#✧ * º • – threads
ruthcrfords · 3 months
there was no feeling better than a win. lucas wasn't the only driver, past or present, to feel that. but of the current grid, he had the second highest number of race wins and was going to stop at nothing to make it the most. although that was not his key motivation for this year's form. he was locked into a title fight where every point mattered and neither side was going to yield even a thousandth to the other. even if that meant going wheel to wheel several times over a single lap. clean, but good hard racing— of-course. he was known for excelling at that, as was his closest competitor this year. the defending world driver's champion, ozan bursin.
lucas had cinched the win in the second last lap, just having that edge over ozan to take the position back and kept enough in his tires to put distance between himself and the mercedes behind him. they had switched the lead 7 times around the 71 lap circuit in austria. as entertaining as it was for the spectators, none of that mattered in the end as lucas was first to the checkered flag, with ozan coming in at P2 by 5.3 seconds.
after the cooldown laps, they were quick to park and get out of their cars and reach their teams, lucas more eager than ozan this week. naturally.
punching the air in celebration, he joined the team in their raucous celebrations before the post-race interview. although his focus wasn't quite on the interview as his thoughts trailed to nazli. catching a glimpse of her near the mercedes guys, lucas sent a smile her way which was noticed by his interviewer. he batted off the mild grilling they subjected him to— they couldn't help the curiosity.
not that he could blame them.
the adrenaline still coursing through him as he was on his way to the cooldown room, before making a slight detour to locate her. lucas wasn't sure if he would get to see her until after the podium, and he did not care about the other drivers waiting for him. the smile was very quickly wiped off of his face as he walked in on a conversation he was certainly not supposed to be within earshot of.
his features hardened, he looked between the two before zeroing in on nazli. "i'm sorry— you what?"
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redhead-reporter · 6 months
º ✧ 。 okay okay sheesh, if y'all are gonna be that nice ? maybe i should do a BITE SIZED STARTER CALL !
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angelslaain · 1 year
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It took her a second before she could look at him in the eyes. Sienna didn't even really realize he was there, and she had no clue how long she'd been sitting on the floor in the only secluded hallway she could find on set in the first place. One minute? Five minutes? "Oh."
She cleared her throat. "Sorry, Mr. Wynter, I was just, uh..." Taking a break. The truth was, she was getting picked on by some of the other special effects and makeup crew. They'd been working on something involving blood, and while she could accept it was part of her job, she opted not to help out with it if she didn't have to. They called her a scaredy cat for it, but she was struck by memories doused in red, pure red. Avoiding a full blown panic attack, she ran off. And it led her here.
"I'll get back to work. Sorry." // @wynterlanding
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
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          ❛ i love you. ❜ and there it is. three words blurted out in the middle of yet another fight, an inevitability at this point in their rather tumultuous relationship. nimble fingers press into her brow bones, an attempt to nurse the migraine spreading throughout her head from all her previous yelling. she’s acting as if she didn’t just say the most dangerous phrase she ever could — and at the worst time, too. ❛ but this—- ❜ haru gestures between them, ❛ -—is a fucking mess. we’re a mess. and we’re never going to work if this keeps going on. ❜ a frustrated and exhausted sigh leaves her lips, brows furrowing together in exasperation. ❛ are you listening to me, jesper ? ❜ @dysnomiias​​
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foxtamara · 1 year
✉ text ⟳ unbiological little bro
Tamara: So I saw your name pop up as I was scrolling through the Fairford Daily and sipping my morning coffee 👀 Tamara: I feel like it's been a minute since I've checked in and also Xander misses his favorite uncle Laurie @ljjames
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imrtals · 8 months
      SELENE continued to look over the yard of growing occupants. the muscles in her jaw clenched as she tries to find her family amongst the crowds. this had been a horrible idea — she couldn't find a logical reason on why just yet, but, it was. she bent at her knee slightly to pick up the ends of her dress, ring-adorned fingers glistening in olympus' sunlight. she quickly moved across the length of the yard, in search for her twin brother helios. HELIOS turned to his wife as she approached him, rising out of his seat in respect as he smiled softly to himself. "you know me better than most," he pointed out as he leaned forward to press his forehead against hers.
