#✦event: prom 2k18
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vivienified · 7 years ago
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
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                     CONGRATULATIONS, LUX & LYSSA !!
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kaiofmotunui · 7 years ago
This Ain’t a Fairy Tale | Tikai
Who: @tiaisms & @kaiofmotunui
When: Saturday, May 19th
Where: The Charming Dance Hall
What: Kai comes clean to Tia about his YouTube offer.
Kai couldn't stop fiddling with the collar of his jacket. He hadn't agreed to do anything -- sign any contracts, verbal agreements, nothing -- so none of this was official, so why was he so terrified to tell Tia about his YouTube Red offer? Probably because no matter which way she reacted, he'd lose something he loved. If he stayed, he'd have to kiss this awesome career opportunity goodbye. If he went, he'd have to say goodbye to Tia because that was what they always did when he left town. The only third option that would actually end up well would be if she supported him and he could travel guilt-free which, knowing Tia, was not going to happen. Kai sat at their table, and chugged a plastic cup of punch before she rejoined him from wherever she'd gone. "I got us some punch -- help yourself," he slid a plastic cup across the table, not exactly knowing how to do this. At all.
Tia was secretly kind of happy this was her last prom. As much as she claimed to love this particular dance, she'd totally outgrown high school things in the past year and if it hadn't been for Kai's mandatory attendance, she probably would've forgotten it altogether in favor of planning for the last @ Pack party of the school year. But since she was there, she was still going to have as much fun as possible. After dragging one of her besties out onto the dance floor during a fast girly pop song, Tia returned Kai's side giggly and out of breath. Taking a dainty sip of the offered punch, Tia grinned gratefully and then pulled him in for a super quick non-lipgloss-smudging "thank you" kiss. "See, this is why I love you so much. You're total godsend." She laughed airily before finishing off the rest of the punch.
Kai let out a sigh when Tia kissed him and told him why she loved him. This was going to be so much harder than anticipated, but hey -- maybe since she loved him like she just said, this would all work out. Of course, he said that last summer, too, when they broke up....but this was bound to be different! "Nah, I just know you get thirsty out there on the dance floor," he smirked, crossing his hands in front of him. "So I kind of have some news! And what better way to tell you than right here, under the twinkly lights of this....prom...." He looked around nervously, unable to cut right to the chase. "You wanna hear it now? Or wait til later?" Maybe if he waited til later, he'd catch her all lovey and glowy right after the basically-one-year-anniversary of their first time sex.
Tia immediately tensed up once Kai announced he had news. There couldn't possibly be anything good coming if he was being so nervous to tell her about it. "Tell me now. Are you being held back?" She demanded, with an undeniable edge of hopefulness. Knowing Kai and how he'd only planned to stay in Walt until he graduated high school anyway, Tia had been avoiding thinking about him leaving town with an intensity that only doubled after she'd been "basically abandoned" by her sister. "Are you going bald? Did you forget how to do DJ stuff? Did you cheat on me? Why is prom a good time to tell me about it? It wasn't with one of the Tweevils was it?"
Kai couldn't help but let out a laugh when Tia started rambling. She was so cute. God, that just made it so much harder. "Whoa, whoa, slow down -- none of the above," he smiled sadly, before reaching across the table to take her hand. "You know I'd never cheat on you. Or go bald. But actually, my news isn't all bad, it's actually kind of cool." He sighed, mustering up the courage to just let it fall from his lips. "You know how I just hit two million subscribers on my channel? Well, shortly after I did, I got an email from YouTube Red -- it's like YouTube's Netflix -- and they kind of want to do a series about me. Traveling and making music, since they know I'm graduating soon and will have time to do that. And it wouldn't be forever it would probably just film throughout the summer and have promo throughout the next school year which would only make me be gone for like...a year! And that's not that long, you know? But I haven't said yes or anything yet and I still might not, it's just...on the table. And I figured you should know that it is." He gulped. Now he was the one rambling.
Tia immediately felt sick now that Kai's news was out there. Her worst fear was coming true and he really was leaving because of his youtube channel blowing up and it wasn't even for a lame reason she could understandably be pissed about. This was amazing news for Kai and it would be evil for her to put it down. Fixing her face into her best smile, despite the turmoil bubbling underneath and her months old promise to be more open emotionally. "That's so nice for you! What do you think you'll tell them?" She asked brightly, her hands clenched so tight underneath the table that her nails were biting into her palms.
Kai gulped once more, even more unsettled than he was before now that Tia had actually responded. Because she seemed...suspiciously cool about it. He could have been naive and just took her coolness for what it was and answer her question truthfully, but he had to be cautious because something was telling him that she was just a ticking timebomb waiting to explode about this. "Uh...I don't know! It would be nice to have another year to think about college before I actually go -- if I go -- and you know how much I love to travel and this would be so good for my channel and I'd be getting paid to do what I love so no more peddling vinyl records to people here..." He had to rein it in, for he knew he was saying too many good things about this to even pretend like he was thinking of saying no. "...But you know, if I don't go I've got the radio and you. So it's like, there's really no bad choice here."
Tia unclenched her fist slightly, if only to just avoid breaking the skin. She could just tell by the amount of things he was saying in favor of leaving vs just her and the radio that it wasn't an especially hard choice for him to make. "Yeah, there's no bad choice. I'm super awesome. But five-ish things are more than two, are you really sure that you don't know yet? I mean, how long ago did you hit that two million and you're just telling me now?"
Kai shrugged. "I mean, yeah five is more than two but...one of those two is a huge priority." He paused for a moment. "You -- you're the priority. And like, I wanted to be sure this was something I even wanted to do before I brought it up to you. So that's why I waited so long. And the only reason I'm really even bringing it up now is because it sounds like a better and better idea every day...But I don't want to mess us up. That's like, the last thing I want."
Tia wished she could feel better about the whole thing when Kai called her the priority but she couldn't for the life of her make the sick painful feeling go away. "It's the last thing I want too. But ...I think it will." She admitted softly. "You clearly want to go and I'd be the absolute worst person in the world if I made you stay just so we can stay together. I mean, it's not like we haven't had an exasperation date since you got back last year. I think you should go."
Kai felt his face fall when she said that it was going to mess them up. That alone made him reconsider his almost-made-up mind. "I want to go but I also want to stay!" he shrugged. "But I really want to go. Like, so bad." he pouted, hating himself for the fact that this was so important to him. "I don't want us to have an expiration date, Twinkle. I mean -- we have little slip-ups here and there, but when I come back or stop messing things up, you're always here. I mean, just five minutes ago before I even brought any of this up, we were doing great! I have hope for us."
