why not. i like potatoes”
richie’s just staring at eddie as he’s doing his job and eddie can feel this so his cheeks are kinda heating up 
“and a pack of green marlboros”
“right” eddie says,, remembering this from last time 
“that’ll be 10dollars”
“thanks eddie”
eddie almost chokes as the guy flashes him a smirk and is about to leave
“how do you know my name???”
richie just winks and eddie’s stomach flips again but this time its over something completely different and before eddie could ask his name richie’s out of the store already. proud w himself
richie doesnt say anything to bevvie tho even tho they hang out bc he doesnt want 1) beverly to bring him down 2) to ruin the great moment when he’s gonna tell beverly he’s got a date with eddie and see the look on her face
after a couple of days richie goes back to buy a twix bar. and more cigarettes
“hi eds” richie says as he walks in and eddie goes bright red
“do not call me eds”
richie smirks as he shuffles to the desk 
“can i have a pack of-”
eddie slams the marlboro green to the counter
richie smirks lightly
“and a twix” 
“those are in front of you” eddie snaps
“yeah i know that, you handing it to me would’ve just been a great moment to accidentally brush my fingers against yours tho” richie sighs as he grabs the twix and places it on the desk with a sweet smile
eddie’s eyes widen and he has to fake a cough 
“here ya go” richie says and slides him the money
“whats your name??” eddie asks 
“oh, are you interested in knowing??”
“no, but since you somehow know mine which is kind of stalkery and creepy-”
“richie” richie says as he opens the chocolate bar wrapper and bites down to it 
eddie blinks at him
“yeah” richie bites his chocolate again “thats me”
“you enjoying that?” eddie nods towards the twix bar that richie’s literally gorged
“i’ve had better things in my mouth but its okay”
eddie’s jaw drops lightly and he just stares at richie 
and then someone clears their throat so eddie turns his gaze to the rather pissed off looking lady behind richie and he clears his throat
richie glances behind him 
“hey we were having a conversation here”
eddie’s eyes widen
“UH, NO WE WEREN’T!” Eddie fakes a nervous laugh “please just,, step ahead!!”
“wow, rude eds. im gonna go then”
“ooookayyyyy,,, byeeee” eddie says as he’s already beeping the next customer’s stuff but as richie walks away he still steals a glance at his back
richie just keeps on going back
everytime he buys something weird 
“a vanilla candle..”
“yes, i like the smell”
*next time*
“meatballs and popcorn? please tell me you’re not mixing these two”
“i wasnt gonna but thanks for the idea”
*next time*
“cat food? you have a cat?”
eddie frowns
“then why would you buy cat food?”
“i wanted to see you” :’)
kaspbrak tries to ignore the butterflies he’s feeling rn
“…three thirty”
“thats some expensive kitty food. well, i hope my next door neighbor tanya will appreciate this”
“youre buying this for your neighbor??”
“yeah. she’s a nice old romani lady with three cats” richie says as he grabs the cat food and eddie starts to smile a little because thats so cute??
richie notices the smile and he just smiles back. no flirts or anything just smiles 
“see ya later alligator” richie says and eddie rolls his eyes amusedly 
days pass by,,, richie coming in practically every day and he just doesnt even look around anymore he just grabs the first thing at hands length and puts it to the counter
batteries,, candy bags,, motorcycle magazines,, even tampons once
“i get bad nosebleeds” 
and eddie actually lets out a chuckle. an actual ,,, true chuckle and richie gets the biggest smile
“you want your regular?” eddie asks
“the marlboros”
“oh no i quit” richie shrugs and eddie looks surprised
“yeah” richie shrugs
(lowkey he quit bc he somehow found out eddie doesnt like smokers)
*eddie heart-eyes intensify*
*another time*
richie’s feeling flirty one friday and buys a pack of condoms
“yyyyello” he says as he slams the pack against the table
eddie looks at it and oh wow he feels like he’s been hit in the chest
why the hell??? he doesnt even know this guy??? yet he kinda feels like he does??? 
“who’s the lucky girl” eddie comments as he beeps the pack
“who says its a girl” richie asks and eddie gets even more pissed off now because??? hE LIKES BOYS??? THATS EVEN WORSE
“right” eddie just dramatically snaps and before he can say the price richie speaks
“im kidding i dont really wanna buy those” he says
eddie quirks a brow
“i dont need them”
“im not having sex”
“i mean i ,,, i do have sex but im not currently having sex”
“…uh huh okay, thanks for sharing this w-”
“okay im getting DESPERATE i need you to go out on a date with me”
eddie’s eyes widen as he raises both of his brows now
“im sorry what”
“yes ,,oh my god PLEASE i’ve been coming here literally every day i thought it would be obvious as im buying things like fucking,,, tampons and protein bars when you can clearly see i haven’t worked out a day in my life”
eddie starts to smile (bc thats true)
richie’s taken aback
“okay, i’ll go on a date with you”
“what seriously???”
“yeah” eddie smirks but then jokingly goes serious “just… dont put tampons up your nose”
“i promise i wont i dont even- well sometimes when i do get-”
eddie raises amused brows
“sorry” richie apologizes for talking too much again
eddie grabs a piece of paper and scrabbles something before folding it and handing it to richie
(smooth finger brushing was done btw)
(eddie did it on purpose)
(which sent tingles down richie’s spine)
“i have a free day tomorrow”
“oK THATS GREAT I GOTTA GO NOW BYE” richie’s shocked™
“wait!” eddie stopped him just as richie was about to turn around
“arent you forgetting something??” he says and richie drops his gaze to the counter where eddie’s sliding the condom pack towards richie
richie could fucking cry as he looks at the smirk on eddie’s face
“i dont-” he utters out like what the FuCk Is GoiNg ON
eddie doesnt say anything just raises his brows so richie swallows and nods and grabs the pack, shakily shoving them to the back of his jeans before he gets out and looks at the paper
its got a number
and then 
eddie ,,, and a small heart after that
richie fucking SWOONS and he could do the whole breakfast club fist pump to the air 
they have their date and its lit af and awh
and on monday richie hangs out with beverly
his phone rings and he answers
“hey cutie”
beverly raises her brows
“yeah im still at the skate park.”
“yeah??” richie asks “yeah sure of course!! come here. ok see you”
“who was that?” bevvie asks
richie just smirks
bc literally seconds later eddie walks over (he was just around the corner)
beverly’s mouth drops
“hey!!” eddie smiles as he makes his way over to the two of them,, leaning down to press a kiss to richie’s lips as he sits down 
“beverly,, you might know eddie” richie looks at beverly as he speaks ,, mentally saying HA HA BITCH!!!
beverly just gapes at the two of them
“hi:)” - eddie
“…hi…” beverly gives him an awkward smile
“so like,,, i was supposed to go to work today right?? but then my boss called me and wait im gonna show you this mail i was supposed to take to the post office-”
as eddie starts to grab something from his backpack and goes on with his talking,, beverly turns her shocked gaze to richie who just looks so fucking proud 
“are you serious???” beverly mouths
“ohhh yeah” richie mouths back at him
“hey babe?” richie asks 
“yeah?” eddie asks, turning his head towards richie from his backpack
“gimme another kiss” richie pouts and eddie rolls his eyes, kissing him again. richie starts jokingly planting dozens of tiny kisses on his mouth, making eddie giggle
beverly’s jaw only drops lower
they hang out for some time but once eddie leaves,, beverly speaks
“well,,, guess i was wrong” 
richie just smiles wide bc ofc she was
its reddie
how do i end this??
the end
@superbyersbros@xbell22@donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie@donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash@rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @urtury@bukiminajimu@kcutieeesblog@stansmansuris@adorefack@reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill@graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth@richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier@80soleff@lonewolfhard@low-key-dying@sad-synth@richietoaster@badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth@low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall@stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard@trashmouthgazebos@littlepointman@finnhardwolf@allison0609 @fabulousprinceali  @tatiscribbles @s-s-georgie @coralinejones @richiestoziiers @tatiscribbles
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leemarkies · 3 years
ah i really am easily pleased huh like minho will upload his dumb alien snow filter selcas and i’ll send it to my bestie saying that her more gorgeous twin uploaded a selfie that looks horrible yet he still managed to pull off the bitter gourd tones so he gets bonus points for that~ or jaemin will act like an absolute idiot and lowkey behave how my bro acts but i’ll somehow still be obsessed over his hilarious antics (which are suddenly annoying when my family does them) lol mine is a mac too; that explains most of it skdkdkskdk no worries! it’s kinda good too since i usually get head aches if i’m in front of a screen for more than 1 hour, 15 mins if the computers already been used and is radiating heat… but not so good as it takes me ages to make one set of 4 and i have like 359373848 blogs so i can’t post as regularly as i’d like. oh what fun it was giffing on only 2 blogs ;c i’m considering keeping my txt and shared blog and combing in all the others into a big phat mutli blog but then i remember my intense fear of giffing/reblogging too much of one group and leaving the rest + the fact i like to have them all separate or not more than 2 in one so i give that thought up. but like i want to shut down a few of them but at the same time i see jake or haknyeon or beomgyu or minho or sanha or byeonghee or jeongin or —TAKING A BREAK TO SAY THAT MY FRIEND IS MASS REPLYING TO ME RIGHT NOW AND JUST SAID SHE VALUES ME AS MUCH AS SHE VALUES A DINO NUGGET which has me crying from laughing and also confused like 🤔 do you value me a lot as to not share me/adore me the same way you do if someone asked for you to share a dino nuggie or value me so little that i’m as worthless as junk food that’ll soon go down your alimentary canal 🤔 ok anyways back to the main topic— any other kpop boy smile or laugh and i’m so smitten i want to make a gifset of him/his group sldkfkfkkd my bros are a pain but at least one of them asks nicely <3 couldn’t be happier knowing the little one still has respect for me despite his older bro battling it out with me about whether or not his game downloads and my vid downloads are to be counted in our time used for entertainment on the computer HAHA okay! well i like fanatic a lot too! it’s not generally the kind of song i’d like but i noticed that most of releases i kind of didn’t mind were the ones 2018-2020 me would never look at after the first listen! also good morning 🌻 i was just about to go sleep but i had so much to say after seeing your response… please excuse any typos hehe have a lovely day ahead! - 🍉
lino’s selfies >>>>>>
seriously his goofy selfies make me SO happy ! and you’re right he could use the wackiest filters and still look so handsome it should be illegal !! and jaemin .. i want to study his brain sometimes. he’s so effortlessly funny and weird and i love him too <3
ik the struggle of wanting to gif everything but not having the time 😞 but do what you want! they’re your blogs and you can run them however you want!! it’s your own corner of the internet >:)
hmm i’ll have to give fanatic a listen then!! and you too bb! 💘
0 notes
zephfair · 6 years
Day 4 Bleach fic Grimmichi
Day 4 of the 30-Day AU Challenge
Day 4: Babysitting AU
All-human AU comedy somewhere in the U.S. with a bigger age gap between the twins and Ichigo.
Grimmjow slammed his tray down on the cafeteria table, and the couple sitting on the opposite side jumped apart. Sometimes it took extremes to get the two to stop sucking face, and frankly, Grimmjow was sick of it. Embarrassed for the two losers and sick of it.
It didn’t seem to bother Ulquiorra or Orihime who went back to hand-feeding each other choice bits of the university lunch. Grimmjow didn’t consider any of the swill choice but it was cheap and he was always hungry.
“So what are we doing this weekend?” he asked with his mouth full of stringy chicken nuggets and ketchup.
“It is only Monday,” Ulquiorra informed him.
“I know that. But I need something to look forward to or I won’t make it through the week.”
“Actually, I have plans already. I’m going to babysit for an old friend from high school,” Orihime said.
Ulquiorra pulled away. “But I got us tickets to the arts festival at the capital, along with the special concerts.”
“You have a high school friend that already has a kid?” Grimmjow was nosy.
“Oh no!” Orihime took Ulquiorra’s hands. “You know how much I’ve been wanting to go to that, but I never thought you’d manage to get tickets! It’s been sold out for months!”
“I pulled some strings. Anything for you.”
“Hello, your friend? With the kid?” Grimmjow wouldn’t let it go.
“Oh, well he’s not really my friend...”
“He?” Ulquiorra pulled back from her embrace.
“It’s more like I was friends with his son.”
“His son?” Now Ulquiorra pulled away.
“I’m not explaining this well, am I? I was friends with Ichigo in high school and now his dad has to go to a conference this weekend and he needs someone to watch his girls. They’re twins. Their mom died when they were born.”