      KALISTA finds herself moving towards her older sister, the two unconsciously walking in sync as CHIONE'S eyes are met with one of many zeus' children. "try not to irritate our cousins, will you? father wished for us to be on our best behavior." kalista merely rolled her eyes in response but managed to keep her sister's request in mind. the redhead, turned to the much taller blonde, hands intertwined behind her back. "i see you still excel in matters of flattery." chione pointed out as kalista continued on her stroll to find something to entertain herself with.
      MELAINA finds herself frozen for a moment, as time passes and her brother continues to protest her reasons on why she could not approach the princes of atlantis - the youngest daughter of hades, feels uneasy.
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gallowsraisedarc · 2 years
it   is   said   ,   whispered   ,   𝑟𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑   ,   that   deep   within   the   forest   of   nordmarka   ,   on   the   western   banks   of   the   oslofjord   ,   lives   a   beautiful   young   woman.   a   kind   &   helpful   entity   ,   for   many   centuries   she   lived   in   harmony   with   the   hard   working   men   within   the   forest   boundaries   ;   allowing   them   to   sleep   whilst   she   tended   to   their   charcoal   kilns   ,   receiving   provisions   in   exchange.   sometimes   ,   she   is   seen   as   a   seductive   nymph   &   entices   particular   men   away   from   their   companions   until   they   are   lost   to   the   forest.   but   mainly   ,   she   is   a   caring   forest   spirit.
the   hulda   –   who   has   now   adopted   the   name   ‘   eva   ’   –   has   no   constraints   by   the   forest   ,   often   able   to   enter   the   nearby   city   with   her   identifiable   cow's   tail   hidden   under   skirts   and   dresses.   but   stay   too   long   away   from   her   wondrous   trees   ,   and   the   hulda   grows   weak   &   her   powers   grow   more   and   more   uncontrollable.
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muse is fairly low today - I'm going to continue detaiing out Robin's information for his other verses as I don't want to keep writing interactions without having some sort of context (unless we've spoken privately) - I won't be deleting any asks or threads! I just want to give info out for you guys ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·
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Emrey— Survive || OC & Sully Family
Chapter 1: The Beginning
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The story about love and family, about beginning and end, about life and death. All shown equally and unfairly, for that is the way it was intended.
Follow the story of the Sully Family as they journey across the seas, seeking sanctuary, only to find war and death.
But they emrey— survive, because their family is their fortress.
words: 3.5k
Chapters: 1 - 2
“The forests of Pandora hold many dangers. But the most dangerous thing about Pandora… is that you may grow to love her too much.
“We sing the song chord to remember. Each bead a story in our life.”
Neytiri sat, legs crossed in front of her, hands dutifully weaving tiny beads on several leather chords. A smile stretched across her lips, eyes alight as she finished the last knot. She set it down next to her, hands drifting towards her belly, round with new life.
“A bead for the birth of our son.”
They gathered, forming a tight circle around the raised mound on which stood their Olo’eyktan, Toruk Makto, Jake Sully and Tsahìk Mo’at. In the gentle hands of Jake was his first son, held aloft as the new father proudly called out the child’s name.
“Two more beads for our adopted daughters, Kiri’te and Niri’te. Twins. To the Na’vi, the concept of twins was unimaginable; never before had it happened. Which leads us to where our two miracles came from.
“The girls were born of Grace’s Avatar. Though at first we only knew of one of the girls, we were too shocked by Grace’s uninhabited Avatar being pregnant that we didn’t notice the fainter heartbeat that echoed little Kiri’te’s. It took us months to see that there was a second child, barely holding onto the delicate threads of a life that had yet to begin.
“The science guys did what they could till the girls were born. Immediately, little Kiri’te began to wail as she was passed to and from one lab tech to another, being cleaned, weighed, and examined. Once little Kiri’te was calmed and wrapped in a bundle of blankets resting in Neytiri’s arms, were we waiting for little Niri’te.