Tia felt so weird having such an emotionally devastating chat smack in the middle of prom. It was like some kind of surreal nightmare that she'd only have after bingeing on way too much pizza. "Then go Kai! I'm telling you right now to go! I love you so so much, but I... don't think I have hope for us." Tia paused, almost shocked at herself for saying so. "How many times can one couple even break up and make up and still expect to stay together forever? The answer is probably way less times than we've broken up. Besides, I can't handle being ditched twice in one year. Especially not by my sister and boyfriend. So maybe this is a sign that we should just go ahead and end us for good. For good, for good. And on really good terms this time?"
Kai 's heart could have stopped when Tia said she didn't have hope for them. "That's just our thing!" he tried to defend, "You know, we're two big personalities that clash and break up all the time but then we always find our way back..." It was so weird sounding this desperate, but this was the longest they'd ever stayed together, and while he was totally expecting a breakup from this, he wasn't exactly expecting something as permanent as what Tia was describing. He was nearly speechless. "I -- I -- " he stammered, "I don't want this to be over forever. But if you don't think we can make it, then I guess breaking up for good...and on good terms...might be what's right. Even though I think I'll always have hope for us."
Tia was fighting like crazy to keep up a calm pleasant exterior as she basically ripped her heart right out of her chest and smashed it flat on the table. She was sure at least one nail had to have actually broken the skin on her palm but the effort of extending her focus to anywhere that wasn't just her expression or Kai felt impossible to muster. "That's fine, I guess. And I'll always love you but yeah this is what's best for us, I think." She stated robotically, rising up from her seat and bending down to gently press on last kiss to Ksi's cheek. "I'm gonna go find Iz and Sage now. Sorry for ruining your prom and good luck with youtube, okay? Bye." Giving a tiny stiff wave, Tia turned away from Kai and took off to locate her friends before her perfect control wore off and she became a sobbing heap in the middle of the Charming dance hall.
Kai felt his breath hitch, his body freezing to match Tia's stoic tone. He finally snapped himself out of it when she stood and made her way over to him. "Hey," he tried, reachng out for her, "Hey," but there was no stopping as Tia's lips pressed against his cheek for a moment. "No, wait -- I love you too, Twinkle --" But she waved him off and turned around. Kai stood, prepared to run after her, but the way Tia beelined to go find her friends told him that she did not want to be chased. So, instead, he slumped back down in his seat and watched her walk away from him, before he could do that to her. And boy, was it a shitty feeling.
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tiaisms · 7 years ago
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sagegothel · 7 years ago
F the Prom → Sia
TAGGING → Tia La Bouff (@tiaisms) & Sage Gothel
TIMELINE → Saturday, May 18
SETTING → Charming Dance Hall, Streets of Walt, 1151 Wiizard Way
SUMMARY → Tia and Sage both have crappy nights at prom. In the end, they decide to get pizza and plan a summer roadtrip (including that info here because we didn’t write it lol)
Sage was totally not having a good time at prom this year. She’s volunteered to be a chaperone because she finally had a boyfriend now and being dates with like, Lux or whoever again was so not okay, although that hadn’t stopped Vivi from asking Wayland to go with her again. But whatever; Sage had figured she’d get to hang with Izzie and Tia and like, pass her crown on to a new cheerleader who won queen this year while she waited for a chance to borrow Wayland for the dance they hadn’t gotten last year when she’d been prom queen instead. And to hurry it up a little, she was maybe kind of scoping out cute high school boys to set Vivi up with instead, since she was like, super pretty and really couldn’t keep borrowing Wayland from her forever. She’d just spotted a medium key hottie she didn’t know when Tia crossed her line of vision, though, and she waved excitedly. “Hi bestie!” Sage squeed, reaching out to hug her without even noticing the expression on her face. “Do you think that boy over there is shorter than Vivi or not? I like, can’t tell from here.”
Tia only just barely spared a glance at the boy Sage was gesturing to as she tried her best to keep her composure up for a few minutes longer. "He looks shorter than us. Can we get out of here?" She asked in a rush, silently praying to God and anyone else who was possibly listening that Sage would just be a good minion and not question her until they were at least out of the range of a building filled with a bunch of nosy annoying high schoolers. Tia was so upset about her latest and quite possibly final break up with Kai, she really doubted her ability to be able to say much else without it possibly escalating into actual screaming.
Sage ‘s eyes went wide, surprised by Tia’s response, but she didn’t question it. She was best friends with like, the two smartest people on the planet; if they said something they were usually right about it, and Sage was super glad to have them to help her out when she didn’t get stuff. “Oh, um, sure!” she replied, casting a quick glance around to make sure Vivi hadn’t like, snuck Wayland off to do anything weird to him before she looped her arm through Tia’s and let her lead the way. “Is Kai stuck doing like boring radio stuff?” she asked as they walked. She totally wished she was hanging out with her own boyfriend; she was a little curious about why Tia wasn’t with hers, but she could like, need underwear help or something else that was a bff job instead.
Tia waited to answer Sage's question until they were all the way out of the building and then Tia turned around and flung herself into Sage's arms. "Kai's leaving again so we broke up." She sobbed, finally bursting into tears as she buried her face into her best friend's shoulder, completely ignoring the fact that Sage probably wouldn't appreciate the eyeliner, mascara and deep purple lipgloss smeared on her dress.
Sage had thought maybe Tia just didn’t hear her question at first, but her starting to cry as soon as they were outside was a definite clue that Sage had been wrong. “Oh-em-gee, no!” Sage replied instantly, wrapping her arms tightly around Tia, shock preventing her from saying anything useful as she tried to rub soothing circles on Tia’s back instead. Her best friend was all soggy and sad, and Sage hated when the people she loved the most were sad - but how did she fix it? “He can’t! We’ll like, build a dungeon and lock him up there so he can’t leave you. Like, why would he want to anyway? You’re so much better than the stinky old world anyway!”
Tia started crying even harder the more Sage talked to her. "Yes, he can! I told him to go! It's a really good thing for him and I can't make him not go do that!" She cried out before pulling out of the hug and dragging Sage further down the street towards their cottage. "He's going to do some youtube red show and he wants to go so so bad. It would be absolutely awful of me to keep him here."
Sage pouted slightly. She’d totally trusted Kai not to make Tia sad ever again, and they’d seemed super duper happy for like, almost a whole year now. Seeing Tia so crushed that he was going away again made Sage wish they’d found her a totally new boy instead, and maybe later when Tia wasn’t so super sad she’d suggest some of the ones she’d been looking at for Vivi. Right now, though, she didn’t know whether they were supposed to be mad at Kai or not, and she wished Tia had given her more indication of whether she should be saying totally bad stuff about him to cheer her up or not. She settled for a middle ground as they got closer to their cottage, asking, “Did he like... ask you to go with him? You’d be like, such a cute internet famous girlfriend! Like Vanna White but like eight zillion times prettier?” She chews on her lip, hating the words even as she said them. Leaving would be stinky, right? Tia would totally miss her and Izzie more than she would miss Kai, she had to.
