#✧ ┇ zhihao   /   aesthetic.
skylarsblue · 2 years
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(This is long because it's a character bio)
Basic Information Name: Lixue Zhihao  Pronunciation: L-eh-sh-oo, Zh-ee-h-ow Name Meaning:  ‘Beautiful Snow’, Wisdom/Intellect & Brave/Heroic Nicknames: Jiayi - A female name that means “lucky one” Age: 29 (physically), 167 roughly (soul) Gender: Trans(?) Male Pronouns: He/She Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: December 8th Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Religious Beliefs: Morax-believer Race: Liyuen (Asian-Chinese) Nationality: Liyue Ethnicity: Asian Myers Briggs Type: ISFP-ESFP (ambivert) Enneagram: 4w3 Alignment: True Neutral
Dwellings Place of Birth: Minlin, Liyue Childhood Dwelling: Minlin, Liyue-Liyue Harbor, Liyue Current Living State: Travels but has a home just beside The Chasm Nation: Liyue Archon Affiliation: Morax
Appearance Height: 6’2” Skin Tone: Limestone (skin tone names are weird) Eye Color: Royal blue fading into periwinkle purple Hair Color: Mint green with a currant red streak Hair Type & Style: Thick & wavy, asymmetrical(swooped to the side) Body Type: Lean/Athletic ….hourglass?(but like, the male ver) Aesthetic(if in our world): Dazecore, Dethereal, Mosscore Clothing: An asymmetrical top (style roughly inspired by Beijing’s Cheongsam & a tang suit top), the right side is red with details along the side - this side also has a full sleeve down to the wrist and the accents are gold. The other side is a pale Turkish Blue and has no sleeve(it cuts at the shoulder). This tucks into dark teal pants that are rather loose, they tuck into some black & red boots(gold accents). There are cutouts on each side that expose the hip/upper thigh. His left arm is covered up to the bicep by a fingerless glove that opens at the palm. Some teal eyeliner rests under his eyes. His vision rests on his left side and holds a self-sewn “scarf” and a string of gem beads. A jade ring wraps around his belt loop which holds more crystal beads and a talisman he made. A piece of black and gold shoulder armor is situated on his right shoulder and held by black straps that go across his chest. Some rings and other crystal bead strands complete his design. Tattoos & Markings: An open “eye” tattoo on left palm, a closed “eye” on the right palm, talisman symbols down his ribs on the right side. Blemishes: A few random scars from everyday life, many small cuts along his inner forearms, a small scar on the side of his neck.
Powers And Abilities Rarity: Five Star Vision: Cryo Constellation: Renatus Moth (Reborn Moth) Weapon(s): Sword
-Special Moves- Elemental Burst: When the burst is activated, for a period of time, everything freezes. Nothing moves. Allowing for Lixue’s soul to leave her body and attack enemies until the countdown hits zero. In which her soul will return back to his body, and things will begin moving again. The damage inflicted when Lixue is out of his body stays. This countdown can be increased slightly by leveling up the talent. Starting at three seconds and reaching its max at twelve seconds. Elemental Skill: A quick slash with the sword Lixue is assigned that quickly circles his body, applying some physical damage and cryo damage. Charged Attack: A quick series of “two swords”, which is basically just Lixue & his soul hitting an enemy quickly at the same time.
-Talents- Normal Attack; Xianshen Swordsman E-Skill; Pollux Slash E-Burst; Fangshih Interval Xukong Adept; When Lixue falls(or “dies”) there’s a 30% chance he’ll revive on his own to 40% health. (He will come back with 60% health if you have his second constellation) Hun Shi: When using his Elemental Skill or Burst, he’ll sometimes double the amount of elemental energy gained from elemental attacks. The energy that is given as a result of this is given to his team members. (For example; using his burst might result in his team’s bursts being filled) Shuimu; Higher hydro resistance. (15% higher def against hydro damage, 30% if you have his fourth constellation)
When/How Vision Was Gained: After inhabiting the body of a man, Shi-Chen Zhihao, and declaring she would never take life for granted, Lixue went to enjoy the feeling of life again. Taking in a deep breath as she overlooked Liyue, what it was now that she had been dead for over three decades. As Lixue looked to the sky, noting the flying lanterns mixing with the stars, he notes something falling towards him. He reached out and caught it. He held a vision, a cryo vision. It was cold and reminded the soul of the icy chill of being deceased, as well as the cold of how she died to begin with. It made him laugh quietly. Wondering if maybe this was Celestia’s way of apologizing, or maybe, it was taunting him. How They Feel About Their Vision: Though he’s not entirely sure what he did to deserve Celestia’s attention, he values his vision with great pride. He also finds humor in the irony of its element. He finds it makes his life, filled with vague goals of learning, easier. Which he appreciates.