“It had felt like hours, and the techs were getting anxious. But finally, finally, little Niri’te was born. And as expected, she was much smaller and weaker than Kiri’te. Little Niri’te was barely hanging on, her breaths shallow and her eyes firmly shut. I knew that Neytiri was on edge when she didn’t hear little Niri’te start to cry like Kiri’te. She knew that something was wrong.
“It had taken weeks for her to be able to breathe on her own and even longer to open her eyes. By the time Kiri’te and Neteyam were happily babbling away, she struggled to sit upright and keep her meals down.
“But what scared us the most was her tswin, it was shorter than the other two children, and the tendrils at the end were barely responding to the stimulation given by the lab techs examining her. They said that she might never be able to fully use her tswin, even when she was fully grown, if she could ever get to that point.” 
The new family sat around a fire, each holding a child as they ate. Neteyam was cradled in the crook of Neytiri’s arm, Kiri’te resting on Jake’s shoulder, and Niri’te swaddled in a blanket in Tsu’tey’s arms. Now, this wasn’t a surprising sight, for Tsu’tey had all but fallen in love once his eyes landed on the small babe. Rarely was he seen without little Niri’te bundled in his arms as he went about his day; he barely even let her parents hold her. The people didn’t know why the warrior had taken such a liking to the sickly child.
But Tsu’tey wasn’t bothered by their stares and whispers; he was used to them, after all. During the Fall of Home Tree and the battle afterwards, Tsu’tey was injured. His leg was burned when he was evacuating people from the burning Home Tree, and later on, towards the end of the battle with the sky demons, he suffered a great loss. A soldier of the Sky People found him bleeding by the roots of a colossal tree. He wasn’t able to stop the demon as it reached for his tswin, grabbing it harshly in its disgusting five-fingered hand while the other brought a small but wicked-looking knife closer. Tsu’tey had to close his eyes, for he couldn’t handle looking at what was to come.
In one harsh swipe, Tsy’tey’s tswin was severed. 
He couldn’t describe the rush of feelings that coursed through him. But it was the numbness that overtook him that scared him more than the prospect that he might die at the hands of a sky demon. He waited for the final blow, but it never came. Instead, he heard the dull thud of an arrow making its home in its latest victim.
He opened his eyes lazily, gazing up at the figure approaching him. Once they came close enough for his bleary eyes to focus on, his breath was stolen away.
Before him stood the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. Her bright green eyes were wide and frantic from the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was crouched down low, her longbow clutched tightly in her hand, her arm still raised from where it had released the arrow.
Ninat came closer to him, her eyes now bright in sorrow and horror at what she saw. Tsu’tey’s tswin was lying at his feet, clutched in the repulsive five-fingered hand of a sky demon.
She looked back at him, a silent question on her face, but Tsu’tey wouldn’t– couldn’t answer it. He didn’t want to accept his new reality. The one where he would never again feel the warm embrace of the Great Mother, never again would he be able to bond with his ikran or pa’li, never would he be able to form the sacred bond with his mate, if he ever got one, with how he looked now, he doubted it severely. 
He felt a hand rest on his shoulder, drawing him out of his thoughts. His mate, Ninat, was crouched beside him, two bowls of food expertly held in one hand. He quickly took one from her, careful not to spill anything on little Niri’te.
He didn’t know how Ninat came to love him; he was always short-tempered and now even more so with his severed tswin. He became many things after his injury; loveable wasn’t on that list. But then came Ninat, and she took that list, crossed everything out and wrote loved at the very top, and he couldn’t be more grateful for her.
His nìhona lawr – sweet melody.
“A bead for the first communion with Eywa.”
They gathered again around the Tree of Souls, singing the Song of New Life. Their voices melded together as one great, harmonious being. There, in front of the Tree, stood three people, each holding a small babe.
Tshaìk Mo’at walked between them, placing a delicate hand on each child as she passed, humming along with the people.
“The people say we live in Eywa, and that Eywa lives in us. The Great Mother holds all her children in her heart.”
Together, the three held the children closer to the low-hanging branch; Tshaìk Mo’at gently placed their tswin on it. When she came to little Niri’te, who was held closer to the branch than the other two, she prayed. She prayed to the Great Mother that this little miracle would be able to feel Her tender embrace, that the little one would be able to rest in Her arms and feel how much the Great Mother loves her.