“How long will he be gone?”
“Ichigo,” Grimmjow pondered. “The orange-haired kid? Freshman?”
“Yes, that’s him! We were in the same class!”
“Why can’t he watch them?” Ulquiorra grumbled.
“Because his dad doesn’t want him to be bothered. He has classes and then some kind of debate club trip, and his dad just wants him to enjoy university life.”
“When are you supposed to work?”
“I’m picking up the girls Friday after school to Sunday night.”
“And the father doesn’t have any other friends?”
Grimmjow tuned out the couple’s argument and let his mind wander. He knew exactly who Ichigo was. Grimmjow was a senior in the kendo club, and he’d been the one to take on the kid when he applied for the club. He grinned at the memory. Their faculty adviser had been conveniently distracted by the other seniors so Grimmjow had the chance to wale on the kid.
Only, the freshman had shocked him with a good fight and then, when Grimmjow had started to cheat, he’d thrown down too and they’d had a very refreshing brawl that didn’t end until Shawlong had grabbed him and yelled that the adviser was coming back.
Ichigo had easily made the club, but since then, he’d stuck close to the other freshmen and far away from Grimmjow.
It was disappointing. Especially since Ichigo was strong, smart, had a sassy mouth on him, and also a really fine ass. Too bad he hadn’t been able to corner Ichigo alone again.
“I’ll do it,” Grimmjow said suddenly.
There was a silence so pregnant it started contractions. Ulquiorra and Orihime stared at him.
“Uh, Grimmjow, that’s really nice of you but I don’t think...”
“You? Watch children? Preposterous.”
Now Grimmjow was offended. “Hey, I watched Nel when she was a rugrat and she’s still alive.”
“Does that explain the scar on her head?” Ulquiorra asked.
“Fuck you,” Grimmjow said companionably. “And I’ll have you know, kids love me.”
Ulquiorra harrumphed. Orihime still looked uncomfortable. So he tried a white lie that was still technically true. “I could really use the cash. You could check in with us on FaceTime. You know I can be nice when I really wanna be.”
“I don’t know, Grimmjow...”
“How bad can two little girls be?”
“Um, Grimmjow—”
“I know little boys, fuck, I was one and I know what brats they are. But little girls are, like, sugar and spice and all that nice shit. Besides, girls love me.”
“Uh,” was all Orihime could say.
Now was the first time Grimmjow had ever seen Ulquiorra smirk but when he thought back on it, he should have felt the cold wind of foreboding. Ulquiorra had caught on that he shouldn’t be arguing against it if he wanted Orihime alone for the weekend.
“I’m sure he would be fine,” he offered a sickly looking smile when Orihime turned to him in shock. “He did used to watch over Nel. And he’s in charge of the kendo club. And he’s—” It looked like Ulquiorra was struggling to come up with any more positives about Grimmjow.
“I would never drink or smoke around kids. Hell, I won’t even swear.”
“I don’t know,” Orihime said slowly.
“We’ll return on Sunday so we could go right over. And take them out for ice cream,” Ulquiorra tried to win her over. Orihime thought about it.
“Well, if you promise to FaceTime. Every couple hours. And make sure you go over all the emergency protocols Mr. Kurosaki left with me. And you’ll have to meet him first, so he approves.”
“No problem,” Grimmjow’s smile was wide and showed teeth. “Parents love me.”
Orihime giggled weakly. Then she went back to feeding pudding to Ulquiorra who was whispering something about plans for the weekend.
Grimmjow kept the smile even through his lousy lunch. Taking care of Ichigo’s little sisters for a weekend would be the absolute best way of impressing him and showing him how responsible he really was. It would have Ichigo eating out of his hand, only not literally ‘cause that shit was reserved for gross losers like Ulquiorra. No, Grimmjow would babysit the shit out of the kids and Ichigo could show him his thanks and gratitude in other ways. In Grimmjow’s bedroom. Oh yeah.
It was a perfect plan that couldn’t go wrong.
Orihime must have really wanted to get Ulquiorra alone because she somehow broke the news to Mr. Kurosaki and got Grimmjow okayed without them even meeting. She brought over house keys and several pages of printed instructions and phone numbers as well as her hand-written notes on the girls. Grimmjow glanced at it out of courtesy then tossed it on his desk. As if he needed hints on entertaining kids. Just turn on the TV and let the little buggers amuse themselves. Order pizza for dinner, pour cereal for breakfast. He had that shit covered.
Orihime hugged him with thanks before she and Ulquiorra left on Friday. “I’m sure everything will be fine. Just take care, okay? Karin can be a little bit of a handful.”
“I told ya, I got it covered,” Grimmjow pushed her away before Ulquiorra could do more than glower.
“And call me!” Orihime yelled back at him as Ulquiorra escorted her forcibly out of the room.
Grimmjow threw a few things in a backpack, pocketed the keys and took off to meet the girls outside their school. It was a bit of a walk from the university campus, but the elementary school was close to the family home to make the kids’ walk convenient.
He leaned against the post of the school’s gate and ignored the murmurings of the moms gathered to pick up their kids. He tapped out a cigarette from his pack before remembering his promise and stowing it away.
Then the bell rang and all hell broke loose. Orihime had sent him pictures of the girls, but the sudden rush of children overwhelmed Grimmjow. They all looked alarmingly alike—small, fast and annoyingly loud as they shrieked their happiness about it being Friday.
He scanned the crowd and even took out his phone to look at the pics again but he didn’t see any matches.
The crowd was starting to thin out when he felt a poke right in his stomach.
“Ow, what the heeeee—ck.” He looked down and found his charges.
There was no doubt that the dark-haired little girl whose poking finger was still extended was related to Ichigo—her scowl looked exactly like her brother’s default expression. The lighter-haired girl was clinging to her from behind.
“Well, if it isn’t Thing 1 and Thing 2,” he said.
“Shut it, Blue Dude. I’m Karin and this is Yuzu,” the girl pointed her thumb behind her. “And you’re Grimmy.”
“Grimmjow,” he corrected.
“Whatever, Grimmy.”
He gritted his teeth but leaned down so they were more face to face. Yuzu squeaked and hid her face in Karin’s back. “How did you know it was me?”
“Hime said you were big, blue hair and dumb-looking. No one else around here comes close to that,” Karin said.
“Shiiiii—p, that wasn’t very nice of her,” Grimmjow bit back the curse word and his true feelings.
Karin sniggered. “But it was true.”
“Karin,” Yuzu’s voice was quiet but chastising. She looked up, right into Grimmjow’s eyes. “She also sent us a picture of you, so we’d know to look for you.”
“Well, that was very nice of her,” Grimmjow gave her a sincere little smile. She blushed and ducked her head again. Heh, he’d already won the one over. He looked back into the narrowed eyes of Karin and knew he still had a way to go. “So, who wants to stop at McDonald’s on the way home?”
“That’ll ruin our dinner,” Karin told him and Yuzu nodded.
It was going to be dinner, but Grimmjow let it slide for now. “Well, it’s a nice day. Is there anywhere else you want to go before we head home?”
Karin and Yuzu exchanged a long look and Grimmjow felt the first cold fingers of fear slide down his spine. They looked up at him as one and said, “Yes, please.”
After four hours of hitting every shop between the school and the house, Grimmjow was finally able to corral the girls into their home. He’d seen every single store that sold toys or candy or snacks, and had even been cajoled into taking a detour to a pet store to pet puppies and kitties. The girls had some pocket money of their own which they hoarded and bargained for in a way that impressed Grimmjow.
He’d also quickly found out that Karin was the runner, walking along beside him one moment and an instant later darting into a store half a block away. He’d had to keep a firm hold on her bookbag after the second time, but his arm almost ached from holding her back.
Yuzu had shyly offered her hand to hold when they’d reached the first intersection. Grimmjow was charmed over by her timid obedience right up until she’d hauled him into a convenience store and asked to look at every single brand of candy they offered.
At least they had graciously allowed him to buy McDonald’s to take home for dinner.
They chattered at each other as they enjoyed their Happy Meals and Grimmjow dug into his Big Macs. After a few minutes, Yuzu mentioned “Ichi” and Grimmjow’s ears perked.
“Is that what you call your big brother?”
“Yep, but he doesn’t like it much,” Yuzu giggled.
“Do you know Ichi?” Karin asked.
“Sure do. He joined my kendo club. I’m the senior in charge.”
Karin snorted. “Ichi’s awesome at kendo. Bet ya he’s better than you.”
Grimmjow grit his teeth again. “I beat him the very first day.”
Karin shrugged and ate another fry. “Whatever. He probably let you win.”
Grimmjow’s eye twitched and he turned to Yuzu. “What do you think about your big brother?”
Grimmjow listened to the rambling stories about adventures with Ichigo, and it was clear the girls loved him, even if Yuzu was the only one who idolized him. He was amazed that someone as young as Karin could be so unimpressed by bullshit.
But he couldn’t get any straight answers to his most important questions—if Ichigo dated in high school, if he liked boys or girls or both, what he did for fun, if he liked anyone at college.
As they were cleaning up the takeout mess, Karin sidled up to him.
“Hey, I have some old pictures of Ichigo in his high school kendo club.”
“That’s nice?” Grimmjow didn’t know where this was going.
“I’ll sell them to you for five bucks.”
“Fuuuu—” Grimmjow’s eyes darted to Yuzu “—dge, no. That’s ridiculous.”
“Fine. I’ll sell you his favorite sleeping boxers for 10.”
Grimmjow was tempted for a second but said firmly, “No.”
“OK, how about I don’t tell him you were asking all these questions about him.”
Grimmjow’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Twenty bucks,” Karin said smugly and Yuzu giggled her approval and said, “I think it’s nice that you like Ichi.”
Grimmjow scrubbed at his face with his hands. “Fine. Twenty dollars and you keep this between us.”
“Deal.” Karin held out her hand until Grimmjow fumbled for his wallet and handed her the bill.
He was ready to scream.
So he went back to his original plan of turning on the TV and telling the girls to find something they liked. They took turns flipping through the channels as he sat on the couch behind them and lurked on Ichigo’s social media. It seemed like the debate team had made it safely to their tournament.
He was walking back from the bathroom when he realized that the girls had turned off the TV and were looking at him.
“What the fuuuuu—n do you want now? Isn’t it about your bedtime?”
“Do you know how to fight?” Karin asked him.
“Well, yeah. I’ve been doing kendo forever. I’ve trained in martial arts.”
“What about self-defense?”
The fingers tickled down his spine again but he ignored their warning. “Uh, sure, I—”
They attacked without further warning. Yuzu hit him low, wrapping limpet-like around his legs to immobilize, while Karin went high, jumping onto the couch then leaping onto his back with all her weight.
Grimmjow went down with a yell and a crash. Someone poked his eyes and another hit him in the crotch. He made a noise that he’d never heard before and curled up like a pill bug. He may have whimpered.
“Daddy and Ichi taught us what to do if someone ever grabs us or does something that we don’t like.” Karin was standing over him, one foot firmly on his ribcage. Grimmjow looked up at them through streaming eyes.
“We’re supposed to yell and tell,” Yuzu said.
“And beat the hell out of them,” Karin added.
“You two are fuuu—dging terrifying,” he told them in all honesty.
Yuzu beamed. “Good night, sleep tight!”
“Pleasant dreams,” Karin said and they went to get ready for bed.
Grimmjow went to sleep in Ichigo’s room and locked the door.
Despite going to bed at nine—well, after rummaging unashamedly through Ichigo’s things that he’d left behind then playing on his phone—Grimmjow slept in longer than he wanted on Saturday. He heard noise in the kitchen that meant the girls were up already.
He refused to feel embarrassment about his reaction the night before, but now he knew what to look out for. He could do this. He was prepared.
Twelve hours later, Grimmjow was forced to admit that he was not prepared.
It had started on his walk into the kitchen when he slammed face-first into the clear cling-wrap stretched firmly over the door opening. The girls had giggled and high-fived over their bowls of cereal.
He grabbed the coffee pot to fill it, but when he turned on the faucet, the sprayer hit him full blast with cold water. The girls cheered again.
Grimmjow wiped his dripping face and took a deep breath.
But it had already set the tone for the day.
Karin came up with every single prank she could and doled them out at exactly the worst times.
Yuzu gazed up at him with her big eyes and proceeded to talk him into anything she wanted.
Can I braid your hair? Will you play ball with me? Let’s paint nails! I’ll kick and you chase it! Let me try out my new makeup on you; Orihime gave it to me for my birthday! I think I left my backpack at the park—run back and find it.