Recommended Weapons: Skyward Blade(Fivestar), Haran Geppaku(Fivestar), The Flute(Fourstar), Sacrificial Sword(Fourstar), Prized Isshen Blade(Fourstar) Recommended Artifacts: Blizzard Strayer, Noblesse Oblige, & Emblem of Severed Fate Talent Level Up: Teachings of Diligence, Bloodjade Branch, Whopperflower Nectar Ascension: Shivada Jade, Runic Fang, Glaze Lily, Whopperflower Nectar Bonus Talent: When making a revival dish(not an HP recovery dish, only those that revive a fallen character), you have a 15% chance of not spending one of the ingredients. For example, if mint is an ingredient, there’s a chance you will lose no mint when cooking the dish. Special Dish: Lotus Moon; a special way of making Fullmoon Egg. A revival dish that restores 2,900 HP rather than 1,200. Stats Strength: 7/10 Agility: 4/10 Speed: 6/10 Book Intelligence: 7/10 Social Intelligence: 9/10 Street Intelligence: 8/10 Cooperation: 5/10 Technique: 8/10
Health Overall Physical Health: 8/10 Overall Mental Health: 6/10 Physical Illness: Corrosion Mental Illness: PTSD, Depersonalization Disorder, BDD(body dysmorphic disorder)/Body Dysphoria Risks: Rigor Mortis Blood Type: B- Weight: 162 lbs (73 kg) Posture: 7/10 Addictions: N/A Neurotypical/Divergent: Neurotypical
Character Good Traits: Appreciative, clever, conscientious, disciplined, ebullient, humorous, insouciant, observant, persuasive, & venturesome. Neutral Traits: Ambitious, casual, dreamy, effeminate, enigmatic, frugal, irreverent, noncommittal, subjective, undemanding, & whimsical. Bad Traits: Aloof, calculating, careless, deceitful, fraudulent, hedonistic, impulsive, manipulative, opportunistic, & vague.
Likes: Sunsets/Sunrises, food with shrimp, Huangjiu(a Chinese alcohol), stargazing, the sound of running water, warm weather, colorful plants, butterflies, clean handwriting, and jokes. Dislikes: Frozen over lakes, wasting time, pure silence, the sound of chewing, being restrained(or feeling stiff), cold food, societal standards, overpriced stones, workaholism, & overly sweet tastes.
Special Interest: Necromancy & Adepti-magic Hobbies: Making talismans, exploring, & stone collecting Skills: Manipulation(he uses it for good I swear), prediction, sword fighting Weakness: Dissociation, stiff joints/muscles, phantom pain Motivations: Experiencing more of life, enjoyment, & learning Habits: Staring off into space & humming Guilty Pleasure: None, there’s no guilt to enjoying things anymore Phobias: Kenophobia; the fear of voids and vast empty spaces, Amensiphobia; the fear of amnesia.