Slowly she brought little Niri’te’s tswin to the branch, the weak tendrils spreading out as they clung loosely. She looked at Tsu’tey, who was holding the child dearly, his eyes never leaving her little face. Tshaìk Mo’at could tell the moment little Niri’te was embraced by the Great Mother, for Tsu’tey’s face broke out in the brightest grin she had ever seen the stoic warrior have. He huffed a weak laugh, a stronger one following the first. Oh, how she had missed his laugh.
“Happiness is simple…
“The Great Mother had blessed me; She gave me a family in Neytiri and our three beautiful children. Though it only felt like we had two since Tsu’tey refused to have us hold little Niri’te too long. I could tell it was weighing on Neytiri, not being able to hold her daughter.
“But she knew that little Niri’te brought Tsu’tey a certain happiness that she hadn’t seen in so long. So she let him have her, but she made it very clear to him that little Niri’te was our daughter and that, at some point, she would have to be given back.
“Tsu’tey had just nodded his head in understanding before he turned and left, little Niri’te in his arms.”
Tsu’tey adored little Niri’te. He didn’t care that her mother was of the Sky People or that her father was cowardly enough not to claim this little miracle as his daughter. And his mate, Ninat, could never get enough of the sweet music that was little Niri’te’s laugh. She would sing softly to the babe, rocking the child back and forth in her arms, watching her eyes drift close, and she fell asleep. 
Once little Niri’te’s eyes had drifted shut, Ninat brought her to where Neteyam and Kiri’te were lying, fast asleep. Gently putting Niri’te down next to her sister, she straightened and watched as the babes peacefully slept. She didn’t know how long she stood there before little Kiri’te began to squirm, arms and legs stretching out and pulling back in as she pushed herself away from Niri’te, who was still asleep.
Before Ninat could pick her up to calm her, little Neteyam opened his eyes, looked at Kiri’te, who was still squirming away from Niri’te, saw that she was starting to cry, and did the same himself. Now Ninat had two crying babies on her hands while the third kept sleeping like nothing was happening.
At the sounds of the crying babes, Neytiri came into the room. Once she figured out what was wrong, she scooped up Neteyam, leaving Ninat to deal with a still squirming Kiri’te, who had managed to roll onto the spot where Neteyam just was, further away from her sister.
Neteyam was calmed quicker than Kiri’te, already back in bed, eyes getting heavy as Neytiri sand softly to him. Ninat was still trying to calm Kiri’te, but nothing she was doing seemed to do anything besides agitate Kiri’te more.
“Neytiri, she’s not calming down; I have tried everything.” Ninat was getting desperate and frustrated, which is not a good combination for handling a baby. Neytiri looked up at her; Neteyam was asleep again.
“Maybe she is hungry; she refused to eat when we were feeding Neteyam.” 
Taking Kiri’te from her arms, Neytiri left the room. Presumably, to feed little Kiri’te. 
It was times like these when Ninat was actually glad she didn’t have children of her own.
“Happiness is simple. Who would have thought a jarhead like me could break the code?”
Jake grunted as he splashed water at little Kiri’te, who squealed and ran behind Neteyam, peeking out from behind his shoulder. Neteyam playfully hissed at his father as he stuck an arm out, protecting Kiri’te from him. Jake crouched low, slowly making his way to the two, hands swishing in the water. The two backed up until they got into the deeper part of the pool before Jake launched at them, making them trip over each other and topple back into the water.
He heard the sweet giggle of Niri’te as she and little Lo’ak splashed around in the shallow area overseen by Neytiri. The two weren’t big enough to go deeper like their other siblings, even though Niri’te was the same age as Kiri’te and Neteyam.
The lab techs had said that little Niri’te’s growth would be a bit stunted, but the new parents didn’t know that it would be this bad.
Neteyam, Kiri’te and Niri’te were all six years old, and little Lo’ak was almost five, but it looked like Niri’te was closer in age to Lo’ak than the other two. Although the kids knew that Niri’te was older than she looked, they still treated her like the baby of the family, even if that position was Lo’ak’s.