By dinnertime, Grimmjow was agreeing to anything they wanted, as long as he could sit down to do it. That was how they not only had pizza and chocolate and an entire two-liter of soda but also how they got to watch the first hour of a horror movie before he realized that might only give them ideas.
It was when he’d dozed off on the couch that they’d struck the final blow—re-doing the makeup with extra vengeance and adding every hair accessory they owned to his head. Grimmjow woke up with a start but they’d already escaped giggling to their bedroom. He was pretty sure it was the fake shutter sound of a cellphone camera that had awakened him and he shuddered.
And when he went to get a drink of water, he found that Karin had finished the day the way it had started—with a faceful of cold sprayed water. He sputtered and gave up.
He was still damp and bruised and so very, very tired, too exhausted to even wash the smeared makeup off his face as he lay on the living room floor.
When the front door opened he muttered, “If you’re a burglar or a murderer go ahead and do you what you want to me. It can’t be worse than them.”
“You look like hell,” Ichigo informed him, dropping his duffel beside Grimmjow’s head and looming over him. “My sisters better not be in the same shape as you.”
“Bite me,” Grimmjow groaned and rolled onto his side as Ichigo’s foot caught him in the same bruise that Karin had left on his ribs the night before. “Oh my god, your sisters are demons! And you’re just as bad!”
“How dare you, my sisters are the most precious angels on this earth,” Ichigo thought for a second and added, “I’ll give you Karin though. She does have some pretty alarming tendencies.”
“Alarming? Alarming doesn’t begin to cover it!” Grimmjow’s voice rose in pitch as he sat up. “They’re menaces! I just don’t understand how they can have all that energy. They should bottle whatever shit they’re on and sell it to college students. It’d make a fortune!”
“I think it’s called youthful enthusiasm or something. I don’t remember being like that.” Ichigo was fighting to keep a grin off his face but he finally gave in. “Nice makeover. Green eye stuff looks good on you.”
Grimmjow’s hands flew toward his face but he tried to turn it into giving Ichigo both middle fingers. Ichigo snickered.
“They’re merciless,” Grimmjow flopped back to the floor.
“Tell me about it. I’m kind of glad to see you still alive.”
“At this point, me too.” He stared at the ceiling, head pillowed on his hands. “But I have another day of this. They could still win.”
Ichigo chuckled and collapsed on the couch above him, swinging his leg to kick Grimmjow companionably in the head. Then it literally hit him.
“Hey. I thought you weren’t supposed to be here.”
“Like I’m going to leave my sisters alone with you all weekend,” Ichigo kicked him again. He looked exhausted too. “The debate team just got back from our trip. I had them drop me off here.”
“You win?”
“We took second.”
“Good job.” Grimmjow reached up and grabbed his swinging foot. He ran his hand up to gently hold the bony ankle. “So Orihime is coming over tomorrow and taking the brats for ice cream or something. I think I’ll dump them on her and nap.”
“That’s smart,” Ichigo’s yawn was audible.
“You wanna go to bed?”
Ichigo froze and his leg stopped swinging. “Uh...”
Grimmjow worked up his best tired leer. “You could give me one happy memory of this weekend.”
Ichigo’s leg went back into motion with a tap-tap on his forehead. “Sorry, I don’t kiss anyone wearing as much makeup as you.”
Grimmjow made an exaggerated kissy face when he heard a tiny voice call out, “Ichi? Is that really you?”
“Hey, Karin. Hey, Yuzu.”
“Ichi!” the girls barreled through the living room and jumped onto him. Grimmjow heard his breath go out with a little “oof” but he was too busy cradling his knee that Karin had stepped on.
“I thought you weren’t going to be here,” Karin accused as Yuzu hugged Ichigo’s neck tightly.
“Well, I wasn’t supposed to be, but we got back a little early and I couldn’t just leave you two alone with Grimmjow. God knows he hasn’t had any training to deal with the likes of you two. You might have had him tied up or for sale on eBay.”
“Grimmy’s cool, Ichi,” Yuzu giggled. “We like him!”
“And he likes you,” Karin confided. “He was asking us all kinds of stuff about you.”
“He has a crush on you!” Yuzu agreed.
Grimmjow felt his face begin to burn and he sat up abruptly. “You little thieves! I paid you $20 hush money!”
“Well, if you wanted total silence, you should have made it 40,” Karin told him.
Grimmjow grabbed at his own hair but ran into the various clips and barrettes. He hid his face in his bent knees until he felt a small hand pet him. “It’s okay, Grimmy,” Yuzu said.
“Yeah, we won’t even tell Dad we saw you guys kissing,” Karin said.
“What?! We weren’t kissing!” Ichigo sputtered.
“Sixty bucks or we tell him we saw tongue.”
“You vile monsters. Off to bed with you!” And with an exaggerated roar, Ichigo jumped to his feet and swung Karin upside down. “Help me, Grimmy!”
Grimmjow growled too and leaped up, grabbing for Yuzu who was shrieking in delight. He carried her on his hip like an oversized toddler and followed Ichigo with his Karin-barnacle to the girls’ room. Before they caught up, Yuzu snuggled her face into his neck and whispered, “We really do like you, Grimmy. And I think Ichi does too. He was smiling at you.”
“Thanks, kid,” Grimmjow’s voice was rough and he squeezed the girl a little tighter before tossing her to bounce on the bed beside Karin with another round of laughs.
“Now, you’ve run roughshod all over Grimmy today. Time for you to sleep and recharge for your attacks tomorrow!” Ichigo told them.
“Okay, Ichi. ‘Night! ‘Night, Grimmy!”
Grimmjow turned off the light, and Ichigo shut the door behind them.
“Will they actually sleep now?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of creepy. They can be going a hundred miles an hour but when they hit the bed, boom. It’s like a robot powering down. Come to think of it, maybe that’s how they conserve their energy,” Ichigo mused.
“Maybe,” Grimmjow gave in to the urge to yawn and stretch, reaching up to the ceiling with his fingertips. He looked at Ichigo just in time to see his eyes fall away from the slice of bare skin the move had exposed between Grimmjow’s T-shirt and his jeans. He smirked. “Now. Where were we? Didn’t someone say something about kissing?”
He was gratified to see that Ichigo’s eyes went right to his mouth so he licked his own bottom lip and sucked it in a little. Ichigo’s Adam’s apple bobbed.
Grimmjow took a chance, but hey, what did he have to lose? The worst Ichigo could do was turn the girls loose to beat him up again.
Grimmjow stepped closer and Ichigo backed into the wall. Grimmjow put a hand on the wall beside his head and leaned in. He heard Ichigo’s breath hitch and hold, and he loved the sound so much he decided to tease some more.
With his free hand, he cupped Ichigo’s cheek, running his thumb over the cheekbone slowly, then sliding his hand down to Ichigo’s jaw. He brushed his thumb this time over Ichigo’s bottom lip and back to its center, pushing with the barest pressure until it opened slightly.
Grimmjow was staring at Ichigo’s mouth but glanced up into his eyes when Ichigo let loose a ragged breath. His pupils were blown, dark in the dim hall-light, and his eyes closed a little when the tip of his tongue reached out to give a tiny lick to the pad of Grimmjow’s thumb.
Enough teasing. Grimmjow leaned down that little bit more and met Ichigo’s warm mouth with his own. His lips were just full enough, just soft enough, more than eager enough, and it made Grimmjow moan. The vibration encouraged Ichigo to open his mouth and Grimmjow licked right into it, tasting Ichigo fully for the first time.
Ichigo grasped at Grimmjow’s waist, making him jump a little at the sudden clench, but Ichigo only slid his hands lower, just at the top of Grimmjow’s ass, and pulled him closer. Ichigo opened his mouth wider and his tongue chased Grimmjow’s back.
Grimmjow had both hands in Ichigo’s hair, not to hold him steady but to keep him close, closer, it wasn’t close enough. Then Ichigo did knead at his ass and with a groan, Grimmjow let his hips grind against Ichigo’s. Ichigo bucked away from the wall to meet him eagerly.
Grimmjow broke for an instant to gulp in air and licked at Ichigo’s jaw as he struggled for breath. He bit gently and nibbled over to Ichigo’s ear, biting the lobe hard enough to make Ichigo moan. Ichigo’s mouth chased him and caught his willing lips, and it was Ichigo who bit his bottom lip then soothed it with more licks. And Ichigo who sucked frenziedly at Grimmjow’s tongue when it found its way back into his mouth.
Grimmjow was rubbing his groin against Ichigo’s with each press of Ichigo’s hands on his ass when they heard a cell phone ring. Ichigo stopped an instant then went right back to grinding. Grimmjow had to suck in a ragged breath and break the kiss.
“Ichi,” he cleared his rough excuse for a voice. “Ichigo. That’s Orihime.”
“Okay,” Ichigo licked a long stripe up Grimmjow’s throat, over his Adam’s apple to his jaw. Grimmjow did a full-body shiver.
“No, I have to talk to her. About the girls. She’ll freak if I don’t answer.” Grimmjow couldn’t resist one more hard kiss to Ichigo’s lips that turned into another three grinds before he growled and stepped away to turn his back on temptation.
“Shit,” he fumbled his phone out of his pocket. “What.”
“Oh, Grimmjow. Wow. How’s it going?”
“Fine. We’re all fine. Goodbye.”
“Wait a second! Ulquiorra has to see—has to talk to you! Ulquiorra!”
Grimmjow fumed as the phone fumbled hands and then bit off a groan as Ichigo’s hands crept around his waist and smoothed over his stomach as he involuntarily sucked in his abs. “Shit, don’t do that, I can’t think when—”
“Oh. Orihime was right.” Ulquiorra’s face was as close to mirth as Grimmjow had ever seen. Anyone else would have been laughing hysterically, and Grimmjow remembered suddenly that he was still bearing the stigma of the girls’ impromptu makeover.
“You done? I’ve got better things to do,” he growled, his eyes almost rolling back when one of Ichigo’s adventurous hands started toying with his belt.
“I like the lipstick. Strawberry, is it?” Ulquiorra’s lips twitched.
“Cherry actually,” Ichigo popped his head up over Grimmjow’s shoulder and into the camera’s view. “Tell Orihime everything is under control here. Now we do have to go because he really does have someone better to do.”
“Ichigo,” Grimmjow purred in appreciation of the snark and circled his ass back into Ichigo’s groin. Ichigo ground against him in return and bit the side of his neck.
“Grimmy,” Ichigo moaned and Grimmjow ended the call. He turned and pushed Ichigo into the wall in one move.
“Don’t call me that.”
Ichigo looked at him from under his eyelashes and licked his own lips. “What should I call you?”
“Any damn thing you want to, if you keep looking at me like that.”
Ichigo flicked his forehead suddenly. “You’re so easy, Grimmy.”
Grimmjow reared back but Ichigo’s other hand on his ass didn’t let him go far. Ichigo smirked. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. To sleep. I’m not as easy as you.”
Grimmjow grumbled just for the looks of it, but he followed willingly. Until they got to the bathroom and Ichigo hip-checked him. “Don’t you know it’s not good to sleep in your makeup? Go wash it off.”
“Are you always this bossy?”
“You like it.” Ichigo bussed a kiss to his cheek and Grimmjow felt both cheeks burn.
“I might.”
“So wash up, brush your hair and meet me in my room.”
Grimmjow jumped to obey. As he scrubbed off the makeup, he stared at himself in the mirror. And grinned.
Until he made it to Ichigo’s room and found out the girls were claiming they had nightmares and wanted to sleep in the living room with Ichigo.
Then he swore he’d pay any amount to have Orihime take the twins out the entire afternoon, alone, so he could show Ichigo just how he felt about him. From the heated look and the quick kiss Ichigo sneaked him before leaving him the bed alone, he didn’t think Ichigo would mind.
** When Isshin comes home to find out that his son is dating the babysitter and his daughters already love him, he gives Grimmjow one unforgettable shovel talk.
*Every single time I hear Grimmjow’s Resurreccion command, my mind goes right to the gutter.