Tia stared blankly at Sage for a few seconds before realizing that her bestie was serious. "Of course not. I don't want to go with him. For starters, I can't swim so if I fell off the boat like that girl in the Zac Efron movie about ghosts, I'd be dead super fast. But mostly. As much as I love Kai and all, but I'd be such a wreck without Wes, you and Izzie around. That's part of why I made this one the forever break up. He'll always want to go somewhere new, while I'm happy where I am and I hate being left behind. How would that ever work in the long run?"
Sage nodded her head. "That's super fair; before I got to Walt, like, the deepest thing I ever went swimming in was a bath tub. And there were no sharks or seaweed or like, drowny stuff in those," Sage said, wrinkling her nose up. How could Kai like all of that stuff more than he liked Tia? It just didn't make sense to Sage, but if he was really gonezo then she wouldn't have to make sure everyone blacklisted him or anything. "I'm so sorry, T, but that sounds super smart and grown up of you. There are so many cute boys in this world that would pick you over the stinky old ocean every time, and we'll totes find them for you when you're un-sad enough." Sage reached out to squeeze Tia's hand, adding, "And hopefully his show will get like, 30 seasons so he can't come back and try to make your life all confusing again every time you start to be okay without him."
Tia let out part of a giggle despite her sadness thanks to Sage's reaction. "I just don't like messing my hair up and pool water makes blonde hair green and dulls highlights, so I never bothered." Once the girls arrived at their cottage, Tia unlocked the door and headed straight for her room, throwing herself onto the bed with only minimal regard to where Sage would fit next to her voluminous gown. "I knoooooooow there are. But Kai was the best of them! What if when I'm unsad I can't find anyone I liked even half as much. Walt is only so big and I already know most of the boys our age!" Tia frowned even harder at the idea that Kai ever coming back would make her life all confusing. Looking up from her pillow to glare at Sage, Tia snapped, "I could be perfectly okay with him if he ever came back after his show. I said this break up was for good and I mean what I say."
Sage didn't want to give Tia too much space in case she needed someone to hug her or play with her hair, so she leaned against the side of her bed, tentatively perched there while Tia sprawled. "I mean, we could like, go on a road trip? Walt doesn't have all the boys in the world," Sage said thoughtfully, although the whole world was like... kind of big and scary. She'd never really been anywhere but her own home and Tia's and Walt. She didn't know where to start to look, but Izzie would know, and the two of them could help Tia together. Right now, though, helping her was something Sage had to do all by herself, until Tia was ready to tell other people about her super awful prom night and her new super single status. "Yeah, but like, he might scare off your new boys if he like, tries to win you back, even if you don't want him! It seems like, super complicated to have exes around, but I can be your body guard or something." Sage reached out tentatively to squeeze Tia's shoulder. "Whatever happens, we'll totes get you through this together. But what do you want to do like... right now? Can I get you pizza?"
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kingddub3-blog · 7 years ago
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Still Barking, evening in 2018!! 🐾BROOKLYN JOLIE 🐾🐕Prom Date 2K18 Event: Haute Dogs In the City! Sponsored by Charlotte Seen. Photo 📸credit: @thetevinb Jacket/cape #UntitledFacade designers by @thetevinb CAR: Not mine #justflexin @bmw @bmwusa #bmw #charlotte #dogs #K9s #brooklynjolie #beyonddeonphoto #spring (at Apartments at Holly Crest)
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years ago
The Best-Dressed Men Of The Week
The Best-Dressed Men Of The Week
Who: Jonah Hill
Where: Prada Resort 2019 Show, New York
Jonah Hill fit-watch 2k18 has officially gone into overdrive. If you weren’t aware, the two-time Academy Award nominee has slimmed down and dressed up in the past year, and is pulling out some fantastic style choices. Here’s another with pleated navy blue trousers – fitting marvellously by the way – topped with a statement Hawaiian shirt which is trending hard this season. Elsewhere, white dress shoes are always a risk, but best to follow Hill by using them in a navy blue uniform. The wide-lapelled blazer could be a snugger fit but Hill is styling up at a rate of knots right now so we still expect some minor errors in the system until we reach Jonah Hill fit-watch peak.
Who: Nick Jonas
Where: Craig’s Restaurant, Los Angeles
Former tween bopper now surprisingly hilarious Hollywood actor after a starring turn in the Jumanji remake last year, Nick Jonas is winning the battle of the siblings at the moment – not least when it comes to his style chops. A black tee is a black tee, and Jonas has the guns to pull it off with aplomb, but it’s those sweet as a coconut side stripe trousers that are giving us the really green eyes. Worn with a pair of vans that match the two colours above, Jonas is making good after all those skinny tie/plaid shirt horror shows from his Disney Channel days.
Who: ASAP Rocky
Where: Gucci Wooster Store Opening, New York
And now over to Instagram where furore broke out earlier in the week over ASAP Rocky’s Gucci bag. The gist of it is rapper and teeth-gratingly terrible actor 50 cent didn’t like the look of it and started a light-hearted social media spat with Mr Rocky over said tote. We’re cool with it though mainly because those Gucci stripes match the trim on the wool cardigan. Heck, those Gucci colours are everywhere – check out the turn up on the jeans – and yet it’s all done in a surprisingly understated way. We’re calling this look granny-in-the-charity-shop-if-she-was-a-rap-megastar chic.
Who: Tyler Alvarez
Where: Netflix FYSee Kick-Off Event, Los Angeles
From Givenchy sliders to rubber-soled loafers, slip ons of all shapes and sizes are coming out big for SS18. Tyler Alvarez, star of Netflix show American Vandal, is showing off a smarter version of the style here which go well with the dandy checked trousers. The inherently casual nature of slip ons also mean they work well with the nonchalant character of the rolled-up hem and of course with trousers that jazzy, you need to keep it casual and monochrome everywhere else. In this case, the black stripes are overloading the white check so picking a white tee could possibly jar. Go with Alvarez instead and match it with a breezy black henley instead.
Who: Donald Glover
Where: Met Gala, New York
Ugly 80s is back. Think chunky, multi-fabric trainers and patches on bomber jackets. Even fanny packs have returned – although sadly leg warmers are still considered a step too far. Anyway, the corny prom suit has also made a return from the dead, brilliantly sported by another trending superstar Donald Glover, aka rapper and singer Childish Gambino. However, if you’re going to go ugly, you have to make it look pretty, and here Glover is wonderfully presented with those shiny cream loafers matching his bow tie and shown off by the cropped fit on his trousers.