Family & Relationships Parent One Name: Shanyuan Xueke Age: 68 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Appearance: Black hair, sun tanned skin, blue eyes. 5’5”, stalky(like, chubby but with muscle), soft features. Personality: Charming and confident, but out of touch and stubborn. Relationship With Lixue: She can’t remember him much anymore, he was usually off and working anyway, he wasn’t very present. Current Status: Deceased (he’s been dead for a long time-) Parent Two Name: Jing-Lei Xueke Age: 57 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Appearance: Red hair, fair skin, dark brown eyes. 5’8”, lean but overall average body type, pretty androgynous features. Personality: Intelligent and perceptive, the teasing type, but that’s mostly kept to her husband. Relationship With Lixue: Jing-Lei taught Lixue a lot of what she knows, she was kind and patient, but a workaholic. Lixue can’t remember much of her mother either Current Status: Deceased (been dead a long time as well)
Favorites Favorite Food(s): Golden Shrimp Balls & Stir-fried Shrimp Favorite Drink(s): Huangjiu Favorite Color(s): Hibiscus Red Favorite Season(s): Spring Favorite Holiday(s): Lantern Rite Favorite Flower(s): Glaze Lily & Lotus Favorite Aesthetic(s): Dazecore & Fairycore Favorite Animal(s): Snow Finch
Voice Lines/Animations Idle Line(1): “Things seem so peaceful, how nice.” Idle Line(2): “The breeze feels lovely.” Joining Team(1): “Now what do you have in store this time?” Joining Team(2): “Something new up your sleeve?” Joining Team (3): “Exciting.” Feelings About Ascension; Intro: “I feel more like myself, interesting.” Feelings About Ascension; Building Up: “The more powerful I get, the more I wonder where I have left to go.” Feelings About Ascension; Climax: “This should make things interesting, no?” Feelings About Ascension; Conclusion: “I haven’t felt this strong since…well, for a long time. It makes me feel like myself again. Thank you.” Birthday: “You know, birthdays are rather interesting. With each passing year, it’s likely you are so very different from what you were the year prior. On this day, you might say you’ve been reborn, if slightly. Fascinating to think about. Ah, forgive me, I lost myself for a moment. Here, I got you a gift, I hope you find it to your tastes.” --- Elemental Skill (1): “Watch it.” Elemental Skill (2): “Careful now.” Elemental Burst (1): “I don’t think so.” Light Hit Taken: “That was nothing.” Heavy Hit Taken (1): “It’ll take more than that to take me down.” Heavy Hit Taken (2): “Ugh, well now…” Low HP (1): “A bit to familiar.” Low HP (2): “(huff) I refuse to do this again.” Fallen (1): “I don’t want to…go..back..” Fallen (2): “Not again…” Fallen (3): “Please…don’t…” Opening Chest (1): “Interesting, what else is here?” Opening Chest (2): “I always enjoy rewards for my efforts.” Receiving A Gift(1): “Oo, what culinary skill. You truly are a jack of all trades, aren’t you? Oh come now, don’t get humble, you did so well.” Receiving A Gift(2): “It’s warm and delicious, I’m sure the more you cook the better you’ll get. I would love nothing more than to be your taste tester.” Receiving A Gift(3): “Absolutely not. I really appreciate the thought but, no. I’d rather chew on old leather…” ----
Chat; Rigor Mortis: “Ugh, I feel stiff again. Hm? Oh, no, it has nothing to do with how I sleep, move. None of that. It’s…well, nevermind. You won’t have to worry about it.” Chat; Irony: “Funnily enough, I don’t like the cold. Sometimes I wonder if Celestia gave me my vision as an apology or as a taunt. I’ve grown used to frigid temperatures, but I most certainly don’t prefer it. I enjoy the warmth of the sun, of fresh tea, of a campfire. Ironic, isn’t it?” Chat; Symbolism: “I’ve always found it interesting how cultures choose their symbols and what said symbols represent. Some are obvious. A new moon relating to new life, the color black being associated with death. Some however puzzle me, and I ponder how we