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thestaffofgrayson · 6 years
1-100 for the unusual asks, you meme lord
Mmmmkay so I cant help being sassy but also wanna give a real answer so we gonna do this -> Anything in parenthesis is a real answer everything else is sass central station
1) Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Im a dank soundcloud rapper check out my soundcloud at nobodycares540.soundcloud.fuck (I dont really use any of em tbh)
2) is your room messy or clean? *glances over* clean (m e s s y)
3) what color are your eyes? All 16 of em are different colors actually (blue)
4) do you like your name? why? No because its not Jojo (Yes!!! Love the name Perrin gonna be honest)
5) what is your relationship status? *sets status to its complicated* you could say im a bit of a player (deathly single)
6) describe your personality in 3 words or less? Im sorry who? (Described meme lord)
7) what color hair do you have? Minecraft Steve Brown (Ver Ver Pink)
8) what kind of car do you drive? color? No I run like sonic next question (nope fuck driving fuck boulder)
9) where do you shop? Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh (For what Next question)
10) how would you describe your style? Goku Black cosplay (Goku Black cosplay)
11) favorite social media account? The one with the Z U C C (Tumblr fuck snapchat)
12) what size bed do you have?  Uuuummmmmmm my size OBVIOUSLY next questions (Dont know tbh queen maybe?)
13) any siblings? Little shit brother (thats not even a joke)
14) if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?  Why this world fuck you what about mars (uuuuhhhhhh no idea gonna be honest)
15) favorite snapchat filter? Oh man! Love this one altho its not well known what ya gotta do is hit the delete button and when it asks if youre sure say yes :D (they change so often I dont pay attention)
16) favorite makeup brand(s)? Whatever it is Genji uses as eyeliner (dooont wear makeup)
17) how many times a week do you shower? I get clean by rolling around in the snow so maybe like 3 times a year (depends usually once a day with exceptions)
18) favorite tv show? I dont watch tv I AM the tv (The Office or if its Anime then Jojos Bizarre Adventure)
19) shoe size? M Y   S I Z E (size 10)
20) how tall are you?  hOWs ThE wEaTHEr dOwnTHeRe (5′9 - 5′11 somewhere in there)
21) sandals or sneakers? Gadget Shoes (legit those are cool but sneakers)
22) do you go to the gym? I think theeessseeee muscles speak for themselves (nope but I do martial arts)
23) describe your dream date  Killing all mortals and achieving a state beyond that of a god (iiiii dont know I dont really see myself going on a date)
24) how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Why do YOU wanna know (no really why tho)
25) what color socks are you wearing? Well I’m at home on the sofa playing sonic the hedgehog and typing up responses to an ask on tumblr that about 5 people are gonna see. That being said, Dragon Ball orange. (not wearing em but I have a fuzzy pair of polar bear socks my friend Ana sent me that I love!)
26) how many pillows do you sleep with? Wait what do you mean not everyone sleeps with 25 pillows are they mad? (One for my head, one on each side, smol pillow, pillow pet)
27) do you have a job? what do you do? I am assistant regional manager at a paper supply company named Dunder Mifflin. (Not currently but I’m gonna apply to Gamestop and Costco here soon)
28) how many friends do you have? Toooooooooooooo many I hate mortals (honestly I’m too lazy to try and count rn)
29) whats the worst thing you have ever done? Well I haven’t seen Mulan don’t call the cops (Iiiiiiii’m not sure I guess cheated on my Chinese final freshman year but hey I needed to pass that)
30) whats your favorite candle scent? V o i d  (I dont use candles that much and I shooouuulld)
31) 3 favorite boy names Jo[seph] Jo[estar], Jo[taro Ku]jo, Jo[nathan] Jo[estar]  (uuuuhhhh I like my name so it would be Perrin, Joji, Donovan)
32) 3 favorite girl names Jolyne Kujo there is no 2 and 3 (Jolyne yes I know but I actually really like the name, Perrin is also a girls name so, Milly)
33) favorite actor? Shrek from Shrek the musical (Robert Downey Jr and Chris pratt)
34) favorite actress? Taylor after she sasses me and acts like nothing happened (Millie Bobby Brown)
35) who is your celebrity crush? McCree (Matt Mercer)
36) favorite movie? UM IS THIS A QUESTION LIKE??? OBVIOUSLY THE SHREK AND BEE MOVIE CROSS OVER SHREK B: HONEY AND SWAMPS (I LOVED Black Panther and Thor Ragnarok but Secret Life of Walter Mitty’s stuck with me for a loooong time)
37) do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I don’t read cuz I’m not a NERD (I mean actual books I don’t ask me about it another time but comics I sure do I love the Marvel Civil War storyline)
38) money or brains? They say Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy me more games! Eat that SUCKERS (Honestly brains because then you can be smart which can make you a lot of money. So many more benefits)
39) do you have a nickname? what is it? Perriushium, destroyer of life and bringer of the new age (Pey given to me by my brother when he was still a baby and couldn’t say my name)
40) how many times have you been to the hospital? Enough to be immune to every disease known to man NOW IM UNSTOPABLE MWAHAHA (none for any of my own conditions or injuries but for family stuff about twice)
41) top 10 favorite songs All Star, All Star, All Star, Chum Drum Bedrum, All Star, All Star, All Star, Never gonna give you up, All Star, All Star (Bloody Stream, Sono Chi no Sadame, Flying Battery Zone, Stardust Speedway, Stand Proud, Goku Black theme, Halo theme, The Apparition, Shovel Knight main theme, Hooked on a Feeling)
42) do you take any medications daily? I take a shot of cold hard whiskey when I get up (nope I dont have anything)
43) what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) The largest organ of my body I’ll tell ya that much (I honestly dont know?? Smooth and soft I guess?)
44) what is your biggest fear? The Communists lol jk Communism is the only way (I’m not so sure on this one gonna be honest I do fear something I just cant think of it at the moment)
45) how many kids do you want? I mean I’m a 16 year old teenager in high school with no job and no relationship that being said 5 (NONE EVER NOPE 0 KIDS)
46) whats your go to hair style? Super Saiyan 3 (Idk I just kinda comb it to the left)
47) what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) All Star. Wait fuck wrong quest- (Two floor medium sized house) 
48) who is your role model?  Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh (uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh)
49) what was the last compliment you received? A like on my post we did it guys we hit one like so I’m here making this 1 like special (I was told that everytime my friend see’s my dyed hair it absolutely makes his day :D) 
50) what was the last text you sent? Yeah that’ll be $5000 for the kill nice doing business with you (Maaaannny pictures of Genji Shimada)
51) how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? WHAT SANTA ISNT REAL????!!!!!?!?!?! (It kinda faded over the years my last strands of belief were gone by 12)
52) what is your dream car? Odie’s car from Garfield Kart (The Mach 5 from speed racer there’s a street legal car look it up)
53) opinion on smoking? Jotaro does it so I do it too (PSA: Smoking doesn’t make you cool or look cool you’re just killng your lungs. I won’t try and make you stop as long as you’re aware I don’t want you smoking around me and you understand the consequences)
54) do you go to college? After that SAT I meeeaaaaannnn McDonalds might be hiring (I’m still in High School but I want to)
55) what is your dream job? To stand in a corner for 8 hours with a lamp shade over my head and make a clicking sound every so often (I would like to be able to draw, animate, design and/or play games for a living. Achievement Hunter would be a fantastic job but I doubt that’s happening)
56) would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I wanna live in a cloud In the sky and abduct people to harvest their DNA and make clones which I can fight to the death with (eh somewhere quiet and disconnected from people tbh)
57) do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? They fetch pretty high prices on eBay you’d be surprised (Nope I dont use them at all I bring my own and take my own)
58) do you have freckles? My face is a giant freckle little known fact (not really thank god I would look real bad with em)
59) do you smile for pictures? *leans in* I’m gonna let ya in on a secret kid. I wait until the photographer is just about to take the picture and then I hold a middle finger over my face to block the proper shot. Do it enough times then they’ll be payin YOU to get the picture done (I do but I only open my mouth slightly)
60) how many pictures do you have on your phone? They’re all of people I’ve killed because they showed me a stale meme dont worry about it (960 exactly and they’re all either memes, fan-art, or my cute friends)
61) have you ever peed in the woods? Ew no I don’t go outdoors thanks (Yep once on a school field trip in which we hiked to the top of a mountain it was fun)
62) do you still watch cartoons? Well I mean SOME ONE spoiled my belief in Santa earlier so I’m a bit too old for that now. I have a boring desk job thanks LAZLO (I do spongebob is really funny to me still and I LOVE the original Teen Titans)
63) do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McWendy’s next question (I dont eat either so)
64) Favorite dipping sauce? Drip dip dip I’m boutta rip please i want to die (I dont use dipping sauce either call me a heathen all you want)
65) what do you wear to bed? Well I take off the clothes I wore for the day, take off my earring, ring, necklace, eyes, hair, 3 layers of skin, and call it a night (Pajamas mostly and sometimes sweatpants)
66) have you ever won a spelling bee? *Obligatory Bee Movie Joke* (I’ve never even heard of a spelling bee in any of the schools I’ve been to)
67) what are your hobbies? Well I like to kill all mortals #ZamasuWasRight  (I enjoy martial arts, drawing, video games, game design, and walking around my house with nothing to do)
69) do you play an instrument? Electric Triangle (Actually, I play the Violin but not super well)
70) what was the last concert you saw? SORRY WHAT I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF THE CONCERT (I’ve never been to one that seems like the opposite of fun for me personally I hate hyper loud music, people, and crowds)
71) tea or coffee? Coftea next question (tea. I don’t drink caffeine if i can help it)
72) Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? I need my sugar sonic rings (Again, Don’t drink caffeine)
73) do you want to get married? I’m already getting married. MARRIED TO THE LIFE OF CRIME THAT IS UP TOP (I mean I would like to one day)
74) what is your crush’s first and last initial? My  Self (I don’t have anyone I’m crushing on)
75) are you going to change your last name when you get married? What’s crimes last name? Smigglesworth? (If my partners last name is something with an S cuz then I can be PJS)
76) what color looks best on you? You know the color mario turns when he uses the super star? T-that (Pink and Black)
77) do you miss anyone right now? PPFFFFFT NOOOOO WHATS A FEEL *CRIES* THOSE ARENT TEARS ITS JUST SWEAT IVE ANSWERED A LOT OF QUESTIONS OKAY (I miss all my internet friends :(  *cries*)
78) do you sleep with your door open or closed? It is neither open nor closed it is in a hyper dimensional state between open and closed in which no mortal can enter or exit but also cannot be blocked from passage (clooossed because otherwise the cats are gonna kill my fish)
79) do you believe in ghosts? I mean how else would I make a long and successful career as a ghost buster (I do!)
80) what is your biggest pet peeve? My pet, Peeve! Biggest one I know! (depends on for what tbh the other day a guest speaker was talking to the class and this kid was playing music in his headphones really really loud and it pissed me off)
81) last person you called? Called what? Called them a nerd? A good bean? A meme? MAKE MORE SENSE YOU ******* **** *** ******** (Well according to my phone, the name listed is “Mom”)
82) favorite ice cream flavor? I’ll ice your cream if you’re not careful (Vanilla with chocolate syrup mixed together is hella everyone GO TRY IT)
83) regular oreos or golden oreos? The fuck is a golden oreo?? (No seriously, what the actual is a golden oreo)
84) chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? *mario invincible star song plays as I flash color and dash down rainbow road* I’ll have to think about it (rainboooowww!)
85) what shirt are you wearing? Well I…. You see… The thing is…. excuse me for one second (yeah I can’t think of sass to this one but my favorite shirt! Sonic mania that my friend Tasha bought for me and I love it!!!)
86) what is your phone background?  RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!! “What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?” If you dont know those HOW DARE YOU LEARN THEM AND WE ARE WATCHING DRAGON BALL (Genji lock screen and Goku Black home screen)
87) are you outgoing or shy? Does THIS answer your question >:D (Outgoing when I want to be, but I’m antisocial so it’s like I CAN be outgoing and personable but it’s highly on my terms ya feel?)