Who: Justin Theroux
Where: Met Gala, New York
Did you know that cult BBC documentarian and owner of the best poker face in the world, Louis Theroux is cousins with The Leftovers hunk and former Mr Jennifer Aniston, Justin Theroux? Now, Louis has a fine line in grey shirts and Harry Potter specs, but we all know who lucked out between the two in the style stakes. Here Justin eschews his usual badass vampire biker look for a highly groomed style that evokes the Victorian period with a buttoned-up, tunic shirt, before bringing it back up to date with leather lapels. A pair of Chelsea boots and the skinny fit of his trousers also works well with the actor’s slimmer frame.
Who: Riz Ahmed
Where: The Standard and Olivier Rousteing host The Boom Boom Met Gala Afterparty, New York
The blouson jacket is to SS18 what the shearling was to AW15. Everywhere we look there’s another one. So here’s the blouson one more time, worn by British actor Riz Ahmed. And gosh is it a nice one in a muted lilac that stops just at the hip. Alright, lilac is a dangerous colour for anyone who isn’t an 80-year-old lady, but go the way of Ahmed and throw on some jeans, a crisp shirt and that other favoured Hollywood stylist trick – a pair of white sneakers.
Who: Chadwick Boseman
Where: Versace Afterparty, Met Gala, New York
The theme at this week’s Met Gala’s was ‘Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination’ and there were an unholy number of gaudy outfits as celebrities turned up looking like pimped-up altar boys. Somehow, Black Panther himself, Chadwick Boseman gets away with this statement jacket, fitted like it was made for the Boer War stuccoed with a print that would blend in on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. No one outside of the Marvel universe is going to pull this look off but if you want to give it a go, dress like Boseman all in black and cross your fingers no one starts a fight with you when you strut into Slug and Lettuce.
Who: Michael B. Jordan
Where: Fahrenheit 451′ Premiere, New York
While the whole world seems to be going gaga over papal costumes, Michael B. Jordan is bringing it back to cool basics over in the right corner of the ring. The Creed star turned up to the premiere of his new TV adaptation of the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 in a slick turtleneck, a menswear staple that fashion has successfully prised away from the memory of Steve Jobs (although it was the mom jeans that ruined it for Steve, really). If we’re being particular, this is actually a mock neck which works better than a chunky knit under tailoring because of it’s slimmer fit.
Who: Ryan Reynolds
Where: Kiss 100 studios, London
Ah the quick turn up – one of the smartest plays in the fashion bible and perfect for when the pin-roll seems like a step (or a roll) too far. It’s relaxed attitude is able to break up lanky legs and highlights porcelain clean sneakers. Deadpool actor and quintessential leading man, Ryan Reynolds, is fine to attempt it at 6 ft 2 ins, but come under 5 ft 10 ins and you risk looking a tad dumpy. Up top it’s a patterned, Cuban collar loosened down with a simple brown Harrington. It’s quite Stranger Things but those kids are killing it so even another undisputed style icon like Reynolds has to pay his dues every now and again.
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cayofeliz · 7 years ago
king of my heart → kamilyo
TAGGING → Cayo Felix & Kamille Bjorgman (@kamillebjorgman)
TIMELINE → May 17th, 2018
SETTING → 4254 Spindle Street
SUMMARY → It wasn’t the prom night they dreamed of. Somehow, it was better than that.
It was always one of Cayo’s favorite things, trying to make Kamille smile, but ever since the announcement that they’d lost prom king and queen to Lyssa and Lux, the task had felt almost impossible. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to dance with her and tell her that she was still a queen to him before stink bombs had been going off and he’d been holding his jacket up to shield her from the stench, ushering her from the dance and out into the clear night. The walk back to her cottage had been a quiet one, with Cayo rambling some to try and fill the silence, but it felt like Kamille’s perfect night had been messed up, and maybe there was nothing left for him to do but leave her alone and stop bugging her. “I’m sorry prom got all messed up,” he said as they reached her doorstep. He’d had so many big hopes for today, too; Cayo had hoped maybe winning would finally get her to like him the same way he liked her. But they hadn’t won, and he cared way more about whether Kamille liked anything right now than he did about whether or not she liked him. “Is there anything I can do? Or would you be happier if I just went home?”
Kamille ‘s mind was such a mess right now. Earlier, she had walked into the Charming Dance Hall, feeling fairly positive that tonight was going to be the best night of her life. She had been looking forward to her own senior prom for months, maybe even years. That’s why at the start of the evening Kamille was feeling like a million bucks, dressed in a gown that might be her favorite she ever owned, in the running for prom queen, with a football player by her side. Probably the sweetest, most dorky one there was. At first, Kamille couldn’t see past their different personalities, and how different Cayo was from the jocks Kamille usually liked to surround herself with. He wasn’t stone-cold or overly macho like the rest, but caring and bubbly, with a smile that lasts forever. After a while, Kamille saw Cayo’s positivity as less and less annoying, just a lot more contagious. Every time she couldn’t shake the anxiety and nervosity about all that was yet to come, Cayo was able to reassure her and make her feel at ease. It too made her believe that tonight everything she had hoped for might be able to come true. And the hope was still there, even when she had to process the first shock of not winning prom king and queen. However, there was nothing that prepared her for the second shock. When everyone got evacuated after some jerks managed to ruin prom with their stink bombs, Kamille’s hopes of having an unforgettable night got crushed, alongside everyone else’s. Luckily, Cayo hadn’t left her side for a second, and immediately offered to bring her home. Even though her quick nods and emotionless face probably said otherwise, Kamille was thankful to have him around. She didn’t know how she would’ve reacted if she were all alone. After a short, silent walk, Kamille arrived at 4524 Spindle Street, with Cayo’s jacket still draped over her shoulders. She softly shook her head when Cayo started apologizing about the night being ruined. “You shouldn’t feel sorry. You had nothing to do with this, there was no way you could’ve stopped it,” Kamille responded, while a small but rather sad smile formed on her face. In the short time that had passed after prom ended abruptly, Kamille had probably felt every emotion possible but happiness. Maybe that was why she needed Cayo now more than ever. “ No,” Kamille said firmly, maybe a little too loud. “No – I'd like you to stay... for a bit longer? There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep right now, so I could use some more company? Please ?”
Cayo had stayed pretty somber for Kamille’s sake, and he’d even let some darker than usual thoughts flit through his mind. Like maybe running with him was what had messed Kamille’s race up, or she’d lost by one vote and he could have made the difference if he’d been allowed. All that quickly evaporated when Kamille asked him to stay with her, though. An instant bright smile tugged at Cayo’s lips and he nodded his head emphatically. “Yeah, cool, of course!” he told her instantly, about to give her a signature thumbs up when he decided to just go for it and hug her instead. “We can like... light a candle so that our noses are safe from the stinkbombs, and we could watch a movie or play a game or like, throw stuff at pictures of Lux and Lyssa, or whatever you want, but I totally didn’t actually want to go home. Hanging out with you’s always the best,” he grinned, readjusting his jacket on her shoulders, feeling a swell of pride at how good she looked in it. It wasn’t the night she’d wanted, but as he waited for Kamille to open the door and let him inside, he had a feeling it was at least one he wasn’t going to ever forget.