come to those conclusions. Oh well, I suppose that’s just how things are.” Chat; Work: “I used to work nonstop. Constantly on my feet, doing something, my mind only on success, dependability, and mora. My mother & father were much the same way. Now, I can’t imagine living like that again. There’s no joy in a life like that. So many experiences get missed when you’re only focused on business. Enjoyment should be a priority, at least to some degree.” --- Good Morning: “Good morning. Ah, yes, I know it’s early but I promise I have good reason. The view here is beautiful. The sunrise paints the sky beautiful colors, and I’d like to share that with you. Come, before we miss it!” Good Afternoon: “It’s time for a meal, I think. Would you like to accompany me to a restaurant or perhaps help me make a meal? Whatever you choose, I’ll enjoy it.” Good Evening: “The sun is setting. The sky is colored lilac and pale yellow. Before you go to rest, please, take a moment to appreciate it with me.” Good Night: “Good night, I hope your bed is at its most comfortable tonight. Perhaps, if we wake early enough, we’ll have time to find a spot to view Liyue as morning breaks.” When It Rains: “Well, that’s not ideal.” When Lightning Strikes: “Careful now, lightning has an impressive kill streak.” When It Snows: “You’d think I’d feel comfortable in this weather…I don’t.” When It’s Windy: “Sometimes I wonder how Morax and Barbatos interacted. I wonder what this would mean between them.” Favorite Food: “I mostly just enjoy anything that’s warm, feeling it shake off the cold of the day is relaxing. Oh! And shrimp, I like shrimp.” Least Favorite Food: “Flavor and texture are things I’m not picky about, but temperature is. While a cool glass of alcohol or water is good after a long day’s work, I cannot stand cold food. It feels so…depressing. I’m not one to judge preferences, but I’d much rather eat something steaming off the plate. I’ve experienced enough cold in my lifetimes.” --- Lixue’s Hobbies: “I have many things I do to ensure I never waste a minute of my day. But, I think what takes up most of my time is stone collecting. It requires a lot of searching, mining, and then a whole different process to make the stones look beautiful. Time consuming and enjoyable.” Lixue’s Troubles: “I’ve grown to like this body. I am more than grateful for the things it can do for me, for the chance I was given to try at life again. But…sometimes, I remember it isn’t mine. It feels more like a shell than myself in those moments…”
About Lixue; Past Life: “When I was in my original body, I worked in various different jobs. A waitress, a secretary, a saleswoman. One that I found paid the best however? Well…It’s not a tasteful job by any means. Paid well, but the method of work was rather, ruthless.” About Lixue; Duality: “Funnily enough, I nearly died once before. To fire. It left me badly scarred, I got used to people staring at me as a result. Still, I felt powerful after surviving. Proof that not even fire could kill me! Aha…little did I know how escaping death ensures it will take another swing at you right when you feel most invincible.” ---
Vision: “My vision is interesting to be sure. Sometimes, I loathe it. It feels taunting, like Celestia is poking at me, giving me the element of ice. Other times, I feel it’s a lesson. I’ve gained the ability to control what killed me. Now that? That feels good.” Something To Share: “Every once and awhile, this body will gain a random pain. There’s no cause for it, but it’s familiar, a pain I’ve felt before in my old body. Occasionally, the feeling of fire hitting skin. Other times, the sensation of frigid water filling my lungs. It’s…unpleasant, to say the least.” Interesting Things: “I get quite a few looks from passersby when I indulge myself in something I used to like. Such as makeup, jewels, perfume. I often forget that I…don’t look how I used to. No matter! I still enjoy these things and I will continue to do so.”