88) do you like it when people play with your hair? My hair is a pride to my race the Saiyans hair is a sacred thing I will advise you not to touch it (YYYEEESSSS I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT BUT THAT HARDLY EVER HAPPENS)
89) do you like your neighbors?  …..the what? Never heard of it before is that a type of appliance? (I mean they’re chill we don’t interact a lot which I’m cool with)
90) do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Nothin can cure this ugly face fest of spring 2018 (I use face wash when I shower which is typically right after school not sure why it matters but there ya go :V)
91) have you ever been high? “I’m high on LIFE maaaannn” -Incorrect Shaggy quotes (N o p e  never have don’t plan on it)
92) have you ever been drunk? shots ShotS SHOTS SHOTSSHOTSHOTS (nope but I will one day maybe in College years)
93) last thing you ate? The shattering realization that my friends will keep saying OWO to me every chance they get (Pancakes! asked for french toast but I loooove the breakfast food so no complaints)
94) favorite lyrics right now someBODY Once Told Me The World Is Gonna Roll Me… (The lyrics to Bloody Stream dude it’s a  g r e a t  op)
95) summer or winter? Sorry I’m on Mars weather its ZXAR right now (eeehhhh winter cuz then I have an excuse to be inside and it’s also the ski season)
96) day or night? I am the darkness. I am the night. I am BATMAN (Night honestly I’m a fan of the darkness)
97) dark, milk, or white chocolate? Plllleeeeaaase its like asking if you’re heart is pure of evil or not. Dark Chocolate is a sin (Milk chocolate is the best chocolate fight me on that)
98) favorite month? See, some may argue for their birthday months, christmas, new beginnings to the year, but I say there’s only ONE spooky time :3 (Altho I’m one of the fools that’s gonna have to go with March because it usually has my favorite kind of weather for where I live)
99) what is your zodiac sign  I refuse to go by Zodiac signs until Ted Cruz is proven to be the Zodiac Kill————–”OLD MEME ALERT THIS IS THE MEME POLICE”   “I AINT GOIN BACK TO JAIL”  (Cancer! I wear a necklace of my sign all the time fun fact for ya)
100) who was the last person you cried in front of?  Me after writing all these (Don’t know actually I try not to cry in front of people ever)
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marjorie189 · 4 years
Chapter 5
I went to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
I heard a ding from my phone.
I saw that it was an email....
I then saw who it was from and dropped my phone from excitement and shock!
End of Recap:
I realized I broke my screen protector.
I honestly didn't care!
I just got a email from Island Records!
I let out a scream, falling to the ground.
I was in shock! I didn't know what to do.
I heard a knock on the door, "Y/N is everything alright?" Tessa said opening the door.
I stood up, "Everything is perfect!" I said hugging her.
"Wwwoow! Ok?" Tessa said confused, hugging me back.
I laughed.
"Oh my god?! What do I do?" I said out loud to myself.
"What?? Do what?" Tessa said anxiously.
"I-I-" I stuttered, trying to explain.
Tessa nodded patiently.
"Just, Just check the phone!!" I shrieked  
"Ok! Ok!" Tessa said reluctantly.
She checked the phone and saw the notification.
She yelled happily my phone dropping, again.
She hugged me and we starting jumping happily.
"Y/N!! This is great!" She yelled, as we jumped together.
"I know! I know!" I screamed.
"What is all this ruckus about??"
The rest of members were outside of my bathroom staring at us.
"What's going on?" Ivan asked, laughing.
"Y/N got an email from Island Records!!" Tessa yelled, still hugging me.
"Oh my god!! That's great!!" Bethany yelled joining the hug.
Everyone was yelling and screaming, congratulating me.
They all joined the hug.
10 minutes later..........
We all calmed down and sat in my bed.
I had my phone against my chest, I was too nervous to check the email.
"Come on!! You can do it!!" Froy said reassuringly.
"Alright!" I whispered confidently.
I slowly got my phone with one eye closed, not wanting to see the screen.
Ivan hugged me, reassuringly.
I smiled and finally got the courage to check the email.
I opened up the email, looking at the Island Records logo!
"Ok, ok! I'm so nervous!" I said  
Everyone smiled and giggled, telling me to go on.
I began to read the email:
Good Afternoon, Ms. Y/L/N,
We have took a fond of your great work Ms. Y/L/N! An artist from our records label has introduced us to your amazon musical talent!
This artist would like to collaborate and work with you, Ms. Y/L/N. The artist would like to keep itself anonymous until you meet the artist!
If you are interested in meeting with the artist and our team email us back! At [email protected].
Island Records
I scream again and drop it again. A artist wants to meet me. I have to tell my brothers!
"What does it's say y/n/n?" Jazzy asks.
I pass it to Jazzy and she reads it out loud. Then next thing I know I'm being brought into a big group hug.
"This is so awesome! Who do you think the artist is?" Froy said.
"No clue, but wouldn't it be so cool if it's Shawn!?" I say all excited and they all groan, rolling their eyes.
"Not the Shawn stuff again!" Ivan said.
I giggle as they all head out of my room except Jazz.
"Are you going to meet with your family and tell them?" She asks.
"Well I'll at least meet with my three brothers, but my parents are still gone on their business trip so........ I'll probably video chat them to tell them tomorrow. I doubt my mother will be happy, but I'm somewhat close to my father so he'll probably be over the moon for me."
"You really think you're mother won't be happy? She lives and breathes for your career."
"Yeah, but she wanted a different artist from a different record label to pick me up so yeah I think that she won't be happy. I'll talk to my brothers about it."
"Ok. We'll have a good night babez! I'll be in my room if you need me!" She says and I giggle as she tackles me in a hug then walks out of my room.
I changed in my cute matching pjs and went to sleep.
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The next day:
I take my phone out and click on Dylan's number.  Hopefully he's not filming right now and he's at home with Garrett. I wait a minute then he picks up.
"Hey sis!" Dylan says in a over excited tone and I giggle.
"Hey Dyl. Are you and Garrett home?" I smile as I hear him do a fake thinking sound.
"Hi sis!" I giggle at hearing Garrett and Mason in the background.
"Yeah, me Garrett and Mason are here why?" He asks slightly confused.
"Well I was wondering if y'all would like to go out and have lunch with me. I have some news." I say within a smile and playing with the bottom of my shirt.
"Hey Gar, Mas do y'all wanna go to lunch with y/n!" I hear him yell to them and giggle lightly.
"Well duh! Would we ever say no!" I heard Garrett respond to Dylan.
I giggle again as Dylan comes back to the phone.
"I'm guessing that was a yes?!" I giggle.
"Yeah where do you wanna meet?"
"How about mackies(McDonald's)?" I asked.
"Yes!! Our favorite!" Dylan said.
"More like your favorite!" I say with a smile.
"You used to love mackies!"
"Yeah that was because I never realized what was in it." I say back.
"Yesss!! We're going to mackies!" I heard Garrett yell through the phone.
"I'm guessing he heard the my favorite part?" I giggled.
"Yup! We'll see you baby sis like around 1:00? Because we have to go to Moms and Dads house to get some clothes for Mason." Dylan explained.
"Yeah, 1:00 is great! I can't wait to share this news!!" I said excitedly.
"Ughh! Now I want to know!" Dylan groaned.
"Well you have to wait!" I laughed.
"Ughhh! Fine!" He said.
I laughed and ended the call.
I went downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen.
"Y/N! Have you responded to the email!!" Bethany said.
"No! I'm going to right now! Do you guys want to help?" I asked.
They all agreed and they started helping with my response to the email!
The ending result:
Good Morning:
I want to start off by saying, thank you! Thank you to the artist that would like to collaborate with me. I really appreciate your team's recognition toward me!
I would happily want to meet up the artist and Island Records! It would be a dream come true!
Thank you again! Call me or email me back. If you would like to call me here's my number, (Your number) #(***)***-****
Thank you!
I sent the email and we all started discussing about what artist might want to collaborate with me!
"Here, we can look online! To see the all the artists from Island Records!" Tessa said.
We all agreed and Tessa pulled out a list from online.
She started reading the artists names, out loud.
"Hey! What if it's Ariana Grande?? She's part of Island!" Ivan said as he read from the list.
"Or maybe it's Drake!!" Froy said excitedly.
"What about Hailee Steinfeld?" Jazzy said.
"Or Nick Jonas. Wait how about Nicki Minaj??" Emilio said looking at the list of artists.
"There's also Post Malone or The Weekend!" Jazzy said.
"Or Justin Bieber! Ohh! There's also Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato..." Tessa said reading from the list.
"Awwww loook! And the love of your life Shawnie!" Tessa said teasingly, poking me.
I rolled my eyes.
We named a few more artists but I had to get ready for lunch!
I started looking through my huge closet.
I decided to wear something simple yet luxurious.
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*Choose your Makeup Look*
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Comment the name of the lip color you chose!
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I said goodbye to everyone and got on my Range Rover.
I was so excited to tell them the good news!
I drove off to Mackies. They weren't there yet so I decided to order for them!
I knew their orders.
"Hello can I get two Big Macs One Six piece chicken nuggets and One cheeseburger!" I ordered.
"Onions on the burgers?" The cashier asked.
"Onions on one of the Big Mac's please!" I ordered.
"Alright! Fries and drinks with the burgers right?" The cashier asked.
"Yes! Also can I get an order of extra fries?" I asked.
The cashier nodded and marked everything done.
"Alright that'll be $37.87" The cashier said.
I paid with my debit card and got my receipt.
"Also can I get a picture! Big fan!" She said.
"Of course!" I smiled and we took the picture.
I chose a table outside, and waited for the order.
They called the order and I went inside to get the food.
"Y/N, Right??" The worker said.
"Yeah." I said reluctantly at the worker because the order was so huge.
"Here's your order!" He said smiling.
"Umm? I don't think so??" I said looking at the order.
It had so many extra burgers and fries.
"The cashier's a big fan and convinced the manager to give you free food!" He said.
I gasped, "Thank you guys!" I said to all the workers.
I went outside to our seats.
I took a picture of the food and sent it to Garrett and Dylan on out group chat.
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Twenty minutes later they get here and I see Dylan wave as he's unbuckles. Mason gets out and runs over to me.
"Sissy!" He says as I pick him up and place him on my lap.
Dylan looks down and sees the food and automatically grabs like five of the Big Mac's and I laugh.
"What?" He says shrugging.
"Nothing it's just this reminds me of that one time I was on set with you and then we got dinner here! You had like seven bags of food for yourself." I then pull up the Live Photo on my now broken screen protector and Garrett, Mason, and I die of laughter.
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"That's not nice! Why do you still have that?? I told you to delete that. And can y'all blame me, I was hungry!" We all laugh at how he's defending himself.
"What's your big news sissy?" Asks Mason as he puts his finger in his mouth and cuddles into me.
"Alright! So this isn't exactly like the finest and richest restaurant! But it's an important and memorable one, I thought I would be a perfect place to tell you guys the news! It's a place we're we spent a lot of time before Mason was even born, it shows and represents our past and how we grew up. This news might be a great point in my future and this place shows how far I've come" I say starting up my speech.
"Wow! Ok so this is some good news." Dylan said wanting me to say more.
"Yeah it is some good news! Good isn't even a word to describe it. So you might be wondering how I broke my screen protector.....well it fell many times last night! We were so shocked that we dropped it a few times-" I was saying.
"We??" Garrett said.
I glared at him, "Let me finish!!"
"Gosh ok!!" Garrett said throwing a chicken nugget at my face.
I glared at him and laughed.
"Anyways!! So I got an important email last night!! I was so shocked and in disbelief that I dropped my phone and so did the others." I said explaining the situation.
"Ok ok! Get to the point! We want to know the big news! Stop getting distracted!" Dylan said impatiently.
"I know! I know! It's just that it's so huge that I don't know how to say it! It's been a dream of mine for so long! I just can't blurp it out like nothing!" I said happily.
"Come on you can do it, sis!" Mason said.
I giggled.
"Yeah listen to Mason!" Garrett said sassily.
"Ok, Ok! I'm so nervous! I don't know how to say it but..... Last night.. I got an email from... Island Records!!" I said squeaking out the last part.
"Oh my gosh baby girl that's so cool! Dylan said jumping up from his chair and embracing me in a hug.
"Let's see it! The email!" Garrett says excitedly and hugged me after Dylan.
They congratulated me and we had a little celebration.
I then handed them my phone. They look at it for a moment then look up at me.
"Who do you think the artist is?!" I giggled as they both asked that.
"I hones-" I get cut off by my excited brother.
"Wouldn't it be funny if it's Shawn?" I giggle as Garrett says that.
"That's what Tessa said." I giggle some more.
My brothers hug me and I smile. We then let Mason play for a bit then he comes back out and lays in my lap.
We stay for a few minutes so Dylan can finish his ice cream, I swear he eats like a horse. We throw our stuff out, I look down and see that Mason fell asleep in my lap I smile.
"Guys wanna come over to my place? I kinda need help telling mom and dad." I pick Mason up and carry him to Dylan's car, since his car seat was there.
"Yeah sure." Dylan says while getting into his car.
"Hey! Don't worry about it. We'll help you with it." Garrett said hugging me.
I smiled at him, "Thanks."