Kamille, a bit caught by surprise, held in her breath for a few seconds when Cayo responded to her request to make him stay with a hug. You’d think with an loving sister like Astrid, Kamille would be used to these kind of affectionate gestures, but that wasn’t true. There was nothing that could make her more uncomfortable than being hugged by people she didn’t trust enough. But this time, her reaction to the hug was far from flinching or being frozen on the spot. Kamille let out a relieved sigh, moving her hands to rest on Cayo’s back almost immediately. She could have stood there for the rest of the day, but he decided to pull back not too long after, as he started to name all the things they could do. Somehow, Kamille had to put a lot more effort into listening to what Cayo had to say, since she seemed to still be stuck in the warm feeling of their hug. “Good we’re on the same page, then,” Kamille said about Cayo telling her he didn’t feel like leaving, as she gazed at his uplifting smile. “All of that sounds great. Except the hating on Lux and Lyssa part. I’m jealous they won, of course, but they’re decent people. It’s good Lux won in name of the cheerleaders, and Lyssa was probably my most worthy rival for the spot, so she deserves it. Plus, their nights got ruined just as much as ours,” she shrugged. Kamille wasn’t angry at the prom king and queen, but she was at tonight’s despicable pranksters. Just thinking about them, made her clench her fists. “Now, if only I knew who was behind all this... I truly hope FG finds and bans them from Walt.” Seconds later, Kamille forgot her anger again as she felt Cayo adjusting the jacket on her shoulders. After throwing him a thankful smile, she went to open the door to her cottage, realizing she probably wasn’t the only one home since all the lights were still on. Kamille let Cayo in, turning around to make some plans. “I’ll just go change into something a bit more comfortable, maybe you can get the lighter in the upper kitchen shelf? You know, for the candles? And you could come to my room after.” She didn’t really feel like running into anybody else tonight.
Cayo flashed Kamille a lopsided grin, glad that she didn’t want to throw stuff at Lux and Lyssa’s faces. “Yeah! They’re nice, they’re just not as awesome as you,” he told her with an easy shrug, the words rolling off of his tongue easily. Maybe not everyone at Walt High thought so — in fact, obviously they didn’t, if they did Kamille would have like five crowns on her head right now —but Cayo did, and it was hard not to scream it from the rooftops so everyone else would realize it, too, somedays. “Plus I don’t have pictures of them. Or the people who like wrecked prom, I don’t even know who the were,” Cayo admitted, not sure who’d want to make other people all unhappy like that. He furrowed his brows, wondering if it would make Kamille feel happier if he went and solved the mystery… But no, he wanted to make her happy by being here. Because tonight, she actually wanted him to, and Cayo may not have been the smartest, but he was smart enough not to say no to that. “Sounds cool, I’ll come find you in a sec!” he nodded enthusiastically, going straight to the kitchen to follow her instructions. He rummaged around for the lighter, finding it easily, but he paused before heading back to Kamille’s room. Partially it was to give her more time to change, but partially — well, an idea had struck him, and those were few and far between enough to not let go of, either. By the time he went to Kamille’s room, he had the candle and the lighter as promised, but he’d also used some old Christmas tinsel that had been tucked into their cabinet to make her a makeshift crown, too. Her roommates could kick his butt for taking their stuff without asking later; right now, he just thought Kamille deserved to feel like a queen for the night, and he raised his hand to knock gently on her door, his heart thumping with excitement at the prospect of how she might react to her surprise.
Kamille smiled widely at Cayo’s compliment, not letting the chance of boosting her own ego pass by. “I won’t disagree! We were the awesomest candidates, too bad everyone was too blind to see that,” she added, followed by a giggle. It felt good to laugh things off a little – even though Kamille barely believed in her own excellence like that. But Cayo did. He really did. “It’s okay you don’t have pictures. I don’t think I’d be able to look at their faces anyway. I’d rather just try to forget prom ever got wrecked,” she said. Inside, after they parted ways, Kamille made her way to her bedroom. As she opened the door, she noticed everything was right the way she left it. Her whole jewel collection was spread out on her bed, and in every corner of the room stood at least three pairs of shoes. Wriggling out of her dress, Kamille whined when she realized the fabric had absorbed some of the disgusting stink-bomb smell. There’s no way she could’ve prevented it. Kamille took her favorite comfy leggings and a plain t-shirt and put them on, before walking over to the vanity across her closet, deciding she’d quickly take off her makeup. What was the point of all the glitter and glamour if she was just going to be in her room for the rest of the night? Of course, she wouldn’t be all alone, but a little voice inside Kamille’s head told her that if someone wasn’t going to judge her for not wearing full face makeup, it was Cayo. Besides, her mascara was starting to get smudged anyway. Since Cayo took his time in the kitchen, Kamille was still able to shove all of her jewelry in her vanity drawer and put most of her shoes in the closet before she heard the knock on the door. “Don’t freak out okay, I’m aware that I look like a whole different person, but it’s still me,” Kamille shouted through the door, feeling the need to warn him since Cayo had never seen her like this. Honestly? Barely anyone had. She opened the door, insecurely putting her hair behind her ear when her eyes met his. Not wanting to stand there in silence for too long, Kamille looked over to the things Cayo brought. “Oh good, you found the lighter – and something else?” She couldn’t quite make up what it was yet.
Cayo blinked in confusion when Kamille warned him that it was still her. Was she secretly green underneath her pink skin, or was her hair actually a wig or something? Even if those things were true, he was sure she’d still be beautiful, but he’d understand the warning, at least. But when Kamille swung the door open, she looked just as stunning as she always did to him, and he let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “Of course it’s still you, you look great,” he told her with a grin as he stepped into her room, trying not to stare too much all around him. It would be creepy if he’d sat around imagining her room in the past, but if he had spent any time on such a juncture, he probably would have imagined the soft colors and girly accents that he saw before him now. Fortunately, Kamille didn’t leave Cayo too much time to gape at all the things in here that were uniquely her; she was asking about the small golden-star foil crown he’d made for her. “Oh!” he said, remembering that it was in his hand. He set the candles down on her dressed before turning to her and gently placing it down on the top of her head. “It’s the crown you should have won tonight. It’s probably a lot less heavy than the plastic one they would have given you at prom, anyway,” he pointed out, biting his lip as he gave her a moment to look in the mirror and see that he’d made her into a makeshift queen.