More About Lixue: “Hm? You’d like to know more about me? I’m flattered, really, but you’ll have to be more specific. Oh? A life motto I follow? Now that is a good question! Let me see…Ah, I have one. Living authentically is one of the purest paths to happiness, even if sometimes troublesome. You are you, regardless of others opinions or insecurities you may have.” More About Lixue: “I still struggle to fathom just how much has changed since my passing. However, so much has stayed the same. It’s fun to compare my memories to the present. Oh, but I advise you never to dwell too much on the past. Living in the moment is key to never wasting a minute of life.” More About Lixue: “Sometimes, I pass people who look just…vaguely familiar. It hits me that they’re probably descendants of those I used to know. Then I realize that I’ll never see those people again. I know where they’ve gone, but I have no intention of going back there myself. I can only hope they handled it better than I did…” More About Lixue: “Have you ever met someone who just seems so melancholic? Those who are so enraptured in sadness, past regrets, pain. It hurts to see them. I know why they might be there, but I do my best to not be that way. Things can end so fast. The last thing you want to do is leave your life and realize you didn’t let yourself enjoy a single moment. It’s more agony to leave unlived.”More About Lixue: “Traveler, if I may, I’d like to give a small piece of advice. Please, no matter what others may say, remain yourself. I know that seems a bit vague, but I mean it. So many pieces of society will try and define you before you can define yourself. Don’t let it.” ----
About The Geo Archon: “I remember how it was back then, how intense the influence of the Geo Archon, Morax, was. We looked to him for everything. Now, everyone seems just fine without him. I’m glad I got to see both. Though, sometimes, I still find myself looking to the old statues we have in his image as if they’ll speak to me. Give me guidance. It’s strange knowing I won’t get it.” About Ningguang: “Ah! Liyue’s most admired business woman. Rather impressive isn’t she? I often wonder what one would do with so much mora. Still, I think she and her associates could use a break, a vacation even. Surely they could afford a week to relax. It can’t be healthy to work that often.” About Qiqi: “(chuckles) The “zombie” girl? Yes, I’ve met her. She’s adorable. I see Celestia shared their humor with her as well, granting her a cryo vision. I see she’s rather forgetful…it worries me sometimes. Not only that she might forget something important to her, but also what it may mean for me. Still, it’s nice to have someone to relate to.” About Beidou: “Goodness, what I would give to have her hair. It’s glorious! A very beautiful and powerful woman. I sometimes wonder if I should ask her how she remains so attractive…then I remember I no longer look like a woman, and I stop myself for fear it comes across wrong.” About Yanfei: “The legal advisor! She’s very vivacious. Her energy is admirable, she’s quite good at diffusing situations too, a very good skill to have. I hope she can get more free time though. I’ve heard her complain once or twice about wanting to change careers…a rapper, if I remember right?” About Baizhu: “He’s…interesting? Whenever I stop by the pharmacy, usually to see Qiqi, he asks me a plethora of questions. How my physical state is, how my body heals wounds, if I still remember my past. I get the feeling he sees me as some project almost. Makes me worry for Qiqi sometimes…” About Xinyan: “Her music often gives me a headache because of the volume, but I enjoy it still! I just have to listen from a distance.” About Zhongli: “Who?” About Hu Tao: “Please, whatever you do, do NOT tell her about my state of existence. I fear she’ll customize me a casket and send me back to the spirit realm. As far as I’m concerned, we don’t know each other, and I intend to keep it that way.” About Xiao: “I met him once. Long ago, I mean, in my original body. The conversation we had slips my mind but he seems like a depressive type. It’s sad, really. I know he’s done so much for this nation and yet he can’t seem to enjoy himself. I hope you’ll find a way to ensure he smiles at least once and awhile. He deserves to.” About Ganyu: “I met her briefly once or twice, she seems exhausted most of the time. A result of overworking I’m sure. Poor girl deserves a long nap if you ask me.” About Yelan: “She’s quite the intimidating woman, I like her style. Get things done, the confidence. Her taste in jewelry is lovely too. She reminds me a bit of myself back in the day. Oh, gosh, I sound so old when I say things like that.” ---- Backstory (Trigger Warning; vaguely covers the idea of death and depression) Lixue Xueke was a young and intelligent girl born in a small village in Minlin, Liyue. As a child, she found herself feeling different from other children. Watching them play, be carefree. She considered it childish. Always feeling she was more mature than her peers and that her attitude would ensure she’d be more success as a result. After all, both her parents were heavily career oriented. She watched them work and work all their time away. Naturally, she assumed this was the attitude she needed to adopt in order to make it in life. She wanted success and notoriety. When she was ten, her aspirations nearly slipped away from her when she was caught in a fire that left her scarred mentally and physically. However, Lixue didn’t let it deter her. She wore it like a badge of honor, showing how she survived something so scary and she could still earn success.