"Hey!! Don't stress over it! We'll be right by your side baby!" Dylan said from the inside of the car blowing me a kiss.
"Thanks guys! I love you." I said and went onto my car and we drove to my house.
We get to my house and I get out of the car. Dylan gets Mason then hands him over to me once he sees that I want my cuddly sleepy little brother.
Mason cuddles into me as I carry him up to his playroom/bedroom and place him on his bed:
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I walk to my room and see Dylan and Garrett on my bed ready to FaceTime my parents.
I sat down with them.
"You ready?" Dylan asked supportively.
I nodded.
"Alright! It's now or never!" Garrett said FaceTiming them.
"Hey guys! We've missed you!" My mom said and my dad waved smiling into the phone.
"Hey!" The three of us said.
"Is everything alright?" My dad asked.
"Yeah, Yeah! Everything's great. We umm- I have some news!" I stuttered, correcting myself.
"Well honey, we're about to land in LAX. So when we land we can drive over! If it's big news you don't have to tell us over FaceTime, it'll be better in person!" My mom said.
"O-ok!" I said.
"Well we'll wait for you guys here!" Dylan said ending the call and hugging me for support.
"Ughhhh! Now I have to tell her in person!" I said falling into my bed.
Dylan laughed, "Come on! It won't be that bad!"
"Yes it will! She wants Capitol Records or some other Record Label to recognize me!" I said groaning.
"Hey, hey! They just want to meet up with you so you can collaborate with one of their artists. They didn't exactly say they want to sign you. It would be great if they did, but hey at least she won't have a reason to be disappointed cause they just want to meet up with you, ok!" Garrett said going all supportive brother on me.
"You're right, you're right! And even if they did sign me, it won't matter what she had to say because it my life! If she likes it or not then too bad!" I said frustrated.
"Hey! She'll like it ok, baby girl! Maybe at first she won't like it but she'll get used to it ok! She'll be so proud of you, we all will!" Dylan said reassuring me and pulling me into a hug while kissing my forehead in the process.
45 minutes later.....
My parents walked into my room and greeted us.
We hugged them and greeted them as well.
"We missed you guys!" My dad said.
"We did too!" Garrett said hugging my mom.
We all settled down, "So what's the big news, darling?" My mother asked.
"Well Dylan and Garrett already know! So I just have to tell you guys." I said to them.
"Alright! What is it?" My dad asked.
"Ok....Well.." I tried explaining
"Here just show them the emails." Garrett said grabbing my phone and opening the emails.
I felt more relieved that they can just see it, instead of me telling them.
They got my phone and started reading the emails.
"OH MY GOD, SWEETHEART!" My mom said tackling me in a hug.
"Wait...What!?" I said surprised.
I thought she would've been mad or disappointed, but.... she was happy for me.
"Honey this is great!!" My dad said joking the hug.
I smiled.
My mom pulled away, "Wait?? So you aren't like mad or something??" I asked slowly.
"What no!! Why would I? I'm so proud of you!" My mom asked.
"It's-Its cause I thought you wanted another record label to recognize me!" I said quickly.
"I've realized that, that doesn't matter anymore! You'll be the best singer with or without my choice of record label. You'll be a great singer because of you! Not the label!" My mom explained.
I tackled her with a hug, I felt some tears falling down my face.
It felt so amazing that she felt proud of me! I loved the feeling, she doesn't show it much.
My phone started ringing, interrupting our moment.
I answered and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" I said into the phone as everyone listened quietly.
"Good afternoon! Is this Ms. Y/N?" A man asked.
"Yes, this is Y/N!" I said into the phone.
"Ahh Y/N! It's great to talk to you! It's the CEO of Island Records! How are you?" He asked.
"Hello! I'm great and you??" I said.
"I'm doing good! Are you still interested in meeting with us??" He asked.
"Yes I'd love too!" I said.
"That's great! So we would like to set a meeting up with the artist and our team this Friday. Are you free that day? He asked me.
"Yeah! Yeah I can!" I say as hold the phone to my ear patting Dylan on the shoulder to signal him to get me paper which he does.
"What time will the meeting start?" I ask him.
"Around one?" He asks me.
"Yeah! That's great." I say writing it down.
"Can you be here ten minutes earlier?" He asks me.
"Yes I can! Thank you so much!" I say to him.
"Of course! See you then! The artist and I are looking forward to meeting you, y/n!" He says.
"I am as well sir! I can't wait to find out more about this opportunity with the artist!" I say.
"We are as well! Thank you!" He says.
"No, thank you!" I said.
He laughed, "Alright well I have to attend a meeting with this artist and tell them the news!" He said.
"See you Friday! Bye." I say.
"Buh Bye!" He says and ends the call.
I hang up the phone and scream then jumped into Dylan's arms and hug him as Garrett hugs us both with his arms around my back.
We all screamed, and I noticed that the members were in the room. I'm guessing they heard the conversation!
They all congratulated me! We hugged and celebrated with love and excitement!
Who do y'all think the artist that wants to collaborate with you is? Also the Island Records email in fake! Hope y'all enjoy! Also if y'all want to find out who the artist is, Stay Tuned for the next chapter!! ~ Marjorie
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hedaalicia · 6 years
Alphabet tag
I was tagged by 🌸 @niylah​ 🌸
a // age: 21
b // birthplace: Rotterdam, somewhere in the Netherlands
c // current time: 21:42
d // last drink you had: Ice coffee 
e // easiest person to talk to: myself? she just gets me, yknow?
f // favorite songs: it’s a tie between “Tomine Harket - Du fortjener å være alene” and “Grandson - Blood // Water” at the moment
g // grossest memory: I just had war flashbacks to every time I stepped on a slug with bare feet... This has happened more often than I’d like to admit
h // horror yes or horror no: horror FuCK yES! One day I’ll find my ghost hunting squad... 
i // in love? with Alycia Debnam Carey, yes, always. 
j // jealous of people: some of em
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again?: love at first sight, but please keep walking I’m soft
m // middle name? Danger 
n // number of siblings: 1 big bro
o // one wish: oh god I could go for some nuggets right now... 
p // person you called last: bold of you to assume that I call people
q // questions you’re always asked: soooo do you have a boyfriend yet? and; who did your tattoos?
r // reason to smile: puppies, lots of them
s // song you last sung: Childish Gambino - This is America, cause it’s been stuck in my head all day
t // time you woke up: 06:45... I love working 9 to 5. 
u // underwear color: black CK
v // vacation destination: this year Brighton, Ardennes and NY. And I’m still trying to find someone that’ll join me to Iceland or Norway
w // worst habit: I bite my lips a lot when im stressed, like to the point that I often have small cuts on them
x // x-rays : never, would be cool to see
y // your favorite food: steak & calamari 
z // zodiac sign: cancer, I know I’ve been cursed but at least I’m not a gemini
I’m tagging @dylanobrienisbatman​ @debnamcarey​ and whoever wants to 🌸
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tewwor-a · 3 years
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@temporalobjects​​​​​​​​​ pinged: [ SAVE ]  for one muse to pick up the other to quickly carry them inside as it begins to rain. [iwai and chan-yeol uwu]
Talk about horrible timing... more like his pointed negligence whenever it came to adhering to the predicted forecast. Chanyeol had seen the percentage of rain before he rolled out of bed. But like most mornings, he cast it knowledge aside in favor of carrying as few things as possible whenever out and about. 
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Cut to the present and he’s fucking eating that mentality. Not only did the skies decide to part and rehydrate the earth, but the raindrops were fat as hell. Whatever jest he was stringing along seconds prior was quickly drowned out by the pitter-patter that hit the streets. “Shit— ah, just my luck. I’m wearing a white shirt too..” A hand first shield the eyes from the steady downpour before whipping out towards Iwai. “Guess I’ve got no choice—” A breath’s sucked in ( for any impacts that may befall his back or shoulders in protest ) before he deftly sweeps the other into his arms to hurriedly cross the remaining distance. 
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tewwor-archived · 5 years
munday! (accepting) | @chingcna
🥀- What is one current RP trend you wish would just die already?
oh where do i even begin? the top hitters are incest, severe age gaps and dub / noncon and affair plots. like just? stop. stop. just stop.
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wooksbazooks · 7 years
Hey hello good morning it's torture time. Can you Please answer all 100 questions because except for paying you back because you made me answer all of them, I'm also kinda curious about my Favourite Weeg. Thanks. Have fun.
Hello hi good evening thanks for the torture (no it’s fine I’m sure I’ll have fun)
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?Spotify! I didn’t even know a music service called Pandora existed.2. Is your room messy or clean?Clean?? Kinda clean. Halfway between messy and clean.3. What color are your eyes?I’m gonna say greyish green.4. Do you like your name? Why?Yes, I like that it’s short and?? A little unusual maybe?? Also a few restaurants and other businesses share my name so I can make the dumb ‘haha that’s mine’-joke.5. What is your relationship status? Single.6. Describe your personality in 3 words or less.Buncha question marks7. What color hair do you have?It’s brown!8. What kind of car do you drive? Color?The non-existing, colorless kind
9. Where do you shop?Once every 49583 months you can see a cryptid (me) sneaking through the city, leaving with only H&M clothes probably10. How would you describe your style?As in clothes? Basic with like some things that are a little different and colorful I guess??11. Favorite social media accountThis account here on Tumblr is the only one I have left, I think.12. What size bed do you have?Just a regular-sized bed for one person.13. Any siblings?No!14. If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?I like living in Europe but?? In a country with a little more nature would be cool?? That would be Austria or Sweden or something right. That sounds pretty good.15. Favorite snapchat filter?From those I’ve seen, I like the ones that put little flower things and such around people’s heads. Those look nice.16. Favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t know any oops17. How many times a week do you shower?Three or four times probably18. Favorite tv show?Wie is de Mol? is a favorite!19. Shoe size?39 or 4020. How tall are you?I’m about?? 1,78 metres I think??21. Sandals or sneakers?Sneakers, though I’ve worn sandals a lot too when I was younger.22. Do you go to the gym?No, though I applaud the people who do.23. Describe your dream dateWachting movies?? Watching movies probably24. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Ten euros, I think.25. What color socks are you wearing?They’re grey!26. How many pillows do you sleep with?Just one.27. Do you have a job? What do you do?No, I’m focussing on studying right now.28. How many friends do you have? I don’t know dude. I think about six Friends?? Of the Good ones, that is.29. Whats the worst thing you have ever done?I once kicked the leg of someone I was angry at for no real reason and I have Regrets30. Whats your favorite candle scent?I like the smell of citrus so maybe that?? Or like. the orange with the little thingies stuck in it, that scent.31. 3 favorite boy namesI never thought about this help uh.. Benjamin sounds nice?? Jax and Alex too.32. 3 favorite girl namesAlex again?? Luna?? And all those like. Long but graceful-sounding names those are Real Good too.33. Favorite actor?No idea, Chris Pratt maybe?? He seems like a cool guy.34. Favorite actress? I don’t know enough famous people for these things. Ellen Page seems cool as well??35. Who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have one.36. Favorite movie?Not ag a i n why I can’t choose or list all of them nowSome of them are the Guardians of the Gaxly movies, the Back to the Future movies, the first Captain America,  Star Wars and Star Trek, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, The (Second) Best Marigold Hotel and I could probably could go on but this is a Decent list right37. Do you read a lot? Whats your favorite book? I used to read A Lot more than I do now which is?? A shame really?? Because I like reading quite a lot. Some of my favorite books are The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, The Martian and The Rest Of Us Just Live Here!!38. Money or brains?Brains probably?? Though it would depend on how much money and how much brains you’d have to trade for it.39. Do you have a nickname? What is it?Yes! Luku in text-based things and Lucie (Lookee) in spoken things.