“Before I knew it, we had five little bodies running around.”
They had to get a bigger swaynivi because their family was growing so fast. The family was piled on each other; the children huddled around the parents.
Neteyam had decided that shoving his little body underneath his parents’ heads, acting like their squirming blue pillow, was a good idea. He would soon regret the idea when his legs were getting numb under the weight of his mother, but he knew he couldn’t move lest he wakes little Tuktirey, the newest member of their already big family. 
Under his father’s arm was Lo’ak with his head resting on Jake’s shoulder while he had an arm thrown over Kiri’te, who had been insisting on being called Kiri for a while now. She was sprawled across their father’s legs, head cradled in his large hand. Then there was Niri’te, smushed underneath Neytiri’s arm, her pale fingers twirling the soft hairs on little Tuktirey’s head, a lazy smile on her face as she drifted off.
“We sent the Sky People back to Earth, and few of them stayed. The science guys, loyal to the Na’vi.”
Lo’ak and Niri’te were wandering in the labs of the friendly Sky People. They were looking for their father’s Avatar friend, Mr Norm. Their father had said to call him that, even if Mr Norm had insisted on not being called that, but their father insisted that the two children still call him Mr Norm. She had said it was a sign of respect after he had fought so bravely with them against the Sky People.
And with that, his fate was sealed as every Sully child he came across would call him Mr Norm, and that being said, it was a lot.
Now the reason the two children were wandering the labs was that it was time for Niri’te’s check-up. She’s been having them for as long as she can remember. Every few times each month, she would be taken to Mr Norm, and his Sky Person friend and they would do all sorts of things. Her least favourite was she they stuck a little white stink with a fluffy tip up her nose, it made her eyes water, and it felt like they were poking at the back of her skull. 
Though recently, they have been focusing more on her tswin, asking her all these questions, if she could feel when they did this, can she tell them was happens when they do that, all those kinds of stuff. She knew they wouldn’t do it today because they did that the last time she was with her mother and grandmother.
“Mr Norm!”
The man in question turned around with a thick stack of papers in his hands. He smiled at the two, looking them up and down. He noticed a certain lack of breathing packs that were mandatory for the Na’vi that came into the labs. They had learned a while back that Na’vi were able to breathe the more oxygenised air that the humans breathe, but after a while, they would become dizzy, their bodies not accustomed to the lighter air.
Norm narrowed his eyes before he spoke, “Where are your breathing packs?”
The two children’s eyes widened comically as they rushed back to the entrance, where a couple of breathing packs hung from a steel rack. They came back with them slung over their tiny shoulders, Lo’ak already taking a deep breath from his pack.
Norm sighed as he set the papers down, gesturing with his hand for the two kids to follow. He led them to the usual room where Niri’te had her check-ups. She hopped on the table before Norm got the chance to tell her to.
He busied himself with getting all his equipment before he turned around and saw Niri’te and Lo’ak pulling faces at each other. Norm cleared his throat, startling the two children. He gave them both a look before Lo’ak settled on the sole chair in the room, attentive eyes watching him as Norm began his check-up.
He did the usual checking of the eyes, listening of the lungs, and prodded in her mouth a little to check for cavities. After that, he started to examine her skin. It was still pale, it hadn’t darkened as she aged, like the rest of her siblings, but that wasn’t too much of a concern as of now. He gently brought her tswin form behind her, fingers carefully poking at the pale pink tendrils. 
He was aware that the last check-up primarily consisted of checking her tswin, but it had become a habit for him to give it a once over. It was still a bit short, her hair braided securely around it; nothing seemed wrong. He then went on to look at her hands, looking to see if they were developing properly. Norm had always thought it strange that despite being twins, only Kiri inherited her mother’s four fingers and slim eyebrows, while Niri’te had the traditional three fingers and no eyebrows in sight.
Norm started rubbing at her joints when a commotion was heard outside. Lo’ak immediately jumped up and dashed out of the room; his breathing pack was left abandoned on the chair.