By the time Lixue was in her late teens, she’d worked in dozens of jobs, and she was adept in all of them. Saving her mora intensely. Every once and awhile, those her age would insist she take a break, enjoy some time off, have fun. She declined each time. She always had something that needed done. Lixue wanted enough money to be more than comfortable. The only way to achieve that was to work nonstop and take opportunities. She became known for her nonstop work ethic.
Most of these jobs were simple and typical. Waitressing, working in paperwork, even in things like selling fabric. The young woman was respected and generally well liked, despite many not truly knowing her beyond her name and business ventures. Though, in her twenties, she became aware of something that paid very well. Morally questionable, but profitable. There were a select few scorned individuals willing to empty their mora stashes just to ensure someone else didn’t see the light of day again.
Lixue only accepted a few of these offers. Only when she felt the target deserved it. Rationalizing it to herself that she was helping the general public but removing these specific people, and why shouldn’t she be paid for such a service? It was at the age of twenty-three that it caught up with her. It was cold, Winter had hit particularly hard that year. She stalked after a man who was allegedly responsible for the death of three people and two children, because of negligence in his building tactics. It should’ve been an easy job. That’s how Lixue felt anyway. However, the man put up far more of a fight than she anticipated, resulting in her being tossed onto an ice-covered lake. Though a bit bruised, she stood up and intended to finish her job, but the sound of breaking frost was her only warning before she plunged into frigid water. Cold shock set in almost immediately, making it difficult to move as her limbs felt numb. An icy burn across her skin. And when she couldn’t even get close to the top, she felt it enter her lungs, fading away into the void-like water. Lixue was disoriented when she “awoke” in this water. Everything was cold, yet in a strange way, she could feel nothing. It was only when she noticed that she wasn’t required to breathe that it settled over her. She looked around, unable to see anything. The water was pitch black. As if she was dropped into nothingness. Silent and lonely. It stayed that way until Spring arrived. When the ice over the pond finally melted away and streams of sunlight gave her some direction, allowing her to fly to the top. Lixue found herself unable to feel the warmth of the sun, but she felt grateful that she could at least see it. She stayed around that area. Aimless and regretful, watching time pass slowly, things change, with her unable to experience it. She missed everything and loathed herself for never letting herself enjoy what time she had. Though Lixue lost time, it had been thirty years since her death. And on the night of Lantern Rite, she found a man walking dejectedly near the pond she died in. He looked sorrowful. She watched him sit on the ground and gaze at the inside of his forearm. The man cried though she didn’t know why. He muttered to himself, begging the sky to take him, for he didn’t have the strength himself to leave. Periwinkle eyes filled with lonesome sorrow. “Why would you wish for death?” Her ghostly voice spoke, not expecting for him to react. Needless to say, he was startled by the apparition. Not everyone could see ghosts, nor did everyone believe in them. Still, he seemed to accept it with an odd amount of relief. “You…you’re a ghost, yes?” He asked. Lixue nodded. “So, there is another side?” She nodded again. “You seem like a young and capable man, so I’m not sure why you’d want to lose that.” The spirit questioned. She watched his face fall, gaze dropping to the water in front of him. “I have nothing to live for anymore. My wife and my daughter are both gone, killed by the cruel actions of another. I wasn’t there to save them and now they are not here with me. I cannot find anything else in life that leads me to want to live. My only want is to be with them again. Yet, I am too cowardly to end my body.” The man relayed. Though her heart was no longer with her, instead decayed at the bottom of the pond, she felt it ache for him. Though most would encourage someone to live, she could see why he wouldn’t want to. Losing something so important in that way. And it was blatantly obvious he wasn't open to changing his mind. It struck her suddenly. Perhaps, just maybe, she could work out something for the both of them. She told him the idea, elated by his agreement.
It took magic, talismans. With each brushstroke filled with intention and desire. Neither were sure it would work, but both prayed to Celestia it would. After two weeks of preparations, they had to try, under a full moon, with there plan in motion. “Are you truly sure you want to do this?” Lixue asked him. Shi-Chen nodded vigorously. “If this gives me the chance to see my family again, while ensuring I am not so selfish to end a body healthy and capable, I cannot see a better option.” He insisted. Lixue nodded and gave a gentle smile, hoping it was consoling. "You are not selfish in the slightest, regardless." With the materials gathered and the moon high, they followed the steps as they studied them.