40. How many times have you been to the hospital?Not a lot for myself, actually. Maybe?? Once or twice??41. Top 10 favorite songsI can’t dude I can’t but the songs I have on repeat a lot lately are Charger by Gorillaz, Girls by The 1975 and Short Skirt / Jong Jacket by Cake.42. Do you take any medications daily?No.43. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Oily, my dude.44. What is your biggest fear? The death45. How many kids do you want? None, as of now. I honestly don’t know if that’ll change in the future but who knows.46. Whats your go to hair style?It used to be a really tight ponytail that looked Bad in hindsight so now it’s loose with maybe the irritating, fall-in-front-of-my-face part of my hair tucked behind an ear.47. What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I think it’s somewhere between medium and big??48. Who is your role model? I’m not sure if I have one. There’s not really someone that comes to mind.49. What was the last compliment you received?I got a text today from someone saying that I was good in reading German articles and answering questions about them because they wanted to know my Secret™ (which I don’t. have, sorry bud)50. What was the last text you sent?‘I’m on the bus’
51. How old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I never believed in Santa Claus because he isn’t really?? A Thing here?? Or at least in my family. Sinterklaar though, I found out he didn’t exist durig my last year in kindergarden, I think. I must’ve been?? Nine or ten??52. What is your dream car? Those cars that are modified to have a bed in the back for travelling.53. Opinion on smoking?A bad habit that I don’t want to take up but?? Yeah. There are worse things, I guess??54. Do you go to college?Soon™55. What is your dream job? I have no idea. If I can enjoy doing it for as long as I have to or maybe even longer, I’m good.56. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Both are fine, but the suburbs would be a nice change of pace for a while, I think??57. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I haven’t, but I recently learned that it’s expected and okay, and now I might if I stay at a hotel again.58. Do you have freckles? Maybe a few yeah.59. Do you smile for pictures?Yes, when I’m aware a picture is taken.60. How many pictures do you have on your phone?2290, apparently. That’s.. A lot more than I remember being there.61. Have you ever peed in the woods?Probably yeah62. Do you still watch cartoons? Not really, but that’s because I don’t really watch television-things anymore besides movies and some television series and not because I don’t like them.63. Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?I’ve never had chicken nuggets from Wendy’s, so I can’t really give a preference.64. Favorite dipping sauce? Is mayonnaise a dipping sauce65. What do you wear to bed? PJ pants and a big T-shirt, most of the time.66. Have you ever won a spelling bee?No, and I don’t think those are a Thing here. 67. What are your hobbies?Staring at various things on my computer screen, writing a little, watching movies, reading?? Photography when I’m at a Special Place™ or on vacation is nice too.68. Can you draw? To some extent, yes! It’s pretty fun.69. Do you play an instrument?My beautiful voice of course those sweet sweet vocal cords. No, I can’t play any instruments, but I do sing along to songs badly when I’m feeling it.70. What was the last concert you saw? Some free concert my parents wanted to go to, I can’t remember the name.71. Tea or coffee?Tea!72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?I’ve never tasted coffee before and never had anything from Dunkin Donuts but. the white chocolate milk from Starbucks is Pretty Good so my vote would go to them.73. Do you want to get married?No, not really.74. What is your crush’s first and last initial?Blank spaces, my dude75. Are you going to change your last name when you get married? If I’ll ever get married, I would like to keep my last name, actually.76. What color looks best on you?I don’t know, cold colors I think??77. Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah, I miss some friends.78. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?My door is closed when I’m sleeping or pretending to sleep when I’m in fact listening to music in bed or something.79. Do you believe in ghosts?No, not really.80. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people keep asking question and you Know they’re trying to get you to say a specific thing so they think is true.81. Last person you called?My mom!82. Favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie, yoghurt and the?? Reddish?? Berry flavor are All good.83. Regular oreos or golden oreos? Okay so golden oreos look like?? Normal cookies with the oreo filling?? They look pretty tasty, but I’d have to go with the regular oreos.84. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate!85. What shirt are you wearing? A white shirt that says ‘I love cupcakes ;)’. I can’t remember when I got it and why that text is on it.86. What is your phone background?It’s a picture of my dog being a goof. I love him87. Are you outgoing or shy?Shy, out of those two. I’m kinda?? Silent around people I don’t know that well??88. Do you like it when people play with your hair?I don’t?? I don’t know. Maybe??89. Do you like your neighbors? There’s a house on each side of mine and the people on the right are nice and I like them, but the person on the left is an ass.90. Do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?I should wash it in the morning and evening, but I forget about it A Lot, so it’s mostly just whenever I remember or feel that my face is oily.91. Have you ever been high? No.92. Have you ever been drunk? No.93. Last thing you ate? Some potato chips.94. Favorite lyrics right nowWe got the power to be loving each other/ No matter what happens, we’ve got the power to do that/ On a le pouvoir de s'aimer, okay? Is surprisingly fun to sing along while sleepily making summaries, I’ve found.95. Summer or winter? Winter, for sure. I love snow and cold it’s Great.96. Day or night? That depends on my mood and what I want to do, I think?? I can’t really choose here.97. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? White chocolate please98. Favorite month? The spring and winter months.99. What is your zodiac signI’m a virgo!
100. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I almost-cried in front of a classmate some time ago, and I for-real-cried in front of my mother a while before that.
Thanks for asking Wari you’re the best!!
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nathandgibsca · 6 years
Six Nudges: Creating A Sense Of Urgency For Higher Conversion Rates!
By every indicator available, ecommerce is continuing to grow at an insane speed. Although it may seem impossible to imagine with ecommerce already totaling up to 5% of overall commerce, there’s astronomical growth still to come.
Still, I’m heartbroken that some the simplest elements of ecommerce stink so much.
It is 2018—why are there still light gray below-the-fold add to cart buttons?
There are numerous subtle issues as well. One strategic issue is illustrated by Timbuk2.
Timbuk2 pays a huge margin to its resellers to sell their messenger bags. These resellers, in turn, give a bigger cut to Amazon, who then sells the Timbuk2 bag for 30% off. Yet, when I want to pay full price on www.timbuk2.com, I have to buy a minimum of $99 to get free shipping!
I understand channel conflict, Timbuk2, but this is just plain not being hungry. You could win bigger by cultivating higher more profitable direct relationships, especially when the old world order of commerce is collapsing all around you.
And I’m ignoring the extremely light gray font reviews…on a shade grayer background!
(I really want to buy the Closer Laptop bag. The small one in Jet Black looks cool. I refused to buy it because I don’t want to reward a lack of ecommerce imagination. I am one person, I know it is not going to really hurt them, but I don’t know how else to protest a brand I love.)
Pause. Deep breath.
I do get excited about this stuff. My heart bleeds digital.
There is an ocean of opportunities when it comes to elevating ecommerce. In this post, I want to focus my passion and zero in on something that is difficult to solve for, yet immensely profitable: Inserting a sense of urgency into the shopping process.
I don’t mean: BUY IT NOW OR ELSE!
I mean developing and inserting a subtle collection of gentle nudges that can help increase the conversion rate by a statistically significant amount.
Sizing the Opportunity.
In order to have the same passion to take advantage of this magical opportunity (nudge, nudge) you’ll first want to understand how inefficient your current shopping process is.
Do two things, they’ll bring you to your knees:
1. Go look at your ecommerce conversion rate. It shows you how often you win. :) Your overall conversion rate is likely to be around 2%. You don’t need an advanced degree in math to compute that 2% winning is 98% not winning!
Do something simple. Increase current conversion rate by 25%, quantify how much increased revenue there will be. Yes, that additional $6 mil is not as hard to accomplished for an imaginative focused team – in fact you can get that from implementing half of the recommendations in this blog post.
Bonus: The best computation of conversion rate is orders divided by users (the default in your analytics tool is sessions). This will bring your conversion rate up (yea!!). Still. Big opportunity. And, yes, I did say a decade ago that you should look at the opportunity size within all your website visitors. You should. Still. The conversion headroom is massive.
2. Go to the Multi-Channel Funnels folder in Google analytics and look at two other yummy reports: Time Lag and Path Length.
They report two dimensions of speed: How long does it take for a human to convert? How many visits does it take for a human to convert?
My preferred choice is Path Length; it is rich and actionable.
This data you’ll see, the analysis you’ll do, will scare you. It will also create a sense of urgency to do something about it!
These two recommendations will help you compute the opportunity size for your management team.
Aim for quintupling revenue, obviously, but calculating just 25% improvement will give you all the budget you need from your management to insert urgency into the shopping process. Present a yummy spreadsheet that quantifies the cost of inaction, how much money you’ll lose by not delivering a 25% improvement every week. It will be heartbreaking, and now you are ready for progress!
Welcome to Nudging.
Nudging has plenty of different definitions. Mine is simple:
A gentle incentive that creates a shift in behavior.
Another insistence of mine that you’ll note below: Nudges are based on a deep understanding of user experience. They solve for the user first, and all of the hard work is done by the company (you!).
In the long run that’ll also create a positive revenue outcome for you. Win-Win.
Below is a collection of nudges, curated from my global experiences, influenced by research and data I’ve access to.
1. In-stock status. 2. Life of current price. 3. Direct competitor comparisons. 4. Delivery times based on geo/IP/mobile phone location. 5. Social cues to the rescue. 6. Personalization. Yes, from 1995!
My goal with these recommendations is to have a big impact on your ecommerce existence, and to spark your creativity as you go out and change the world.
Let’s go have some fun nudging people.
1. In-stock status.
It mildly irritates me when sites don’t use this nudge.
How many hotel rooms, cameras, seats in a theater, are left?
Only 15 left in stock. Have that right under the price.
How about: Last run! Be one of the last 9 people to own this credenza design.
OMG! Click, click, click!
Or, 1 in-stock in the REI store next to your office.
Nudge. Nudge.
I’ll admit that you need to have a well-integrated logistics platform to make these ideas work. But given the decade we are in, if you have not already done that, you are facing an existential crisis. Please stop reading this post, pull in your agency and internal teams urgently to figure out how to dig your company out of this deep hole.
If you have a well-integrated logistics platform already, then all I’m asking for is this: lock your online and offline IT folks in a nice Four Seasons suite for 72 hours with your User Researchers, and BAM! Money will start falling from the sky.
Speaking of the Four Seasons, consider how sad their nudging strategy is vs. the one that booking.com has on display:
All the data you need for this nudge… You already have. That’s what makes the Four Seasons strategy, and that of most sites, so heartbreaking.
Convert the inventory status into a conversion boosting nudge.
2. Life of current price.
It physically pains me how rarely this nudge is used.
Dynamic pricing is everywhere. Why not share that information with the shopper?
This price is guaranteed for the next 18 hours.
This price reflects the highest discount in the past 24 weeks.
Limited-time offer applied to the price you see.
Seasonal promotion! Expires Friday.
Reflects special pricing for our highest-tier Frequent Flyers.
Price has reduced by 14% since your last visit.
I’m sure you’ll find language and phrasing that works perfectly for you (see PS at the end of this post). There is a nugget tied to a unique dimension for your dynamic pricing strategy. Please find it, please use it.
Here’s an example from The Golf Warehouse:
Here’s another one from Overstock that shows two time based nudges…
You can take advantage of other dimensions related to pricing that are unique to your digital strategy.
This one comes from YouTube TV: Lock-in this monthly rate for life.
YouTube TV’s price just went up from $35 to $40 (they added more channels). Everyone who’d signed up at $35 was grandfathered at that price – until they cancel!
Yet, this incredible benefit was not a part of YouTube TV’s merchandizing strategy from day one. You can imagine that a whole bunch of additional people (me!) would have jumped on board. Instead not only do I not have YouTube TV, I am sad/upset. Double loss.
You have an entire staff of economists, financial analysts, directors and VPs spending so much time on finding the perfect price to charge an individual. Why not convert that immense hard work into a nudge that creates a sense of urgency?
3. Direct competitor comparisons.
38% cheaper than Nordstrom.
Sometimes, by using one of the multitude of price aggregators, you can have an understanding of where your pricing is at an item level. Where the match is in your favor, why not use that as a nudge?
You can have the comparison for as long as it is valid. You don’t even need to specify a time—people are familiar with FOMO.
Only at B&H, this item comes with a free LG Watch!
First, who does not like free stuff?
Second, who does not like believing they are getting a special deal?
Three, who does not freak out that if they don’t buy it right away, this “insane deal” will disappear?
Me. I did that. At B&H. :)
Again, your merchandizing team is working hard to procure these amazing bundles for your customers, so why are they not a core part of your nudge strategy?
Costco Special: Get an extra year of warranty!
Our average delivery times to California are 50% faster than Amazon.
Save $150 on installation compared to Best Buy!
Our return rates are 40% lower than Wayfair.
You catch my drift.
Here’s just one example from SugarCRM:
Here’s a comparison on Honda’s site…
No, actually it is from Toyota’s site.
They know that if their car is more expensive, with worse mileage etc., better to be upfront as the customers are looking for that information…
You can also go deeper when it comes to implementing the spirit of this nudge. Kendrick Astro Instruments has the normal table based competitor comparison, additionally they also have a detailed comparison with images to give you more detail…
This shows hunger and desire to win… Their text:
This image displays the quality of Kendrick's cabling that we use on all Premier and FireFly heaters. Our cabling remains flexible in cold weather (down to -40° C), are all labeled for easy identification and all have metal RCA connectors..