“And then there was Spider… he was just stuck there. Too young for a cryo capsule. Orphaned by the war, he was raised by the lab guys.”
A human boy was outside their room, just at the end of the hall. He was screaming and kicking at the other lab techs like they were about to kill him. But obviously, they weren’t; they were trying to get the boy to wear anything other than that raggedy loincloth he always insisted on wearing.
He saw Max trying to grab Spider’s arm, but the little boy ducked underneath it and jabbed at the back of Max’s knee, causing him almost to topple over and squash Spider under him.
Amanda, a biologist that stayed behind, was able to grab his arm, pulling away and into another room, calling to the other two scientists that were trying to wrangle Spider. They hurried after her into the room and quickly shut the door behind them, making sure that Spider won’t run away.
“Who was that?” asked a soft voice. He felt a small hand wrap around his fingers. He looked down and saw Niri’te looking at the closed door worriedly.
“That was Spider,” Norm sighed, “he was left here after the war.”
He felt the little hand tighten.
“Where are his sa’sem?”
He looked down, Niri’te’s golden yellow eyes boring into his. He looked back to the door. Spider was still screaming.
“His parents are dead ‘eveng, they died fighting.”
He heard a little gasp and looked down again. Niri’te’s eyes were watering a little.
“He wasn’t part of our family. He was like a stray cat. Just always around. And he was inseparable from our kids.”
Kiri, Neteyam and Lo’ak were playing with Spider. After the incident in the lab, Lo’ak had gone looking for the boy and asked him if he wanted to play with them. Spider had nodded his head so vigorously that he was sure it would snap off at any moment.
The four children were play fighting, Neytiri watching over them. At the same time, Jake kept Niri’te and Tuktirey busy by showing them loreyu, spiralling shoot-like plants that quickly shrunk into themselves with the slightest touch. 
When it seemed that little Tuktirey was keeping herself enough by running between the plants, then waiting for them to come back out before she ran through them again, repeating the process, Jake approached Niri’te.
“Hey neympin, why don’t you go play with the others? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind,” Jake had noticed the lack of interaction between his older children, which suspiciously started after Lo’ak had invited Spider to play with them.
He wasn’t so sure as to why this was, but he didn’t want a rift opening between his children, for he knew that the only thing that brought was hurt. He and his brother hadn’t spoken for three years before he died, leaving Jake with a hole burning in his heart with all the things he left unsaid.
He didn’t want the same for his children.
Niri’te looked up at him, her large eyes gazing at him, wary and a little scared. “Kiri wouldn’t like that,” she mumbled and looked at Tuktirey, crouched low under a rather large loreyu, reaching up slowly. The plant shrunk into itself at the slightest touch of her tiny fingers.
Jake frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“’Cause last week she said—”
Niri’te cut herself off, refusing to look at her father.
“What did she say, baby girl?” his voice was a soft whisper, genuine and caring in its tone. This got Niri’te to look at him, her yellow eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“She said that Eywa has left me,”
Translations in order of appearance:
Olo’eyktan - clan leader
Toruk Makto - Rider of Last Shadow
Tsahìk - shamanic matriarch
Tswin - queue
nìhona lawr - sweet melody
Swaynivi - family hammock
Na’vi - indigenous Pandorian sentient race
Sa’sem - parent/set of parents
‘Eveng - child
Neympin - light colour (this is used as a sort of pet name for niri’te because of her lighter skin colour)
Loreyu - beautiful spiral (helicoradian)
Eywa - world spirit/the Great Mother who protects the balance of life
Chapters: 1 - 2
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ruthcrfords · 3 months
tag drop: lucas rutherford
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redhead-reporter · 7 months
º ✧ 。quiet drafts day for me since taking the (extended) weekend off to just do memes and vibe has made the stack of what i owe QUINTUPLE ! 🙃 but that's okay(ish) because i'll be out of town next week going to my first ✨ wedding dress fitting ✨ so it's good to get the queue loaded up for that.
moots can find me over on dis.cord !