It was sudden and jarring. Lixue looked around in a daze before looking down at her hands…no, not her hands. Yet, by the law of what they had just done, they were her hands now. She looked up and saw the spirit of Shi-Chen. Both clearly processing what they’d just done. He smiled at her. “It worked!” He said proudly. Lixue touched her face. She could feel everything. The breeze, the fabric she wore, the green bangs that fell over her face, the slow pulse of a heart. She grinned back at him. “Thank you, truly!” He said. Lixue shook her head.“No, thank you. You’ve given me a new chance. I can live again, but a life truly worth living. I promise you, I will never forget this, and I will not take a single moment for granted ever again.” Speaking in a body with a new voice was jarring, but she meant every word. Shi-Chen slowly began to fade. “I’ll tell my daughter about you in fondness.” He promised before he disappeared in the breeze. Lixue exhaled. She savored each breath, each thump of her heart, every overwhelming sensation. She began walking. It was odd to do so now, after not needing to for so long. She even had to remind herself to blink. Lixue walked up a hill, reveling in being able to experience it all again. She came to stop near a cliff. Lanterns poured up into the sky from Liyue Harbor, a sight Lixue missed dearly. She looked up at the sky with new eyes and a grin she couldn’t shake. Her eyes caught something falling from the stars overhead. Quickly, she reached out her hands and caught the object. A blue and cold stone sent from Celestia, its light grew brighter as it hit her hand. She exhaled and looked at the sky again, holding the stone close to her chest. Taking a moment to comprehend it all. Everything she’d get to do, how she’d never miss a moment.
How nice it was to be alive.
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aquaticlime · 5 months
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For this DR I’ve created a ridiculous amount of ocs, practically every Disney character I could think of has offspring in this reality. Feel free to script them into your DR too if you wish.
Under their name (which I also did a lot of research for) you’ll find an aesthetic/mood board for them as well as who there parents are and if they have siblings, and any other important facts about them.
-Fannar Bjorgman
-Fleurette Bleau
-Flint Knapke
-Fritz Stahlbaum
-Gang Tang
-George Darling
-Gillian Pan
-Hanna Westergaard
-Harold Darling
-Healani Kawena
-Honnorée de Châteaupers
-Huguet de Châteaupers
-Idunna Elsasdottir
-Ingrid Bjorgman
-Jade Knapke
-Josephine Bertel
-Julianna Madrigal
-Kameron Verona
-Kim Thatch
-Lahahana Pelekai
-Li Guiying
-Lillian Rourke
-Li ZhiHao
-Marcelino Madrigal
-Maria Frollo
-Marie Stahlbaum
-Matias Madrigal
-Maude Pendragon
-Marylyn Poppins
-Meghan Mim
-Mica Knapke
-Michael James
-Nezetta Sheridan
-Ning Wong
-Obsidian Knapke
-Olivia James
-Onyx Knapke
-Opal Knapke
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shao-haofan · 5 years
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190530-190601 VOGUE5 trip to Tokyo, Japan
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ancaestre · 3 years
princess zhihao tag drop.
✧ ┇ zhihao   /   muse. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   in character. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   reply. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   visuals. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   dash games. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   answered. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   aesthetic. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   introspection. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   headcanon. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   about. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   drabble. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d1. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d2. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  d3. ✧ ┇ zhihao   /   verse  :  post-d3.
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nckart · 5 years
I’m splitting AFITS/North Node into two things.
The first thing features Kaifen, Zhihao, Kuratsa, Saoirse, Pelageya, and all the more political characters. Its tropes are staying fantasy but I’m liking a more scifi aesthetic for it. The story features one of the Jin brothers (Kaifen or Zhihao) learning of inside plans to bomb the city and make it look like a rebel attack and defecting to the other side. The other Jin brother would be crushed and try to bring the other home before either learning the truth and switching sides or having a tragic death.