This is the text next to their competitor's image (which you can view in higher resolution):
This image displays a competitor's cabling. It is a PVC coated RCA patch cord. PVC gets very stiff in the cold and as a result, makes it an awkward component to use at the telescope. As well, due to the lack of flexibility and give in the cold, it can defocus camera lenses.
Not all that hard to see how this nudge drives higher conversion rates.
Your employees stand up at 11:00 AM each day and sing the company song. There is a line in there about your company’s unique value proposition. Something so special, it stands out against everyone you compete with.
Why let that be your little secret? Why don’t you convert that into a nudge?
Consider how much louder your 11:00 AM company sing-a-long will be when your employees see you laying it out there and going head to head with your competitors.
4. Delivery times based on geo/IP/mobile phone location.
Amazon does this really well.
Each item’s estimated delivery time to you depends on the closest warehouse to your home address. So that Timbuk2 bag might be delivered to me the next day, but it would take two days to get to Carissa in Alabama.
Amazon shows this best delivery time for me right next to the price.
More often than not, I see that Prime One-Day or Prime Same-Day and, as if by magic, I find my mouse glide toward the Order Now button!
The closeness of the customer to your delivery environments remains an infrequently used strategy in creating an urgency nudge.
Another dimension of the delivery time nudge is order in the next 4 hours and get it tomorrow with fast shipping!
In our instant gratification culture, who can resist that?
You are $39 away from overnight shipping has been done to death. (If you are in this category, know that the last “secret” of ecommerce is that figuring out how to weaponize shipping – and free returns – is a powerful conversion increasing engine. Not easy, but your business model has to change to survive.)
But. If you are still in that world—don’t worry, I still love you—know that a behavioral shift from an emphasis on cost to an emphasis on the benefit will make a huge difference.
Add another $39 to your order and get your order 48 hours faster!
This takes advantage of the person’s location, your warehouse location, and your shipping policy, and frames it all as a positive nudge.
A couple more examples to inspire you.
Love these delicious sandals on Express. My wife thinks I’ll look prettier in the red, I think the Mustard really looks like my color. :)
I love the nudge they have built-in showing how many in my size are in stock (only one!)…
Not wanting to risk it, I click on the Find in Store link you see at the bottom of the page.
I get a interstitial that shows me availability of the sandal by geographic location…
Here’s the lovely part… I did not have to do anything. Express did a reverse lookup based on my IP Address, matched that with their stores, then checked their ERP system for inventory and got me the answer. All inside one second.
Nudge, nudge!
One more.
Dominos will now deliver a pizza to you wherever you are. Literally wherever. In a park, in the dark woods, under a bridge. They look up your mobile location (with your permission), and they’ll come find you.
Assuming you want pizza that bad.
There are still websites that ask you to choose your country when you land. In this day and age, for the sake of Zeus, I hope that is not you.  But, how inventively are you using the location nudge?
Significantly higher revenue awaits.
5. Social cues to the rescue.
The last couple of months have not been great for social networks. I’m sure something beneficial will come to the entire digital ecosystem from all this.
A minority might believe that the whole social media thing is going to die. It is not. Community and sharing are core to who we are as humans. It is not going to change. (And, you still need a place for guilty pleasures: indulging in the latest Kardashian-West clan developments!)
Stretch your imagination and it is not hard to come up with some super-clever nudges that incorporate aggregate non-PII information that is public.
People have shared this blouse 18 times in the last hour on Instagram.
80 people in California have booked this destination in the last 30 days.
1,846 Pins for this closet on Pinterest.
Our most tweeted style of underwear!
800 plusses on Google+.
Ok, so maybe not Google+ (I was genuinely excited about it, I am sad it died). But you get the idea.
Social cues (/proof) can help create a sense of urgency for a whole host of companies. Yet, I bet you’ve rarely seen the use of this aggregated information to deliver nudges.
Here’s a simple example of aggregated non-PII based social cue, from, a site you’ve seen me express adoration for in the past, ModCloth. Every product has a little heart sign, visitors to the site vote their love which helps me make more confident decisions…
ModCloth also allows their customers to contribute something you might consider PII, their photos. These make perhaps the ultimate social proof as I can see the skirt I want (mustard again FTW!) on different body sizes…
ModCloth has a whole lot of social proof strategies. They have a Style Gallery, #ModClothSquad, #MarriedinModCloth etc.
Think expansively about social proof.
Naked Wines has a lovely widget next to each of their wines that shows the would buy again rate…
And, they show you historical sales and would buy it again rates.
Checkout the Kimbao Sauvignon Blanc you can see sales and would buy it again rates since 2011. At 91%, the rate is highest this year. Sweet. Add to Basket!
Another team thinking expansively about leveraging social proof are the excellent folks at Basecamp. If you scroll to the bottom of their web pages you’ll see…
Completely non-PII based social proof, a simple cumulative trend of the number of customers. What better way to convince you to use them than this lovely up and to the right trend?
One final, massively underutilized, social proof nudge for you to consider.
Every smart ecommerce strategy has an individual-level referral program bolted on from the very start. Your current customers refer your products and services to their friends, family, and complete strangers—in exchange for a little benefit for themselves.
It is rare, however, to see the use of that referral information as a nudge.
Your friend Alex will receive $5 if you order in the next 24 hours.
The site is keeping track of the referral (to pay your friend Alex his bounty). They have all the information they need to create the above line of text. Why not use it?
Read Diana’s review of this product.
Diana, of course, referred the product to you, and that insight is in the URL you used to get to the site. The site is simply going the extra mile to surface Diana’s review, as it will likely be more meaningful to you than the other 29.
I love Patagonia; I value the brand’s ethos so deeply. And, when I say love, I mean LOVE. Two of the three pieces of clothing I’m wearing right now are from Patagonia. Yet there does not seem to be any strategy at Patagonia to help me (and you and other brand lovers) to create social cue nudges.
Humans inherently want to share, they want to show off, and they want to pass on recommendations/deals to their community. Got social nudges?
6. Personalization. Yes, from 1995!
Do you remember what I did during the last visit to your website?
No PII, just off the anonymous first-party permission-based cookie. Did you use that to change the site’s home page?
And, if you have a GDPR compliant login mechanism…Does your machine learning-powered ecommerce platform leverage the lifetime of my site experience, complaints, purchases, etc., to anticipate my activity?
Do the pages on your site wrap around my objectives, rather than your static and pimpy ones?
Is your entire sales strategy obsessed with the Do, or does it also obsess about the See, Think and Care bits of the complete human experience?
Personalization is the ultimate nudge—to create ecommerce-related urgency and to bring your brand closer to the customer over the lifetime of their experience with you.
That’s because personalization means truly caring. Personalization requires a huge investment in understanding. Personalization is translating that individual human-level understanding into anticipation. Personalization means helping. And when you do it right, personalization means you pimp with relevance—the best kind.
The desire to personalize across the complete human experiences kicks off the processes that fundamentally alter how you treat every human. The reason it works, when done right, is that deep down, we want people to care about us. And yes, we will end up doing more business with people who show that they care for us. Really care. The ultimate nudge.
So. If you own www.canada.ca or www.sainsbury.co.uk using PII or non-PII information… Does your site actively learn and then change? If not, why not?
One huge challenge we had to overcome in delivering personalization was employee capabilities. Employees are terrible at being able to imagine the expanse of possibilities when it comes being able to understand each human and being able to react to each human. Mercifully, Machine Learning (/Artificial Intelligence) will help us solve this challenge with incredible results.
You can pray that your conversion rates increase.
Alternatively, you can take advantage of the data you have access to, the permissions your users have given you, and the competitive advantages you’ve worked so hard to create and use them to create nudges that solve for delivering delight to your customers and more revenue to your company.
Your choice?
Nudging FTW!
As always, it is your turn now.
If you’ve tried one of the above six strategies to create a nudge, what was the outcome for your company? If you’ve seen a strategy for creating urgency that you love, will you please share it? What challenges have you run into in trying to personalize experiences? Nudging also works in our personal lives—have you tried it? :)
Please share your critiques, brilliant ideas and experience scars via the comments below.
PS: My doctor reminds me during every annual visit that I need to take more walks outside in the sun to make up for a vitamin deficiency. Turns out I spend too much time in my office or auditoriums. The sun is right there. I just need to take a walk. I still do it less than I should. Such is the case with A/B testing. The tools are free and abundant. You know they are the best way to win arguments with your HiPPOs or your cubicle mates. Yet, you don’t use them. I’m off to take a walk in the beautiful California sun, you go implement my recommendations for nudges as A/B tests—it is the only way to unlock the kind of imagination required to create profitable happy customer experiences.
The post Six Nudges: Creating A Sense Of Urgency For Higher Conversion Rates! appeared first on Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik.
from SEO Tips https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/nudges-creating-urgency-higher-conversions-revenue/
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tewwor-a · 2 years
hbd to gremlin [before I forget to send this]
"I didn't realise it was your birthday, so I didn't get you anything." He was standing there at Chanyeol's door with two huge bags of raw ingredients and a big bottle of sake, but they were just groceries, so they didn't count. How long was baby-eyes going to stare at him with the beginnings of a shit-eating grin sliding onto his face? Iwai's frown deepened with that familiar, embarrassed glower, and his chin disappeared further into the muffler wound around his neck . He further complained about how heavy everything was - so, would Chanyeol please let him in already and help put the ingredients out so he could start cooking?
There was a smidgen of guilt within him that he had been so underprepared. Birthdays were things that were fairly easy to check. If he had asked, Chanyeol would probably be all too glad to personally set a calendar reminder on his own damn phone and toggle 'remind once a day'. Antics and annoyances aside, Chanyeol was also an observant man who swiftly (and 'casually') acted upon those off-hand murmurs he made about a missing utensil or chipped dish. He wondered if he appeared self-centred in comparison?
Chanyeol was still chit-chatting while flitting about the kitchen trying to help. He misjudged the pressure when slicing a bit of pumpkin and sent one of the pieces flying - smacking into Chanyeol's once-pristine white shirt before tumbling to the ground. In his mild panic, rather than apologising he pressed him as to why he didn't put on an apron first? Why didn't he get changed into home clothes? This wasn't some kind of fashion show?
But his expression soon levelled down to one of childish distress and self-reprimand as he snagged a cloth to scrub futilely at the stain upon Chanyeol's shirt. It was a bit too close after all; his cheeks were flooded with pink as he focused on the task, and finally, a mumbled 'sorry' was issued from the slight pout.
Thirty-one years and something still.. Lacked. No matter how grand the wishes were, how bountiful and loving and perfect the event can unfold — he’s still left a little bit hollow at the end. Stood by the darkened doorway. Alone. Expecting. What, exactly? For him to finally break the silence and magically make contact?
No use in wasting the time and energy for such delusions. And yet.. he still catches himself glancing at the front door. Even made the conscious decision to dress nicely despite residing within the comfort of his own home just in case.
When the doorbell actually does go off, Chanyeol nearly startles out of his skin. Apprehension crowds eager between the gaps of his ribs and he rushes to greet — “Iwai?” Okay. Alright, not the person he was expecting because he wasn’t expecting anyone. Double down on that thought, idiot, he’s never going to come.
“What are you..” But the rest doesn’t need to be asked. The answer spills forth and something.. twists where all that anticipation laid. Of course, he wouldn’t have known about his birthday. He never asked, therefore he never told — but said in a much more annoying and over the top way. Those useless expectations can be reflected on another time.
Now is the moment to blather the quiet away. Return to that irritating charm as he falls in step with the usual routine. Him with the persistent ( yet unwanted ) hovering for aid, and Iwai with the handling of meals. And to think it all comes to a head by one measly chunk of gourd that splatters orange on a canvas of white. Mistakes are bound to happen, but he couldn’t do so much as to express such sentiments when the other goes into a tizzy. As if he was at fault for sullying his own shirt; one that should have elicited some amount of ire considering the damn pricetag of the thing.
And yet, he doesn’t.
He’s too invested in witnessing the way Iwai tangles himself further. From the well deserved chastising to the scrubbing to the preciously muttered apology — this was present enough. Such a thought wouldn’t be uttered out loud, but there’s the slightest softening of smile as he tries to absorb how pretty that flush appears on such sharp cheeks.
“See, that’s why I’ve been telling you to let me do all the prepping. I’m the best at it and I can prove it if you’ll just give me the chance.” What’s that? Innuendo, where?
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