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angelslaain · 1 year
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"You seem to really like what you do," the brunette told the nurse across the waiting room of the doctor's office, a soft smile adorning the corner of her lips. Sienna was in for her weekly appointment with her therapist, so she'd seen him before a handful of times—she just hadn't had the bravery to say hello before. Perhaps she was sick of looking at the dull paintings on the wall or tired of the book she held in her lap, but an unknown feeling tugged at her to say something to him. She wished she knew his name; she couldn't read his nametag from where she sat. // @horrifiying — ethan
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gatekepts-a · 1 year
!! new url alert !! goldenhovr >> gatekepts
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foxtamara · 1 year
closed starter for @gloomrobs
location: echo park pool
After laying out in the sun for a bit, Tamara was ready to take a dip in the pool to cool off. She climbed down the ladder and submerged her entire body underwater, feeling the cool sensation take over her entire body. It felt like absolute paradise as she leaned back in order to float. A few moments later, she was pulled out of her relaxing trance from a huge splash that had hit both her and the person next to her. She then realized the splash had come from none other than her son and his friends who were having a cannonball contest. "Boys, be careful where you're splashing," she scolded them before turning to the person next to her. "I'm so sorry about them. I hope you're not someone who doesn't like getting their hair wet."
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imrtals · 8 months
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      SELENE  walked the courtyards of olympus — eyeing her cousins , aunts and uncles as she took in the heavens and all of its glory . she had wondered if the venture here had even been worth it — her loyalty lies within the sea and yet , she felt as if she owes it to her father to be here .
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      HELIOS  sat at one of the tables in the feast hall — his muscles contracting as he ate the sweetroll offered . he wasn't particularly fond of anything outside of atlantis . or anything in general . he enjoyed helping his sister selene with her ventures at atlantis new ruler , he enjoyed watching over the seas and being head of the militia . but , making appearances? wasn't his thing . he enjoyed his wife and their children and if it weren't for them , he would never set foot in olympus .
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      CHIONE walked alongside her younger sister , kalista , turning to face her as the redhead took in their surroundings . they hadn't been back to olympus since they were just girls and now , they get to witness it in all of its glory . "—who would have thought that olympus would be filled with such beautiful people?" kalista asked sarcastically as chione rolled her eyes playfully . "you sound like mother kali , please."
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      KERES pressed his lips together in thought as he watched his sister go on about seeing the son of prince helios'. "but he is a dreamy man , father would approve of him! the younger of the two pointed out .
@starosed !
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What's wrong? Never have you seen such an odd duo?
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While once again in a fog like labyrinth, the other one with white and purple outfit pause for a moment before he look at his imaginary clock and gasp.
The Bee stared at behind him and rolled his eyes when he realize what's up with his companion when the other takes out a living bunny out of his space and the bunny start to shake in hunger. The pseudo hurried to feed the lil guy who happily eats the things serve.
( shh ~shhh~... Don't worry I have more food here ... )
Petting and cooing softly the fluffy creature like his own beloved child the pseudo care less if they have to stop for a moment, because he cannot let his sole living momento of that person to die from carelessness.
{ Stop feeding that bunny each time, we have a minute stop.}
The Bee sighs as he cross his arms as he look at his direction in disdain, they really should stop this mini stops for a magic bunny.
( Well 'your bitch'less attitude sure is 'kill' jo'y'. One cle'a'rly 'se'e that you 'l'ack 'f'eelings of sympathy for this precious baby bunny, letting him be left hungry!)
{ ... What if you go try and do what you just said, huh?}
( *Gasp. But I don't say anything threatening~ I'm just saying what I felt I wanna say.)
{ Kokoko, you seems to think I'm blind. I can clearly see what you wanna say. }
The two glare at one another as the little bunny Slowly finished and fall asleep. The Bee stared at the bunny in a daze moment. Seeing that hunny eyes. It remind him, of someone.