Kamille was kind of glad Cayo wasn’t making a big deal out of this. Maybe ‘of course it’s still you’ was everything she needed to hear. It made her feel less self-conscious, at least, that extra layers she put on her skin every day didn’t make that much difference to him. “Thanks, Cayo,” Kamille spoke softly, feeling a blush appear on her cheeks, something that probably was a lot more visible now. Her gaze followed Cayo as he went and set down everything he was carrying in his hands except for the curious golden object. Looking closely, Kamille recognized some of the Christmas decoration that was used to make the kitchen look more festive through the holidays. That’s when it hit her: he made her a crown. That’s why it took him so long to come back. “I – I... I don’t know... what to say,” Kamille stuttered, letting out a gasp. He carefully put the crown on her head and it seemed to fit perfectly. Turning around to see herself in the mirror, she whispered: “You did all of this f – for me?” Her reflection almost seemed to be shining, even though she wasn’t wearing a shiny dress or had no shiny highlighter on her face. She didn’t look like a prom queen, but the boy standing behind her made her feel like one. Even though her smile was the most genuine it had been for a while, Kamille felt tears well up in her eyes. She looked back at Cayo, who was giving her a beaming smile back Now she felt really bad she didn’t get him something. The least she could give him right now was a hug, to show him how much she appreciated what he had done. “Has anyone ever told you you’re the best guy in this whole wide world? If not, I think it’s about time you know,” Kamille said under her breath, as she rested her chin upon his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him more tightly. And, I am so sorry I didn’t realize that sooner, she added in her thoughts.
Cayo blinked in surprise at her question. Didn't she know by now that he would do just about anything if it made her happy? He'd never quite understood why he was drawn to Kamille more than other people, why he cared more about seeing her smile than other people around him... He just knew that he did, and he thought he'd made that pretty obvious. Still, he nodded his head instantly, saying, "Of course!" Then he blushed, clarifying, "I mean, of course I did it for you. Not the other part. I, uh -- have maybe heard that part before, but definitely never from you." He would have chewed on his bottom lip, or ducked his head, or done something to hide the flush on his face and how genuinely surprised he looked. After a while, he'd kind of given up on the idea of Kamille ever liking him as much as he liked her, but as he breathed out a sigh of relief and appreciated how close she was to him, right here, right now, in her room of all places... Cayo dared to dream that maybe he'd been wrong after all. He just stood perfectly still, not wanting to move and scare Kamille out of his arms, never wanting to hope for more than she seemed willing to give, and whispered close to her ear. "I think you're the one who's the best. And maybe it's not the crown you wanted, but I don't know -- you deserved to have something to make this night special for you. And you're always a queen to me."
Kamille adjusted the crown on her head, still looking at Cayo through the mirror. Of course he did it for her. He made it sound like it was plain logic, but Kamille knew for a fact no one else would do that for her, go through all that trouble just to make her feel a little better about not winning prom queen. “That’s about the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” she whispered, before hugging him. As they stood there, Cayo told her she’d never said anything like that to him before. It was true, and Kamille was a fool for not appreciating his presence more. “There are lots of other things I never told you. Like how I never really wanted to win prom queen if you weren’t going to be announced as prom king. I wanted you to be up there with me, not Lux or Dudley. They have nothing on you,” she confessed, as she moved her hand down, trying to find his to take. She didn’t know where all this desire for affection came from, but she was just rolling with it. She wasn’t wearing make up or fancy clothes, she was already as figuratively naked as she could be. “It’s better than that,” Kamille assured him. Deep inside, she knew prom was nothing but a popularity contest, but this... this was real. She slowly pulled back from the embrace, before softly taking his hand. “I wouldn’t trade it for the actual thing, even if I could.” She almost felt her heart melting when Cayo called her a queen. A playful smirk formed on her face as she carefully took the crown off her head with her spare hand and put it on his. “Well, you are my dream king,” she giggled, almost not being able to process how adorable he looked. Gold looked good on him.
Cayo wasn't the smartest person around -- probably the dumbest cousin in his family, actually, and definitely slower to catch onto things at school. But he thought he understood people pretty well, and tonight, Kamille seemed different. Maybe it was just that without other people around, watching, and without the pressure of who was going to win prom queen looming, she could relax... or maybe it was him. Maybe she really did just feel comfortable with him , and the thought was kind of confusing and exciting all at the same time. It was what he'd always wanted, wasn't it? Just to make Kamille happy? But as she said she'd wanted not just to win, but to win with him, selfishly, Cayo couldn't help but want more. "I only ran because I wanted to help you," he admitted sheepishly, though he was sure she already knew that. "But... I don't know, maybe we both kind of won?" he asked her uncertainly as she took his hand. All the signals were there -- at least, Cayo thought they were, and he wanted to be brave, but he mostly wanted to be sure. He didn't let go of her hand as the crown landed on his head, but he couldn't even turn to look at it; Cayo was just searching her eyes as he asked uncertainly, "Well... would a dream king kiss his queen? Or would the king be better off um..." he trailed off, not sure what to even say as an alternative, hoping she'd say something and save him from the question he maybe shouldn't have asked at all.
Kamille already figured prom campaigning wasn’t something Cayo would normally do. Outside his occasional moments to shine during football, the spotlight didn’t seem to be his thing. “Yeah, I know,” she nodded in response, “but I’m glad you did. You don’t regret doing the campaign, do you?” Kamille already had a feeling what he was going to say, but she still wanted to be sure. He had sacrificed quite some time for her, after all. When her hand found his, even though it was just a subtle touch, Kamille felt an intense feeling of happiness go through her body. The things he was saying, only made the feeling grow. Maybe there really weren’t any losers tonight. “Maybe we kind of did,” she agreed as her focus shifted from the crown to their intertwined hands. There were so many new things about tonight: being vulnerable around a guy she really trusted, not feeling angry to have lost a competition, holding hands with Cayo like this... She had to admit it felt stupidly good. After she tried to lighten up the situation a little bit by putting the crown on his head, Cayo stayed as serious as ever, barely reacting to the change. He was staring at her, and Kamille couldn’t do anything but gaze back, at his deep brown eyes, the stubble around his jawline, his curls escaping from underneath the crown, his lips, that were set in a straight line as he spoke his next words. Asking her if Kamille’s dream king would kiss his queen next. Actually, in her perfect story, that’s exactly what he did. “The king shouldn’t be afraid to do that,” Kamille whispered, deciding to help out Cayo, who couldn’t even finish his last sentence. It felt like he was waiting on some kind of sign to lean over and kiss her, but she didn’t want to wait any longer to take the chance. Within seconds, her hands were on his neck and Kamille was the one leaning over first, to softly make the gap between their lips close.