The other would be about Heia and Illarion and would be a thief vs thief story. They’re employed by two different people to go retrieve Something Important, have to spend a lot of time together because they’re going the same way. They team up when it’s convenient, and sabotage each other on whims. It ends with them realizing the item they’re after is more valuable than what the pay is. Heia wants to destroy it, she’s scared of what it could be. But Illarion....
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pitofghosts · 6 years
Modern AU Zhihao has a really pastel aesthetic. I don’t know if it’s more pastel grunge/soft boy/”I like memes and fashion at the same time” inspired or like, pastel frat boy. The men who look like ice cream cones with their brown khakis and pastel button ups.
Either way Kai Fen hates it and hates being seen in public with him.
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shiyanggui-uh · 3 years
Chinese Traditional Music in Games
How to distinguish Chinese traditional music?
In fact, traditional Chinese music can be distinguished in many ways:
1. Musical instruments
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The picture is from website: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/508766089127068663/
There are many kinds of Chinese musical instruments, mainly flute, zither, Chinese drum, chime and other musical instruments (September Shuo Feng, 2019). Chinese traditional music is played with Chinese traditional musical instruments.
2. Notes
Actually, different from western music, Chinese traditional music is mainly composed of 5 notes. If it is music in C major, it is mainly composed of C, D, E, G and A. The other notes are quite few (Reading History, 2020).
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3. Style
Based on Chinese traditional musical instruments and notes, combined with Chinese traditional music style, Chinese music is composed. According to Musiceol (2019), ancient people also pursued harmony and nature, and it was more suitable for people to think and enjoy under soothing music. However, composing music for poetry and people often occurred in ancient China. In addition, traditional Chinese music did not emphasize rhythm and beat.
Soundtracks in Chinese Games
At first, martial arts novels were very popular in China. Later, they were remade into films and TV dramas, which were also popular. Maybe they like this kind of genre very much, and the Martial Arts Games gradually appear in front of people. For example, Chinese Paladin series (1995-2021). This is a series of Role-Playing Games. Their soundtrack can often make game players feel like they are in the martial arts world. With the development of time, technology and people's aesthetic improvement, the soundtrack of the game is becoming more and more mature.
For example, this soundtrack was created in 2003.
This is the soundtrack that will appear in the scene of the heroine. In the sequel of this work, the heroine appears in the story again.
With the passage of time, the mentality of the heroine at that time changed. Gamers no longer feel danger in the soundtrack, only calm and a trace of desolation highlighted by the imperfect story. It mainly takes the sound of zither and flute as the main melody, and becomes very full with the background sound. In addition to the main melody, there is a relatively weak harp melody, which can increase the sense of calm.
With the improvement of people's aesthetics, game music composers are more and more strict with their works. The soundtrack of many martial arts games also has elements of non-traditional Chinese music.
For example, the soundtrack of "Tianlu Town" scene in Gujian 3 (2018) is mainly composed of Violin and viola, and there are many notes other than "China 5 notes". Miraculously, you can still hear strong Chinese style in this soundtrack.
September Shuo Feng (2019) Top 10 traditional musical instruments, do you know? Online: http://www.yidianzixun.com/article/0L0LPpWK
Accessed on: [10 December 2021].
Reading History (2020) Why is the ancient Chinese music only have a palace, business, angle, and feathers, and the West has seven sounds? Online: https://www.163.com/dy/article/FN0M6NQE0543JGYI.html
Accessed on: [10 December 2021].
Musiceol (2019) Music culture: the charm of Chinese traditional classical music. Online:
Accessed on: [10 December 2021].
Chinese Paladin series (1995-2021) Softstar Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. Soundtrack by Chen Yupeng, Luo Jiyi, Xiao studio, Xiaoxu Music & Zeng Zhihao.
Gujian 3 (2018) Shanghai Zhulong Information Technology Co., Ltd. Soundtrack by Xiaoxu Music, Zhou zhihua.
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shao-haofan · 5 years
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190418 | VOGUE5 Debut Conference | _Z_er_
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