{ 'I cannot' 'd'e​c'i​'ph'e'r that o'ne' day 'I' will 't'ravel and searc'h'ing 'e'ndless, 'r'elentless and more I 'can'not believe I have to do it with 'you', from all of the people... }
(.... Why do you even cho'i'ce to tag along with me. You 'don't' have bound like I have with them... Your only being 'c'ruel to yourself by doing this with me... 'A'nd besides you'r' someone who could liv'e' as you like... Finally free of your own captivity... )
{ ... I... }
A memory flash in Bee's mind. Someone holding his hand and the person laughter's ringing in his ears. He remembers that person calling his name and telling him.
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× ' it's ok... Live as you like, like you do now... I wish to not pinned you down with weight of our existence... ' ×
That same person that smiled as they let go of his hand and disappear to nothing, consume by darkness. Forgotten.
{ ...Don't know... }
He never understand why, why.... Theres so many why running through his mind but all knows he have too, and he want too.
The two have a moment of silent as the pseudo put the sleeping bunny back to his space and start walking ahead of the other.
( Whatever reason you have, It doesn't really matter to me.... But if we have to do this together whatever reason one might have. Don't just mess it up by throwing a punch like you did when you first summoned the time labyrinth.)
The pseudo clearly remember when the two of them start their journey to the unknown time, long before their time in the labyrinth. Following the fading thread. This fucking bee throw a punch when he first check on his bunny to feed after long silence in the fogged and gloomy place. The rabbit mooching on the carrot scared him.
{ ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ S-STOP bringing that up!)
The Bee felt embarrassed by bringing up such embarrassing story being frightened by a bunny after that moment, many scene of horror come in his mind after all, that silent made his mind think very loudly.
( (ㆁωㆁ) Who in their right mind scared of of their own ability like it's some horror film. )
{ For the record, I only know about the theory based from what they told me and never gasp it till... }
(... Lets go.)
The pseudo don't let him continue as the two speed up to the new destination. They went through another corner and the fog, the maze disappear when they step out. The bright sun light peaking out of the corner of the tree line.
( ... Since it be a long walk from here to there. Might as well chat. )
{ Fine. When I meet them. I thought they were weird. }
( Ahahah~ yup they are indeed weird. )
{ They threaten to k'i'l'l' me at 'o'ne point. They gi've' 'm'e a 'c'harming smile while they do that .(◍•ᴗ•◍)}
( ... )
The pseudo pause, he look alarm at the surrounding. The place suddenly don't felt like they are the only one there.
{ Heads up. }
As he said that, they soon shoot down by many projectiles. The bee pulled out golden sticky liquid, with a quick move, he molded the honey into a blade and knives. Deflecting down the in coming attack with ease.
( Watch out!)
Bee who's back is turned don't realize someone about to hit him. Pseudo quickly smack a mallet to the enemy, throwing them off far in the tree lines.
As they get one done, more come out.
{ Sigh. Why do those things keep hindering us?}
(They are the guardian of the labyrinth after all... They don't have kin liking to people who trespassing boundary of time )
Soon more bull headed shadow figures appear, aggression on their eyes and the enemies is no other than those two.
{ Kokoko. Good I needed to test out my new skill }
Bee chuckle as he wave his hand, Sakura and rose petals surrounded him.
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{[ Maybe this world is... ] }
The trees In the surrounding suddenly bloom majestic cherry blossom.
{ [ Speckled by drop of solitude.. ]}
Soon the petals created a whirlwind, all the enemies burned the moment a single petals touch their skin.
{[ Each color may just blend together into one ]}
Blood, fire and beautiful petals slowly turn the surrounding crimson as he wave his hand in graceful slow motion to all the direction of the enemies.
A smile on his face, that show his just getting started.
(what a show off.)
The other chuckle as white feathers surrounded him.
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([ rewrite the limit.. . ])
Suddenly the land start to crack. Bee sigh as he once again witness this person destroy another part of the labyrinth.
([ dance on, dance on the edge!])
{[ this world may just be a stippling of... Solitude and instant]}
All the mobs that try to stop from the edge to the abyss below suddenly felt burning sensation of the the roaring wind of beautiful deadly flowers that burns them.
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( the door! )
Holding his companion hand, an afterimage of wings appear on his back and they made a jump to the exit to another destination.
Dot. dot. do. T
The connection have been disconnected.
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(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @valeriele3 @yinenovica
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