Cayo shook his head immediately. "I never regret anything that has to do with you!" he promised her, hoping it didn't freak her out. It sucked that that was still his instant reaction, to worry that Kamille would think he was annoying or creepy when really he just cared , and he was generally a helper by nature anyway... but maybe if they had more nights like tonight, that instinct would go away. After all, it seemed her instinct to assume he was being those things had, and he smiled brightly again as the realization hit him again. This was really happening. He'd really been Kamille's prom date, she'd really wanted him to be her prom king, and now he was at her house, spending time with her, just him. Not for show, just because. So just because that she'd even just said he could kiss her. Cayo had thought about how awesome it would be to do that for the longest time, but he thought his ears were probably betraying him -- at least, until Kamille's face was getting closer to his, almost so slowly that he thought he was imagining that, too. Was he going to wake up and find out that this whole night was a dream and that prom hadn't even happened yet? But his dreams were never like this -- in his dreams, there were never soft, smooth hands on his neck, making him shiver in anticipation. And in the one dream where he had gotten to kiss her, she'd just kind of tasted like air; here, her lips were warm and real and sort of sugary from whatever she'd been wearing on them earlier, and instead of blinking his eyes open and realizing it wasn't real, this time his eyes fluttered shut instead, and Cayo involuntarily sighed against her lips. Like he'd been holding his breath for a really, really long time; getting to kiss Kamille made him feel like he could finally breathe, even as his heart raced and he fumbled to figure out what to do with his hands. He brought one up to gently cup her face, tracing a thumb across her cheek while the other rested gently on her shoulder, giving her plenty space to move if she wanted to. But wow, did he hope she didn't want to... Kissing Kamille was so much better than he'd even imagine, and if he never did anything again for the whole rest of his life, he could die right now a completely happy man.
Kamille nodded, believing Cayo’s every word, since there wasn’t a hint of hesitation in his voice. She felt relieved he didn’t have any regrets. To be fair, Kamille didn’t either. Even at the days she woke up feeling like she didn’t want to see or talk to anybody, he had managed to find a way to cheer her up. She never wanted him to stop doing that. Something else she didn’t want him to stop doing? Kissing her like that. Kamille had kissed a number of people in her eighteen year long life, but she had never felt the figurative sparks quite like she did right now. Or maybe the fact that her heart was more in it this time made it a thousand times better. In response of his content sigh, Kamille’s mouth curled up in a smile between kisses. She was still keeping her eyes closed, all up in the moment, but she didn’t need to see his face to know his mood had completely changed from complete seriousness to happiness, which she was so glad about. The atmosphere around them had fully changed too, it was like they were standing a cloud, and the way Cayo was caressing her cheek made her all giddy inside. She remembered the crown was still on his head and reached up to take it off and throw it on her bed, so she could properly to explore the softness of his hair with her own fingers, which was probably the best decision she had made, besides kissing Cayo of course. After a while, Kamille threw her arms around Cayo’s neck and softly pulled away from their kiss, but not moving her body away from his for an inch. “I really have no idea how long we’ve been standing here like this,” she spoke softly against his lips, not being able to hold back her laugh. Her eyes finally met his again, and Kamille immediately started thinking about how handsome he looked close by. And how soft and familiar his lips were. She couldn’t believe she had just kissed them. “That was… pretty amazing. Amazing is probably not even the best word to describe it,” she then confessed, a blush rising to her cheeks as she bit her lower lip. She probably looked like a red lobster by now, but she couldn’t care less.
Cayo’s mind had been blissfully blank for most of his kiss with Kamille, although occasionally weird thoughts popped into his head, like how Lucky Charms totally didn’t capture all the happy things in the world when they talked about hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and the red balloons, because there was no kissing on their list and kissing was better than all of that stuff combined times 37, his third favorite number. And he’d only picked his third favorite number to multiply by because it was the biggest; it probably still wasn’t nearly high enough to capture how completely awesome Kamille’s lips against his lips was. He was too giddy from the contact, from how long she stayed close to him before she pulled away, and most of all from how she barely put any distance between them even when the kiss was done. Just a kiss? That might have scared him, because one kiss could just be getting caught up in the night and wanting the perfect teen-movie prom kind of story to tell later. But Kamille hugging onto him and saying amazing wasn’t a good enough word for it? Cayo probably could have bounced right through her ceiling with all the happy energy coursing through his veins, but bouncing meant leaving, and he didn’t want to go. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt with the hand that had been on Kamille’s cheek, feeling too warm and flushed from what had just happened, and continued to fiddle with it while he thought about what to say next. Maybe he was taking too big of a chance — but the last chances he’d took with her turned out so well, and he’d never known when to stop trying, anyway. “Would you… want to do it again sometime? Or like, all the time? You could be the only person who’s allowed to kiss me and stuff, and we could hang out other places and I could make you flower crowns and like, paper crowns and hold your hand and tell people you’re the coolest girl in the world but also maybe tell them to be jealous because you could also maybe be my girl?” He was feeling sheepish again, and the question was just as serious as the one he’d asked earlier; but this time, he couldn’t stop smiling as he asked, and he hoped his confidence wasn’t totally off base or misplaced.
Kamille‘s eyes followed Cayo’s movements closely, as he reached for the top button of his shirt. She almost forgot he was still wearing his prom outfit from earlier, while Kamille was wearing something she’d never wear outside. It was a funny sight, but it didn’t matter, since there was no one around but them to witness it. If this were a casual after-prom hookup, she probably would’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to unbutton the rest of his shirt, that was not what this was, even though she had to admit he looked pretty damn hot in that shirt and that he made her heart race simply by looking at her. Kamille realized all too well that this moment was something very special, almost once in a lifetime. She had to be careful to not ruin it, or else she’d regret it for the rest of her life. Just when she wanted to open her mouth and break the silence, Cayo started talking and made it clear he didn’t think of this as a one time thing, that he wanted more. Kamille almost couldn’t believe her ears -- was she really asking her what she thought he was? “You want me to be your girl?” she repeated, as her eyes widened out of astonishment. She had always had a time believing anyone would want to try having a long-term relationship with someone like her, but there Cayo was again, proving her wrong. A soft smile appeared on her face as she took a step back and went to sit on the side of her bed, looking at the ground. “I would be so incredibly lucky if you’d be mine and if I could do all that with you,” she said, looking up at Cayo again, not being able to shake her self-doubt. “I don’t know if I deserve you, though.”
Cayo blinked at Kamille in confusion. "Why would you not deserve me?" he asked her, truly perplexed by where she'd gotten such an idea from. He'd been nothing but nice to her, right? Had he ever accidentally done something to make her think that he thought she was less than him? Or less than anyone for that matter? His brow was still crinkled as he tried really hard to think of what she could mean, but the concept was completely lost on him. "Please don't answer that, I don't think there's anything you could say that would make me agree with that or think that's true." He pursed his lips, then corrected himself. "Or... you can tell me why you think that, some other time when we're allowed to be sad about stuff -- totally not tonight, this is the best night ever, I don't want you to have to remember feeling bad at all -- and then I'll help convince you that you're the best ever and that we totally deserve each other," he offered, sitting gently on the bed next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, tucking her close to his side. "And if you're still not convinced, you can totally get me free ice cream from your aunt's shop to help make up whatever you think the difference is in your head," Cayo teased, holding his breath for a beat before asking her again. "So... now that you know I'm always going to think you're super awesome no matter what you do, will you be my girlfriend?"
Kamille had a list of reasons why Cayo deserved a better person than her ready in her head, but when he told her to not answer his question since there was no way she could convince him of her point, Kamille decided not to elaborate further. He was right. There was no room for anxiety or insecurities right now. She had just been swept off her feet by Cayo Feliz, the cutest guy in her class, who had nothing but eyes for her the whole night. And she coudn’t stop smiling because of it. Maybe it was time to finally allow herself to feel truly happy. “Okay, we can do that another time,” Kamille nodded, letting her head rest on Cayo’s shoulder when he went and sat down next to her. “The ice cream thing is an amazing idea anyway,” she giggled softly, deciding she was going to take him to Elsa’s as soon as possible. Not to make up for the difference between them, but just for their shared love for ice cream and the fact she couldn’t wait to hang out with him more. He then finished by asking the question one more time, and Kamille was fully convinced now. “Yes, Cayo, I would love that,” she beamed, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling her boyfriend into another kiss. Being a realist, Kamille knew life wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, but this night would be remembered as the night it totally was.
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princessbonnie · 7 years ago
Her camera had been hanging from its spot on her wall for what felt like months. But it wasn’t until Bonnie received the urgent texts from the newspaper team about this supposed prom evacuation did she pick it up again and go to document the drama for whoever decided to write an article on it. She stood across the street from the action, watching all of the teenagers run out in their gorgeous dresses and fabulous suits and snapped a few photos. “If anyone had done this to my prom, I’d have murdered,” she said to no one in particular.
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albietremaine · 7 years ago
“I know it’s like...totally not PCP to ask who you voted for, but I really hope you voted for Lyssa! She’s like -- my date, and also the best and also not a mean Tweedle. So yeah! No pressure to tell me, I just hope you did the right thing.” 
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
EMERGENCY PLOT DROP: It looks like prom was sabotaged by some fairy tale-hating pranksters! The perps have yet to be found, but a huge, gross stink bomb was set off in the Charming Dance Hall at around 10 pm, right as prom royalty was announced! Prom was evacuated, which means you all have to find some other way to spend the rest of your magical evening, unfortunately. You could go back to your cottage, find some kind of adventure, or hey -- crash the morp! 
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
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“ Hello, my dearest fellow students of Walt High! It’s Kamille Bjorgman speaking, your cheerleading co-captain and prom candidate for 2018′s prom queen. Ever since I was little, I have been dreaming about this very moment, to run my own prom campaign, and now it’s finally here. Senior year has already been everything I’ve ever hoped for, but winning this crown would truly be the cherry on top. I mean, it’s not like I’ll ever wear the actual crown in my kingdom, so... Also, don’t forget to vote Cayo Feliz as prom king! Because who doesn’t adore a cheerleader co-captain/football captain duo, right? Anyways, that’s all for now, vote Kamille for the best night of your lives! ”
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
A Walt Guide to: Prom !!
Ah, yes, tis the season for formal wear, corsages, and a night you’ll hopefully never forget! Despite Walt being a fairly unorthodox town, the way we do prom is pretty basic! Things you should know:
Prom is this Saturday, May 19th. 
Our 2018 theme is A Night of Enchantment! That means sparkly, glittery, magical fun straight out of a storybook! Dress to impress, and here’s hoping your fairy godmother delivers! 
Ticket cost is $90. Professional prom photos taken at the dance are an additional $30.  
Upperclassmen are welcome to attend. No underclassmen may come unless they are attending as the guest of an upperclassman or are working the punch bowl.
The youngest an invited guest can be is 15, the oldest is 20.
No alcohol. If you are caught with any on your person, you will be escorted out.
Keep dancing appropriate and PG. This is a formal, after all. Anything deemed inappropriate by a designated chaperone will be given a warning. Any warnings after that will result in you being asked to leave.
Polls will open this Monday, 5/14. Send your votes to this blog throughout the week, and on Saturday, the winners will be announced! (Before the actual event starts so we can go off of the results for our event interactions!) Each mun will have at least one vote. If you play more than one high school-aged character, you will have one vote per high school-aged muse. If your high school-aged muse is in the running, they cannot vote.
For example:
Kee has twelve high school-aged muses, two of which are in the running for prom court, which means she has ten votes to cast for both prom king and queen. 
Birdy has ten muses, none of which are high school-aged. She still has one vote to cast if she so pleases. 
To make things easy, votes can be sent in this format, with all of your muses’ choices in one message:
[MUSE] votes for [CANDIDATE 1] and [CANDIDATE 2]
For example:
NOLI votes for LUX and KAMILLE / BRONTE votes for DUDLEY and THE TWEEDLES / etc. 
That way it’s simple! So we don’t have to deal with “I have three votes to use so one of them goes to….and the other two go to….” because, ew, math? And I mean, that way, we also get to see where your muses’ loyalties lie. (JUST KIDDING.) Happy voting!
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
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“Hey, Walt! Lux Dazzledust here to let you know that one little failure in my high school career, in which I lost homecoming king, did not slow me down! I’ve been planning this prom king campaign since Fall, because it’s so important to me. I’m probably the most school-spirited guy running, since not only do I play a sport, but I also cheer for every other sport! The female cheerleaders always get the upper-hand in high school popularity contests while the guys who are literally behind them every step of the way get shafted! Vote Lux and tear down the stigma around male cheerleaders. Thanks and see you guys at prom!” 
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
✦Event(s) Notice✦
Time to get all sparkly and gorgeous for prom, or all bloody and gory for morp! Both events start now, with starters that can be posted from today, 5/19, to 6/2 with the tags ✦event: prom 2k18 and ✦event: morp 2k18 respectively! Have a magical, or horrifying night! 
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enchantedevents · 7 years ago
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                                                  PROM !!
                               2018 THEME: A NIGHT OF ENCHANTMENT
WHAT: The end-of-the-year dance for all the junior & senior high schoolers, where there will be food, dancing, and at the end of the night, a king & queen will be crowned! College students are always welcome to chaperone, as well. WHERE: The Charming Dance Hall WHEN: Saturday, May 19th TAG: ✦event: prom 2k18
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